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Pneumocystis fungi represent a highly diversified biological group with numerous species, which display a strong host-specificity suggesting a long co-speciation process. In the present study, the presence and genetic diversity of Pneumocystis organisms was investigated in 203 lung samples from woodmice (Apodemus sylvaticus) collected on western continental Europe and Mediterranean islands. The presence of Pneumocystis DNA was assessed by nested PCR at both large and small mitochondrial subunit (mtLSU and mtSSU) rRNA loci. Direct sequencing of nested PCR products demonstrated a very high variability among woodmouse-derived Pneumocystis organisms with a total number of 30 distinct combined mtLSU and mtSSU sequence types. However, the genetic divergence among these sequence types was very low (up to 3.87%) and the presence of several Pneumocystis species within Apodemus sylvaticus was considered unlikely. The analysis of the genetic structure of woodmouse-derived Pneumocystis revealed two distinct groups. The first one comprised Pneumocystis from woodmice collected in continental Spain, France and Balearic islands. The second one included Pneumocystis from woodmice collected in continental Italy, Corsica and Sicily. These two genetic groups were in accordance with the two lineages currently described within the host species Apodemus sylvaticus. Pneumocystis organisms are emerging as powerful tools for phylogeographic studies in mammals.  相似文献   

Subjective age, or how young or old individuals experience themselves to be relative to their chronological age, is a crucial construct in gerontology. Subjective age is a significant predictor of important health outcomes, but little is known about the criteria by which individuals'' subjectively evaluate their age. To identify psychosocial and biomedical factors linked to the subjective evaluation of age, this study examined whether perceived age discrimination and markers of biological aging are associated with subjective age. Participants were 4776 adults (M age = 68) from the 2008 and 2010 waves of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) who completed measures of subjective age, age discrimination, demographic variables, self-rated health and depression, and had physical health measures, including peak expiratory flow, grip strength, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Telomere length was available for a subset of participants in the 2008 wave (n = 2214). Regression analysis indicated that perceived age discrimination, lower peak expiratory flow, lower grip strength, and higher waist circumference were associated with an older subjective age, controlling for sociodemographic factors, self-rated health, and depression. In contrast, blood pressure and telomere length were not related to subjective age. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that how old a person feels depends in part on psychosocial and biomedical factors, including the experiences of ageism and perceptible indices of fitness and biological age.  相似文献   

Acta Biotheoretica - Radial growth has long been a subject of interest in tree biology research. Recent studies have brought a significant change in the understanding of some basic processes...  相似文献   

Efforts to restore top predators in human-altered systems raise the question of whether rebounds in predator populations are sufficient to restore pristine foodweb dynamics. Ocean ecosystems provide an ideal system to test this question. Removal of fishing in marine reserves often reverses declines in predator densities and size. However, whether this leads to restoration of key functional characteristics of foodwebs, especially prey foraging behavior, is unclear. The question of whether restored and pristine foodwebs function similarly is nonetheless critically important for management and restoration efforts. We explored this question in light of one important determinant of ecosystem function and structure--herbivorous prey foraging behavior. We compared these responses for two functionally distinct herbivorous prey fishes (the damselfish Plectroglyphidodon dickii and the parrotfish Chlorurus sordidus) within pairs of coral reefs in pristine and restored ecosystems in two regions of these species' biogeographic ranges, allowing us to quantify the magnitude and temporal scale of this key ecosystem variable's recovery. We demonstrate that restoration of top predator abundances also restored prey foraging excursion behaviors to a condition closely resembling those of a pristine ecosystem. Increased understanding of behavioral aspects of ecosystem change will greatly improve our ability to predict the cascading consequences of conservation tools aimed at ecological restoration, such as marine reserves.  相似文献   

The prevalence of metal dysregulation in many neurodegenerative and neurocognitive disorders has compelled many studying such diseases to investigate the mechanisms underlying metal regulation in the central nervous system. Metal homoeostasis is often complex, with sophisticated, multilayered pathways in operation. G protein-coupled receptors are omnipresent on cell membranes and have intriguing mechanisms of endocytosis and trafficking that may be useful in metal homoeostasis. Indeed, many receptors and/or their cognate ligands are able to bind metals, and in many cases metals are considered to have neuromodulatory roles as a result of receptor binding. In this mini-review, we outline the structural and functional aspects of G protein-coupled receptors with a focus on the mechanisms leading to endocytosis and cellular trafficking. We further highlight how this may help in the trafficking of metal ions, notably copper.  相似文献   

Of 84 lethals isolated over the dopa decarboxylase (DDC) deficiency Df(2L)50, 8 have been identified as DDC-deficient alleles on the basis of their effect on DDC activity when heterozygous over the CyO balancer chromosome with activities ranging from 28% to 53% of controls. Some of the Ddc-deficient alleles exhibit intracistronic complementation. Most of the complementing pairs of alleles are much reduced in viability, e.g. < 5% of expected, and express a common syndrome of mutant phenes which can reasonably be inferred to derive from inadequately sclerotinized cuticle. Individuals heterozygous for the noncomplementing allele, Ddcn7, over the 12-band DDC deficiency, Df(2L)130, die at the end of embryogenesis as unhatched larvae with unpigmented mouth parts.

The Ddc alleles and the l(2)amd α-methyl dopa (αMD) hypersensitive alleles are both located within the 11 band region 37B10-C7. The l(2)amd locus is immediately to the right of hk(2–53.9).Ddc has been mapped within 0.004 Map Units to the right of l(2)amd with a maximum estimated recombination frequency of 0.01%. None of the Ddc/CyO strains are sensitive to the dietary administration of α-methyl dopa (αMD), and complementation occurs between the Ddc deficient alleles and the l(2)amd alleles both on the basis of viability and DDC activity. No effect on DDC by the amd alleles has been found to date. Even in the complementing heterozygote, amdH1/amd H89, the level of activity, thermostability, and in vitro αMD inhibition of DDC remains unaffected. Although no biochemical phene has yet been established for the αMD hypersensitive amd alleles, it seems likely that the two groups of mutants are functionally related.


Evidence shows that the font size of study items significantly influences judgments of learning (JOLs) and that people’s JOLs are generally higher for larger words than for smaller words. Previous studies have suggested that font size influences JOLs in a belief-based way. However, few studies have directly examined how much people’s beliefs contribute to the font-size effect in JOLs. This study investigated the degree to which font size influenced JOLs in a belief-based way. In Experiment 1, one group of participants (learners) studied words with different font sizes and made JOLs, whereas another group of participants (observers) viewed the learners'' study phase and made JOLs for the learners. In Experiment 2, participants made both JOLs and belief-based recall predictions for large and small words. Our results suggest that metamemory beliefs play an important role in the font-size effect in JOLs.  相似文献   

Through the perspective of the current glycomics age, fucanomics and galactanomics denote the international projects concerned with the studies of the biomedically active marine sulfated fucose- or galactose-composed polysaccharides, named sulfated fucans (SFs), and sulfated galactans (SGs), respectively. SFs and SGs are isolated from algae or marine invertebrates. The range of therapeutic actions of SFs and SGs is impressively broad. When certain structural requirements are found, some SFs and SGs may exhibit beneficial properties in inflammation, nociception, hemostasis (coagulation and thrombosis), vascular biology (angiogenesis), oncology, oxidative-stress, and virus infections. Although many biomedical applications for SFs and SGs have been pointed out over the past two decades, only inflammation, hemostasis, cancer, and vascular biology have their mechanisms of action satisfactorily elucidated. In addition, advanced structure-function relationships have been achieved only for the anticoagulant and antithrombotic activities, in which glycans of well-defined structures have been assayed. Because of this, the activities of SFs and SGs in stopping the clot and thrombus formation represent the closest therapeutic areas of having these glycans truly explored for drug development. Here, through an analytical viewpoint, we present the common methods and protocols employed to achieve such advanced structure-function relationships of SFs and SGs in anticoagulation and antithrombosis.  相似文献   



Few studies have addressed the influence of dietary patterns (DP) during adolescence on the amount of body fat in early adulthood.


To analyze the associations between DP tracking and changes in the period between 15 and 18 years of age and the percentage of body fat (%BF) at age 18 years.


We used data from 3,823 members of the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort. Body density was measured at age 18 years by air displacement plethysmograph (BOD POD) and the %BF was calculated applying the Siri equation. Based on the estimates from the FFQ, we identified DP at ages 15 (“Varied”, “Traditional”, “Dieting” and “Processed meats”) and 18 years (“Varied”, “Traditional”, “Dieting” and “Fish, fast food and alcohol”). The DP tracking was defined as the individual’s adherence to the same DP at both ages. Associations were tested using multiple linear regression models stratified by sex.


The mean %BF was 25.0% (95% CI: 24.7 to 25.4), significantly greater for girls than boys (p<0.001). The adherence to any DP at age 15 years was not associated with the %BF at age 18 years. However, individuals who adhered to a “Dieting” DP at age 18 years showed greater %BF (1.30 and 1.91 percentage points in boys and girls, respectively) in comparison with those who adhered to a “Varied” DP. Boys who presented tracking of a “Dieting” DP presented greater average %BF in comparison with others DP, as well as girls who changed from the “Traditional” or “Processed meats” DP to a “Dieting” DP.


These results may support public health policies and strategies focused on improving dietary habits of adolescents and young adults and preventing accumulation of body fat, especially among the adolescents with restrictive dietary habits.  相似文献   

A number of small islands (the Paracel Islands, Pratas Island, the Spratly Islands, and Scarborough Reef) may have a considerable influence on the extent of maritime zones in the South China Sea. The maritime zones of these islands can limit the extent of the high seas and the Area in the South China Sea and the extent of the maritime zones of the mainland coasts. To assess the impact of the islands, it is necessary to establish whether they can generate the full suite of maritime zones. Under international law, some islands do not have an entitlement to an exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. Where islands can generate these maritime zones, a second issue arises, namely, how to delimit these zones with those of the mainland coasts bordering the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The testes of preadolescent boys appear to be dormant, as they produce only trace levels of testosterone. However, they release supra-adult levels of Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS, anti-Müllerian hormone) and lesser levels of inhibin B (InhB), for unknown reasons. Boys have a variable rate of maturation, which on average is slower than girls. The height of children relative to their parents is an index of their maturity. We report here that a boy's level of MIS and InhB is stable over time and negatively correlates with his height and his height relative to his parent's height. This suggests that boy's with high levels of MIS and InhB are short because they are immature, rather than because they are destined to be short men. The levels of MIS and InhB in the boys did not correlate with known hormonal modulators of growth, and were additive with age and the growth hormone/IGF1 axis as predictors of a boy's height. If MIS and InhB were causal regulators of maturity, then the inter-boy differences in the levels of these hormone produces variation in maturation equivalent to 18-months of development. MIS and InhB may thus account for most of the variation in the rate of male development. If boys lacked these hormones, then an average 5-year-old boy would be over 5 cm taller than age-matched girls, making boys almost as dimorphic as men, for height. This indicates that boys have a high growth potential that is initially suppressed by their testes. The concept of the childhood testes suppressing an adult male feature appears paradoxical. However, the growth of children requires intergenerational transfer of nutrients. Consequently, the MIS/InhB slowing of male growth may have been historically advantageous, as it would minimizes any sex bias in the maternal cost of early child rearing.  相似文献   

Antiphospholipid antibodies may occur in the course of various diseases, but its presence is not necessarily associated with clinical symptoms. Zinc has multiple biological roles. For example, it stabilizes the cell’s membrane and regulates its functions by influencing the synthesis of phospholipids and its distribution. The present review focuses on the possible associations between zinc and antiphospholipid antibodies and with the symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome.  相似文献   

Knowledge whether a certain DNA variant is a pathogenic mutation or a harmless polymorphism is a critical issue in medical genetics, in which results of a molecular analysis may serve as a basis for diagnosis and genetic counseling. Due to its genetic heterogeneity expressed at the levels of loci, genes and mutations, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease can serve as a model group of clinically homogenous diseases for studying the pathogenicity of mutations. Close to a 17p11.2-p12 duplication occurring in 70% of patients with the demyelinating form of CMT disease, numerous mutations have been identified in poorly characterized genes coding for proteins of an unknown function. Functional analyses, segregation analyses of large pedigrees, and inclusion of large control groups are required to assess the potential pathogenicity of CMT mutations. Hence, the pathogenicity of numerous CMT mutations remains unclear. Some variants detected in the CMT genes and originally described as pathogenic mutations have been shown to have a polymorphic character. In contrast, polymorphisms initially considered harmless were later reclassified as pathogenic mutations. However, the process of assessing the pathogenicity of mutations, as presented in this study for CMT disorders, is a more general issue concerning all disorders with a genetic background. Since the number of DNA variants is still growing, in the near future geneticists will increasingly have to cope with the problem of pathogenicity of identified genetic variants.  相似文献   

Contrary to Christenfeld and Hill (1995), we find that children aged 1, 3, and 5 do not appear to resemble their fathers significantly more than their mothers. We provide an explanation as to why this should be. In addition, we note that any father–child resemblance that does exist, although better than chance, is far from overwhelming.  相似文献   

Mammal Research - Data availability remains a principal factor limiting the use of species distribution models (SDMs) as tools for wildlife conservation and management of rare species. Although...  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic bacterium that has re-emerged as a facultative pathogen and can cause nosocomial diarrhea, colitis or even death. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ has been implicated in the prevention of inflammation in autoimmune and infectious diseases; however, its role in the immunoregulatory mechanisms modulating host responses to C. difficile and its toxins remains largely unknown. To characterize the role of PPARγ in C. difficile-associated disease (CDAD), immunity and gut pathology, we used a mouse model of C. difficile infection in wild-type and T cell-specific PPARγ null mice. The loss of PPARγ in T cells increased disease activity and colonic inflammatory lesions following C. difficile infection. Colonic expression of IL-17 was upregulated and IL-10 downregulated in colons of T cell-specific PPARγ null mice. Also, both the loss of PPARγ in T cells and C. difficile infection favored Th17 responses in spleen and colonic lamina propria of mice with CDAD. MicroRNA (miRNA)-sequencing analysis and RT-PCR validation indicated that miR-146b was significantly overexpressed and nuclear receptor co-activator 4 (NCOA4) suppressed in colons of C. difficile-infected mice. We next developed a computational model that predicts the upregulation of miR-146b, downregulation of the PPARγ co-activator NCOA4, and PPARγ, leading to upregulation of IL-17. Oral treatment of C. difficile-infected mice with the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone ameliorated colitis and suppressed pro-inflammatory gene expression. In conclusion, our data indicates that miRNA-146b and PPARγ activation may be implicated in the regulation of Th17 responses and colitis in C. difficile-infected mice.  相似文献   

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