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Human gammadelta T cells respond to nonpeptide Ags such as pyrophosphomonoesters and alkylamines in a gammadelta TCR-dependent manner in the absence of other APCS: Recently, aminobisphosphonates such as pamidronate have also been shown to activate human gammadelta T cells. In the present study, we indicate that activation of primary gammadelta T cells by pamidronate strictly depends on the presence of monocyte-lineage cells, unlike that by pyrophosphomonoesters. Thus, although pamidronate induced cell clustering, proliferation, and IFN-gamma production of gammadelta T cells in the culture of PBMC, it failed to induce any of these activities in the culture of purified primary gammadelta T cells. By adding back the purified monocytes, however, both cell clustering and IFN-gamma production of gammadelta T cells by pamidronate could be restored. The pamidronate-pulsed, but not untreated, myelomonocytic line, THP-1, was capable of activating the purified gammadelta T cells to produce IFN-gamma, which was associated with the down-regulation of gammadelta TCR. Furthermore, pamidronate-pulsed THP-1 cells were significantly more susceptible to gammadelta T cell-mediated cytotoxicity than untreated THP-1. Also, TCR-defective Jurkat T cells transfected with gammadelta TCR genes produced a significant level of IL-2 in response to the pamidronate-pulsed THP-1 cells. These results have suggested strongly that human gammadelta T cells are functionally activated via gammadelta TCR by aminobisphosphonate Ag presented on the surface of monocyte lineage cells rather than directly by its free form.  相似文献   

We previously reported that human Vgamma2Vdelta2-gammadelta T cells were activated by many human tumor cell lines treated with pamidronate (PAM) in a gammadelta TCR-dependent manner. In the present study, we indicated that a synthetic pyrophosphomonoester Ag, 2-methy-3-butenyl-1-pyrophosphate, could directly "sensitize" the tumor cells to activate gammadelta T cells independently of the host metabolism, while the sensitizing effect of PAM was reported to be dependent on the pharmacological activity. Some exceptional tumor cells that failed to be sensitized by PAM were incapable of activating gammadelta T cells by the treatment with 2-methy-3-butenyl-1-pyrophosphate either, suggesting a requirement of host factor(s) for the effective gammadelta T cell activation in addition to the nonpeptide Ags. By screening mAbs against a large panel of tumor cell lines, we found that the expression of CD166 closely paralleled the capacity of activating gammadelta T cells upon PAM treatment. The transfection of a CD166-negative tumor cell line with CD166 cDNA caused a marked enhancement of the capacity to activate gammadelta T cells following PAM treatment. On the contrary, down-regulation of the CD166 expression in a CD166-bearing tumor cell line by short hairpin RNA resulted in a significant reduction of PAM-induced gammadelta T cell-stimulatory activity. gammadelta T cells expressed CD6, a receptor of CD166, and CD6 and CD166 were recruited together to the center of synapse between gammadelta T cells and PAM-treated tumor cells, colocalizing with gammadelta TCR/CD3. The results suggested that the engagement of CD6 with CD166 on tumor cells played an important role in the gammadelta T cell activation by the tumor cells loaded with nonpeptide Ags either endogenously or exogenously.  相似文献   

In a recent study, we found that TNF-alpha negatively regulates airway responsiveness through the activation of gammadelta T cells. The biological activities of TNF-alpha are mediated by two structurally related but functionally distinct receptors, p55 (TNFR1) and p75 (TNFR2), which are independently expressed on the cell surface. However, the relative importance of either TNFR in airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is unknown. To investigate the importance of these TNFRs in the development of allergen-induced AHR, p55-deficient and p75-deficient mice were sensitized to OVA by i.p. injection and subsequently challenged with OVA via the airways; airway responsiveness to inhaled methacholine was monitored. p75-deficient mice developed AHR to a similar degree as control mice. In contrast, p55-deficient mice, which were sensitized and challenged with OVA, failed to develop AHR. In p55-deficient mice, both the numbers of eosinophils and levels of IL-5 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were significantly lower than in sensitized/challenged control mice (p < 0.05). However, depletion of gammadelta T cells resulted in significant increases in AHR in the p55-deficient mice, whereas no significant effect of gammadelta T cell depletion was evident in the p75-deficient mice. These data indicate that, in the absence of TNFR1 (p55), where TNF-alpha uses the p75 pathway exclusively, the development of AHR is regulated by gammadelta T cells.  相似文献   

Richard Boismenu  Wendy L Havran 《Genome biology》2001,2(11):reviews1031.1-reviews10314
Epithelial tissues house γδ T cells, which are important for the mucosal immune system and may be involved in controlling malignancies, infections and inflammation. Whole-genome gene-expression analysis provides a new way to study the signals required for the activation of γδ T cells, their mode of action and relationships among cells of the mucosal immune system.  相似文献   

Gammadelta T cells have a direct role in resolving the host immune response to infection by eliminating populations of activated macrophages. Macrophage reactivity resides within the Vgamma1/Vdelta6.3 subset of gammadelta T cells, which have the ability to kill activated macrophages following infection with Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). However, it is not known how gammadelta T cell macrophage cytocidal activity is regulated, or what effector mechanisms gammadelta T cells use to kill activated macrophages. Using a macrophage-T cell coculture system in which peritoneal macrophages from naive or Lm-infected TCRdelta-/- mice were incubated with splenocytes from wild-type and Fas ligand (FasL)-deficient mice (gld), the ability of Vgamma1 T cells to bind macrophages was shown to be dependent upon Fas-FasL interactions. Combinations of anti-TCR and FasL Abs completely abolished binding to and killing of activated macrophages by Vgamma1 T cells. In addition, confocal microscopy showed that Fas and the TCR colocalized on Vgamma1 T cells at points of contact with macrophages. Collectively, these studies identify an accessory or coreceptor-like function for Fas-FasL that is essential for the interaction of Vgamma1 T cells with activated macrophages and their elimination during the resolution stage of pathogen-induced immune responses.  相似文献   

M Yasukawa  Y Inoue  N Kimura    S Fujita 《Journal of virology》1995,69(12):8114-8117
Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) has recently been shown to immortalize human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing T-cell receptor alpha beta (TCR-alpha beta) with the maintenance of their original phenotypes and functional properties. However, the immortalization of human T cells expressing TCR-gamma delta by HVS has not been successful. Here we report that HVS can also infect and immortalize human T cells expressing TCR-gamma delta. Two human TCR-gamma delta+ T-cell clones, which continuously proliferated in interleukin-2-containing culture medium without any exogenous stimulation or addition of feeder cells for more than 8 months, were established by HVS infection. Morphologically, the HVS-transformed TCR-gamma delta+ T-cell clones were granular lymphocytes which exhibited wide-range HLA-unrestricted cytotoxicity as untransformed TCR-gamma delta+ T cells. Their phenotypes and cytotoxic activities were not altered during long-term culture. The immortalization of human TCR-gamma delta+ T cells by HVS infection would be useful for functional analysis of this lymphocyte population, which is believed to play an important role in protection against various infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Human Vgamma9delta2 T lymphocytes are suggested to play an important role in the immune response to various microbial pathogens. In contrast to alphabeta T cells, gammadelta T lymphocytes recognize small, non-protein, phosphate-bearing antigens (phosphoantigens) in a major histocompatibility complex-independent manner. Four different phosphoantigens termed TUBag1 to TUBag4 with a common 3-formyl-1-butyl-pyrophosphate moiety and isopentenyl-pyrophosphate have been isolated and identified from mycobacteria. However, natural occurring gammadelta T cell ligands from other bacterial species were not characterized so far. Here, we describe the structural identification of the two compounds responsible for the gammadelta T cell-stimulating capacity of Escherichia coli as similar to the mycobacterial phosphoantigens 3-formyl-1-butyl-pyrophosphate and its M(r) 275 homologue TUBag2. In addition, E. coli phosphoantigens exert bioactivities on gammadelta T cells with similar potencies to the mycobacterial phosphoantigens at 5-15 nm concentration. Furthermore, our results clearly prove that the deoxyxylulose 5-phophate pathway (also referred to as Rohmer metabolic route of isoprenoid biosynthesis) is essential for the biosynthesis of the phosphoantigens in E. coli. Because this pathway is absent from human cells, it proves an ideal target for focusing efficiently the antimicrobial selectivity of human gammadelta T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

B, alpha beta T, and NK lymphocytes establish immunological synapses (IS) with their targets to enable recognition. Transfer of target cell-derived Ags together with proximal molecules onto the effector cell appears also to occur through synapses. Little is known about the molecular basis of this transfer, but it is assumed to result from Ag receptor internalization. Because human gamma delta T cells recognize soluble nonpeptidic phosphoantigens as well as tumor cells such as Daudi, it is unknown whether they establish IS with, and extract molecules from, target cells. Using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy, we show in this work that Ag-stimulated human V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells conjugate to, and perform molecular transfer from, various tumor cell targets. The molecular transfer appears to be linked to IS establishment, evolves in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of either soluble or cellular Ag, and requires gamma delta TCR ligation, Src family kinase signaling, and participation of the actin cytoskeleton. Although CD45 exclusion characterized the IS performed by gamma delta T cells, no obvious capping of the gamma delta TCR was detected. The synaptic transfer mediated by gamma delta T cells involved target molecules unrelated to the cognate Ag and occurred independently of MHC class I expression by target cells. From these observations, we conclude that despite the particular features of gamma delta T cell activation, both synapse formation and molecular transfer of determinants belonging to target cell characterize gamma delta T cell recognition of Ags.  相似文献   

T cells bearing gamma delta Ag receptors accumulate in the lesions of patients with localized American cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), and are thought to be involved in immunity to the parasite. To obtain clues as to the nature of the Ag recognized by these cells, we analyzed the diversity of the TCR delta-chain in LCL lesions. Using mAb against variable (V) encoded determinants with immunoperoxidase, both V delta 1 and V delta 2 subpopulations were identified in the dermal granulomas. However, within the epidermis of LCL lesions, the majority of the gamma delta T cells were V delta 1 positive. PCR analysis of lesion-derived DNA using oligonucleotide primers for V and junctional (J) gene segments revealed preferential usage of J delta 1 in lesions compared with the peripheral blood of these patients. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the V-J junction indicated limited diversity of gamma delta T cells within specific microanatomic regions. In addition, use of a single diversity (D) gene segment, D delta 3, in V delta 2 cells in lesions was observed, as opposed to multiple D delta gene segment usage in the blood of the same individuals. The distribution, gene segment usage and clonality of gamma delta T cells in lesions of leishmaniasis was remarkably similar to that observed in leprosy. Therefore, gamma delta T cells responding to infection may recognize a limited set of nominal Ag, perhaps common to distinct pathogens and/or those expressed by the host. Our findings are most consistent with a model in which specific gamma delta T cells are clonally selected by these Ag in lesions and undergo oligoclonal expansion within a microanatomic region.  相似文献   

We have investigated the expression of the alpha beta and the gamma delta T cell receptor (TCR) in the human intestine. By immunohistology we found that 39% of CD3+ intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) expressed the gamma delta TCR compared to 3% of CD3+ lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL). Cytofluorometric analysis of isolated cells revealed a significantly higher proportion of gamma delta T cells among CD3+ IEL compared to LPL and peripheral blood lymphocytes. This was due to an increase in both CD8+ (low density) and CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells in IEL. Most alpha beta IEL expressed high-density CD8. About 30% of both IEL and LPL expressed CD25 (alpha-chain of the IL-2 receptor). HML-1 expression was detected on nearly all IEL and on 27% of LPL. CD25 and HML-1 were preferentially expressed on intestinal alpha beta and gamma delta T cells, respectively. Thus, human gamma delta T cells are located preferentially in the gut epithelium and are phenotypically different from alpha beta T cells, which constitute the majority of both LPL and IEL.  相似文献   

Quantifying the contacts that circulating lymphocytes have with cancer cells is useful, because their deficit favors malignancy progression. All normal lymphocytes contact, scan, and acquire membrane fragments (trogocytosis) from foreign cells for their immunosurveillance. So in this study, we used the in vitro trogocytosis of PKH67-stained cancer cell lines as a measure of their interactions with bulks of PBMC freshly isolated from healthy donors. Allogeneic PBMC mixed and coincubated in vitro for 1 h did not trogocytosis, whereas in the same conditions CD20(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), gammadelta T, and CD16(+) PBMC interacted strongly with the cancer cells. Although most unprimed lymphoid effectors of innate (NK) and adaptive (B and T) immunity from healthy donors spontaneously trogocytosed different tumoral cell lines, some carcinoma cell lines could escape them in the coculture. This also uncovered the strong interactions of circulating Vgamma9/Vdelta2(+) central memory gammadelta T cells with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. These interaction profiles were stable upon time for healthy blood donors but were different with other tumors and blood donors. This profiling provides interaction signatures for the immunomonitoring of cancer.  相似文献   

T cell receptors consist either of an alpha-chain combined with a beta-chain or a gamma-chain combined with a delta-chain. alphabeta T cells constitute the majority of T cells in human blood throughout life. Flow cytometric analyses presented in this study, which focus on the representation of the developmental (naive and memory) subsets of gammadelta T cells, show by function and phenotype that this lineage contains both naive and memory cells. In addition, we show that the representation of naive T cells is higher among alphabeta than gammadelta T cells in adults and that the low frequency of naive gammadelta T cells in adults reflects ontological differences between the two major gammadelta subsets, which are distinguished by expression of Vdelta1 vs Vdelta2 delta-chains. Vdelta1 cells, which mirror alphabeta cells with respect to naive representation, predominate during fetal and early life, but represent the minority of gammadelta cells in healthy adults. In contrast, Vdelta2 cells, which constitute the majority of adult gammadelta cells, show lower frequencies of naive cells than Vdelta1 early in life and show vanishingly small naive frequencies in adults. In essence, nearly all naive Vdelta2 cells disappear from blood by 1 year of life. Importantly, even in children less than 1 year old, most of the nonnaive Vdelta2 cells stain for perforin and produce IFN-gamma after short-term in vitro stimulation. This represents the earliest immunological maturation of any lymphocyte compartment in humans and most likely indicates the importance of these cells in controlling pathology due to common environmental challenges.  相似文献   

Human Vg9/Vδ2 T cells (γδ T cells) are immune surveillance cells both in innate and adaptive immunity and are a possible target for anticancer therapies, which can induce immune responses in a variety of cancers. Small non-peptide antigens such as zoledronate can do activation and expansion of T cells in vitro. It is evident that for adoptive cancer therapies, large numbers of functional cells are needed into cancer patients. Hence, optimization of methods needs to be carried out for the efficient expansion of these T cells. Standardization of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolation was devised. Cytokines (interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interleukin 15 (IL-15)) and zoledronate were also standardized for different concentrations. It was found that an increased number of PBMCs were recovered when washing was done at 1100 revolution per minute (rpm). Significantly high expansion fold was (2524 ± 787 expansion fold) achieved when stimulation of PBMCs was done with 1 µM of zoledronate and both cytokines IL-2 and IL-15 supported the expansion and survival of cells at the concentrations of 100 IU/ml and 10 ng/ml respectively. 14-day cultures showed highly pure (91.6 ± 5.1%) and live (96.5 ± 2.5%) expanded γδ T cells. This study aimed to standardize an easy to manipulate technique for the expansion of γδ T cells, giving a higher yield.  相似文献   

Innate and adaptive immune responses induced by leptospirosis have not been well characterized. In this study we show that in vitro exposure of naive human PBMC to Leptospira interrogans results in cell proliferation and the production of IFN-gamma, IL-12, and TNF-alpha. Cell proliferation was highest when using high numbers of Leptospira. Optimal cell proliferation occurred at 6-8 days, and the majority of cells contained in these cultures were gamma/delta T cells. These cultures showed a 10- to 50-fold expansion of gamma/delta T cells compared with the initial cellular input. Additionally, these cultures contained elevated numbers of NK cells. In contrast, exposure of PBMC to low numbers of Leptospira failed to induce gammadelta T cell or NK cell expansion, but induced significant alphabeta T cell expansion. Vgamma9/Vdelta2 were expressed on all gamma/delta T cells expanded by exposure of PBMC to Leptorspira: Leptospira stimulation of purified TCRgammadelta(+) T cells, obtained from 8-day cultures of Leptospira-stimulated PBMC, induced high levels of IFN-gamma production, but no cell proliferation, suggesting that such stimulation of gammadelta T cells did not depend on specialized accessory cells or Ag processing. Finally, in patients with acute leptospirosis, there was a significant (4- to 5-fold) increase in the number of peripheral blood TCRgammadelta(+) T cells. These results indicate that Leptospira can activate gammadelta T cells and alphabeta T cells and will guide further investigations into the roles of these T cell populations in host defense and/or the pathology of leptospirosis.  相似文献   

Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (S3) is unable to activate S3-specific contrasuppressor T cells (Tcs) in mice depleted of B cells by chronic anti-IgM treatment or in immune defective xid mice that lack the B cell subset required for anti-S3 antibody responses. The inability of S3 to activate Tcs in xid mice was shown to be due to a requirement of B cells for Tcs activation rather than to an absence of Tcs in xid mice. The B cells from normal mice that are required for Tcs activation apparently function to present the S3 Ag to Tcs. S3 physically coupled to spleen cells (S3-SC) prepared from normal BCF1 SC could activate Tcs in both xid and BCF1 mice whereas S3-SC prepared from xid SC or B cell-depleted BCF1 SC could not activate Tcs in either strain. B cell APC function was abrogated by 3000 R irradiation and by treatment of the B cells with either chloroquine or paraformaldehyde. Interestingly, B cells from mice previously immunized with S3 were unable to function in Tcs activation; preimmunization of B cell donors with an irrelevant Ag or with a T-dependent form of S3 had no effect on their ability to function as APC. These latter observations are discussed in terms of the in vivo persistence of polysaccharide Ag and their ability to induce B cell tolerance under the experimental conditions used for these experiments. The results of this study provide evidence that B cells play an important and apparently obligatory role in the activation of Tcs by S3; B cells apparently function to present Ag to Tcs, resulting in the activation of this regulatory T cell subset.  相似文献   

This report describes the in vitro proliferative responses of peripheral blood gammadelta T cells to defined mycobacterial protein Ags and the immunomodulatory effect of gammadelta T cells in cattle infected with Mycobacterium bovis. gammadelta T cell responses were specific to M. bovis infection because they were detected in cattle either experimentally or naturally infected with M. bovis, but were not present in uninfected controls. Proliferating gammadelta T cell cultures produced enhanced levels of IFN-gamma and TGF-beta, but not IL-2 in response to the more immunodominant mycobacterial AGS: Depletion of gammadelta T cells from PBMC resulted in an increased Ag-specific proliferation in half the animals tested, indicating a suppressive effect of gammadelta T cells upon other (alphabeta) T cell responses. Because gammadelta T cells constitute a major T cell population in the peripheral blood of cattle, the activities of gammadelta T cells described in this report could make a significant contribution to the immune response in bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated and resting gamma/delta T cell lines, although capable of lysing a variety of MHC-unrestricted targets, fail to lyse K562. Yet, the killing of K562 can be specifically induced by antibodies to CD3 or delta-chains. Although this phenomenon may be caused by redirected lysis, it also raised the possibility that K562 may possess ligands capable of specifically interacting with the gamma/delta receptor. We found that K562 specifically induced both CD3 and delta modulation as well as IL-2R expression and IL-2 production by gamma/delta cells, supporting the idea that the TCR-gamma/delta is specifically triggered by K562 cells. Moreover, although the gamma/delta cell clones lysed other target cells (e.g., Molt 4, U937, Jurkat etc.), these latter targets did not induce delta modulation or IL-2R expression. In addition, F(ab)2 anti-CD3 antibodies inhibited activated gamma/delta T cells from killing K562 but did not inhibit the lysis of the other targets. Taken together, these results suggest that gamma/delta cells lyse some targets by utilizing receptors (perhaps NK-like) distinct from the gamma/delta receptor. We also found that triggering of the gamma/delta receptor by K562 inhibited the capacity of resting gamma/delta to lyse Molt 4 cells under conditions in which the K562 cells were not lysed. These findings suggest that the gamma/delta receptor maybe directly involved in the lysis of certain targets (i.e., K562) and, importantly, may potentially regulate the function of NK-like receptors that are involved in the lysis of other targets.  相似文献   

Gammadelta T cells suppress airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) induced in allergen-challenged mice but it is not clear whether the suppression is allergen specific. The AHR-suppressive cells express TCR-Vgamma4. To test whether the suppressive function must be induced, we adoptively transferred purified Vgamma4(+) cells into gammadelta T cell-deficient and OVA-sensitized and -challenged recipients (B6.TCR-Vgamma4(-/-)/6(-/-)) and measured the effect on AHR. Vgamma4(+) gammadelta T cells isolated from naive donors were not AHR-suppressive, but Vgamma4(+) cells from OVA-stimulated donors suppressed AHR. Suppressive Vgamma4(+) cells could be isolated from lung and spleen. Their induction in the spleen required sensitization and challenge. In the lung, their function was induced by airway challenge alone. Induction of the suppressors was associated with their activation but it did not alter their ability to accumulate in the lung. Vgamma4(+) gammadelta T cells preferentially express Vdelta4 and -5 but their AHR-suppressive function was not dependent on these Vdeltas. Donor sensitization and challenge not only with OVA but also with two unrelated allergens (ragweed and BSA) induced Vgamma4(+) cells capable of suppressing AHR in the OVA-hyperresponsive recipients, but the process of sensitization and challenge alone (adjuvant and saline only) was not sufficient to induce suppressor function, and LPS as a component of the allergen was not essential. We conclude that AHR-suppressive Vgamma4(+) gammadelta T cells require induction. They are induced by allergen stimulation, but AHR suppression by these cells does not require their restimulation with the same allergen.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the requirements for the induction of proliferative responses by thymic CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells. Enriched populations of CD4-CD8- thymocytes from newborn mice, purified by negative selection with anti-CD4, anti-CD8, and anti-TCR alpha beta mAbs were found to contain approximately 20% gamma delta T cells that were p55IL-2R-. When these cells were cultured with a panel of lymphokines (IL-1, -2, -4, and -7), a small response was observed to some of the cytokines tested individually; however, combinations of certain lymphokines (IL-1 + 2, IL-1 + 7, and IL-2 + 7) were found to induce significant proliferation and the selective outgrowth (75-90%) of gamma delta T cells. These cells were IL-2R+, remained CD4-, yet expressed variable levels of CD8. A limited analysis with specific anti-V gamma and V delta mAb suggested that there had not been a selective expansion of preexisting V gamma 2, V gamma 3, or V delta 4 populations in response to the stimulatory lymphokine combinations. Thymic CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells were unresponsive to stimulation with immobilized anti-pan gamma delta mAb alone. However, in the presence of immobilized anti-pan gamma delta mAb and IL-1, IL-2, or IL-7, but not IL-4, a vigorous proliferative response was observed. Phenotypic analysis showed that 80 to 95% of the proliferating cells were polyclonally expanded gamma delta T cells, expressed the p55IL-2R, and the majority remained CD4-CD8-. Blocking studies with anti-IL-2R mAb showed that stimulation with anti-pan gamma delta + IL-1, but not anti-pan gamma delta + IL-7 was dependent on endogenously produced IL-2. Collectively, these studies suggest that the activation requirements of newborn thymic gamma delta T cells differ markedly from alpha beta T cells in that gamma delta T cells 1) respond to combinations of cytokines in the absence of TCR cross-linking, 2) can respond to TCR cross-linking in the presence of exogenous cytokines, 3) but are unable to activate endogenous cytokine production solely in the presence of TCR cross-linking.  相似文献   

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