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Experiments from several different organisms have demonstrated that polo-like kinases are involved in many aspects of mitosis and cytokinesis. Here, we provide evidence to show that Plk1 associates with chaperonin-containing TCP1 complex (CCT) both in vitro and in vivo. Silencing of CCT by use of RNA interference (RNAi) in mammalian cells inhibits cell proliferation, decreases cell viability, causes cell cycle arrest with 4N DNA content, and leads to apoptosis. Depletion of CCT in well-synchronized HeLa cells causes cell cycle arrest at G(2), as demonstrated by a low mitotic index and Cdc2 activity. Complete depletion of Plk1 in well-synchronized cells also leads to G(2) block, suggesting that misfolded Plk1 might be responsible for the failure of CCT-depleted cells to enter mitosis. Moreover, partial depletion of CCT or Plk1 leads to mitotic arrest. Finally, the CCT-depleted cells reenter the cell cycle upon reintroduction of the purified constitutively active form of Plk1, indicating that Plk1 might be a CCT substrate.  相似文献   

Investigation of Caenorhabditis elegans act-5 gene function revealed that intestinal microvillus formation requires a specific actin isoform. ACT-5 is the most diverged of the five C. elegans actins, sharing only 93% identity with the other four. Green fluorescent protein reporter and immunofluorescence analysis indicated that act-5 gene expression is limited to microvillus-containing cells within the intestine and excretory systems and that ACT-5 is apically localized within intestinal cells. Animals heterozygous for a dominant act-5 mutation looked clear and thin and grew slowly. Animals homozygous for either the dominant act-5 mutation, or a recessive loss of function mutant, exhibited normal morphology and intestinal cell polarity, but died during the first larval stage. Ultrastructural analysis revealed a complete loss of intestinal microvilli in homozygous act-5 mutants. Forced expression of ACT-1 under the control of the act-5 promoter did not rescue the lethality of the act-5 mutant. Together with immuno-electron microscopy experiments that indicated ACT-5 is enriched within microvilli themselves, these results suggest a microvillus-specific function for act-5, and further, they raise the possibility that specific actins may be specialized for building microvilli and related structures.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional reconstruction from cryoelectron micrographs of the eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin CCT complexed to tubulin shows that CCT interacts with tubulin (both the alpha and beta isoforms) using five specific CCT subunits. The CCT-tubulin interaction has a different geometry to the CCT-actin interaction, and a mixture of shared and unique CCT subunits is used in binding the two substrates. Docking of the atomic structures of both actin and tubulin to their CCT-bound conformation suggests a common mode of chaperonin-substrate interaction. CCT stabilizes quasi-native structures in both proteins that are open through their domain-connecting hinge regions, suggesting a novel mechanism and function of CCT in assisted protein folding.  相似文献   

Sperm-oocyte interactions are among the most remarkable processes in cell biology. These cellular recognition events are initiated by an exquisitely specific adhesion of free-swimming spermatozoa to the zona pellucida, an acellular matrix that surrounds the ovulated oocyte. Decades of research focusing on this interaction have led to the establishment of a widely held paradigm that the zona pellucida receptor is a single molecular entity that is constitutively expressed on the sperm cell surface. In contrast, we have employed the techniques of blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, far Western blotting, and proximity ligation to secure the first direct evidence in support of a novel hypothesis that zona binding is mediated by multimeric sperm receptor complex(es). Furthermore, we show that one such multimeric association, comprising the chaperonin-containing TCP1 complex (CCT/TRiC) and a zona-binding protein, zona pellucida-binding protein 2, is present on the surface of capacitated spermatozoa and could account for the zona binding activity of these cells. Collectively, these data provide an important biochemical insight into the molecular basis of sperm-zona pellucida interaction and a plausible explanation for how spermatozoa gain their ability to fertilize.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) is thought to serve as an oncogenic signaling pathway which can be activated by Ras. The role of PI3K/Akt in Ras-mediated transformation of intestinal epithelial cells is currently not clear. Here we demonstrate that inducible expression of oncogenic Ha-Ras results in activation of PKB/Akt in rat intestinal epithelial cells (RIE-iHa-Ras), which was blocked by treatment with inhibitors of PI3K activity. The PI3K inhibitor, LY-294002, partially reversed the morphological transformation induced by Ha-Ras and resulted in a modest stimulation of apoptosis. The most pronounced phenotypic alteration following inhibition of PI3K was induction of G(1) phase cell cycle arrest. LY-294002 blocked the Ha-Ras-induced expression of cyclin D1, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2, and increased the levels of p27(kip). Both LY-294002 and wortmannin significantly reduced anchorage-independent growth of RIE-iHa-Ras cells. Forced expression of both the constitutively active forms of Raf (DeltaRaf-22W or Raf BXB) and Akt (Akt-myr) resulted in transformation of RIE cells that was not achieved by transfection with either the Raf mutant construct or Akt-myr alone. These findings delineate an important role for PI3K/Akt in Ras-mediated transformation of intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells perform important roles in the formation and function of organs and the genesis of many solid tumors. A distinguishing feature of epithelial cells is their apicobasal polarity and the presence of apical junctions that link cells together. The interacting proteins Par-6 (a PDZ and CRIB domain protein) and aPKC (an atypical protein kinase C) localize apically in fly and mammalian epithelial cells and are important for apicobasal polarity and junction formation. Caenorhabditis elegans PAR-6 and PKC-3/aPKC also localize apically in epithelial cells, but a role for these proteins in polarizing epithelial cells or forming junctions has not been described. Here, we use a targeted protein degradation strategy to remove both maternal and zygotic PAR-6 from C. elegans embryos before epithelial cells are born. We find that PKC-3 does not localize asymmetrically in epithelial cells lacking PAR-6, apical junctions are fragmented, and epithelial cells lose adhesion with one another. Surprisingly, junction proteins still localize apically, indicating that PAR-6 and asymmetric PKC-3 are not needed for epithelial cells to polarize. Thus, whereas the role of PAR-6 in junction formation appears to be widely conserved, PAR-6-independent mechanisms can be used to polarize epithelial cells.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors mediate the docking and fusion of transport intermediates with target membranes. Our research identifies Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of synaptosomal-associated protein 29 (SNAP-29) as an essential regulator of membrane trafficking in polarized intestinal cells of living animals. We show that a depletion of SNAP-29 blocks yolk secretion and targeting of apical and basolateral plasma membrane proteins in the intestinal cells and results in a strong accumulation of small cargo-containing vesicles. The loss of SNAP-29 also blocks the transport of yolk receptor RME-2 to the plasma membrane in nonpolarized oocytes, indicating that its function is required in various cell types. SNAP-29 is essential for embryogenesis, animal growth, and viability. Functional fluorescent protein-tagged SNAP-29 mainly localizes to the plasma membrane and the late Golgi, although it also partially colocalizes with endosomal proteins. The loss of SNAP-29 leads to the vesiculation/fragmentation of the Golgi and endosomes, suggesting that SNAP-29 is involved in multiple transport pathways between the exocytic and endocytic organelles. These observations also suggest that organelles comprising the endomembrane system are highly dynamic structures based on the balance between membrane budding and fusion and that SNAP-29-mediated fusion is required to maintain proper organellar morphology and functions.  相似文献   

The bundle of filaments within microvilli of intestinal epithelial cells contains five major proteins including actin, calmodulin, and subunits of 105-, 95-, and 70-kdaltons. It has been previously shown (Howe, C. L., M. S. Mooseker, and T. A. Graves. 1980. Brush-border calmodulin: a major component of the isolated microvillus core. J. Cell Biol. 85: 916-923) that the addition of Ca++ (> 10(-6) M) to microvillus cores causes a rapid, drastic, but at least partially reversible disruption of this actin filament bundle. High-speed centrifugation of microvillus cores treated with Ca++ indicates that several core proteins are solubilized, including 30-50% of the actin and calmodulin, along with much of the 95- and 70-kdalton subunits. Gel filtration of such Ca++ extracts in the presence and absence of Ca++ indicates that microvillar actin "solated" by Ca++ is in an oligomeric state probably complexed with the 95-kdalton subunit. Removal of Ca++ results in the reassembly of F-actin, probably still complexed with 95- kdalton subunit, as determined by gel filtration, cosedimentation, viscometry, and electron microscopy. The 95-kdalton subunit (95K) was purified from Ca++ extracts by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography and its interaction with actin characterized by viscometry, cosedimentation, and EM in the presence and absence of Ca++. In the presence, but not absence, of Ca++, 95K inhibits actin assembly (50% inhibition at 1:50- 60 95K to actin) and also reduces the viscosity of F-actin solutions. Similarly, sedimentation of actin is inhibited by 95K, but a small, presumably oligomeric actin- 95K complex formed in the presence of Ca++ is pelletable after long-term centrifugation. In the absence of Ca++, 95K cosediments with F-actin. EM of 95K-actin mixtures reveals that 95K "breaks" actin into small, filamentous fragments in the presence of Ca++. Reassembly of filaments occurs once Ca++ is removed. In the absence of Ca++, 95K has no effect on filament structure and, at relatively high ratios (1:2-6) of 95K to actin, this core protein will aggregate actin filaments into bundles.  相似文献   

The efficient folding of actin and tubulin in vitro and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to require the molecular chaperones prefoldin and CCT, yet little is known about the functions of these chaperones in multicellular organisms. Whereas none of the six prefoldin genes are essential in yeast, where prefoldin-independent folding of actin and tubulin is sufficient for viability, we demonstrate that reducing prefoldin function by RNAi in Caenorhabditis elegans causes defects in cell division that result in embryonic lethality. Our analyses suggest that these defects result mainly from a decrease in α-tubulin levels and a subsequent reduction in the microtubule growth rate. Prefoldin subunit 1 (pfd-1) mutant animals with maternally contributed PFD-1 develop to the L4 larval stage with gonadogenesis defects that include aberrant distal tip cell migration. Importantly, RNAi knockdown of prefoldin, CCT or tubulin in developing animals phenocopy the pfd-1 cell migration phenotype. Furthermore, reducing CCT function causes more severe phenotypes (compared with prefoldin knockdown) in the embryo and developing gonad, consistent with a broader role for CCT in protein folding. Overall, our results suggest that efficient chaperone-mediated tubulin biogenesis is essential in C. elegans, owing to the critical role of the microtubule cytoskeleton in metazoan development.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies was produced against purified microvillus membranes of human small intestinal enterocytes. By means of these probes three disaccharidases (sucrase-isomaltase, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, and maltase-glucoamylase) and four peptidases (aminopeptidase N, dipeptidylpeptidase IV, angiotension I-converting enzyme, and p-aminobenzoic acid peptide hydrolase) were successfully identified as individual entities by SDS PAGE and localized in the microvillus border of the enterocytes by immunofluorescence microscopy. The antibodies were used to study the expression of small intestinal hydrolases in the colonic adenocarcinoma cell line Caco 2. This cell line was found to express sucrase-isomaltase, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, aminopeptidase N, and dipeptidylpeptidase IV, but not the other three enzymes. Pulse-chase studies with [35S]methionine and analysis by subunit-specific monoclonal antibodies revealed that sucrase-isomaltase was synthesized and persisted as a single-chain protein comprising both subunits. Similarly, lactase-phlorizin hydrolase was synthesized as a large precursor about twice the size of the lactase subunits found in the human intestine. Aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV, known to be dimeric enzymes in most mammals, were synthesized as monomers. Transport from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the trans-Golgi apparatus was considerably faster for the peptidases than for the disaccharidases, as probed by endoglycosidase H sensitivity. These results suggest that the major disaccharidases share a common biosynthetic mechanism that differs from that for peptidases. Furthermore, the data indicate that the transport of microvillus membrane proteins to and through the Golgi apparatus is a selective process that may be mediated by transport receptors.  相似文献   

Archaeal and eukaryotic cytosols contain group II chaperonins, which have a double-barrel structure and fold proteins inside a cavity in an ATP-dependent manner. The most complex of the chaperonins, the eukaryotic TCP-1 ring complex (TRiC), has eight different subunits, chaperone containing TCP-1 (CCT1–8), that are arranged so that there is one of each subunit per ring. Aspects of the structure and function of the bovine and yeast TRiC have been characterized, but studies of human TRiC have been limited. We have isolated and purified endogenous human TRiC from HeLa suspension cells. This purified human TRiC contained all eight CCT subunits organized into double-barrel rings, consistent with what has been found for bovine and yeast TRiC. The purified human TRiC is active as demonstrated by the luciferase refolding assay. As a more stringent test, the ability of human TRiC to suppress the aggregation of human γD-crystallin was examined. In addition to suppressing off-pathway aggregation, TRiC was able to assist the refolding of the crystallin molecules, an activity not found with the lens chaperone, α-crystallin. Additionally, we show that human TRiC from HeLa cell lysate is associated with the heat shock protein 70 and heat shock protein 90 chaperones. Purification of human endogenous TRiC from HeLa cells will enable further characterization of this key chaperonin, required for the reproduction of all human cells.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(5):1491-1496
Previous studies have shown that molecules related to erythrocyte spectrin are present in the cortical cytoplasm of nonerythroid cells. We report here the localization by immunoelectron microscopy of one such molecule, TW-260/240, in the brush border of intestinal epithelial cells. Using highly specific antibodies against TW-260 and TW-240 as well as antibodies against fodrin, another spectrinlike molecule, we have found that the TW-260/240 molecules are displayed between rootlets at all levels of the terminal web. Occasionally, extended structures appear labeled suggestive of the fine filaments known to cross-link actin bundles. These results are in line with previous in vitro studies showing that TW-260/240 binds to, and cross-links, actin filaments. The results are discussed in terms of a model in which rootlets are immobilized in the terminal web in a matrix of TW-260/240.  相似文献   

The Candida albicans vacuole has previously been observed to undergo rapid expansion during the emergence of a germ tube from a yeast cell, to occupy the majority of the parent yeast cell. Furthermore, the yeast-to-hypha switch has been implicated in the virulence of this organism. The class C vps (vacuolar protein sorting) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are defective in multiple protein delivery pathways to the vacuole and prevacuole compartment. In this study C. albicans homologues of the S. cerevisiae class C VPS genes have been identified. Deletion of a C. albicans VPS11 homologue resulted in a number of phenotypes that closely resemble those of the class C vps mutants of S. cerevisiae, including the absence of a vacuolar compartment. The C. albicans vps11Delta mutant also had much-reduced secreted lipase and aspartyl protease activities. Furthermore, vps11Delta strains were defective in yeast-hypha morphogenesis. Upon serum induction of filamentous growth, mutants showed delayed emergence of germ tubes, had a reduced apical extension rate compared to those of control strains, and were unable to form mature hyphae. These results suggest that Vps11p-mediated trafficking steps are necessary to support the rapid emergence and extension of the germ tube from the parent yeast cell.  相似文献   

The endocytic pathway of eukaryotes is essential for the internalization and trafficking of macromolecules, fluid, membranes, and membrane proteins. One of the most enigmatic aspects of this process is endocytic recycling, the return of macromolecules (often receptors) and fluid from endosomes to the plasma membrane. We have previously shown that the EH-domain protein RME-1 is a critical regulator of endocytic recycling in worms and mammals. Here we identify the RAB-10 protein as a key regulator of endocytic recycling upstream of RME-1 in polarized epithelial cells of the Caenorhabditis elegans intestine. rab-10 null mutant intestinal cells accumulate abnormally abundant RAB-5-positive early endosomes, some of which are enlarged by more than 10-fold. Conversely most RME-1-positive recycling endosomes are lost in rab-10 mutants. The abnormal early endosomes in rab-10 mutants accumulate basolaterally recycling transmembrane cargo molecules and basolaterally recycling fluid, consistent with a block in basolateral transport. These results indicate a role for RAB-10 in basolateral recycling upstream of RME-1. We found that a functional GFP-RAB-10 reporter protein is localized to endosomes and Golgi in wild-type intestinal cells consistent with a direct role for RAB-10 in this transport pathway.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) is a ubiquitously expressed enzyme of ill-defined function. In order to explore its cellular actions, we inactivated the rat PLD1 (rPLD1) isozyme by tagging its C terminus with a V5 epitope (rPLD1-V5). This was stably expressed in Rat-2 fibroblasts to see if it acted as a dominant-negative mutant for PLD activity. Three clones that expressed rPLD1-V5 were selected (Rat2V16, Rat2V25, and Rat2V29). Another clone (Rat2V20) that lost expression of rPLD1-V5 was also obtained. In the three clones expressing rPLD1-V5, PLD activity stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) was reduced by ~50%, while the PLD activity of Rat2V20 cells was normal. Changes in the actin cytoskeleton in response to LPA or PMA were examined in these clones. All three clones expressing rPLD1-V5 failed to form actin stress fibers after treatment with LPA. However, Rat2V20 cells formed stress fibers in response to LPA to the same extent as wild-type Rat-2 cells. In contrast, there was no significant change in membrane ruffling induced by PMA in the cells expressing rPLD1-V5. Since Rho is an activator both of rPLD1 and stress fiber formation, the activation of Rho was monitored in wild-type Rat-2 cells and Rat2V25 cells, but no significant difference was detected. The phosphorylation of vimentin mediated by Rho-kinase was also intact in Rat2V25 cells. Rat2V25 cells also showed normal vinculin-containing focal adhesions. However, the translocation of alpha-actinin to the cytoplasm and to the detergent-insoluble fraction in Rat2V25 cells was reduced. These results indicate that PLD activity is required for LPA-induced rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton to form stress fibers and that PLD might be involved in the cross-linking of actin filaments mediated by alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

Generating specific actin structures via controlled actin polymerization is a prerequisite for eukaryote development and reproduction. We here report on an essential Caenorhabditis elegans protein tetraThymosinbeta expressed in developing neurons and crucial during oocyte maturation in adults. TetraThymosinbeta has four repeats, each related to the actin monomer-sequestering protein thymosinbeta 4 and assists in actin filament elongation. For homologues with similar multirepeat structures, a profilin-like mechanism of ushering actin onto filament barbed ends, based on the formation of a 1:1 complex, is proposed to underlie this activity. We, however, demonstrate that tetraThymosinbeta binds multiple actin monomers via different repeats and in addition also interacts with filamentous actin. All repeats need to be functional for attaining full activity in various in vitro assays. The activities on actin are thus a direct consequence of the repeated structure. In containing both G- and F-actin interaction sites, tetraThymosinbeta may be reminiscent of nonhomologous multimodular actin regulatory proteins implicated in actin filament dynamics. A mutation that suppresses expression of tetraThymosinbeta is homozygous lethal. Mutant organisms develop into adults but display a dumpy phenotype and fail to reproduce as their oocytes lack essential actin structures. This strongly suggests that the activity of tetraThymosinbeta is of crucial importance at specific developmental stages requiring actin polymerization.  相似文献   

The chaperonin CCT hexadecamer is required for the folding of non-native actins and tubulins in eukaryotic cells. Among the consequences of greatly reducing CCT holocomplex levels in human cell lines by siRNA targeting are growth arrest and changes in cell morphology and motility. Less extensive reduction of CCT activity via microinjection of an inhibitory anti-CCT epsilon subunit monoclonal antibody, which alters the rates of substrate processing by CCT in vitro, causes a delay in cell cycle progression through G1/S phase in synchronized Swiss 3T3 cells. The degree of growth arrest strongly correlates with the extent of CCT depletion, indicating that full CCT activity is required for normal cell growth and division. Depletion of CCT does not affect actin polypeptide synthesis but causes a reduction in levels of native actin and perturbation of actin-based cell motility in BE cells. There are no large-scale effects on cytoplasmic protein synthesis or a general heat shock response during periods of low CCT activity.  相似文献   

Activating mutations of RAS GTPase contribute to the progression of many cancers, including colorectal carcinoma. So far, attempts to develop treatments of mutant RAS-carrying cancers have been unsuccessful due to insufficient understanding of the salient mechanisms of RAS signaling. We found that RAS downregulates the protein ATG12 in colon cancer cells. ATG12 is a mediator of autophagy, a process of degradation and reutilization of cellular components. In addition, ATG12 can kill cells via autophagy-independent mechanisms. We established that RAS reduces ATG12 levels in cancer cells by accelerating its proteasomal degradation. We further observed that RAS-dependent ATG12 loss in these cells is mediated by protein kinases MAP2K/MEK and MAPK1/ERK2-MAPK3/ERK1, known effectors of RAS. We also demonstrated that the reversal of the effect of RAS on ATG12 achieved by the expression of exogenous ATG12 in cancer cells triggers both apoptotic and nonapoptotic signals and efficiently kills the cells. ATG12 is known to promote autophagy by forming covalent complexes with other autophagy mediators, such as ATG5. We found that the ability of ATG12 to kill oncogenic RAS-carrying malignant cells does not require covalent binding of ATG12 to other proteins. In summary, we have identified a novel mechanism by which oncogenic RAS promotes survival of malignant intestinal epithelial cells. This mechanism is driven by RAS-dependent loss of ATG12 in these cells.  相似文献   

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