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The Assimineidae are a family of amphibious microgastropods that can be mostly found in estuaries and mangroves in South Africa. These snails often occur in great numbers and are ecologically important to the St Lucia Estuary, which forms a crucial part of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Genetic and shell morphometric analyses were conducted on individuals collected from nine localities distributed from the northern lake regions to the southern lake and the mouth of the St Lucia estuarine lake. Mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (28S) DNA was used to construct Bayesian Inference, Neighbour-joining, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood trees. Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis were performed on standard shell parameter data. Results indicate that two different taxa are present in St Lucia. The taxon comprising individuals from the South Lake and St Lucia Estuary Mouth is identified as Assiminea cf. capensis Bartsch, in accordance with the latest taxonomic consensus. The taxon comprising assimineid individuals from False Bay, North Lake and South Lake, is here tentatively named “Assiminea” aff. capensis (Sowerby). These two taxa exhibit patterns of spatial overlap that appear to vary depending on environmental parameters, particularly salinity. The need to resolve the complex taxonomy of assimineids is highlighted.  相似文献   


An unusually cold spell during the winter of 1987 caused a drop in water temperature at Lake St Lucia. This coupled with typical estuarine salinities in the lake resulted in a fish kill. The kill was one of the largest recorded in a South African estuarine environment and involved an estimated 250,000 fish comprising at least 21 species. Most fish that died belonged to small species. Densities of dead fish recorded along the lake's shoreline ranged from 0.1 to 16.6 fish per metre. It is concluded that the combination of low water temperature and near marine salinities was the major cause of the 1987 fish kill at Lake St Lucia.  相似文献   

The recorded salinity ranges of freshwater, estuarine and marine fish species in Lake St Lucia, a Ramsar and World Heritage Site, are documented. The freshwater group is most diverse and abundant under oligohaline conditions, although the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) was common under all salinity regimes. Estuary resident species also favoured oligohaline conditions but, in contrast to the freshwater taxa, were well represented in salinities up to 40 ‰. The marine group was most diverse and abundant within the salinity range 10–40 ‰, but a large number of species could also be found in salinities up to 70 ‰. Very few fish species were able to tolerate salinities between 70 ‰ and 110 ‰, with only O. mossambicus surviving for extended periods in salinities above 110 ‰. All the aquatic macrophytes and most of the zoobenthos within the lake appear to die out within the salinity range of 50–60 ‰, thus creating additional stress to those fish present under such conditions. The food resources least affected by extreme hypersalinity are the microphytobenthos and detritus food chains, with detritivorous fishes being dominant when the lake is in this state. Mass mortalities of fishes in Lake St Lucia have been recorded under both low (<5 ‰) and high salinity (>70 ‰) conditions. The fish kills are often triggered by exceptionally low or high water temperatures which affect the osmoregulatory abilities of these species. Hypersaline conditions and fish mortalities under the most recent closed estuary mouth conditions (2002–2005) are reviewed. If the surface area of St Lucia (35,000 ha) is compared to the total surface area of all South African estuaries (approximately 70,000 ha), then the possibility exists that the loss of the Lake St Lucia nursery area for estuary-associated marine fish species over the past few years may cause significant short-term declines in the future abundance of these taxa on both a local and regional scale.  相似文献   

Mesopodopsis africana is a key species in the St. Lucia Estuary, Africa's largest estuarine lake. This system is currently undergoing an unprecedented crisis due to freshwater deprivation. A reversed salinity gradient has persisted with hypersaline conditions (> 300) occurring in the upper regions of the estuarine lake. In the context of climate change, rising temperatures will not only push the thermal tolerance limits of estuarine organisms, but increased evaporation from this lake's large surface area will lead to further salinity increases. The present study aims to determine the temperature and salinity tolerance of M. africana, both through in situ studies and the use of laboratory experiments. Results indicate that M. africana is a broad euryhaline species. Mysids were recorded at salinity levels ranging from 2.55 to 64.5 in situ. While experiments revealed a narrower salinity tolerance, acclimation resulted in a significant increase in the tolerance range of this species. It is probable, however, that slower acclimation times may increase survival rates even further, particularly in the higher salinity treatments. M. africana was especially tolerant of the lower salinity levels. In the 20 °C acclimation experiment, LS50 at 1 and 2.5 was only reached after 8 and > 168 h, respectively. Survival at 10 and 40 °C was negligible at all salinity levels. This concurs with field results which documented mysids at temperatures ranging from 16.2 to 30.9 °C. Salinity and temperature increases associated with global climate change may, therefore, have significant implications for these mysid populations, with cascading effects on the higher trophic levels which they support.  相似文献   

The life cycles of many marine and freshwater prawn species are closely associated with estuarine habitat. Here, the prawn community of the Mfolozi–Msunduzi estuarine system is described and the system's potential as an alternative nursery for prawns during prolonged closure of the adjacent St Lucia estuarine system is examined. Sampling was conducted at five localities in summer and winter in 2007–2012. The Mfolozi–Msunduzi Estuary is a river-dominated system with mouth condition, sediment grain size and turbidity being the most important factors affecting the structure of its prawn community. Twelve prawn species were recorded, including five marine penaeid and five freshwater palaemonid species. The prawn community was numerically dominated by freshwater Macrobrachium equidens and two penaeids, Fenneropenaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros. Significant differences were recorded between summer and winter samples, with freshwater species dominating the catch in summer, while penaeid species were dominant in winter. The marked seasonal change in the prawn community was related to strong river flows during summer creating low-salinity conditions, unsuitable for penaeid postlarval development, throughout most of the system. Compared to St Lucia, the Mfolozi–Msunduzi Estuary can be regarded as a poor alternative nursery area for penaeids during the summer peak postlarval recruitment period.  相似文献   

Synopsis The body shape of the estuarine clupeidGilchristella aestuarius from the St. Lucia system is different from that of the same species in other estuaries. The morphology ofG. aestuarius is discussed in relation to long term food availability in the St. Lucia system.  相似文献   

Although the post-larvae of many species of inshore penaeid prawns migrate from the sea into estuarine habitats the mechanisms by which this process occurs have not been adequately explained. Collections of penaeid post-larvae in the St. Lucia estuary in Natal, South Africa during flood and ebb tides, day and night, were dominated by Penaeus japonicus Bate and P. indicus Milne Edwards. P. indicus was most abundant over flood tides, day and night but P. japonicus was markedly more nocturnal and only abundant over night floods. Vertical distribution differed in the two species. P. japonicus was more abundant in bottom samples but this was much less apparent in P. indicus. It is suggested that movement into the water column is triggered by pressure changes and this is modified by light, salinity, and the nature of the substratum. These responses are discussed in relation to the invasion of estuaries by penaeid post-larvae and the apparent survival of P. indicus but not P. japonicus in the St. Lucia system.  相似文献   

Whitfield, A. K. &; Blaber, S. J. M. 1978. Feeding ecology of piscivorous birds at Lake St Lucia, Part 1: Diving birds. Ostrich 49:185-198.

The diets of three species of diving piscivorous birds at Lake St Lucia, Natal, South Africa during 1975 and 1976 are described and related to availability and abundance of different prey species. Mugilidae and Clarias gariepinus were the chief prey of the Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer, while Johnius belengcrii and Sarotherodon mossambicus were, respectively, the main food items of Caspian Terns Hydroprogne tschegruva, and Pied Kingfishers Ceryle rudis. The methods of prey capture used by the three species of birds are described.

Predation on particular species of fish was related primarily to their swimming depth, abundance, size and distribution in littoral areas. Fishing habits, densities and foraging periodicity of the birds are discussed with regard to physical parameters such as thermals, wind speeds and water turbidity. The timing of breeding seasons at Lake St Lucia is related to fish densities, lake levels, turbidity of the water and air temperatures.  相似文献   

Penaeid and carid communities were assessed in St Lucia over a wide range of saline conditions, water level conditions and mouth states, including a six-month marine connection and various connections to the Mfolozi Estuary. Samples were collected biannually in spring and autumn from November 2004 to May 2012 using seine nets. Seven penaeid and seven carid species were recorded, of which Palaemon pacificus, P. peringueyi, Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros were the most abundant. The decline from 2004 to 2007 in both species recorded and densities of freshwater, estuarine and marine species during the initial closed period was linked to increased salinity, lack of recruitment and reduced estuarine surface area. Increased wave action and high seas following Cyclone Gamede opened the mouth in March 2007 after a 57-month closed period, resulting in recruitment of marine species, predominantly P. indicus, followed by a decline in densities after reclosure in August 2007. Increases in marine and freshwater species were evident after Mfolozi flood connections during 2008, 2009 and 2010. Highest densities were recorded after breaching in 2007 and after flood connections, highlighting the importance of a marine link to maintain the recruitment of penaeid species.  相似文献   

Mesopodopsis africana is an important mysid in southern African coastal zooplankton and a key species in the St Lucia estuarine lake, which is currently undergoing severe desiccation owing to freshwater deprivation. M. africana populations through much of the system are consequently under severe environmental stress. This study investigates the grazing dynamics of this mysid species, in relation to autotrophic food availability and other environmental constraints in two contrasting areas of the St Lucia Estuary, Charters Creek, heavily affected by the desiccation process and the Mouth, virtually under unchanged conditions. Gut evacuation experiments were conducted once each during the day and the night. Evacuation rates were consistently higher during the night, ranging from 0.27 to 0.33 h-1 at Charters Creek and from 1.13 to 1.24 h-1 at the Mouth. Ingestion rates were, therefore, higher at the Mouth resulting in population grazing impacts of 2.5% of the total microalgal biomass, while the grazing impact at Charters Creek was only 0.5%. The spatial variation in ingestion rates could be attributed to seasonal differences in gut evacuation rates, differences in the mean size of mysids used, or the physicochemical conditions present at the two stations. It is suggested that mysid populations at Charters Creek are predominantly driven by bottom-up forces, initiated by the harsh environmental conditions. Despite the lower ingestion rates exhibited at Charters Creek, results indicate that these mysids are capable of meeting all their energetic requirements from a microalgal diet alone, although they may also utilise a heterotrophic diet.  相似文献   

Austin Roberts 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):10-12
Whitfield, A. K. &; Blaber, S. J. M. 1978. Feeding ecology of piscivorous birds at Lake St Lucia, Part 3: Swimming birds. Ostrich 50:10-20. The diets, foraging periodicities and feeding behaviour of the Reed Cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus, Whitebreasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo and White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus were studied at Lake St Lucia, Natal, South Africa, during 1975 and 1976. The Reed Cormorant fishes in shallow water within 100 m of the shore and mainly caught Sarotherodon mossambicus and Solea bleekeri, while the Whitebreasted Cormorant caught Mugilidae, Rhabdosargus sarba and Thryssa vitrirostris in deeper water. The diet of the White Pelican followed three distinct phases: a pre-incubation phase when the birds followed and preyed heavily on migrating Mugil cephalus shoals; an incubation and post-incubation phase when the adults flew a round trip of 200 km to the north to obtain freshwater fish, mainly cichlids, from the Pongolo pans where fishes were concentrated and densities high; and a post-fledgling phase when both adults and juveniles fed on a variety of marine species of fish in Lake St Lucia for about a month before dispersing to other areas. The feeding and breeding of Reed Cormorants and White-breasted Cormorants is discussed in relation to wind speeds, water turbidity and flooding of backwaters. The diet and long-range foraging behaviour of White Pelicans at St Lucia are compared with data from other African lakes. The breeding season of White Pelicans at St Lucia is related to availability of fish and inaccessibility of the breeding site to predators. The latter is determined by lake levels.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):358-370
A morphological study was carried out of the hares (Lepus) from Cape Province previously assigned to the subspecies L. capensis capensis, L. c. centralis, and L. c. grantii. The purpose of the study was to characterize the species L. capensis Linnaeus, 1758. In doing so, it was possible to distinguish two populations which we consider different species, as each shows homogeneous cranial, dental and pelage features. One of them, defined as L. capensis, is distributed near Cape Town not far from the coast, between Lambert's Bay and Cape Agulhas. The other species, defined as L. centralis, which includes L. grantii as a synonym, is distributed in central and western Cape Province. L. capensis and L. centralis have a parapatric distribution, with a small area of sympatry in a contact zone in Compagnies Drift area, near Lambert's Bay. With respect to cranial differences between the two species, L. capensis has a stronger maxilla and more robust dental series, while L. centralis has larger tympanic bullae. Among dental characters, L. centralis usually has a deeper groove and more abundant cement than L. capensis in the first upper incisor, and its internal lobe is squared, while in L. capensis is rounded. As for pelage color and pattern, L. capensis shows a more extended white ventral area than L. centralis. Our results are of interest for further research on taxonomic problems regarding Old World hare populations in which L. capensis is concerned.  相似文献   

青海湖湿地鸭科鸟类群落结构   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2007 ~2010年每年4~10月,采用直接计数法对青海湖周边6种典型生境包括河口湿地、湖泊、淡水沼泽、淡水泉、岩石湖岸、沙滩中的鸭科鸟类群落进行了调查.共记录到鸭科鸟类9属21种,采用频率指数法确定的优势种有斑头雁( Anser indicus)、赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)、针尾鸭(Anas a...  相似文献   

Esca disease of grapevine is a complex trunk disease consisting of several symptoms, one of which, white rot, has been found to be caused by various basidiomycetes within the order Hymenochaetales. During recent surveys of esca-related pathogens in South African vineyards, several unidentified basidiomycetes were isolated from white rot occurring in diseased vines. A new Fomitiporia species, F. capensis, is described based on fruit body morphology and combined internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large-subunit (LSU) phylogeny, where it forms a clearly delineated and well-supported clade. Morphologically, F. capensis is similar to F. punctata in that both species essentially lack setae. Fomitiporia capensis, F. punctata and F. aethiopica produce similarly sized basidiospores but differ in terms of host range, pore size and, possibly, fruit body shape. Phylogenetically, F. capensis appears to be related to F. tenuis, though morphologically, the species differ significantly in that F. tenuis has smaller pores and smaller basidiospores. Fomitiporia capensis was found to occur widely as vegetative mycelium throughout the Western Cape Province, though fruit bodies were scarce in comparison. A vineyard with fruit bodies was also found in Limpopo in the north east of the country. Fruit bodies were found growing on the underside of the cordon of living vines displaying external symptoms typically associated with esca, or general decline and dieback symptoms together with internal white rot.  相似文献   

St. Lucia is the largest estuary in South Africa with extensive areas of submerged macrophytes that fluctuate rapidly in response to water level and salinity changes. Epiphytes associated with submerged macrophytes were sampled during a severe drought between November 2004 and October 2005 when very low water level and high, variable salinity characterised the estuary. Potamogeton pectinatus and Ruppia cirrhosa were the dominant submerged macrophytes throughout the estuary, with P. pectinatus occurring at relatively low salinity (∼10 ppt) and R. cirrhosa at higher salinity (9–33 ppt). Zostera capensis, normally the other dominant submerged macrophyte, was conspicuously absent under the prevailing conditions. Epiphytic biomass, estimated as chlorophyll a, varied greatly between sites and over the 12 month sampling period, ranging from 10.9 to 71.7 mg Chl a m−2 leaf area for P. pectinatus and 16.9–165.0 mg Chl a m−2 leaf area for R. cirrhosa. Epiphytic biomass was twice as high in the Southern Lake where R. cirrhosa occurred, probably because the dominant epiphytes were macroalgae. An assessment of the diatom species composition of the epiphytic community indicated the dominance of only six species throughout the estuary. Neither epiphytic biomass nor diatom species composition showed strong statistical relationships with the environmental variables measured and it is believed that biological factors may be more important than the physico-chemical environment in determining epiphyte biomass distribution. Because epiphyte biomass is dependent on the presence of host surface area it will only contribute substantially to overall system biomass and productivity when submerged macrophyte area cover is high. In the St. Lucia Estuary this will occur when the water level is high and the upper level of the salinity gradient does not increase above that of seawater.  相似文献   



The St. Lucia Estuary, Africa''s largest estuarine lake, is currently experiencing unprecedented freshwater deprivation which has resulted in a northward gradient of drought effects, with hypersaline conditions in its northern lakes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study documents the changes that occurred in the biotic communities at False Bay from May 2010 to June 2011, in order to better understand ecosystem functioning in hypersaline habitats. Few zooplankton taxa were able to withstand the harsh environmental conditions during 2010. These were the flatworm Macrostomum sp., the harpacticoid copepod Cletocamptus confluens, the cyclopoid copepod Apocyclops cf. dengizicus and the ciliate Fabrea cf. salina. In addition to their exceptional salinity tolerance, they were involved in a remarkably simple food web. In June 2009, a bloom of an orange-pigmented cyanobacterium (Cyanothece sp.) was recorded in False Bay and persisted uninterruptedly for 18 months. Stable isotope analysis suggests that this cyanobacterium was the main prey item of F. cf. salina. This ciliate was then consumed by A. cf. dengizicus, which in turn was presumably consumed by flamingos as they flocked in the area when the copepods attained swarming densities. On the shore, cyanobacteria mats contributed to a population explosion of the staphylinid beetle Bledius pilicollis. Although zooplankton disappeared once salinities exceeded 130, many taxa are capable of producing spores or resting cysts to bridge harsh periods. The hypersaline community was disrupted by heavy summer rains in 2011, which alleviated drought conditions and resulted in a sharp increase in zooplankton stock and diversity.


Despite the current freshwater deprivation crisis, the False Bay region has shown to be resilient, harboring a unique biodiversity with species that are capable of enduring harsh environmental conditions. However, further freshwater deprivation may extend beyond the physiological thresholds of this community, as well as other unique biodiversity components which this system sustains.  相似文献   

St Lucia Lake on the north coast of Natal, South Africa, has an area of 325 km2 and is the largest estuarine complex in Africa. It consists of a 20 km tidal channel, averagingca. 400 m in width, linking the sea with the non-tidal lake which is H-shaped with a maximum length ofca. 40 km and width ofca. 20 km. Except during flood periods the depth of the lake does not exceed 2 m. The salinity gradient depends on evaporation, the configuration of the mouth and on the input of fresh water from four rivers which discharge into the northern and western areas of the lake. If fresh water input is high, the lake and much of the channel may be fresh. An intermediate stage features a normal salinity gradient while a third stage shows a reversed salinity gradient with salinities in excess of 100‰ in the upper reaches of the system. Changing salinities have marked effects on the biota. Aquatic macrophytes show cycles of appearance and disappearance depending on salinity tolerance and the presence of dormant stages. The resident benthic faunal species go through cycles of range expansion and contraction depending on prevailing salinities and recolonisation by dispersal phases. To date salinities in the southern part of the lake have approached, but not exceeded, lethal levels and this has therefore acted as a reservoir area. Catchment degradation and water abstraction are anticipated to exacerbate future salinity extremes. This has resulted in concern for the long term viability of this Ramsar site which has major southern African populations of hippopotamus and crocodile, provides breeding sites for South African Red Data water bird species and plays an important nursery role for marine fish and penaeid prawns.  相似文献   

As the alien species that most dominates space along the South African coast, the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis has radically altered community composition on invaded shores. We experimentally assessed interspecific interactions between this invasive species and dominant indigenous species in conjunction with considering how wave action moderates such interactions. The density of both M. galloprovincialis and the limpet Scutellastra granularis increased with wave action. Conversely, the tube-building polycheate Gunnarea capensis was negatively affected by wave exposure, being most abundant on sheltered shores. The influence of wave action on the indigenous mussel Aulacomya ater, however, remains unclear. M. galloprovincialis outcompeted both G. capensis and A. ater at moderate to high exposure levels, whereas it had both positive and negative effects on S. granularis. It outcompeted adult limpets on primary rock space on semi-exposed and exposed shores, reducing densities of this portion of the population. However, recruitment of S. granularis was facilitated by M. galloprovincialis, as greater numbers recruited to the secondary substratum offered by mussel shells. Again this interaction intensified with wave action. Due to the extremely high density of recruits on secondary space, the net effect of M. galloprovincialis on S. granularis was positive. Thus, wave action not only influences the abundance of individual species, but also mediates both positive and negative interspecific interactions in rocky shore communities, including the impact of alien species such as M. galloprovincialis.  相似文献   

Lake St. Lucia, iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa, is the largest estuarine lake in Africa. Extensive use and manipulation of the rivers flowing into it have reduced freshwater inflow, and the lake has also been subject to a drought of 10 years. For much of this time, the estuary has been closed to the Indian Ocean, and salinities have progressively risen throughout the system, impacting the biotic components of the ecosystem, reducing zooplankton and macrobenthic biomass and diversity in particular. In June 2009, a bloom of a red/orange planktonic microorganism was noted throughout the upper reaches of Lake St. Lucia. The bloom persisted for at least 18 months, making it the longest such bloom on record. The causative organism was characterized by light and electron microscopy and by 16S rRNA sequencing and was shown to be a large, unicellular cyanobacterium most strongly associated with the genus Cyanothece. The extent and persistence of the bloom appears to be unique to Lake St. Lucia, and it is suggested that the organism's resistance to high temperatures, to intense insolation, and to hypersalinity as well as the absence of grazing pressure by salinity-sensitive zooplankton all contributed to its persistence as a bloom organism until a freshwater influx, due to exceptionally heavy summer rains in 2011, reduced the salinity for a sufficient length of time to produce a crash in the cyanobacterium population as a complex, low-salinity biota redeveloped.  相似文献   


The infaunal macrobenthic community of the St Lucia estuary has been exposed to natural disturbance in the form of salinity fluctuations arising from floods and hypersaline conditions, and human-induced interference arising from dredging and beam trawling. The responses of the benthos to these disturbances have been recorded between 1983 and 1994 and are discussed in the light of management options for the estuary. A simple benthic sampling strategy is suggested to monitor the important benthic species.  相似文献   

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