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Second-generation gynogenetic channel catfish were characterized by molecular and immunologic assays to determine if they were isogenic at major histocompatibility complex loci. Southern blot analyses, using channel catfish MHC class II B and class I A gene probes, revealed identical banding patterns among second-generation gynogenetic fish. In contrast, banding patterns from outbred fish differed not only from gynogenetic animals, but also among themselves. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the MHC class II β1 domain, which encompasses the peptide binding region, from four randomly selected gynogenetic fish showed a single DNA sequence. In contrast, analysis of the same region from three outbred fish showed sequences that differed not only among themselves, but also from those of gynogenetic animals. In cytotoxic assays, peripheral blood leukocytes from outbred fish lysed both gynogenetic and allogeneic targets, whereas those from gynogenetic fish lysed only allogeneic targets. Taken together, these results suggest that this group of second-generation gynogenetic channel catfish is isogenic at MHC loci and may provide an excellent system with which to study cell-mediated immunity in teleosts. Received September 11, 1998; accepted January 14, 1999  相似文献   

A method is described for purification of channel catfish IgM from immune catfish serum. This should also be a feasible method for purification of IgM from other teleost fish species. The IgM concentration of adult channel catfish was determined to be 11 mg IgM per ml of serum.  相似文献   

Production of doubled haploids via mitotic gynogenesis is a useful tool for the creation of completely inbred fish. In order to produce viable doubled haploid channel catfish, we utilized hydrostatic pressure or thermal treatments on eggs fertilized with sperm that had been exposed to ultraviolet light. At 1.5 h post-fertilization, the embryos were exposed to either 590 kg/cm2 hydrostatic pressure for 3 min, 37°C for 5 min, or 41°C for 3 min. In the pressure-treated group, only 21 offspring hatched from five spawns with family sizes of one, two, two, four, and 12 offspring each. Eight embryos from the 37°C treatment and 32 embryos from the 41°C treatment survived to hatch. Genotype analysis using microsatellite loci demonstrated all 21 offspring resulting from pressure treatment were homozygous at the 64 loci tested, and none contained alleles unique to the donor male. Eleven of 32 offspring from the 41°C treatment were homozygous at the 18 loci tested, while 21 offspring were heterozygous at six to 12 of these loci. Again, no offspring contained alleles unique to the donor male. However, all eight offspring from the 37°C treatment were heterozygous at multiple loci, and one contained unambiguous paternal alleles. These experiments demonstrated our ability to produce viable homozygous, doubled haploid channel catfish. Doubled haploid catfish can be used to create completely inbred populations for genetic analyses, and homozygous genomic templates will be useful in gene identification and genome characterization.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda, an enteric, gram-negative bacterium, causes gas-filled, malodorous lesions in muscle tissue of channel catfish. Incidence and epizootiology of the disease are presented.  相似文献   

丁香酚对斑点叉尾鮰幼鱼的麻醉效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了不同浓度及不同药浴时间条件下丁香酚对斑点叉尾鮰Ictalurus punctatus幼鱼的麻醉效果.实验结果表明,随着丁香酚浓度从12.00 mg/L升高至60.75 mg/L,麻醉时间从119.34 min±1.83 min减少至4.01 min±0.28 min,复苏时间从1.52 min±0.01 min延长至8.15 min±0.04 min,各浓度组之间存在极显著差异.不同药浴时间试验结果显示:12.00 mg/L、18.00 mg/L和27.00 mg/L的丁香酚分别药浴60 min、50 min和20 min,复苏率均为100%; 40.50 mg/L和60.75 mg/L的丁香酚分别药浴45 min和5 min,复苏率为50%; 60.75 mg/L的丁香酚药浴10 min时,其死亡率达60%.结果提示,丁香酚用于斑点叉尾鮰的人工操作时,应准确掌握好麻醉剂量和麻醉时间,避免麻醉过度造成损失.  相似文献   

Efforts to construct a genetic linkage map of channel catfish have involved identification of random genomic microsatellite markers, as well as anchored Type I loci (expressed genes) from channel catfish. To identify Type I markers we constructed a directional cDNA library from brain tissue to obtain expressed catfish sequences that could be used for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker development. These cDNA sequences surprisingly contained a high proportion of microsatellites (about 14%) in noncoding regions of expressed sequence tags (ESTs), many of which were not associated with known sequences. To further identify cDNAs with microsatellites and reduce the number of sequencing reactions needed for marker development, we enriched this library for repeat sequences and sequenced clones from both directions. A total of 1644 clones from seven repeat-enriched captures (CA, GT, CT, GA, MTT, TAG, and TAC) were sequenced from both ends, and 795 nonredundant clones were assembled. Thirty-seven percent of the clones contained microsatellites in the trimmed sequence. After assembly in the TIGR Catfish Gene Index (CfGI), 154 contigs matched known vertebrate genes and 92 contigs contained microsatellites. When BLAST-matched orthologues were available for similarity alignments, 28% of these contigs contained repeats in the 5'-UTR, 72% contained repeats in the 3'-UTR, and 8% contained repeats at both ends. Using biotinylated repeat oligonucleotides coupled with streptavidin-coated magnetic beads, and rapid, single-pass hybridization, we were able to enrich our plasmid library greater than two-fold for repeat sequences and increase the ability to link these ESTs with known sequences greater than six-fold.  相似文献   

AFLP分析江西省4个斑点叉尾鮰养殖群体遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用AFLP分子标记技术,对江西省4个斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)养殖群体(GZ、XJ、PYA和PYB)进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,在64对引物组合中,E3/M2、E4/M7、E3/M8和E5/M5引物从4个群体72个体中共扩增出179个位点,其中多态位点为109,占60.89%。其中,PYA、GZ、XJ和PYB群体的多态位点比例(P)分别为56.54%、56.47%、56.32%和56.14%。Shannon多样性指数(I)分别为0.2890、0.3003、0.2896和0.2852,平均杂合度(H)分别为0.1935、0.2027、0.1938和0.1898。4个群体间的遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.1314,说明群体间发生了一定程度的遗传分化,但分子方差分析(AMOVA)显示,群体的遗传变异90.98%来源于群体内的个体间,9.02%来源于群体间。聚类分析也表明,4个群体所产生的遗传分化主要也来源于群体内。本研究为斑点叉尾鮰种质资源的调查和保护提供参考,为斑点叉尾鮰优良品种的选育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)NK-lysin-type1的成熟肽为研究目标,首先通过RT-PCR和巢式PCR从斑点叉尾鮰的鳃中克隆到编码NK-lysin成熟肽的基因,该基因编码由92个氨基酸残基组成的成熟肽;6个高度保守的半胱氨酸残基位于成熟肽内,它们被推测与NK-lysin的抗菌活性有关。为了进一步构建原核表达系统用于成熟肽的表达,pET-32a(+)被选择作为融合表达质粒,该质粒含有1个trxA融合头基因,与目的片段mNK-lysin连接后形成融合基因trxA-mNK-lysin,进而有助于在工程菌E.coliBL21(DE3)中的可溶性融合表达。通过PCR、EcoR I和HindⅢ双酶切处理以及DNA测序鉴定,证明pET-32a-mNK-lysin重组融合表达质粒已经被成功构建;将其转化至工程菌E.coliBL21(DE3)后的测序结果表明该重组质粒未发生任何DNA变异。  相似文献   

The cecropin B gene from the moth Hyalophora cecropia, driven by the cytomegalovirus promoter, was transferred to the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. Transgenic individuals (P1) were mated to produce individuals (F1) that exhibited enhanced disease resistance and survival when challenged with pathogenic bacteria. During the epizootic of Flavobacterium columnare in an earthen pond, the percentage of transgenic individuals containing preprocecropin B construct that survived (100%) was significantly greater (P <0.005) THAN THAT OF NONTRANSGENIC CONTROLS (27.3%). ALSO, WHEN CHALLENGED IN TANKS WITH EDWARDSIELLA ICTALURI, THE CAUSATIVE AGENT OF ENTERIC SEPTICEMIA OF CATFISH, THE PERCENTAGE OF TRANSGENIC INDIVIDUALS CONTAINING CATFISH IG LEADER CECROPIN B CONSTRUCT THAT SURVIVED (40.7%) WAS SIGNIFICANTLY GREATER (P <0.01) THAN THAT OF NONTRANSGENIC CONTROLS (14.8%). THERE WERE NO PLEIOTROPIC EFFECTS OF THE TRANSGENES, AND GROWTH RATES OF THE TRANSGENIC AND NONTRANSGENIC SIBLINGS WERE NOT DIFFERENT (P > 0.05). Inheritance of the transgene by the F1 generation, 20.2% to 30.7% was typical of that in studies with transgenic channel catfish.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, Hanwoo has been selectively bred to improve economically important traits. Hanwoo is currently the representative Korean native beef cattle breed, and it is believed that it shared an ancestor with a Chinese breed, Yanbian cattle, until the last century. However, these two breeds have experienced different selection pressures during recent decades. Here, we whole-genome sequenced 10 animals each of Hanwoo and Yanbian cattle (20 total) using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencer. A total of approximately 3.12 and 3.07 billion sequence reads were mapped to the bovine reference sequence assembly (UMD 3.1) at an average of approximately 10.71- and 10.53-fold coverage for Hanwoo and Yanbian cattle, respectively. A total of 17,936,399 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were yielded, of which 22.3% were found to be novel. By annotating the SNPs, we further retrieved numerous nonsynonymous SNPs that may be associated with traits of interest in cattle. Furthermore, we performed whole-genome screening to detect signatures of selection throughout the genome. We located several promising selective sweeps that are potentially responsible for economically important traits in cattle; the PPP1R12A gene is an example of a gene that potentially affects intramuscular fat content. These discoveries provide valuable genomic information regarding potential genomic markers that could predict traits of interest for breeding programs of these cattle breeds.  相似文献   



Calpains, a superfamily of intracellular calcium-dependent cysteine proteases, are involved in the cytoskeletal remodeling and wasting of skeletal muscle. Calpains are generated as inactive proenzymes which are activated by N-terminal autolysis induced by calcium-ions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we characterized the full-length cDNA sequences of three calpain genes, clpn1, clpn2, and clpn3 in channel catfish, and assessed the effect of nutrient restriction and subsequent re-feeding on the expression of these genes in skeletal muscle. The clpn1 cDNA sequence encodes a protein of 704 amino acids, Clpn2 of 696 amino acids, and Clpn3 of 741 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis of deduced amino acid sequences indicate that catfish Clpn1 and Clpn2 share a sequence similarity of 61%; catfish Clpn1 and Clpn3 of 48%, and Clpn2 and Clpn3 of only 45%. The domain structure architectures of all three calpain genes in channel catfish are similar to those of other vertebrates, further supported by strong bootstrap values during phylogenetic analyses. Starvation of channel catfish (average weight, 15–20 g) for 35 days influenced the expression of clpn1 (2.3-fold decrease, P<0.05), clpn2 (1.3-fold increase, P<0.05), and clpn3 (13.0-fold decrease, P<0.05), whereas the subsequent refeeding did not change the expression of these genes as measured by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Calpain catalytic activity in channel catfish skeletal muscle showed significant differences only during the starvation period, with a 1.2- and 1.4- fold increase (P<0.01) after 17 and 35 days of starvation, respectively.


We have assessed that fasting and refeeding may provide a suitable experimental model to provide us insight into the role of calpains during fish muscle atrophy and how they respond to changes in nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Genomic analysis indicated that Edwardsiella ictaluri encodes a putative urease pathogenicity island containing the products of nine open reading frames, including urea and ammonium transporters. In vitro studies with wild-type E. ictaluri and a ureG::kan urease mutant strain indicated that E. ictaluri is significantly tolerant of acid conditions (pH 3.0) but that urease activity is not required for acid tolerance. Growth studies demonstrated that E. ictaluri is unable to grow at pH 5 in the absence of urea but is able to elevate the environmental pH from pH 5 to pH 7 and grow when exogenous urea is available. Substantial production of ammonia was observed for wild-type E. ictaluri in vitro in the presence of urea at low pH, and optimal activity occurred at pH 2 to 3. No ammonia production was detected for the urease mutant. Proteomic analysis with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicated that urease proteins are expressed at both pH 5 and pH 7, although urease activity is detectable only at pH 5. Urease was not required for initial invasion of catfish but was required for subsequent proliferation and virulence. Urease was not required for initial uptake or survival in head kidney-derived macrophages but was required for intracellular replication. Intracellular replication of wild-type E. ictaluri was significantly enhanced when urea was present, indicating that urease plays an important role in intracellular survival and replication, possibly through neutralization of the acidic environment of the phagosome.Identification of virulence factors is vitally important to an understanding of the pathogenesis of Edwardsiella ictaluri and to the development of methods for controlling the spread of disease. Although the pathogenesis of E. ictaluri was reviewed in 1993 (28, 31), recent reports demonstrated that E. ictaluri is a facultative intracellular pathogen (3) and that a type III secretion system is required for intracellular survival and replication within channel catfish head kidney-derived macrophages (HKDM) (30). Using signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) in an immersion challenge model for E. ictaluri, Thune et al. (30) identified 50 transconjugants carrying transposon insertions in genes required for survival and replication in the channel catfish host. Two of those mutants had insertions in genes encoding homologs of UreG and UreF, proteins that are essential for the production of an active urease enzyme in other bacteria (6, 10, 14, 26). UreG is a GTP-binding accessory protein that functions in energy-dependent assembly of the urease holoenzyme (19), while UreF is a urease accessory protein that functions in the generation or delivery of carbon dioxide to the urease metallocenter assembly site (19). Both the ureG and ureF mutant strains were further characterized in a competitive challenge with the wild-type (WT) parental strain and were confirmed to be significantly attenuated (30). The identification of two mutants with insertions in urease-associated genes suggests an important role for urease activity in E. ictaluri pathogenesis, despite the fact that E. ictaluri is urease negative in standard biochemical tests. Consequently, the objectives of this study are to characterize the E. ictaluri urease pathogenicity island (PAI), to evaluate conditions for E. ictaluri urease activity, and to establish a possible role for urease in E. ictaluri pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Sphaerospores were found in the kidneys of alevin channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) from a farm in Central California. MulticelluUr developmental stages, similar to C-blood protozoans described for Sphaerospora spp. from cyprinid fishes, were observed in circulating blood and numerous tissues. Upon a 2nd examination of the same population offish 10 days later, sporogonic stages were seen developing into mature Sphaerospores in the lumina of the kidney tubules. Sporogeoesis was asynchronous with simple unicellular stages adjacent to more complex forms with developing polar capsules and valves. Only one elliptical spore (5.6 μm in width, 6.5 μm in thickness by 5.8 μm in length) developed within the surrounding pscudoplasmodium. Thin valves surrounded two sporoplasm cells and two subspherical polar capsules (1.7 × 1.9 μm) which contained a polar filament with four to five turns. The blood stages of the Sphaerospora sp. described here are similar to the trophozoites seen in channel catfish with proliferativc gill disease (PGD). Early stages of PGD also observed in the same population of channel catfish containing developmental and sporogonic stages of this newly recognized Sphaerospora sp. may suggest a causal relationship between this new myxosporean and the gill disease.  相似文献   

Chicken is recognized as an excellent model for studies of genetic mechanism of phenotypic and genomic evolution, with large effective population size and strong human-driven selection. In the present study, we performed Extended Haplotype Homozygosity (EHH) tests to identify significant core regions employing 600K SNP Chicken chip in an F2 population of 1,534 hens, which was derived from reciprocal crosses between White Leghorn and Dongxiang chicken. Results indicated that a total of 49,151 core regions with an average length of 9.79 Kb were identified, which occupied approximately 52.15% of genome across all autosomes, and 806 significant core regions attracted us mostly. Genes in candidate regions may experience positive selection and were considered to have possible influence on beneficial economic traits. A panel of genes including AASDHPPT, GDPD5, PAR3, SOX6, GPC1 and a signal pathway of AKT1 were detected with the most extreme P-values. Further enrichment analyses indicated that these genes were associated with immune function, sensory organ development and neurogenesis, and may have experienced positive selection in chicken. Moreover, some of core regions exactly overlapped with genes excavated in our previous GWAS, suggesting that these genes have undergone positive selection may affect egg production. Findings in our study could draw a comparatively integrate genome-wide map of selection signature in the chicken genome, and would be worthy for explicating the genetic mechanisms of phenotypic diversity in poultry breeding.  相似文献   

Although experimental evidence is lacking, the stout pectoral spine of catfishes has been interpreted as a defensive adaptation. The spine can be rigidly locked and abducted to produce stridulation sounds, which have been hypothesized to serve a warning function. We studied spine function in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) as a deterrent to predation by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) by presenting individuals with pairs of catfish, one with its pectoral spines clipped and the other intact. The number of initial attacks on clipped and intact fish was similar, suggesting that bass do not recognize the spine visually. Bass showed evidence of learning across trials, striking clipped fish fewer times and consuming them. Conversely, intact fish were attacked more than clipped ones because intact fish were repeatedly disgorged and attacked again, suggesting that bass become sensitized to the spine. Ingestion times were longer for intact than clipped fish, and fewer intact fish were eaten. Eighty‐eight percent of intact fish survived in the mouth of a bass one or more times. Catfish did not stridulate or use their spines to deter initial attacks, refuting the warning hypothesis. Locking and stridulation motions, only observed when catfish were held inside the mouth of a bass, did not deter subsequent attacks indicating that neither the spine nor stridulation carry a warning function. It is possible, therefore, that stridulation sounds function as a distress call. The spine functions against a gape‐limited predator by increasing the difficulty of ingestion but not capture.  相似文献   

Pituitary growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and somatolactin (SL) messenger RNA levels in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were examined under various environmental and physiological conditions. Catfish were sampled following salinity challenge, during the winter (December) and spring or summer (April or July), and at different sizes (15–18 g, 620–664 g, and 956–1134 g). When catfish (956–1134 g) were transferred from freshwater to saline water containing 8 ppt NaCl, their plasma [Na+] increased significantly above values in the freshwater control group until they were transferred back to freshwater. Pituitary GH mRNA levels were low for the first 24 hours following transfer to saline water, but thereafter were significantly elevated above control values until the fish were transferred back to freshwater. Pituitary GH mRNA levels were highest in July and lowest in December. Growth hormone mRNA levels were also elevated in the size groups 15–18 g and 956–1134 g in July when compared with December values. Pituitary PRL mRNA levels increased for the first 24 hours following transfer to saline water (956–1134 g), but thereafter were significantly lower than control values until the fish were transferred back to freshwater. Pituitary PRL mRNA levels were highest in April and July and lowest in December, and were also elevated in the size groups 620–664 g and 956–1134 g. Pituitary SL mRNA levels were unaffected in catfish transferred to saline water; however, levels were significantly elevated in catfish of the 956–1134-g size group sampled in April when compared with December. These results suggest the involvement of GH in adaptation to brackish water and of PRL in adaptation to freshwater in the catfish, and seasonal and size-related differences in pituitary GH, PRL, and SL mRNA levels. Received May 17, 2000; accepted October 30, 2000  相似文献   

Hypoxia and temperature are two major, interactive environmental variables that affect cardiovascular function in fishes. The purpose of this study was to determine if acclimation to hypoxia increases thermal tolerance by measuring cardiovascular responses to increasing temperature in two groups of channel catfish. The hypoxic group was acclimatized to moderate hypoxia (50% air saturation, a PO2 of approximately 75 Torr) at a temperature of 22 °C for 7 days. The normoxic (i.e. control) group was maintained the same, but under normoxic conditions (a PO2 of approximately 150 Torr). After acclimation, fish were decerebrated, fitted with dorsal aorta cannulae, and then exposed to increasing temperature while cardiovascular variables were recorded. The endpoint (critical thermal maximum, CTMax) was defined as a temperature at which heart rate and blood pressure sharply decreased, indicating cardiovascular collapse. Fish acclimatized to moderate hypoxia had higher resting heart rate than controls. Hypoxic acclimatized fish had a significantly higher CTMax. Acclimation to hypoxia increases the cardiovascular ability of channel catfish to withstand an acute temperature increase.  相似文献   

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