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Phospholipase D is one of the crucial enzymes involved in lipid mediated signaling, triggered during various developmental and physiological processes. Different members of PLD gene family have been known to be induced under different abiotic stresses and during developmental processes in various plant species. In this report, we are presenting a detailed microarray based expression analysis and expression profiles of entire set of PLD genes in rice genome, under three abiotic stresses (salt, cold and drought) and different developmental stages (3-vegetative stages and 11-reproductive stages). Seven and nine PLD genes were identified, which were expressed differentially under abiotic stresses and during reproductive developmental stages, respectively. PLD genes, which were expressed significantly under abiotic stresses exhibited an overlapping expression pattern and were also differentially expressed during developmental stages. Moreover, expression pattern for a set of stress induced genes was validated by real time PCR and it supported the microarray expression data. These findings emphasize the role of PLDs in abiotic stress signaling and development in rice. In addition, expression profiling for duplicated PLD genes revealed a functional divergence between the duplicated genes and signify the role of gene duplication in the evolution of this gene family in rice. This expressional study will provide an important platform in future for the functional characterization of PLDs in crop plants.  相似文献   

Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are N-glycosidases that inhibit protein synthesis by depurinating rRNA. Despite their identification more than 25 years ago, little is known about their biological functions. Here, we report a genome-wide identification of the RIP family in rice based on the complete genome sequence analysis. Our data show that rice genome encodes at least 31 members of this family and they all belong to type 1 RIP genes. This family might have evolved in parallel to species evolution and genome-wide duplications represent the major mechanism for this family expansion. Subsequently, we analyzed their expression under biotic (bacteria and fungus infection), abiotic (cold, drought and salinity) and the phytohormone ABA treatment. These data showed that some members of this family were expressed in various tissues with differentiated expression abundances whereas several members showed no expression under normal growth conditions or various environmental stresses. On the other hand, the expression of many RIP members was regulated by various abiotic and biotic stresses. All these data suggested that specific members of the RIP family in rice might play important roles in biotic and abiotic stress-related biological processes and function as a regulator of various environmental cues and hormone signaling. They may be potentially useful in improving plant tolerance to various abiotic and biotic stresses by over-expressing or suppressing these genes.  相似文献   

The phytohormone cytokinin was originally discovered as a regulator of cell division. Later, it was described to be involved in regulating numerous processes in plant growth and development including meristem activity, tissue patterning, and organ size. More recently, diverse functions for cytokinin in the response to abiotic and biotic stresses have been reported. Cytokinin is required for the defence against high light stress and to protect plants from a novel type of abiotic stress caused by an altered photoperiod. Additionally, cytokinin has a role in the response to temperature, drought, osmotic, salt, and nutrient stress. Similarly, the full response to certain plant pathogens and herbivores requires a functional cytokinin signalling pathway. Conversely, different types of stress impact cytokinin homeostasis. The diverse functions of cytokinin in responses to stress and crosstalk with other hormones are described. Its emerging roles as a priming agent and as a regulator of growth‐defence trade‐offs are discussed.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels (CNGCs) are calcium-permeable channels that are involved in various biological functions. Nevertheless, phylogeny and function of plant CNGCs are not well understood. In this study, 333 CNGC genes from 15 plant species were identified using comprehensive bioinformatics approaches. Extensive bioinformatics analyses demonstrated that CNGCs of Group IVa were distinct to those of other groups in gene structure and amino acid sequence of cyclic nucleotide-binding domain. A CNGC-specific motif that recognizes all identified plant CNGCs was generated. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that CNGC proteins of flowering plant species formed five groups. However, CNGCs of the non-vascular plant Physcomitrella patens clustered only in two groups (IVa and IVb), while those of the vascular non-flowering plant Selaginella moellendorffii gathered in four (IVa, IVb, I and II). These data suggest that Group IV CNGCs are most ancient and Group III CNGCs are most recently evolved in flowering plants. Furthermore, silencing analyses revealed that a set of CNGC genes might be involved in disease resistance and abiotic stress responses in tomato and function of SlCNGCs does not correlate with the group that they are belonging to. Our results indicate that Group IVa CNGCs are structurally but not functionally unique among plant CNGCs.  相似文献   

14-3-3 proteins function as major regulators of primary metabolism and cellular signal transduction in plants. However, their involvement in plant defense and stress responses is largely unknown. In order to better address functions of the rice 14-3-3/GF14 proteins in defense and abiotic stress responses, we examined the rice GF14 family that comprises eight numbers. The phylogenetic comparison with the Arabidopsis 14-3-3 family revealed that the majority of rice GF14s might have evolved as an independent branch. At least four rice GF14 genes, GF14b, GF14c, GF14e and Gf14f were differentially regulated in the interactions of rice-Magnaporthe grisea and rice-Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, and the incompatible interactions stronger induced the genes than the compatible interactions. These GF14 genes were also induced by the defense compounds, benzothiadiazole, methyl jasmonate, ethephon and hydrogen peroxide. Similarly, they were differentially regulated by salinity, drought, wounding and abscisic acid. Tissue-specific analysis and expression of GF14-YFP fusions revealed that the four GF14 isoforms were expressed with tissue specificity and accumulated differentially in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Our current study provides fundamental information for the further investigation of the rice GF14 proteins.  相似文献   

CIPK(calcineurin B-like-interacting protein kinase)是一类丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在植物响应逆境胁迫和激素信号转导中发挥重要作用。本研究利用大豆基因组数据库,在全基因组水平鉴定获得52个CIPK蛋白激酶。蛋白比对分析发现所有Gm CIPK含有高度保守特征性的N端激酶区、连接区和C端调控区。系统进化树分析发现大豆Gm CIPK与拟南芥、水稻CIPK分类一致,分为4个亚家族,且每个亚家族含有3个不同物种的成员,表明Gm CIPK基因的分化早于物种的分化。启动子分析表明,多数Gm CIPK基因的启动子区含有逆境和激素应答元件。组织表达分析发现,Gm CIPK基因呈现多样化的组织表达特性。进一步选取组织表达量相对较高的14个Gm CIPK进行荧光定量PCR分析,结果表明这些菜用大豆CIPK基因在不同程度上均受高温、干旱、高盐胁迫以及ABA、ACC、SA、Me JA激素的诱导表达。采用蛋白同源比对和蛋白互作在线数据库对拟南芥及大豆同源CIPK蛋白激酶与其他蛋白的互作关系进行了预测分析,发现17对同源CIPK与其他蛋白(激酶、磷酸酶、转录因子等)存在互作。本研究为菜用大豆CIPK基因的功能研究与利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Over the past few years, nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important regulator in many physiological events, especially in response to abiotic and biotic stress. However, the roles of NO were mostly derived from pharmacological studies or the mutants impaired NO synthesis unspecifically. In our recent study, we highlighted a novel strategy by expressing the rat neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) in Arabidopsis to explore the in vivo role of NO. Our results suggested that plants were able to perform well in the constitutive presence of nNOS, and provided a new class of plant experimental system with specific in vivo NO release. Furthermore, our findings also confirmed that the in vivo NO is essential for most of environmental abiotic stresses and disease resistance against pathogen infection. Proper level of NO may be necessary and beneficial, not only in plant response to the environmental abiotic stress, but also to biotic stress.  相似文献   

【目的】探究荷花中NnPIN家族成员的特征及在非生物胁迫响应中的作用,为荷花抗逆新品种的选育提供新的基因资源。【方法】采用生物信息学方法对荷花NnPIN家族进行全基因组鉴定,并通过qRT-PCR技术分析了其在低温(4℃)、水淹及外源3 mmol/L脱落酸(ABA)处理下的表达模式。【结果】(1)荷花基因组中共鉴定出12个具跨膜结构域的NnPIN基因,分别命名为NnPIN1~12,且分布在6条染色体上,并主要定位于质膜和内质网;(2)系统进化分析表明,NnPIN蛋白可根据中央亲水环的长度分为经典型和非经典型2种类型,且同一类型具相似结构;经典型具完整的motif 1~12,而非经典型则缺失中央亲水环部分(motif 6,8,9,12);(3)NnPIN基因在启动子区域具有大量光响应、非生物胁迫和激素响应元件,并特异性地具有厌氧、脱落酸(ABA)、低温等响应元件;(4)NnPIN基因(除NnPIN8外)均正向响应外源ABA和低温胁迫,而NnPIN6和NnPIN7正向响应水淹胁迫,NnPIN1、NnPIN2、NnPIN3、NnPIN4、NnPIN5、NnPIN8、NnPIN9和NnPIN12...  相似文献   

徐展  林良斌 《广西植物》2014,(2):248-255
OsWRKY 转录因子在水稻非生物胁迫和抗病反应中具有相当重要的调节作用。为阐明其调节作用提供依据,研究了疑似功能广泛的 OsWRKY 转录因子表达谱,采用五个 OsWRKY 转录因子基因,即 Os-WRKY7、OsWRKY11、OsWRKY30、OsWRKY70和 OsWRKY89,利用 real-time PCR 研究各种非生物胁迫和稻瘟菌胁迫诱导表达特征,以及各种激素对 OsWRKY 表达量的影响。所采用的五个基因均受到稻瘟菌胁迫的诱导,而且各种非生物胁迫也能不同程度地诱导其表达。在各个激素处理下,有些被诱导或被抑制,也有未受影响。五个 OsWRKY 基因均有可能参与稻瘟病胁迫响应。其中 OsWRKY7和 OsWRKY70可能是在JA 和 SA 相互拮抗调控下参与,OsWRKY89可能是通过非本研究涉及的其他激素途径参与。在非生物胁迫方面,OsWRKY7可能通过 ABA 途径参与干旱、高盐和极端温度胁迫;OsWRKY11有可能参与高盐胁迫;OsWRKY30有可能参与高盐和高温胁迫;OsWRKY70可能参与高盐、干旱和极端温度胁迫;OsWRKY89可能参与高温胁迫,但并不是通过本研究所涉及的四种激素途径。  相似文献   

Seedlings of cultivated rice variety ADT43 was investigated after challenging with two different abiotic (drought and salinity) and biotic (sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight pathogens) stresses. Salinity and drought stress reduced the growth of seedlings, mainly the higher conditions (100 mM NaCl and 10?days of drought, respectively). Increased level of MDA content was observed in biotic and abiotic-stress treated seedlings. The highest H2O2 content was observed under salinity-stressed seedlings and lower level observed under biotic stress. Superoxide dismutase activity showed a gradual decrease in all stress conditions compared to control. Salinity stress resulted in highest activity of catalase compared to biotic stress. The peroxidase activity of the seedlings was found to be increased under salt and drought stress conditions and the activity decreased under biotic stress. Drought stress resulted in induced expression of POC1 gene whereas the biotic stress showed lower expression level. Suppression of the rice peroxidase would have been the mechanism of overcoming the intrinsic defence in rice by these pathogens.  相似文献   

林海建  张志明  沈亚欧  高世斌  潘光堂 《遗传》2009,31(12):1192-1204
逆境胁迫影响植物的正常生长, 导致作物减产, 甚至绝收。提高作物的抗逆性一直是作物遗传育种学家追求的目标, 大量研究也正试图揭示这一复杂的生物学机制。传统的从生理生化水平到单一基因的研究都难以揭示植物复杂的抗逆机制, 而基因芯片(Gene chip)的应用使得这一目标成为了可能, 基因芯片从整个转录水平入手, 能够揭示大量基因的表达和调控情况, 同时结合蛋白质组学和代谢组学的研究方法, 将基因定位于代谢途径的某个位置, 寻找逆境胁迫响应的关键基因, 完善植物逆境胁迫响应的分子网络, 为今后利用生物技术手段提高作物抗逆境胁迫能力提供依据。文章主要对近年来基因芯片在植物逆境胁迫基因表达研究中的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

自抑制Ca^(2+)-ATPase酶(auto-inhibited Ca2+-ATPase,ACA)作为Ca2+-ATPase的亚家族之一,在植物细胞内维持Ca2+浓度平衡发挥着重要的作用。为探究蓖麻(Ricinus communis)RcACA基因家族的功能及基因表达模式,文中采用生物信息学手段鉴定蓖麻RcACA基因家族成员,预测分析了其基础的理化性质、亚细胞位置、蛋白的二级和三级结构、保守域、保守基序、基因结构、染色体位置及共线关系、进化特征、启动子顺式作用元件,并通过蓖麻转录组数据中的表达量(fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments,FPKM)分析RcACA基因在非生物胁迫下的表达模式。结果表明,在蓖麻中共鉴定到8个RcACA基因家族成员,均是酸性蛋白且定位在细胞质膜;所有蛋白的二级和三级结构中α-螺旋和不规则卷曲较多;RcACA基因被聚为3类,同一类别中基因的结构与保守基序相似;均有典型的4个结构域RcACA3–RcACA8,还有1个Ca^(2+)-ATPase N端自抑制结构域(N-terminal autoinhibitory domain);RcACA基因多位于染色体长臂,拥有2对共线关系。RcACA基因编码区上游拥有较多的光响应作用元件,激素诱导类作用元件较少。种间聚类显示ACA基因在物种间的进化是保守的。组织表达模式分析显示,RcACA基因拥有明显的组织表达特异性,且多数基因在雄花中表达量最高;非生物胁迫表达分析表明,RcACA2–RcACA8在高盐和干旱胁迫下均上调表达,RcACA1在低温胁迫的0–24 h上调表达,表明RcACA基因积极地响应非生物胁迫。上述结果为探究RcACA基因在蓖麻生长发育和逆境胁迫中的作用提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a putative rice MAPK gene (designated OsMAPK44) encoding for a protein of 593 amino acids that has the MAPK family signature and phosphorylation activation motif, TDY. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of OsMAPK44 showed high homology with other rice MAPKs. Under normal conditions, the OsMAPK44 gene is highly expressed in root tissues, but relatively less in leaf and stem tissues of the japonica type rice plant (O. sativa L. Donggin). mRNA expression of the gene is highly inducible by salt and drought treatment, but not by cold treatment. Moreover, the mRNA level of the OsMAPK44 is up-regulated by exogenously applied Abscisic acid (ABA) and H2O2. When we compared the OsMAPK44 gene expression level between a salt sensitive indica cultivar (IR64) and a salt resistant indica cultivar (Pokkali), they showed some difference in expression kinetics with the salt treatment. OsMAPK44 gene expression in Pokkali was slightly up-regulated within 30 min and then disappeared rapidly, while IR64 maintained its expression for 1 h following down-regulation. Under the salinity stress, OsMAPK44 overexpression transgenic rice plants showed less damage and greater ratio of potassium and sodium than OsMAPK44 suppressed transgenic lines did, suggesting that OsMAPK44 may have a role to prevent damages due to working for favorable ion balance in the presence of salinity.  相似文献   

Although the super family of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins plays key roles in the physiology and development of plants, the functions of members of this interesting family mostly remain to be clarified, especially in crop plants. Thus, systematic analysis of this family in rice (Oryza sativa), a major model crop plant, will be helpful in the design of effective strategies for functional analysis. Phylogenomic analysis that integrates anatomy and stress meta-profiling data based on a large collection of rice Affymetrix array data into the phylogenic context provides useful clues into the functions for each of the ABC transporter family members in rice. Using anatomy data, we identified 17 root-preferred and 16-shoot preferred genes at the vegetative stage, and 3 pollen, 2 embryo, 2 ovary, 2 endosperm, and 1 anther-preferred gene at the reproductive stage. The stress data revealed significant up-regulation or down-regulation of 47 genes under heavy metal treatment, 16 genes under nutrient deficient conditions, and 51 genes under abiotic stress conditions. Of these, we confirmed the differential expression patterns of 14 genes in root samples exposed to drought stress using quantitative real-time PCR. Network analysis using RiceNet suggests a functional gene network involving nine rice ABC transporters that are differentially regulated by drought stress in root, further enhancing the prediction of biological function. Our analysis provides a molecular basis for the study of diverse biological phenomena mediated by the ABC family in rice and will contribute to the enhancement of crop yield and stress tolerance.  相似文献   

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