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慢性应激致肠易激综合征大鼠模型的建立与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立一种模拟肠易激综合征临床症状的动物模型,为相关药物的研究提供实验基础。方法采用孤养附加慢性不可预见性刺激建立IBS模型,每只大鼠受到的刺激因子包括:24h禁水、24h禁食、昼夜颠倒、4℃冰水游泳15min、45℃高温5min、钳尾致痛1min、束缚制动5~8h、高速震荡15min等共8种,每种刺激因子出现5次,共40d。用腹部回撤反射压力阈值(AWR)和排便粒数检测动物的内脏感觉和胃肠运动功能变化;用敞箱行为评分和蔗糖水偏嗜度评价动物神经精神活动变化。结果造模2~3周腹部回撤反射压力阈值明显降低,排便粒数明显增加;造模3~4周模型组动物敞箱实验行为评分和蔗糖水偏嗜度明显降低。造模40d时,上述变化趋势仍存在。结论慢性应激加孤养可诱导动物胃肠运动亢进、内脏感觉致敏和神经精神活动的改变,模拟IBS患者的临床特征,可作为一种有效的IBS动物模型,用于评价相关药物。  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms have been found to develop on root surfaces outside the apical foramen and be associated with refractory periapical periodontitis. However, it is unknown which bacterial species form extraradicular biofilms. The present study aimed to investigate the identity and localization of bacteria in human extraradicular biofilms. Twenty extraradicular biofilms, used to identify bacteria using a PCR-based 16S rRNA gene assay, and seven root-tips, used to observe immunohistochemical localization of three selected bacterial species, were taken from 27 patients with refractory periapical periodontitis. Bacterial DNA was detected from 14 of the 20 samples, and 113 bacterial species were isolated. Fusobacterium nucleatum (14 of 14), Porphyromonas gingivalis (12 of 14), and Tannellera forsythensis (8 of 14) were frequently detected. Unidentified and uncultured bacterial DNA was also detected in 11 of the 14 samples in which DNA was detected. In the biofilms, P. gingivalis was immunohistochemically detected in all parts of the extraradicular biofilms. Positive reactions to anti-F. nucleatum and anti-T. forsythensis sera were found at specific portions of the biofilm. These findings suggested that P. gingivalis, T. forsythensis, and F. nucleatum were associated with extraradicular biofilm formation and refractory periapical periodontitis.  相似文献   

Chronic wounds are a significant socioeconomic problem for governments worldwide. Approximately 15% of people who suffer from diabetes will experience a lower-limb ulcer at some stage of their lives, and 24% of these wounds will ultimately result in amputation of the lower limb. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been shown to aid the healing of chronic wounds; however, the causal reasons for the improved healing remain unclear and hence current HBOT protocols remain empirical. Here we develop a three-species mathematical model of wound healing that is used to simulate the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of wounds. Based on our modelling, we predict that intermittent HBOT will assist chronic wound healing while normobaric oxygen is ineffective in treating such wounds. Furthermore, treatment should continue until healing is complete, and HBOT will not stimulate healing under all circumstances, leading us to conclude that finding the right protocol for an individual patient is crucial if HBOT is to be effective. We provide constraints that depend on the model parameters for the range of HBOT protocols that will stimulate healing. More specifically, we predict that patients with a poor arterial supply of oxygen, high consumption of oxygen by the wound tissue, chronically hypoxic wounds, and/or a dysfunctional endothelial cell response to oxygen are at risk of nonresponsiveness to HBOT. The work of this paper can, in some way, highlight which patients are most likely to respond well to HBOT (for example, those with a good arterial supply), and thus has the potential to assist in improving both the success rate and hence the cost-effectiveness of this therapy.  相似文献   

The failure of certain wounds to heal (including diabetic foot ulcers) is a significant socioeconomic issue for countries worldwide. There is much debate about the best way to treat these wounds and one approach that is shrouded with controversy is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), a technique that can reduce the risk of amputation in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to establish a novel method of screening anti-allergic lactic acid bacteria (LAB). We cloned the human histidine decarboxylase (HDC) promoter into the promoter-less pPhi-Yellow-RPL-dest1 vector and established KU812F cells transduced with this vector (pHDCp-Phi-Yellow/KU812F). After adding LAB to these cells, the change in fluorescence intensity was monitored by flow cytometry. After screening, we identified several LAB strains that downregulated HDC promoter activity. Functional analysis of these LAB strains indicated that two LAB strains inhibited histamine release from KU812F cells, indicating that this assay system can be used to screen for anti-allergic LAB in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

目的建立小型猪慢性胰腺炎(CP)模型。方法西双版纳小型猪28头,随机分两组,6头为正常对照.22头经剖腹行胰管不全结扎。术后2~12周处死取出胰腺,同时取出正常组胰腺行组织学检查,进行病理分期,观察分期与喂养周数间关系。结果胰管结扎的22头小猪存活18头,15头胰腺体尾部形成CP,成功率68.2%。CP严重程度随胰管结扎后喂养周数增加而增加(r=0.39,P〈0.05)。结论小型猪胰管部分结扎能形成CP.其严重程度与胰管结扎后喂养周数间呈部分相关关系。  相似文献   

目的建立一种狼疮样肾炎动物模型,为人类狼疮性肾炎(LN)实验和临床研究提供基础。方法取雌性亲代DBA/2的淋巴细胞分4次经静脉注射雌性子代F1代杂交鼠(C57BL6× DBA2)。注射时间为0,3,7,10 d。每次注射淋巴细胞数为50× 106。结果尿白蛋白于第4次注射后2周开始升高,第12周达高峰;血抗ds-DNA水平于第4次注射后2周已明显升高,至第4周达高峰,各时点与对照组差异明显。普通光镜(PAS、PASM)示肾小球基底膜增厚,系膜轻度增生,小管间质炎症细胞浸润;免疫荧光示IgG沿基底膜呈线状或颗粒状沉积,部分小管基底膜亦可见其沉积;电镜显示膜性肾炎改变,基底膜增宽,内有电子致密物沉积,上皮细胞足交融合。结论本实验所建立狼疮样肾炎动物模型,主要为膜性肾炎。  相似文献   

A highly porous nylon biocarrier was developed to support immobilized bacteria in bioreactors used to treat liquid wastes. Porosity analyses and scanning electron microscopy showed microbial colonization of accessible pores typically in the range of 100 to 1,200 (mu)m, with some as large as 3.9 mm. A bench-scale packed-bed reactor achieved a p-nitrophenol (PNP) removal rate of 5.95 kg of PNP m(sup-3) day(sup-1) for wastes containing 1,200 mg of PNP liter(sup-1). Complete mixing of the biocarrier bed to remove excess surface biomass was routinely achieved with simple air injection. These porous polymer biocarriers are promising as microbial supports in liquid-waste treatment and bioremediation applications.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a critical role in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain, but few studies have examined the role of oxidative stress in the mirror-image neuropathic pain (MINP). The present study was to investigate the role of ROS in MINP caused by chronic compression of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) (CCD) in a rat model. SD rats were randomly divided into sham group and CCD group. CCD was conducted to induce MINP. CCD rats were intraperitoneally injected with α-Phenyl-N-tert-butyl-nitrone (PBN) at 7 days after surgery. Paw withdrawal mechanical threshold (PWMT) was measured at ?1, 1, 3, 5 and 7 days after surgery in sham group and CCD group, and at 8 time points after PBN injection. Rats were sacrificed at 3 and 7 days after surgery in sham group and CCD group and at 0.5 and 2 h after PBN injection, and the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activities, as well as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malonaldehyde (MDA) contents were determined in the contralateral DRGs. Results showed bilateral PWMT reduced significantly in sham group and CCD group, but it returned to nearly normal level in sham group. MDA content, H2O2 content and SOD activity increased significantly, while catalase activity remained unchanged in CCD rats. PBN at 100 mg/kg significantly attenuated bilateral mechanical hyperalgesia accompanied by the improvement of oxidative stress in the contralateral DRGs. Our results demonstrate that ROS produced in the contralateral DRG are involved in the pathogenesis of CCD induced MINP, and ROS scavenger may be a promising drug for the therapy of MINP.  相似文献   

目的建立稳定而可靠的大鼠肾移植慢性排斥反应模型。方法选用30只Wistar大鼠为供体,30只SD大鼠为受体。取供体左肾,采用HC-A离体肾保存液原位灌注,将供肾动、静脉分别与受体腹主动脉、下腔静脉行端侧吻合,以输尿管膀胱植入法行尿路重建,建立大鼠同种异体肾移植模型。分别于术后3、6、9周取移植肾观察大体和组织形态学变化,观察术后并发症及排斥反应情况。结果移植肾脏大体和组织形态学呈渐进性变化,至术后9周可出现明显的慢性排斥反应病理改变。移植肾脏可顺利存活,部分出现肾积水并发症,但不影响排斥反应病理变化。结论本方法可建立稳定、可靠的肾移植慢性排斥反应模型,是研究慢性排斥反应的理想模型。  相似文献   

目的建立兔慢性肾功能衰竭模型,为干细胞移植治疗和相关研究奠定基础。方法普通级大耳白兔随机分为正常对照组和单侧输尿管结扎(unilateral ureteral obstruction,UUO)组。UUO组于输尿管结扎后2、4、6、8周进行血生化肾功能指标检测,并取肾组织观察肾脏病理学改变,通过SPECT动态观察肾小球滤过率的变化,采用免疫组织化学方法观察肾组织转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)的表达情况。结果①UUO组术后第2周,出现明显的血肌酐升高,尿素氮术后第8周开始升高(P〈0.01)。②UUO组术后第4周,肾脏组织出现了早期间质纤维化的病理改变,术后第8周肾小球开始出现硬化,间质纤维化明显,皮质明显变薄。术后第12周,肾小球硬化比例增加,肾小管玻璃样变性,间质纤维化进一步加重(P〈0.05)。③SPECT动态观察肾小球滤过率,UUO组第4周GFR值比正常对照组降低,到第8周时,GFR值进一步下降,结扎侧肾脏功能降低甚至丧失。④免疫组织化学染色显示,TGF-β1在术后第4、8、12周均明显增强,并且各时间点表达均有显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论单侧输尿管结扎法成功制作比较稳定的慢性肾功能不全模型,UUO后第8周符合肾脏间质纤维化模型标准。  相似文献   

目的建立一种稳定的大鼠原位肾移植慢性排斥反应模型。方法供体为近交系F344大鼠,受体为Lewis大鼠,供肾采用左肾,在体修整,原位灌注。肾静脉用硬膜外导管做为临时内支架管端-端、六针法吻合,腹主动脉端-侧连续缝合,输尿管带膀胱瓣与膀胱吻合。受体术前3 d开始环孢素A灌胃至术后30 d(5 mg/kg·d),以预防急性排斥反应。结果手术时间120~180 min;手术成功率90.9%(40P44);受体均存活60 d。并发症有吻合口出血、静脉血栓形成、急性排斥反应等。结论供肾原位灌注,在体修整是简单可靠的方法。静脉內支架管端端吻合,腹主动脉端侧吻合能够达到稳定的成功率,值得推广。熟练的外科操作技能和血管吻合技术是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

Three media, phenylethyl alcohol blood agar, esculin-mannitol agar, and Columbia CN blood agar, were studied for the selective isolation of gram-positive bacteria from swab cultures of burn wounds.  相似文献   

细菌受到氧化胁迫时,在细胞内形成氧化伤害并作为一种生理信号激活特定的调控子,诱导某些具有抗氧化作用的蛋白质从而保护自身.其中最为重要的是两种氧化还原应答转录因子SoxR和OxyR调控子.前者是MerR家族成员,含有铁硫中心,在细胞内以二聚体的形式存在,在感受到氧化剂刺激后激活SoxS基因的表达,形成SoxRS调控子,从而激活一系列抗氧化基因的表达;后者是LysR蛋白家族成员,在细胞内以四聚体的形式存在,舍有一对半胱胺酸残基,能被H2O2氧化形成二硫键,激活下游基因的表达.  相似文献   

细菌3-羟基丁酮及氧化还原产物代谢的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3-羟基丁酮及氧化还原产物是重要的4碳平台化合物,以糖质原料为底物的生物法制备是当今研究与生产的主流。介绍了3-羟基丁酮及氧化还原产物2,3-丁二醇、丁二酮产生的主要细菌,这些细菌积累3-羟基丁酮及氧化还原产物的代谢途径,主要的代谢及调控方式,代谢关键酶:乙酰乳酸合成酶、α-乙酰乳酸脱羧酶、2,3-丁二醇脱氢酶的结构与功能等国内外研究进展;并对3-羟基丁酮及氧化还原产物细菌代谢、发酵制备的未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) activation (CRISPRa) in bacteria is an attractive method for programmable gene activation. Recently, a eukaryote-like, σ54-dependent CRISPRa system has been reported. It exhibits high dynamic ranges and permits flexible target site selection. Here, an overview of the existing strategies of CRISPRa in bacteria is presented, and the characteristics and design principles of the CRISPRa system are introduced. Possible scenarios for applying the eukaryote-like CRISPRa system is discussed with corresponding suggestions for performance optimization and future functional expansion. The authors envision the new eukaryote-like CRISPRa system enabling novel designs in multiplexed gene regulation and promoting research in the σ54-dependent gene regulatory networks among a variety of biotechnology relevant or disease-associated bacterial species.  相似文献   

Drinking water distribution networks are known to harbor microbial biofilms. The aim of the present work is to (i) identify the culturable bacteria presented in the drinking-water distribution network, (ii) investigate the ability of isolated bacteria to form biofilm under some environmental stress conditions and some eliminating or removing treatments. To achieve it, 57 strains were isolated from biofilm (43 isolates) and water samples (14 isolates) collected from five stations in drinking-water distribution network in Taif city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene in the 57 isolates ensured the presence of only 22 different strains in biofilm samples. Among these strains, only 14 strains were also detected in water samples. Gram-negative Aeromonas hydrophila was the most occurred bacterium in the microbial biofilm obtained from the purified-water storage tanks followed by Gram-negative Pseudomonas sp. Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis was the most occurred bacterium in the microbial biofilm collected from the ends of the distribution pipes. Among the 22 isolated strains, 13 strains were strong biofilm producers at 30 and 37°C. The effects of environmental stresses including nutrient starvation (diluted TSB, 20:1), heating (100°C for 10 min), UV-treatment (240 nm for 10 min) and dynamic incubation (150 rpm min?1) on the formation of biofilm were also investigated. These conditions affected the biofilm formation ability of the isolated strains at different levels. Nutrient starvation enhanced biofilm formation by most of the isolates. Among some biofilm deforming treatments, SDS and trypsin had considerable effects on preventing biofilm formation by most of the isolated strains. In conclusion, the results of the present work indicated that not all biofilm strains released from biofilm to the drinking water. Also, not all biofilm strains were able to form biofilm. Most of isolated bacteria had ability to form biofilm at suboptimum temperature of growth. These results may provide basic information on formation of microbial biofilms and overcome the problem of deteriorating of water quality in the drinking-water distribution networks.  相似文献   

Boulion  V. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(3):358-366
Biology Bulletin - The ecological role of the extracellular production of phytoplankton is discussed. The experiments based on a radiocarbon method combined with differential filtration of water...  相似文献   

DNA复制和转录有两种模型,一种是传统的滑动模型,复制和转录发生时参与反应的蛋白质沿DNA模板滑动.在另一种新提出的工厂模型中,固定在核结构上的蛋白质拉动模板来完成DNA的复制和转录.来自生物化学、生物物理学和细胞生物学等的实验证据表明,新的工厂模型是生物活体细胞内真实的复制和转录模式.  相似文献   

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