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乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitisBvirus,HBV)基因组复制时,以病毒前基因组RNA作为模板合成子代病毒DNA,催化该过程的逆转录酶缺乏校对功能,所以HBV易出现变异。近年来,各国学者通过比较肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)患者和非HCC患者的HBV基因序列,发现HBV基本核心启动子区的A1762T/G1764A变异或T1753V变异、增强子Ⅰ区的G1053A或G1229A变异、前S蛋白的F141L变异、前s2区基因缺失变异和x基因的截短变异,分别是HCC的易患因素,而前c区常见的G1896A变异,与HCC的发生无关。增强子Ⅱ区的C1653T变异在c基因HBV感染中可能与发生HCC有关,而在A基因型可能无关。  相似文献   



Hepatocellular Carcinoma is the commonest form of cancer in The Gambia, and although Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are known risk factors, accurate baseline data on Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C distribution in the region are limited. Similarly data including information on the involvement of the viruses in HCC remains unknown. The current study was undertaken to estimate the risk of HCC in relation to HCV and HBV in The Gambia.


Thirteen patients with histological proven history of HCC and 39 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Each subject blood was screened individually for anti-HCV using ORTHO HCV 3.0 ELISA test system (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc, U.S.A) and for HBsAg using QUADRATECH CHECK 4-HBs one step generation hepatitis B surface antigen test kit (VEDALAB, France) following the manufacturers instructions.


HBsAg and anti-HCV was detected in 38.5 %(5/13) and 7.7% (1/39) of the persons with a history of HCC respectively. HBsAg but not anti-HCV was detected in 12.8% (5/39 of the case control subjects. HBsAg and HCV rates among the HCC patients were higher in men than women. Rates were highest in patients 48 years and above (37.5%; 3/8). No patient was found with anti-HCV and anti-HBV.


These results indicate that the involvement of HBV and HCV in HCC in the country is in a ratio of 5:1 and that these two viruses might be independently involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. The study revealed a statistically significant association (p = 0.04) between HBsAg and HCC patients.The results also indicate that up to 50% of HCC cases in the country may be due to non viral factors and calls for further studies in this regard. These findings call for provision of diagnostic facilities for these viruses in hospitals and for their routine screening in blood banks while intervention programmes should be put in place.


Background and Objectives

Cigarette smoking is a potential risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) initiation, partially through interaction with hepatitis B virus (HBV). We examined the hypothesis that cigarette smoking might be associated with HBV-related HCC recurrence and patient survival after curative surgery.

Patients and Methods

Data of 302 patients with HBV infection who had undergone curative resection for HCC were prospectively collected from 2008 to 2011. Smoking status and smoking quantity (pack-years, PY) were asked at admission. Factors affecting recurrence-free survival (RFS) were examined. RFS and liver-specific mortality (LSM) stratified by risk factors were compared with log-rank test.


109 were current smokers. Current smokers were not different from non-smokers in tumor burden and surgical procedure. Univariate and multivariate analysis identified that heavy smoking (PY ≥20) was the most significant factor associated with HBV-related HCC recurrence after curative surgical resection (p = 0.001), followed by anti-HBV treatment (p<0.01), current smoking (p = 0.028), surgical margin <1 cm (p = 0.048) and blood transfusion >600 ml (p = 0.028). The median RFS in non-smokers, ex-smokers and current smokers was 34 months, 24 months and 26 months, respectively (p = 0.033). Current smokers had significantly worse RFS rate and increased 5-year cumulative LSM than non-smokers (p = 0.024, and p<0.001, respectively). Heavy smokers had significantly worse RFS than non- and light smokers (0<PY<20) (p<0.001, respectively) and higher cumulative LSM than non-smokers and light smokers (p = 0.003 and 0.001, respectively). Furthermore, in current smokers, continuing smoking postoperatively was strongly associated with poorer RFS and higher LSM than those who quit smoking postoperatively (p = 0.016 and p = 0.003, respectively).


Smoking history and quantity appears to be risk factors for HBV-related HCC recurrence and LSM of patients after surgery. For smokers, continued smoking postoperatively might accelerate tumor recurrence and patient death. Therefore, smoking abstinence should be strongly recommended to patients pre- and postoperatively.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) world-wide. Most HCV patients have relatively stable disease, but approximately 25% have progressive disease that often terminates in liver failure or HCC. HCV is highly variable genetically, with seven genotypes and multiple subtypes per genotype. This variation affects HCV’s sensitivity to antiviral therapy and has been implicated to contribute to differences in disease. We sequenced the complete viral coding capacity for 107 HCV genotype 1 isolates to determine whether genetic variation between independent HCV isolates is associated with the rate of disease progression or development of HCC. Consensus sequences were determined by sequencing RT-PCR products from serum or plasma. Positions of amino acid conservation, amino acid diversity patterns, selection pressures, and genome-wide patterns of amino acid covariance were assessed in context of the clinical phenotypes. A few positions were found where the amino acid distributions or degree of positive selection differed between in the HCC and cirrhotic sequences. All other assessments of viral genetic variation and HCC failed to yield significant associations. Sequences from patients with slow disease progression were under a greater degree of positive selection than sequences from rapid progressors, but all other analyses comparing HCV from rapid and slow disease progressors were statistically insignificant. The failure to observe distinct sequence differences associated with disease progression or HCC employing methods that previously revealed strong associations with the outcome of interferon α-based therapy implies that variable ability of HCV to modulate interferon responses is not a dominant cause for differential pathology among HCV patients. This lack of significant associations also implies that host and/or environmental factors are the major causes of differential disease presentation in HCV patients.  相似文献   



The impact of co-infection of several hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes on the clinical outcome remains controversial. This study has for the first time investigated the distribution of HBV genotypes in the serum and in the intrahepatic tissue of liver cirrhotic (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients from India. In addition, the genotype-genotype interplay and plausible mechanism of development of HCC has also been explored.


The assessment of HBV genotypes was performed by nested PCR using either surface or HBx specific primers from both the circulating virus in the serum and replicative virus that includes covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) and relaxed circular DNA (rcDNA) of HBV from the intrahepatic tissue. The integrated virus within the host chromosome was genotyped by Alu-PCR method. Each PCR products were cloned and sequences of five randomly selected clones were subsequently analysed.


HBV/genotype D was detected in the serum of all LC and HCC patients whereas the sequences of the replicative HBV DNA (cccDNA and rcDNA) from the intrahepatic tissue of the same patients revealed the presence of both HBV/genotype C and D. The sequences of the integrated viruses exhibited the solo presence of HBV/genotype C in the majority of LC and HCC tissues while both HBV/genotype C and D clones were found in few patients in which HBV/genotype C was predominated. Moreover, compared to HBV/genotype D, genotype C had higher propensity to generate double strand breaks, ER stress and reactive oxygen species and it had also showed higher cellular homologous-recombination efficiency that engendered more chromosomal rearrangements, which ultimately led to development of HCC.


Our study highlights the necessity of routine analysis of HBV genotype from the liver tissue of each chronic HBV infected patient in clinical practice to understand the disease prognosis and also to select therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   



A precise predictive survival model of liver transplantation (LT) with antiviral prophylaxis for hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cirrhosis has not been established. The aim of our study was to identify predictors of outcome after LT in these patients based on tumor staging systems, antitumor therapy pre-LT, and antiviral prophylaxis in patients considered to be unfit by Milan or UCSF criteria.


From 2002 to 2008, 917 LTs with antiviral prophylaxis were performed on patients with HBV-cirrhosis, and 313 had concurrent HCC.


Stratified univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated that independent predictors for poor survival were tumor size >7.5 cm (P = 0.001), tumor number >1 (P = 0.005), vascular invasion (P = 0.001), pre-LT serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level ≥1000 ng/ml (P = 0.009), and pre-LT aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level ≥120 IU/L (P = 0.044). Pre-LT therapy for HCC was an independent predictor of better survival (P = 0.028). Based on CLIP and TNM tumor staging systems, HCC patients with HBV-cirrhosis who met the following criteria: solitary tumor ≤7.5 cm, or ≤4 multifocal nodules, the largest lesion ≤5 cm and total tumor diameter ≤10 cm, or more nodules with the largest lesion ≤3 cm, and pre-LT serum AFP level <1000 µg/L and AST level <120 IU/L without vascular invasion and lymph node metastasis who were unfit for UCSF, had survival rates of 89% at 5 years. There was a 47% 5-year survival rate for patients with HCC exceeding the revised criteria.


The current criteria for LT based on tumor size, number and levels of AFP and AST may be modestly expanded while still preserving excellent survival after LT. The expanded criteria combined with antiviral prophylaxis and pre-LT adjuvant therapy for HCC may be a rational strategy to prolong survival after LT for HCC patients with HBV-associated cirrhosis.  相似文献   

乙肝病毒与原发性肝癌的相关风险研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染与原发性肝癌的关系,本文采用回顾性研究方法对328例原发性肝癌病人与同期收治的340例非肝癌的其他消化道肿瘤病人的乙型肝炎病毒感染血清标志物(HBV M)及肝功能检测结果进行对比分析.结果显示肝癌组乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性率(63.11%)显著高于非肝癌组(消化道其他肿瘤对照组)(11.47%).肝癌组慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染"HBsAg、抗-HBe和抗-HBc三者均表达为阳性者"(37.2%)显著高于"HBsAg、HBeAg和抗-HBc三者均表达为阳性者"(6.4%).肝功能检测结果,"HBsAg、HBeAg和抗-HBc三者均表达为阳性组"与"HBsAg、HBeAg和抗-HBc三者均表达为阳性组"比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),而肝癌组与非肝癌组比较,肝癌组肝损害显著高于非肝癌组(P<0.01).表明慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染在原发性肝癌病因学中起着十分重要的作用,"HBsAg、抗-HBe和抗-HBc三者均表达为阳性者"是原发性肝癌的高危人群.  相似文献   

为了解慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染与原发性肝癌的关系,本文采用回顾性研究方法对 328 例原发性肝癌病人与同期收治的 340 例非肝癌的其他消化道肿瘤病人的乙型肝炎病毒感染血清标志物(HBV M)及肝功能检测结果进行对比分析。结果显示肝癌组乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性率(63.11%)显著高于非肝癌组(消化道其他肿瘤对照组)(11.47%)。肝癌组慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染“HBsAg、抗-HBe 和抗-HBc 三者均表达为阳性者”(37.2%)显著高于“HBsAg、HBeAg 和抗-HBc 三者均表达为阳性者”(6.4%)。肝功能检测结果,“HBsAg、HBeAg 和抗-HBc三者均表达为阳性组”与“HBsAg、HBeAg 和抗-HBc 三者均表达为阳性组”比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),而肝癌组与非肝癌组比较,肝癌组肝损害显著高于非肝癌组(P<0.01)。表明慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染在原发性肝癌病因学中起着十分重要的作用,“HBsAg、抗-HBe 和抗-HBc 三者均表达为阳性者”是原发性肝癌的高危人群。  相似文献   


Background & Aims

Despite increasing attention to hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation in hematologic settings, information on reactivation in hepatitis B surface (HBsAg)-negative patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains unknown. This study aimed to determine the incidence and risk factors of HBV reactivation in HBsAg-negative patients undergoing transarterial chemoembolization (TACE).


A total of 109 HBsAg-negative patients with HCC were consecutively recruited for this study and treated with either mono- (n = 75), combination-drug TACE (n = 20), or combination-drug TACE plus radiotherapy (n = 14). With serial monitoring of virological markers every 2–3 months, patients were observed for HBV reactivation (defined as the reappearance of HBV DNA or sero-reversion of HBsAg) in comparison with control subjects with HBsAg-negative cirrhosis (n = 16) or HBsAg loss (n = 46).


During the study period, HBV reactivation occurred in 12 (11.0%) and 1 (1.6%) patients in the TACE and control groups, respectively. The median level of HBV DNA at reactivation was 5,174 copies/ml (range: 216–116,058). Of the 12 patients with HBV reactivation, four (33.3%) developed clinical hepatitis, including one patient who suffered from decompensation. All antiviral-treated patients achieved undetectable HBV DNA or HBsAg loss after commencement of antiviral drugs. TACE was significantly correlated with a high incidence of HBV reactivation, with increasing risk of reactivation with intensive treatment. On multivariate analysis, treatment intensity and a prior history of chronic hepatitis B remained independently predictive of reactivation.


TACE can reactivate HBV replication in HBsAg-negative patients, with a dose-risk relationship between treatment intensity and reactivation. Patients with prior chronic HBV infection who are to undergo intensive TACE should be closely monitored, with an alternative approach of antiviral prophylaxis against HBV reactivation.  相似文献   



The hepatitis B virus (HBV)-polymerase region overlaps pre-S/S genes with high epitope density and plays an essential role in viral replication. We investigated whether genetic variation in the polymerase region determined long-term dynamics of viral load and the risk of hepatitis B progression in a population-based cohort study.


We sequenced the HBV-polymerase region using baseline plasma from treatment-naïve individuals with HBV-DNA levels≥1000 copies/mL in a longitudinal viral-load study of participants with chronic HBV infection followed-up for 17 years, and obtained sequences from 575 participants (80% with HBV genotype Ba and 17% with Ce).


Patterns of viral sequence diversity across phases (i.e., immune-tolerant, immune-clearance, non/low replicative, and hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-negative hepatitis phases) of HBV-infection, which were associated with viral and clinical features at baseline and during follow-up, were similar between HBV genotypes, despite greater diversity for genotype Ce vs. Ba. Irrespective of genotypes, however, HBeAg-negative participants had 1.5-to-2-fold higher levels of sequence diversity than HBeAg-positive participants (P<0.0001). Furthermore, levels of viral genetic divergence from the population consensus sequence, estimated by numbers of nucleotide substitutions, were inversely associated with long-term viral load even in HBeAg-negative participants. A mixed model developed through analysis of the entire HBV-polymerase region identified 153 viral load-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in overall and 136 in HBeAg-negative participants, with distinct profiles between HBV genotypes. These polymorphisms were most evident at sites within or flanking T-cell epitopes. Seven polymorphisms revealed associations with both enhanced viral load and a more than 4-fold increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and/or liver cirrhosis.


The data highlight a role of viral genetic divergence in the natural course of HBV-infection. Interindividual differences in the long-term dynamics of viral load is not only associated with accumulation of mutations in HBV-polymerase region, but differences in specific viral polymorphisms which differ between genotypes.  相似文献   



Hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HBV-HCC) and hepatitis C virus (HCV)-HCC are the main indications for liver transplantation. We compared differences in survival outcomes between these two conditions.

Methods and Findings

The China Liver Transplant Registry (CLTR) contains data collated from all transplants performed in 86 liver transplantation centers across China. We analyzed CLTR data from January 1999 to December 2010. In all, 7,658 patients (7,162 with HBV-HCC and 496 with HCV-HCC) were included in this study. Clinical characteristics were compared between the HBV-HCC and HCV-HCC groups; Kaplan–Meier analysis was used to calculate the overall, tumor-free and hepatitis-free survival rates. The 1-year, 3-year and 5-year overall survival was significantly higher in HBV-HCC recipients than in HCV-HCC recipients (76.65%, 56.61% and 49.10% vs. 64.59%, 42.78% and 39.20%, respectively; P<0.001). The corresponding tumor-free survival rates (63.55%, 47.37%, 40.99% vs. 56.84%, 38.04%, 35.66%, respectively) and hepatitis-free survival rates (75.49%, 54.84%, 47.34% vs. 63.87%, 42.15%, 39.33%, respectively) were both superior in HBV-HCC recipients (both P<0.001). Multivariate analyses identified hepatitis, preoperative alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level, size of largest tumor, number of tumor nodules, TNM stage, vascular invasion and preoperative model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score as independent predictors of overall, tumor-free and hepatitis-free survival.


Survival outcomes after liver transplantation were significantly better in HBV-HCC patients than in HCV-HCC patients. This finding may be used to guide donor liver allocation in transplantation programs.  相似文献   

Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several common susceptibility loci associated with the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or chronic hepatitis B infection (CHB). However, the relationship between these genetic variants and survival of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related HCC is still unknown. In this study, 22 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped among 330 HBV-related HCC patients using the MassARRAY system from Sequenom. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to examine the effects of genotype on survival time under an additive model with age, sex, smoking status and clinical stage as covariates. We identified four SNPs on 6p21 (rs1419881 T>C, rs7453920 G>A,rs3997872 G>A and rs7768538 T>C), and two SNPs on 8p12 (rs2275959 C>T and rs7821974 C>T) significantly associated with survival time of HBV-related HCC patients. Our results suggest that HCC or CHB susceptibility loci might also affect the prognosis of patients with HBV-related HCC.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒复制水平对原发性肝癌发病的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)复制水平对原发性肝细胞肝癌(HCC)发病的影响.方法:调查226例HCC患者和51例乙型肝炎后肝硬化(LC)患者,分别应用ELISA法和聚合酶链式反应(PCR)检测血清乙型肝炎病毒标志物(HBV-M)和DNA含量.结果:HCC患者中HBsAg阳性率为96.9%;168例HCC患者和51乙型肝炎后LC患者接受HBV DNA定量检测.阳性率分别为85.1%、88.2%,两组患者lg HBV DNA均服从正态分布,HBV DNA的均数为105.49±1.49拷贝/ml、106.15±1.38拷贝/ml,乙型肝炎后LC组患者血清HBV DNA含量较高(P<0.05);乙型肝炎后LC患者中HBeAg阳性率较HCC组高(P<0.05);HCC患者血清HBVDNA含量与HBeAg阳性没有明显的相关性(P>0.05),乙型肝炎后LC患者血清HBV DNA含量与HBeAg阳性密切相关(P<0.05);两组患者血清HBV DNA含量与性别、年龄、感染HBV的时间等因素均无明显的相关性(均为P>0.05).结论:我国HCC的发病与HBV感染密切相关,但可能与患者是否存在HBV高水平复制无关.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Deletions/mutations in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) pre-S region have been associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We aimed to study the evolutionary changes of pre-S mutations prior to HCC development.


We studied the HBV pre-S sequences at 1 to 10 years preceding diagnosis of HCC in 74 patients with HBV-related HCC (HCC group). 148 chronic hepatitis B patients matched for sex and age in 2:1 ratio, who had been followed up for at least 3 years without HCC (HCC-free group) were recruited as controls. 56 and 47 patients of HCC and HCC-free groups respectively had serially stored sera for longitudinally examination at 1–3 years, 4–6 years, 7–9 years and ≥10 years prior to the recruitment of the study.


Compared to the HCC-free group, higher frequencies of pre-S deletions and point mutations (at 11 codons) were observed in the HCC group (p<0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that pre-S deletions, point mutations at codon 51 and 167 were independent factors associated with HCC. Longitudinal observation showed that pre-S deletions and most of the 11 HCC-associated pre-S point mutations existed at least 10 years before HCC development, and were more prevalent preceding HCC development in patients from HCC groups than HCC-free group. The number of HCC-associated pre-S point mutations increased over time preceding HCC development, and correlated positively with the time to HCC diagnosis (r = 0.220, p = 0.005).


High prevalence and cumulative evolution of pre-S mutations preceding HCC development suggested a possible carcinogenic role of pre-S mutations and their potential application in HCC risk prediction.  相似文献   

The major cause of liver cancer around the globe is hepatitis B virus (HBV), which also contributes to a large number of deaths due to liver failure alone. Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is as potentially alarming as HBV since life threatening cases are 10 times more likely with HBV-HDV dual infection compared to HBV monoinfection. So far, there is no established effective treatment against HDV and the only preventive action suggested by the World Health Organization is to introduce HBV vaccination for children immediately after birth (newborns) and thus reduce the available pool for HDV infection. Here the main objective is to understand the complex dynamics of HBV-HDV infection in a human population that can inform public health policy makers on the level of different preventive measures required to eliminate HBV and HDV infections. Model simulations suggest that HBV vertical transmission and HBV vaccination rates for newborns are instrumental in determining HBV and HDV prevalence. A decrease in HBV prevalence is observed as vaccination coverage increases and it is possible to eradicate both HBV and HDV using high vaccination coverage of ≥80% in the long term. We further found that HDV presence results in lower HBV prevalence. An application of our model to China revealed that vaccinating every newborn in China will further prevent 1.69 million new infections by 2028 as compared to the current 90% vaccination coverage. Although, higher vaccination coverage of newborns should eliminate both HBV and HDV over a long time period, any short term strategy to eradicate HDV must include additional preventive measures such as HBV adult vaccination. Implementation of HBV adult vaccination programs at a rate of 10% per year over 15 years will further prevent 39 thousand new HDV infections in China by 2028 as compared to HBV vaccination programs solely for newborns.  相似文献   



Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major global health problem. A few risk calculators have been developed using mainly HBV seromarkers as predictors. However, serum HBV DNA level, HBV genotype, and mutants are not routinely checked in regular health examinations. This study aimed to assess the predictability of HCC risk in chronic hepatitis B patients, using a combination of liver-related seromarkers combined with or without HBV seromarkers.


A prospective cohort of 1,822 anti-HCV-seronegative chronic HBV carriers was included in this study. Liver-related seromarkers including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), total bilirubin, total protein, albumin, serum globulins, apolipoprotein A1, and apolipoprotein B were examined. Hazard ratios of HCC with 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression models. Regression coefficients of seromarkers significantly associated with HCC risk in multivariate analyses were used to create integer risk scores. The predictability of various risk models were assessed by area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCs).


During a median follow-up of 5.9 years, 48 newly-developed HCC cases were ascertained. Elevated serum levels of ALT (≥28 U/L), AFP (≥5 ng/mL), and GGT (≥41 U/L), an increased AST/ALT ratio (AAR, ≥1), and lowered serum levels of albumin (≤4.1 g/dL) and alpha-1 globulin (≤0.2 g/dL) were significantly associated with an increased HCC risk (P<0.05) in multivariate analysis. The risk model incorporating age, gender, AAR, and serum levels of ALT, AFP, GGT, albumin, and alpha-1 globulin had an AUROC of 0.89 for predicting 6-year HCC incidence. The AUROC was 0.91 after the addition of HBV seromarkers into the model, and 0.83 for the model without liver-related seromarkers, with the exception of ALT.


Liver-related seromarkers may be combined into useful risk models for predicting HBV-related HCC risk.  相似文献   

Liver cancer in men is the second leading cause of cancer death and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for 70%-85% of the total liver cancer worldwide. Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the major cause of HCC. Chronic, intermittently active inflammation provides “fertile field” for “mutation, selection, and adaptation” of HBV and the infected hepatocytes, a long-term evolutionary process during HBV-induced carcinogenesis. HBV mutations, which are positively selected by insufficient immunity, can promote and predict the occurrence of HCC. Recently, advanced sequencing technologies including whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing, and RNA sequencing provide opportunities to better under-stand the insight of how somatic mutations, structure variations, HBV integrations, and epigenetic modifications contribute to HCC development. Genomic variations of HCC caused by various etiological factors may be different, but the common driver mutations are important to elucidate the HCC evolutionary process. Genome-wide analyses of HBV integrations are helpful in clarifying the targeted genes of HBV in carcinogenesis and disease progression. RNA sequencing can identify key molecules whose expressions are epigenetically modified during HCC evolution. In this review, we summarized the current findings of next generation sequencings for HBV-HCC and proposed a theory framework of Cancer Evolution and Development based on the current knowledge of HBV-induced HCC to characterize and interpret evolutionary mechanisms of HCC and possible other cancers. Understanding the key viral and genomic variations involved in HCC evolution is essential for generating effective diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers as well as therapeutic targets for the interventions of HBV-HCC.  相似文献   

Age at infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a known risk factor for chronic HBV infection. However, in addition, there is some evidence that early age at infection further increases the risk of primary liver cancer beyond its association with increased risk of chronic infection. This systematic review of observational studies assesses the association between age at initiation of chronic HBV infection and liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and their predictors including indicators of ongoing viral replication and hepatic damage. The review includes birth order and maternal HBV serology as proxies for age at infection. Electronic searches in two English-language (Medline and Embase, until Jan 2012) and two Chinese-language (CNKI and SinoMed, until Sep 2012) databases without language restriction and manual search through reference lists identified 7,077 papers, of which 19 studies of 21 outcomes (8 primary liver cancer, 1 liver cirrhosis, 10 viral replication and 2 liver inflammation) are included. One study directly examined the age at infection in a longitudinal cohort, 12 assessed maternal sero-status and 6 investigated birth order. The direction of associations in all studies was in accordance with our hypothesis that earlier age at infection is associated with worse outcomes in addition to its effect of increasing the probability of chronic HBV infection. This has implications for the control of hepatitis B.  相似文献   

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