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The freshwater African catfish family Amphiliidae had been reviewed based on the 73 osteological characters with Diplomystidae, 2 Hypsidoridae, Amblycipitidae, Sisoridae, and Bagridae as out-groups. Because the family position of Leptoglanis (Bagridae/Amphiliidae) is under debate, this genus has been taken as an out-group too. Results of the study indicate that: 1) the Amphiliidae is not a monophyletic group and must now be restricted to the genera Amphilius and Paramphilius; the two subfamilies Amphiliinae and Doumeinae are separated by the sisorids Euchiloglanis (with most of the glyptosternid fishes) and Glyptothorax (with most of the non-glyptosternid fishes); 2) no synapomorphies were found for the subfamily Amphiliinae. 3) The five genera of subfamily Doumeinae constitute a monophyletic group, Andersonia being the sister-group of the four other genera; subfamily Doumeinae + Leptoglanis form the family Doumeidae. The glyptosternids no longer belong to the Sisoridae (family restricted to the non-glyptosternids) and represent the new family Glyptosternidae.  相似文献   

The members of the cyprinid subfamily Gobioninae, commonly called gudgeons, form one of the most well-established assemblages in the family Cyprinidae. The subfamily is a species-rich group of fishes, these fishes display diverse life histories, appearances, and behavior. The phylogenetic relationships of Gobioninae are examined using sequence data from four loci: cytochrome b, cytochrome c oxidase I, opsin, and recombination activating gene 1. This investigation produced a data matrix of 4114 bp for 162 taxa that was analyzed using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. The phylogenies our analyses recovered corroborate recent studies on the group. The subfamily Gobioninae is monophyletic and composed of three major lineages. We find evidence for a Hemibarbus-Squalidus group, and the tribes Gobionini and Sarcocheilichthyini, with the Hemibarbus-Squalidus group sister to a clade of Gobionini-Sarcocheilichthyini. The Hemibarbus-Squalidus group includes those two genera; the tribe Sarcocheilichthyini includes Coreius, Coreoleuciscus, Gnathopogon, Gobiocypris, Ladislavia, Paracanthobrama, Pseudorasbora, Pseudopungtungia, Pungtungia, Rhinogobio, and Sarcocheilichthys; the tribe Gobionini includes Abbottina, Biwia, Gobio, Gobiobotia, Huigobio, Microphysogobio, Platysmacheilus, Pseudogobio, Romanogobio, Saurogobio, and Xenophysogobio. The monotypic Acanthogobio is placed into the synonymy of Gobio. We tentatively assign Belligobio to the Hemibarbus-Squalidus group and Mesogobio to Gobionini; Paraleucogobio and Parasqualidus remain incertae sedis. Based on the topologies presented, the evolution of swim bladder specializations, a distinctive feature among cyprinids, has occurred more than once within the subfamily.  相似文献   

We provide a review of the systematics of Herichthys by evaluating the usefulness of several mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers together with morphological data. The nDNA next‐generation sequencing ddRAD analysis together with the mtDNA cytochrome b gene provided well‐resolved and well‐supported phylogenies of Herichthys. On the other hand, the nDNA S7 introns have limited resolution and support and the COI barcoding analysis completely failed to recover all but one species of Herichthys as monophyletic. The COI barcoding as currently implemented is thus insufficient to distinguish clearly distinct species in the genus Herichthys that are supported by other molecular markers and by morphological characters. Based on our results, Herichthys is composed of 11 species and includes two main clades (the H. labridens and H. cyanoguttatus species groups). Herichthys bartoni is in many respects the most plesiomorphic species in the genus and has a conflicting phylogenetic position between mtDNA and nDNA markers, where the robust nDNA ddRAD data place it as a rather distant basal member of the H. labridens species group. The mtDNA of H. bartoni is on the other hand only slightly divergent from the sympatric and syntopic H. labridens, and the species thus probably have hybridized in the relatively recent past. The sympatric and syntopic Herichthys steindachneri and H. pame are supported as sister species. The Herichthys cyanoguttatus species group shows two well‐separated basal species (the northernmost H. minckleyi and the southernmost H. deppii) followed by the closely related and centrally distributed species H. cyanoguttatus, H. tepehua, H. carpintis, and H. tamasopoensis whose relationships differ between analyses and show likely hybridizations between themselves and the two basal species as suggested by conflicts between DNA analyses. Several instances of introgressions/hybridizations have also been found between the two main clades of Herichthys.  相似文献   

Liparidae (snailfishes) is one of the most diverse and abundant fish families in polar and deep-sea habitats. However, the evolution of this family is poorly known because of the rarity of many species and difficulties in scoring morphological characters. We perform phylogenetic analyses of Liparidae using sequences from two mtDNA genes, 16S (585 bp) and cytochrome b (426 bp), and 84 morphological characters from 24 species of Liparidae and 4 species of Cyclopteridae (outgroup). The present study confirms earlier hypotheses that the shallow-water genera, such as Liparis and Crystallichthys, occupy basal positions and that deep-water genera, such as Careproctus, Elassodiscus, Rhinoliparis, Paraliparis, Rhodichthys and Psednos, are increasingly derived. The later two genera form a terminal clade which does not include Paraliparis. The topology shows that the family has undergone a reductive type of evolution, with a gradual loss of characters (e.g. sucking disc/pelvic fins, pseudobranchial filaments, skin spinules). Nectoliparis, which had previously been placed either as the basal most genus or among the most derived genera, are found to occupy the most basal position among the taxa analyzed. This result indicates that the sucking disc has been lost at least twice during the evolution of the Liparidae. The basal position of Nectoliparis is supported by its plesiomorphic otolith morphology, whereas an advanced overgrown otolith ostium, unique among teleosts, is found to be apomorphic for a clade containing the derived genera: Paraliparis, Psednos, Rhinoliparis and Rhodichthys. We also identify the presence of probable nuclear inserts of mitochondrial DNA (Numts) in three species of Careproctus and in Elassodiscus caudatus.  相似文献   

Family level molecular phylogenetic analyses of cichlid fishes have generally suffered from a limited number of characters and/or poor taxonomic sampling across one or more major geographic assemblage, and therefore have not provided a robust test of early intrafamilial diversification. Herein we use both nuclear and mitochondrial nucleotide characters and direct optimization to reconstruct a phylogeny for cichlid fishes. Representatives of major cichlid lineages across all geographic assemblages are included, as well as nearly twice the number of characters as any prior family‐level study. In a strict consensus of 81 equally most‐parsimonious hypotheses, based on the simultaneous analysis of 2222 aligned nucleotide characters from two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes, four major subfamilial lineages are recovered with strong support. Etroplinae, endemic to Madagascar (Paretroplus) and southern Asia (Etroplus), is recovered as the sister taxon to the remainder of Cichlidae. Although the South Asian cichlids are monophyletic, the Malagasy plus South Asian lineages are not. The remaining Malagasy lineage, Ptychochrominae, is monophyletic and is recovered as the sister group to a clade comprising the African and Neotropical cichlids. The African (Pseudocrenilabrinae) and Neotropical (Cichlinae) lineages are each monophyletic in this reconstruction. The use of multiple molecular markers, from both mitochondrial and nuclear genes, results in a phylogeny that in general exhibits strong support, notably for early diversification events within Cichlidae. Results further indicate that Labroidei is not monophyletic, and that the sister group to Cichlidae may comprise a large and diverse assemblage of percomorph lineages. This hypothesis may at least partly explain why morphological studies that have attempted to place Cichlidae within Percomorpha, or that have tested cichlid monophyly using only “labroid” lineages, have met with only limited success. © The Willi Hennig Society 2004.  相似文献   

The serranid fish genus Liopropoma is represented in the Red Sea by two previously unrecorded species, the wide-ranging L. susumi (Jordan & Seale) and L. mitratum sp. nov. Liopropoma mitratum is known only from the Red Sea, and is overall reddish-pink in life with mustard yellow stripes on the head.  相似文献   

Analysis of genotypes of 76 polymorphic loci in more than 2600 backcross hybrid individuals derived from intra- and interspecific genetic crosses of fishes of the genus Xiphophorus (Poeciliidae) resulted in the identification of 17 multipoint linkage groups containing 55 protein-coding loci and one sex chromosome-linked pigment pattern gene. Multipoint linkage analyses identified highly probable gene orders for 10 linkage groups. The total genome length was estimated to be approximately 18 Morgans. Comparisons of the Xiphophorus linkage map with those of other fishes, amphibians and mammals suggested that fish gene maps are remarkably similar and probably retain many syntenic groups present in the ancestor of all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the flyingfish family Exocoetidae (Teleostei, Beloniformes)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phylogeny of the flyingfish family Exocoetidae is studied cladistically, using 41 morphological characters encompassing early life history, and external and internal features. The monophyly of the family is supported by 10 synapomorphies. Within the family,Oxyporhamphus is the sister group to all other genera, the monophyly of the latter being defined by 10 synapomorphies.Fodiator is the sister group of genera characterized by the presence of chin barbels in juveniles.Parexocoetus is the sister group ofExocoetus, Cypselurus, Prognichthys andHirundichthys, the latter being defined by four synapomorphies. In the latter group,Exocoetus is the sister group of the other three genera. The phylogeny of the Exocoetidae is characterized by the stepwise upgrading of gliding capability, with sequential modifications of the caudal, pectoral and pelvic fins. The subfamily Oxyporhamphinae is resurrected.  相似文献   

Species of the goby genus Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874, are common inhabitants of shallow tropical seas worldwide. In this study, mitochondrial DNA sequence (ND2 gene), from 349 Gnatholepis individuals sampled from across the South and Central Pacific and Caribbean, is used to infer phylogeny and determine species boundaries. Seven species of Gnatholepis are recognized: the Indo-Pacific G. anjerensis (Bleeker, 1851) [ G. cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853) is a synonym]; G. scapulostigma Herre, 1953; G. davaoensis Seale, 1910; G. knighti Jordan & Evermann, 1903; G. gymnocara Randall & Greenfield, 2001; G.  sp. Randall & Greenfield, 2001; and the Atlantic/Caribbean G. thompsoni Jordan, 1904. Results from the molecular phylogeny are compared with a previous morphology-based revision of the genus in order to establish which morphological characters diagnose species in correspondence with the molecular phylogeny.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 142 , 573–582.  相似文献   

Fierce predatory freshwater fishes, the species of Percocypris (Cyprinidae, Teleostei) inhabit large rivers or lakes, and have a specific distribution pattern. Only a single species or subspecies occurs in each large-scale drainage basin of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. In this study, the molecular phylogenetic relationships for all but one of the described subspecies/species of Percocypris were investigated based on three mitochondrial genes (16S; COI; Cyt b) and one nuclear marker (Rag2). The results of Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyses show that Percocypris is a strongly supported monophyletic group and that it is the sister group of Schizothorax. Combined with analyses of morphological characters, our results suggest that Percocypris needs to be reclassified, and we propose that six species be recognized, with corresponding distributions in five main drainages (including one lake). In addition, based on the results of the estimation of divergence times and ancestral drainages, we hypothesize that Percocypris likely originated in the early Miocene from a paleo-connected drainage system containing the contemporary main drainages of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. This study suggests that vicariance (due to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau modifying the large-scale morphologies of drainage basins in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau) has played an important role in the speciation of the genus. Furthermore, external morphological characters (such as the length of the fins) and an internal trait (the position of pterygiophore) appear to be correlated with different habitats in rivers and the lake.  相似文献   

The cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) are a diverse clade of small, mostly reef-dwelling fishes, for which a variety of morphological data have not yielded a consistent phylogeny. We use DNA sequence to hypothesize phylogenetic relationships within Apogonidae and among apogonids and other acanthomorph families, to examine patterns of evolution including the distribution of a visceral bioluminescence system. In conformance with previous studies, Apogonidae is placed in a clade with Pempheridae, Kurtidae, Leiognathidae, and Gobioidei. The apogonid genus Pseudamia is recovered outside the remainder of the family, not as sister to the superficially similar genus Gymnapogon. Species sampled from the Caribbean and Western Atlantic (Phaeoptyx, Astrapogon, and some Apogon species) form a clade, as do the larger-bodied Glossamia and Cheilodipterus. Incidence of visceral bioluminescence is found scattered throughout the phylogeny, independently for each group in which it is present. Examination of the fine structure of the visceral bioluminescence system through histology shows that light organs exhibit a range of morphologies, with some composed of complex masses of tubules (Siphamia, Pempheris, Parapriacanthus) and others lacking tubules but containing chambers formed by folds of the visceral epithelium (Acropoma, Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia). Light organs in Siphamia, Acropoma, Pempheris and Parapriacanthus are distinct from but connected to the gut; those in Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia are simply portions of the intestinal tract, and are little differentiated from the surrounding tissues. The presence or absence of symbiotic luminescent bacteria does not correlate with light organ structure; the tubular light organs of Siphamia and chambered tubes of Acropoma house bacteria, those in Pempheridae and the other Apogonidae do not.  相似文献   

The infraclass Teleostei is a highly diversified group of bony fishes that encompasses 96% of all species of living fishes and almost half of extant vertebrates. Evolution of various morphological complexes in teleosts, particularly those involving soft anatomy, remains poorly understood. Notable among these problematic complexes is the adductor mandibulae, the muscle that provides the primary force for jaw adduction and mouth closure and whose architecture varies from a simple arrangement of two segments to an intricate complex of up to ten discrete subdivisions. The present study analyzed multiple morphological attributes of the adductor mandibulae in representatives of 53 of the 55 extant teleostean orders, as well as significant information from the literature in order to elucidate the homologies of the main subdivisions of this muscle. The traditional alphanumeric terminology applied to the four main divisions of the adductor mandibulae – A1, A2, A3, and Aω – patently fails to reflect homologous components of that muscle across the expanse of the Teleostei. Some features traditionally used as landmarks for identification of some divisions of the adductor mandibulae proved highly variable across the Teleostei; notably the insertion on the maxilla and the position of muscle components relative to the path of the ramus mandibularis trigeminus nerve. The evolutionary model of gain and loss of sections of the adductor mandibulae most commonly adopted under the alphanumeric system additionally proved ontogenetically incongruent and less parsimonious than a model of subdivision and coalescence of facial muscle sections. Results of the analysis demonstrate the impossibility of adapting the alphanumeric terminology so as to reflect homologous entities across the spectrum of teleosts. A new nomenclatural scheme is proposed in order to achieve congruence between homology and nomenclature of the adductor mandibulae components across the entire Teleostei.  相似文献   

The eggs of African mouth-brooders are of unusual size and shape. Studying their development may help to more clearly understand epiboly, gastrulation, and the relation between enveloping layer (periderm) and epidermis. When epiboly has progressed over just one fifth of the yolk mass, the germ ring and embryonic shield are already well established. Behind the germ ring very few deep cells are present at this early stage of epiboly, except in the embryonic shield. When the blastodisc covers the animal half of the yolk mass, the future body is already well established with notochord, somites and developing neural keel. Apart from these structures, no deep cells can be detected between enveloping layer and yolk surface; not even a germ ring remains behind the advancing edge of the enveloping layer. Epiboly over the greater part of the yolk is achieved only by the enveloping layer and the yolk syncytial layer. As the margin of the enveloping layer begins to reduce its circumference when closing around the vegetal pole, groups of cells in the advancing edge become spindle-shaped, with a single cell in between of each of these groups broadening along the edge. The enveloping layer (called periderm after epiboly) remains intact until after hatching, when, together with the underlying ectoderm, it forms the double-layered skin of the larval fish. Thereafter, cells deriving from the subperipheral ectoderm gradually replace the decaying periderm cells to form the final epidermis. Thus, in the cichlids studied, the enveloping layer alone forms the yolk sac to begin with, and it covers the larval body until some days after hatching.  相似文献   

Complete sequences for the mitochondrial gene NADH Dehydrogenase 2 (ND2) and partial sequences for the tRNA-Met and tRNA-Trp genes were obtained for 11 populations of the poeciliid fish genus (or subgenus) Limia, including species from Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman Islands. Additional sequences for Limia (2 species), Pamphorichthys (3), Poecilia (16), and Xiphophorus (1), all from the tribe Poeciliini, were extracted from GenBank, as was a sequence for Heterandria formosa, from the tribe Heterandriini. Phylogenetic analyses included parsimony, distance methods, and maximum-likelihood. Several Limia species groups that had been proposed based on morphological data were evaluated. The versicolor species group was strongly supported, as was the close relationship between the Cuban Limia vittata and the Grand Cayman Limia caymanensis. However, the proposed vittata species group was not upheld by the ND2 data. The phylogenetic position of Limia melanogaster, from Jamaica, was either sister to the versicolor species group or basal to all other included Limia species. Limia was found to be monophyletic; however, Limia species from the island of Hispaniola were not monophyletic. There was little support for any proposed sister group to Limia. The phylogeny was used to reconsider a previous comparative study of poeciliid courtship behavior and sexual dimorphism. The data indicated that there may have been two independent appearances of courtship display behavior in Limia; considering the tribe Poeciliini as a whole, there is evidence for as many as five appearances of display (including two within Limia), or a complex pattern of gains and losses of such behavior. The application of phylogenetic information to the comparative study did not refute the previously hypothesized correlation between the presence of a courtship display and the presence of sexual dimorphism in poeciliid fish.  相似文献   

The following work provides basic information about the life history of 10 Cuban species of the family Poeciliidae. Adult fish stocks were captured in their natural habitat, and litters obtained from them were raised and maintained in captivity for 19 weeks. For each species, we present the mean value of newborn length (TLo), age at sexual maturity (AM), total length at sexual maturity (TLM), as well as the patterns of postnatal growth in aquarium conditions, which were described using size–age curves and nonlinear regression equations (Richards model). There are differences in growth dynamics among species. In general, growth rates differ for both sexes in all poeciliids studied, males maturing earlier than females, who reach higher values of total length at the 19th week (TLf). Sexual size dimorphism could be explained by the specific roles of each sex (fecundity in females and early maturity in males) while differences in growth among species could be related to their distribution patterns in the wild. The data summarized in this contribution can be useful for the conservation of these fish species. Zoo Biol 32:251–256, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The peculiar habitus of Amphipods with lateral compression, deep coxal plates 1-4, broad bases of peraeopods 5-7, and enlarged pleura (epimeral plates) of abdominal segments 1-3 is seen as a functional system closely dependent upon the currents produced by the incessant beating of the pleopods. The derivation and position of branchiae and oostegites is discussed. The morphology of more or less aberrant groups, including the suborders Caprellidea and Ingolfiellidea, and its correlations with the mode of life and the basic functional model is analyzed. The possible bearing of the functional model system upon the position of the Amphipoda among the Peracarida is briefly dealt with.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress on the higher‐level relationships of Cichlidae and its Indian, Malagasy, and Greater Antillean components, conflict and uncertainty remain within the species‐rich African, South American, and Middle American assemblages. Herein, we combine morphological and nucleotide characters from the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, NADH dehydrogenase four, and cytochrome b genes and from the nuclear histone H3, recombination activating gene two, Tmo‐4C4, Tmo‐M27, and ribosomal S7 loci to analyse relationships within the Neotropical cichlid subfamily Cichlinae. The simultaneous analysis of 6309 characters for 90 terminals, including representatives of all major cichlid lineages and all Neotropical genera, resulted in the first well‐supported and resolved generic‐level phylogeny for Neotropical cichlids. The Neotropical subfamily Cichlinae was recovered as monophyletic and partitioned into seven tribes: Astronotini, Chaetobranchini, Cichlasomatini, Cichlini, Geophagini, Heroini, and Retroculini. Chaetobranchini + Geophagini (including the “crenicichlines”) was resolved as the sister group of Heroini + Cichlasomatini (including Acaronia). The monogeneric Astronotini was recovered as the sister group of these four tribes. Finally, a clade composed of Cichlini + Retroculini was resolved as the sister group to all other cichlines. The analysis included the recently described ?Proterocara argentina, the oldest known cichlid fossil (Eocene), which was placed in an apical position within Geophagini, further supporting a Gondwanan origin for Cichlidae. These phylogenetic results were used as the basis for generating a monophyletic cichline taxonomy. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

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