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Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) expression in human adipose positively correlates with body mass index and may contribute to adipose dysfunction by activating transforming growth factor-β and/or inhibiting angiogenesis. Our objective was to determine how TSP-1 is regulated in adipocytes and polarized macrophages using a coculture system and to determine whether fatty acids, including the ω-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), regulate TSP-1 expression. Coculture of M1, M2a or M2c macrophages with adipocytes induced TSP-1 gene expression in adipocytes (from 2.4- to 4.2-fold, P<.05), and adipocyte coculture induced TSP-1 gene expression in M1 and M2c macrophages (M1: 8.6-fold, M2c: 26-fold; P<.05). TSP-1 protein levels in the shared media of adipocytes and M2c cells were also strongly induced by coculture (>10-fold, P<.05). DHA treatment during the coculture of adipocytes and M2c macrophages potently inhibited the M2c macrophage TSP-1 mRNA level (97% inhibition, P<.05). Adipocyte coculture induced interleukin (IL)-10 expression in M2c macrophages (10.1-fold, P<.05), and this increase in IL-10 mRNA expression was almost completely blocked with DHA treatment (96% inhibition, P<.05); thus, IL-10 expression closely paralleled TSP-1 expression. Since IL-10 has been shown to regulate TSP-1 in other cell types, we reduced IL-10 expression with siRNA in the M2c cells and found that this caused TSP-1 to be reduced in response to adipocyte coculture by 60% (P<.05), suggesting that IL-10 regulates TSP-1 expression in M2c macrophages. These results suggest that supplementation with dietary ω-3 fatty acids could potentially be beneficial to adipose tissue in obesity by reducing TSP-1 and fibrosis.  相似文献   

Transport of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli requires functional fadL and fadD genes. The fadD gene codes for an acyl-CoA synthetase (fatty acid: CoA ligase (AMP forming] which has broad chain length specificity and is loosely bound to the cytoplasmic membrane. The fadL gene codes for a 43,000-dalton cytoplasmic membrane protein which, acting by an unknown mechanism, is needed specifically for LCFA transport. As a first step to define the role of the fadL gene product, studies were performed to determine if it functions as a LCFA receptor. The LCFA-binding activity was quantitated in intact cells in the absence of LCFA transport by comparing the binding of LCFA in fadD fadL and fadD fadL+ strains. These studies revealed that (i) fadD fadL+ strains bind 6-fold more LCFA than fadD fadL strains; (ii) fadD fadL strains harboring a plasmid containing the fadL gene bind 16-fold more LCFA than fadD fadL strains harboring only the plasmid vector; and (iii) the fadL-specific LCFA-binding activity is regulated by the fadR gene and catabolite repression. Studies with fadL strains harboring fadL plasmids containing in vitro constructed deletions indicate that mutations which alter the physical properties of the 43,000-dalton fadL gene product also affect fadL gene product-specific LCFA-binding activity. Overall, these studies suggest that one role of the fadL gene product in the LCFA transport process is to sequester LCFA at sites in the cell membrane for transport.  相似文献   

Heterothermic mammals increase the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in their body fats prior to entering torpor. Because PUFA have low melting points, it is thought that they play an important role in maintaining the fluidity of depot fats and membrane phospholipids at low body temperatures. However, PUFA are more prone to autoxidation when exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) during torpor and during the periodic arousals that characterize hibernation. A lack of PUFA or an excess of PUFA may constrain the use of torpor by heterothermic mammals. We performed a mixed model meta-analysis of 17 controlled-feeding studies to test the effect of dietary PUFA on the depth and expression of torpor by daily heterotherms and hibernators. We also reviewed the literature on the PUFA content of the diet and depot fats of heterothermic mammals to address two principal topics: (1) Do low dietary levels of PUFA reduce the expression of torpor under laboratory conditions and, if so, are free-ranging animals constrained by a lack of PUFA? (2) Do high dietary levels of PUFA result in a reduction in the use, depth, and duration of torpor and, if so, do free-ranging animals seek to optimize rather than maximize PUFA intake? Low-PUFA diets consistently increase the lower setpoint for body temperature and minimum metabolic rate for both hibernators and daily heterotherms. Above the lower setpoint, low-PUFA diets usually increase body temperature and metabolic rate and decrease the duration of torpor bouts and this effect is similar for hibernators and daily heterotherms. Free-ranging rodent hibernators have dietary PUFA intakes that are far higher than those of the low-PUFA diets offered in controlled-feeding experiments, so these hibernators may never experience the constraints associated with a lack of PUFA. Diets of free-ranging insectivorous bats and echidnas have PUFA levels that are less than half as high as those offered in experimental low-PUFA diets, yet they exhibit deep and extended bouts of torpor. We argue that alternate mechanisms exist for maintaining the fluidity of body fats and that high-PUFA intake may not be a prerequisite for deep and extended bouts of torpor. Four studies indicate that animals that were fed high-PUFA diets are reluctant to enter torpor and show shallower and shorter torpor bouts. Although authors attribute this response to autoxidation, these animals did not have a higher PUFA content in their depot fats than animals where PUFA was shown to enhance torpor. We suggest that these contradictory results indicate inter-specific or inter-individual variation in the ability to control ROS and limit autoxidation of PUFA. High dietary levels of PUFA will constrain the expression of torpor only when the oxidative challenge exceeds the capacity of the antioxidant defence system. Studies of diet selection indicate that insectivorous species with low dietary PUFA levels seek to maximize PUFA intake. However, herbivorous species that have access to plants and plant parts of high-PUFA content do not appear to maximize PUFA intake. These data suggest that animals attempt to optimize rather than maximize PUFA intake. The effect of PUFA should be viewed in the light of a cost-benefit trade-off, where the benefit of high-PUFA intake is an easier access to low body temperatures and the cost is increased risk of autoxidation.  相似文献   

Resistin, the peptide specifically secreted from adipocytes, is a hormone antagonistic to insulin action and, thus, may serve as a link between human obesity due to adiposity and insulin resistance associated with type 2 diabetes. To test this hypothesis, we studied the gene expression of resistin in adipocytes isolated from rats fed with a fructose diet which induced insulin resistance. Compared to the control rats (C) on a normal chow diet, the fructose-fed rats (F) developed hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension, a profile reminiscent of the syndrome X of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The F rats had significantly elevated plasma free fatty acids (FFA), enlarged epididymal fat pads, and increased adipocyte size compared with the C rats. We examined the glucose transport and the relative quantity of resistin mRNA produced in the adipocytes of these two groups of rats. Compared to the C rats, the F rats had a clearly reduced insulin-stimulated glucose transport. The gene expression of resistin and other adipocyte peptides was measured on the mRNA by semiquantitative RT-PCR; the validity of this technique was established in advance with a rat-fasting and then refeeding experiment. The F rats showed a decreased expression of the resistin gene, whereas gene expression of leptin and angiotensinogen in contrast increased. Free fatty acids were found to suppress the expression of resistin gene in normal rat adipocytes. These results demonstrate that an insulin-resistant instance in the fructose diet rat model exists with the decreased gene expression of resistin.  相似文献   

Brain cells are especially rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mainly the n-3 PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the n-6 PUFA arachidonic acid (AA). They are released from membranes by PLA2 during neurotransmission, and may regulate glutamate uptake by astroglia, involved in controlling glutamatergic transmission. AA has been shown to inhibit glutamate transport in several model systems, but the contribution of DHA is less clear and has not been evaluated in astrocytes. Because the high DHA content of brain membranes is essential for brain function, we investigated the role of DHA in the regulation of astroglial glutamate transport.We evaluated the actions of DHA and AA using cultured rat astrocytes and suspensions of rat brain membranes (P1 fractions). DHA reduced d-[3H]aspartate uptake by cultured astrocytes and cortical membrane suspensions, while AA did not. This also occurred in astrocytes enriched with α-tocopherol, indicating that it was not due to peroxidation products. The reduction of d-[3H]aspartate uptake by DHA did not involve any change in the concentrations of membrane-associated astroglial glutamate transporters (GLAST and GLT-1), suggesting that DHA reduced the activity of the transporters. In contrast with the inhibition induced by free-DHA, we found no effect of membrane-bound DHA on d-[3H]aspartate uptake. Indeed, the uptake was similar in astrocytes with varying amount of DHA in their membrane (induced by long-term supplementation with DHA or AA). Therefore, DHA reduces glutamate uptake through a signal-like effect but not through changes in the PUFA composition of the astrocyte membranes. Also, reactive astrocytes, induced by a medium supplement (G5), were insensitive to DHA. This suggests that DHA regulates synaptic glutamate under basal condition but does not impair glutamate scavenging under reactive conditions.These results indicate that DHA slows astroglial glutamate transport via a specific signal-like effect, and may thus be a physiological synaptic regulator.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent phospholipases A2 are markedly inhibited in vitro by cis-unsaturated fatty acids (CUFAs) and to a much lesser extent by trans-unsaturated or saturated fatty acids. Thus, CUFAs may function as endogenous suppressors of lipolysis. To better understand the mechanism of inhibition, kinetic analysis, fluorescence spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography were employed to demonstrate that CUFAs interact with a highly purified Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipase A2 from Naja mossambica mossambica venom. Arachidonate inhibited hydrolysis of both [1-14C]oleate-labelled, autoclaved Escherichia coli and [1-14C]linoleate-labelled phosphatidylethanolamine in an apparent competitive manner. When subjected to gel permeation chromatography, [3H]arachidonate, but not [3H]palmitate, comigrated with the enzyme. Arachidonic and other CUFAs increased the fluorescence intensity of the enzyme almost 2-fold in a dose-dependent fashion (50 microM = 180% of control); methyl arachidonate was without effect. Saturated fatty acids had only a modest effect on enzyme fluorescence (50 microM = 122% of control). Concentrations of arachidonate that inhibited in vitro enzymatic activity by almost 80% did not alter binding of phospholipase A2 to the E. coli substrate. Collectively, these data demonstrate that, while CUFAs selectively bind to the enzyme, they do not influence phospholipase A2-substrate interaction. Inhibition of in vitro phospholipase A2 activity by CUFAs may be mediated by the formation of an enzymatically inactive enzyme-substrate-inhibitor complex.  相似文献   

The Salmonella plasmid virulence spvABCD genes are growth phase regulated and require RpoS for maximal expression in stationary phase. We identified a growth phase-independent expression of spv which is mediated by short-chain fatty acids. During this fatty acid-mediated expression of spv, RpoS is required for induction only during exponential phase. In stationary phase, an rpoS-independent mechanism is responsible for expression of spv.  相似文献   

We have fused immediate (alpha) and delayed (beta) early promoter-regulatory sequences taken from the cytomegalovirus (CMV) genome to Escherichia coli lacZ (beta-galactosidase) as an indicator gene to study regulated expression of these promoters. After transfection of human fibroblast cells with plasmid constructs carrying beta-galactosidase fusions, and subsequent infection with CMV, we have demonstrated that viral trans-acting functions up-regulate the expression of these genes in a temporally authentic manner. The alpha promoter is activated even when de novo protein synthesis is blocked and when UV-inactivated virus is used, suggesting that, as for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), a virion structural protein is responsible for its up-regulation. We have found that HSV-1, as well as CMV, is capable of trans activating the CMV alpha promoter. The beta promoter is activated by CMV but is completely unresponsive to HSV-1 infection. The temporal synthesis of the alpha and beta promoters in the transient expression system conforms with their natural regulation during viral replication. The beta-galactosidase fusions we describe provide a most exquisitely sensitive indicator system for the study of cis- and trans-acting viral regulatory functions.  相似文献   

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