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Why nestedness in mutualistic networks?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the relationship between the nested organization of mutualistic systems and their robustness against the extinction of species. We establish that a nested pattern of contacts is the best possible one as far as robustness is concerned, but only when the least linked species have the greater probability of becoming extinct. We introduce a coefficient that provides a quantitative measure of the robustness of a mutualistic system.  相似文献   

Several factors lead to expectations that the scale of larval dispersal and population connectivity of marine animals differs with latitude. We examine this expectation for demersal shorefishes, including relevant mechanisms, assumptions and evidence. We explore latitudinal differences in (i) biological (e.g. species composition, spawning mode, pelagic larval duration, PLD), (ii) physical (e.g. water movement, habitat fragmentation), and (iii) biophysical factors (primarily temperature, which could strongly affect development, swimming ability or feeding). Latitudinal differences exist in taxonomic composition, habitat fragmentation, temperature and larval swimming, and each difference could influence larval dispersal. Nevertheless, clear evidence for latitudinal differences in larval dispersal at the level of broad faunas is lacking. For example, PLD is strongly influenced by taxon, habitat and geographical region, but no independent latitudinal trend is present in published PLD values. Any trends in larval dispersal may be obscured by a lack of appropriate information, or use of ‘off the shelf’ information that is biased with regard to the species assemblages in areas of concern. Biases may also be introduced from latitudinal differences in taxa or spawning modes as well as limited latitudinal sampling. We suggest research to make progress on the question of latitudinal trends in larval dispersal.  相似文献   

As invasive species are key threats to ecosystem structure and function, it is essential to understand the factors underlying their success. Enigmatically, mutualistic organisms are often successful in colonizing novel environments even though they commonly persist only through intricate relationships with other species. Mutualistic ants, for example, protect aphids from natural enemies while collecting carbohydrate–rich honeydew. To facilitate this interaction, ants have evolved aggressive responses to aphid alarm pheromone emissions. As invasive and native mutualists have not evolved together, however, it is unclear if this form of cross-species communication exists between these two parties thereby facilitating these novel interactions. We address this hypothesis by assessing whether the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, responds to native poplar aphid, Chaitophorus populicola, alarm signals. Here, we show that interspecific signalling does exist in this newly established mutualistic interaction. Argentine ant workers exhibit increased aggression and double the number of visits to an aphid colony after an aphid alarm signal is emitted. We suggest that pre-adaptations may facilitate the emergence of mutualistic associations between many invasive and native species.  相似文献   

The diel activity levels and spatial distribution of roach Rutilus rutilus differed markedly between two shallow lakes of different environmental state. The movements of roach (12–25 cm L T), with surgically implanted mini‐radio transmitters, were monitored regularly during several 48 h tracking sessions in a clearwater and in a turbid lake. In both lakes, the roach in general were most active during dawn and dusk and least active during the night. Activity level in midsummer was lowest around noon in the clear lake and high around noon in the turbid lake. In summer, roach in the clear lake stayed passively in a restricted area of water lilies during the day and moved into the central part of the lake during the night. In the turbid lake, roach were dispersed all over the lake during the day and moved close to the shoreline at night. Predator : prey fish ratios did not differ in the two lakes, however the observed behaviour of roach in the clearwater lake may be explained by a larger predation pressure from fish and birds, both being favoured in the clear water.  相似文献   

Many mirid bugs are omnivores, and several species are key pests of agricultural crops. While mirid feeding behavior on plant hosts is relatively well studied, little attention has been paid to foraging, acceptance, and consumption of insect prey items. In this study, we investigated the feeding behavior and stylet penetration of the green mirid bug Apolygus lucorum on insect prey (Helicoverpa armigera eggs), plant hosts (green bean Phaseolus vulgaris pod), and combined plant + prey diets. Direct observation and electrical penetration graph (EPG) assays were used to assess feeding on either food item. Overall feeding time was highest on combined diets (48.18 ± 4.92 % of total time) and plant foods (42.23 ± 3.36 %), compared with only 28.95 ± 2.27 % feeding time on H. armigera eggs. When exposed to combined diets, A. lucorum spent 3.8 times longer feeding on green bean pod than on H. armigera eggs. The overall duration of stylet penetration was 5866.27 ± 800.39 s on green bean pod versus 3644.81 ± 715.19 s on H. armigera eggs, representing a 37.87 % reduction in duration. Similarly, the duration of a single probing event was significantly higher on green bean pod (355.76 ± 50.13 s) versus H. armigera eggs (236.20 ± 25.17 s), with a 33.61 % reduction. This first work in which omnivory is studied by combined use of observational studies and EPG assays (1) provides further insights into A. lucorum omnivory, (2) further elucidates its trophic position in agroecosystems, and (3) guides the development of artificial diets for this pest species.  相似文献   



Postural stability deficits have been proposed to influence the onset and progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). This study aimed to systematically identify, critically evaluate and meta-analyse studies assessing postural stability during unperturbed stance with posturography in AIS compared to typically developed adolescents.


Studies from four electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, PEDro) were searched and case-control methodological quality assessed using a risk-of-bias assessment tool and a posturography methodological quality checklist. Pooled data regarding centre of pressure (COP) parameters such as sway area, Mediolateral (ML) and Anteroposterior (AP) position and range were compared for AIS and typically developed adolescents using Cohen’s d effect size (ES) and homogeneity estimates.


Eighteen studies for quality analysis and 9 of these for meta-analysis were identified from 971 records. Risk-of-bias assessment identified 6 high, 10 moderate and 2 low risk-of-bias studies. The posturography methodological quality checklist identified 4 low, 7 moderate and 7 high-quality studies. Meta-analysis was performed for sway area whereas ML and AP are presented in three different meta-analyses due to divergent measurement units used in the studies: ML position 1 (MLP1), ML position 2 (MLP2) and ML range (MLR); AP position 1 (APP1), AP position 2 (APP2) and AP range (APR). Cohen’s d showed a medium ES difference in sway area 0.65, 95% CI (0.49–0.63), whereas ML showed no (MLP1, MLP2) and large (MLR) ES differences; MLP1 0.15, 95% CI (0.08–0.22); MLP2 0.14, 95% CI (0.08–0.19); and MLR 0.94, 95% CI (0.83–1.04). Cohen’s d for AP showed small ES (APP1) and large ES difference (APP2 and APR); APP1 0.43, 95% CI (0.31–0.54); APP2 0.85, 95% CI (0.72–0.97); and APR 0.98, 95% CI (0.87–1.09). Cochran’s Q and Higgins I2 showed homogeneity between studies.


There is moderate quality evidence for decreased postural stability in AIS measured as COP parameters sway area, ML and AP range with a positional shift posteriorly in the sagittal plane. The findings support studying postural stability in early stage AIS and also prospectively identify cause and effect of the curvature as well as effectiveness of postural control interventions in the prevention of scoliosis progression.

1. Bipartite network analyses are increasingly being used to better understand mutualistic and antagonistic plant–insect interactions at the community level. As a result of taxonomic limitations, it is usually very difficult to identify all nodes of a network down to the species level and many studies leave some specimens identified as lower resolution taxa. Accordingly, we do not know how much a lower resolution taxonomic representation changes the network structure compared with a representation with all nodes at species level. 2. The present study aimed to test whether insect–plant networks built using different combinations of taxonomic levels can still preserve the same basic structure of networks built only with species. 3. In total, 73 bipartite published interaction networks (mutualistic and antagonistic) were selected, which were turned into binary networks and reconstructed using the nodes classified as species, genus, family or order (representing different levels of classification difficulty). The network structures were compared using their binary representations mainly using connectance, NODF (Nestedness metric based on Overlap and Decreasing Fill) and modularity. 4. The mutualistic network structure was strongly linearly related to the original network structures if all nodes were grouped up to genus level. In antagonistic networks, the structure was related to the original network only if nodes were only grouped at the species level. 5. The findings of the present study are especially helpful for comparative network studies, such as those assessing the effects of environmental gradients. For mutualistic networks, Citizen Science programmes can provide useful ecological indicators, even with its taxonomic limitations.  相似文献   

Genetic testing is considered the only reliable diagnostic approach in myotonic dystrophy. However it has recently been reported that a considerable number of patients with genetically proven types of the disease have unusual phenotypic presentation. The aim of our study was to evaluate motor unit reorganization reflected by various electrophysiological abnormalities in myotonic dystrophies and to compare findings between type 1 (DM 1) and type 2 myotonic dystrophy (DM2). Quantitative electromyography (EMG) recordings in 63 patients (33 with DM1 and 30 with DM2) from the biceps brachii (BB), rectus femoris (RF), first dorsal interosseus (FDI), and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were analyzed. Mean amplitude and size index (SI) of motor unit potentials recorded in TA and RF muscles, mean potential duration in TA, and mean SI and the number of outliers with amplitude above the normal range in BB were significantly increased in DM2 as compared to DM1. Myotonic discharges were recorded more frequently in DM1 than in DM2. EMG findings significantly differ between DM1 and DM2. The presence of high amplitude potentials in lower limb muscles in DM2 patients, atypical for myogenic muscle lesions, could be explained by muscle fiber hypertrophy observed in muscle biopsies.  相似文献   



Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are becoming increasingly interested in networks as a framework to study plant–animal mutualisms within their ecological context. Although such focus on networks has brought about important insights into the structure of these interactions, relatively little is still known about the mechanisms behind these patterns.


The aim in this paper is to offer an overview of the mechanisms influencing the structure of plant–animal mutualistic networks. A brief summary is presented of the salient network patterns, the potential mechanisms are discussed and the studies that have evaluated them are reviewed. This review shows that researchers of plant–animal mutualisms have made substantial progress in the understanding of the processes behind the patterns observed in mutualistic networks. At the same time, we are still far from a thorough, integrative mechanistic understanding. We close with specific suggestions for directions of future research, which include developing methods to evaluate the relative importance of mechanisms influencing network patterns and focusing research efforts on selected representative study systems throughout the world.Key words: Ant–plant interactions, forbidden links, mutualism, neutrality, trait matching, plant–animal interactions, pollination, seed dispersal  相似文献   

Knickzones are large rock outcrops found in upstream and middle plateau river basins. This kind of geological formation, which is considered a macrohabitat, creates a complex of mesohabitats: pools, riffles and runs, with distinct characteristics. In the present work, the aim was to evaluate the influence of connectivity and seasonality on the trophic structure of the ichthyofauna found in knickzone pools. Fish were sampled in four connected and three isolated pools, during dry and rainy seasons, and the stomach contents of 20 species were analyzed. Seasonal differences in diet occurred, with greater contribution of algae and aquatic hexapod in the dry season and of plant fragments and organic matter in the rainy season. The high diet overlap found in the isolated pools may be related to more intensive biotic interactions among individuals confined in physically restricted habitats. Seasonality in combination with connectivity to the main channel influenced the trophic structure of fish assemblage in the knickzone. Knickzones dynamics are modulated by seasonal events, such as floods, and connectivity of habitats, being extremely important for the trophic interactions between species. Alterations to these dynamics, like the construction of hydroelectric power plants, can modify significantly the trophic ecology of knickzones.  相似文献   

The evolution of host range for insect herbivores involves many behavioral, physiological, and biochemical adaptations that often lead to locally specialized populations or species. Such specialization may be constrained by ecological factors (e.g., local host availability) or by evolutionary factors (e.g., phylogenetic divergence in behavioral, physiological, or biochemical detoxification enzymes; and potential inabilities to return to ancestral hosts). While insect adaptations to new hosts can be rapid, ancient detoxification systems may persist in some lineages of swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae) for millions of years. Here, we test various species of specialized species/populations of Papilionidae (Lepidoptera) from North America and from Australia on an array of Australian host plant families in order to determine whether the current feeding constraints reflect loss of capabilities to recognize and use hosts other than their current (local) favorites. We selected two species of Lauraceae specialists (Papilio troilus L. and Papilio palamedes Drury) from North America and one locally specialized population of Papilio glaucus L. that only uses one plant species in the Magnoliaceae in Florida. We also examined three species/populations of Australian swallowtails for comparison, including the Monimiaceae‐specialized Graphium macleayanum moggana L. E. Couchman, the Rutaceae‐specialized Papilio aegeus Donovan, and the Annonaceae‐specialized Graphium eurypylus L. Our aim was to determine whether neonate larvae of these six specialists could survive on any plants other than their currently favored species. While the Lauraceae specialists could use nothing else and were thus evolutionarily constrained, the Magnoliaceae‐, Rutaceae‐, and Monimiaceae specialists all had common abilities to accept, feed, and grow on plants in the Lauraceae, Monimiaceae, Magnoliaceae, and Rutaceae families. Even the Annonaceae specialist was discovered using Magnoliaceae in the field, suggesting existence here also of both flexiblity in preferences and detoxification abilities and ‘ecological monophagy’.  相似文献   

Some studies have highlighted benefits for Lobesia botrana by adding Botrytis cinerea mycelium to an artificial larval diet and have suggested a mutualistic relationship between the two organisms on grapevine, hypothesizing that fungal sterols were the nutritional factor involved. Because the nutritional quality of an artificial diet should be similar to grapes to allow extrapolation of the results to the field conditions, in the current study L. botrana larval performance was compared when larvae were fed on grapes (berries) or two artificial diets either with or without enrichment with B. cinerea. Based on sterol analysis, the two artificial diets had high cholesterol content, but relative to berries showed comparable and low phytosterol contents, respectively (high- and low-phytosterol, HPh, and LPh). While larval fitness on the HPh diet was similar to berries, the LPh diet led to higher mortality and worse larval performance. The addition of the fungus compensated for the shortage in the LPh diet but did not improve the HPh diet. Supplementing the LPh diet with linoleic acid, which is supplied also from B. cinerea, partially improved larval performance. In a field experiment, females did not show any egg-laying preferences towards naturally botrytized bunches. The positive effect of B. cinerea on the moth's next generation that is reported in the literature could be a consequence of fungus developed inside berry tunnels bored by larvae. Therefore, based on our data and previous reports the existence of a mutualistic relationship between L. botrana and B. cinerea is not well-founded.  相似文献   

Summary What digestive adaptations permit herbivorous nonruminant mammals to sustain much higher metabolic rates than herbivorous lizards, despite gross similarity in digestive anatomy and physiology? We approached this question by comparing four herbivorous species eating the same diet of alfalfa pellets: two lizards (chuckwalla and desert iugana) and two mammals (desert woodrat and laboratory mouse). The mammals had longer small and large intestines, greater intestinal surface area, much higher (by an order of magnitude) food intake normalized to metabolic live mass, and much faster food passage times (a few hours instead of a few days). Among both reptiles and mammals, passage times increase with body size and are longer for herbivores than for carnivores. The herbivorous lizards, despite these much slower passage times, had slightly lower apparent digestive efficiencies than the mammals. At least for chuckwallas, this difference from mammals was not due to differences in body temperature regime. Comparisons of chuckwallas and woodrats in their assimilation of various dietary components showed that the woodrat's main advantage lay in greater assimilation of the dietary fiber fraction. Woodrats achieved greater fiber digestion despite shorter residence time, but possibly because of a larger fermentation chamber, coprophagy, and/or different conditions for microbial fermentation. We conclude with a comparative overview of digestive function in herbivorous lizards and mammals, and with a list of four major unsolved questions.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal networks are often organized in nested structures in a way that a few core species can disproportionally affect the remaining species in a network, in both the ecological and evolutionary sense. Yet, the relative importance of core and peripheral species has not been properly tested in seed dispersal network studies. We determined core species from 10 local seed dispersal networks composed by fleshy‐fruited plants and frugivorous birds. Each of those local quantitative networks was characterized with a core quality value, a core score for each species and a threshold value between core and peripheral species. From a total of 52 bird and 69 plant species that interacted in the study area, only 8 and 15, respectively, were identified as core. Each local network had a core that comprised a small number of birds and plants, always lower than 30% of the interacting species. There was no difference in the quantitative component of seed dispersal effectiveness (QC) provided by the frugivorous bird assemblage to plant functional groups clustered according to their growth form and fruit characteristics. Core birds dispersed seeds from each of these plant functional groups with a higher QC than peripheral species. Thus, we empirically demonstrate for the first time that seed dispersal networks at a regional scale have a small core set of fruit‐eating birds, upon which heavily rely most fleshy‐fruited plants for their seed removal. Hence, the activity of just a few core frugivores could deeply impact the demography of an entire assemblage of fleshy‐fruited plants.  相似文献   

1. Plants represent a highly heterogeneous resource for herbivores. One dimension of this heterogeneity is reflected by the within‐plant variation in the leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA), i.e. in the magnitude of the random deviations from the symmetry in leaf shape. 2. This study is the first to test experimentally the hypothesis that variation in the quality of individual leaves for defoliating insects (11 species) within a plant (seven tree and shrub species) is associated with the FA of these leaves. 3. It was demonstrated that specialist defoliators generally distinguish between nearly symmetric (low FA) and highly asymmetric (high FA) leaves, but do not distinguish between discs cut from these leaves. Low‐FA leaves of Salix caprea, Salix myrsinifolia and Populus tremula were of better quality for insects than high‐FA leaves, as demonstrated by both preference tests and performance trials. By contrast, high‐FA leaves of Betula pubescens were of better quality for insects than low‐FA leaves, whereas insects feeding on Alnus incana showed similar responses to high‐ and low‐FA leaves. 4. It is concluded that insect herbivores can distinguish between leaves with high and low FA, and that FA may be associated with the quality of an individual leaf for insects, although the direction and strength of the effect of leaf FA on insect preference and performance vary among study systems. The ecological significance of substantial within‐plant variation in leaf FA remains to be explored.  相似文献   



A recent meta-analysis of drug effects in patients with hypertension claims that all β-adrenergic blockers are equally effective but less so than other antihypertensive drugs. Published comparisons of the β-adrenergic blocker atenolol and non-atenolol β-adrenergic blockers indicate different effects on death rates, arrhythmias, peripheral vascular resistance and prognosis post myocardial infarction, all in disfavour of atenolol. In keeping with these findings, the data presented in the meta-analysis indicate that atenolol is less effective than the non-atenolol β-adrenergic blockers both when compared with placebo and with other antihypertensive drugs. These findings were not, however, statistically significant.  相似文献   

Ecological specialization is common across all levels of biological organization, raising the question of whether the evolution of specialization at one scale in a taxon is linked to specialization at other scales. Anolis lizards have diversified repeatedly along axes of habitat use, but it remains unknown if this diversification into habitat use specialists is underlain by individual specialization. From repeated observations of individuals in a population of Anolis sagrei in Florida, we show that the extent of habitat use specialization among individuals is comparable to the extent of specialization in the same traits among ten sympatric Anolis habitat specialist species in Cuba. However, the adaptive correlations between habitat use and morphology commonly seen across species of Anolis were not observed across individuals in the sampled population. Our results therefore suggest that while patterns of ecological specialization can transcend scale, these parallels are the consequence of distinct ecological processes acting at microevolutionary and macroevolutionary scales.  相似文献   

According to environmental-based theories on the maintenance of sexual reproduction, sexual and asexual populations may coexist if they occupy different ecological niches. The aphid Rhopalosiphum padi offers a good opportunity to test this hypothesis since sexual and asexual lineages show local coexistence during a large part of their respective life-cycles. Because these two reproductive variants are morphologically identical but genetically distinct, we first characterized them using genetic markers in populations of R. padi in areas where sexual and asexual lineages may occur in sympatry. We then inferred the natal host plant of sexual and asexual genotypes by analysing stable isotopic ratios and showed that sexual ones mostly originated from C3 Poaceae while asexual ones originated from C3 and C4 plants, although the majority came from C4 Poaceae. These findings indicate that ecological niches of sexual and asexual lineages of R. padi differ, offering a plausible explanation for the local coexistence of the two reproductive modes in this species through habitat specialisation.  相似文献   

1. Highly mobile top predators are hypothesized to spatially and/or temporally link disparate habitats through the combination of their movement and feeding patterns, but recent studies suggest that individual specialization in habitat use and feeding could keep habitats compartmentalized. 2. We used passive acoustic telemetry and stable isotope analysis to investigate whether specialization in movement and feeding patterns of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in an oligotrophic subtropical estuary created habitat linkages between marine and estuarine/freshwater food webs. 3. Individual alligators adopted one of the three relatively distinct movement tactics that were linked to variation in diets. Fifty-six per cent of alligators regularly travelled from the upstream (freshwater/mid-estuary) areas into the downstream (marine-influenced) areas where salinities exceed those typically tolerated by alligators. Thirty-one per cent of the alligators made regular trips from the mid-estuarine habitat into the upstream habitat; 13% remained in the mid-estuary zone year-round. 4. Stable isotopic analysis indicated that, unlike individuals remaining in the mid-estuary and upstream zones, alligators that used the downstream zone fed at least partially from marine food webs and likely moved to access higher prey abundance at the expense of salt stress. Therefore, 'commuting' alligators may link marine food webs with those of the estuary and marshes in the coastal Everglades and create an upstream vector for allochthonous nutrient inputs into the estuary. 5. This study lends further support to the hypothesis that large-bodied highly mobile predators faced with trade-offs are likely to exhibit individual specialization leading to habitat linkages, rather than compartmentalization. However, the conditions under which this scenario occurs require further investigation.  相似文献   

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