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When foraging in communities with mixed prey, generalist predators may be confronted with prey species that differ in quality, size and mobility and interact with one another. To examine prey selection, predation by Macrolophus pygmaeus (Heteroptera: Miridae) was recorded by providing a diet of either one or two prey species of Myzus persicae (third‐instar nymphs), Aphis gossypii (fourth‐instar nymphs), Trialeurodes vaporariorum (third‐instar nymphs) and Ephestia kuehniella (eggs). In the experiments, prey mobility, prey quality and prey biomass were considered. The biomass consumed by the predator was dependent on the combination of prey species and the quantity of biomass offered. In choice experiments with diets mixed of two prey species at equal densities, the predation to A. gossypii was significantly reduced in the presence of E. kuehniella but the rate of consumption of M. persicae, T. vaporariorum and E.kuehniella was not significantly affected by the coexistence of any other species in the mixed prey diet. When equal amounts of biomass from two prey species were provided in combination, the total consumed biomass was significantly reduced in the mixed prey diets composed of E. kuehniella eggs and aphid nymphs. Thus, under the mixed‐prey situation, prey selection by predators may be affected by interactions among prey species differing in traits such as quality, mobility and size.  相似文献   

Predator/prey behavior has important consequences for individual survival and recruitment into fish populations, both of which can be affected by stressors such as environmental contaminants. The degree to which prey capture or predator avoidance abilities of a predator or prey species are affected will determine the direction in which the balance will be shifted. In a contaminated estuary we have studied, prey capure and predator avoidance of resident mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, are impaired, which may account for individuals in that estuary having reduced growth and longevity compared with those from uncontaminated sites. Exposure to sediments, water, and grass shrimp from the contaminated site can impair the predatory abilities of mummichogs from a clean site. An important prey species, the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, has a greater population density and a greater proportion of large individuals at the polluted site, apparently because of reduced predation pressure. Mummichog larvae at the polluted site are initially more active and better at prey capture and predator avoidance than larvae from clean sites, but later they become poorer at both. Differences in predator vulnerability among larvae appear to be due to population differences in behavior, which may be due in part to both genetic and environmentally-caused factors. Conservation of fish populations should consider fish behavior and its interaction with contaminants.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Exotic zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, occur in southern U.S. waterways in high densities, but little is known about the interaction between native fish predators and zebra mussels. Previous studies have suggested that exotic zebra mussels are low profitability prey items and native vertebrate predators are unlikely to reduce zebra mussel densities. We tested these hypotheses by observing prey use of fishes, determining energy content of primary prey species of fishes, and conducting predator exclusion experiments in Lake Dardanelle, Arkansas. 2. Zebra mussels were the primary prey eaten by 52.9% of blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus; 48.2% of freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens; and 100% of adult redear sunfish, Lepomis microlophus. Blue catfish showed distinct seasonal prey shifts, feeding on zebra mussels in summer and shad, Dorosoma spp., during winter. Energy content (joules g−1) of blue catfish prey (threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense; gizzard shad, D. cepedianum; zebra mussels; and asiatic clams, Corbicula fluminea) showed a significant species by season interaction, but shad were always significantly greater in energy content than bivalves examined as either ash-free dry mass or whole organism dry mass. Fish predators significantly reduced densities of large zebra mussels (>5 mm length) colonising clay tiles in the summers of 1997 and 1998, but predation effects on small zebra mussels (≤5 mm length) were less clear. 3. Freshwater drum and redear sunfish process bivalve prey by crushing shells and obtain low amounts of higher-energy food (only the flesh), whereas blue catfish lack a shell-crushing apparatus and ingest large amounts of low-energy food per unit time (bivalves with their shells). Blue catfish appeared to select the abundant zebra mussel over the more energetically rich shad during summer, then shifted to shad during winter when shad experienced temperature-dependent stress and mortality. Native fish predators can suppress adult zebra mussel colonisation, but are ultimately unlikely to limit population density because of zebra mussel reproductive potential.  相似文献   

  • 1 Landscape management for enhanced natural pest control requires knowledge of the ecological function of the habitats present in the landscape mosaic. However, little is known about which habitat types in agricultural landscapes function as reproduction habitats for arthropod pests and predators during different times of the year.
  • 2 We studied the arthropod assemblage on six crops and on the seven most abundant native plant species in two landscapes over 1 year in Australia. Densities of immature and adult stages of pests and their predators were assessed using beat sheet sampling.
  • 3 The native plants supported a significantly different arthropod assemblage than crops. Native plants had higher predator densities than crops over the course of the year, whereas crops supported higher pest densities than the native plants in two out of four seasonal sampling periods. Crops had higher densities of immature stages of pests than native plants in three of four seasonal sampling periods, implying that crops are more strongly associated with pest reproduction than native plants. Densities of immature predators, excluding spiders, were not different between native plants and crops. Spiders were, however, generally abundant and densities were higher on native plants than on crops but, because some species disperse when immature, there is less certainty in identifying their reproduction habitat.
  • 4 Because the predator to pest ratio on native plant species showed little variation, and spatial variation in arthropod assemblages was limited, the predator support function of native vegetation may be a general phenomenon. Incentives that maintain and restore native remnant vegetation can increase the predator to pest ratio at the landscape scale, which could enhance pest suppression in crops.

捕食关系的Meta分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
郑凤英  彭少麟 《生态学报》1999,19(4):448-452
应用Meta分析方法,探讨捕食与被捕食者种群数量的关系,结果捕食效应随地带性而变化,热带效应值最大,亚热带,温带和寒带也有效应,亚热带最小,按分类划分成两个级别时,脊椎动物级别属于大效应,而无脊椎动物级别为小效应,级别间差异不显著,按所在生态系统划分级别分析,陆生生态系统级别的中效应,淡水生态系统为小儿应,总体上表明捕食导致被捕食者种群数量的降低,但不同标准划分的级别里几个级别的效应大小有差别,通  相似文献   

Large numbers of hatchery-reared fish are released in stocking programmes; however, success is limited by high mortality. Predation is seen as the main cause of deaths but might be reduced by training fish before release to avoid predators and/or use refuge. In this study on a potential restocking species, yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis, the effects of predator training and refuge on the behaviour of fish in the hatchery were tested. In the first experiment, juvenile bream were exposed to predatory mangrove jack (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) fed exclusively on bream flesh while housed in tanks with and without refuge. Predator training altered fish behaviour when fish were re-exposed to predators, but the effects were subtle and varied between groups of fish. In contrast, refuge created strong and consistent changes in behaviour, significantly slowing down the amount of time that fish took to consume food. A second experiment focused on the effects of refuge. Bream were trained to use artificial seagrass or house bricks as refuge and then exposed to mangrove jacks in a laboratory predation experiment. When refuge was available, fish significantly slowed down their feeding rate. There was a small, transient increase in survival for fish given seagrass refuges, but this was irrespective of whether the bream were trained to use refuge. The results of this study indicate that the use of refuge may be innate and the benefits of refuge may be available to naive hatchery-reared fish or fish trained to use refuge shortly before release. This suggests that there is potential to improve post-release survival of fingerlings without time-consuming and expensive hatchery training.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. All other things equal, predator capture rates are expected to depend on encounter rate with prey, prey escape capability (including prey defences), and on predator agility. Ectotherm predators and their prey both respond to increasing temperature by increased activity, i.e. predators increase their search area and prey may enhance their escape capability. This means that, as temperature changes, the ability of a predator to catch prey will decrease, increase, or remain unchanged depending on the relative effect of temperature on predator and prey. Their responses may further be differentially moulded by light conditions depending on whether the predator is diurnally or nocturnally active. It was hypothesised that flying Diptera are vulnerable to carabid beetles only at low temperatures and over the full temperature range for spiders because carabids, in contrast to spiders, are not built to catch swiftly moving prey. 2. The first experiment examined the spontaneous locomotor activity of the predators and of fruit flies at different temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C) and light conditions (light, dark). A second experiment examined the effect of temperature and light on the predation rate of two carabid beetles (Pterostichus versicolor and Calathus fuscipes) and two spiders (Clubiona phragmitis and Pardosa prativaga) using fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) as prey. 3. All four predators and the fruit fly increased their locomotory activity at higher temperatures. Activity of the carabid beetles peaked at intermediate temperatures; spiders and fruit flies were most active at the highest temperatures. Predation rate of the spiders increased with temperature whereas the beetles caught flies only at low temperatures (5 and 10 °C). 4. Diurnal variation in temperature may bring different prey groups within the set of potential prey at different times of the day or at different seasons. The ability of many carabid beetles to forage at low temperatures may have nutritional benefits and increases the diversity of interactions in terrestrial food webs.  相似文献   

We model a chemostat containing an age-structured predator and its prey using a linear function for the uptake of substrate by the prey and two different functional responses (linear and Monod) for the consumption of prey by the predator. Limit cycles (LCs) caused by the predator's age structure arise at Hopf bifurcations at low values of the chemostat dilution rate for both model cases. In addition, LCs caused by the predator–prey interaction arise for the case with the Monod functional response. At low dilution rates in the Monod case, the age structure causes cycling at lower values of the inflowing resource concentration and conversely prevents cycling at higher values of the inflowing resource concentration. The results shed light on a similar model by Fussmann et al. [G. Fussmann, S. Ellner, K. Shertzer, and N. Hairston, Crossing the Hopf bifurcation in a live predator–prey system, Science 290 (2000), pp. 1358–1360.], which correctly predicted conditions for the onset of cycling in a chemostat containing an age-structured rotifer population feeding on algal prey.  相似文献   

The native parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus Mercet and the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur are widely used to control Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Mediterranean tomato greenhouses. An optimal biological control strategy for B. tabaci should take into account intraguild interactions between these natural enemies. In this study, predator's prey preferences and prey consumption were studied when offered different parasitoid and whitefly stages. The effect of the host plant on the adults of both natural enemies was also examined. M. pygmaeus preferred to consume B. tabaci over E. mundus when immature stages and adults of B. tabaci and E. mundus were offered. They consumed a larger amount of healthy B. tabaci nymphs and adults than of parasitised nymphs or E. mundus adults. The predator M. pygmaeus interfered with the reproduction of E. mundus females on cotton but not on tomato. However, B. tabaci nymphal mortality on tomato associated with parasitoid host feeding was also lower when the adult parasitoids coexisted with the predators. The joint release of M. pygmaeus and E. mundus adults did not increase the control of the whitefly B. tabaci.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Like many invertebrate predators, the wolf spider Pardosa littoralis Banks (Araneae: Lycosidae) accumulates in complex-structured habitats replete with leaf litter (thatch). Here we test the hypothesis that P. littoralis accumulates in complex habitats to gain refuge from cannibalism.
2. A laboratory experiment examined the effects of habitat complexity (thatch present or absent) and size-class pairing of conspecific spiders (large vs. small, small vs. small, and large vs. large) on the incidence of cannibalism. Spider survival was significantly higher (22%) in complex-structured habitats with thatch than in simple-structured habitats lacking thatch. Furthermore, cannibalism occurred more frequently in P. littoralis when the size of conspecifics was asymmetric (large vs. small spiders) than when spiders were of equal size. There was no interactive effect of habitat complexity and size-class pairing on spider survival.
3. A field experiment examined the effects of habitat complexity, conspecific density, and access to alternative prey on the prevalence of cannibalism in P. littoralis . Access to alternative prey significantly increased the number of spiders recovered from field enclosures, as did the presence of leaf litter thatch. That fewer spiders were recovered when thatch and alternative prey were absent suggests that cannibalism was most prevalent under these conditions.
4. Overall, results suggest that habitat complexity reduces agonistic interactions and cannibalism among wolf spiders, providing encouragement to pest managers that the structure of agricultural habitats can be managed to maximise densities of generalist predators for enhanced pest suppression.  相似文献   

The effect of predator and prey density on the induced defence of a ciliate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The level of antipredator defence should be proportional to the actual attack probability to minimize the cost of defence and maximize the net benefit.
2. The hypothesis that the induced antipredator morphology of Euplotes octocarinatus is a graded response to the actual risk of predation by Stylonychia mytilus was tested by manipulating the density of both prey and predator populations.
3. The magnitude of the response was graded according to both predator and prey density. A dense prey population may be protective since a prey is more exposed to a predator's attack as a solitary individual.
4. The results suggest that Euplotes is able to 'estimate' the real risk of predation and respond appropriately, without mobilizing more resources than needed.
5. Separation of the prey and predator with a nylon net revealed that the response was not induced by a water-transmitted factor but that direct cell-to-cell contacts were important. This finding departs from those of other studies.  相似文献   

1. In order to understand the relative importance of prey quality and mobility in indirect interactions among alternative prey that are mediated by a shared natural enemy, the nutritional quality of two common prey for a generalist insect predator along with the predator's relative preference for these prey was determined. 2. Eggs of the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were nutritionally superior to pea aphids Acyrthosiphum pisum (Homoptera: Aphididae) as prey for big‐eyed bugs Geocoris punctipes (Heteroptera: Geocoridae). Big‐eyed bugs survived four times as long when fed corn earworm eggs than when fed pea aphids. Furthermore, only big‐eyed bugs fed corn earworm eggs completed development and reached adulthood. 3. In two separate choice experiments, however, big‐eyed bugs consistently attacked the nutritionally inferior prey, pea aphids, more frequently than the nutritionally superior prey, corn earworm eggs. 4. Prey mobility, not prey nutritional quality, seems to be the most important criterion used by big‐eyed bugs to select prey. Big‐eyed bugs attacked mobile aphids preferentially when given a choice between mobile and immobilised aphids. 5. Prey behaviour also mediated indirect interactions between these two prey species. The presence of mobile pea aphids as alternative prey benefited corn earworms indirectly by reducing the consumption of corn earworm eggs by big‐eyed bugs. The presence of immobilised pea aphids, however, did not benefit corn earworms indirectly because the consumption of corn earworm eggs by big‐eyed bugs was not reduced when they were present. 6. These results suggest that the prey preferences of generalist insect predators mediate indirect interactions among prey species and ultimately affect the population dynamics of the predator and prey species. Understanding the prey preferences of generalist insect predators is essential to predict accurately the efficacy of these insects as biological control agents.  相似文献   

Summary   Exotic predators are considered pests to wildlife and agriculture, requiring predator-control programs. Effective monitoring of predator-control operations is essential to justify their considerable cost, but often impossible in practice. The difficulties are especially severe if the target species is small and wide-ranging, and the area to be protected is inaccessible and/or extensive. A convenient model predator of this type, the feral Ferret ( Mustela furo ), is subject to control on farmland in New Zealand. We monitored the distribution of Ferrets over 2400 ha in the central North Island, before and throughout a standard control operation by professional trappers. We used 24 units of a new automated monitoring device, the Scentinel, set in a grid at 1 per 100 ha. Over 11 weeks (11 February to 29 April 2005, 1718 trap nights), we recorded 1559 visits by small mammals, including 198 by Ferrets. By the end of the 4th week, Ferrets had been detected at 17 of 24 sites. Removal of Ferrets from the study area by contractors began during the 5th week, and was reflected in significant declines in the number of Ferret visits recorded per day ( P  = 0.008) and the number of sites visited ( P  = 0.021). Analysis of our extensive repeat-survey data by site-occupancy methods confirmed these trends in greater detail, while also allowing for variation in detectability.  相似文献   

1. Patterns of prey discrimination by the generalist predatory coccinellid Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timb. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were studied in relation to prey quality, under laboratory conditions. 2. Choice experiments were performed in which second‐ and fourth‐instar coccinellids had the choice between Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs that were young or old, unparasitised or parasitised by Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). 3. Coleomegilla maculata larvae did not exhibit any preference for parasitised or unparasitised eggs at a similar stage of development but always preferred younger eggs, regardless of whether or not they were parasitised. Furthermore, the percentage of rejection was higher and handling time longer on the less preferred egg type. Pre‐imaginal development time, food intake to reach adulthood, and survival of coccinellid immatures were altered when coccinellid larvae were fed with parasitised and old unparasitised eggs. 4. These results indicate that C. maculata larvae select eggs based on their stage of development regardless of parasitism, and that prey quality of aged prey is lower. 5. Fourth‐instar coccinellid larvae spent less time in patches containing solely parasitised old eggs, and their level of exploitation was greatly reduced, compared with homogeneous patches containing unparasitised young eggs. This suggests that C. maculata larvae respond to variable patch quality by using flexible decision rules that reflect the payoff of the patch.  相似文献   

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