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SSeCKS and its human orthologue, Gravin, are large scaffolding proteins that are thought to facilitate mitogenic control by anchoring key signal mediators such as protein kinase (PK) C, PKA, the plasma membrane associated isoform of alpha-1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase), beta2-adrenergic receptor, and cyclins. SSeCKS is also a major PKC substrate and phosphatidylserine-dependent PKC binding protein whose phosphorylation sites shares homology with a site in the MARCKS protein that encodes phosphorylation-sensitive calmodulin (CaM) binding activity. In the present study, we mapped the in vitro binding sites for CaM and cyclins on SSeCKS. Four CaM binding sites were identified by binding assays that conform to the so-called 1-5-10 motif. Notably, CaM binding was antagonized by prephosphorylation of SSeCKS by PKC. We also identified two major cyclin binding (CY) sites that overlap a major PKC phosphorylation site in SSeCKS (Ser(507/515)), and showed that cyclin D binding is attenuated if SSeCKS is prephosphorylated by PKC. These data suggest that the scaffolding activities of SSeCKS are modulated by mitogenically stimulated kinases such as PKC.  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence that PI 3-kinase is required for alpha-thrombin-stimulated DNA synthesis in Chinese hamster embryonic fibroblasts (IIC9 cells). Previous results from our laboratory demonstrate that the mitogen-activated protein kinase (extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)) pathway controls transit through G(1) phase of the cell cycle by regulating the induction of cyclin D1 mRNA levels and cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4)-cyclin D1 activity. In IIC9 cells, PI 3-kinase activation also is an important controller of the expression of cyclin D1 protein and CDK4-cyclin D1 activity. Pretreatment of IIC9 cells with the selective PI 3-kinase inhibitor, LY294002 blocks the alpha-thrombin-stimulated increase in cyclin D1 protein and CDK4 activity. However, LY294002 does not affect alpha-thrombin-induced cyclin D1 steady state message levels, indicating that PI 3-kinase acts independent of the ERK pathway. Interestingly, expression of a dominant-negative Ras significantly decreased both alpha-thrombin-stimulated ERK and PI 3-kinase activities. These data clearly demonstrate that the alpha-thrombin-induced Ras activation coordinately regulates ERK and PI 3-kinase activities, both of which are required for expression of cyclin D1 protein and progression through G(1).  相似文献   

RACK1 regulates G1/S progression by suppressing Src kinase activity   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Cancer genes exert their greatest influence on the cell cycle by targeting regulators of a critical checkpoint in late G(1). Once cells pass this checkpoint, they are fated to replicate DNA and divide. Cancer cells subvert controls at work at this restriction point and remain in cycle. Previously, we showed that RACK1 inhibits the oncogenic Src tyrosine kinase and NIH 3T3 cell growth. RACK1 inhibits cell growth, in part, by prolonging G(0)/G(1). Here we show that RACK1 overexpression induces a partial G(1) arrest by suppressing Src activity at the G(1) checkpoint. RACK1 works through Src to inhibit Vav2, Rho GTPases, Stat3, and Myc. Consequently, cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 2 (CDK4 and CDK2, respectively) are suppressed, CDK inhibitor p27 and retinoblastoma protein are activated, E2F1 is sequestered, and G(1)/S progression is delayed. Conversely, downregulation of RACK1 by short interference RNA activates Src-mediated signaling, induces Myc and cyclin D1, and accelerates G(1)/S progression. RACK1 suppresses Src- but not mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent platelet-derived growth factor signaling. We also show that Stat3 is required for Rac1 induction of Myc. Our results reveal a novel mechanism of cell cycle control in late G(1) that works via an endogenous inhibitor of the Src kinase.  相似文献   

Wood CD  Kelly AP  Matthews SA  Cantrell DA 《FEBS letters》2007,581(18):3494-3498
Phosphoinoisitide dependent kinase l (PDK1) is proposed to phosphorylate a key threonine residue within the catalytic domain of the protein kinase C (PKC) superfamily that controls the stability and catalytic competence of these kinases. Hence, in PDK1-null embryonic stem cells intracellular levels of PKCalpha, PKCbeta1, PKCgamma, and PKCepsilon are strikingly reduced. Although PDK1-null cells have reduced endogenous PKC levels they are not completely devoid of PKCs and the integrity of downstream PKC effector pathways in the absence of PDK1 has not been determined. In the present report, the PDK1 requirement for controlling the phosphorylation and activity of a well characterised substrate for PKCs, the serine kinase protein kinase D, has been examined. The data show that in embryonic stem cells and thymocytes loss of PDK1 does not prevent PKC-mediated phosphorylation and activation of protein kinase D. These results reveal that loss of PDK1 does not functionally inactivate all PKC-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

SSeCKS is a major protein kinase C substrate which has tumour suppressor activity in models of src- and ras-induced oncogenic transformation. The mitogenic regulatory activity of SSeCKS is likely manifested by its ability to bind key signalling proteins such as protein kinases C and A and calmodulin, and to control actin-based cytoskeletal architecture. Rat SSeCKS shares extensive homology with human Gravin, an autoantigen in myasthenia gravis that encodes kinase scaffolding functions and whose expression pattern in fibroblasts and nerves suggests a role in cell motility. Here, we analyse the expression of SSeCKS and Gravin in rodent and human fibroblast and epithelial cell lines using antibodies specific or crossreactive for SSeCKS or Gravin. SSeCKS expression was then analysed in developing mouse embryos and in adult tissues. In the foetal mouse, early SSeCKS protein expression (E10–11) is focused in the loose mesenchyme, luminal surface of the neural tube, notochord, early heart and pericardium, urogenital ridge, and dorsal and ventral sections of limb buds. In later stages (E12–14), SSeCKS is widely expressed in mesenchymal cells but is absent in the spinal ganglia. By E15, SSeCKS expression is ubiquitous, although the staining pattern varies from being striated within smooth muscle sarcomeres to filamentous in mesenchymal and select epithelial cells. In the adult mouse, SSeCKS staining is relatively ubiquitous, with highest expression in the gonads, smooth and cardiac muscle, lung, brain and heart. High expression is also detected in fibroblasts and nerve fibres as well as in more specialized cells such as glomerular mesangial cells and testicular Sertoli cells. SSeCKS expression in the rat testes correlates with the induction of puberty, and in mature mouse spermatozoa, SSeCKS is found in peripheral acrosome membranes and in a helix-like winding pattern within the midsection. Periodic enrichments of SSeCKS are found in sperm midsections and in developing axons, suggesting a role in architectural infrastructure. As with Gravin, high SSeCKS expression is absent in most epithelial cells; however, in contrast to Gravin, SSeCKS is expressed in Purkinje cells, cardiac muscle, macrophages and hepatic stellate cells, indicating overlapping yet distinct patterns of tissue expression in the SSeCKS/Gravin family. The data suggest roles for SSeCKS in the control of cytoskeletal and tissue architecture, formation of migratory processes and cell migration during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The SET protein and the cell cycle inhibitor p21(Cip1) interact in vivo and in vitro. We identified here the domain (157)LIF(159) of p21(Cip1) as essential for the binding of SET. We also found that SET contains at least two domains of interaction with p21(Cip1), one located in the fragment amino acids 81-180 and the other one in the fragment including amino acids 181-277. SET and p21(Cip1) co-localize in the cell nucleus in a temporal manner. Overexpression of SET blocks the cell cycle at the G(2)/M transition in COS and HCT116 cells. Moreover, SET inhibits cyclin B-CDK1 activity both in vivo and in vitro in both cell types. This effect is specific for these complexes since SET did not inhibit either cyclin A-CDK2 or cyclin E-CDK2 complexes. SET and p21(Cip1) cooperate in the inhibition of cyclin B-CDK1 activity. The inhibitory effect of SET resides in its acidic C terminus, as demonstrated by the ability of this domain to inhibit cyclin B-CDK1 activity and by the lack of blocking G(2)/M transition when a mutated form of SET lacking this C terminus domain was overexpressed in COS cells. These results indicate that SET might regulate G(2)/M transition by modulating cyclin B-CDK1 activity.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the NF2 tumor suppressor gene has been observed in certain benign and malignant tumors. Recent studies have demonstrated that merlin, the product of the NF2 gene, is regulated by Rac/PAK signaling. However, the mechanism by which merlin acts as a tumor suppressor has remained obscure. In this report, we show that adenovirus-mediated expression of merlin in NF2-deficient tumor cells inhibits cell proliferation and arrests cells at G1 phase, concomitant with decreased expression of cyclin D1, inhibition of CDK4 activity, and dephosphorylation of pRB. The effect of merlin on cell cycle progression was partially overridden by ectopic expression of cyclin D1. RNA interference experiments showed that silencing of the endogenous NF2 gene results in upregulation of cyclin D1 and S-phase entry. Furthermore, PAK1-stimulated cyclin D1 promoter activity was repressed by cotransfection of NF2, and PAK activity was inhibited by expression of merlin. Interestingly, the S518A mutant form of merlin, which is refractory to phosphorylation by PAK, was more efficient than the wild-type protein in inhibiting cell cycle progression and in repressing cyclin D1 promoter activity. Collectively, our data indicate that merlin exerts its antiproliferative effect, at least in part, via repression of PAK-induced cyclin D1 expression, suggesting a unifying mechanism by which merlin inactivation might contribute to the overgrowth seen in both noninvasive and malignant tumors.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation is involved in a variety of biological processes, many of which are chromatin-dependent and linked to important functions during the cell cycle. However, any study on ADP-ribosylation and the cell cycle faces the problem that synchronization with chemical agents or by serum starvation and subsequent growth factor addition already activates ADP-ribosylation by itself. Here, we investigated the functional contribution of ARTD1 in cell cycle re-entry and G1/S cell cycle progression using T24 urinary bladder carcinoma cells, which synchronously re-enter the cell cycle after splitting without any additional stimuli. In synchronized cells, ARTD1 knockdown, but not inhibition of its enzymatic activity, caused specific down-regulation of cyclin E during cell cycle re-entry and G1/S progression through alterations of the chromatin composition and histone acetylation, but not of other E2F-1 target genes. Although Cdk2 formed a functional complex with the residual cyclin E, p27Kip1 Murray AH, Hunt T. The cell cycle: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. [Google Scholar] protein levels increased in G1 upon ARTD1 knockdown most likely due to inappropriate cyclin E-Cdk2-induced phosphorylation-dependent degradation, leading to decelerated G1/S progression. These results provide evidence that ARTD1 regulates cell cycle re-entry and G1/S progression via cyclin E expression and p27Kip1 Murray AH, Hunt T. The cell cycle: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. [Google Scholar] stability independently of its enzymatic activity, uncovering a novel cell cycle regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Progression of resting quiescent G(0) cells into early G(1) and transition across the restriction point are highly regulated processes. Mutation of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes regulating these transitions are targeted during oncogenesis. Recent work has underscored the importance of the G(0) to early G(1) transition and metabolism to neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

The activation of CDK2-cyclin E in late G1 phase has been shown to play a critical role in retinoblastoma protein (pRb) inactivation and G1-S phase progression of the cell cycle. The phosphatidylinositol 3-OH-kinase inhibitor LY294002 has been shown to block cyclin D1 accumulation, CDK4 activity and, thus, G1 progression in alpha-thrombin-stimulated IIC9 cells (Chinese hamster embryonic fibroblasts). Our previous results show that expression of cyclin E rescues S phase progression in alpha-thrombin-stimulated IIC9 cells treated with LY294002, arguing that cyclin E renders CDK4 activity dispensable for G1 progression. In this work we investigate the ability of alpha-thrombin-induced CDK2-cyclin E activity to inactivate pRb in the absence of prior CDK4-cyclin D1 activity. We report that in the absence of CDK4-cyclin D1 activity, CDK2-cyclin E phosphorylates pRb in vivo on at least one residue and abolishes pRb binding to E2F response elements. We also find that expression of cyclin E rescues E2F activation and cyclin A expression in cyclin D kinase-inhibited, alpha-thrombin-stimulated cells. Furthermore, the rescue of E2F activity, cyclin A expression, and DNA synthesis by expression of E can be blocked by the expression of either CDK2(D145N) or RbDeltaCDK, a constitutively active mutant of pRb. However, restoring four known cyclin E-CDK2 phosphorylation sites to RbDeltaCDK renders it susceptible to inactivation in late G1, as assayed by E2F activation, cyclin A expression, and S phase progression. These data indicate that CDK2-cyclin E, without prior CDK4-cyclin D activity, can phosphorylate and inactivate pRb, activate E2F, and induce DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

A family of vertebrate cdc2-related kinases has been identified, and these kinases are candidates for roles in cell cycle regulation. Here, we show that the human PLSTIRE gene product is a novel cyclin-dependent kinase, cdk6. The cdk6 kinase is associated with cyclins D1, D2, and D3 in lysates of human cells and is activated by coexpression with D-type cyclins in Sf9 insect cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that endogenous cdk6 from human cell extracts is an active kinase which can phosphorylate pRB, the product of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene. The activation of cdk6 kinase occurs during mid-G1 in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated T cells, well prior to the activation of cdk2 kinase. This timing suggests that cdk6, and by analogy its homolog cdk4, links growth factor stimulation with the onset of cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Expression of a dominant negative atypical protein kinase C (aPKC), PKCzeta, prevents nuclear translocation of extracellular regulated kinase 2 (ERK-2), p27 nuclear reduction, and DNA synthesis induced by estradiol in human mammary cancer-derived MCF-7 cells. aPKC action upstream of these events has been analyzed. In hormone-stimulated NIH 3T3 and Cos cells ectopically expressing human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha), aPKC is activated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and, in turn, controls the Ras/MEK-1/ERK cascade. In MCF-7 and Cos cells stimulated by hormone, PI 3-kinase activates PKCzeta by Thr410 phosphorylation. Serine phosphorylation of PKCzeta is simultaneously induced. PKCzeta activation leads to recruitment of Ras to a multimolecular complex that also includes hERalpha, Src, PI 3-kinase, and aPKC. We propose that PKCzeta pushes Ras and the signaling complex close together in such a way that it facilitates the Src-dependent Ras activation. This activation is crucial for the interplay between estradiol-triggered signaling and cell cycle machinery.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(2):208-219
The p90 ribosomal S6 kinase family (RSK1–4) of Ser/Thr kinases is a downstream component of the Ras-MAPK cascade responsible for regulating various cellular processes. Here, we examined the potential involvement of RSKs in regulating mitosis by transfecting HeLa cells with siRNAs targeting RSK1 and -2, which are the major isoforms. Depletion of RSK1 but not RSK2 triggered a significant accumulation of binucleated cells compared to control cells (0.5% vs. 10.5%, respectively); this was rescued by expression of exogenous RSK1 but not a kinase-defective mutant. Monitoring of cell division by time-lapse imaging revealed that the observed binucleation mainly stemmed from a failure to form and ingress the cleavage furrow during early cytokinesis. Immunocytochemical analysis of RhoA and anillin, the two principal regulators of cleavage furrow formation and ingression, showed that these proteins were abnormally localized during anaphase in RSK1-depleted cells. Furthermore, RSK1-depleted cells seemed to have impairments in midzone microtubule formation, as suggested by morphological changes and lengthening of the midzone (15.2 ± 1.7 μm vs. 17.4 ± 1.7 μm in control cells). We also observed shortening of the pole-to-polar-cortex distance in RSK1-depleted cells (4.30 ± 1.37 μm vs. 2.80 ± 0.84 μm in control cells) and scanty distribution of microtubules at the periphery of the equatorial region during anaphase, suggesting an aberrant distribution of astral microtubules. Taken together, these results suggest that RSK1 is specifically required for cleavage furrow formation and ingression during cytokinesis. This may occur via the involvement of RSK1 in proper midzone and astral microtubule structure formation during anaphase, which is essential for the correct localization of anillin and RhoA.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the role of PLC delta 1 (phospholipase C delta 1) in the regulation of cellular proliferation. We demonstrate that RNAi (RNA interference)-mediated knockdown of endogenous PLC delta 1, but not PLC beta 3 or PLC epsilon, induces a proliferation defect in Rat-1 and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. The decreased proliferation was not due to an induction of apoptosis or senescence, but was associated with an approx. 60% inhibition of [(3)H]thymidine incorporation. Analysis of the cell cycle with BrdU (bromodeoxyuridine)/propidium iodide-labelled FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting) demonstrated an accumulation of cells in G(0)/G(1)-phase and a corresponding decrease in cells in S-phase. Further examination of the cell cycle after synchronization by serum-starvation demonstrated normal movement through G(1)-phase but delayed entry into S-phase. Consistent with these findings, G(1) cyclin (D2 and D3) and CDK4 (cyclin-dependent kinase 4) levels and associated kinase activity were not affected. However, cyclin E-associated CDK2 activity, responsible for G(1)-to-S-phase progression, was inhibited. This decreased activity was accompanied by unchanged CDK2 protein levels and paradoxically elevated cyclin E and cyclin E-associated CDK2 levels, suggesting inhibition of the cyclin E-CDK2 complex. This inhibition was not due to altered stimulatory or inhibitory phosphorylation of CDK2. However, p27, a Cip/Kip family CKI (CDK inhibitor)-binding partner, was elevated and showed increased association with CDK2 in PLC delta 1-knockdown cells. The result of the present study demonstrate a novel and critical role for PLC delta 1 in cell-cycle progression from G(1)-to-S-phase through regulation of cyclin E-CDK2 activity and p27 levels.  相似文献   

Convergent evidence implicates the TERE1 protein in human bladder tumor progression and lipid metabolism. Previously, reduced TERE1 expression was found in invasive urologic cancers and inhibited cell growth upon re-expression. A role in lipid metabolism was suggested by TERE1 binding to APOE, a cholesterol carrier, and to TBL2, a candidate protein in triglyceride disorders. Natural TERE1 mutations associate with Schnyder's corneal dystrophy, characterized by lipid accumulation. TERE1 catalyzes menaquinone synthesis, known to affect cholesterol homeostasis. To explore this relationship, we altered TERE1 and TBL2 dosage via ectopic expression and interfering RNA and measured cholesterol by Amplex red. Protein interactions of wild-type and mutant TERE1 with GST-APOE were evaluated by binding assays and molecular modeling. We conducted a bladder tumor microarray TERE1 expression analysis and assayed tumorigenicity of J82 cells ectopically expressing TERE1. TERE1 expression was reduced in a third of invasive specimens. Ectopic TERE1 expression in J82 bladder cancer cells dramatically inhibited nude mouse tumorigenesis. TERE1 and TBL2 proteins inversely modulated cellular cholesterol in HEK293 and bladder cancer cells from 20% to 50%. TERE1 point mutations affected APOE interactions, and resulted in cholesterol levels that differed from wild type. Elevated tumor cell cholesterol is known to affect apoptosis and growth signaling; thus, loss of TERE1 in invasive bladder cancer may represent a defect in menaquinone-mediated cholesterol homeostasis that contributes to progression.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p21(Cip1) has a dual role in the regulation of the cell cycle; it is an activator of cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes and an inhibitor of cyclins E/A-CDK2 activity. By affinity chromatography with p21(Cip1)-Sepharose 4B columns, we purified a 39-kDa protein, which was identified by microsequence analysis as the oncoprotein SET. Complexes containing SET and p21(Cip1) were detected in vivo by immunoprecipitation of Namalwa cell extracts using specific anti-p21(Cip1) antibodies. We found that SET bound directly to p21(Cip1) in vitro by the carboxyl-terminal region of p21(Cip1). SET had no direct effect on cyclin E/A-CDK2 activity, although it reversed the inhibition of cyclin E-CDK2, but not of cyclin A-CDK2, induced by p21(Cip1). This result is specific for p21(Cip1), since SET neither bound to p27(Kip1) nor reversed its inhibitory effect on cyclin E-CDK2 or cyclin A-CDK2. Thus, SET appears to be a modulator of p21(Cip1) inhibitory function. These results suggest that SET can regulate G(1)/S transition by modulating the activity of cyclin E-CDK2.  相似文献   



Germline mutations in LKB1 result in Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome characterized by intestinal hamartomas and increased incidence of epithelial cancers. LKB1 encodes a serine/threonine kinase that plays an important role in regulating energy metabolism through the AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway. In addition, LKB1 is homologous to PAR-4, a polarity protein first described in C. elegans, while activation of LKB1 in mammalian epithelial cells induces the polarized assembly of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Mei X  Heng L  Fu M  Li Z  Ning J 《Carbohydrate research》2005,340(15):2345-2351
A concise and effective synthesis of lauryl heptasaccharide 17 was achieved from the key intermediates lauryl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->4)-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-2,4-di-O-benzoyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (10) and isopropyl 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-O-allyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-[2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)]-2,4-di-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside (15). The key trisaccharide glycosyl acceptor 10 was constructed by coupling 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->4)-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate (3) with lauryl 6-O-acetyl-2,4-di-O-benzoyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (9), followed by deacetylation. The thioglycoside donor 15 was obtained by condensation of 2,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-O-allyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-[2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzoyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)]-2,4-di-O-acetyl-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate (11) with isopropyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside (12), followed by debenzylidenation and acetylation. A bioassay of the inhibition of S180 noumenal tumors showed that lauryl heptasaccharide 17 could be employed as a potential agent for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Mutations within the LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2) gene predispose humans to develop late-onset Parkinson’s disease (PD). The most prevalent of these mutations, G2019S, has been shown to increase LRRK2 kinase activity. Therefore, the discovery of small molecule inhibitors of LRRK2(G2019S) through high-throughput screening (HTS) may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for treating PD. Current biochemical assays monitoring the activity of LRRK2(G2019S) either are radioactive or use short peptidic substrates. Here we describe the development and optimization of a novel HTS AlphaScreen assay for measuring the catalytic activity of full-length LRRK2(G2019S) using its putative physiological protein substrate moesin. The high sensitivity of this optimized 384-well assay allowed the use of enzyme concentrations as low as 0.75 nM. The estimated apparent Km value for adenosine triphosphate (6 μM) using the glutathione S-transferase-moesin substrate was much lower than the one previously reported using LRRKtide, a synthetic peptide derived from moesin. Testing of nonselective kinase inhibitors (staurosporine, H-1152, and Y-27632) generated potencies consistent with published data. Finally, robotic validation of the assay yielded an average Z′ factor of 0.80. Overall, these results indicate that the present HTS AlphaScreen assay might provide a more relevant biochemical approach for the discovery of novel LRRK2(G2019S) inhibitors.  相似文献   

The orphan receptors COUP-TFI and COUP-TFII play an important role in development and differentiation by activating specific genes and by modulating the activity of nuclear receptors including estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and retinoic acid receptors (RARs). Previously, it was demonstrated that the expression and activity of ERalpha and RARs are lost or impaired in anti-estrogen-resistant breast cancers. Here we show that, similar to ERalpha and RARs, the expression of COUP-TFII but not COUP-TFI is reduced in approximately 30% of breast cancer cell lines. Introduction of COUP-TFII to MDA-MB-435 cells resulted in reduced growth and plating efficiency. Interestingly, COUP-TFII increased the expression of cyclin D1 and p21(WAF1/CIP1) in MDA-MB-435 cells. Although parental and COUP-TFII-transduced cells progressed through the G1-S phase at a similar rate, progression of COUP-TFII cells through the G2/M transition phase was delayed. The activity of cdk2 required for G2/M progression was reduced in COUP-TFII cells compared to parental cells. This property of COUP-TFII is distinct from that of ERalpha and RARs, which usually modulate the G1 phase of breast cancer cells. Furthermore, these results reveal an important physiological function of COUP-TFII, which correlates with its ability to induce gene expression rather than modulation of nuclear receptor activity.  相似文献   

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