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Within-clutch patterns of yolk testosterone vary with the onset of incubation in black-headed gulls 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Muller Wendt; Eising Corine M.; Dijkstra Cor; Groothuis Ton G. G. 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(6):893-397
Hatching asynchrony in birds produces an age and size hierarchyamong siblings. Later-hatching chicks have a competitive disadvantage,and brood reduction may occur when food availability is insufficientto raise all chicks. When early-hatched chicks fail to surviveor if the circumstances allow raising all chicks, mothers shouldreverse the disadvantage to later-hatched chicks. Increasingdeposition of maternal androgens with the laying sequence hasbeen suggested to compensate for detrimental effects of hatchingasynchrony, allowing a more precise adjustment of the survivalprobabilities of each chick. Here, we show for black-headedgulls that the increase in yolk testosterone with each successiveegg is greater when the mother incubates longer before clutchcompletion, which is the major determinant of the degree ofhatching asynchrony. This finding supports the idea that yolktestosterone has a compensatory function in the context of hatchingasynchrony. Our data further show that if the time needed tocomplete a clutch is lengthened, the developmental differencesdue to incubation between the first- and the last-laid eggsincrease. In addition, the onset of incubation before clutchcompletion occurs sooner as the breeding season progresses.Both long inter-egg intervals and the seasonal shift in incubationbehavior enhance the necessity of compensation for later-hatchingchicks. Indeed, yolk levels of testosterone increased more steeplyover the laying order, if the duration of the egg-laying periodwas extended and in later-laid clutches. We suggest that prolactinplays a key role in the adjustment of testosterone allocationto the incubation pattern. 相似文献
José Carlos Noguera Carlos Alonso-Alvarez Sin-Yeon Kim Judith Morales Alberto Velando 《Biology letters》2011,7(1):93-95
Conditions experienced during early life can influence the development of an organism and several physiological traits, even in adulthood. An important factor is the level of oxidative stress experienced during early life. In birds, extra-genomic egg substances, such as the testosterone hormone, may exert a widespread influence over the offspring phenotype. Interestingly, testosterone can also upregulate the bioavailability of certain antioxidants but simultaneously increases the susceptibility to oxidative stress in adulthood. However, little is known about the effects of maternally derived yolk testosterone on oxidative stress in developing birds. Here, we investigated the role of yolk testosterone on oxidative stress of yellow-legged gull chicks during their early development by experimentally increasing yolk testosterone levels. Levels of antioxidants, reactive oxygen species and lipid oxidative damage were determined in plasma during nestlings'' growth. Our results revealed that, contrary to control chicks, birds hatched from testosterone-treated eggs did not show an increase in the levels of oxidative damage during postnatal development. Moreover, the same birds showed a transient increase in plasma antioxidant levels. Our results suggest that yolk testosterone may shape the oxidative stress-resistance phenotype of the chicks during early development owing to an increase in antioxidant defences and repair processes. 相似文献
Maternal androgen exposure has potent effects on offspring development. As substantial levels of maternal androgens are deposited in avian egg yolks, avian eggs are frequently used to study maternal effects, with a strong focus on post-natal development. However, the underlying pathways are largely unknown. Since the hormones are taken up during the embryonic phase, and these are rapidly metabolized by avian embryos into metabolites such as etiocholanolone, we studied the effects of yolk androgens (testosterone and androstenedione) and their metabolite etiocholanolone during the first few days of embryonic development. As embryonic heart rate is often used as an indicator of embryonic development, we measured the heart rate from day 3 to day 6 of incubation by using a shell-less culture technique in rock pigeon eggs (Columba livia). Increased androgen exposure increased heart rate, and increased etiocholanolone mimicked this effect, albeit in a small sample size. This indicates that exposure to maternal androgens increases embryonic overall metabolism which may account for the developmental outcomes found in previous studies such as increased growth. Moreover, etiocholanolone is likely to be an important metabolite in a non-genomic pathway underlying the androgen-mediated maternal effect. 相似文献
Hormone-mediated maternal effects in birds: mechanisms matter but what do we know of them? 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Groothuis TG Schwabl H 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2008,363(1497):1647-1661
Over the past decade, birds have proven to be excellent models to study hormone-mediated maternal effects in an evolutionary framework. Almost all these studies focus on the function of maternal steroid hormones for offspring development, but lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanisms hampers further progress. We discuss several hypotheses concerning these mechanisms, point out their relevance for ecological and evolutionary interpretations, and review the relevant data. We first examine whether maternal hormones can accumulate in the egg independently of changes in hormone concentrations in the maternal circulation. This is important for Darwinian selection and female physiological trade-offs, and possible mechanisms for hormone accumulation in the egg, which may differ among hormones, are reviewed. Although independent regulation of plasma and yolk concentrations of hormones is conceivable, the data are as yet inconclusive for ovarian hormones. Next, we discuss embryonic utilization of maternal steroids, since enzyme and receptor systems in the embryo may have coevolved with maternal effect mechanisms in the mother. We consider dose-response relationships and action pathways of androgens and argue that these considerations may help to explain the apparent lack of interference of maternal steroids with sexual differentiation. Finally, we discuss mechanisms underlying the pleiotropic actions of maternal steroids, since linked effects may influence the coevolution of parent and offspring traits, owing to their role in the mediation of physiological trade-offs. Possible mechanisms here are interactions with other hormonal systems in the embryo. We urge endocrinologists to embark on suggested mechanistic studies and behavioural ecologists to adjust their interpretations to accommodate the current knowledge of mechanisms. 相似文献
Clifton O'neill Brock Andrew Scott Brohl Sarah Gloria Običan 《Birth defects research. Part C, Embryo today : reviews》2015,105(3):201-208
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS) is a complex systemic disease with a wide variety of clinical manifestations. In the obstetric population, recurrent early pregnancy loss, fetal loss, and thrombosis are hallmarks of the disease. Patients with APLS have developed one or more pathogenic auto‐antibodies directed against plasma and cell surface proteins. These antibodies are characterized by their affinity for anionic phospholipids. Interactions between APLS antibodies and their protein targets influence a wide variety of biological systems and signaling pathways, including monocytes, platelets, the complement system, and endothelial cells. While much research is currently directed at understanding the mechanisms involved in this autoimmune disease, the key clinical presentation is the hypercoagulable state resulting in thrombosis occurring in essentially any arterial or venous location, as well as numerous obstetrical complications. Treatment of APLS is generally directed at preventing thrombosis and poor pregnancy outcomes by ameliorating the hypercoagulable state. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 105:201–208, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Gangestad SW Caldwell Hooper AE Eaton MA 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》2012,87(4):856-873
Throughout the second and third trimesters, the human placenta (and the placenta in other anthropoid primates) produces substantial quantities of corticotropin-releasing hormone (placental CRH), most of which is secreted into the maternal bloodstream. During pregnancy, CRH concentrations rise over 1000-fold. The advantages that led selection to favour placental CRH production and secretion are not yet fully understood. Placental CRH stimulates the production of maternal adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and cortisol, leading to substantial increases in maternal serum cortisol levels during the third trimester. These effects are puzzling in light of widespread theory that cortisol has harmful effects on the fetus. The maternal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis becomes less sensitive to cortisol during pregnancy, purportedly to protect the fetus from cortisol exposure. Researchers, then, have often looked for beneficial effects of placental CRH that involve receptors outside the HPA system, such as the uterine myometrium (e.g. the placental clock hypothesis). An alternative view is proposed here: the beneficial effect of placental CRH to the fetus lies in the fact that it does stimulate the production of cortisol, which, in turn, leads to greater concentrations of glucose in the maternal bloodstream available for fetal consumption. In this view, maternal HPA insensitivity to placental CRH likely reflects counter-adaptation, as the optimal rate of cortisol production for the fetus exceeds that for the mother. Evidence pertaining to this proposal is reviewed. 相似文献
Sockman KW Sharp PJ Schwabl H 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》2006,81(4):629-666
How much effort to expend in any one bout of reproduction is among the most important decisions made by an individual that breeds more than once. According to life-history theory, reproduction is costly, and individuals that invest too much in a given reproductive bout pay with reduced reproductive output in the future. Likewise, investing too little does not maximize reproductive potential. Because reproductive effort relative to output can vary with predictable and unpredictable challenges and opportunities, no single level of reproductive effort maximizes fitness. This leads to the prediction that individuals possessing behavioural mechanisms to buffer challenges and take advantage of opportunities would incur fitness benefits. Here, we review evidence in birds, primarily of altricial species, for the presence of at least two such mechanisms and evidence for and against the seasonal coordination of these mechanisms through seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of the pituitary hormone prolactin. First, the seasonal decline in clutch size of most bird species may partially offset a predictable seasonal decline in the reproductive value of offspring. Second, establishing a developmental sibling-hierarchy among offspring may hedge against unpredictable changes in resource availability and offspring viability or quality, and minimize energy expenditure in raising a brood. The hierarchy may be a product, in part, of the timing of incubation onset relative to clutch completion and the rate of yolk androgen deposition during the laying cycle. Because clutch size should influence the effects of both these traits on the developmental hierarchy, we predicted and describe evidence in some species that females adjust the timing of incubation onset and rate of yolk androgen deposition to match clutch size. Studies on domesticated precocial species reveal an inhibitory effect of the pituitary hormone prolactin on egg laying, suggesting a possible hormonal basis for the regulation of clutch size. Studies on the American kestrel (Falco sparverius) and other species suggest that the seasonal increase in plasma concentrations of prolactin may regulate both a seasonal advance in the timing of incubation onset and a seasonal increase in the rate of yolk androgen deposition. These observations, together with strong conceptual arguments published previously, raise the possibility that a single hormone, prolactin, functions as the basis of a common mechanism for the seasonal adjustment of reproductive effort. However, a role for prolactin in regulating clutch size in any species is not firmly established, and evidence from some species indicates that clutch size may not be coupled to the timing of incubation onset and rate of yolk androgen deposition. A dissociation between the regulation of clutch size and the regulation of incubation onset and yolk androgen deposition may enable an independent response to the predictable and unpredictable challenges and opportunities faced during reproduction. 相似文献
Baratti M Dessì-Fulgheri F Ambrosini R Bonisoli-Alquati A Caprioli M Goti E Matteo A Monnanni R Ragionieri L Ristori E Romano M Rubolini D Scialpi A Saino N 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2012,25(8):1531-1542
Females of several vertebrate species selectively mate with males on the basis of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. As androgen-mediated maternal effects have long-lasting consequences for the adult phenotype, both mating and reproductive success may depend on the combined effect of MHC genotype and exposure to androgens during early ontogeny. We studied how MHC-based mate choice in ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) was influenced by an experimental in ovo testosterone (T) increase. There was no conclusive evidence of in ovo T treatment differentially affecting mate choice in relation to MHC genotype. However, females avoided mating with males with a wholly different MHC genotype compared with males sharing at least one MHC allele. Females also tended to avoid mating with MHC-identical males, though not significantly so. These findings suggest that female pheasants preferred males with intermediate MHC dissimilarity. Male MHC heterozygosity or diversity did not predict the expression of ornaments or male dominance rank. Thus, MHC-based mating preferences in the ring-necked pheasant do not seem to be mediated by ornaments' expression and may have evolved mainly to reduce the costs of high heterozygosity at MHC loci for the progeny, such as increased risk of autoimmune diseases or disruption of coadapted gene pools. 相似文献
Sources of individual variation in plasma testosterone levels 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Kempenaers B Peters A Foerster K 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2008,363(1497):1711-1723
The steroid hormone testosterone (T) plays a central role in the regulation of breeding in males, because many physiological, morphological and behavioural traits related to reproduction are T dependent. Moreover, in many seasonally breeding vertebrates, male plasma T levels typically show a pronounced peak during the breeding season. While such population-level patterns are fairly well worked out, the sources and the implications of the large variability in individual T levels within the seasonal cycle remain surprisingly little understood. Understanding the potential sources of individual variation in T levels is important for behavioural and evolutionary ecologists, for at least two reasons. First, in 'honest signalling' theory, T is hypothesized to play a critical role as the assumed factor that enforces honesty of the expression of sexually selected quality indicators. Second, T is often considered a key mediator of central life-history trade-offs, such as investment in survival versus reproduction or in mating versus parental care. Here, we discuss the patterns of within- and between-individual variation in male plasma T levels in free-living populations of birds. We argue that it is unclear whether this variability mainly reflects differences in underlying individual quality (intrinsic factors such as genetic or maternal effects) or in the environment (extrinsic factors including time of day, individual territorial status and past experience). Research in avian behavioural endocrinology has mainly focused on the effects of extrinsic factors, while other sources of variance are often ignored. We suggest that studies that use an integrative approach and investigate the relative importance of all potential sources of variation are essential for the interpretation of data on individual plasma T levels. 相似文献
Gil D Ninni P Lacroix A De Lope F Tirard C Marzal A Pape Møller A 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2006,19(1):123-131
Maternal effects such as androgen in avian eggs can mediate evolutionary responses to selection, allowing manipulation of offspring phenotype and promoting trans-generational adaptive effects. We tested the predictions of two adaptive hypotheses that have been proposed to explain female variation in yolk androgen allocation in birds, using the barn swallow Hirundo rustica as a model. We found no support for the first hypothesis proposing that yolk androgen varies as a function of breeding density in order to prepare offspring for different breeding densities. However, we found experimental support for the hypothesis that female yolk androgen allocation depends on mate attractiveness and that it constitutes an example of differential allocation. Females increased the concentration of androgens in their eggs when mated to males with experimentally elongated tails. Female phenotypic quality as measured by arrival date and clutch size was positively related to egg androgen concentration, consistent with the hypothesis that this is a costly investment, constrained by female condition. We found correlative evidence of a direct relationship between egg androgen concentration and performance of offspring as measured by mass increase. 相似文献
Mikaela Hukkanen Bin-Yan Hsu Nina Cossin-Sevrin Mélanie Crombecque Axelle Delaunay Lotta Hollmen Riina Kaukonen Mikko Konki Riikka Lund Coline Marciau Antoine Stier Suvi Ruuskanen 《Evolutionary Applications》2023,16(10):1753-1769
Offspring phenotype at birth is determined by its genotype and the prenatal environment including exposure to maternal hormones. Variation in both maternal glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones can affect offspring phenotype, but the underlying molecular mechanisms, especially those contributing to long-lasting effects, remain unclear. Epigenetic changes (such as DNA methylation) have been postulated as mediators of long-lasting effects of early-life environment. In this study, we determined the effects of elevated prenatal glucocorticoid and thyroid hormones on handling stress response (breath rate) as well as DNA methylation and gene expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and thyroid hormone receptor (THR) in great tits (Parus major). Eggs were injected before incubation onset with corticosterone (the main avian glucocorticoid) and/or thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) to simulate variation in maternal hormone deposition. Breath rate during handling and gene expression of GR and THR were evaluated 14 days after hatching. Methylation status of GR and THR genes was analyzed from the longitudinal blood cells sampled 7 and 14 days after hatching, as well as the following autumn. Elevated prenatal corticosterone level significantly increased the breath rate during handling, indicating an enhanced metabolic stress response. Prenatal corticosterone manipulation had CpG-site-specific effects on DNA methylation at the GR putative promoter region, while it did not significantly affect GR gene expression. GR expression was negatively associated with earlier hatching date and chick size. THR methylation or expression did not exhibit any significant relationship with the hormonal treatments or the examined covariates, suggesting that TH signaling may be more robust due to its crucial role in development. This study provides some support to the hypothesis suggesting that maternal corticosterone may influence offspring metabolic stress response via epigenetic alterations, yet their possible adaptive role in optimizing offspring phenotype to the prevailing conditions, context-dependency, and the underlying molecular interplay needs further research. 相似文献
Bram Kuijper Rufus A. Johnstone 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2018,72(2):220-233
Maternal effects can provide offspring with reliable information about the environment they are likely to experience, but also offer scope for maternal manipulation of young when interests diverge between parents and offspring. To predict the impact of parent–offspring conflict, we model the evolution of maternal effects on local adaptation of young. We find that parent–offspring conflict strongly influences the stability of maternal effects; moreover, the nature of the disagreement between parents and young predicts how conflict is resolved: when mothers favor less extreme mixtures of phenotypes relative to offspring (i.e., when mothers stand to gain by hedging their bets), mothers win the conflict by providing offspring with limited amounts of information. When offspring favor overproduction of one and the same phenotype across all environments compared to mothers (e.g., when offspring favor a larger body size), neither side wins the conflict and signaling breaks down. Only when offspring favor less extreme mixtures relative to their mothers (something no current model predicts), offspring win the conflict and obtain full information about the environment. We conclude that a partial or complete breakdown of informative maternal effects will be the norm rather than the exception in the presence of parent–offspring conflict. 相似文献
Tim Burton M. O. Hoogenboom N. D. Beevers J. D. Armstrong N. B. Metcalfe 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2013,280(1751)
We investigated whether among-sibling differences in the phenotypes of juvenile fish were systematically related to the position in the egg mass where each individual developed during oogenesis. We sampled eggs from the front, middle and rear thirds of the egg mass in female brown trout of known dominance rank. In the resulting juveniles, we then measured traits that are related to individual fitness: body size, social status and standard metabolic rate (SMR). When controlling for differences among females in mean egg size, siblings from dominant mothers were initially larger (and had a lower mass-corrected SMR) if they developed from eggs at the rear of the egg mass. However, heterogeneity in the size of siblings from different positions in the egg mass diminished in lower-ranking females. Location of the egg within the egg mass also affected the social dominance of the resulting juvenile fish, although the direction of this effect varied with developmental age. This study provides the first evidence of a systematic basis for among-sibling differences in the phenotypes of offspring in a highly fecund organism. 相似文献
Barbara Tschirren Erik Postma Lars Gustafsson Ton G. G. Groothuis Blandine Doligez 《Ecology letters》2014,17(10):1310-1315
Maternal hormones are important mediators of prenatal maternal effects. Although many experimental studies have demonstrated their potency in shaping offspring phenotypes, we know remarkably little about their adaptive value. Using long‐term data on a wild collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) population, we show that natural selection acts in opposite ways on two maternally derived androgens, yolk androstenedione (A4) and yolk testosterone (T). High yolk A4 concentrations are associated with higher fitness, whereas high yolk T concentrations are associated with lower fitness. Natural selection thus favours females that produce eggs with high A4 and low T concentrations. Importantly, however, there exists a positive (non‐genetic) correlation between A4 and T, which suggests that females are limited in their ability to reach this adaptive optimum. Thereby, these results provide strong evidence for an adaptive value of differential maternal androgen deposition, and a mechanistic explanation for the maintenance of variation in maternal investment in the wild. 相似文献
Maternal stress during gestation has the potential to affect offspring development via changes in maternal physiology, such as increases in circulating levels of glucocorticoid hormones that are typical after exposure to a stressor. While the effects of elevated maternal glucocorticoids on offspring phenotype (i.e., “glucocorticoid‐mediated maternal effects”) have been relatively well established in laboratory studies, it remains poorly understood how strong and consistent such effects are in natural populations. Using a meta‐analysis of studies of wild mammals, birds, and reptiles, we investigate the evidence for effects of elevated maternal glucocorticoids on offspring phenotype and investigate key moderators that might influence the strength and direction of these effects. In particular, we investigate the potential importance of reproductive mode (viviparity vs. oviparity). We show that glucocorticoid‐mediated maternal effects are stronger, and likely more deleterious, in mammals and viviparous squamate reptiles compared with birds, turtles, and oviparous squamates. No other moderators (timing and type of manipulation, age at offspring measurement, or type of trait measured) were significant predictors of the strength or direction of the phenotypic effects on offspring. These results provide evidence that the evolution of a prolonged physiological association between embryo and mother sets the stage for maladaptive, or adaptive, prenatal stress effects in vertebrates driven by glucocorticoid elevation. 相似文献
妊娠期给予可卡因对母体和胎儿的影响: 小鼠动物模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
探讨妊娠期给予可卡因对母体和胎儿的影响。妊娠小鼠分为3组:可卡因注射组(每日两次注射盐酸可卡因10mg/kg,COC);盐水对照组(每日两次注射生理盐水10ml/kg,SAL);饮食对照组(每日两次注射生理盐水10ml/kg,饮食参考可卡因给药组,SPF)。用高压液相色谱分析法检测胎鼠血中可卡因浓度及纹状体中神经递质多巴胺和5-羟色胺的含量,并结合HE染色观察胎鼠肝脏和胎盘的形态学改变。尽管COC和SPF组母鼠摄食量和体重增长量均降低,但是仅仅COC组胎鼠的体重和脑重减少。高压液相色谱分析结果显示,在COC组胎鼠血浆中可检测出可卡因,并伴有纹状体神经递质含量的异常增高。同时,也观察到了COC组胎盘和肝脏的形态学变化。本研究表明,妊娠期给予可卡因能引起妊娠母体营养不良,子代脑、肝脏和胎盘发育异常;可卡因引起的胎儿发育异常是由可卡因的毒性作用而不是母体营养不良产生的。 相似文献
内分泌干扰物(EDCs)因低剂量即可导致严重的生理效应而成为研究的热点,环境雄激素就是典型的内分泌干扰物之一,它主要来源于畜禽粪尿的排放以及造纸厂和城市污水处理厂处理不彻底的废水排放,污染源的连续性排放致使环境雄激素物质在各类环境介质中被不断检出,并导致一些地区出现鱼类的雄性化现象,对环境健康和生态安全构成严重威胁。综述了环境雄激素的暴露危害、主要来源以及环境雄激素在不同环境中的浓度水平和分布特征,介绍了环境雄激素的分析检测手段,阐述了环境雄激素在环境中的迁移、吸附、降解等过程,并对环境雄激素的研究进行了展望。 相似文献
Rosanna Ramhorst Esteban Grasso Daniel Paparini Vanesa Hauk Lucila Gallino Guillermina Calo 《Cell Adhesion & Migration》2016,10(1-2):197-207
ABSTRACTChemokine network is central to the innate and adaptive immunity and entails a variety of proteins and membrane receptors that control physiological processes such as wound healing, angiogenesis, embryo growth and development. During early pregnancy, the chemokine network coordinates not only the recruitment of different leukocyte populations to generate the maternal-placental interface, but also constitutes an additional checkpoint for tissue homeostasis maintenance. The normal switch from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory predominant microenvironment characteristic of the post-implantation stage requires redundant immune tolerance circuits triggered by key master regulators. In this review we will focus on the recruitment and conditioning of maternal immune cells to the uterus at the early implantation period with special interest on high plasticity macrophages and dendritic cells and their ability to induce regulatory T cells. We will also point to putative immunomodulatory polypeptides involved in immune homeostasis maintenance at the maternal-placental interface. 相似文献