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Phosphorus speciation in Myall Lake sediment, NSW, Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amount of phosphorus and its fractions in the sediment of Lake Myall, NSW, Australia, was assessed using a sequential extraction technique. Five sedimentary phosphorus reservoirs were measured, namely loosely sorbed phosphorus (NH4Cl–P), iron associated phosphorus (BD–P), calcium bound phosphorus (HCl–P), metal oxide bound phosphorus (NaOH–P) and residual phosphorus (organic and refractory P, Res-P). Samples were taken from the deep and shallow sites of the lake. During the analysis, the average concentrations of each fraction of phosphorus was calculated. The results depicted that the total phosphorus (TP) content and chemically extractable phosphorus in both fine and coarse sediment fractions from the deep sites of the lake were significantly higher than those of the shallow sites, except for HCl–P extracted from the fine sediment fraction. Sediment TP was also strongly and positively correlated to sediment Fe. The phosphorus in the sediment mainly consisted of BD–P and Res-P, while NH4Cl–P and HCl–P only contributed a minor part. The rank order of the different phosphorus extracts was similar for the two sites, namely Residual-P > BD–P > NaOH–P > HCl–P > NH4Cl–P.  相似文献   

Breakdown and nutrient dynamics of submerged macrophytes were studied in Myall Lake, Australia. Mass loss of Myriophyllum sulsagineum was the lowest (64.90%) among the studied macrophytes during the 322 days followed by charophytes (60.79%), whereas Najas marina and Vallisneria gigantea lost 91.15 and 86.02% of their respective initial mass during that time. The overall exponential breakdown rates of Najas marina and Vallisneria gigantea were similar, with k-values of 0.24 and 0.23 day−1, respectively. These rates were significantly higher than the break down rates of charophytes (0.007 day−1) and M. sulsagineum (0.008 day−1). During growth phase, water column depicted lower nutrient concentrations while during decay period, significant increase in water column nutrients resulted. Release of nutrients from decomposing macrophytes and incorporation of these nutrients into sedimentary phase as well as uptake of nutrients by the growing macrophytes, can present a considerable cycling pathway of nutrients in Myall lake system. The results of this study suggest that different submerged macrophytes may differ appreciably in quality and may exhibit different decomposition rates, patterns and nutrient dynamics in aquatic ecosystems in general, and Myall lakes in particular.  相似文献   

The concentration of major elements (Si, Al, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Ti, Mn and P), particulate phosphorus forms (NH4Cl-RP, BD-RP, NaOH-RP, HCl-RP and NaOH(85)-RP) and carbon content were determined in six size fractions (<8, 8–12, 12–19, 19–31, 31–42 and 42–<60 µm) of sediment collected at gauging stations located in two Lake Erie tributaries (Big Creek and Big Otter Creek). Concentrations of major elements and phosphorus forms were remarkably similar in sediment size fractions from both rivers. Nonapatite inorganic P (NAIP) and organic P (OP) concentrations increased with decreasing grain size while apatite inorganic P (AIP) content decreased with decreasing grain size. Results of phosphorus fractionation studies were combined with historical (particle size) and hydrometric data to simulate the export of particle P on tributary sediment < 63 µm. AIP represents 67 and 70% of the calculated particulate P mass while NAIP accounts for 26 and 23% of sediment-bound P transported in Big Otter Creek and Big Creek, respectively. The < 8 µm size fraction of tributary sediment is the most significant for the potential release of bioavailable P into the water column.  相似文献   

湖泊底泥磷释放影响因素显著性试验分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过底泥正交模拟实验分析认为,温度、溶解氧、pH值和水动力均是影响双龙湖底泥磷释放的显著因素,各因素水平间有显著差异;影响因素显著性排序从大到小依次为溶解氧、温度、pH值、水动力;提高双龙湖水体的溶解氧水平是降低底泥磷释放的有效手段.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in natural stands of Typha domingensis in Lake Burullus, Egypt, to investigate (1) nutrient dynamics and heavy metals accumulation in its organs, (2) the phytoextractive potential of its organs and (3) the amount of nutrients and heavy metals released back into the water after decomposition of the dead tissues. Nitrogen concentrations were higher in the shoot than in the root and rhizome, while P, Ca, Cu, Fe, Zn and ash concentrations were higher in the root than in the rhizome and shoot. Significant differences in the concentrations of Mg, Cd, Cu and ash were assessed during the growing season of T. domingensis. The content of most nutrients and heavy metals in the shoot increased rapidly during the early growing season in February, reached maximal values in July and then decreased again. The nutrient and heavy metal contents in the below-ground portion of the plant showed an opposite trend compared to the shoot; they decreased sharply during the spring, when they were translocated, supporting the heterotrophic phase of shoot growth. However, they increased slightly from July to September and then decreased again. The transfer factors of all nutrients and heavy metals from the sediment to the below-ground organs were greater than unity. The higher translocation ratio of N in T. domingensis shoots makes it suitable for N phytoextraction from water and sediment, while the lower translocation ratios for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn make it suitable for metal ion phytostabilisation. The dead shoot biomass of the stands at the end of 2010 amounted to 1950 g DM m−2, when the seasonal decomposition process began. With a decay rate of 0.0049 day−1, 1624 g DM m−2 is decomposed in the lake in a year. This is equivalent to releasing the following nutrient and heavy metals into the surrounding water (in g m−2): 23.4 N, 0.8 P, 19.2 Ca, 1.8 Mg, 5.6 Na, 32.8 K, 0.01 Cd, 0.01 Cu, 0.84 Fe, 0.12 Pb and 0.03 Zn.  相似文献   

Phosphorus speciation in three submerged macrophytes species, Chara fibrosa Agardh ex Bruzelius, Najas marina Linnaeus and Vallisneria gigantea Graebner, and the implications for phosphorus nutrient cycling in an aquatic ecosystem were studied, using sequential phosphorus fractionations. The results showed that C.␣fibrosa had a far higher residual ash and calcium content compared with the two angiosperm species, but lower total phosphorus content. Two different fractionation methods for phosphorus showed that the bioavailable water-soluble phosphorus (H2O-P) and ammonium chloride extractable phosphorus (NH4Cl-P) of the extractions used represented the major part of total plant phosphorus in the two angiosperm species, while organic phosphorus (NaOH-P) represented a relatively large fraction in C. fibrosa. In this species, about 12–15% of total plant phosphorus was calcium-bound phosphorus (HCl-P), occurring as co-precipitation with calcite encrustation, but this fraction was negligible in the two angiosperm species, i.e. less than 1%. The redox-insensitive forms of HCl-P are considered less bioavailable and not affected by anoxic conditions of bottom sediment, thus have potential as a phosphorus nutrient sink in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

利用柱状沉积物采样器和Peeper间隙水采集器,分别于夏冬两季获取山东省南四湖不同湖区原位柱状沉积物和间隙水,分析沉积物磷形态和间隙水磷分布特征,探讨沉积物和间隙水磷之间的相关性.结果表明:南四湖沉积物含有较丰富的磷,空间差异性显著,总体呈北高南低的趋势.这与南四湖北部距离济宁市区较近、受污染较重有关.各磷形态组分中以无机磷(IP)含量最高,夏冬两季IP含量分别占总磷(TP)的52.3%~87.2%和60.6%~88.3%.4个湖区表层沉积物TP含量(5 cm内)均呈现夏季>冬季的特征,可能与夏季水产品养殖旺盛、湖区周围耕地大量施用化肥,以及旅游活动频繁等有关.间隙水磷(PO43--P)浓度夏冬两季在垂直方向上均呈先增加后降低的趋势,夏季含量明显高于冬季,说明沉积物中的磷在夏季具有更大的向上覆水释放的潜力.夏季沉积物有机磷(OP)和IP相关性显著,冬季相关性不显著,说明夏季IP与OP间的形态转化较冬季活跃.沉积物铁铝结合态磷(Fe/A1-P)和IP与间隙水磷含量具有显著正相关关系.夏冬两季Peeper法获取间隙水磷的平均含量比传统离心法高出20% ~50%,前者可能更精确.  相似文献   

Two years of measurements are explored with a view to formulating an ecosystem model for Myall Lake. Stable physical characteristics, low catchment loads, low light attenuation, flat-bottomed hypsometry, and soft gyttja substrate allow stable charophyte biomass throughout the year in Myall Lake. Chara fibrosa dominates the total biomass and is abundant over the depth range 0.5–4 m. Nitella hyalina is found over the same depth range but has diminished biomass at depths greater than 2 m due to increased incidence of zero-biomass samples at depths greater than 1.5 m. Upper bounds for biomass densities were estimated for charophytes. Najas marina has great seasonal variability and meadows can have very high biomass in waters 1.5–2.7 m deep. High biomass of Najas marina is associated with low biomass of Nitella hyalina and may be a factor determining how the biomass of Nitella hyalina is distributed with respect to depth. Patchiness of Najas marina is particularly high. Temperature and light can support two growing seasons for Najas marina but mechanical disturbance is often high in spring and high biomass was only observed in late autumn during the present study. Less than 5% of the present-day production of submerged macrophytes would have been required to produce organic material of the gyttja over a 1,000-year period. The spatial distributions of gyttja and the dominant macrophytes are consistent with wind patterns. Down-lake limits on the distributions of charophytes and Najas marina are related to a gradient in the coefficient of light attenuation that is, in turn, related to proximity to the bulk of the catchment load.  相似文献   

1. Recent increases in phytoplankton biomass and the recurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in western Lake Erie, concomitant with a shift from a community dominated by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) to one dominated by quagga mussels (D. bugensis), led us to test for differences in ammonia‐nitrogen and phosphate‐phosphorus excretion rates of these two species of invasive molluscs. 2. We found significant differences in excretion rate both between size classes within a taxon and between taxa, with zebra mussels generally having greater nutrient excretion rates than quagga mussels. Combining measured excretion rates with measurements of mussel soft‐tissue dry weight and shell length, we developed nutrient excretion equations allowing estimation of nutrient excretion by dreissenids. 3. Comparing dreissenid ammonia and phosphate excretion with that of the crustacean zooplankton, we demonstrated that the mussels add to nitrogen and phosphorus remineralisation, shortening nitrogen and phosphorus turnover times, and, importantly, modify the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in Lake Erie. The increased nutrient flux from dreissenids may facilitate phytoplankton growth and cyanobacterial blooms in well‐mixed and/or shallow areas of western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Aims Plant biomass reflects the primary productivity of community vegetation, and is the main resource of carbon input in the terrestrial ecosystem. It is usually limited by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability in the soil. Alpine grassland around Qinghai Lake Basin has experienced extensive land-use changes due to the cultivation of native grassland and vegetation recovery on cropped land. In this experiment, two grassland types were chosen, natural alpine grassland (NG) and its adjacent restored grassland (RG), to determine the responses of plant community biomass to N and P additions with different land-use. Methods NH4NO3 and Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O were added in a completely randomized block design, with medium levels of 10 g N·m-2 and 5 g P·m-2. Soil NO3--N and available P contents, and the plant community biomass were measured in the two grasslands. Two-way ANOVA was used to determine the effects of nutrient additions on all measured indicators, and regression analysis was used to analyze the correlations between plant biomass and soil NO3--N and available P contents.Important findings Results showed: (1) N and P additions both increased grass biomass in the NG, and significantly elevated the total aboveground biomass, with the promoting effect of N addition higher than that of P addition; N addition significantly increased both grass and forb biomass in the RG, and markedly promoted the total aboveground biomass, while P addition had no effects on the functional groups and total aboveground biomass (p > 0.05). (2) N and P additions both had no effects on the belowground and total biomass in the NG, whereas N addition significantly increased the total biomass by 34% in the RG, which suggested that the effect of N limitation on the vegetation primary productivity was stronger in the RG at present stage. (3) The aboveground biomass in the NG increased with soil NO3--N content (p < 0.05), and the above- and below-ground as well as the total biomass were all positively correlated with soil NO3--N content in the RG (p < 0.01). These results indicated that the plant growth in alpine grassland around Qinghai Lake Basin was prone to N limitation, and the effect of P limitation changed with land-use. Soil available N might be the key limiting factor for vegetation restoration and reconstruction in the RG. The “Grain for Green” project (the land-use policy) and atmospheric N deposition are benefiting both plant growth and C accumulation in the alpine grassland ecosystem around Qinghai Lake Basin.  相似文献   

李春丽  李奇  赵亮  赵新全 《植物生态学报》2016,40(10):1015-1027
植物群落生物量反映了植被的初级生产能力, 是陆地生态系统碳(C)输入的最主要来源, 往往受到自然界中氮(N)、磷(P)元素供应的限制。该试验以青藏高原环青海湖地区的高寒草原为研究对象, 探讨了天然草地和退耕恢复草地植被群落生物量对N (10 g·m-2)、P (5 g·m-2)养分添加的响应。N、P添加显著增加了天然草地禾草的生物量, 进而促使地上总生物量显著提高。退耕恢复草地禾草和杂类草的生物量对N添加均有一致的正响应, 从而促使地上总生物量显著增加174%, 群落地上和地下总生物量显著增加34%; 而P添加对恢复草地生物量各项参数均无显著影响。回归分析显示: 天然草地植物群落地上生物量随土壤中NO3--N含量的增加而增加(p < 0.05), 退耕恢复草地植被地上、地下和总生物量均与土壤NO3--N含量显著正相关(p < 0.01), 说明环湖地区高寒草原植物生长主要受N供应的限制, P的限制作用随土地利用方式的转变和群落演替阶段的不同而变化; 相比天然草地, 恢复草地在现阶段植被初级生产力受N的限制作用更强烈, 土壤中可利用N含量是限制其植被自然恢复和重建的关键因子。  相似文献   

为了探讨富营养对太湖来源水体浮游植物的影响,对来源于太湖梅梁湾的水体进行氮磷营养盐添加实验.实验共3个处理(T0、T1和T2),T0不进行营养盐添加,处理T1和T2添加无机氮磷,T1中总氮、总磷净增加分别为10和0.5 mg·L-1,T2添加的量为T1的2倍.结果表明:T0的浮游植物叶绿素a含量明显低于添加营养盐的2个处理,而添加营养盐的2个处理之间没有显著差异,说明氮磷营养盐的添加在一定程度上能够促进浮游植物的生长,但并非营养盐添加越高浮游植物生物量就越高;添加处理与对照中附着生物叶绿素a含量的比较结果与浮游植物生物量的相同;T2中浮游植物的生长可能受到除氮磷之外的因素的限制;T1和T2中均没有出现期望的蓝藻水华,表明蓝藻水华的形成不只是与充足的氮磷供应有关.  相似文献   

于超  储金宇  白晓华  刘伟龙 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7104-7111
入湖河流携带污染物对洱海水环境的影响日益明显,对洱海入湖水量最大的河流——弥苴河下游水体氮磷进行了连续采样分析,以期为河口湿地建设和水质改善提供基础数据.结果表明:1)弥苴河水质介于地表水Ⅲ-Ⅴ类之间,主要污染物为氮和磷,其中总氮平均浓度为1.17 mg/L,最高浓度达到2.00 mg/L;总磷平均浓度为0.06 mg/L;2)弥苴河下游总氮、总磷浓度丰水期高于枯水期,并呈现出季节性变化规律;3)弥苴河下游水体总氮、总磷年均浓度远高于洱海水体总氮、总磷年均浓度,其中总氮高出2.10倍,总磷高出2.90倍;4)弥苴河下游河段非点源污染占据主导地位.  相似文献   

惠州西湖底泥中氮磷特征的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
惠州西湖为典型的亚热带城市浅水湖泊.为了调查该湖泊底泥性质了解底泥对水质的影响.2004年8月在惠州西湖5个子湖(南湖、丰湖、平湖、菱湖和鳄湖)采集了6个底泥柱样,对其含水率、烧失量(LOI)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、藻类可利用性磷(AAP)和粒度的垂向特征进行了初步研究.结果表明,各子湖中南湖内源负荷最大,底泥中的LOI、TN、TP和AAP含量高于其他湖区数倍以上,表层值较高,表明曾遭受过严重的污染,而其它湖区的垂向变化不明显.底泥成分以粘土、粉砂为主,水体混浊度高可能与底泥粒径较小以及鱼类和游船活动的强扰动性有关.  相似文献   

Under optimal nutrient conditions, both Microcystis sp. and Anabaena sp. isolated from Lake Biwa grew optimally at 28–32°C but differed in maximal growth rates, phosphate uptake kinetics, maximal phosphorus quotas, and growth responses to nitrogen and phosphorus limitation. The maximal growth rates of Microcystis and Anabaena were 1.6 and 1.25 divisions day−1, respectively. With phosphate and nitrate in the growth-limiting range, the growth of Microcystis was optimal at an N : P ratio of 100 : 1 (by weight) and declined at lower (nitrogen limitation) and higher (phosphorus limitation) ratios. In contrast, Anabaena growth rates did not change at N : P ratios from 1000 : 1 to 10 : 1. Starting with cells containing the maximal phosphorus quota, Microcystis growth in minus-phosphorus medium ceased in 7–9 days, compared with 12–13 days for Anabaena. The phosphate turnover time in cultures starved to their minimum cell quotas was 7.9 min for Microcystis and 0.6 min for Anabaena. Microcystis had a higher K s (0.12 μg P l−1 10−6 cells) and lower V max (9.63 μg P l−1 h−1 10−6 cells), than Anabaena (K s 0.02 μg P l−1 h−1 10−6 cells; V max 46.25 63 μg P l−1 h−1 10−6 cells), suggesting that Microcystis would not be able to grow well in phosphorus-limited waters. We conclude that in spite of the higher growth rate under ideal conditions, Microcystis does not usually bloom in the North Basin because of low availability of phosphorus and nitrogen. Although Anabaena has an efficient phosphorus-uptake system, its main strategy for growth in low-phosphorus environments may depend on storage of phosphorus during periods of abundant phosphorus supply, which are rare in the North Basin. Received: July 31, 2000 / Accepted: October 18, 2000  相似文献   

Marion  Loïc  Clergeau  Philippe  Brient  Luc  Bertru  Georges 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):133-147
The largest natural lake in France, Grand-Lieu, has suffered eutrophication. The objective of the study was to estimate the annual input of nutrients (N, P) resulting from avian excrement, deposited by birds feeding out of the lake and returning to its waters for breeding or roosting, as compared to the input by the rivers that enter in the lake. Two years are compared: 1981–82 and 1990–91. About 1600–2000 breeding herons and cormorants, 20 000–33 000 wintering ducks, gulls and cormorants and 1–2.4 million starlings deposited about 5800 kg total N in 1981–82 and 7640 kg in 1990–91. Respectively, 2000 and 2530 kg total P were deposited over the same time periods. These represent 0.7% and 0.4% of the total N input of the lake and 2.4 and 6.6% of the total P input in 1981–82 and 1990–91. Starlings account for 74% of the N and mallards most of the rest. P input by starlings (36% in 1981–82, 41% in 1990–91), and by mallards and herons (35% and 27% in 1981–82 and 22% and 24% in 1990–91 respectively) plays an appreciable role among birds. During the plant growing period (April–September), the contribution by birds can increase to 37% of total P input of the lake. Piscivorous bird colonies concentrate Phosphorus 42 times more within the colony than outside the colony. Overall, the role birds play in total N and P input is relatively small due to very high inputs from human sewage and agriculture run off. The monthly mean concentration of the water of the two rivers reaches currently 10 mg l–1 of N (to 23 mg during peak floods) and 394 mg m–3 of P (to 468 mg during peak floods). Earlier, for example in the 1960's, water in Brittany only contained 0.1 to 1.1 mg 1–1 of N and 1 to 5 mg m–3 of P during the maximum flow period. At this time, birds could probably have represented annually up to 37% of the N input and up to 95% of the P input to the lake.  相似文献   

A. J. Twinch 《Hydrobiologia》1986,135(1-2):23-34
The phosphorus status and distribution of sediments in a hypertrophic water supply reservoir (Hartbeespoort Dam) were investigated, with a view to assessing the role of sediments in counteracting the effects of reduced external phosphorus loading as a restoration measure. In comparison with similar water bodies in South Africa, the sediments in Hartbeespoort Dam contained high levels of both total and potentially mobile phosphorus. The potentially mobile fraction constituted about 60% of the total phosphorus content of the sediments, compared with about 11% in other reservoirs. The excessive eutrophication of Hartbeespoort Dam is clearly reflected in the phosphorus status of the sediments. Sediment distribution in the impoundment was found to be extremely heterogeneous, due to the combined influences of morphometry, hydrology and an imbalance in the nutrient loads entering via rivers at remote points in the water body. It is concluded that sufficient mobile phosphorus has accumulated in the sediments to prolong the response time of the impoundment to phosphorus load reductions. Since phosphorus release from sediments is dependent on dynamic processes not addressed in this study, the extent of the delays in trophic response to load reduction cannot be estimated.  相似文献   

L. Gao  Q. Wei  F. Fu 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):1175-1183
Macroalgal blooms have occurred worldwide frequently in coastal areas in recent decades, which dramatically modify phosphorus (P) cycle in water column and the sediments. Rongcheng Swan Lake Wetland, a coastal wetland in China, is suffering from extensive macroalgal blooms. In order to verify the influence of macroalgal growth on sediment P release, the sediments and filamentous Chaetomorpha spp. were incubated in the laboratory to investigate the changes of water quality parameters, P levels in overlying water, and sediments during the growth period. In addition, algal biomass and tissue P concentration were determined. In general, Chaetomorpha biomasses were much higher in high P treatments than in low P treatments. Compared with algae+low P water treatment, the addition of sediments increased the algal growth rate and P accumulation amount. During the algal growth, water pH increased greatly, which showed significant correlation with algal biomass in treatments with high P (P < 0.05). P fractions in the sediments showed that Fe/Al–P and organic P concentrations declined during the algal growth, and great changes were observed in algae+low P water+sediment treatment for both. As a whole, the sediments can supply P for Chaetomorpha growth when water P level was low, and the probable mechanism was the release of Fe/Al–P at high pH condition induced by intensive Chaetomorpha blooms.  相似文献   

对鄱阳湖沙山14种优势植物的叶片氮、磷含量进行研究,以探讨沙山植物的生理生态适应机制,为鄱阳湖沙化土地的植被恢复提供科学依据。结果表明:鄱阳湖沙山14种优势植物叶片氮含量变化范围为3.10~16.5mg·g-1,平均值10.21mg·g-1;叶片磷含量变化范围为0.70~2.10mg·g-1,平均值1.24mg·g-1。其中,叶片氮含量仅相当于中国及全球不同植物叶片氮平均含量的一半,叶片磷含量则分别是中国及全球不同植物叶片磷平均含量的85%、70%。鄱阳湖沙山植物较低的叶片氮、磷含量主要受低土壤养分含量控制。蔓荆子作为沙山普遍分布的物种,其叶片氮、磷含量受沙山土壤养分含量低的影响,总体保持较低水平,同时表现出随沙化程度的增加而增加的趋势,这是一种对于水分胁迫的生理适应,以提高水分利用效率。鄱阳湖沙山植物叶片N:P平均比值为9.0,表明沙山植物生长更多地受氮的限制。  相似文献   

As part of a larger study to assess the influence of land use on riverine and atmospheric phosphorus (P) loading to Lake Victoria, P sorption characteristics of eight composite bottom sediment samples from the Simiyu and Kagera rivers were determined using the Langmuir equation. The samples had low to medium Langmuir adsorption maxima (Γm), ranging from 107 to 201μg g?1. Langmuir binding energy co-efficient (K) ranged from 60 to 181μg l?1 and the equilibrium P concentration at zero sorption (EPC0) from 0.1 to 2.75μg g?1. By using Langmuir co-efficients derived from P sorption experiments and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations measured in rivers as well as the in-shore waters of Lake Victoria, it was possible to determine the potential release of SRP into the lake by sediment from the two catchments. For the 2000 water-year, it was estimated that about 28.65 ± 0.89 (mean ± SD) and 66 ± 6.76 tons of SRP were released into Lake Victoria by sediment deposited by the Simiyu and Kagera rivers, respectively. The implications of these results to future management of cultural eutrophication in Lake Victoria are also discussed.  相似文献   

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