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A region of 25 nucleotides is highly conserved in genes coding for the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) of human, mouse, calf, chicken, and Torpedo. Based on this observation, a 2-fold degenerate oligonucleotide was synthesized and used as a probe to screen a cDNA library made from a mouse myogenic cell line. Clones coding for the beta, gamma, and delta subunits were identified by the probe. The protein sequence deduced from the beta subunit clones codes for a precursor polypeptide of 501 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 56,930 daltons, which includes a signal peptide of 23 amino acids. The protein sequence and structural features of the beta subunits of mouse, calf, and Torpedo are conserved. A clone coding for the mouse gamma subunit was isolated, and its identity was confirmed by alignment of its sequence to previously published cDNA sequences for the mouse and calf gamma subunits. The clone contained approximately 200 nucleotides more at its 3' end untranslated region than a mouse gamma clone recently described. Northern blot analysis, utilizing as probes these beta and gamma subunit cDNAs and previously characterized alpha and delta subunit cDNAs, shows that the steady-state levels of the four AChR mRNAs increase coordinately during terminal differentiation of cultured C2 and C2i mouse myoblasts. The increase in mRNA levels can account for the rise of cell surface receptors during myogenesis and suggests that the muscle AChR genes may be regulated during development by a common mechanism. Utilization of this oligonucleotide probe should prove useful for screening a variety of libraries made from different species and tissues which are known to express AChRs.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is a ligand-gated ion channel found in muscles and neurons. Muscle AChR, formed by five homologous subunits (alpha2 beta gamma delta or alpha2 beta gamma epsilon), is the major antigen in the autoimmune disease, myasthenia gravis (MG), in which pathogenic autoantibodies bind to, and inactivate, the AChR. The extracellular domain (ECD) of the human muscle alpha subunit has been heterologously expressed and extensively studied. Our aim was to obtain satisfactory amounts of the ECDs of the non-alpha subunits of human muscle AChR for use as starting material for the determination of the 3D structure of the receptor ECDs and for the characterization of the specificities of antibodies in sera from patients with MG. We expressed the N-terminal ECDs of the beta (amino acids 1-221; beta1-221), gamma (amino acids 1-218; gamma1-218), and epsilon (amino acids 1-219; epsilon1-219) subunits of human muscle AChR in the yeast, Pichia pastoris. beta1-221 was expressed at approximately 2 mg.L(-1) culture, whereas gamma1-218 and epsilon1-219 were expressed at 0.3-0.8 mg.L(-1) culture. All three recombinant polypeptides were glycosylated and soluble; beta1-221 was mainly in an apparently dimeric form, whereas gamma1-218 and epsilon1-219 formed soluble oligomers. CD studies of beta1-221 suggested that it has considerable beta-sheet secondary structure with a proportion of alpha-helix. Conformation-dependent mAbs against the ECDs of the beta or gamma subunits specifically recognized beta1-221 or gamma1-218, respectively, and polyclonal rabbit antiserum raised against purified beta1-221 bound to (125)I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin-labeled human AChR. Moreover, immobilization of each ECD on Sepharose beads and incubation of the ECD-Sepharose matrices with MG sera caused a significant reduction in the concentrations of autoantibodies in the sera, showing specific binding to the recombinant ECDs. These results suggest that the expressed proteins present some near-native conformational features and are thus suitable for our purposes.  相似文献   

We screened DNA from unrelated individuals for RFLPs in the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR) genes. These RFLP markers can be used for genetic linkage and association studies to test the hypothesis that receptor structure or regulation is involved in the development of myasthenia gravis (MG). The cDNAs from four subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) of the murine muscle AcChoR were used as probes to identify RFLPs in the homologous human genes. Digestion of DNA from 15 unrelated individuals with a set of 10 restriction enzymes revealed 11 RFLPs. At least one RFLP was found for each subunit gene. Eight RFLPs were found at the linked gamma and delta gene loci, six with minor allele frequencies greater than 15%, making that linkage group a very informative marker locus (PIC = .72). PIC values were calculated for the RFLPs from allele and haplotype frequency estimates obtained from a population sample of 53 individuals. The delta gene was assigned by in situ hybridization to region q31----q34 of chromosome 2. All pairs of RFLPs were analyzed for linkage disequilibrium. Of the 16 pairs of RFLPs from the same gene or from the linked gamma and delta genes, 13 pairs showed evidence of disequilibrium that was significant, with P less than .05. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of mammalian skeletal muscle is a multisubunit membrane glycoprotein whose synthesis is regulated by developmental and physiological cues. We report here the identification and characterization of the primary translation product of alpha subunit mRNA. The alpha subunit synthesized in rabbit reticulocyte lysate is approximately 2000 larger in apparent molecular weight than the native alpha subunit polypeptide found in acetylcholine receptor. Evidence from peptide maps and the effect of co-translational incubation with dog pancreas microsomes suggests that the in vitro product differs in two ways from native alpha subunit: 1) it is synthesized with an NH2-terminal signal peptide which is removed in vivo, and 2) the in vitro product is not glycosylated. We have characterized the alpha subunit mRNA activity by using a quantitative the membrane-bound polysome fraction. It is poly(A+) and approximately 2000 nucleotides long. Finally, we have shown that in BC3H-1 cells, alpha subunit mRNA is regulated developmentally. We detected a 10-fold increase in the relative abundance of alpha subunit mRNA in cells which had undergone the transition from log phase growth to differentiated myoblast.  相似文献   

Y Gu  P Camacho  P Gardner  Z W Hall 《Neuron》1991,6(6):879-887
We have used a species difference in epsilon subunits of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) to investigate regions of the subunit protein that are important in receptor assembly. Upon transient transfection of COS cells, mouse epsilon subunit cDNA is approximately 10 times more effective than that of the rat in supporting expression of surface AChRs when the other subunits are from either mouse or rat. In cells transfected with only alpha and epsilon subunit cDNAs, the formation of an alpha epsilon heterodimer, a presumed assembly intermediate, is also less efficient with rat than with mouse epsilon subunit. By site-directed mutagenesis, we have found that these differences can be accounted for by 2 amino acid differences in the N-terminal domain at positions 106 and 115 of the rat and mouse epsilon subunits, suggesting that the region near these 2 amino acid residues is important for AChR assembly.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2613-2622
The structural elements required for normal maturation and assembly of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit were investigated by expression of mutated subunits in transfected fibroblasts. Normally, the wild-type alpha subunit acquires high affinity alpha bungarotoxin binding in a time-dependent manner; however, mutation of the 128 and/or 142 cysteines to either serine or alanine, as well as deletion of the entire 14 amino acids in this region abolished all detectable high affinity binding. Nonglycosylated subunits that had a serine to glycine mutation in the consensus sequence also did not efficiently attain high affinity binding to toxin. In contrast, mutation of the proline at position 136 to glycine or alanine, or a double mutation of the cysteines at position 192 and 193 to serines had no effect on the acquisition of high affinity toxin binding. These data suggest that a disulfide bridge between cysteines 128 and 142 and oligosaccharide addition at asparagine 141 are required for the normal maturation of alpha subunit as assayed by high affinity toxin binding. The unassembled wild-type alpha subunit expressed in fibroblasts is normally degraded with a t1/2 of 2 h; upon assembly with the delta subunit, the degradation rate slows significantly (t1/2 greater than 13 h). All mutated alpha subunits retained the capacity to assemble with a delta subunit coexpressed in fibroblasts; however, mutated alpha subunits that were not glycosylated or did not acquire high affinity toxin binding were rapidly degraded (t1/2 = 20 min to 2 h) regardless of whether or not they assembled with the delta subunit. Assembly and rapid degradation of nonglycosylated acetylcholine receptor (AChR) subunits and subunit complexes were also observed in tunicamycin- treated BC3H-1 cells, a mouse musclelike cell line that normally expresses functional AChR. Hence, rapid degradation may be one form of regulation assuring that only correctly processed and assembled subunits accumulate, and ultimately make functional receptors in AChR- expressing cells.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentamers composed of alpha and beta subunits. Different molecular compositions of these subunits constitute various receptor subtypes that are implicated in the pathophysiology and/or treatment of several disease states but are difficult to distinguish pharmacologically. Alpha-conotoxins are a group of small, structurally defined peptides that may be used to molecularly dissect the nAChR-binding site. Heteromeric nAChRs generally contain either a beta2 or beta4 subunit in addition to an alpha subunit at the ligand-binding interface. Alpha-conotoxin BuIA kinetically distinguishes between beta2- and beta4-containing nAChRs, with long off times for the latter. Mutational studies were used to assess the influence of residues that line the putative acetylcholine-binding pocket but differ between beta2 and beta4 subunits. Residues Thr/Lys59, Val/Ile111, and Phe/Gln119 of the respective beta2 and beta4 subunits are critical to off-rate differences. Among these residues, Thr59 of nAChR beta2 may interfere with effective access to the binding site, whereas Lys59 may facilitate this binding.  相似文献   

Whether the myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) of the MyoD family can discriminate among the muscle gene targets for the proper and reproducible formation of skeletal muscle is a recurrent question. We have previously shown that, in Xenopus laevis, myogenin specifically transactivated muscle structural genes in vivo. In the present study, we used the Xenopus model to examine the role of XMyoD, XMyf5, and XMRF4 for the transactivation of the (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) nAChR genes in vivo. During early Xenopus development, the expression patterns of nAChR subunit genes proved to be correlated with the expression patterns of the MRFs. We show that XMyf5 specifically induced the expression of the delta-subunit gene in cap animal assays and in endoderm cells of Xenopus embryos but was unable to activate the expression of the gamma-subunit gene. In embryos, overexpression of a dominant-negative XMyf5 variant led to the repression of delta-but not gamma-subunit gene expression. Conversely, XMyoD and XMRF4 activated gamma-subunit gene expression but were unable to activate delta-subunit gene expression. Finally, all MRFs induced expression of the alpha-subunit gene. These findings strengthen the concept that one MRF can specifically control a subset of muscle genes that cannot be activated by the other MRFs.  相似文献   

The recent cryoelectron microscopy structure of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) at 4-Å resolution shows long helices for all transmembrane (TM) domains. This is in disagreement with several previous reports that the first TM domain of nAChR and other Cys-loop receptors are not entirely helical. In this study, we determined the structure and backbone dynamics of an extended segment encompassing the first TM domain (TM1e) of nAChR β2 subunit in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, using solution-state NMR and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Both CD and NMR results show less helicity in TM1e than in Torpedo nAChR structure (Protein Data Bank: 2BG9). The helical ending residues at the C-terminus are the same in the TM1e NMR structure and the Torpedo nAChR structure, but the helical starting residue (I-217) in TM1e is seven residues closer to the C-terminus. Interestingly, the helical starting residue is two residues before the highly conserved P-219, in accordance with the hypothesis that proline causes helical distortions at three residues preceding it. The NMR relaxation measurements show a dynamics pattern consistent with TM1e structure. The substantial nonhelical content adds greater flexibilities to TM1e, thereby implicating a different molecular basis for nAChR function compared to a longer and more rigid helical TM1.  相似文献   

Waglerin-1 (Wtx-1) is a 22-amino acid peptide that competitively antagonizes muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Previous work demonstrated that Wtx-1 binds to mouse nAChRs with higher affinity than receptors from rats or humans, and distinguished residues in alpha and epsilon subunits that govern the species selectivity. These studies also showed that Wtx-1 binds selectively to the alpha-epsilon binding site with significantly higher affinity than to the alpha-delta binding site. Here we identify residues at equivalent positions in the epsilon, gamma, and delta subunits that govern Wtx-1 selectivity for one of the two binding sites on the nAChR pentamer. Using a series of chimeric and point mutant subunits, we show that residues Gly-57, Asp-59, Tyr-111, Tyr-115, and Asp-173 of the epsilon subunit account predominantly for the 3700-fold higher affinity of the alpha-epsilon site relative to that of the alpha-gamma site. Similarly, we find that residues Lys-34, Gly-57, Asp-59, and Asp-173 account predominantly for the high affinity of the alpha-epsilon site relative to that of the alpha-delta site. Analysis of combinations of point mutations reveals that Asp-173 in the epsilon subunit is required together with the remaining determinants in the epsilon subunit to achieve Wtx-1 selectivity. In particular, Lys-34 interacts with Asp-173 to confer high affinity, resulting in a DeltaDeltaG(INT) of -2.3 kcal/mol in the epsilon subunit and a DeltaDeltaG(INT) of -1.3 kcal/mol in the delta subunit. Asp-173 is part of a nonhomologous insertion not found in the acetylcholine binding protein structure. The key role of this insertion in Wtx-1 selectivity indicates that it is proximal to the ligand binding site. We use the binding and interaction energies for Wtx-1 to generate structural models of the alpha-epsilon, alpha-gamma, and alpha-delta binding sites containing the nonhomologous insertion.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are a family of evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine kinases. CDK2 acts as a checkpoint for the G(1)/S transition in the cell cycle. Despite a down-regulation of CDK2 activity in postmitotic cells, many cell types, including muscle cells, maintain abundant levels of CDK2 protein. This led us to hypothesize that CDK2 may have a function in postmitotic cells. We show here for the first time that CDK2 can be activated by neuregulin (NRG) in differentiated C2C12 myotubes. In addition, this activity is required for expression of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) epsilon subunit. The switch from the fetal AChRgamma subunit to the adult-type AChRepsilon is required for synapse maturation and the neuromuscular junction. Inhibition of CDK2 activity with either the specific CDK2 inhibitory peptide Tat-LFG or by RNA interference abolished neuregulin-induced AChRepsilon expression. Neuregulin-induced activation of CDK2 also depended on the ErbB receptor, MAPK, and PI3K, all of which have previously been shown to be required for AChRepsilon expression. Neuregulin regulated CDK2 activity through coordinating phosphorylation of CDK2 on Thr-160, accumulation of CDK2 in the nucleus, and down-regulation of the CDK2 inhibitory protein p27 in the nucleus. In addition, we also observed a novel mechanism of regulation of CDK2 activity by a low molecular weight variant of cyclin E in response to NRG. These findings establish CDK2 as an intermediate molecule that integrates NRG-activated signals from both the MAPK and PI3K pathways to AChRepsilon expression and reveal an undiscovered physiological role for CDK2 in postmitotic cells.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) causes neurological impairments, as well as muscle dysfunction, including smaller neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). This study assessed the expression levels of the subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in muscles of the R6/2 mouse model of HD. Based on our previous findings of reduced NMJ size in R6/2 mice, it was hypothesized that muscles from R6/2 mice would also show an altered expression pattern of nAChR subunits compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Therefore, the mRNA levels of nAChR subunits were quantified in R6/2 and WT mouse muscles using qRT-PCR. Denervated muscles from WT mice served as positive controls for alterations in nAChR expression. Although some changes in nAChR subunit expression occurred in R6/2 muscles, the expression levels closely resembled WT. However, the expression of nAChR subunit-ε (Chrne) was significantly decreased in R6/2 muscles relative to WT. This study demonstrates that only minor changes in nAChR subunit expression occurs in R6/2 mouse muscles and that reduction in Chrne expression may be related to a reduction in NMJ size in R6/mice.  相似文献   

A number of monoclonal antibodies were raised against the purified porcine atrial muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. The antibodies were shown to exhibit a high degree of specificity for the receptor by their ability to recognize the purified receptor but not other porcine atrial glycoproteins in enzyme-linked solid-phase immunosorptive assays and by immunoblot analyses. Several of the antibodies were able to quantitatively precipitate the muscarinic receptor in both pig and rat heart and a portion of the receptor from rat cerebellum but little if any receptor from rat cerebral cortex. Thus, these monoclonal antibodies not only exhibit specificity for the muscarinic receptor but also are specific for the cardiac receptor subtype.  相似文献   

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