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The purpose of this study was to determine whether superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics lengthen the life span of the housefly, Musca domestica, as previously demonstrated for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Various concentrations of Eukarion-8 or Eukarion-134 were administered via the drinking water and the effects on the life span of the flies and amounts of protein carbonyls were determined under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions. These SOD/catalase mimetics neither extended the life span of the flies nor attenuated the protein carbonyl content under normoxic conditions and shortened life span under hyperoxic conditions. Thus, the effect of these SOD/catalase mimetics on the life span of animals seem to be species-specific.  相似文献   

The phospholipids of the housefly, Musca domestica   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Cytochrome c is a component of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, where it transfers electrons from ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase to cytochrome c oxidase. Autoxidation of some of the components of the electron transport chain is the main source of intracellular O(2)(-*)/H(2)O(2) production in aerobic organisms. Because cytochrome c is located on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane, it is likely to be constantly exposed to H(2)O(2), secreted by mitochondria into the cytosol. The specific objective of this study was to determine whether cytochrome c in the flight muscle mitochondria of the housefly is oxidatively damaged during aging and/or under severe oxidative stress induced by exposure of flies to 100% oxygen. Results of two independent methods, namely tritiated borohydride labeling for determining carbonylation and mass spectral analysis for the measurement of molecular mass, indicated that neither the carbonyl level nor the molecular mass of cytochrome c was affected by aging or hyperoxia. Thus, either cytochrome c is resistant to oxidative damage in vivo or the oxidized cytochrome c is promptly degraded. These findings also support the concept that protein oxidative damage during aging and under oxidative stress is selective.  相似文献   

The distribution of a CRF-related diuretic peptide (Musca-DP) and the diuretic/myotropic insect myokinins in the central nervous system of larval and adult houseflies was investigated using antisera raised against Locusta-DH and leucokinin-I, respectively. Two separate, small populations of immunoreactive neurons are present in the brain and fused thoracic-abdominal ganglion mass. There is no evidence for these immunoreactivities being colocalised either within single neurons or at neurohaemal release sites. Crude extracts of tissues containing immunoreactive material increase fluid secretion by isolated Malpighian tubules from adult flies. Diuretic activity is highest in tissues containing myokinin-immunoreactive material. Consistent with this observation, myokinin analogues produce a four- to five-fold increase in fluid secretion, which is more than twice the response to Musca-DP. These effects are mimicked by treatments that increase intracellular calcium and cyclic AMP, respectively. When tested at threshold concentrations, the two classes of diuretic peptide act synergistically to accelerate tubule secretion, and their separate localisation may be important for the precise control of diuresis.  相似文献   

1. A glutathione S-transferase having Se-independent glutathione peroxidase activity was isolated from 100,000 g supernatant from housefly homogenate. 2. The specific activity of the partially purified Se-independent glutathione peroxidase was 1776 nmol NADPH oxidized/min/mg protein, representing an 87-fold purification. 3. The Mr of this enzyme was estimated to be 37,000 and 26,000 by gel filtration chromatography and gel electrophoresis, respectively. 4. Selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activity could not be detected in this same supernatant. 5. Se-independent glutathione peroxidase activity should be considered in future studies of the insect antioxidant defense system.  相似文献   

The photoreceptors of many animals adapt, when illuminated, by reducing their sensitivities to light and improving their response speeds. Light adaptation is usually considered to be rapid and complete within minutes. However, under bright light conditions, I show that functionally significant improvements in impulse response amplitude and speed continue over the course of an hour in photoreceptors of the fly, Musca domestica. After sustained illumination, the average information rate, a measure of signalling performance, improved by 28% in a sample of sixteen photoreceptors. This long-term light adaptation is a robust phenomenon across animals and is repeatable within the same cell when light-adapting sessions are separated by a period of darkness. White-noise analysis of voltage responses to light and current stimuli indicate that much of the long-term changes observed are attributable to an improvement in the reliability with which photoreceptors register the timing of photon absorptions. It is also found that the impedance amplitude of the photoreceptor increases during long-term adaptation, suggesting that the area of the photoreceptor's membrane is reduced.  相似文献   

Effects of varied levels of glutathione, an intracellular redox buffer, were examined in the adult male housefly in order to study the inter-relationship between enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidant defenses. An increase of over 100% in the concentrations of glutathione was induced by the administration of 3 mM L-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (LOC), which increases the intracellular level of cysteine. A decrease in glutathione concentration of up to 85% was achieved by the administration of L-buthionine-SR-sulfoximine (BUS), which irreversibly inhibits glutamylcysteine synthetase. Life spans of houseflies were shortened by a decrease in the glutathione concentration, but were not prolonged by augmentation of glutathione. Metabolic rate and superoxide dismutase activity were independent of glutathione concentration. H2O2 was increased by both experimental regimes, whereas catalase activity was decreased by BUS. Results suggest that catalase activity is influenced by glutathione concentration.  相似文献   

A competitive ELISA employing a polyclonal antiserum raised against leucokinin-I was used to isolate and purify a myokinin (muscakinin) from 1.05 kg of adult houseflies (Musca domestica). Following solid-phase purification, seven HPLC column steps were used to purify 4.8 nmol of leucokinin-immunoreactive material. Sequence analysis and mass spectrometry were consistent with the structure Asn-Thr-Val-Val-Leu-Gly Lys-Lys-Gln-Arg-Phe-His-Ser-Trp-Gly NH2. This peptide was synthesized and co-eluted with the natural peptide on three different HPLC columns. The activities of natural and synthetic muscakinin were identical, with both producing a 4-5 fold increase in fluid secretion by housefly Malpighian tubules at nanomolar concentrations. The presence of a pair of basic residues (Lys-Lys) suggested muscakinin might be processed further, with the peptide pGlu-Arg-Phe-His-Ser-Trp-Gly NH2 being produced by conversion of an N-terminal glutamine to pyroglutamic acid. However, this analog was 1000-fold less active than the intact peptide, comparable to the activity of AK-V which shares the same C-terminal pentapeptide sequence. The diuretic activity of muscakinin is more than double that of a previously identified CRF-related diuretic peptide (Musca-DP) from the housefly, and the two peptides act synergistically in stimulating fluid secretion. Muscakinin also increased the frequency and amplitude of contractions by housefly hindgut which might further contribute to the excretory process.  相似文献   

It has been found that mitochondria isolated from the flight muscle of the housefly, Musca domestica, are capable of effecting oxidative phosphorylation. A systematic investigation of the factors which regulate this coupling was undertaken. It was found: 1. The molarity of the isolation medium had considerable influence on the morphology of the mitochondria. These physical alterations were associated with changes in oxidation, phosphorylation, and ATPase activity. 2. In addition to an optimum isolation medium, the normal morphology of the mitochondria needed to be further stabilized by serum albumin. 3. A "latent" ATPase activity in insect mitochondria was demonstrated. An inverse relationship was found between oxidative phosphorylation and ATPase activity. 4. Oxygen consumption and the uptake of phosphate were linear with respect to time. 5. A respiratory substrate was necessary for phosphorylation and for maintenance of spatially organized mitochondria. 6. No differences in oxygen uptake were found in the presence or absence of inorganic phosphate. 7. Magnesium was required for optimal oxidative phosphorylation. Calcium and manganese inhibited both respiration and phosphorylation. 8. The addition of cytochrome c had no effect on either oxygen or phosphate uptake. 9. ATP, ADP, or AMP were capable of participating in oxidative phosphorylation, but the glucose-hexokinase trapping system was necessary. 10. Fluoride inhibited the phosphorylation of AMP, but increased P/O when ATP was used. This stimulation was not due to the inhibition of ATPase. 11. Neither arginine nor creatine was phosphorylated. 12. The addition of other isolated fractions of flight muscle to the mitochondrial system had no appreciable effect on respiration or phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferases, GSSG reductase, thiol transferases, gamma glutamylcysteine synthetase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and the concentrations of H2O2 and reduced and oxidized glutathione were determined in the various developmental stages of houseflies. Housefly development was correlated with a progressive increase of cellular oxidizing equivalents and a loss of cellular reducing capacity. The loss of reducing equivalents appeared to result from a decrease in the activity of enzymes involved in glutathione and NADPH synthesis and a concomitant increase in glutathione-oxidizing enzymes. Relatively little change was observed in SOD activity during housefly development; however, the electrophoretic pattern of MnSOD varied in a manner specific to developmental stage. A striking increase in H2O2 concentration occurred prior to pupation possibly due to changes in substrate catabolism. These results support the hypothesis that the cellular environment becomes progressively more oxidizing during development.  相似文献   

The lipoid content of several resistant and normal strains of houseflies was determined. A Swiss extremely DDT-resistant strain had a much higher fat content than a normal Swiss reference strain and several Italian strains. Among the Italian strains, a chlordane-resistant strain had a significantly higher fat content than a diazinon-resistant and a normal strain. This difference was no longer significant however, when the normal Swiss strain was included in the calculations. Iodine numbers, specific gravity and physical consistence showed no consistent difference between the fats of resistant and normal strains, except that the syphoned-off oils from fats of resistant flies seemed to be less viscous than those of normal flies of the same provenience.In a further series of experiments, the lipids were extracted from wheat bran, to which were added instead fats extracted from normal and from DDT-resistant housefly pupae; normal larvae were reared in a medium containing the fat from resistant pupae and vice versa. Neither this procedure nor that of offering cholesterol as sole larval lipid source, had any influence on resistance level in the adult state.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Lipoidgehalt der Puppen resistenter und sensibler Hausfliegenstämme bestimmt. Ein hoch DDT-resistenter Schweizer Stamm hatte einen bedeutend höheren Fettgehalt als ein normaler Schweizer und verschiedene italienische Stämme. Unter den italienischen Stämmen, hatte ein Chlordan-resistenter Stamm einen signifikant höheren Fettgehalt als ein Diazinon-resistenter und ein normaler Stamm. Wenn jedoch bei der statistischen Auswertung dieser Resultate die Zahlen für den Schweizer normalen Vergleichstamm mit in Betracht gezogen wurden, waren die Unterschiede für den Chlordanstamm nicht mehr signifikant.Die Feststellung Wiesmanns, dass resistente Hausfliegen einen höheren Fettgehalt aufweisen, konnte also in unseren Versuchen nur in einem von drei resistenten Stämmen bestätigt werden. Es ist daher anzunehmen, dass die Tatsache vorhandenen höheren Fettgehaltes nicht für alle resistenten Stämme zutrifft. Die Wiesmann'sche Lipoidtheorie der Insektizidresistenz, die übrigens auch von ihm selbst nur als Teilmechanismus des Resistenzgeschehens aufgefasst wird, ist vielleicht für gewisse Stämme anwendbar, so z.B. für den Schweizer Stamm K1, für den unsere Resultate mit den Ergebnissen Wiesmanns übereinstimmen. Die Theorie ist jedoch sicher nicht für jeglichen resistenten Hausfliegenstamm gültig.Wenn chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften der Fette, z.B. Jodzahl, Dichte und Konsistenz verglichen wurden, konnten keine klaren Unterschiede zwischen dem Fett resistenter und normaler Stämme gefunden werden. Vielleicht könnte man nur von einem Unterschied in der Viskosität der abgeheberten flüssigen Ölphase resistenter und normaler Fliegen gleicher Provenienz sprechen.Extrahierung der im Larvenfutter vorhandenen Fette und ihr Ersatz durch Fliegenpuppefette, oder Verabreichung von Cholesterin als einzige larvale, Fettquelle, hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Resistenz der Adulttiere.

《Insect Biochemistry》1976,6(6):627-629
The transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) methylases of the housefly was isolated from different tissues. The activity of this enzyme was tested during the life cycle of the insect. The data show how enzyme activity changes during the course of metamorphosis of the housefly, Musca domestica.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(3):573-581
Latent phenoloxidase was purified from prepupae of the housefly, Musca domestica vicina Maquart. The purification procedures included DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, sucrose density gradient centrifugation adn second sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The final preparations appear to be homogeneous based on results obtained from polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of EDTA. Electrophoresis in the absence of EDTA caused spontaneous activation of latent phenoloxidase. While latent phenoloxidase was fairly stable over the range of temperatures between 0 and 40°C, it was quite sensitive to changes in pH, being stable only around pH 6.0. The molecular weight of latent phenoloxidase was estimated to be 178,000, as determined by gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Furthermore, phenoloxidase formed by the activation of latent phenoloxidase indicated a higher molecular weight (340,000) than that of latent phenoloxidase. Thus, it appears that the mechanism of the activation of latent phenoloxidase involves the association and disassociation system.  相似文献   

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