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Speciation may be promoted in hybrid zones if there is an interruption to gene flow between the hybridizing forms. For hybridizing chromosome races of the house mouse in Valtellina (Italy), distinguished by whole‐arm chromosomal rearrangements, previous studies have shown that there is greater interruption to gene flow at the centromeres of chromosomes that differ between the races than at distal regions of the same chromosome or at the centromeres of other chromosomes. Here, by increasing the number of markers along race‐specific chromosomes, we reveal a decay in between‐race genetic differentiation from the centromere to the distal telomere. For the first time, we use simulation models to investigate the possible role of recombination suppression and hybrid breakdown in generating this pattern. We also consider epistasis and selective sweeps as explanations for isolated chromosomal regions away from the centromere showing differentiation between the races. Hybrid breakdown alone is the simplest explanation for the decay in genetic differentiation with distance from the centromere. Robertsonian fusions/whole‐arm reciprocal translocations are common chromosomal rearrangements characterizing both closely related species and races within species, and this fine‐scale empirical analysis suggests that the unfitness associated with these rearrangements in the heterozygous state may contribute to the speciation process.  相似文献   

The effects of hybridization on developmental stability and size of tooth characters were investigated in intersubspecific crosses between random-bred wild strains of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus). Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and trait size were compared within and between parental, F1, backcross, and F2 hybrid groups. The relationship between FA and reproductive fitness within the F1 hybrids was also studied. The results indicated that both FA and character size levels differed significantly between the two subspecies. The F1 hybrids and the recombined groups (backcrosses and F2 hybrids) showed heterosis for both parameters. No significant differences in the FA of fertile and sterile F1 hybrid individuals were found. Comparison of the FA levels obtained in this study with those found in wild populations from the hybrid zone in Denmark showed that the levels of FA were lower in laboratory-bred samples than in the wild populations. This study provides further evidence that, in hybrids, the developmental processes underlying most of the morphological traits we studied benefit from a heterotic effect, despite the genomic incompatibilities between the two European house mice revealed by previous genetical and parasitological studies.  相似文献   

福建省莆田地区小家鼠种群繁殖的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
洪朝长  陈小彬 《兽类学报》1992,12(2):153-158
1987—1989年,作者在福建省蒲田地区采集小家鼠标本1616号(雌865,雄751),解剖、观察雌雄生殖器官的特征和变化,对种群中的性比、睾丸下降率、繁殖雌鼠率、怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数的季节变化和年度差异作了分析。结果表明,该地区小家鼠全年均可繁殖。雄性小家鼠体重≥10克,雌性体重≥11克时,已有75%以上达性成熟,故体重可作为划分成体的标准。种群密度对种群繁殖有明显的反馈调节作用。  相似文献   

The Robertsonian fusion is a common chromosomal mutation among mammal species and is especially prevalent in the West European house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus. More than 40 races of the house mouse exist in Europe, including the famous “tobacco mouse” (Poschiavo race) of Val Poschiavo, Switzerland. Documented here is the discovery of an extreme case of karyotypic variation in the neighboring Upper Valtellina, Italy. In a 20-km stretch of the valley, 32 karyotypes were observed, including five chromosomal races and 27 hybrid types. One previously unknown race is reported, the “Mid Valtellina” race, with a diploid number of 2n = 24 and the Robertsonian fusions Rb(1.3), Rb(4.6), Rb(5.15), Rb(7.18), Rb(8.12), Rb(9.14), Rb(11.13), and Rb(16.17). The Poschiavo race (2n = 26), Upper Valtellina race (2n = 24), Lower Valtellina race (2n = 22) and all-acrocentric race (2n = 40) were also present. The races form a patchy distribution, which we term a “mottled hybrid zone.” Geographical position, isolation, extinction, recolonization, and selection against hybrids are all believed to be instrumental in the origin and evolution of this complex system. Previous studies of house mice from Upper Valtellina indicated that two of the races in the valley (the Upper Valtellina and Poschiavo races) may have speciated in the village of Migiondo. We discuss the possibility that there may have been a reinforcement event in this village.  相似文献   

巢蛋白mRNA在小鼠中枢神经系统发育过程中的表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨靖  边玮 《生理学报》1997,49(6):657-665
巢蛋白属于中等纤维基因家族,在增殖较快的神经前体细胞中表达。该基因被克隆后,作为神经前体的标记基因得到广泛应用。本文中,我们根据小鼠巢蛋白cDNA序列,设计了一对引物,在确定了反轩录PCR反应的最佳反应条件后,详细地考察了小鼠巢蛋白mRNA在中枢神经系统发育过程中的表达规律。  相似文献   

亲环蛋白广泛存在于生物体中,并发挥着重要的作用。本研究从小球藻cDNA文库中筛选获得亲环蛋白A(CyPA Gene);通过提取转化35S::CyPA::GFP融合质粒拟南芥的原生质体研究表明,CyPA定位于叶绿体中;过表达CyPA基因的酵母能够增强InV酵母对NaCl、NaHCO3胁迫的生长能力;通过实时定量PCR研究表明,在非生物胁迫的条件下,CyPA基因的表达量升高,推测CyPA基因与非生物胁迫抗性相关,亲环蛋白A参与生物体的抗逆生存能力。  相似文献   

以Quox-1基因的特异性片段b_2为探针,与人基因组DNA作Southern杂交,结果显示,人基因组中存在Quox-1基因的同源序列。以抗Quox-1蛋白的抗体与早期人胚胎组织的切片作免疫组化反应研究了Quox-1基因同源序列在人胚早期发育过程中的表达,结果表明其表达有明显的时间和空间特异性。胚龄30天以前,Quox-1基因的同源序列在人胚包括神经管等许多部位表达,30天以后表达部位局限于脊索、心肌细胞、生肌节、消化道上皮及周皮等处。文中讨论了Quox-1基因同源顺序对人类胚胎早期发育过程可能的调控作用。  相似文献   

解毒酶基因的克隆及其在大肠杆菌和蓝藻中的表达(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来 ,在明确了杀虫药剂抗性机理的基础上 ,从杀虫药剂抗性的昆虫中分离出高抗性基因 (即解毒酶基因 ) ,将该基因克隆到表达载体 pRL 4 39上 ,得到表达载体 pRL B1,将其转化大肠杆菌HB10 1,获得了可以表达解毒酶基因的转基因工程菌株。同时构建了穿梭表达载体 pDC B1,并转化大肠杆菌HB10 1后 ,在抗生素氨卞霉素 (30 μg/mL)和卡那霉素 (30 μg/mL)平板上挑选阳性克隆 ,将阳性克隆的细胞、蓝藻和结合质粒以三亲结合转移的方式转入蓝藻。斑点杂交、Southern分析结果表明已经获得了Synechococcussp .PCC 794 2转基因工程藻。  相似文献   

We constructed a model for the evolution of sexual isolation by extending Lande's (1981) model of sexual selection. The model predicts that asymmetric sexual isolation is a transient phenomenon, characteristic of intermediate stages of divergence in sexually selected traits. Unlike the Kaneshiro (1976, 1980) proposal, our model does not depend upon drift and the loss of courtship elements to produce asymmetries in sexual isolation. According to our model, the direction of evolution cannot be predicted from asymmetry in sexual isolation. We tested some features of the model using data from an experimental study of sexual isolation in the salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus. We tested for sexual isolation between 12 allopatric populations and found significant asymmetry in sexual isolation in about a quarter of the test cases. The highest degrees of asymmetry were associated with intermediate levels of divergence. A curvilinear relationship between isolation asymmetry and divergence was predicted by our model and was supported by statistical analysis of the salamander data.  相似文献   

Sox 基因家族在胚胎发育过程和性别分化中起重要作用, 为研究池蝶蚌中Sox 基因的功能, 以人SRY基因HMG-box 保守区的序列设计简并引物, 以雌、雄池蝶蚌基因组DNA 和精巢cDNA 为模板进行扩增, 获得了2 个不完全相同的序列, 分别为DNA-HMG1、DNA-HMG2 和cDNA-HMG, 长度均为220 bp, 编码73个氨基酸。与人等物种Sox1、Sox2、Sox3 及Sox14 有很高的同源性, 雌雄个体之间没有序列差异性。采用RACE-PCR 扩增获得了池蝶蚌性腺Sox2 部分cDNA 片段, 长度为1774 bp, 该序列核苷酸与欧洲帽贝的SoxB和人类的Sox2 的同源性最高; 在部分开放阅读框249 个氨基酸残基中, 具有Sox 家族典型的HMG-box 结构域, 与人类、小鼠、原鸡和斑马鱼等Sox2 的HMG-box 同源性为98%。为了解该基因在各组织中的表达情况,采用实时荧光定量PCR 方法分析了外套膜、闭壳肌、鳃、肠、肝、肾、精巢和卵巢在内的8 种组织hs-Sox2的表达情况, 结果显示, hs-Sox2 基因在8 种组织中均有表达, 其中在肾脏中的表达量最高, 其次是肠与闭壳肌, 在雄性性腺中的表达量明显高于雌性性腺, 在肝脏中的表达量最低; 为了解hs-Sox2 在不同性腺发育时期的表达情况, 采用实时荧光定量PCR 方法分析了5 个不同月龄的精巢组织中hs-Sox2 的表达情况, 结果显示在39 月龄性腺的表达量最高, 其次是16 月龄性腺, 63 月龄蚌中的表达量最少。以上结果表明, hs-Sox2 基因可能参与了池蝶蚌精巢的发育及功能的维持。    相似文献   

用PCR法扩增麦迪霉素产生菌酮基还原酶(MKR)基因,得到约0.8kb的DNA片段,扩增片段重组到利用依赖T7RNA聚合酶的高效表达载体pT7-7中,在大肠杆菌中表达出28.9kD的蛋白质。表达的蛋白质具有生物活性。  相似文献   

Abstract We inserted the mosquito esterase B1 gene into the expression vector pRL‐439, which possesses the strong promoter PpsbA. The recombinant plasmid pRL‐Bl was used to transform E. coli HBlOl, and the positive clones were screened on LB medium plate containing 100 mg/mL ampicillin. The results of dot blotting and Southern hybridization demonstrated that these positive clones were transformed bacteria. Western blotting indicated that esterase B1 gene had been successfully expressed under the control of the PpsbA promoter in E. coli. A shuttle verruction‐B1 (pDGBl) was constructed by inserting B1‐cDNA from pRL‐Bl into polycloning site of plasmid pDc8. PDGBl was transferred into Synechoccus sp. PCC7942 through triparental conjugal transfer. Transformed single Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 clone was obtained by neomycin screening, and large‐scale culture in liquid medium was carried out. Results of Southern blotting proved that pWB1 was transferred into Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942.  相似文献   

Although Hsp70, the principal inducible heat-shock protein of Drosophila melanogaster, has received intense scrutiny in laboratory strains, its variation within natural populations and the consequences of such variation for thermotolerance are unknown. We have characterized variation in first-instar larvae of 20 isofemale lines isolated from a single natural population of D. melanogaster, in which larvae are prone to thermal stress in nature. Hsp70 expression varied more than twofold among lines after induction by exposure to 36°C for one hour, with an estimated proportion of the variation due to genetic differences of 0.24 ± 0.08. Thermotolerance with and without a Hsp70-inducing pretreatment, survival at 25°C, and developmental time also varied significantly. As expected, expression of Hsp70 correlated positively with larval thermotolerance. By contrast, lines in which larval survival was high in the absence of heat stress showed lower than average Hsp70 expression and lower than average inducible thermotolerance. This conditional performance suggests an evolutionary trade-off between thermotolerance and the ability to produce higher concentrations of Hsp70, and survival in a benign environment.  相似文献   

烫伤大鼠远隔器官热休克抑制基因表达的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭兴中  刘宇健 《生理学报》1997,49(4):370-374
为了研究应激是否可诱导完整高等动物远隔器官细胞的热休克反应,在已发现烫伤大鼠肝,脑有热休克蛋白诱导的基础上,本文进一步研究了正常基因表达的抑制。雄性SD大鼠背部烫伤后,于10-240min分别断头处死,然后通过斑点印迹法分析热休克抑制基因-1信使核糖核酸的变化。  相似文献   

黑曲霉糖化酶cDNA的改造及其在酿酒酵母中的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用PCR技术扩增黑曲霉糖化酶cDNA不含非编码区50bp的5’端740bp的序列与该cDNA3’端1400bp的序列连接,获得切除了5’端非编码的糖化酶cDNA。将改造后的cDNA插到质粒pMA91的酵母PGK基因的启动子和转录终止信号之间,构建了含黑曲霉糖化酶基因的表达载体pMAG17。用原生质体转化法将重组质粒pMAG17引入酿酒酵母GRF18。酿酒酵母GRF18转化子在淀粉平板上产生水解透明圈,表明糖化酶已在酵母中表达并分泌至培养基中。测定转化子的胞外酶活力及淀粉水解率。结果表明:改造后的糖化酶基  相似文献   

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