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The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in the male little brown bat Myotis lucifugus lucifugus was studied with the electron microscope. Animals were killed by intracardial perfusion at each season throughout the year so that the arcuate nucleus could be examined for seasonal variations in morphology. Striking seasonal changes in the fine structure of ependymal tanycytes lining the arcuate nucleus were observed. Tanycytes in animals collected in the fall and early winter exhibited pale processes characterized by a scant internal framework of microtubules and fine filaments. These processes, which were found throughout the arcuate nucleus, exhibited simple irregular shapes. In animals collected between January and June, tanycyte processes contained dense accumulations of fine filaments intermingled with microtubules, and projected long attenuated extensions that often formed multilamellar sheets around axodendritic terminals or other neuronal elements. Tanycyte processes of animals collected in July and August were densely packed with microtubules and fine filaments. The processes radiated elaborate multilamellar extensions that encapsulated axons, dendrites and even entire neuronal perikarya. Multilamellar sheets consisted of as many as 10 or 12 closely spaced gyres. The seasonal variations in tanycyte structure are suggestive of astrocyte-like behaviour. These changes are discussed with respect to seasonal changes in hypothalamic neuroendocrine activity.  相似文献   

Summary Leydig cells of the bat, Myotis adversus, have been examined by electron microscopy throughout fourteen months. During the breeding season the Leydig cells become hypertrophied and are characterised by prominent areas of agranular endoplasmic reticulum and numerous small, membrane-bound granules. Microperoxisomes are also observed. During the period of testicular regression. Leydig cell size and the number of membrane-bound granules are greatly reduced. Lipid droplets and dense bodies are more numerous.  相似文献   

Summary Postnatal changes in wing morphology, flight ability, muscle morphology, and histochemistry were investigated in the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus. The pectoralis major, acromiodeltoideus, and quadriceps femoris muscles were examined using stains for myofibrillar ATPase, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and mitochondrial -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (-GPDH) enzyme reactions. Bats first exhibited spontaneous, drop-evoked flapping behavior at 10 days, short horizontal flight at 17 days, and sustained flight at 24 days of age. Wing loading decreased and aspect ratio increased during postnatal development, each reaching adult range before the onset of sustained flight. Histochemically, fibers from the three muscles were undifferentiated at birth and had lower oxidative and glycolytic capacities compared to other age groups. Cross-sectional areas of fibers from the pectoralis and acromiodeltoideus muscles increased significantly at an age when dropevoked flapping behavior was first observed, suggesting that the neuromuscular mechanism controlling flapping did not develop until this time. Throughout the postnatal growth period, pectoralis and acromiodeltoideus muscle mass and fiber cross-sectional area increased significantly. By day 17 the pectoralis muscle had become differentiated in glycolytic capacity, as indicated by the mosaic staining pattern for -GPDH. By contrast, the quadriceps fibers were relatively large at birth and slowly increased in size during the postnatal period. Fiber differentiation was evident at the time young bats began to fly, as indicated by a mosaic pattern of staining for myosin ATPase. These results indicate that flight muscles (pectoralis and acromiodeltoideus) are less well developed at birth and undergo rapid development just before the onset of flight. By contrast the quadriceps femoris muscle, which is required for postural control, is more developed at birth than the flight muscles and grows more slowly during subsequent development.  相似文献   

Pituitary gonadotropes were identified throughout the year in the seasonally breeding, hibernating bat Myotis lucifugus lucifugus by means of light microscopic immunohistochemistry. In both male and female bats, these cells were immunoreactive with an antiserum directed to the beta subunit of luteinizing hormone. Some gonadotropes were aggregated near a portion of the infundibular stalk which crosses the anterior lobe, while most were scattered singly in a uniform manner throughout the rest of the pars distalis. This cell population exhibited seasonal variations in both sexes. In males, the proportional volume of the pars distalis occupied by immunoreactive gonadotropes (volume fraction) was significantly reduced in late July, when plasma testosterone levels were approaching their seasonal peak. In females, the volume fraction declined in April, following ovulation, and remained low during pregnancy and lactation. The size and shape of gonadotropes appeared relatively constant throughout the annual reproductive cycle in male bats; the immunoreactive cells were irregular in shape, with cytoplasmic extensions insinuating between and often "cupping" other secretory cell types. In females, the gonadotropes resembled those of males throughout most of the year, except during pregnancy, when these cells became enlarged and ovoid. No evidence of involution was observed in these anterior pituitary cells in either males or females during hibernation.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone was measured by radioimmunoassay in individual female Myotis lucifugus throughout pregnancy and lactation. Progesterone levels, which averaged 6.7 +/- 0.7 ng/ml in late hibernation, rose to a mean of 18.9 +/- 6.7 ng/ml in unimplanted bats collected in the first two weeks after arrival at a maternity roost. Analysis of progesterone levels in bats in which the developmental stage of the embryo was known revealed two sharp, transient increases in plasma progesterone during the preimplantation period. The first, with values of 30-45 ng/ml, occurred at ovulation. The second, with values of 20-30 ng/ml, coincided with blastocyst formation. Progesterone levels increased exponentially from a mean of 7.4 +/- 1.0 ng/ml during early implantation to peak values of 100-200 ng/ml (means = 136.2 +/- 15.6) in the last two weeks of pregnancy, and showed no evidence of either a midpregnancy or prepartum decline. Despite involution of the corpus luteum at the end of pregnancy, progesterone levels averaged 9.0 +/- 1.0 ng/ml during lactation and did not decline until the end of lactation. In bats undergoing abortion, mean levels of plasma progesterone were already less than 6 ng/ml, equivalent to levels in nonbreeding females. The results indicate that the progesterone profile of pregnant M. lucifugus, though generally resembling those of other bats, exhibits several distinctive features. The sharp rise in plasma progesterone coinciding with blastocyst formation has not been reported in other mammals and suggests a possible role of progesterone in the cavitation process. In addition, peak values of plasma progesterone in late pregnancy were conspicuously higher than levels reported in other verpertilionid bats. The levels did not appear to fall before parturition, although such falls have been reported in other bats.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of a primary flight muscle, the pectoralis, in the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus: Vespertilionidae) was studied using histochemical, immunocytochemical, and electrophoretic techniques. In fetal and early neonatal (postnatal age 1–6 days) Myotis, histochemical techniques for myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase) and antibodies for slow and fast myosins demonstrated the presence of two fiber types, here called types I and IIa. These data correlated with multiple transitional myosin heavy chain isoforms and native myosin isoforms demonstrated with SDS-PAGE and 4% pyrophosphate PAGE. There was a decrease in the distribution and number of type I fibers with increasing postnatal age. At postnatal age 8–9 days, the adult phenotype was observed with regard to muscle fiber type (100% type IIa fibers) and myosin isoform profile (single adult MHC and native myosin isoforms). This “adult” fiber type profile and myosin isoform composition preceeded adult function by about 2 weeks. For example, little brown bats were incapable of sustained flight until approximately postnatal day 24, and myofiber size did not achieve adult size until approximately postnatal day 25. Although Myotis pectoralis is unique in being composed of 100% type IIa fibers, transitional fiber types and isoforms were present. These transitional forms had been observed previously in other mammals bearing mixed adult muscle fibers and which undergo transitional stages in muscle ontogeny. However, in Myotis pectoralis, this transition transpires relatively early in development. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Myometria of pregnant and nonpregnant Myotis lucifugus were studied in vitro by using electrical field stimulation as well as autonomic agonists and antagonists to determine whether functional responses corresponded with structural evidence showing abundant adrenergic and sparse cholinergic innervation, which uniquely does not disappear during pregnancy. Field stimulation (70 V, 0.6 ms, 5.0-s pulse train, 2.5 - 60 Hz) of myometria from nonpregnant (hibernating) bats produced graded responses consisting of an initial alpha-adrenergic contraction and a subsequent beta-adrenergic relaxation phase. Responses were sensitive to both the nerve poison tetrodotoxin and the adrenergic antagonist guanethidine, demonstrating that they resulted from stimulation of intrinsic adrenergic nerves. Field stimulation responses were unaffected by atropine indicating that there was no functional cholinergic innervation, even though carbachol-induced contraction showed that muscarinic receptors were present. In contrast, functional innervation of cervical tissue was cholinergic and nonadrenergic-non-cholinergic, but not adrenergic. At the beginning of active gestation, some myometrial preparations exhibited little of no response to field stimulation. However, as uterine size increased, the biphasic response to field stimulation was enhanced, particularly the inhibitory (beta-adrenergic) phase. Moreover, the contractile phases, though reduced, was not abolished by alpha-adrenergic antagonists. The residual contractile response was also tetrodotoxin-resistant, suggesting that the myometrium was sensitive to direct electrical stimulation. Near the end of pregnancy, myometrial tissue became nonresponsive to both field stimulation and autonomic agonists, suggesting an absence of available receptor sites on muscle cells.  相似文献   

The Harderian gland in Rana esculenta has been studied during the annual cycle at the histological, histochemical and ultrastructural levels. The Harderian gland has an acinar structure and is the only orbital gland in anuran amphibia. It develops at the medial corner of the orbit from the conjunctival epithelium at the premetamorphic stage. In the adult the glandular secretion reaches a maximum during the months of July and August, drops in September and resumes slowly from October onwards. The secretion is seromucoid and the secretory granules are released into the acinar lumen, mainly by exocytosis. Porphyrins were not detected. No sexual dimorphism was observed in the glandular cells. The resumption of secretory activity in October and the enhancement of secretion in May are marked by the appearance of "blue nuclei" (Mallory stain) in a relatively high percentage of glandular cells. This unusual blue colour, using the Mallory stain (by which nuclei stain red), disappears after digestion of paraffin sections with RNAase, but not with DNAase and trypsin. The blue staining may, therefore, indicate an increased amount of nuclear RNA. The Harderian gland in the frog most probably serves to lubricate and moisten the eye in the absence of the lacrimal gland. However, the gland may also represent an immunoactive organ owing to the presence of numerous mast cells and plasma cells in the interacinar spaces.  相似文献   

Recent studies of muscle architecture demonstrate that many mammalian muscles are composed of short, interdigitating fibers. In addition, the avian pectoralis, a muscle capable of producing high frequency oscillations has been shown to possess a serially arranged pattern of muscle endplate in all sizes of birds studied. The pectoralis muscle of the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), is composed of fairly uniform fibers that span the length of the muscle and is characterized by a zone of motor endplates within the middle third of the muscle. The homogeneous fiber architecture of the bat pectoralis muscle is in contrast to the serial arrangement of endplates (and presumably muscle muscle fibers) in the avian pectoralis in species equivalent in size to Myotis. The short fiber organization and motor endplate pattern observed in most birds is thus not a requisite design for flying vertebrates. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane structure of bat spermatozoa was examined utilizing electron microscopy of thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas. Notable membrane features observed in replicas from cauda epididymal spermatozoa included specialized particle aggregates at the junction between the acrosomal and postacrosomal region of the head (a membrane structure not previously described in mammalian spermatozoa) and another row of rod-like particles just anterior to the posterior ring. Both of these specializations in fractured plasma membranes correspond with regions where the membrane is closely apposed to underlying structures when viewed in thin sections. The postacrosomal sheath appears to be composed of an array of longitudinally oriented filamentous components. Characteristic ordering of intramembranous particles was also noted in replicas from the midpiece region and the annulus. Major changes in plasma membrane structure were not seen in spermatozoa stored in the female reproductive tract; however, the appearance of linear particle aggregations in the principal piece membrane was noted. No evidence was obtained to suggest that an acrosome reaction had occurred in spermatozoa stored in females.  相似文献   

Studies of bone from summer-active little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus lucifugus, have demonstrated sex differences in the renewal of skeletal mineral reserves following spring-arousal from hibernation. Patterns of bone remodeling in both sexes of bats indicate that new bone formation does not occur during hibernation: All new bone formation occurs during the summer-active season. Results show that a short period of time elapses after hibernation before the initial demands of a large fetus and rapidly growing neonate are expressed on maternal skeletal reserves. Bone loss in summer-active females was associated with pregnancy and lactation, whereas summer-active males did not show evidence of bone loss but, instead, uninterrupted bone accretion throughout the summer-active season. Osteoclasts and bone-forming osteoblasts, absent during the hibernation period, reappeared on bone surfaces following spring-arousal from hibernation. There was no apparent increase in osteoclast numbers or activity during lactation but resorption cavities were found in deep cortical lamellae distant from bone surfaces. The increase in bone resorption in lactating bats appeared to be by osteocytic osteolysis, suggesting that it might be a significant mechanism of bone/calcium regulation in this hibernating mammal throughout the year.  相似文献   

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