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党宏忠  杨文斌  李卫  刘世增  张友焱 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5110-5120
利用热扩散技术,对绿洲农田防护林新疆杨(Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis)大树边材5个深度处(1、2、3、5 cm和8 cm)的液流速率(Js)开展了连续两年的监测,结果表明:(1)以标准长度2 cm的探针测得的液流速率(Js-2)为参照,形成层下1、3、5、8 cm处的液流速率(Js-1,Js-3,Js-5,Js-8)与Js-2间具有显著的相关性,回归系数分别为0.24—0.27、1.18—1.61、0.81—1.64和0.38—0.75,液流速率最大的位点在形成层下3—5 cm处,液流速率最小的位点在最外侧(1 cm)或最内侧(8 cm)处,径向差异明显。边材不同深处的液流传输具有较一致的日变化过程。(2)在同步观测的5项气象要素中,大气水汽压亏缺(VPD)和太阳辐射(Ra)与Js的回归系数均较大,是驱动液流进程的主导气象要素。大气蒸发潜力(ET0)集合了多种气象要素的信息,具有与Ra一致的日变化进程(启动、峰值时刻相同),可作为分析液流昼、夜过程的综合气象变量。(3)新疆杨边材中五个深度处Js的峰值时刻基本相同(Js-1的峰值较其它层次提前4—123 min),均明显滞后于Ra(时滞)并提前于VPD,在7月份的晴天,ET0、Js和VPD峰值出现的时刻分别大致在12:30、14:00和15:00。新疆杨时滞的大小存在有规律的季节变化,从6到10月份,Js与ET0峰值的时滞(ΔJ-E)逐渐增加,变化在70—110 min(2011)、70—128 min(2012)之间,但VPD与Js峰值的时滞(ΔJ-V)逐渐降低,变化在73—20 min(2011)、63—8 min(2012)之间,这表明在生长季的早期,热量因子(Ra)对新疆杨液流变化的驱动较强,而在生长季的末期,大气水汽因子VPD的驱动效应更突出。  相似文献   

秋华柳和枫杨幼苗对镉的积累和耐受性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以秋华柳和枫杨当年实生幼苗为研究对象,采用向土壤添加外源镉(CdCl2 · 2.5H2O)的形式设置了0(对照组)、10 、20 、50、100 mg/kg 5个处理,研究了镉胁迫下秋华柳和枫杨幼苗的生长、生物量变化和根茎叶镉含量,并评价了两树种的耐性指数(Ti)、转移系数(Tf)和生物富集系数(BCF)。结果表明:(1)在镉含量为10 mg/kg时,秋华柳和枫杨幼苗基于生长和生物量参数的耐性指数(Ti)分别为91.72和91.62,与对照组相比无显著变化,其余各组(20、50、100 mg/kg)则显著低于对照植株(P<0.05);(2) 土壤镉浓度小于20mg/kg时,秋华柳植株茎、叶镉积累量分别高达61.73 mg/kg、163.04 mg/kg,根镉积累量为91.05 mg/kg;枫杨植株茎、叶镉积累量最高分别为7.9 mg/kg、5.25 mg/kg,仅为秋华柳茎、叶的12.8%和3.2%,根镉积累量高达190.68 mg/kg;(3) 除对照外,秋华柳幼苗各部分镉含量为叶>根>茎,转移系数(Tf)介于0.789-1.513之间,枫杨幼苗各部分镉含量为根>茎>叶,转移系数(Tf)介于0.037-0.044之间,远远小于秋华柳Tf;(4)秋华柳和枫杨幼苗在土壤镉浓度为10 mg/kg时具有很高的生长适应性和耐性,秋华柳根吸收的镉向地上部分转移能力、地上部分积累镉的能力都远远大于枫杨,生物富集系数(BCF)进一步证实了这一特性。研究证明,秋华柳植株具有很高的镉耐性、镉转移能力及地上部分积累镉的能力,适合于镉污染严重区域的植物修复。  相似文献   

Poplar is an important crop and a model system to understand molecular processes of growth, development and responses to environmental stimuli in trees. In this study, we analyzed gene expression in white poplar (Populus alba) plants subjected to chilling. Two forward suppression-subtractive-hybridization libraries were constructed from P. alba plants exposed to low non-freezing temperature for 6 or 48 h. Hundred and sixty-two cDNAs, 54 from the 6-h library and 108 from the 48-h library, were obtained. Isolated genes belonged to six categories of genes, specifically those that: (i) encode stress and defense proteins; (ii) are involved in signal transduction; (iii) are related to regulation of gene expression; (iv) encode proteins involved in cell cycle and DNA processing; (v) encode proteins involved in metabolism and energetic processes; and (vi) are involved in protein fate.Different expression patterns at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 h at 4 °C and after a recovery of 24 h at 20 °C were observed for isolated genes, as expected according to the class in which the gene putatively belongs. Forty-four of 162 genes contained DRE/LTRE cis-elements in the 5′ proximal promoter of their orthologs in Populus trichocarpa, suggesting that they putatively belong to the CBF regulon. The results contribute new data to the list of possible candidate genes involved in cold response in poplar.  相似文献   

Willows occur as volunteer vegetation on sediment-derived soils, such as dredged sediments, landfill cover or stockpile deposits, and are used as phytoremediators on such soils. The present study evaluates growth and metal uptake by Salix alba grown on a contaminated dredge sediment for 209 days under greenhouse conditions. At the end of the study, the aerial parts of the S. alba plants had grown to heights of between 80 and 117 cm. Biomass and Cd and Zn concentration in the roots, stems and leaves, at 70, 112 and 209 days, showed that Cd and Zn had been bioaccumulated, especially in the leaves.At the three sampling dates, Cd and Zn extractability and pH measurements were also carried out on samples of two soil layers (0–15 and 15–30 cm) from both the planted and the control pots. Cd and Zn extractability were assessed using single extraction procedures (0.01 M CaCl2; 1 M HNO3; CaCl2–TEA–DTPA). The two metals showed similar variations in CaCl2 and HNO3 extractabilities, but this was not the case for DTPA extractability. The greatest variations were observed in the upper soil layers of the control pots. In the planted pots, the CaCl2 extractability of Zn decreased in the upper layer, and the HNO3 extractability of Zn increased in the lower layer. The pH of the upper soil layer was always higher than the pH of the bottom layer. In addition, we monitored several parameters of the percolates from both the planted and the control sediments, including pH, Eh, conductivity, dissolved organic carbon, Zn and Cd concentrations, and presence of certain cations/anions. Dissolved organic carbon, and Cd and Zn concentrations increased steadily over time. There were no significant differences between the planted and the control pots. After 209 days, the characteristics of the control sediment reflected the effects of ageing in that the CaCl2-extractable Cd and Zn concentrations had decreased compared with the initial concentrations. Conversely, the concentrations of HNO3-extractable Cd and Zn had increased. A fraction of the metal initially extracted by CaCl2 (considered as exchangeable) became less available with time. After 112 days, the plants had extracted approximately 2.8 mg of Zn. At the same time, the CaCl2 extractability of Zn in the upper, rooted layer decreased by 2.6 mg. We can assume that S. alba extracted Zn from the pool of CaCl2-extractable Zn.  相似文献   

选取秋华柳(Salix variegata)扦插苗为研究对象,通过设置0、0.5、2、10 mg/kg 4个镉胁迫浓度,研究了水淹条件下秋华柳根、枝、叶亚细胞中镉的分配特征。结果表明:(1)试验各处理组秋华柳存活率均为100%,表现出良好的镉和水淹耐受能力。(2)与对照相比,在水淹条件下,各处理组秋华柳根、枝和叶的细胞壁仍是镉最主要的富集部位。各处理组植株细胞壁中的镉含量显著高于其他组分,质体中镉含量次之,细胞核和线粒体组分中的镉含量始终处于较低水平。(3)水淹显著提高了秋华柳根细胞壁中的镉含量,显著降低了高浓度镉处理(10 mg/kg)下萌枝细胞壁中的镉含量,但对叶细胞壁中的镉含量没有显著影响。(4)水淹显著提高了秋华柳根细胞中质体中的镉含量,对萌枝、叶细胞质体中的镉含量没有显著影响。研究证明,水淹条件下,秋华柳根枝叶细胞壁仍然是镉积累富集的最主要部位,从而减少了重金属对植物细胞的伤害。秋华柳适用于三峡消落带镉污染区域的植物修复。  相似文献   

The effect of salt stress on leaf morphology and functionality was studied in three Populus alba genotypes differing in tolerance to salinity: 6K3 (sensitive), 2AS11 (moderately tolerant), and 14P11 (tolerant). Plants were subjected to an intense and progressive salt stress from 50 to 250 mM NaCl by 50 mM steps at 10-day intervals. The micromorphological results highlighted phenotypic variation among the three genotypes already in control plants, with the genotype 14P11 having significantly smaller epidermal cells and higher stomatal density. Salt-treated plants modulated differently the expansion of stomata compared with epidermal cells. Regression analysis showed significant correlations between decrease of stomatal area and stomatal conductance (gs) in genotypes 14P11 and 6K3. So, the common reduction of stomatal area could be an early mechanism to save water in this species. However, only genotype 14P11 showed further significant decrease of this trait under the highest salinity level, combined with a significant reduction in leaf length. In addition, this genotype showed the lowest leaf abscission rate at the end of salt stress period. The genotype 6K3 was severely affected by leaf necrosis and showed the highest leaf abscission rate in salt stress conditions. In the moderately tolerant genotype 2AS11, an intermediate plastic behaviour in both leaf morphology and physiology was observed during the experiment. The phenotypic variation among the three genotypes in terms of micromorphology and stomatal conductance is discussed in relation to plant functionality in salt stress conditions. Overall results suggest that leaf morphological habit contributes to salt tolerance in P. alba.  相似文献   

何理  廖帅  张志翔 《西北植物学报》2014,34(9):1904-1908
经过对标本和文献的研究,在中国植物志(英文版)中,迟花柳(Salix opsimantha Schneid.)和迟花矮柳(Salix oreinoma Schneid.)物种描述的互换是属错误鉴定;并对S.opsimantha和S.oreinoma作了全面的修订;Salix opsimantha Schneid.var.wawashanica(MaoP.X.He)G.Zhu为Salix oreinoma Schneid.var.wawashanica MaoP.X.He(娃娃山矮柳)的异名;Salix faxoniana Schneid.(矮柳)为S.opsimantha的异名,Salix ludingensis T.Y.DingC.F.Fang(泸定垫柳)为S.oreinoma的异名。  相似文献   

We quantified the physiological responses of black willow to four soil moisture regimes: no flooding (control, C), continuous flooding (CF), periodic flooding (PF), and periodic drought (PD). Stomatal limitation was one of the factors that led to the reduced photosynthetic capacity in CF cuttings. Under PD, stomatal closure, decreased leaf chlorophyll content, and increased dark fluorescence yield contributed to photosynthetic decline. CF cuttings accumulated the lowest shoot biomass while the final height and root growth were most adversely affected by PD. PF cuttings tended to allocate more photoassimilates to root growth than to shoots.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

This study presents the first data describing the communities of insects and arachnida colonizing 4 aerial compartments of Populus nigra. In terms of temporal variation and total abundance, the analyses show that the communities are structurally and functionally different. It also appears that the taxonomic richness of the communities, and partly their temporal distribution, change according to the gradient of the energy and defense resources under the effect of seasonal variations. The highest species richness recorded on the leaves compartment is due to the amplitude of histo-physiological modifications observed throughout the growing season. To cite this article: Z.-E. Djazouli et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Studies on the interactions between species co-occurring on a plant and their parasitoids have primarily focused on assemblages or communities of endophytic herbivores. Less is known about assemblages of exophytic herbivores such as lepidopteran species. This study focuses on the interactions among species in macrolepidopteran assemblages on box elder and black willow trees, and their parasitoids. Specifically, we determined how percent parasitism varied within and across species and families of both macrolepidopteran herbivores and their parasitoids. Parasitism by species in all parasitoid families varied across families of macrolepidoptera. However, in general mean yearly percent parasitism was highest among larvae in the box elder assemblage. Braconids were the most abundantly represented parasitoid taxon, however, the contribution that parasitoid families made to total parasitism of all larvae also varied depending on the host tree species. There was no significant correlation between the number of species in a macrolepidopteran family collected on either tree species and levels of parasitism. Mean parasitoid species load for all species was 4.3, a value lower than reported in other studies. There was no significant difference in mean parasitoid species load across families. Similarly, there was no significant difference in average parasitoid loads of macrolepidoptera on box elder and black willow.Bisher waren Untersuchungen über Interaktionen zwischen Arten, die gemeinsam auf einer Pflanze vorkommen, und ihren Parasitoiden in erster Linie auf Ansammlungen oder Lebensgemeinschaften endophytischer Herbivoren fokussiert. Über die Ansammlungen exophytischer Herbivore wie Schmetterlingsarten ist weniger bekannt. Diese Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die Interaktionen zwischen Arten in Ansammlungen von Makrolepidoptera auf Eschen-Ahorn- und Schwarzweiden-Bäumen und ihren Parasitoiden. Insbesondere bestimmten wir, wie die prozentuale Parasitierung innerhalb der Arten und zwischen Arten und Familien sowohl bei den makrolepidopteren Herbivoren und als auch ihren Parasitoiden variierte. In allen Parasitoiden-Familien unterschied sich die Parasitierung auf Artniveau zwischen den Familien der Makrolepidoptera. Im Allgemeinen war jedoch die mittlere jährliche prozentuale Parasitierung bei Larven in der Ansammlung aufEschen-Ahorn am höchsten. Die Braconiden repräsentierten das parasitoide Taxon mit der größten Abundanz. Der Anteil, den parasitoide Familien am gesamten Parasitismus aller Larven hatten, variierte jedoch ebenfalls in Abhängigkeit von der Art des Wirtsbaumes. Es gab keine signifikante Korrelation zwischen der Anzahl der Arten in einer makrolepidopteren Familie, die auf der jeweiligen Baumart gesammelt wurde, und dem Grad der Parasitierung. Die mittlere Belastung mit parasitoiden Arten war bei allen Arten 4.3, ein geringerer Wert als in anderen Studien berichtet wird. Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den Familien in den mittleren parasitoiden Belastungen. Ebenso gab es keinen signifikanten Unterschied in den durchschnittlichen parasitoiden Belastungen der Makrolepidoptera auf Eschen-Ahorn und Schwarzweide.  相似文献   

Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in eight potential energy crops   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The production of energy crops that can be used for biodiesel production is a sustainable approach for the removal of metal pollutants by phytoremediation. This study investigated the cadmium (Cd) accumulation and tolerance of eight potential energy crops. After growth for 28 days in substrates containing 0, 50, 100 or 200 mg Cd·kg− 1, seedlings were evaluated for growth parameters, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and Cd accumulation. All eight crops were moderately tolerant to Cd toxicity, with four [i.e., hemp (Cannabis sativa), flax (Linum usitatissimum), castor (Ricinus communis) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea)] being more tolerant than the others. Three of these crops (hemp, flax and peanut) had higher Cd accumulation capacities. The roots of peanut and hemp had high bioconcentration factors (BCF > 1000), while flax shoots accumulated a higher concentration of Cd (> 100 mg/kg). These results demonstrate that it is possible to grow energy crops on Cd-contaminated soil. Hemp, flax and peanut are excellent candidates for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Populus nigra is considered a rare and threatened tree species in Switzerland because of dramatic habitat loss owing to river regulations during the last two centuries and because of potential gene introgression from non-indigenous P. deltoides through planted P. x canadensis hybrids. The significance of introgression as an endangerment to P. nigra, however, is controversial. The aims of the present study were (1) to assess how abundant P. nigra trees are in Switzerland and (2) to assess potential gene introgression. We present data from a molecular survey of 1372 putative P. nigra trees from Switzerland, using both chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA markers. The results show that P. nigra is more abundant in Switzerland than hitherto thought. Furthermore, we detected a low frequency of gene introgression.  相似文献   

馒头柳对镉的耐性、运输途径和累积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用液体培养法研究了馒头柳对镉的耐性、运输过程及富集特征,结果表明:馒头柳具有较强的耐镉特性,水培营养液中镉浓度为0.2 mg·L-1时,镉对柳的生长仍有促进作用;镉从根到地上部的长距离运输具有明显的韧皮部运输特征,表现为植株顶部组织镉含量显著高于底部(P<0.05),韧皮部高于木质部(14倍);馒头柳地上部对镉有非常强的持续富集能力;地上部富集的镉占植株吸收总镉量的52%~62%,且主要集中在叶片,只要秋季清除地表落叶,即可达到清除土壤镉的目的;因此,馒头柳适宜用作镉污染土壤的修复.  相似文献   

目的: WIND(WOUND INDUCED DEDIFFERENTIATION),是属于ERF/AP2 (ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR/ APETALA 2)家族的一种重要转录因子,该类基因最早被发现在拟南芥中可以与乙烯响应元件GCC-BOX和脱水响应元件DRE结合,响应干旱信号和调节乙烯水平。最近的研究发现WIND基因在植物伤口信号回应、愈伤组织形成及不定芽的产生过程中也发挥了关键作用。已有的研究阐述了WIND基因在拟南芥中控制愈伤组织形成及不定芽再生的机制,但其在木本植物中的功能尚不明确,将探究WIND基因在胡杨中与伤口信号响应及不定芽再生相关的功能,同时为在分子水平上解决胡杨再生问题提供理论依据。方法: 采用基因克隆、qRT-PCR、转基因表型分析等方法研究WIND基因在胡杨外植体伤口响应和再生不定芽过程中的作用。结果: 克隆胡杨WIND家族中的基因PeWIND1PeWIND2,发现其编码区序列长度分别为1 050 bp和1 032 bp,编码349个和343个氨基酸,亚细胞定位均在细胞核中。组织特异性分析显示PeWIND1PeWIND2在胡杨根、茎、叶、愈伤组织中均有表达,且在愈伤组织中表达量最高。时间表达特异性显示,在经伤口刺激后的24 h内,PeWIND1PeWIND2基因均呈现先升高后降低的表达趋势,且均在伤口刺激后1 h达到表达量峰值。转基因植株表型统计发现,过表达PeWIND1PeWIND2基因后转基因植株不定芽再生能力增强。结论: 在胡杨叶片有伤口刺激后,PeWIND1PeWIND2响应伤口信号,表达量先升高后降低,PeWIND1PeWIND2能够促进杨树茎段再生不定芽。  相似文献   

Two novel dihydrochalcones, 2′,3,4′,6′-tetrahydroxy-4-methoxy-3′,5-di-(3,3-dimethylallyl)-dihydrochalcone and 2′,.3,6′-trihydroxy-4-methoxy-5-(3,3-dimethylallyl)-3′,4′-(2″,2″-dimethyldihydropyran)-dihydrochalcone, have been isolated from fresh fruits of Metrodorea nigra. Stems and leaves showed a similar composition and we have isolated common steroids, simple coumarins, several furocoumarins, furoquinoline alkaloids and a furofuran lignan. From stems, we have also isolated the pentacyclic 6-C-monoterpenyl-5,7-dioxycoumarin, deoxybruceol. Structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated on the basis of spectral data.  相似文献   

The effect of phytohormones on the breaking of dormancy of axillary buds in Salix pseudolasiogyne and their subsequent proliferation from nodal explants were examined. Nodal explants obtained from a 20–year-old S. pseudolasiogyne tree were cultured either on woody plant basal medium (WPM) or WPM supplemented with benzyladenine (BA, 2.2/4.4 μM), zeatin (1.1/2.2 μM), gibberillic acid (GA3, 2.9 and 14.5 μM), and GA3 + BA (2.9 + 4.4 μM). Although axillary shoots developed in all the media, a higher percentage bud break occurred on BA supplemented media. To corroborate the results, endogenous levels of cytokinins [Cks, N 6-isopentenyladenine (iP), zeatin riboside (t-ZR), dihydrozeatinriboside (DHZR)] and abscisic acid (ABA) were determined. On BA supplemented media, the levels of zeatin type (Z-type) of Cks were higher than those of isopentenyladenine type of Ck in the explants, while the ABA level was low. Axillary shoots did not grow well and became necrotic upon subculture to fresh basal WPM. In order to improve shoot growth, they were subcultured twice at a 4-week interval on to WPM supplemented with BA (2.2/4.4 μM), GA3 (1.4 μM), or GA3 + BA (1.4 + 4.4/2.9 + 4.4 μM). Maximal shoot growth (93%) was achieved on WPM supplemented with 2.2 μM BA. Comparative analyses of endogenous Cks revealed that higher Cks (Z-type Cks) were present in actively growing shoots. Rooting was readily achieved when the shoots were subcultured to WPM without phytohormones. The rooted plants were acclimatized well upon transplantation.  相似文献   

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