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In order to characterize the vertical variation of abundance and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in sediments of a eutrophic lake, Lake Taihu, molecular techniques including real-time PCR, clone library, and sequencing were carried out in this study. Abundances of archaeal amoA gene (ranged from 2.34 × 106 to 4.43 × 107 copies [g dry sediment]?1) were higher than those of bacterial amoA gene (ranged from 5.02 × 104 to 6.91 × 106 copies [g dry sediment]?1) for all samples and both of them exhibited negative correlations with the increased depths. Diversities of archaeal and bacterial amoA gene increased with the elevated depths. There were no significant variations of AOB community structures derived from different sediment depths, whereas obvious differences were observed for the AOA community compositions. The information acquired in this study would be useful to elucidate the roles of AOA and AOB in the nitrogen cycling of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Glutathione transferases (GSTs) have been widely studied in Gram-negative bacteria and the structure and function of several representatives have been elucidated. Conversely, limited information is available about the occurrence, classification and functional features of GSTs both in Gram-positive bacteria and in Archaea. An analysis of 305 fully-sequenced Gram-positive genomes highlights the presence of 49 putative GST genes in the genera of both Firmicutes and Actinobacteria phyla. We also performed an analysis on 81 complete genomes of the Archaea domain. Eleven hits were found in the Halobacteriaceae family of the Euryarchaeota phylum and only one in the Crenarchaeota phylum. A comparison of the identified sequences with well-characterized GSTs belonging to both Gram-negative and eukaryotic GSTs sheds light on their putative function and the evolutionary relationships within the large GST superfamily. This analysis suggests that the identified sequences mainly cluster in the new Xi class, while Beta class GSTs, widely distributed in Gram-negative bacteria, are under-represented in Gram-positive bacteria and absent in Archaea.  相似文献   

A solid, highly thermostable medium, based on the new gelling agent GELRITE, was devised to facilitate the culturing of extremely thermophilic microorganisms from submarine hydrothermal vents. The medium remained solid at temperatures to 120 degrees C at vapor pressures and hydrostatic pressures to 265 atm. It proved useful to its maximum tested limits in isolating colonies of black smoker bacteria from hydrothermal fluids recently collected at the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Diversity and Distribution of Methanotrophic Archaea at Cold Seeps   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In this study we investigated by using 16S rRNA-based methods the distribution and biomass of archaea in samples from (i) sediments above outcropping methane hydrate at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia margin off Oregon) and (ii) massive microbial mats enclosing carbonate reefs (Crimea area, Black Sea). The archaeal diversity was low in both locations; there were only four (Hydrate Ridge) and five (Black Sea) different phylogenetic clusters of sequences, most of which belonged to the methanotrophic archaea (ANME). ANME group 2 (ANME-2) sequences were the most abundant and diverse sequences at Hydrate Ridge, whereas ANME-1 sequences dominated the Black Sea mats. Other seep-specific sequences belonged to the newly defined group ANME-3 (related to Methanococcoides spp.) and to the Crenarchaeota of marine benthic group B. Quantitative analysis of the samples by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that ANME-1 and ANME-2 co-occurred at the cold seep sites investigated. At Hydrate Ridge the surface sediments were dominated by aggregates consisting of ANME-2 and members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus branch (DSS) (ANME-2/DSS aggregates), which accounted for >90% of the total cell biomass. The numbers of ANME-1 cells increased strongly with depth; these cells accounted 1% of all single cells at the surface and more than 30% of all single cells (5% of the total cells) in 7- to 10-cm sediment horizons that were directly above layers of gas hydrate. In the Black Sea microbial mats ANME-1 accounted for about 50% of all cells. ANME-2/DSS aggregates occurred in microenvironments within the mat but accounted for only 1% of the total cells. FISH probes for the ANME-2a and ANME-2c subclusters were designed based on a comparative 16S rRNA analysis. In Hydrate Ridge sediments ANME-2a/DSS and ANME-2c/DSS aggregates differed significantly in morphology and abundance. The relative abundance values for these subgroups were remarkably different at Beggiatoa sites (80% ANME-2a, 20% ANME-2c) and Calyptogena sites (20% ANME-2a, 80% ANME-2c), indicating that there was preferential selection of the groups in the two habitats. These variations in the distribution, diversity, and morphology of methanotrophic consortia are discussed with respect to the presence of microbial ecotypes, niche formation, and biogeography.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic cells distribution in the water column of the coastal saline meromictic Lake Faro (Messina, Italy) was investigated by microscopic counting techniques. Water samples were collected at a central station from the surface to the bottom, when waters were characterized by a marked stratification. A “red-water” layer, caused by a dense growth of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria, was present at a depth of 15 m, defining a transition area between oxic (mixolimnion) and anoxic (monimolimnion) layers. Fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA oligonucleotide, group-specific probes were used to determine the abundance of Bacteria and Archaea, and their subgroups, Green Sulfur Bacteria (GSB), Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB), Cyanobacteria and Chromatium okenii, and Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota, as key elements of the microbial community. Bacteria decreased from surface to bottom, while Archaea increased with depth and reached the maximum value at 30 m, where they outnumbered the Bacteria. Bacteria and picophytoplankton prevailed in the mixolimnion. At the chemocline high numbers of prokaryotic cells were present, mainly represented by Cyanobacteria, Chromatium okenii and Euryarchaeota. GSB, SRB, and Crenarchaeota prevailed below the chemocline. Although Archaea constitute a minor fraction of microbial community, they could represent active contributors to the meromictic Lake Faro ecosystem.  相似文献   

The ammonia-oxidizing prokaryote (AOP) community in three groundwater treatment plants and connected distribution systems was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR and sequence analysis targeting the amoA gene of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA). Results demonstrated that AOB and AOA numbers increased during biological filtration of ammonia-rich anoxic groundwater, and AOP were responsible for ammonium removal during treatment. In one of the treatment trains at plant C, ammonia removal correlated significantly with AOA numbers but not with AOB numbers. Thus, AOA were responsible for ammonia removal in water treatment at one of the studied plants. Furthermore, an observed negative correlation between the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in the water and AOA numbers suggests that high DOC levels might reduce growth of AOA. AOP entered the distribution system in numbers ranging from 1.5 × 103 to 6.5 × 104 AOPs ml−1. These numbers did not change during transport in the distribution system despite the absence of a disinfectant residual. Thus, inactive AOP biomass does not seem to be degraded by heterotrophic microorganisms in the distribution system. We conclude from our results that AOA can be commonly present in distribution systems and groundwater treatment, where they can be responsible for the removal of ammonia.Ammonia can be present in source water used for drinking water production or added to treated water with chlorine to form chloramines as a disinfectant. However, the presence of ammonia in drinking water is undesirable because nitrification might lead to toxic levels of nitrite (29) or adverse effects on water taste and odor (4) and might increase heterotrophic bacteria, including opportunistic pathogens (29). Two-thirds of the drinking water in The Netherlands is produced from groundwater. Most of the groundwater used for drinking water production is anoxic with relatively high concentrations of methane, iron, manganese, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and ammonia. Treatment of anoxic groundwater aims at achieving biologically stable water, because drinking water in The Netherlands is distributed without a disinfectant residual. As a result, a highly efficient nitrification process during rapid medium filtration is required.Nitrification is the microbial oxidation of ammonia to nitrate and consists of two processes: the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite by ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes (AOP) and the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Recently it was shown that in addition to bacteria, archaea also are capable of ammonia oxidation (13). Since then, ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) have been found in many different ecosystems, including wastewater treatment systems (10, 20, 24). However, it is currently unknown if AOA are present in drinking water treatment processes and distribution systems. Recent studies have focused on nitrification in drinking water treatment (16, 28). In those studies, AOB and NOB were enumerated by traditional most-probable-number (MPN) methods using selective liquid media. However, MPN methods are time-consuming and underestimate the numbers of AOP and NOB (3). Quantitative real-time PCR has been used to quantify AOB in drinking water (12) and might be a useful tool for quantifying AOB and AOA in drinking water.In our study, a real-time PCR method targeting the amoA gene of AOB or AOA was developed to quantify numbers of AOP in drinking water. This real-time PCR method was used together with a phylogenetic analysis of the amoA gene of AOB and AOA to do the following: (i) determine the treatment steps where AOP dominates in the groundwater treatment train of three drinking water production plants in The Netherlands, (ii) quantify the AOP entering the distribution system and determine the fate of AOP during transport in the distribution system, and (iii) elucidate the role of AOA in nitrification during drinking water treatment and in distribution systems.  相似文献   

A solid, highly thermostable medium, based on the new gelling agent GELRITE, was devised to facilitate the culturing of extremely thermophilic microorganisms from submarine hydrothermal vents. The medium remained solid at temperatures to 120°C at vapor pressures and hydrostatic pressures to 265 atm. It proved useful to its maximum tested limits in isolating colonies of black smoker bacteria from hydrothermal fluids recently collected at the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

During the past few years Archaea have been recognized as a widespread and significant component of marine picoplankton assemblages and, more recently, the presence of novel archaeal phylogenetic lineages has been reported in coastal marine benthic environments. We investigated the relative abundance, vertical distribution, phylogenetic composition, and spatial variability of Archaea in deep-sea sediments collected from several stations in the Atlantic Ocean. Quantitative oligonucleotide hybridization experiments indicated that the relative abundance of archaeal 16S rRNA in deep-sea sediments (1500 m deep) ranged from about 2.5 to 8% of the total prokaryotic rRNA. Clone libraries of PCR-amplified archaeal rRNA genes (rDNA) were constructed from 10 depth intervals obtained from sediment cores collected at depths of 1,500, 2,600, and 4,500 m. Phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences revealed the presence of a complex archaeal population structure, whose members could be grouped into discrete phylogenetic lineages within the two kingdoms, Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. Comparative denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profile analysis of archaeal 16S rDNA V3 fragments revealed a significant depth-related variability in the composition of the archaeal population.  相似文献   

A strain of the aerobic anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria was isolated from a deep-ocean hydrothermal vent plume environment. The in vivo absorption spectra of cells indicate the presence of bacteriochlorophyll a incorporated into light-harvesting complex I and a reaction center. The general morphological and physiological characteristics of this new isolate are described.  相似文献   

The response of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacterial (AOB) and archaeal (AOA) communities to individual environmental variables (e.g., pH, temperature, and carbon- and nitrogen-related soil nutrients) has been extensively studied, but how these environmental conditions collectively shape AOB and AOA distributions in unmanaged agricultural soils across a large latitudinal gradient remains poorly known. In this study, the AOB and AOA community structure and diversity in 26 agricultural soils collected from eastern China were investigated by using quantitative PCR and bar-coded 454 pyrosequencing of the amoA gene that encodes the alpha subunit of ammonia monooxygenase. The sampling locations span over a 17° latitude gradient and cover a range of climatic conditions. The Nitrosospira and Nitrososphaera were the dominant clusters of AOB and AOA, respectively; but the subcluster-level composition of Nitrosospira-related AOB and Nitrososphaera-related AOA varied across the latitudinal gradient. Variance partitioning analysis showed that geography and climatic conditions (e.g., mean annual temperature and precipitation), as well as carbon-/nitrogen-related soil nutrients, contributed more to the AOB and AOA community variations (∼50% in total) than soil pH (∼10% in total). These results are important in furthering our understanding of environmental conditions influencing AOB and AOA community structure across a range of environmental gradients.  相似文献   

The common mismatch repair system processed by MutS and MutL and their homologs was identified in Bacteria and Eukarya. However, no evidence of a functional MutS/L homolog has been reported for archaeal organisms, and it is not known whether the mismatch repair system is conserved in Archaea. Here, we describe an endonuclease that cleaves double-stranded DNA containing a mismatched base pair, from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. The corresponding gene revealed that the activity originates from PF0012, and we named this enzyme Endonuclease MS (EndoMS) as the mismatch-specific Endonuclease. The sequence similarity suggested that EndoMS is the ortholog of NucS isolated from Pyrococcus abyssi, published previously. Biochemical characterizations of the EndoMS homolog from Thermococcus kodakarensis clearly showed that EndoMS specifically cleaves both strands of double-stranded DNA into 5′-protruding forms, with the mismatched base pair in the central position. EndoMS cleaves G/T, G/G, T/T, T/C and A/G mismatches, with a more preference for G/T, G/G and T/T, but has very little or no effect on C/C, A/C and A/A mismatches. The discovery of this endonuclease suggests the existence of a novel mismatch repair process, initiated by the double-strand break generated by the EndoMS endonuclease, in Archaea and some Bacteria.  相似文献   

To quantify the spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) and to determine nitrification activity in soil aggregates along a landscape, soil samples were collected from three landscape positions (shoulder, backslope, and toeslope) at two pasture sites with contrasting climatic conditions. The abundance of AOB and AOA was estimated by quantifying their respective bacterial and archaeal amoA gene copies using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), and the potential nitrification rate (PNR) were measured in aggregate size ranges (4–1, 1–0.25, and 0.25–0.05 mm). At site 1, a decreasing trend in PNR was observed as the size of aggregates decreased. Both bacterial and archaeal amoA genes were higher in the macroaggregates (4–1 and 1–0.25 mm) than in the microaggregates (0.25–0.05 mm) along the landscape. At site 2, PNR was higher in the smallest size of aggregates. In the 0.25–0.05-mm fraction, the abundance of bacterial and archaeal amoA genes was equal to, or greater than, those found in larger aggregate sizes. The relative abundance of archaeal amoA gene and the PNR correlated with relative SOC and TN contents along the landscapes. The positive relationship between relative archaeal amoA gene abundance and PNR suggests that nitrification in the studied pastures is probably driven by ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota.  相似文献   

Osmoadaptation in Archaea   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

The study of of the distribution of microorganisms through space (and time) allows evaluation of biogeographic patterns, like the species-area index (z). Due to their high dispersal ability, high reproduction rates and low rates of extinction microorganisms tend to be widely distributed, and they are thought to be virtually cosmopolitan and selected primarily by environmental factors. Recent studies have shown that, despite these characteristics, microorganisms may behave like larger organisms and exhibit geographical distribution. In this study, we searched patterns of spatial diversity distribution of bacteria and archaea in a contiguous environment. We collected 26 samples of a lake sediment, distributed in a nested grid, with distances between samples ranging from 0.01 m to 1000 m. The samples were analyzed using T-RFLP (Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) targeting mcrA (coding for a subunit of methyl-coenzyme M reductase) and the genes of Archaeal and Bacterial 16S rRNA. From the qualitative and quantitative results (relative abundance of operational taxonomic units) we calculated the similarity index for each pair to evaluate the taxa-area and distance decay relationship slopes by linear regression. All results were significant, with mcrA genes showing the highest slope, followed by Archaeal and Bacterial 16S rRNA genes. We showed that the microorganisms of a methanogenic community, that is active in a contiguous environment, display spatial distribution and a taxa-area relationship.  相似文献   

Wang P  Li T  Hu A  Wei Y  Guo W  Jiao N  Zhang C 《Microbial ecology》2010,60(4):796-806
Using the archaeal 16S rRNA gene, we determined the community structures of archaea of subseafloor sediments (~9-11 m below seafloor) from two geographically distant cores (MD05-2896, south, water depth 1,657 m; MD05-2902, north, water depth 3,697 m) in the South China Sea. Euryarchaeota accounted for 61.4% of total archaeal clone libraries at MD05-2896 and 56.2% at MD05-2902. At both locations, the Euryarchaeota-related sequences were dominated by Marine Benthic Group D, Terrestrial Miscellaneous Eryarchaeotal Group, and South African GoldMine Euryarchaeotal Group; the Crenarchaeota-related sequences were dominated by Marine Benthic Group B, Marine Group I, pSL12, and C3. The community structure showed no significant difference with depth at each location, suggesting the lack of stratification of archaeal populations in the deep-sea marine sediments in the South China Sea. On the other hand, the community structure is significantly different between the two sites, which may be related to geographical difference in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

There is controversy regarding the existence of archaeal pathogens. Periodontitis is one of the human diseases in which Archaea have been suggested to have roles as pathogens. This study was performed to investigate the distribution of Archaea in Japanese patients with periodontitis and to examine the serum IgG responses to archaeal components. Subgingival plaque samples were collected from 111 periodontal pockets of 49 patients (17 with aggressive periodontitis and 32 with chronic periodontitis), and 30 subgingival plaque samples were collected from 17 healthy subjects. By PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene, Archaea were detected in 15 plaque samples (13.5% of total samples) from 11 patients (29.4% of patients with aggressive periodontitis and 18.8% of patients with chronic periodontitis). Archaea were detected mostly (14/15) in severe diseased sites (pocket depth >/=6 mm), while no amplicons were observed in any samples from healthy controls. Sequence analysis of the PCR products revealed that the majority of Archaea in periodontal pockets were a Methanobrevibacter oralis-like phylotype. Western immunoblotting detected IgG antibodies against M. oralis in eight of the 11 sera from patients. These results suggest the potential of Archaea (M. oralis) as an antigenic pathogen of periodontitis.  相似文献   

The Archaea are one of the three phylogenetic domains into which all organisms have been classified, and include extreme halophiles, extreme thermophiles and methanogens. Some of these organisms inhabit inhospitable environments on Earth, and thus have evolved stress responses to cope with the extremes of heat, pH and salinity that they encounter. Although the archaeal stress or heat-shock response bears some similarity to the heat-shock responses of other organisms, it possesses some unique features. A better understanding of this response would facilitate its exploitation in the biotechnological industries; for example, in engineering cells that exhibit an improved ability to withstand, or recover from, stress.  相似文献   

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