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The mitochondrial, proton-pumping NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase consists of at least 35 subunits whose synthesis is divided between the cytosol and mitochondria; this complex I catalyzes the first steps of mitochondrial electron transfer and proton translocation. Radiolabel from [(3)H]myristic acid was incorporated by Neurospora crassa into the mitochondrial-encoded, approximately 70 kDa ND5 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase, as shown by immunoprecipitation. This myristate apparently was linked to the peptide through an amide linkage at an invariant lysine residue (Lys546), based upon analyses of proteolysis products. The myristoylated lysine residue occurs in the predicted transmembrane helix 17 (residues 539-563) of ND5. A consensus amino acid sequence around this conserved residue exists in homologous subunits of NADH dehydrogenase. Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1, in all prokaryotes and eukaryotes, contains this same consensus sequence surrounding the lysine which is myristoylated in N. crassa.  相似文献   

鸻形目15种鸟类线粒体ND6基因序列差异及其系统进化关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用PCR和质粒克隆测序方法,首次获得鸻形目l5种鸟类线粒体基因组的ND6基因全长522bp的序列。经对位排列,序列间末见有插入和缺失,共有216个变异位点,种间序列差异为5.17%—19.92%。以白鹤为外群,用NJ法构建15种鸟类的进化关系树。研究结果表明:构建的系统树将鸻形目15种鸟类分为2个支系:第1支系包括蒙古沙鸻、环颈鸻、灰斑鸻和反嘴鹬。第2支系包括红脚鹬、林鹬、青脚鹬、翘嘴鹬、翻石鹬、大滨鹬、尖尾滨鹬、斑尾塍鹬、中杓鹬、大杓鹬和白腰杓鹬,其中鹬属的3个种和杓鹬属的3个种分别组成一个单系;翘嘴鹬和翻石鹬、大滨鹬和尖尾滨鹬分别聚为姊妹群,表现出较近的亲缘关系;斑尾塍鹬独立分支出来。分子证据提示:鹬科中的塍鹬属、鸻科中的斑鸻属应提升为亚科分类阶元;反嘴鹬与鸻科鸟类亲缘关系较近,组成一个单系,将其归入鸻科下属的一个类群更为合理,与核型研究结果及Sibley新分类体系的观点相一致。  相似文献   

It is known that one of the reasons leading to the development of neuroligical disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, is the damage of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase. We suggest that it happens when NADH dehydrogenase loses connection with its coenzyme flavine mononucleotide (FMN) in the active center. This process is blocked by the enzyme substrate NADH or by the reaction product NAD. In this work we have developed a method based on fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor the stability of FMN in isolated rat liver mitochondria. It was observed that this process is strongly blocked by adenine analogs ATP, ADP, and AMP. Adenine, adenosine, NADPH, nicotine amide, and nicotine acid did not prevent the FMN loss. The obtained data could be used as a basis for construction of synthetic analogues of adenosine phosphates for the treatment of mitochondrial diseases.  相似文献   

采用PCR和质粒克隆测序方法 ,首次获得形目 15种鸟类线粒体基因组的ND6基因全长 5 2 2bp的序列。经对位排列 ,序列间未见有插入和缺失 ,共有 2 16个变异位点 ,种间序列差异为 5 17%~ 19 92 %。以白鹳为外群 ,用NJ法构建 15种鸟类的进化关系树。研究结果表明 :构建的系统树将形目 15种鸟类分为 2个支系。第 1支系包括蒙古沙、环颈、灰斑和反嘴鹬。第 2支系包括红脚鹬、林鹬、青脚鹬、翘嘴鹬、翻石鹬、大滨鹬、尖尾滨鹬、斑尾塍鹬、中杓鹬、大杓鹬和白腰杓鹬 ,其中鹬属的 3个种和杓鹬属的 3个种分别组成一个单系 ;翘嘴鹬和翻石鹬、大滨鹬和尖尾滨鹬分别聚为姊妹群 ,表现出较近的亲缘关系 ;斑尾塍鹬独立分支出来。分子证据提示 :鹬科中的塍鹬属、科中的斑属应提升为亚科分类阶元 ;反嘴鹬与科鸟类亲缘关系较近 ,组成一个单系 ,将其归入科下属的一个类群更为合理 ,与核型研究结果及Sibley新分类体系的观点相一致 [动物学报 49(1) :6 1~ 6 7,2 0 0 3]。  相似文献   

A pseudogene, ψnad7, which has significant sequence similarity (66.7% amino acid identity) with the bovine nuclear gene for a 49 kDa subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, EC, has been identified on the mitochondrial genome of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The predicted coding region, which includes six termination codons, is actively transcribed into RNA molecules of 16 and 9.6 kb in length, but RNA splicing products were not detected in the liverwort mitochondria. Genomic DNA blot analysis and RNA blot analysis using poly(A)+ RNA suggest that a structurally related nuclear gene encodes the mitochondrial ND7 polypeptide. These results imply that this ψnad7 is a relic of a gene transfer event from the mitochondrial genome into the nuclear genome during mitochondrial evolution in M. polymorpha.  相似文献   

T Moum  S Johansen 《Génome》1992,35(6):903-906
The nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial ND6 and tRNA(Glu) genes and part of the displacement loop region in two closely related seabird species are presented. A chicken type gene organization in which the tRNA(Glu), ND6, and displacement loop are localized next to each other was found in these species and suggests that this is a conserved feature of avian mitochondrial DNA. The nucleotide and amino acid divergences of ND6 at different taxonomic levels are assessed, and its relevance to phylogenetic studies in birds is discussed.  相似文献   

A pseudogene, nad7, which has significant sequence similarity (66.7% amino acid identity) with the bovine nuclear gene for a 49 kDa subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, EC, has been identified on the mitochondrial genome of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The predicted coding region, which includes six termination codons, is actively transcribed into RNA molecules of 16 and 9.6 kb in length, but RNA splicing products were not detected in the liverwort mitochondria. Genomic DNA blot analysis and RNA blot analysis using poly(A)+ RNA suggest that a structurally related nuclear gene encodes the mitochondrial ND7 polypeptide. These results imply that this nad7 is a relic of a gene transfer event from the mitochondrial genome into the nuclear genome during mitochondrial evolution in M. polymorpha.Communicated by R. G. Herrmann  相似文献   

Mitochondrial disorders are a group of pathologies characterized by impairment of mitochondrial function mainly due to defects of the respiratory chain and consequent organellar energetics. This affects organs and tissues that require an efficient energy supply, such as brain and skeletal muscle. They are caused by mutations in both nuclear- and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded genes and their clinical manifestations show a great heterogeneity in terms of age of onset and severity, suggesting that patient-specific features are key determinants of the pathogenic process. In order to correlate the genetic defect to the clinical phenotype, we used a cell culture model consisting of fibroblasts derived from patients with different mutations in the mtDNA-encoded ND5 complex I subunit and with different severities of the illness. Interestingly, we found that cells from patients with the 13514A>G mutation, who manifested a relatively late onset and slower progression of the disease, display an increased autophagic flux when compared with fibroblasts from other patients or healthy donors. We characterized their mitochondrial phenotype by investigating organelle turnover, morphology, membrane potential and Ca2+ homeostasis, demonstrating that mitochondrial quality control through mitophagy is upregulated in 13514A>G cells. This is due to a specific downregulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake that causes the stimulation of the autophagic machinery through the AMPK signaling axis. Genetic and pharmacological manipulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis can revert this phenotype, but concurrently decreases cell viability. This indicates that the higher mitochondrial turnover in complex I deficient cells with this specific mutation is a pro-survival compensatory mechanism that could contribute to the mild clinical phenotype of this patient.Mitochondrial disorders include a wide range of pathological conditions characterized by defects in organelle homoeostasis and energy metabolism, in particular in the electron transport chain (ETC) complexes. They are mostly caused by mutations in nuclear- or mtDNA-encoded genes of the respiratory chain complexes leading to a variety of clinical manifestations, ranging from lesions in specific tissues, such as in Leber''s hereditary optic neuropathy, to complex multisystem syndromes, such as myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers, Leigh syndrome or the mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes syndrome (MELAS).1, 2 Despite the detailed knowledge of the molecular defects in these diseases, their pathogenesis remains poorly understood. The heterogeneity of signs and symptoms depends on the diversity of the genetic background and on patient-specific compensatory mechanisms. Several studies investigated the consequences of nuclear DNA mutations on intracellular organelle physiology and Ca2+ homeostasis.3, 4 Here we analyzed a cohort of patients with mutations in the mtDNA-encoded ND5 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase in order to correlate the clinical phenotype with relevant intracellular parameters involved in mitochondrial physiology, such as the rate of autophagy and mitophagy fluxes, mitochondrial Ca2+ dynamics, mitochondrial membrane potential and their functional relationship.Mitochondrial Ca2+ is a key regulator of organelle physiology, and impairment of cation homeostasis is a general feature of many pathological conditions, including mitochondrial diseases.5 In addition, Ca2+ uptake in this organelle has recently been demonstrated to be a fundamental regulator of autophagy.6, 7 Autophagy is involved in physiological organelle turnover and in the removal of damaged or non-functional mitochondria by autophagy (called ‘mitophagy'')8, 9, 10, 11 and is critical for organelle quality control. Given the pivotal role of mitochondrial Ca2+ in the adaptation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production to cellular energy demand, the recent identification of the channel responsible for Ca2+ entry into the organelle, the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU), is instrumental for the understanding of the regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport in both physiological and pathological conditions. MCU was identified in 2011,12, 13 and in the following years, molecular insight on its complex regulatory mechanism was obtained. The pore region is composed of MCU, its isoform MCUb14 and essential MCU regulator (EMRE).15 The channel is gated by the Ca2+-sensitive proteins mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake 1 (MICU1) and MICU216, 17, 18, 19 and further regulated by the SLC25A23 protein.20 As to its cellular function, mitochondrial Ca2+ has been shown to stimulate ATP production by positive regulation of three key dehydrogenases of the tricarboxylic acid cycle21 and of the ETC.22 In parallel, unregulated and sustained organelle Ca2+ overload can also lead to the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore,23, 24 with consequent dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨmt), release of caspase cofactors and activation of the apoptotic cascade.5 Despite the significant molecular understanding of all these cellular processes, their role in the pathogenesis of mitochondrial diseases is still poorly understood. Here we investigated the interplay of these pathways and the possibility of their contribution to determine the severity of the pathology in a cellular model consisting of fibroblasts from patients carrying mutations in the mitochondrial ND5 gene.  相似文献   

Summary Genes homologous to the mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ND4L and ND5 were identified in the mitochondrial genome of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, and the structure and expression of these genes was examined. The ND4L gene (interrupted by one intervening sequence) potentially encodes an 89 residue long hydrophobic protein that shares about 26% homology (or 41% homology if conservative amino acid substitutions are allowed) with the analogous human mitochondrial protein. The ND5 gene (which contains two introns) encodes a 715 residue polypeptide that shares 23% homology with the human analogue; a 300 amino acid long region is highly conserved (50% homology) in the two ND5 proteins. The stop codon of the ND4L gene overlaps the initiation codon of the downstream ND5 gene, and the two genes are contranscribed and probably cotranslated. A presumed mature dicistronic (ND4L plus ND5) RNA was detected. The postulated mRNA (about 3.2 kb) contains 5 and 3 non-coding regions of about 86 and 730 nucleotides, respectively; this species is generated from very large precursor RNAs by a complex processing pathway. The ND4L and ND5 introns are all stable after their excision from the precursor species.Abbreviations bp base pairs - rRNA ribosomal RNA - ND NADH dehydrogenase - URF unidentified reading frame - kDal kilodaltons; a.a., amino acid  相似文献   

Cholera still remains an important global predicament especially in India and other developing countries. Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of cholera, colonizes the small intestine and produces an enterotoxin that is largely responsible for the watery diarrheal symptoms of the disease. Using RNA arbitrarily primed PCR, ND5 a mitochondria encoded subunit of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain was found to be upregulated in the human intestinal epithelial cell line Int407 following exposure to V. cholerae. The upregulation of ND5 was not observed when Int407 was infected with Escherichia coli strains. Incubation with heat-killed V. cholerae or cholera toxin or culture supernatant also showed no such upregulation indicating the involvement of live bacteria in the process. Infection of the monolayer with aflagellate non-motile mutant of V. cholerae O395 showed a very significant (59-fold) downregulation of ND5. In contrast, a remarkable upregulation of ND5 expression (200-fold) was observed in a hyperadherent icmF insertion mutant with reduced motility. V. cholerae cheY4 null mutant defective in adherence and motility also resulted in significantly reduced levels of ND5 expression while mutant with the cheY4 gene duplicated showing increased adherence and motility resulted in increased expression of ND5. These results clearly indicate that both motility and adherence to intestinal epithelial cells are possible triggering factors contributing to ND5 mRNA expression by V. cholerae. Interestingly infection with insertion mutant in the gene coding for ToxR, the master regulator of virulence in V. cholerae resulted in significant downregulation of ND5 expression. However, infection with ctxA or toxT insertion mutants did not show any significant changes in ND5 expression compared to wild-type. Almost no expression of ND5 was observed in case of mutation in the gene coding for OmpU, a ToxR activated protein. Thus, infection of Int407 with virulence mutant strains of V. cholerae revealed that the ND5 expression is modulated by the virulence of V. cholerae in a ToxT independent manner. Although no difference in the mitochondrial copy number could be detected between infected and uninfected cells, the modulation of the expression of other mitochondrial genes were also observed. Incidentally, upon V. cholerae infection, complex I activity was found to increase about 3-folds after 6 h. This is the first report of alteration in mitochondrial gene expression upon infection of a non-invasive enteric bacterium like V. cholerae showing its modulation with adherence, motility and virulence of the organism.  相似文献   

Two loci FRI (FRIGIDA) and KRY (KRYOPHILA) have previously been identified as having major influences on the flowering time of the late-flowering, vernalization-responsive Arabidopsis ecotype, Stockholm. We report here on the mapping and subsequent analysis of these two loci. FRI was mapped to the top of chromosome 4 between markers w122 and m506, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Due to lack of segregation in of the late-flowering phenotype under the environmental conditions used, KRY could only be localized, by “subtractive genotyping”, to chromosome 5 or part of chromosome 3. The map position of FRI indicates that it is not allelic to any of the late-flowering loci identified by mutagenesis of the early-flowering ecotype Landsberg erecta. The late-flowering phenotype conferred by the Stockholm allele of FRI is modified (towards earlier flowering) by Landsberg erecta alleles at an unknown number of loci, perhaps accounting for the absence of fri mutations among mutant lines recovered in Landsberg erecta.  相似文献   

There are several reports on the oxidation of external NADH by an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in the outer leaflet of the inner membrane of rat heart mitochondria. Until now, however, little was known about its physiological role in cellular metabolism. The present work shows that carvedilol (?1-[carbazolyl-(4)-oxy]-3-[2-methoxyphenoxyethyl)amino]-pro - panol-(2)?) is a specific inhibitor of an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in rat heart mitochondria. Carvedilol does not affect oxygen consumption linked to the oxidation of succinate and internal NADH. It is also demonstrated that the inhibition of exogenous NADH dehydrogenase by carvedilol is accompanied by the inhibition of alkalinization of the external medium. In contrast to the addition of glutamate/malate or succinate, exogenous NADH does not generate a membrane potential in rat heart mitochondria, as observed with a TPP(+) electrode. It is also demonstrated that the oxygen consumption linked to NADH oxidation is not due to permeabilized mitochondria, but to actual oxidase activity in the inner membrane. The enzyme has a K(m) for NADH of 13 microM. Carvedilol is a noncompetitive inhibitor of this external NADH dehydrogenase with a K(i) of 15 microM. Carvedilol is the first inhibitor described to this organospecific enzyme. Since this enzyme was demonstrated to play a key role in the cardiotoxicity of anticancer drugs of the anthracycline family (e.g., adriamycin), we may suggest that the administration of carvedilol to tumor patients treated with adriamycin might be of great help in the prevention of the cardioselective toxicity of this antibiotic.  相似文献   

Two loci FRI (FRIGIDA) and KRY (KRYOPHILA) have previously been identified as having major influences on the flowering time of the late-flowering, vernalization-responsive Arabidopsis ecotype, Stockholm. We report here on the mapping and subsequent analysis of these two loci. FRI was mapped to the top of chromosome 4 between markers w122 and m506, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Due to lack of segregation in of the late-flowering phenotype under the environmental conditions used, KRY could only be localized, by subtractive genotyping, to chromosome 5 or part of chromosome 3. The map position of FRI indicates that it is not allelic to any of the late-flowering loci identified by mutagenesis of the early-flowering ecotype Landsberg erecta. The late-flowering phenotype conferred by the Stockholm allele of FRI is modified (towards earlier flowering) by Landsberg erecta alleles at an unknown number of loci, perhaps accounting for the absence of fri mutations among mutant lines recovered in Landsberg erecta.  相似文献   

Defects of the NADH dehydrogenase complex are predominantly manifested in mitochondrial diseases and are significantly associated with the development of many late onset neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease. Here we describe an immunocapture procedure for isolating this multisubunit membrane-bound complex from human tissue. Using small amounts of immunoisolated protein, one-dimensional and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) peptide mass finger printing (PMF), and nanoflow liquid chromatography mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), we can resolve and identify the human homologues of 42 polypeptides detected so far in the more extensively studied beef heart complex I. These polypeptides include the GRIM-19 protein, which is claimed to be involved in apoptosis, a polypeptide first identified by gene screening as a neuronal protein, as well as a protein thought to be in differentiation linked processes. The concordance of data from human and bovine complex I isolated by different procedures adds to the certainty that these novel proteins of seemingly diverse function are a part of complex I.  相似文献   

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