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In male ICR mice, a single intraperitoneal administration of methamphetamine (METH) (10 mg/kg) induced stereotyped behavior such as continuous sniffing, circling, and nail biting, reaching a plateau level 20 min after the injection. Subcutaneous pretreatment with clorgyline, a monoamine oxidase (MAO)-A inhibitor, at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg 2 h prior to the drug challenge significantly decreased the initial (first 20 min) intensity of stereotypies and increased the latency to onset. The effect was not observed with either higher doses of clorgyline (1 and 10 mg/kg) or l-deprenyl, a MAO-B inhibitor, at doses of 0.1–10 mg/kg. In male Wistar rats, the inhibitory effect of clorgyline on METH-induced stereotypy was not observed. Pretreatment of the mice with clorgyline (0.1 mg/kg) had no effect on apparent serotonin and dopamine turnover in the striatum, although the higher doses of clorgyline (1 and 10 mg/kg) significantly decreased the turnover. These results suggest that a low dose of clorgyline tends to increase the latency and decrease the intensity of stereotypies induced by METH in a dopamine metabolism-independent manner in mice.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of zinc on the status of various neurotransmitters as well as behavioral patterns of lithium-treated rats. The study was designed with a view to find out whether zinc affords protection to brain against lithium toxicity. 2. Animals were segregated into four different groups. Animals in group I were fed with standard laboratory feed and water ad libitum and served as normal controls. Animals in group II and IV were given lithium in the form of lithium carbonate in their diet at a dose level of 1.1 g/Kg diet. Animals in group III and IV were given zinc treatment in the form of zinc sulfate at a dose level of 227 mg/L mixed in drinking water of animals. 3. The effects of all the treatments were studied for a duration of 1, 2, and 4 months with regard to the parameters, which included estimation of serotonin and dopamine concentrations as well as the activity of acetylcholinesterase in cerebral cortex of rat brain. Further, passive avoidance, active avoidance, and behavior despair tests were conducted to assess the short-term memory, cognitive behavior, and psychomotor dysfunction of the animals, respectively. 4. Initially, a decrease in the acetylcholinesterase activity was reported in cerebral cortex followed by an increase in the enzyme activity after 2 and 4 months of lithium treatment. Serotonin concentration significantly decreased after 2 and 4 months of lithium treatment, whereas dopamine concentration increased significantly after 4 months of lithium treatment. Zinc administration to the lithium-treated group significantly improved the acetylcholinesterase activity as well as the concentration of dopamine and serotonin. Further, lithium-treated rats showed an increase in depression time as compared to normal controls both after 1 and 4 months of treatment. Short-term memory significantly improved in lithium-treated rats in all treatment groups. However, no change in the cognitive behavior of the animals was reported after lithium treatment. Zinc co-administration with lithium significantly improved the short-term memory and cognitive functions of the animals. From the above results it can be concluded that zinc proved beneficial in altering the status of neurotransmitters as well as the behavior patters of the animals treated with both short and long-term lithium therapy.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of pretreatment with clorgyline, an irreversible monoamine oxidase (MAO)-A inhibitor, on morphine-induced hyperlocomotion and antinociception. A single administration of morphine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) to male ICR mice induced a hyperlocomotion. ANOVA analysis revealed the statistical significance of the morphine effect on horizontal locomotion and of the clorgyline pretreatment × morphine interaction effect, but not of the effect of clorgyline pretreatment. The initial (5 min after challenge) phase of morphine actions vs. saline challenge appeared as if morphine had a strong inhibitory effect on locomotor activity in combination with different doses of clorgyline. The mice administered with morphine in combination of clorgyline (1 and 10 mg/kg) did not show any stereotypic behaviors. Clorgyline at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg but not other doses tested significantly potentiated morphine-induced antinociception evaluated by tail flick but not hot plate test. During the measurements of locomotor activity and antinociception, clorgyline at doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg significantly inhibited monoamine metabolism through MAO. These results suggest that clorgyline showed an inhibitory effect on morphine-induced hyperlocomotion, but not antinociception, through MAO inhibition. There is not a possibility that clorgyline pretreatment enhanced morphine action on motor activity, resulting in the abnormal behavior from hyperlocomotion to stereotypic movements.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (METH) produces long-term decreases in markers of dopamine (DA) terminals in animals and humans. A decrease in the function of the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) has been associated with damage to striatal DA terminals caused by METH; however, a possible mechanism for this decrease in VMAT2 function has not been defined. The current study showed that METH caused a rapid decrease to 68% of controls in VMAT2 protein immunoreactivity of the vesicular fraction from striatal synaptosomes within 1 h after a repeated high-dose administration regimen of METH. This decrease was associated with a 75% increase in nitrosylation of VMAT2 protein in the synaptosomal fraction as measured by nitrosocysteine immunoreactivity of VMAT2 protein. The rapid decreases in VMAT2 persisted when evaluated 7 days later and were illustrated by decreases in VMAT2 immunoreactivity and DA content of the vesicular fraction to 34% and 51% of control values, respectively. The decreases were blocked or attenuated by prior injections of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, S-methyl-l-thiocitrulline. These studies demonstrate that METH causes a rapid neuronal nitric oxide synthase-dependent oxidation of VMAT2 and long-term decreases in VMAT2 protein and function. The results also suggest that surviving DA terminals after METH exposure may have a compromised capacity to buffer cytosolic DA concentrations and DA-derived oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We showed previously that amphetamine challenge produces a delayed increase in glutamate efflux in the ventral tegmental area of both naive and chronic amphetamine-treated rats. The present study examined the mechanisms underlying this response. The NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) or the D1 dopamine receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.), given 30 min before acute amphetamine (5 mg/kg, i.p.), prevented amphetamine-induced glutamate efflux. Neither antagonist by itself altered glutamate efflux. Ibotenic acid lesions of the prefrontal cortex similarly prevented amphetamine-induced glutamate efflux, while producing a trend toward decreased basal glutamate levels (82.8% of sham group). Previous work has shown that the doses of NMDA and D1 receptor antagonists used in this study prevent the induction of behavioral sensitization when coadministered repeatedly with amphetamine, and that identical prefrontal cortex lesions performed before repeated amphetamine prevent the induction of ambulatory sensitization. Thus, treatments that prevent acute amphetamine from elevating glutamate efflux in the ventral tegmental area also prevent repeated amphetamine from eliciting behavioral sensitization. These findings suggest that repeated elevation of glutamate levels during a chronic amphetamine regimen may contribute to the cascade of neuroadaptations within the ventral tegmental area that enables the induction of sensitization.  相似文献   

Amphetamine is more effective than methamphetamine at raising dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex. The current study tested the hypothesis that norepinephrine transporters are involved in this difference. Using microdialysis, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin were measured in the rat prefrontal cortex after administration of methamphetamine or amphetamine, with and without perfusion of desipramine. Amphetamine raised norepinephrine levels more than methamphetamine did. Desipramine raised dopamine and serotonin levels but did not alter metabolite levels. Desipramine attenuated the increase in dopamine by amphetamine while increasing the dopamine released by methamphetamine. These data suggest that methamphetamine and amphetamine differ in altering prefrontal cortical dopamine levels and in interacting with norepinephrine transporters. It is proposed that amphetamine releases dopamine in the prefrontal cortex primarily through norepinephrine transporters, whereas methamphetamine interacts minimally with norepinephrine transporters.  相似文献   

Melanoma antigen genes (Mage) were first described as tumour markers. However, some of Mage are also expressed in healthy cells where their functions remain poorly understood. Here, we describe an unexpected role for one of these genes, Maged1, in the control of behaviours related to drug addiction. Mice lacking Maged1 are insensitive to the behavioural effects of cocaine as assessed by locomotor sensitization, conditioned place preference (CPP) and drug self‐administration. Electrophysiological experiments in brain slices and conditional knockout mice demonstrate that Maged1 is critical for cortico‐accumbal neurotransmission. Further, expression of Maged1 in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the amygdala, but not in dopaminergic or striatal and other GABAergic neurons, is necessary for cocaine‐mediated behavioural sensitization, and its expression in the PFC is also required for cocaine‐induced extracellular dopamine (DA) release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). This work identifies Maged1 as a critical molecule involved in cellular processes and behaviours related to addiction.  相似文献   

Alcohol-dependence is a chronic disease with a dramatic and expensive social impact. Previous studies have indicated that the blockade of two monoaminergic receptors, α1b-adrenergic and 5-HT2A, could inhibit the development of behavioral sensitization to drugs of abuse, a hallmark of drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviors in rodents. Here, in order to develop a potential therapeutic treatment of alcohol dependence in humans, we have blocked these two monoaminergic receptors by a combination of antagonists already approved by Health Agencies. We show that the association of ifenprodil (1 mg/kg) and cyproheptadine (1 mg/kg) (α1-adrenergic and 5-HT2 receptor antagonists marketed as Vadilex ® and Periactine ® in France, respectively) blocks behavioral sensitization to amphetamine in C57Bl6 mice and to alcohol in DBA2 mice. Moreover, this combination of antagonists inhibits alcohol intake in mice habituated to alcohol (10% v/v) and reverses their alcohol preference. Finally, in order to verify that the effect of ifenprodil was not due to its anti-NMDA receptors property, we have shown that a combination of prazosin (0.5 mg/kg, an α1b-adrenergic antagonist, Mini-Press ® in France) and cyproheptadine (1 mg/kg) could also reverse alcohol preference. Altogether these findings strongly suggest that combined prazosin and cyproheptadine could be efficient as a therapy to treat alcoholism in humans. Finally, because α1b-adrenergic and 5-HT2A receptors blockade also inhibits behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants, opioids and tobacco, it cannot be excluded that this combination will exhibit some efficacy in the treatment of addiction to other abused drugs.  相似文献   

Intrastriatal administration of the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) inhibitor malonate produces neuronal injury by a "secondary excitotoxic" mechanism involving the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recent evidence indicates dopamine may contribute to malonate-induced striatal neurodegeneration; infusion of malonate causes a pronounced increase in extracellular dopamine and dopamine deafferentation attenuates malonate toxicity. Inhibition of the catabolic enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) also attenuates striatal lesions induced by malonate. In addition to forming 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, metabolism of dopamine by MAO generates H2O2, suggesting that dopamine metabolism may be a source of ROS in malonate toxicity. There are two isoforms of MAO, MAO-A and MAO-B. In this study, we have investigated the role of each isozyme in malonate-induced striatal injury using both pharmacological and genetic approaches. In rats treated with either of the specific MAO-A or -B inhibitors, clorgyline or deprenyl, respectively, malonate lesion volumes were reduced by 30% compared to controls. In knock-out mice lacking the MAO-A isoform, malonate-induced lesions were reduced by 50% and protein carbonyls, an index ROS formation, were reduced by 11%, compared to wild-type animals. In contrast, mice deficient in MAO-B showed highly variable susceptibility to malonate toxicity precluding us from determining the precise role of MAO-B in this form of brain damage. These findings indicate that normal levels of MAO-A participate in expression of malonate toxicity by a mechanism involving oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Eu‐doped ZnSe:/ZnS quantum dots (formed as ZnSe:Eu/ZnS QDs) were successfully synthesized by a two‐step wet chemical method: nucleation doping and epitaxial shell growing. The sensitization characteristics of Eu‐doped ZnSe and ZnSe/ZnS core/shell QD are studied in detail using photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation spectra (PLE) and time‐resolved PL spectroscopy. The emission intensity of Eu ions is enhanced and that of ZnSe QDs is decreased, implying that energy was transferred from the excited ZnSe host materials (the donor) to the doped Eu ions (the acceptor). PLE reveals that the ZnSe QDs act as an antenna for the sensitization of Eu ions through an energy transfer process. The dynamics of ZnSe:Eu/ZnS core/shell quantum dots with different shell thicknesses and doping concentrations are studied via PL spectra and fluorescence lifetime spectra. The maximum phosphorescence efficiency is obtained when the doping concentration of Eu is approximately 6% and the sample showed strong white light under ultraviolet lamp illumination. By surface modification with ZnS shell layer, the intensity of Eu‐related PL emission is increased approximately three times compared with that of pure ZnSe:Eu QDs. The emission intensity and wavelength of ZnSe:Eu/ZnS core/shell quantum dots can be modulated by different shell thickness and doping concentration. The results provide a valuable insight into the doping control for practical applications in laser, light‐emitting diodes and in the field of biotechnology. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present study, it was hypothesized that in vivo pretreatment with repeated methamphetamine would alter the agonist-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in mouse frontal cortical slices. Male ICR mice that received the methamphetamine injection (1.0mg/kg, intraperitoneally) once a day for five consecutive days showed behavioral sensitization to the same dose of methamphetamine 5 days after the last injection of the initial chronic treatment regimen (test day 10). On test day 10, the reduction of histamine (0.1-1.0mM)-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in the mouse frontal cortex was observed. The reduction was specific to histamine, but not to norepinephrine (10 microM-0.1mM) or L-glutamate (0.1-0.5mM). The reduction occurred without any change in the expression level of histamine H(1) receptor mRNA. The reduction recovered 25 days after the last injection of the initial chronic treatment regimen (test day 30). The direct application to the slices of a pharmacologically effective concentration of methamphetamine in vitro (10 microM) did not alter the histamine signal transduction. The present results suggest that the reduction is probably one of neuroadaptations in the frontal cortex contributing to behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

The central dopamine system plays significant roles in motor activity and drug-induced behavioural sensitization. Our goal was to determine the significance of dopamine D(3) receptors in the development of behavioural sensitization to methamphetamine, assessed with D(3) receptor mutant mice. The absence of D(3) receptors significantly increased the behavioural responses to acute methamphetamine and evoked a faster rate of behavioural sensitization to chronic methamphetamine. In addition, both D(3) receptor protein and mRNA levels in the limbic forebrain decreased in sensitized wild-type mice. Further analyses indicated that D(1)-dependent behavioural sensitization and the number of limbic D(1) receptors increased in sensitized D(3) mutants as compared with sensitized wild-type mice. Consistent with this finding, we observed higher levels of D(1) receptor-evoked cAMP accumulation and basal phosphoDARPP-32/Thr34 in the limbic forebrain of D(3) mutants than wild-type mice and the difference was more pronounced after chronic methamphetamine treatment. We also observed an increase in phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 but a decrease in phosphoAkt/Ser473 and phosphoglycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)-alpha/beta in the limbic forebrain of D(3) mutants compared with wild-type mice after methamphetamine treatment. The convergent results implicate D(3) receptors as a negative regulator of the development of methamphetamine sensitization. A compensatory up-regulation of D(1) receptor-mediated signals, in addition to an altered Akt/GSK3 pathway, could contribute to the accelerated development of behavioural sensitization.  相似文献   

Increased glutamate transmission in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area has been proposed as a mechanism underlying sensitized behavioral responses to repeated cocaine administration. GluR1, GluR2/3, and NMDAR1 subunits of glutamate receptors were quantified from immunoblots in these brain nuclei in rats at 24 h and 3 weeks after discontinuing 1 week of daily cocaine injections. Motor behavior was monitored after the first and last injections of daily cocaine, and those rats that showed >20% increase in motor activity after the last compared with the first injection were considered to have developed behavioral sensitization. The subjects that developed behavioral sensitization showed a significant increase in GluR1 levels in the nucleus accumbens at 3 weeks but not at 24 h of withdrawal. Conversely, sensitized animals showed a significant increase in NMDAR1 and GluR1 levels in the ventral tegmental area at 1 day but not at 3 weeks of withdrawal. None of these increases occurred in the rats exposed to daily cocaine that did not develop behavioral sensitization (<20% increase in motor activity), and no changes were measured in the level of GluR2/3 in any treatment group. The functional importance of the increases in glutamate receptor subunit levels is suggested by the fact that the changes were present only in rats that developed behavioral sensitization to repeated cocaine administration.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that several protein kinases are involved in the expression of pharmacological actions induced by a psychostimulant methamphetamine. The present study was designed to investigate the role of the Rho/Rho-associated kinase (ROCK)-dependent pathway in the expression of the increase in extracellular levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and its related behaviors induced by methamphetamine in rats. Methamphetamine (1 mg/kg, subcutaneously) produced a substantial increase in extracellular levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, with a progressive augmentation of dopamine-related behaviors including rearing and sniffing. Methamphetamine also induced the decrease in levels of its major metabolites, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanilic acid (HVA). Both the increase in extracellular levels of dopamine and the induction of dopamine-related behaviors by methamphetamine were significantly suppressed by pretreatment with an intranucleus accumbens injection of a selective ROCK inhibitor Y-27632. In contrast, Y-27632 had no effect on the decrease in levels of DOPAC and HVA induced by methamphetamine. Under these conditions, there were no changes in protein levels of membrane-bound RhoA in the nucleus accumbens following methamphetamine treatment. It is of interest to note that the microinjection of Y-27632 into the nucleus accumbens failed to suppress the increases in extracellular levels of dopamine, DOPAC, and HVA in the nucleus accumbens induced by subcutaneous injection of a prototype of micro -opioid receptor agonist morphine (10 mg/kg). Furthermore, perfusion of a selective blocker of voltage-dependent Na+ channels, tetrodotoxin (TTx) into the rat nucleus accumbens did not affect the increase in extracellular levels of dopamine in the rat nucleus accumbens by methamphetamine, whereas the morphine-induced dopamine elevation was eliminated by this application of TTx. The extracellular level of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens was also increased by perfusion of a selective dopamine re-uptake inhibitor 1-[2-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methoxy]-4-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazine (GBR-12909) in the nucleus accumbens. This effect was not affected by pretreatment with intranucleus accumbens injection of Y-27632. These findings provide first evidence that Rho/ROCK pathway in the nucleus accumbens may contribute to the increase in extracellular levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens evoked by a single subcutaneous injection of methamphetamine. In contrast, this pathway is not essential for the increased level of dopamine in this region induced by morphine, providing further evidence for the different mechanisms of dopamine release by methamphetamine and morphine in rats.  相似文献   

The psychostimulant amphetamine (AMPH) is frequently used to increase catecholamine levels in attention disorders and positron emission tomography imaging studies. Despite the fact that most radiotracers for positron emission tomography studies are characterized in non‐human primates (NHPs), data on regional differences of the effect of AMPH in NHPs are very limited. This study examined the impact of AMPH on extracellular dopamine (DA) levels in the medial prefrontal cortex and the caudate of NHPs using microdialysis. In addition to differences in magnitude, we observed striking differences in the temporal profile of extracellular DA levels between these regions that can likely be attributed to differences in the regulation of dopamine uptake and biosynthesis. The present data suggest that cortical DA levels may remain elevated longer than in the caudate which may contribute to the clinical profile of the actions of AMPH.


Alterations in the metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters have been proposed to be involved in the development of the hepatic encephalopathy (HE) associated with experimental and human liver failure. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, the monoamines and some of their metabolites were measured in homogenates of caudate nucleus (CAU), prefrontal (PFCo) and frontal cortex (FCo) dissected from brains obtained at autopsy from nine cirrhotic patients who had died in hepatic coma and an equal number of control subjects, free from neurological, psychiatric and hepatic disorders, matched for age and time interval from death to freezing of autopsied brain samples. Monoamine measurements were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography with ion-pairing and electrochemical detection after a simple extraction procedure. In all three regions investigated, concentrations of dopamine (DA) were unchanged in cirrhotic patients vs controls while its metabolites, 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were selectively affected i.e.3-MT was found to be increased in CAU, while HVA levels were increased in FCo and CAU. DOPAC was also found to be unchanged in CAU. Noradrenaline (NA) levels were greatly increased in PFCo and FCo of cirrhotic patients but remained unchanged in CAU. No significant differences in the concentrations of either serotonin (5-HT) or of its precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) were found in any of the three regions studied. However, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the major metabolite of 5-HT, was increased in PFCo and CAU of cirrhotic patients. These findings show that selective alterations of catecholamine and 5-HT systems are involved in human HE and therefore, they may play an important role in the pathogenesis of certain neurological symptoms associated with this encephalopathy.  相似文献   

The present study characterized the receptor‐dependent regulation of dendrite formation of noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) in cultured neurons obtained from embryonic day 16 rat cerebral cortex. Morphological diversity of cortical dendrites was analyzed on various features: dendrite initiation, dendrite outgrowth, and dendrite branching. Using a combination of immunocytochemical markers of dendrites and GABAergic neurons, we focused on the dendrite morphology of non‐GABAergic neurons. Our results showed that (1) NA inhibited the dendrite branching, (2) β adrenergic receptor (β‐AR) agonist inhibited the dendrite initiation, while promoted the dendrite outgrowth, (3) β1‐AR and β2‐AR were present in all the cultured neurons, and both agonists inhibited the dendrite initiation, while only β1‐AR agonist induced the dendrite branching; (4) DA inhibited the dendrite outgrowth, (5) D1 receptor agonist inhibited the dendrite initiation, while promoted the dendrite branching. In conclusion, this study compared the effects of NA, DA and their receptors and showed that NA and DA regulate different features on the dendrite formation of non‐GABAergic cortical neurons, depending on the receptors. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 370–383, 2013  相似文献   

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