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A Novel P22 Prophage in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Under several sets of conditions, all of which seem to perturb purine metabolism, Salmonella typhimurium releases a variety of phages which were not known to be present in the strain. These cryptic phages are not induced by UV irradiation. Furthermore, the induction process does not require a functional recA gene product. While phages of several phenotypic classes have been recovered, including both turbid and clear plaque formers, all appear to be variants of P22 because all show DNA restriction patterns indistinguishable from that of P22. The variety of types suggests that the cryptic prophage is mutagenized as a consequence of the induction process. All the temperature phages tested are capable of transducing a variety of chromosomal markers with high efficiency. The phages induced in this novel way are capable of forming plaques on the strains that gave rise to them. Since the strains releasing phage are not immune to P22, the parental lysogens must not express immunity and the phage must be held in a cryptic state by a novel mechanism. The released phage possess an intact P22 immunity system because many can form standard immune lysogens after reinfection of Salmonella. These results raise the possibility that Salmonella typhimurium harbors cryptic phages that are subject to a novel system of global control related to purine metabolism. Preliminary evidence suggests that the regulation system may involve DNA modification.  相似文献   

Induction of P22 Prophage in Salmonella typhimurium by Hycanthone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Hycanthone was found to be an inducer of P22 prophage in Salmonella typhimurium LT-2(P22).  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutation in gene 32 was used to study the role of gene 32 protein in the repair of UV-damaged DNA of bacteriophage T4. It was possible to distinguish between repair and replication of DNA at 33 C. At this temperature, DNA replication continued, and the intracellular DNA was stable. In contrast, no significant repair of UV-damaged DNA was observed even 40 min after the irradiation. Therefore, it was concluded that the defect in the repair mechanism at this temperature is not a simple consequence of the defect in DNA replication but that gene 32 apparently has an independent role for DNA repair. It was reported previously that gene 32 product is required for both T4 DNA replication and genetic recombination. In addition to these findings, this study has given direct evidence that, in vivo, this protein is also essential for the UV repair mechanism.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and genetic characterization of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced mutations in the phage P22 mnt repressor gene cloned in plasmid pBR322. Mutations in the mnt repressor gene or its operator on this plasmid, pPY98, confer a tetracycline resistance phenotype, whereas the wild-type plasmid confers tetracycline sensitivity. Cells carrying pPY98 were briefly exposed to MNNG to give 20 to 40% survival and a 50- to 100-fold increase in tetracycline-resistant cells. DNA sequence analysis showed that 29 of 30 MNNG-induced mutations were GC-to-AT transitions and one was an AT-to-GC transition. About 80% of the mutations are in three hotspots. This mutation spectrum is consistent with the proposed mechanism of mutagenic action of MNNG, which involves mispairing of an alkylated base, O6-methylguanine. The mnt gene may be a useful target for determining mutagenic specificity at the nucleotide level because forward mutations are easily isolated, the target size is small, and the DNA sequence changes of mutations can be determined rapidly.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven cistrons of genes active in lytic growth of phage P22 were classified by phenotypic expression of their amber mutants in nonpermissive Salmonella typhimurium. Seven cistrons code for late functions according to their lysis positive phenotype. Of the remaining four cistrons one codes for lysozym synthesis, two for phage directed DNA synthesis and one seems to be engaged in regulation of late gene expression.The majority of the experiments presented are a part of the dissertation of H. D. Dopatka submitted 1971 to the University of Göttingen.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P22 and λ are related bacteriophages with similar gene organizations. In λ the cII-dependent PI promoter is responsible for λint gene expression. The only apparent counterpart to PI in P22 is oriented in the opposite direction, and cannot transcribe the P22 int gene. We show that this promoter, called Pal, is active both in vivo and in vitro, and is dependent upon the P22 cII-like gene, called c1. We have also determined the DNA sequence of a 3.3 kb segment that closes the gap between previously reported sequences to give a continuous sequence between the P22 pL promoter and the int gene. The newly determined sequence is densely packed with genes from the pL direction, and the proteins predicted by the sequence show excellent correlation with the proteins mapped by Youderian and Susskind in 1980. However, the sequence contains no apparent genes in the opposite (pal) direction, and no additional binding motifs for the P22 c1 protein. We conclude that int gene expression in P22 is regulated by a different mechanism than in λ.  相似文献   

High-temperature treatment of thermosensitive dna mutants lysogenic for phage lambda leads to prophage induction and release of phage (at the permissive temperature) in elongation-defective mutants of the genotypes dnaB, dnaE, and dnaG. In initiation-defective mutants no prophage induction occurs at 42 C in mutants of the genotype dnaA, whereas with a dnaC mutant as well as with strain HfrH 252 (map position not yet known) phages are released at 42 C. DNA degradation at the replication fork at 42 C is observed in all dnaB(lambda) mutants tested, but not in mutants of the genotypes dnaE(lambda) and dnaG(lambda). Therefore, degradation of replication fork DNA is not a prerequisite for prophage induction.  相似文献   

P22pro-1 and P22pro-3 are specialized transducing derivatives of phage P22 that carry the proA and proB genes of Salmonella typhimurium. These genes lie immediately adjacent to the prophage attachment site on the bacterial chromosome. By examining DNA heteroduplexes in the electron microscope, we found that DNA molecules from P22pro-1 and P22pro-3 each contain a substitution which adds length to the composite genome making the intracellular replicated genome too long to fit into a single phage particle. In this respect, and in many of their biological properties, the proline-transducing phages resemble P22Tc-10, another specialized transducing phage with an oversize, intracellular replicated genome which carries a tetracycline-resistance determinant from an R-factor.—Unlike P22Tc-10, however, P22pro-1 and P22pro-3 fail to integrate normally during lysogenizing infections, even when provided with all known integration functions. These results suggest that the proline substitutions have created a defect in the phage attachment site and suggest that the Campbell model for the formation of specialized transducing phages is applicable to phage P22 with the additional feature that oversize genomes can be produced and propagated.—A physical and genetic map of the P22 genome near the prophage attachment site was constructed which shows that the insertion from the R-factor in P22Tc-10 is not at the attachment site: it is therefore unlikely that P22Tc-10 was formed in an abnormal prophage excision event as envisioned in the Campbell model, but was instead the result of a direct translocation from the R-plasmid to P22.  相似文献   

The affinity of synthetic P22 operators for P22 repressor varies with the base sequence at the operator's center. At 100 mM KCl, the affinity of these operators for P22 repressor varies over a 10-fold range. Dimethylsulfate protection experiments indicate that the central bases of the P22 operator are not contacted by the repressor. The KD for the complex of P22 repressor with an operator bearing central T-A bases (9T) increases less than 2-fold between 50 and 200 mM KCl, whereas the KD for the complex of repressor with an operator bearing central C-G bases (9C) increases 10-fold in the same salt range. The DNase I cleavage patterns of both bound and unbound P22 operators also vary with central base sequence. The DNase I pattern of the repressor-9C operator complex changes markedly with salt concentration, whereas that of the 9T operator-repressor complex does not. These changes in nuclease digestion pattern thereby mirror the salt-dependent changes in the P22 operator's affinity for repressor. P22 repressor protects the central base pair of the 9T operator from cleavage by the intercalative cleavage reagent Cu(I)-phenanthroline, while repressor does not protect the central bases of the 9C operator. Together these data indicate that central base pairs affect P22 operator strength by altering the structure of the unbound operator and the repressor-operator complex.  相似文献   

A method was developed to demonstrate recA-dependent P22-repressor breakdown in vivo by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis of unfractionated extracts of phage-infected, lysogenic Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1530 rec+ and TA1530 recA1-. The antirepressor of P22 is not cleaved by recA protein. Under conditions of unregulated ant-overproduction (Harvey et al. 1981) antirepressor protects c2-repressor in vivo against proteolytic cleavage by recA protein.  相似文献   

M. McCarron  A. Duttaroy  G. Doughty    A. Chovnick 《Genetics》1994,136(3):1013-1023
P element dysgenesis-associated male recombination in Drosophila was examined with a selective system focused upon a section of the third chromosome divided into eight recombination segments. Tests compared crossing over in the presence of none, one and two doses of P(δ2-3)(99B), a non-mobile transposase source, in the absence of a mobilizable P element target in the genome. In the presence of the P transposase source, and without a P element target, significant male recombination occurred in genomic regions physically separated from the P(δ2-3) site. Using two doses of P(δ2-3) without a P element target, the male recombination rate doubled, and 90% of the crossovers occurred in the pericentric region. The distribution of recombination events, in the absence of P element targets approximates that seen in studies of radiation induced mitotic crossing over and the metaphase chromosome map. Another experiment examined the effects of one dose of P(δ2-3) on a genome with a single P element target, P(lArB)(87C9), in the third recombination segment. Crossovers increased 58-fold in the immediate region of the P element target.  相似文献   

A rifampin-resistant mutant of Salmonella typhimurium carries an altered RNA polymerase. Wild-type (c+) phage P22 displays clear plaques and a reduced lysogenization frequency on this mutant host. The cly mutants of P22 were isolated on the basis of their ability to lysogenize such mutant hosts. Two classes of regulatory events, both of which are dependent on P22 gene c1 activity, are necessary for the establishment of lysogeny in P22. The positive events culminate in repressor synthesis; the negative events cause a retardation in phage DNA synthesis. Neither the positive nor the negative events are observed in P22c+ infections of the mutant host. Both effects are found in P22cly infections of the mutant host. Observable results of both the negative and the positive events are exaggerated in P22cly infections of wild-type hosts as compared to P22c+ infections. The cly mutation apparently increases the positive and negative regulatory events so that they are detectable in the mutant host and exaggerated in wild-type hosts. Possible mechanisms that result in the high frequency of lysogenization that characterizes the cly mutation and the nature of the cly mutation are discussed.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Variable antigen-binding domain of camelid single chain antibodies (VHH, Nanobody) and its conjugates are considered among very...  相似文献   

Summary Genetically marked and P22 phages were recombined in Escherichia coli-Salmonella typhimurium hybrid WR4028, a host sensitive to infection by both of these phages. Hybrid phages that acquired the immC region of P22, but retained the genes for the protein coat were selected on WR4027 (), a -immune, P22-resistant derivative of WR4028. In these immP22 hybrids, at least the c through P genes of were replaced with functionally related P22 genes. Phage recombinants with more extensive regions of the P22 genome were selected on the double lysogen WR4027 (, immP22). One such hybrid, immP22dis, was determined by heteroduplex analysis to contain approximately 40% of the P22 genome. Genetic studies established that immP22dis possesses the two widely separated immunity control regions of P22 (immC and immI) and that these loci are expressed in E. coli K-12 lysogenic for immP22dis. In addition, immP22dis contains the P22 a1 locus responsible for somatic 0–1 antigen conversion in Salmonella. Although the immP22dis phage particle has the head and tail, the phage genome also carries P22 tail gene 9 as evidenced by the production of free P22 tails. It also has the P22 att site as indicated by the integration of the immP22dis prophage near the proA locus on the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   



Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a cytokine of IL-10 family with significant proliferative effect on different cell lines. Immunopathological role of IL-22 has been studied in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriasis. Here we are reporting the functional role of IL-22 in the inflammatory and proliferative cascades of psoriatic arthritis (PsA).


From peripheral blood and synovial fluid (SF) of PsA (n = 15), RA (n = 15) and osteoarthritis (OA, n = 15) patients, mononuclear cells were obtained and magnetically sorted for CD3+ T cells. Fibroblast like synoviocytes (FLS) were isolated from the synovial tissue of PsA (n = 5), RA (n = 5) and OA (n = 5) patients. IL-22 levels in SF and serum were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Proliferative effect of human recombinant IL-22 (rIL-22) on FLS was assessed by MTT (3-(4, 5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, a yellow tetrazole) and CFSE dilution (Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester) assays. Expression of IL-22Rα1 in FLS was determined by western blot.


IL-22 levels were significantly elevated in SF of PsA patients (17.75 ± 3.46 pg/ml) compared to SF of OA (5.03 ± 0.39 pg/ml), p < 0.001. In MTT and CFSE dilution assays, rIL-22 (MTT, OD: 1.27 ± 0.06) induced significant proliferation of FLS derived from PsA patients compared to media (OD: 0.53 ± 0.02), p < 0.001. In addition, rIL-22 induced significantly more proliferation of FLS in presence of TNF-α. IL-22Rα1 was expressed in FLS of PsA, RA and OA patients. Anti IL-22R antibody significantly inhibited the proliferative effect of rIL-22. Further we demonstrated that activated synovial T cells of PsA and RA patients produced significantly more IL-22 than those of OA patients.


SF of PsA patients have higher concentration of IL-22 and rIL-22 induced marked proliferation of PsA derived FLS. Moreover combination of rIL-22 and TNF-α showed significantly more proliferative effect on FLS. IL-22Rα1 was expressed in FLS. Successful inhibition of IL-22 induced FLS proliferation by anti IL-22R antibody suggests that blocking of IL-22/IL-22R interaction may be considered as a novel therapeutic target for PsA.  相似文献   

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