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The detection of small radially symmetric targets was studied using a subthreshold summation paradigm. Small disc and disc-like patterns with diameters up to 0.6 were used for superposition on Bessel functions of zero order, subthreshold contrast and various spatial frequencies. Contrast interrelation functions prove linear over the whole range of contrasts used for the Bessel functions while their slopes show systematic variation with spatial frequency. An extrapolation of sensitivity from the slopes reveals that sensitivity can be predicted by a simple model assuming detection to be mediated by a transfer function made up as a cascade of an even bandpass function and the disc pattern spectrum, as has been found previously using one dimensional luminance distributions. Problems concerning the formation of pattern-specific radial symmetric filters are discussed. Received: 31 January 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 16 June 2000  相似文献   

It is shown that contrast interrelation functions for small compound gratings and for small compound edge-type patterns have different shapes: the former are lozenges, the latter ellipses in the normalised contrast space. These findings can be described by a simple p-norm model, comprising one channel which is most sensitive to the first pattern, another channel which is most sensitive to the second pattern and a non-linear summation of the channel outputs. Since the value of the summation exponent p is constant within but varies between pattern classes, an interpretation of the model parameters is limited to pattern class. Channel models based on the p-norm are discussed, taking into account the interpretation of the first derivative of the contrast interrelation function and the summation exponent, p. Received: 8 December 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

Sulfate transport in isolated placental brush-border membrane vesicles has properties consistent with an anion exchange process. To ascertain the relevance of this finding to sulfate accumulation by the fetus and placenta in vivo, we examined sulfate transport in human placental tissue slices, comparing sulfate uptake with that of a non-metabolizable amino acid marker, alpha-aminoisobutyrate (AIB). In contrast to AIB, which was actively concentrated from physiological media, sulfate uptake by the placenta slice was concentrative only in the absence of sodium and at low pH. Uptake of sulfate reached a steady state after 60 min. It was blocked by DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate), a specific inhibitor of anion transport, but not by ouabain. We found no evidence for Na(+)-dependent uptake of sulfate in incubated placental tissue. It seems unlikely that Na(+)-dependent sulfate transport by the placenta can be responsible for net sulfate accumulation by the human fetus.  相似文献   

Wolfe (1986, Psychol. Rev. 93, 269-282) proposed a model of human binocular vision based on the assumption of two functionally distinct classes of binocular neuron. These neurons may be regarded as logical AND and OR gates. In the present paper we assess the evidence relevant to this assumption. We find that while both types of binocular neuron have been described in the cortex of cat and monkey, there is no indication that they form functionally separate populations. Critical analysis of the psychophysical evidence for AND and OR channels in human vision suggests that much of the data presented in favor of an AND channel is subject to alternative interpretations. We conclude that the available data are not consistent with the existence of separate channels as proposed by Wolfe.  相似文献   

The ventral form vision pathway of the primate brain comprises a sequence of areas that include V1, V2, V4 and the inferior temporal cortex (IT) [1]. Although contour extraction in the V1 area and responses to complex images, such as faces, in the IT have been studied extensively, much less is known about shape extraction at intermediate cortical levels such as V4. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to demonstrate that the human V4 is more strongly activated by concentric and radial patterns than by conventional sinusoidal gratings. This is consistent with global pooling of local V1 orientations to extract concentric and radial shape information in V4. Furthermore, concentric patterns were found to be effective in activating the fusiform face area. These findings support recent psychophysical [2,3] and physiological [4,5] data indicating that analysis of concentric and radial structure represents an important aspect of processing at intermediate levels of form vision.  相似文献   

Rat lymph chylomicrons were treated with rat heparin-releasable hepatic lipase (HL) or with bovine milk lipoprotein lipase (LPL). The ability of the resulting particles to be taken up by the liver in vivo was assessed following their infusion into the portal vein of partially hepatectomized animals. The following observations were made: a) the rate of phospholipid depletion, relative to the rate of triglyceride hydrolysis, induced by HL was two- to threefold higher than that observed for LPL; b) the depletion of at least 57% of phospholipids from the surface of HL-treated chylomicrons caused no major alterations in the apoprotein profile of the particles; c) for the same extent of triglyceride hydrolysis, HL-treated chylomicrons were taken up by liver at a rate significantly higher (P less than 0.005) than LPL-treated particles; d) the liver uptake of HL-treated chylomicrons was competitively inhibited by endogenously generated chylomicron remnants, indicating that these two types of lipoproteins share the same process of recognition and uptake by liver cells. It is concluded that the in vivo changes in phospholipid content, or composition, on the surface of chylomicrons during their transformation into remnants, modulate the differentiation of these two particles by the hepatic remnant receptor.  相似文献   

An abnormal series of porphyrin tetracarboxylic acids known as the isocoproporphyrins, are commonly excreted by patients suffering from the disease porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT). These porphyrins appear to arise by bacterial degradation of dehydroisocoproporphyrinogen that is generated by the premature metabolism of the normal pentacarboxylate intermediate (5dab) by coproporphyrinogen oxidase (copro'gen oxidase). This porphyrinogen can be further metabolized by uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase to give harderoporphyrinogen, one of the usual intermediates in heme biosynthesis. Therefore, it is possible that some of the heme formed under abnormal conditions may originate from the 'isocopro-type' porphyrinogen intermediate. In order to investigate the feasibility of alternative pathways for heme biosynthesis, the four type III pentacarboxylate isomeric porphyrinogens were incubated with purified, cloned human copro'gen oxidase at 37 degrees C with various substrate concentrations under initial velocity conditions. Of the four isomers, only 5dab was a substrate for copro'gen oxidase and this gave dehydroisocoproporphyrin. The structure of the related porphyrin tetramethyl ester was confirmed by proton NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The K(m) value for proto'gen-IX formation from copro'gen, an indicator of molecular recognition, was similar to the K(m) value for monovinyl product formation with 5dab, although copro'gen-III has an approximately twofold higher K(cat) value. Although 5dab is a slightly poorer substrate than copro'gen-III, these results support the hypothesis that an abnormal route for heme biosynthesis is possible in humans suffering from PCT or related syndromes such as hexachlorobenzene poisoning.  相似文献   

Azaserine causes DNA damage in stationary-phase cells. In our investigation of this damage, we used strains of Escherichia coli differing in repair capabilities to study azaserine-induced DNA damage, detected as DNA strand breaks by sucrose gradient sedimentation techniques. Reduced sedimentation in alkaline and neutral sucrose gradients indicated the presence of both alkali-labile sites and in situ strand breaks. Azaserine induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) abundantly in all but the recA strain, in which SSBs were greatly reduced. Treatment of purified DNA with azaserine from bacteriophages T4 and PM2 produced no detectable SSBs. Several other studies also failed to detect DNA damage induced directly by azaserine. Increased levels of beta-galactosidase were induced in an E. coli strain possessing a rec::lac fusion, providing further evidence for azaserine induction of the recA gene product. In addition, azaserine induced adaptation against killing but not against mutagenesis in wild-type E. coli strain.  相似文献   

Addition of 5-20 mM LiCl to purified human polymorphonuclear leukocytes led to the release of lysozyme, the specific granule constituent, but not the release of elastase which is in azurophilic granules. In contrast, 2.5-10 micrograms cytochalasin D/mL induced the release of both lysozyme and elastase. Addition of lipopolysaccharide to leukocytes did not induce enzyme release but primed cells for enhanced release induced by cytochalasin D. Lipopolysaccharide also primed cells for enhanced release of lysozyme by either N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMLP) or Li+ but did not prime cells for elastase release by these stimuli. In contrast, fMLP + cytochalasin D interacted synergistically, leading to enhanced elastase release but not lysozyme release from the cells. Additional experiments with combinations of secretagogues and lipopolysaccharide yielded results consistent with the hypothesis that specific granules and subpopulations of azurophilic granules are under separate regulation and, thus, may be influenced by separate elements of intracellular second messenger systems.  相似文献   

A consensus nested-PCR method was designed for investigation of the DNA polymerase gene of adenoviruses. Gene fragments were amplified and sequenced from six novel adenoviruses from seven lizard species, including four species from which adenoviruses had not previously been reported. Host species included Gila monster, leopard gecko, fat-tail gecko, blue-tongued skink, Tokay gecko, bearded dragon, and mountain chameleon. This is the first sequence information from lizard adenoviruses. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that these viruses belong to the genus Atadenovirus, supporting the reptilian origin of atadenoviruses. This PCR method may be useful for obtaining templates for initial sequencing of novel adenoviruses.  相似文献   

Earlier, we (Vijayagopal, P., et al. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 837-251) have shown that complexes of plasma low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and arterial chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate proteoglycan aggregate promote LDL degradation and cholesteryl ester accumulation in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Further studies were conducted to determine whether LDL-proteoglycan complex is metabolized by a receptor-mediated process. Native proteoglycan aggregate was isolated from bovine aorta by associative CsCl isopycnic centrifugation. Complex of 125I-labeled LDL and proteoglycan aggregate formed in the presence of 30 mM Ca2+ was incubated with macrophages, and the binding at 4 degrees C and degradation at 37 degrees C of 125I-labeled LDL in the complex was monitored. Both binding and degradation of the complex were specific and saturable, suggesting that the processes are receptor mediated. The Kd for binding was 23 micrograms LDL protein per ml in the complex. Degradation of 125I-labeled LDL-proteoglycan complex was not suppressed by preincubation of macrophages with excess unlabeled complex, suggesting that the receptor for the complex is not subject to down regulation. Both binding and degradation of the complex and the resultant stimulation of cholesteryl ester synthesis were inhibited by limited treatment of cells with low doses of trypsin and pronase, indicating that the binding sites are protein or glycoprotein in nature. Binding was not inhibited by an excess of native LDL and beta-VLDL and exhibited only partial competition by excess unlabeled acetyl-LDL; however, polyinosinic acid, fucoidin and dextran sulfate, known inhibitors of acetyl-LDL binding and degradation in macrophages, did not affect LDL-proteoglycan complex binding and degradation. Similarly, excess unlabeled LDL-proteoglycan complex produced only partial inhibition of the binding and degradation of 125I-labeled acetyl-LDL by macrophages, suggesting that the binding sites for acetyl-LDL and LDL-proteoglycan complex are probably not identical. These studies provide evidence for a receptor-mediated pathway for the metabolism of LDL-proteoglycan complex in macrophages.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori infection is recognized as a major cause of chronic digestive diseases with a major public health impact, yet the knowledge of transmission pathways is limited. We studied the transmission in employees taking care of institutionalized persons with mental disabilities with a documented high prevalence of H. pylori. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six hundred and seventy-one health-care workers were screened for H. pylori serology. For each employee, information was collected on age, sex, father's and mother's education level, number of household members and number of children sleeping in the same bedroom during childhood, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking and tropical journeys and occupational exposure data such as type of contact with inhabitants (changing napkins with stools, washing inhabitants, feeding inhabitants, personal contact) and seniority in the institution. RESULTS: Seroprevalence for H. pylori increased significantly with age. In univariate analysis, risk factors for H. pylori positivity were (age-adjusted): father's education, mean length of employment, smoking, contact with fecal materials of inhabitants, washing and feeding of inhabitants. Controlling for confounders, in multiple logistic regression analysis, only fecal contact remained as a significant risk factor for H. pylori infection. CONCLUSIONS: In health-care workers caring for a population with a high prevalence of H. pylori infection, there is an association with fecal transmission. This, however, does not rule out the possibility of other ways of transmission.  相似文献   

Nickel in higher plants: further evidence for an essential role   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) grown in Ni-deficient nutrient solutions accumulated toxic urea concentrations which resulted in necrosis of their leaflet tips, a characteristic of Ni deficiency. Estimates of the Ni requirement of a plant were made by using seeds produced with different initial Ni contents. When compared to soybeans grown from seeds containing 2.5 nanograms Ni, plants grown from seeds containing 13 nanograms Ni had a significantly reduced incidence of leaflet tip necrosis. Plants grown from seeds containing 160 nanograms Ni produced leaves with almost no leaflet tip necrosis symptoms. Neither Al, Cd, Sn, nor V were able to substitute for Ni.

In other experiments, a small excess of EDTA was included in the nutrient solution in addition to that needed to chelate micronutrient metals. Under these conditions, nodulated nitrogen-fixing soybeans had a high incidence of leaflet tip necrosis, even when 1 micromolar NiEDTA was supplied. However, in nutrient solutions containing inorganic sources of N, 1 micromolar NiEDTA almost completely prevented leaflet tip necrosis, although no significant increase in leaf urease activity was observed. Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp) grown in Ni-deficient nutrient solutions containing NO3 and NH4 also developed leaflet tip necrosis, which was analogous to that produced in soybeans, and 1 micromolar NiEDTA additions prevented these symptoms.

These findings further support our contention that Ni is an essential element for higher plants.




Studies in the spontaneous ankylosis model in aging male DBA/1 mice and in patients with ankylosing spondylitis provide evidence that inflammation and new tissue formation leading to joint or spine ankylosis are likely linked but largely uncoupled processes. We previously proposed the ''entheseal stress'' hypothesis that defines microdamage or cell stress in the enthesis as a trigger for these disease processes. Here, we further investigated the relationship between inflammation and ankylosis by focusing on the early phase of the spontaneous arthritis model.


Aging male DBA/1 mice from different litters were caged together at the age of ten weeks and studied for signs of arthritis. A group of DBA/1 mice were treated daily with dexamethasone (0.5 μg/g body weight). Severity of disease was assessed by histomorphology and by positron emission tomography (PET) using 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) as a tracer. Bone loss in dexamethasone-treated or control mice was determined by in vivo dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Chemokine gene expression was studied ex vivo in dissected paws and in vitro in mesenchymal cells (periosteal and bone marrow stromal cells) by quantitative real-time PCR in the presence or absence of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) and dexamethasone.


Dexamethasone treatment did not affect incidence or severity of ankylosis, but led to an expected reduction in inflammation in the paws at week 15 as measured by PET tracer uptake. Treatment with dexamethasone negatively affected bone mineral density. Chemokines attracting neutrophils and lymphocytes were expressed in affected paws. In vitro, BMP2 stimulation upregulated chemokines in different mesenchymal joint-associated cell types, an effect that was inhibited by dexamethasone.


BMP signaling may be a trigger for both inflammation and ankylosis in the spontaneous model of ankylosing enthesitis. The lack of inhibition by glucocorticoids on new bone formation while causing systemic bone loss highlights the paradoxical simultaneous loss and gain of bone in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.  相似文献   

The retroposon SINE-R.C2 was first identified as a human-specific insertion in the complement C2 gene. In our previous study, SINE-R type retroposons, derived from the endogenous retrovirus HERV-K family, have been found to be hominoid specific. In this report on human chromosome 13, we identified eighteen new SINE-R retroposons resembling those we have previously reported on the sex chromosomes and on chromosomes 7 and 17. Phylogenetic analysis using the neighbor-joining method revealed that four SINE-R retroposons (13-16, 21, 23, 25) on chromosome 13 were closely related to the human-specific retroposon SINE-R.C2, with a high degree of sequence homology (95-97%). Such elements differ from the HERV-K10. LTR sequence from which they are derived in being deleted for the promoter region. Therefore while the evidence adds to the case that some classes of SINE-R element have continued to proliferate in hominid and hominoid evolution and may, as in the case of Fukuyama type muscular dystrophy, be a cause of insertional mutagenesis, they are less likely than the HERV-K10 LTR to have a positive effect on host gene activity.  相似文献   

We previously showed that slow-ramp rectal distensions induce graded inhibitions of the somatic nociceptive RIII reflex recorded from the lower limb, which correlated with both distension volume and visceral sensation. In contrast, rapid phasic rectal distensions induced facilitatory or biphasic effects (i.e., facilitations followed by inhibitions) depending on the level of distension. To examine the role of mucosal and serosal rectal mechanoreceptors in these viscerosomatic interactions, we analyzed, in six healthy volunteers, the effects of both types of rectal distension on the RIII reflex after topical application of lidocaine or placebo administered in a double-blind and crossover fashion. Inhibitions of the RIII reflex induced by both slow-ramp and rapid distensions were strongly reduced after administration of lidocaine but not after placebo. In contrast, facilitations of the RIII reflex observed during the initial phase of rapid distensions were not modified after lidocaine or placebo applications. These results suggest that inhibitions, but not facilitations, of the nociceptive RIII reflex triggered by rectal distensions depend preferentially on the activation of superficial mucosal receptors. This reflexologic technique might thus represent an interesting tool for studying the role of the different rectal mechanoreceptors involved in visceral sensations.  相似文献   

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