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This paper reviews hypotheses about roles of angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disease in two organs, the synovial joint and the lung. Neovascularisation is a fundamental process for growth and tissue repair after injury. Nevertheless, it may contribute to a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, and pulmonary fibrosis. Inflammation can promote angiogenesis, and new vessels may enhance tissue inflammation. Angiogenesis in inflammatory disease may also contribute to tissue growth, disordered tissue perfusion, abnormal ossification, and enhanced responses to normal or pathological stimuli. Angiogenesis inhibitors may reduce inflammation and may also help to restore appropriate tissue structure and function.  相似文献   

Chromosomal aberrations were comparatively assessed in nuclei extracted from synovial tissue, primary-culture (P-0) synovial cells, and early-passage synovial fibroblasts (SFB; 98% enrichment; P-1, P-4 [passage 1, passage 4]) from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA; n = 21), osteoarthritis (OA; n = 24), and other rheumatic diseases. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and skin fibroblasts (FB) (P-1, P-4) from the same patients, as well as SFB from normal joints and patients with joint trauma (JT) (n = 4), were used as controls. Analyses proceeded by standard GTG-banding and interphase centromere fluorescence in situ hybridization. Structural chromosomal aberrations were observed in SFB (P-1 or P-4) from 4 of 21 RA patients (19%), with involvement of chromosome 1 [e.g. del(1)(q12)] in 3 of 4 cases. In 10 of the 21 RA cases (48%), polysomy 7 was observed in P-1 SFB. In addition, aneusomies of chromosomes 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, and Y were present. The percentage of polysomies was increased in P-4. Similar chromosomal aberrations were detected in SFB of OA and spondylarthropathy patients. No aberrations were detected in i) PBL or skin FB from the same patients (except for one OA patient with a karyotype 45,X[10]/46,XX[17] in PBL and variable polysomies in long-term culture skin FB); or ii) synovial tissue and/or P-1 SFB of normal joints or of patients with joint trauma. In conclusion, qualitatively comparable chromosomal aberrations were observed in synovial tissue and early-passage SFB of patients with RA, OA, and other inflammatory joint diseases. Thus, although of possible functional relevance for the pathologic role of SFB in RA, these alterations probably reflect a common response to chronic inflammatory stress in rheumatic diseases.  相似文献   

Extracellular location of calpain and calpastatin was demonstrated in the cell-free synovial fluid obtained from the knee joint of healthy adult humans and several patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Calpains I and II and a few molecular species of calpastatin were identified by chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose and on Ultrogel AcA 34 columns as well as by immunoelectrophoretic blot analysis. Calpains I and II in the synovial fluid of the patients increased 6.7 times and 3.5 times, respectively, compared with those of the control subjects. With the patients, shortening of the heavy subunits of calpains was noted. Calpastatin also increased in the patients, but it showed rather extensive fragmentation.  相似文献   



Inflammatory lung diseases are a major morbidity factor in children. Therefore, novel strategies for early detection of inflammatory lung diseases are of high interest. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is recognized via Toll-like receptors and CD14. CD14 exists as a soluble (sCD14) and membrane-associated (mCD14) protein, present on the surface of leukocytes. Previous studies suggest sCD14 as potential marker for inflammatory diseases, but their potential role in pediatric lung diseases remained elusive. Therefore, we examined the expression, regulation and significance of sCD14 and mCD14 in pediatric lung diseases.


sCD14 levels were quantified in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of children with infective (pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, CF) and non-infective (asthma) inflammatory lung diseases and healthy control subjects by ELISA. Membrane CD14 expression levels on monocytes in peripheral blood and on alveolar macrophages in BALF were quantified by flow cytometry. In vitro studies were performed to investigate which factors regulate sCD14 release and mCD14 expression.


sCD14 serum levels were specifically increased in serum of children with pneumonia compared to CF, asthma and control subjects. In vitro, CpG induced the release of sCD14 levels in a protease-independent manner, whereas LPS-mediated mCD14 shedding was prevented by serine protease inhibition.


This study demonstrates for the first time the expression, regulation and clinical significance of soluble and membrane CD14 receptors in pediatric inflammatory lung diseases and suggests sCD14 as potential marker for pneumonia in children.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study is to compare inflammatory cytokine levels in primary knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients and healthy controls.

Methods: A total of 32 knee OA patients and 14 healthy controls were enrolled. A multiplex immunoassay was utilized for 10 cytokines in plasma and synovial fluid.

Results: Plasma IL-2, IL-4, and IL-6 concentrations were significantly greater in knee OA patients than controls. Moreover, both plasma IL-4 and IL-6 were positively correlated with the radiographic severity of knee OA.

Conclusions: Plasma IL-4 and IL-6 may serve as biomarkers reflecting the severity of OA.  相似文献   

The development of increasingly high-throughput and sensitive mass spectroscopy-based proteomic techniques provides new opportunities to examine the physiology and pathophysiology of many biologic fluids and tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine protein expression profiles of high-abundance synovial fluid (SF) proteins in health and in the prevalent joint disease osteoarthritis (OA). A cross-sectional study of 62 patients with early OA (n = 21), patients with late OA (n = 21), and control individuals (n = 20) was conducted. SF proteins were separated by using one-dimensional PAGE, and the in-gel digested proteins were analyzed by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. A total of 362 spots were examined and 135 high-abundance SF proteins were identified as being expressed across all three study cohorts. A total of 135 SF proteins were identified. Eighteen proteins were found to be significantly differentially expressed between control individuals and OA patients. Two subsets of OA that are not dependent on disease duration were identified using unsupervised analysis of the data. Several novel SF proteins were also identified. Our analyses demonstrate no disease duration-dependent differences in abundant protein composition of SF in OA, and we clearly identified two previously unappreciated yet distinct subsets of protein profiles in this disease cohort. Additionally, our findings reveal novel abundant protein species in healthy SF whose functional contribution to SF physiology was not previously recognized. Finally, our studies identify candidate biomarkers for OA with potential for use as highly sensitive and specific tests for diagnostic purposes or for evaluating therapeutic response.  相似文献   

IL-7 is known foremost for its immunostimulatory capacities, including potent T cell-dependent catabolic effects on bone. In joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, IL-7, via immune activation, can induce joint destruction. Now it has been demonstrated that increased IL-7 levels are produced by human articular chondrocytes of older individuals and osteoarthritis patients. IL-7 stimulates production of proteases by IL-7 receptor-expressing chondrocytes and enhances cartilage matrix degradation. This indicates that IL-7, indirectly via immune activation, but also by a direct action on cartilage, contributes to joint destruction in rheumatic diseases.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to review the cytokine profiles in the synovial fluid (SF) of patients with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD). Databases were searched from 1965 till September 2015 using different combinations of the following key words: “Temporomandibular joint”; “Cytokine”; “disorder”; and “synovial fluid” and “inflammation”. Titles and abstracts of studies identified using the above-described protocol were screened and checked for agreement. Full-texts of articles judged by title and abstract to be relevant were read and independently evaluated. Hand-searching of the reference lists of potentially relevant original and review articles was also performed. The pattern of the present systematic review was customized to mainly summarize the relevant data. Fifteen studies were included. In 12 studies, cytokine profile of patients with TMJD was assessed using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; and in 2 studies, histological analysis was performed to assess the cytokine profile of patients with TMJD. Patients with TMJD presented raised levels of interleukin (IL)-6 in 8 studies, IL-1beta (1β) in 5 studies and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in 5 studies. Two studies showed no significant difference in TNF-α levels in patients with and without TMJD; and IL-1β levels were comparable in patients with and without TMJD in 2 studies. Raised levels of IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8, and IFN-γ in the SF have been associated with inflammation in patients with TMJD. Cytokines IL-10, osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor/osteoprotegerin (OCIF/OPG), and VEGF found in the SF of TMJs could have an anti-inflammatory effect.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma levels of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) were measured by RIA in 46 patients with acute intracranial diseases, ie, cerebral bleeding (group A), cerebral thrombosis (B), head injury (C) and meningitis (D), and the results were compared to those obtained in 21 patients with non-intracranial diseases (group E; control). Immunoreactive LHRH concentrations in CSF (CSF IR-LHRH) of 8 postmenopausal women in group E ranged 1.3 to 6.1 (mean +/- SE: 3.1 +/- 0.6) pg/ml, and those of 5 other women and 8 men with group E ranged 1.0 to 5.6 (3.6 +/- 0.4)pg/ml. In 7 out of 15 patients in group A(7/15), CSF IR-LHRH were above the levels seen in group E. In group B, C and D, CSF IR-LHRH were above the control levels in 9/15, 1/9, 3/7, respectively. The changes in plasma LHRH were not clear in postmenopausal patients in groups A and B. Plasma IR-LHRH in other women and men in group A were above the control levels in 2 out of 9 patients (2/9). Those in groups B, C and D were above the control levels in 3/8, 1/9, 2/7, respectively. Moreover, both plasma and CSF IR-LHRH of 13 patients in group A or B in chronic stage were within the control ranges. In cases observed following the time course, the occasionally increased IR-LHRH in plasma and CSF tended to decrease following the abatement of the diseases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A soluble phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified 4,500-fold from human rheumatoid synovial fluid. Preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis yielded two bands of PLA2 activity of molecular weights 15,000 and 17,000 and pl 4.2-5.0. Purified PLA2 had absolute 2-acyl specificity, and hydrolyzed phosphatidylcholine with optimal activity at pH 7.5-8.0 and phosphatidylethanolamine with optimal activity at pH 7.0. Human synovial fluid PLA2 did not cross-react with anti-human pancreatic PLA2, as tested by radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   

M Hlavácek 《Biorheology》2001,38(4):319-334
The thixotropic (shear-thinning) effect of the synovial fluid in squeeze-film lubrication of the human hip joint is evaluated, taking into account filtration of the squeezed synovial film by biphasic articular cartilage. A porous, homogeneous, elastic cartilage matrix filled with the interstitial ideal fluid, with the intact superficial zone (of lower permeability and stiffness in compression) already disrupted or worn away, models an early stage of arthritis. Due to a high viscosity of the normal synovial fluid at very low shear rates, the squeezed synovial film at a fixed time after the application of a steady load is found to be much thicker in a small central part of the lubricated contact area. In the remaining part, the film is thin as it corresponds to the Newtonian fluid with the same high-shear-rate viscosity. Filtration is lower for the normal cartilage with the intact superficial zone due to its lower permeability and compression stiffness. But even in the fictitious case of zero filtration, calculations show that the effect of thixotropy on the increase of the minimum synovial film thickness would manifest itself as late as after several tens of seconds since the physiologic load application. At that time, this thickness would be as low as about 0.3 microm. It follows that thixotropy of the normal synovial fluid (and so much more of the inflammatory fluid) is irrelevant in squeeze-film lubrication of both the normal and arthritic human hip joints.  相似文献   

Expression of ligands of the immunoreceptor NKG2D such as MICA and MICB has been proposed to play an important role in the immunosurveillance of tumors. Proteolytic shedding of NKG2D ligands from cancer cells therefore constitutes an immune escape mechanism impairing anti-tumor reactivity by NKG2D-bearing cytotoxic lymphocytes. Serum levels of sMICA have been shown to be of diagnostic significance in malignant diseases of various origins. Here, we investigated the potential of soluble MICB, the sister molecule of MICA, as a marker in cancer and its correlation with soluble MICA. Analysis of MICB in sera of 512 individuals revealed slightly higher MICB levels in patients with various malignancies (N = 296; 95th percentile 216 pg/ml; P = 0.069) than in healthy individuals (N = 62; 95th percentile 51 pg/ml). Patients with benign diseases (N = 154; 95th percentile 198 pg/ml) exhibited intermediate MICB levels. In cancer patients, elevated MICB levels correlated significantly with cancer stage and metastasis (P = 0.007 and 0.007, respectively). Between MICB and MICA levels, only a weak correlation was found (r = 0.24). Combination of both markers resulted only in a slightly higher diagnostic power in the high specificity range. The reduction of MICA and MICB surface expression on cells by shedding and the effects of sMICA and sMICB in serum on host lymphocyte NKG2D expression might play a role in late stages of tumor progression by overcoming the confining effect of NK cells and CD8 T cells. While MICB levels are not suited for the diagnosis of cancer in early stages, they may provide additional information for the staging of cancer disease.Alexander Steinle and Helmut R. Salih contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the pathophysiological roles of soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF was obtained from patients suspected with meningitis. Eight patients without any meningeal signs or symptoms were enrolled as controls. An additional 34 CSF samples were collected to measure both biologically active and immunoreactive sIL-6R. All CSF samples were proven to be aseptic. IL-6 and sIL-6R were measured using specific ELISAs. Patients were divided into three groups on the basis of cell number in CSF; inflammatory group (cell number >5 microl, mean 241+/-363.1, n=61); non-inflammatory group (cell number < or =5 microl, mean=2.1+/-1.7, n=12) and controls (cell number < or =5 microl, mean=0.3+1.7, n=8). Among these three groups, the differences in protein (F (2,78)=8.274, P<0.0001) and IL-6 concentration (F (2,78)=6.475, P<0.001) were statistically significant but those of sIL-6R concentration were not. There were only weak correlations between log (sIL-6R) versus log (cell number) (r=0.23, P=0.0375), log (protein) (r=0.239, P=0.0358) and log (IL-6) (r=0.27, P=0.0167). Amounts of immunoreactive and biologically active sIL-6R were closely correlated (r=0.62, n=34, P<0.005). It was concluded that sIL-6R is present constitutively in CSF and its level may not increase significantly in inflammatory conditions; infiltrating cells in CSF are not the main source of sIL-6R; and sIL-6R in CSF can bind IL-6.  相似文献   

The differentiation between inflammatory and non inflammatory states has been performed using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in vitro by measuring relaxation times T1 and T2 in 84 synovials fluids obtained from various rheumatologic diseases. The results show that the T1/T2 ratio is more sensitive to distinguish these two situations rather than the isolated T1 or T2 values. In particular, high values of T1/T2 ratio are found in septic arthritis.  相似文献   



Inflammation is an important feature of many joint diseases, and levels of cartilage biomarkers measured in synovial fluid may be influenced by local inflammatory status. Little is known about the magnitude and time course of inflammation-induced changes in cartilage tissue turnover as measured in vivo by synovial fluid markers. We aimed to study temporal changes in concentrations of inflammatory mediators, matrix metalloproteinase activity and cartilage biomarkers over 1 week in joints with experimentally induced inflammation.  相似文献   

The vasculature of the normal and arthritic knee is described. The joint contains a number of different tissues, many of which are heterogeneous and each with varying degrees of vascularization. In the normal joint the vasculature is highly organised, some tissues are highly vascular with well defined vascular organisation, whilst other tissues are avascular. During arthritis vascular turnover is increased. This vascular plasticity leads to redistribution of the vascular bed and may compromise its functional ability. The normal joint is able to regulate its blood flow, but this ability may be compromised by the inflammation and increased synovial fluid volume that are associated with joint disease. Growth of the subchondral vasculature into the articular cartilage may also occur, leading to ossification of the articular cartilage.  相似文献   

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