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Butterfly monitoring in Europe: methods,applications and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the first Butterfly Monitoring Scheme in the UK started in the mid-1970s, butterfly monitoring in Europe has developed in more than ten European countries. These schemes are aimed to assess regional and national trends in butterfly abundance per species. We discuss strengths and weaknesses of methods used in these schemes and give examples of applications of the data. A new development is to establish supra-national trends per species and multispecies indicators. Such indicators enable to report against the target to halt biodiversity loss by 2010. Our preliminary European Grassland Butterfly Indicator shows a decline of 50% between 1990 and 2005. We expect to develop a Grassland Butterfly Indicator with an improved coverage across European countries. We see also good perspectives to develop a supra-national indicator for climate change as well as an indicator for woodland butterflies.  相似文献   

Invasion by alien species is a growing concern for nature conservation. We estimated the level of invasion by alien plant species and future invasion risks at the European scale. We used a pan-European atlas and eight regional plant atlases to determine the distribution of alien and native plant richness. In addition, we estimated alien and native dark diversity (species currently absent from a site but present in the surrounding region and able to colonize the site). We used relative diversity metrics to indicate current and future risks by alien species: relative alien richness (compared to native species), alien and native completeness (log-ratio of observed to dark diversity) and completeness difference between alien and native species. Observed and relative richness of alien species were greatest in NW Europe; this suggests that sites in NW Europe could be more disturbed. Observed alien and native species richness show clear regional hotspots; the distribution of completeness values is dispersed, indicating local hotspots. Northern Europe has relatively lower alien completeness, likely because potential invaders inhabit the region but have not yet reached many localities, thereby suggesting a risk of future invasion. A greater number of potential alien species in the region increases the probability that some alien species could have detrimental impacts. Both alien richness and completeness are positively correlated with native richness and completeness, respectively, indicating that both groups share similar distribution patterns. Alien species diversity metrics in Europe are related positively to human population density and agricultural land-use. We suggest that the dark diversity concept can broaden our understanding of alien species diversity and future invasion risks.  相似文献   

The EU Habitats Directive provides in Annexes II and IV a list of species that need to be conserved. In response to this obligation, Member States have implemented a variety of conservation measures. These measures include the rejection, modification or delay of land development plans, payments to landowners for implementing conservation measures and management actions such as breeding programmes. The extent of the cost of these various conservation measures is not always apparent. Particularly when land development plans are modified costs are hidden because there is no visible flow of financial resources. This may lead to an underestimation of conservation costs. In contrast, costs which directly lead to a flow of financial resources, such as expenses for management measures, are visible and may be given more attention. This difference in visibility may result in selecting conservation measures with high but hidden costs, whereas conservation measures with low but visible costs are neglected. The first purpose of this paper is to provide a framework that captures, along with the visible costs, the range of hidden costs relevant to the conservation of species protected by the Habitats Directive. The second purpose is to demonstrate the relevance of the problem of hidden costs by means of a case study. We apply the framework to estimate the costs of protecting the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus, listed in Annex IV of the Habitats Directive) in the region of Mannheim, Germany and find that the hidden costs of changes in development plans are higher than the visible conservation costs by at least an order of magnitude.
Florian V. EppinkEmail:

Aminomutases carry out the chemically challenging exchange of a hydrogen atom and an amine substituent present on neighboring carbon atoms. In recent years, aminomutases have been intensively investigated for their biophysical, structural and mechanistic characteristics. The reactions catalyzed by these enzymes have considerable potential for biotechnological applications. Here, we present an overview of this diverse group of enzymes, with a focus on enzymatic mechanisms and recent developments in their use in applied biocatalysis.  相似文献   


This research sought to understand the patterns of vegetation recovery after disturbances because of coppice management in beech forests. Eighty sampling units from the mountain belt of the Marche region (Apennines, Italy) were collected according to a stratified sampling based on their geological setting (limestone, sandstone), elevation classes and age after last coppicing (to represent a chronosequence, from 1 to 90 years). The expected successional trend of decreasing species richness was confirmed, together with some stabilisation processes for older stand ages. However, more complex diversity patterns were found when total species richness was decomposed into the species richness of five social behaviour types (SBTs), defined based on the species' habitat preference. On both bedrocks, temporal gradients explained the observed diversity changes at the stand level: forest specialists increased whereas non-forest species decreased. A relatively long time after coppicing (40–60 years), the contribution of the beech specialist species doubled, whereas non-forest and species from anthropogenic habitats decreased by about 50%. On sandstone, the contribution of gap species also decreased over a long-period, and the beech stands experienced stronger changes over time. We conclude that the decomposition of total species richness in terms of SBT affords the opportunity to identify temporal references for thresholds which can be used to assess plant diversity status in relation to management schedules and conservation policy decisions.  相似文献   

多倍化(或全基因组加倍)是植物物种形成的重要途径,现存的被子植物可能都发生过一次甚至多次多倍化事件。多倍化传统的定义是染色体数目相对于祖先类群呈整倍性增加。其中最常用的研究方法是核型分析,核型能够提供物种的基本细胞学参数,包括染色体数目、倍性水平、核型不对称性、核型变异系数等。目前核型研究的趋势表现出从物种基本核型参数分析逐渐演化到多类群、多学科交叉融合的特点:一方面植物核型分析从种群、物种、科属的类群到生命之树,探讨染色体核型在各支系的进化特征、趋势以及驱动植物系统进化的细胞学机制;另一方面探讨和分析区域或生态系统植物区系的染色体谱或倍性等细胞学特征,可以探究区域地质环境变化或生态环境对染色体倍性等的影响,或通过区域染色体谱的构建,分析区域植物区系的形成和进化历史。因而,植物核型研究为系统发育、分子系统进化、生命之树以及植物区系地理的起源和演化研究提供了新思路。越来越多的新方法、新手段在植物核型分析与多倍化研究中得到运用,从而揭示了植物类群或植物区系的染色体进化以及细胞地理特征。今后植物细胞学研究趋势会向多学科交叉融合,整合各研究领域证据,从不同水平角度综合分析植物核型多样性形成的原因及意义,从而更加全面地认识和理解植物物种多样化与物种形成原因。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the vascular flora and the local climate along the altitude gradient in the largest alpine belt of the central Apennines (Majella National Park), and to contribute to the evaluation of the possible effects of global climate changes on the biodiversity of the alpine ecosystem. For this purpose floristic-quantitative analyses and temperature records on three different summits have been carried out by using the methodological protocol of the UE-GLORIA project (2001 2003); the project aims toward a standardised monitoring of flora and temperature in the alpine environment of the main European chains. From the analysis of the changes in species richness along the altitude gradient (2405 m versus 2730 m a.s.l.), it emerged that 70% of species do not reach the highest summit and only 11% of the overall flora is shared by all of the summits examined; a drop in mean temperature has been observed at soil level, along the same gradient from 3.11 to 0.03 °C. Floristic-quantitative and climatic analyses have been carried out even along the horizontal gradient (principal exposures), highlighting a great species richness and vegetation cover in eastward aspects. We singled out some endangered rare species and we proved that the slopes facing east will be the first to be affected by the coming of subalpine species from below, whereas northward exposures will be the most conservative, showing greater inertia toward the invasive process caused by the climate warming.  相似文献   

多倍化(或全基因组加倍)是植物物种形成的重要途径,现存的被子植物可能都发生过一次甚至多次多倍化事件。多倍化传统的定义是染色体数目相对于祖先类群呈整倍性增加。其中最常用的研究方法是核型分析,核型能够提供物种的基本细胞学参数,包括染色体数目、倍性水平、核型不对称性、核型变异系数等。目前核型研究的趋势表现出从物种基本核型参数分析逐渐演化到多类群、多学科交叉融合的特点:一方面植物核型分析从种群、物种、科属的类群到生命之树,探讨染色体核型在各支系的进化特征、趋势以及驱动植物系统进化的细胞学机制;另一方面探讨和分析区域或生态系统植物区系的染色体谱或倍性等细胞学特征,可以探究区域地质环境变化或生态环境对染色体倍性等的影响,或通过区域染色体谱的构建,分析区域植物区系的形成和进化历史。因而,植物核型研究为系统发育、分子系统进化、生命之树以及植物区系地理的起源和演化研究提供了新思路。越来越多的新方法、新手段在植物核型分析与多倍化研究中得到运用,从而揭示了植物类群或植物区系的染色体进化以及细胞地理特征。今后植物细胞学研究趋势会向多学科交叉融合,整合各研究领域证据,从不同水平角度综合分析植物核型多样性形成的原因及意义,从而更加全面地认识和理解植物物种多样化与物种形成原因。  相似文献   

Agro-silvopastoral land-use has a long tradition throughout Europe. Depending on the region, wood-pasture occurs as vanishing relic of historical land-use, or still more or less widespread as multiple-use rangeland. A new development is that former intensively managed land is being left to evolve towards wood-pasture as an economically and ecologically favourable alternative. In a review of European wood-pasture habitats we distinguish 24 types based on the geobotanical criteria of region, structure, land-use and tree species composition. The European wood-pasture types may be classified as hemiboreal and boreal (4 types), nemoral old-growth (7), nemoral scrub and coppice (5), meridional old-growth (2), meridional scrub and coppice (4), and grazed orchards (2). Wood-pasture forms part of the cultural heritage of Europe, and may add significantly to the preservation of regional biodiversity. The role of wood-pasture in ecological restoration planning and the possibilities of maintaining or enhancing features of wood-pasture deserve more recognition. Many wood-pastures suffer from regeneration failure and are over-mature. Other threats to wood-pasture include abandonment, intensification, oak disease, overgrazing and clearance. In the European Union Habitats Directive, wood-pasture habitats are represented but rather inconsistently. We suggest neglected wood-pasture habitat types to be considered for inclusion. Wood-pasture may form an important element for the economic integrity of rural areas aiming to improve ecological quality‚ provided they are managed sustainably.  相似文献   

Soils may comprise tens of thousands to millions of bacterial species. It is still unclear whether this high level of diversity is governed by functional redundancy or by a multitude of ecological niches. In order to address this question, we analyzed the reproducibility of bacterial community composition after different experimental manipulations. Soil lysimeters were planted with four different types of plant communities, and the water content was adjusted. Group-specific phylogenetic fingerprinting by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed clear differences in the composition of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Planctomycetes, and Verrucomicrobia populations in soils without plants compared to that of populations in planted soils, whereas no influence of plant species composition on bacterial diversity could be discerned. These results indicate that the presence of higher plant species affects the species composition of bacterial groups in a reproducible manner and even outside of the rhizosphere. In contrast, the environmental factors tested did not affect the composition of Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Archaea, and Firmicutes populations. One-third (52 out of 160) of the sequence types were found to be specifically and reproducibly associated with the absence or presence of plants. Unexpectedly, this was also true for numerous minor constituents of the soil bacterial assemblage. Subsequently, one of the low-abundance phylotypes (beta10) was selected for studying the interdependence under particular experimental conditions and the underlying causes in more detail. This so-far-uncultured phylotype of the Betaproteobacteria species represented up to 0.18% of all bacterial cells in planted lysimeters compared to 0.017% in unplanted systems. A cultured representative of this phylotype exhibited high physiological flexibility and was capable of utilizing major constituents of root exudates. Our results suggest that the bacterial species composition in soil is determined to a significant extent by abiotic and biotic factors, rather than by mere chance, thereby reflecting a multitude of distinct ecological niches.  相似文献   

PurposeTo investigate and report on the diffusion and clinical use of automated radiotherapy planning systems in Italy and to assess the perspectives of the community of Italian medical physicists involved in radiotherapy on the use of these tools.Materials and MethodsA survey of medical physicists (one per Institute) of 175 radiotherapy centers in Italy was conducted between February 21st and April 1st, 2021. The information collected included the institute’s characteristics, plan activity, availability/use of automatic tools and related issues regarding satisfaction, criticisms, expectations, and perceived professional modifications. Responses were analysed, including the impact of a few variables such as the institute type and experience.Results125 of the centers (71%) answered the survey, with regional variability (range: 47%–100%); among these, 49% have a TPS with some automatic option. Clinical use of automatic planning is present in 33% of the centers, with 13% applying it in >50% of their plans.Among the 125 responding centres the most used systems are Pinnacle (16%), Raystation (9%) and Eclipse (4%). The majority of participants consider the use of automated techniques to be beneficial, while only 1% do not see any advantage; 83% of respondents see the possibility of enriching their professional role as a potential benefit, while 3% see potential threats.ConclusionsOur survey shows that 49% of the responding centres have an automatic planning solution although clinically used in only 33% of the cases. Most physicists consider the use of automated techniques to be beneficial and show a prevalently positive attitude.  相似文献   

The oceans are the Earth's largest ecosystem, covering 70% of our planet and providing goods and services for the majority of the world's population. Understanding the complex abiotic and biotic processes on the micro- to macroscale is the key to protect and sustain the marine ecosystem. Marine microorganisms are the ‘gatekeepers’ of the biotic processes that control the global cycles of energy and organic matter. A multinational, multidisciplinary approach, bringing together research on oceanography, biodiversity and genomics, is now needed to understand and finally predict the complex responses of the marine ecosystem to ongoing global changes. Such an integrative approach will not only bring better understanding of the complex interplay of the organisms with their environment, but will reveal a wealth of new metabolic processes and functions, which have a high potential for biotechnological applications. This potential has already been recognized by the European commission which funded a series of workshops and projects on marine genomics in the sixth and seventh framework programme. Nevertheless, there remain many obstacles to achieving the goal – such as a lack of bioinformatics tailored for the marine field, consistent data acquisition and exchange, as well as continuous monitoring programmes and a lack of relevant marine bacterial models. Marine ecosystems research is complex and challenging, but it also harbours the opportunity to cross the borders between disciplines and countries to finally create a rewarding marine research era that is more than the sum of its parts.  相似文献   

Two developments in the understanding of the relationship between sedimentary pollen assemblages, vegetation and plant diversity are discussed. The Prentice model of vegetation–pollen relationships has improved our understanding of how and at what scale sedimentary pollen records vegetation. The modelling framework allows improved palaeoecological study designs that may, potentially, give important new insights into processes of plant migrations in response to climate change. Also, reconstructions of plant communities and landscape openness may be improved. Competing hypotheses for the relationship between vegetation and palynological diversity are discussed and it is concluded that more attention should be focused on evenness aspects of palynological diversity and on hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between plant species diversity, productivity and the development of the soil community during early secondary succession on former arable land across Europe. We tested the hypothesis that increasing the initial plant species diversity enhances the biomass production and consequently stimulates soil microbial biomass and abundance of soil invertebrates. We performed five identical field experiments on abandoned arable land in five European countries (CZ, NL, SE, SP and UK) which allowed us to test our hypothesis in a range of climate, soil and other environmental factors that varied between the experimental sites. The initial plant diversity was altered by sowing seed mixtures of mid-successional grassland species with two or five grass species, one or five legumes and one or five forbs. The results of low and high sown diversity treatments were compared with plots that were naturally colonized by species present in the seed bank. In three out of the five field sites, there was no correlation between plant species number and plant biomass production, one site had a positive and the other a negative relation. Treatments with a high diversity seed mixture had a higher biomass than the naturally colonized plots. However, there was no significant difference between high and low sown diversity plots at four out of five sites. The three-year study did not give any evidence of a general bottom-up effect from increased plant biomass on biomass of bacteria, saprophytic fungi or abundance of microarthropods. The biomass of arbuscular mycorrhizal was negatively related to plant biomass. The abundance of nematodes increased after abandonment and was related to plant biomass at four sites. Our results support the hypothesis that plant species diversity may have idiosyncratic effects on soil communities, even though studies on a longer term could reveal time lags in the response to changes in composition and biomass production of plant communities.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Studies conducted in forests have resulted in much of the ecological theory we build upon today. However, our basic understanding of forest ecology comes almost exclusively from the...  相似文献   

Italian north Tyrrhenian regions harbour pure or nearly pure cork oak woodlands towards the NE limit of the species range and the highest proportion of the habitat on mainland Italy, but their distribution, biodiversity and conservation status are still poorly known. Focusing on the key region of Tuscany, we analysed distribution and plant species richness of these forests based on literature and original field data. The habitat covers about 5.730?ha and is strongly fragmented for natural and non-natural reasons, underscoring its relict character. Out of the 420 plant taxa recorded, 19 were listed in IUCN categories at the national or regional level. Taxonomic singularity was especially high at the genus rank. Three neighbouring areas with different soil conditions and forest structure were compared based on field surveys, sample plots and linear transects from dense stands to shrub and herbaceous communities of small openings. The Versegge site showed the highest species richness at the area-scale and the mean diversity at the plot scale, representing a key biotope for the conservation of the habitat. However, the geographic–floristic covariation between the three sites suggested that a network of small areas would be more effective than a single, large area to protect the most significant components of the local cork oak flora. The Lattaia and Terzo areas may play an important role as corridor sites between the four SCIs of the Rete Natura 2000 network including cork oak communities on the Tuscan mainland. Species richness was higher in the stands with lower cork oak basal area, and there was a significant increase in species number along transects reaching openings caused by traditional human activities. A minor anthropic disturbance of traditional type may help to preserve the fine-scale habitat heterogeneity and the biodiversity of the whole ecosystem.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to describe Italian mammal diversity in an evolutionary context. With 122 species according latest researches, Italy holds the richest mammal assemblage among European countries. Specific taxa are often represented by clearly distinctive lineages and several of them appear restricted to the Italian peninsula. Poor knowledge of taxonomy and uncritical application of IUCN threat categories at the national level could produce a flawed set of conservation priorities, independently from the rigorous application of the proposed guidelines for national Red List assessments. Furthermore, classical conservation assessments and protective legislation only consider traditionally named taxa, often privileging insular taxa of artificial origin but neglecting most of the results of genetic and molecular studies on intraspecific variation. The aim of the present work is to outline the need to incorporate phylogenetic and biogeographic data in the assessment of conservation priorities among mammals in Italy, in order to maximise the national contribution to biodiversity conservation in Europe. To this end, distribution, threat status, intraspecific and supraspecific taxonomy of the native mammal fauna should be analysed in a global context. Phylogeographic patterns emerging from previous studies indicate the general inadequacy of continental European populations serving as sources for re-stocking or re-introductions operations in Italy and the other European peninsulas. Thus the importance of integrating international guidelines on reintroductions with a clear understanding of national biogeographical peculiarities is highlighted.  相似文献   

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