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A fluorescent method developed for visualizing gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) in intact liver cells was adapted to leukocytes and used in a multiparameter flow cytometric study of blood and bone marrow cells from rats with subcutaneous implants of mammary carcinoma 5A. The severe granulocytosis caused by this non-metastatic tumor was preceded by a progressive rise in the percentage of leukocytes with high GGT fluorescence. Both granulocytes and small, immature cells of bone marrow showed increased GGT expression, whereas in blood this increase was attributable entirely to mature granulocytes. At 28 days (but not yet at 14 days) after carcinoma implantation, 20-30% of blood or bone marrow granulocytes constituted a distinct subpopulation in that their GGT fluorescence intensity range was much higher and did not overlap with the range for the rest of the population. The results indicate that fluorescent GGT assay of intact leukocytes provides a useful probe for flow cytometric analysis of population heterogeneity in leukoproliferative disorders.  相似文献   

Several methods were tested that would improve the fluorescence signal from hybridized rumen bacterial cells. Disruption of cell envelopes by lysozyme, EDTA, proteinase K and/or SDS caused only a minor increase in fluorescence signal. Use of helper unlabeled oligonucleotide probes was successful only with the Puni[H672] probe which, however, when used with specific PBBl4-labeled probe, gave fluorescence signal drop. No substantial rise in fluorescence signal was also observed with cells subjected to growth-without-cell-division treatment. Further improvements are needed to make the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)-flow cytometry combination applicable to rumen bacteria.  相似文献   

Human leukemia Jurkat T cells were analyzed for apoptosis and cell cycle by flow cytometry, using the Annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) standard assay, and a simple PI staining in Triton X-100/digitonin-enriched PI/RNase buffer, respectively. Cells treated with doxorubicin or menadione displayed a very strong correlation between the apoptotic cell fraction measured by the Annexin V/PI assay, and the weight of a secondary cell population that emerged on the forward scatter (FS)/PI plot, as well as on the side scatter (SS)/PI and FL1/PI plots generated from parallel cell cycle recordings. In both cases, the Pearson correlation coefficients were >0.99. In cell cycle determinations, PI fluorescence was detected on FL3 (620/30 nm), and control samples exhibited the expected linear dependence of FL3 on FL1 (525/40 nm) signals. However, increasing doses of doxorubicin or menadione generated a growing subpopulation of cells displaying a definite right-shift on the FS/FL3, SS/FL3 and FL1/FL3 plots, as well as decreased PI fluorescence, indicative of ongoing fragmentation and loss of nuclear DNA. By gating on these events, the resulting fraction of presumably sub-cycling cells (i.e. cells with cleaved DNA, counting sub-G0/G1, sub-S and sub-G2/M cells altogether) was closely similar to the apoptotic rate assessed by Annexin V/PI labeling. Taken together, these findings suggest a possible way to recognize the entire population of cells undergoing apoptotic DNA cleavage and simultaneously determine the cell cycle distribution of non-apoptotic cells in PI-labeled cell samples with various degrees of DNA fragmentation, using a simple and reproducible multiparametric analysis of flow cytometric recordings.  相似文献   

Summary Cellular cation was localized with K-pyroantimonate osmium fixation in whole fetal mouse metatarsal bones and in deliberately mechanically damaged specimens. X-ray microprobe analysis of ultrathin sections showed a positive correlation between the concentration of Ca (and Sb) and the amount of electron-dense precipitate.In non-damaged osteoblasts and growth-plate chondrocytes dense precipitate had accumulated along the plasmalemma and the mitochondrial membranes, whereas damaged cells showed the precipitate on round granules in the mitochondrial matrix but not on membranes. Intermediate stages between these two patterns were also found.In a non-calcifying tissue such as liver no membrane-bound precipitate was found in intact cells. However, damaged liver cells showed precipitate-containing mitochondrial granules similar to those in damaged bone cells, but only after incubation of the damaged tissue for l h in a Ca-containing balanced salt solution.Freezing of fresh whole bones in liquid N2 before fixation in K-pyroantimonate osmium did not change the precipitate pattern in the damaged cells, but in intact cells it produced a random distribution of precipitate unrelated to membranes.The results are compared with those obtained in other studies on the subcellular localization of calcium and in biochemical studies on membrane versus matrix loading in calcium-accumulating isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cellular cation was localized with K-pyroantimonate osmium fixation in whole fetal mouse metatarsal bones and in deliberately mechanically damaged specimens. X-ray microprobe analysis of ultrathin sections showed a positive correlation between the concentration of Ca (and Sb) and the amount of electron-dense precipitate. In non-damaged osteoblasts and growth-plate chondrocytes dense precipitate had accumulated along the plasmalemma and the mitochondrial membranes, whereas damaged cells showed the precipitate on round granules in the mitochondrial matrix but not on membranes. Intermediate stages between these two patterns were also found. In a non-calcifying tissue such as liver no membrane-bound precipitate was found in intact cells. However, damaged liver cells showed precipitate-containing mitochondrial granules similar to those in damaged bone cells, but only after incubation of the damaged tissue for 1 h in a Ca-containing balanced salt solution. Freezing of fresh whole bones in liquid N2 before fixation in K-pyroantimonate osmium did not change the precipitate pattern in the damaged cells, but in intact cells it produced a random distribution of precipitate unrelated to membranes. The results are compared with those obtained in other studies on the subcellular localization of calcium and in biochemical studies on membrane versus matrix loading in calcium-accumulating isolated mitochondria.  相似文献   

Ferrari BC  Vesey G  Davis KA  Gauci M  Veal D 《Cytometry》2000,41(3):216-222
BACKGROUND: Cryptosporidium is an important waterborne pathogen. Detection of Cryptosporidium in concentrated water samples depends on oocyst isolation using immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and/or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), followed by confirmation using immunofluorescence staining (IFA) and fluorescence microscopy. These methods require highly trained microscopists for oocyst identification and confirmation. Analysis is hampered due to the presence of autofluorescent particles coupled with particles binding nonspecifically with the monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) used for detection. Flow cytometry (FCM) has the potential to be a more specific method for oocyst detection, but such a system would require more than one selection parameter. METHODS: Various mAbs from commercial suppliers were paired with CRY104-PE and evaluated. The mAb combination that best discriminated stained oocyst from detritus was optimized and compared to Cryptosporidium detection utilizing one-color IFA/FACS. RESULTS: A highly specific two-color assay employing the IgG(1) mAb CRY104 was developed. The assay resulted in reductions, up to 20-fold, in the number of non-Cryptosporidium particles detected. The addition of a second selection parameter improved microscopic analysis times and simplified oocyst confirmation by microscopists. CONCLUSIONS: A two-color assay employing competing surface mAbs reduces the number of fluorescent particles sorted, thus improving FCM detection methods for Cryptosporidium.  相似文献   

The assessment of apoptosis in solid tumors is of interest because of its biological role in tumor evolution and response to therapy. A commonly used method for apoptosis measurement is the TUNEL 3' end-labeling technique, which has shown wide variations in results when applied to solid tumors. Thirty-one fine needle breast carcinoma samples were analyzed by fluorescent TUNEL assay and DNA content using image analysis and flow cytometry. TUNEL positivity, seen both in cells with apoptotic morphology and in a subset of morphologically normal cells, was categorized into five staining patterns and quantitated. Values for patterns of TUNEL-positive cells were compared with TUNEL positivity measured by flow cytometry. Flow cytometric quantitation showed a mean of 24.3% positive cells, which correlated (P < 0.02) with total positive cells (all patterns) measured by image (22.4%). Image analysis quantitation of morphologically apoptotic cells (4.2%) did not correlate with flow cytometric TUNEL positivity and the majority of TUNEL-stained cells were morphologically normal (17%). Image analysis allows discrimination of TUNEL-positive morphologically apoptotic and nonapoptotic cells, which are included in the total number of TUNEL-positive events measured by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

A simple test of perception, the Critical Flicker Fusion threshold (CFF) was given successively for 20 mins. to 69 healthy subjects aged 7-63 and to 53 comparable neuropsychiatric patients. The latter could be divided into a functionally sick group and a group with brain damage. Auto-correlation analysis revealed significant sine-wave cycles of amplitude and ultradian frequency for the CFF mean scores and the CFF "Scatter* scores. Both cycles of recurrence showed frequencies which distinguished significantly between the total healthy subjects and the patients. Further analysis showed no difference between controls and emotionally sick patients (i.e. those with sociopathy, schizophrenia and manic depressive psychosis) but there was a highly significant difference between these three groups and patients with relatively damaged C.N.S. (i.e. those with mental deficiency, organic brain syndrome and organic dementia). Even among the control group a progressive increase in frequency of these perceptual cycles occurred with advancing age. These CFF results point to the existence of a cycle of perceptual acuity and another of vigilance in the organism. Both appear to relate to the neural integrity of the C.N.S.  相似文献   

The wound effect (“Wundeffekt”) was investigated inSpirodela oligorhiza by comparing respiration in intact plants and plants cut into halves and quarters. The effect of damage was not evident immediately after injury but after 18 hours the respiratory rate of cut plants was twice to three times that of intact plants. The increased respiration rate is, therefore, not the direct result of mechanical injury.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is an important waterborne pathogen and is among the most common intestinal parasites of humans worldwide. Its fecal-oral transmission leads to the presence of cysts of this pathogen in the environment, and so far, quantitative rapid screening methods are not available for various matrices, such as surface waters, wastewater, or food. Thus, it is necessary to establish methods that enable reliable rapid detection of a single cyst in 10 to 100 liters of drinking water. Conventional detection relies on cyst concentration, isolation, and confirmation by immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM), resulting in low recoveries and high detection limits. Many different immunomagnetic separation (IMS) procedures have been developed for separation and cyst purification, so far with variable but high losses of cysts. A method was developed that requires less than 100 min and consists of filtration, resuspension, IMS, and flow cytometric (FCM) detection. MACS MicroBeads were used for IMS, and a reliable flow cytometric detection approach was established employing 3 different parameters for discrimination from background signals, i.e., green and red fluorescence (resulting from the distinct pattern emitted by the fluorescein dye) and sideward scatter for size discrimination. With spiked samples, recoveries exceeding 90% were obtained, and false-positive results were never encountered for negative samples. Additionally, the method was applicable to naturally occurring cysts in wastewater and has the potential to be automated.  相似文献   

Measurement of estrogen receptors in intact cells by flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cao S  Hudnall SD  Kohen F  Lu LJ 《Cytometry》2000,41(2):109-114
BACKGROUND: Estrogen receptor (ER) levels in tumor cells are important for determining the outcome of treatment and the prognosis of breast cancer patients. Flow cytometry is a convenient tool for quantifying the ER in cells, but a more sensitive, reproducible method for immunostaining the ER with anti-ER antibody is needed. Materials and Methods ER-positive human breast cancer cells MCF-7 and T47D, and ER-negative MDA-MBA-321 cells, were fixed and permeabilized by three different protocols. The cells were then stained by indirect immunofluorescence, using two commercial antibodies to ER (MA1-310 and DAKO 1D5), or by direct immunofluorescence using FITC-labeled anti-idiotypic antibody clone 1D(5). The stained cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: The fixation of cells with a mixture of 0.25% paraformaldehyde and 70% methanol, permeabilization with 0.05% Triton X-100, and increasing antibody and antigen reaction time led to 80-99% of cells being stained with anti-ER antibodies. The relative brightness of ER immunostaining was as follows: anti-idiotypic antibody ID5 > MA1-310 > DAKO 1D5. CONCLUSIONS: Direct immunofluorescence with the FITC-labeled anti-idiotypic antibody of permeabilized cells resulted in improved specific staining of the ER, as compared to indirect immunofluorescence with anti-ER antibodies of fixed and permeabilized cells. Increasing the length of staining, and treatment of cells with Triton X-100, are both necessary to improve the staining of intracellular antigen for flow cytometric analysis.  相似文献   

A flow-cytometric study of resident peritoneal cells among 8 mouse strains showed a more than twofold variation in the ratio of macrophages to macrophages plus lymphocytes, ranging from 27% in A/J to 62% in C57B/L10, with significant strain differences in a number of other cellular parameters. There was a particular deficiency of lymphocytes in strain CBA/N, which carries the xid mutation. Studies of the phagocytosis of fluorescent beads also revealed large differences in the number of beads taken up, ranging from 0.99 per cell in MFI to 1.64 per cell in BALB/c mice in a 20-min period. The total number of peritoneal cells collected also varied between strains, ranging from 2.75 x 10(6) in CBA/Ca to 5.85 x 10(6) in MF1. The total yield of macrophages per mouse ranged from 0.93 x 10(6) in A/J to 3.16 x 10(6) in C57BL/10. These differences should be taken into account when designing experiments which use resident peritoneal cells.  相似文献   

Adipogenesis of preadipocytes in culture has been frequently used to study the molecular basis and effect of drugs on fat cell conversion. However, after adipogenic induction, cells respond to the inducing agent with various speeds of conversion and fat accumulation, which complicates direct molecular and biochemical analyses. Here we present a simple and sensitive method to detect and quantify fat accumulation inside cells by flow cytometry. Using this method, we detected elevated levels of cytoplasmic granularity that correlated well with an increased level of fat accumulated inside cells after adipogenic conversion. We further demonstrated the ability of this method to monitor and quantify fat cell maturation within a complex population of cells and to identify and collect the fat cells with similar fat storage for further analysis. Flow cytometry offers distinct advantages over existing detection systems for cytoplasmic lipid staining and lipid extraction and could represent a powerful analytical tool to monitor the effect of chemicals and biological molecules on fat cell conversion and maturation. Moreover, in combination with a cell sorting facility, our method offers a simple and efficient means of collecting fat cells of specific status for further analysis.  相似文献   

H M Shapiro 《Cytometry》1981,2(3):143-150
The addition of RNA content estimation to flow cytometric measurement of DNA content provides valuable information concerning cells' transitions between quiescent and proliferative states. Equilibrium staining methods employing acridine orange have been used for DNA/RNA content measurement but are difficult to apply to intact cells and impractical for use in conjunction with fluorescent antibodies or ligands for demonstration of cell surface structures. I have used a combination of Hoechst 33342 (HO342) and pyronin Y (PY) to stain intact cells for DNA/RNA content estimation with a dual source flow cytometer using UV and blue-green or green excitation, measuring HO342 fluorescence at 430--470 nm and PY fluorescence at 590--650 nm. Results obtained with cultured cells and stimulated lymphocytes are in good agreement with those obtained using acridine orange for DNA/RNA staining; about half of the PY fluorescence can be removed from ethanol-fixed cells stained with HO342 and PY by RNAse digestion. The HO342/PY method can be combined with fluorescein immunofluorescence for detection of cell surface markers. HO342 can be combined with other tricyclic heteroaromatic dyes for DNA/RNA estimation; the combination of HO342 and oxazine 1 can be excited in a dual source instrument using a mercury arc lamp and a helium-neon laser. The staining procedure is simple; cells in medium are incubated with 5 microM HO342 at 37 degrees C for 45 min, 5 microM PY (or oxazine 1) is then added and cells are analyzed without washing after an additional 45 min incubation. Suitability of these dye combinations for vital cell staining and sorting remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Transfer of radioactive materials to fixed cells from an overlying layer of living cells has been examined to determine whether fixed cells can act as acceptors of glycosyltransferases of living cells. After the incubation of living cells were removed by EDTA treatment, and the radioactivity associated with the fixed cells was determined. Lipids, proteins and carbohydrates were found to be transfered from the living cells to the fixed cells. The amount of radioactivity transferred to the fixed cells was dependent on the number of both fixed and living cells and increased with the time of incubation. When fixed cells were treated with chloroform-methanol before the addition of living cells, the transfer of both lipids and proteins to the fixed cells decreased drastically, but only a slight decrease incarbohydrate transfer was observed. Most of the radioactive materials transferred from living cells labeled with glucosamine or fucose to chloroform-methanol-treated fixed cells were solubilized by trypsin but not by the detergents tested. Approximately 55% of the materials transferred from the cells labeled with glucosamine could be solubilized by hyaluronidase and chondroitinase, and the rest was solubilized by neuraminidase and a glycosidase mixture. The treatment of chloroform-methanol-extracted fixed cells with trypsin caused a significant decrease in the transfer from cells labeled with glucosamine. When nucleotide sugars were used as the radioactive precursor, no significant amount of radioactivity was transferred to the fixed cells.  相似文献   

Assay of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and/or HbF containing red blood cells (F+ cells) is essential for monitoring sickle cell and thalassemic patients, especially during treatment with HbF stimulators. Some previous flow cytometric methods contain several washing steps. This simplified method contains no washing step and takes less than an hour to perform. The %F+ cells in five mixtures of fetal red blood cells with adult red blood cells were nonsignificantly different in the original and simplified procedure. The %F+ cells of 12 patients compared in these two procedures were also not significantly different. The intra- and interassay %CVs do not exceed 3% and 7% respectively. EDTA, citrate, or heparin is suitable as anticoagulant and the samples can be stored at 4 degrees C for up to 2 weeks. The %F+ cells and %HbF [by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)] of 83 samples were highly significantly correlated regardless of diagnosis. In conclusion, this new simplified flow cytometric method for F+ cells is simple, convenient, rapid, reproducible, and could be applied for monitoring sickle cell and thalassemic patients as an alternative to HPLC, where this is unavailable. It can also be applied as a fetal cell assay in fetomaternal hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Here we introduce a modified antibody staining method that uses up to 80% less antibody for flow cytometry. We demonstrate this method for the detection of antigens expressed at high, moderate, or low levels in mouse and rat lymphocytes as well as mouse mammary epithelial cells. We obtained reproducibly accurate results for the detection of up to seven parameters for activation induced-proliferation, cell cycle analysis, and phenotyping of cell-surface and intracellular antigens.  相似文献   

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