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Small DH 《Peptides》2002,23(7):1317-1321
The beta- and gamma-secretases cleave the amyloid protein precursor (APP) to release the amyloid protein (Abeta). While the beta-secretase has now been identified, the gamma-secretase remains an enigma. A number of mutations in the presenilins (PS) and APP have been shown to alter the cleavage specificity of gamma-secretase. However, the relationship between PS and gamma-secretase remains unclear. This article presents some models of gamma-secretase and suggests that the simplest interpretation of current data is that gamma-secretase is a complex of several proteases located in the lumen of secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) is an ATPase required for vesicular transport throughout the constitutive secretory and endocytic pathways. Recently, NSF has also been implicated in regulated exocytosis in synapses--based on SNAP-mediated binding in vitro to a complex of neurotoxin substrates (termed 'SNAREs'). This work has generated an hypothesis in which the interaction of SNAREs (SNAP receptors) on the vesicle membrane with those on the target membrane forms a docking complex to which SNAPs bind, thus allowing NSF to bind and elicit membrane fusion. However, current evidence supports an earlier, pre-fusion role for NSF. We speculate that this role may be as a molecular chaperone for the membrane docking/fusion machinery.  相似文献   

“Charged” amino acids play countless important roles in protein structure and function. Yet when these side chains come into contact with membranes we do not fully understand their behavior. This is highlighted by a recent model of voltage-gated ion channel activity and translocon-based experiments that suggest small penalties to expose these side chains to lipids, opposing the prevailing view in membrane biophysics. Here we employ a side chain analog as well as a transmembrane helix model to determine the free energy as a function of protonation state and position for a lipid-exposed arginine (Arg) residue across a membrane. We observe high free energy barriers for both the charged and neutral states. Due to the stabilizing influence of membrane deformations for the protonated form, the Arg side chain experiences a pKa shift of ≤4.5 units and remains mostly protonated. The cost for exposing Arg to lipid hydrocarbon is prohibitively high with implications for many membrane translocating processes and the activation mechanisms of voltage-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

Desmin, the muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, forms a 3D scaffold that links the contractile apparatus to the costameres of plasma membrane, intercalated disks, the nucleus, and also other membranous organelles. The cellular scaffold formed by desmin and its binding partners might be implicated in signaling and trafficking processes, vital mechanisms for the survival of the mammalian cell. One novel desmin-associated protein is the tripartite motif-like protein myospryn. Myospryn was initially identified as an associated partner to the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 protein dysbindin, implicating its potential involvement in vesicle trafficking and organelle biogenesis and/or positioning. Myospryn is also an A kinase anchoring protein, raising the possibility that together with desmin and other cytoskeletal and signaling proteins, it could participate in the subcellular targeting of protein kinase A activity in striated muscle. As with desmin, different members of this scaffold might play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of muscle disease, since any disturbance in these highly coordinated signaling pathways is expected to compromise efficient maintenance of structure–function integrity of muscle and lead to different cardiac and skeletal myopathies.  相似文献   

Intracellularlocation of a viral unspliced mRNA in host cell is a crucial factor for normal life of the virus. Rex is a neucleo-cytoplasmic shuffling protein of Human T-cell Leukemia Virus-1(HTLV-1)which has important role in active transport of cargo-containing RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm. Therefore, it plays a crucial role in the disease development by the virus. In spite of its importance, the 3d-structurephosphorylated and unphosphorylated of this protein has not been determined. In this study, first we predicted whether Rex protein is an ordered or disordered protein. In second step protein 3Dstructure of Rex was obtained. The content of disorder-promoting amino acids, flexibility, hydrophobicity, short linear motifs (SLiMs) and protein binding regions and probability of Rex crystallization were calculated by various In Silico methods. The3D models of Rex protein were obtained by various In Silico methods, such as homology modeling, threading and ab initio, including; I-TASSER, LOMETS, SPARSKS, ROBBETA and QUARK servers. By comparing and analyzing Qmean, z-scores and energy levels of selected models, the best structures with highest favored region in Ramachandran plot (higher than 90%) was refined with MODREFINER software. In silico analysis of Rex physicochemical properties and also predicted SLiMs and binding regions sites confirms that unphosphorylated Rex protein in HTLV-1 as Rev protin in HIV is wholly disordered protein belongs to the class of intrinsically disordered proteins with extended disorder (native coils, native pre-molten globules).  相似文献   

Calf lens fiber cells contain a population of polyribosomes that direct, at leastin vitro, the synthesis of a specific plasma membrane protein MP26. This protein may serve as a marker in terminal differentiation, since it is absent in the lens epithelium but appears in lens fiber plasma membranes. The MP26 manufacturing polyribosomes are found to be associated with a structural complex in which also the cytoskeleton and plasma membranes participate. They can be released from the complex by treatment with DNAse I. This result presumably reflects the involvement of actin in the linkage of the MP26 synthesizing polyribosomes to the cytoskeleton-membrane complex.  相似文献   

Is apolipoprotein D a mammalian bilin-binding protein?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human apolipoprotein D (APO-D) is a serum glycoprotein that has no sequence similarity with other apolipoproteins but rather belongs to the alpha 2-microglobulin superfamily whose other members transport small hydrophobic ligands in a wide variety of biological contexts. To investigate the ligand specificity of APO-D, we analyzed its relationship with the other members of this superfamily and constructed a detailed molecular model using the atomic coordinates of its most closely related homolog--insecticyanin from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. We studied the geometry of the binding pocket of APO-D and the topology of characteristic patches of both hydrophobic and polar side chains that also occur in crystal structures of insecticyanin and bilin-binding protein from the butterfly Pieris brassicae. From the data obtained we hypothesize that heme-related compounds may be more favorable ligands for APO-D than either cholesterol or cholesteryl ester. Preliminary experiments showed that purified human APO-D binds bilirubin in an approximately one-to-one molar ratio. These results suggest a new biological role for APO-D that is more congruent with its tissue distribution and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Is there a unifying mechanism for protein folding?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proteins appear to fold by diverse pathways, but variations of a simple mechanism - nucleation-condensation - describe the overall features of folding of most domains. In general, secondary structure is inherently unstable and its stability is enhanced by tertiary interactions. Consequently, an extensive interplay of secondary and tertiary interactions determines the transition-state for folding, which is structurally similar to the native state, being formed in a general collapse (condensation) around a diffuse nucleus. As the propensity for stable secondary structure increases, folding becomes more hierarchical and eventually follows a framework mechanism where the transition state is assembled from pre-formed secondary structural elements.  相似文献   

Is protein disulfide isomerase a redox-dependent molecular chaperone?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lumb RA  Bulleid NJ 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(24):6763-6770
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a multifunctional protein catalysing the formation of disulfide bonds, acting as a molecular chaperone and being a component of the enzymes prolyl 4-hydroxylase (P4H) and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. The role of PDI as a molecular chaperone or polypeptide-binding protein is mediated primarily through an interaction of substrates with its b' domain. It has been suggested that this binding is regulated by the redox state of PDI, with association requiring the presence of glutathione, and dissociation the presence of glutathione disulfide. To determine whether this is the case, we investigated the ability of PDI to bind to a folding polypeptide chain within a functionally intact endoplasmic reticulum and to be dissociated from the alpha-subunit of P4H in vitro in the presence of reducing or oxidizing agents. Our results clearly demonstrate that binding of PDI to these polypeptides is not regulated by its redox state. We also demonstrate that the dissociation of PDI from substrates observed in the presence of glutathione disulfide can be explained by competition for the peptide-binding site on PDI.  相似文献   

Zanotti G  Guerra C 《FEBS letters》2003,534(1-3):7-10
We suggest that the three-dimensional architecture of globular proteins can be described in terms of tensegrets, i.e. structural elements that are held together through attractive and repulsive forces. Hard elements of tensegrets are represented by secondary structure elements, i.e. alpha-helices and beta-strands, while the role of elastic elements is played by attractive and repulsive atomic forces. Characteristics of tensegrets is that they can auto-assemble and that they respond to changes of tension in some part of the entire object through a deformation in another part, thus partially preserving their structure, despite their deformation. This latter property well explains both the folding process and the behavior of globular proteins under mild denaturing conditions, as revealed by the molten globule state.  相似文献   

Tilted peptides are short hydrophobic protein fragments characterized by an asymmetric distribution of their hydrophobic residues when helical. They are able to interact with a hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface (such as a lipid membrane) and to destabilize the organized system into which they insert. They were detected in viral fusion proteins and in proteins involved in different biological processes involving membrane insertion or translocation of the protein in which they are found. In this paper, we have analysed different protein domains related to membrane insertion with regard to their tilted properties. They are the N-terminal signal peptide of the filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a Bordetella pertussis protein secreted in high amount and the hydrophobic domain from proteins forming pores (i.e. ColIa, Bax and Bcl-2). From the predictions and the experimental approaches, we suggest that tilted peptides found in those proteins could have a more general role in the mechanism of insertion/translocation of proteins into/across membranes. For the signal sequences, they could help the protein machinery involved in protein secretion to be more active. In the case of toroidal pore formation, they could disturb the lipids, facilitating the insertion of the other more hydrophilic helices.  相似文献   

A recent claim that the renal brush border contains a tripeptidyl peptidase [Andersen & McDonald (1987) Am. J. Physiol. 253, F649-F655] was examined. In a fluorescent assay, the hydrolysis of Gly-Pro-Met-2-naphthylamide (-NH-Nap) and Gly-Pro-Leu-NH-Nap by pig kidney microvilli was strongly inhibited by amastatin or di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate (inhibitors of aminopeptidases and dipeptidyl peptidase IV). The products formed were shown to be Gly-Pro and Met-NH-Nap (or Leu-NH-Nap) and free 2-naphthylamine. Specific antibodies to pig and rat aminopeptidase N abolished the apparent tripeptidyl peptidase activity. We conclude that these substrates are hydrolysed by the sequential attack of dipeptidyl peptidase IV and aminopeptidase N and that pig and rat brush borders lack a detectable tripeptidyl peptidase.  相似文献   

Summary Early diplotene oocytes from Necturus maculosus ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter were examined by electron microscopy. In the smallest oocytes of this range, the cytoplasm is largely devoid of membranes, but contains primarily ribosomes and mitochondria. In slightly larger oocytes, smooth-surfaced cytomembranes first appear in the perinuclear cytoplasm. At this time, the outer layer of the germinal vesicle nuclear envelope (GVNE) shows frequent connections with long membranous lamellae that extend for considerable, but variable distances into the juxtanuclear ooplasm. The number of smooth membranous lamellae increases tremendously as the oocytes increase in diameter. In such oocytes as well, frequent continuities are observed between the outer membrane of the GVNE and many of the cytoplasmic membranes. Eventually, as the ooplasm becomes populated with extensive numbers of membranous lamellae, instances of continuity between the membranous lamellae and nuclear envelope now become sparse and eventually non-existent. The frequent connections observed between membranous lamellae and the outer membrane of the GVNE during a circumscribed interval of diplotene strongly implicate the GVNE in the generation of extensive amounts of cytoplasmic membrane. The ooplasm of larger oocytes in the size range indicated contain numerous Golgi complexes and large quantities of annulate lamellae most of which are positioned in the peripheral or subcortical ooplasm, as well as extensive quantities of smooth membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets.  相似文献   

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