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Two restriction-modification systems, S1 and S2, are present in Staphylococcus aureus RN450 (S. Iordanescu and M. Surdeanu, J. Gen. Microbiol., 96:277-281, 1976). System S2 affects phage multiplication after both infection and transfection. Unmodified plasmid and chromosomal DNAs are also not expressed following transduction and transformation into a restrictive host. Restricted phages are, however, capable of conferring phage-mediated competence, although the state of competence does not affect the restriction-modification system. The restricting activity of system S2 is inactivated by heat treatment of the cells. An enzymatic activity that restricts unmodified phage DNA in the presence of ATP, Mg2+, and S-adenosylmethionine was recovered from cell-free extracts of a strain RN450 derivative.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus can utilize ferric hydroxamates as a source of iron under iron-restricted growth conditions. Proteins involved in this transport process are: FhuCBG, which encodes a traffic ATPase; FhuD2, a post-translationally modified lipoprotein that acts as a high affinity receptor at the cytoplasmic membrane for the efficient capture of ferric hydroxamates; and FhuD1, a protein with similarity to FhuD2. Gene duplication likely gave rise to fhuD1 and fhuD2. While the genomic locations of fhuCBG and fhuD2 in S. aureus strains are conserved, both the presence and the location of fhuD1 are variable. The apparent redundancy of FhuD1 led us to examine the role of this protein. We demonstrate that FhuD1 is expressed only under conditions of iron limitation through the regulatory activity of Fur. FhuD1 fractions with the cell membrane and binds hydroxamate siderophores but with lower affinity than FhuD2. Using small angle x-ray scattering, the solution structure of FhuD1 resembles that of FhuD2, and only a small conformational change is associated with ferrichrome binding. FhuD1, therefore, appears to be a receptor for ferric hydroxamates, like FhuD2. Our data to date suggest, however, that FhuD1 is redundant to FhuD2 and plays a minor role in hydroxamate transport. However, given the very real possibility that we have not yet identified the proper conditions where FhuD1 does provide an advantage over FhuD2, we anticipate that FhuD1 serves an enhanced role in the transport of untested hydroxamate siderophores and that it may play a prominent role during the growth of S. aureus in its natural environments.  相似文献   

The gene, spsB, encoding a type I signal peptidase has been cloned from the gram-positive eubacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The gene encodes a protein of 191 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 21,692 Da. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known type I signal peptidases indicates conservation of amino acid residues known to be important or essential for catalytic activity. The enzyme has been expressed to high levels in Escherichia coli and has been demonstrated to possess enzymatic activity against E. coli preproteins in vivo. Experiments whereby the spsB gene was transferred to a plasmid that is temperature sensitive for replication indicate that spsB is an essential gene. We identified an open reading frame immediately upstream of the spsB gene which encodes a type I signal peptidase homolog of 174 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 20,146 Da that is predicted to be devoid of catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be used to generate recombinant viral vectors for delivery of heterologous genes to human CD4-positive lymphocytes. To define the cis-acting sequences required for efficient gene transfer, a number of HIV-1 vectors containing a previously identified packaging signal, long terminal repeats, and additional gag, pol, and env viral sequences were designed. By providing the viral proteins in trans, recombinant viruses were generated and analyzed for their abilities to transfer genes into human T lymphocytes. Inclusion of up to 653 nucleotides derived from the 5' end of the gag gene in the vector improved the efficiency of gene transfer, but inclusion of additional gag or pol sequences did not further improve this efficiency. The increased efficiency of gene transfer associated with the inclusion of 5' gag sequences in the vector arose, at least in part, from an increase in the packaging of vector RNA. The presence of the Rev-responsive element (RRE) increased the efficiency of transfer of vectors containing significant lengths of gag sequence, as expected from the Rev requirement for nucleus-to-cytoplasm transport of unspliced vector RNA containing intact packaging signals. However, the presence of a RRE did not affect the transfer efficiency of smaller vectors lacking significant lengths of gag sequences, arguing against a specific role for the RRE in packaging or vector transfer. These results contribute to an understanding of the minimal cis-acting sequences that operate in the context of HIV-1 vectors for delivering genes into human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Acquisition of foreign DNA by Staphylococcus aureus, including vancomycin resistance genes, is thwarted by the ATP-dependent endonuclease SauUSI. Deciphering the mechanism of action of SauUSI could unravel the reason how it singularly plays a major role in preventing horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in S. aureus. Here, we report a detailed biochemical and structural characterization of SauUSI, which reveals that in the presence of ATP, the enzyme can cleave DNA having a single or multiple target site/s. Remarkably, in the case of multiple target sites, the entire region of DNA flanked by two target sites is shred into smaller fragments by SauUSI. Crystal structure of SauUSI reveals a stable dimer held together by the nuclease domains, which are spatially arranged to hydrolyze the phosphodiester bonds of both strands of the duplex. Thus, the architecture of the dimeric SauUSI facilitates cleavage of either single-site or multi-site DNA. The structure also provides insights into the molecular basis of target recognition by SauUSI. We show that target recognition activates ATP hydrolysis by the helicase-like ATPase domain, which powers active directional movement (translocation) of SauUSI along the DNA. We propose that a pile-up of multiple translocating SauUSI molecules against a stationary SauUSI bound to a target site catalyzes random double-stranded breaks causing shredding of the DNA between two target sites. The extensive and irreparable damage of the foreign DNA by shredding makes SauUSI a potent barrier against HGT.  相似文献   

Yahara K  Horie R  Kobayashi I  Sasaki A 《Genetics》2007,176(1):513-526
The necessity to repair genome damage has been considered to be an immediate factor responsible for the origin of sex. Indeed, attack by a cellular restriction enzyme of invading DNA from several bacteriophages initiates recombinational repair by gene conversion if there is homologous DNA. In this work, we modeled the interaction between a bacteriophage and a bacterium carrying a restriction enzyme as antagonistic coevolution. We assume a locus on the bacteriophage genome has either a restriction-sensitive or a restriction-resistant allele, and another locus determines whether it is recombination/repair proficient or defective. A restriction break can be repaired by a co-infecting phage genome if one of them is recombination/repair proficient. We define the fitness of phage (resistant/sensitive and repair-positive/-negative) genotypes and bacterial (restriction-positive/-negative) genotypes by assuming random encounter of the genotypes, with given probabilities of single and double infections, and the costs of resistance, repair, and restriction. Our results show the evolution of the repair allele depends on b(1)/b(0), the ratio of the burst size b(1) under damage to host cell physiology induced by an unrepaired double-strand break to the default burst size b(0). It was not until this effect was taken into account that the evolutionary advantage of DNA repair became apparent.  相似文献   

Colonization by Staphylococcus aureus, characterized by phage type or production of enterotoxins and toxic-shock-syndrome-toxin, was followed in 50 mothers and their babies. Types or groups of staphylococci predominating during the particular period at the maternity department were evaluated according to survival rates in the colonized subjects. S. aureus frequently colonized nipples at the start of lactation and was found regularly on umbilical stump and in eye and mouth corners of the babies. During the second stage of the study phage untypable staphylococci producing enterotoxin C (NT/C) strongly predominated. These microorganisms colonized in the greatest extent both mothers and neonates. The majority of NT/C complex originated probably from one or two clones characterized, among others, by high biological activity.  相似文献   

A novel type II restriction and modification (R-M) system, Sth368I, which confers resistance to phiST84, was found in Streptococcus thermophilus CNRZ368 but not in the very closely related strain A054. Partial sequencing of the integrative conjugative element ICESt1, carried by S. thermophilus CNRZ368 but not by A054, revealed a divergent cluster of two genes, sth368IR and sth368IM. The protein sequence encoded by sth368IR is related to the type II endonucleases R.LlaKR2I and R.Sau3AI, which recognize and cleave the sequence 5'-GATC-3'. The protein sequence encoded by sth368IM is very similar to numerous type II 5-methylcytosine methyltransferases, including M.LlaKR2I and M.Sau3AI. Cell extracts of CNRZ368 but not A054 were found to cleave at the GATC site. Furthermore, the C residue of the sequence 5'-GATC-3' was found to be methylated in CNRZ368 but not in A054. Cloning and integration of a copy of sth368IR and sth368IM in the A054 chromosome confers on this strain phenotypes similar to those of CNRZ368, i.e., phage resistance, endonuclease activity of cell extracts, and methylation of the sequence 5'-GATC-3'. Disruption of sth368IR removes resistance and restriction activity. We conclude that ICESt1 encodes an R-M system, Sth368I, which recognizes the sequence 5'-GATC-3' and is related to the Sau3AI and LlaKR2I restriction systems.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of Staphylococcus aureus from ATCC type cultures and strains found in clinical studies were cultivated, and their endopeptidase activity specific for glutamic acid was surveyed using benzyloxycarbonyl-Phe-Leu-Glu-p-nitroanilide (Z-Phe-Leu-Glu-pNA) as a substrate. The activity was found in two of the strains, ATCC 12600 and ATCC 25923. A glutamic acid-specific proteinase, which we propose to call SPase, was purified from the culture filtrate of S. aureus strain ATCC 12600 by a series of column chromatographies on DEAE-Sepharose twice and on Sephacryl S-200. A single band was observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the purified SPase. The molecular weight of the proteinase was estimated to be 34000 by SDS-PAGE. When synthetic peptides and oxidized insulin B-chain were used as substrates, SPase showed the same substrate specificity as V8 proteinase, EC, which specifically cleaves peptide bonds on the C-terminal side of glutamic acid and aspartic acid. Examination with p-nitroanilides of glutamic acid and aspartic acid as substrates, however, revealed that both proteinases are highly specific for a glutamyl bond in comparison with an aspartyl bond. To elucidate the complete primary structure of SPase, its gene was cloned from genomic DNA of S. aureus ATCC 12600, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. Taking the amino acid sequence of SPase from the NH2-terminus to the 27th residue into consideration, the clones encode a mature peptide of 289 amino acids, which follows a prepropeptide of 68 residues. SPase was confirmed to be a novel endopeptidase specific for glutamic acid, being different from V8 proteinase which consists of 268 amino acids.  相似文献   

L-Proline enhanced the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in high-osmotic-strength medium, i.e., it acted as an osmoprotectant. Study of the kinetics of L-[14C]proline uptake by S. aureus NCTC 8325 revealed high-affinity (Km = 1.7 microM; maximum rate of transport [Vmax] = 1.1 nmol/min/mg [dry weight]) and low-affinity (Km = 132 microM; Vmax = 22 nmol/min/mg [dry weight]) transport systems. Both systems were present in a proline prototrophic variant grown in the absence of proline, although the Vmax of the high-affinity system was three to five times higher than that of the high-affinity system in strain 8325. Both systems were dependent on Na+ for activity, and the high-affinity system was stimulated by lower concentrations of Na+ more than the low-affinity system. The proline transport activity of the low-affinity system was stimulated by increased osmotic strength. The high-affinity system was highly specific for L-proline, whereas the low-affinity system showed a broader substrate specificity. Glycine betaine did not compete with proline for uptake through either system. Inhibitor studies confirmed that proline uptake occurred via Na(+)-dependent systems and suggested the involvement of the proton motive force in creating an Na+ gradient. Hyperosmotic stress (upshock) of growing cultures led to a rapid and large uptake of L-[14C]proline that was not dependent on new protein synthesis. It is suggested that the low-affinity system is involved in adjusting to increased environmental osmolarity and that the high-affinity system may be involved in scavenging low concentrations of proline.  相似文献   

Lee SJ  Kim HS  Kim do J  Yoon HJ  Kim KH  Yoon JY  Suh SW 《FEBS letters》2011,(2):307-312
Staphylococcus aureus LacD, a Class I tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate (TBP) aldolase, shows broadened substrate specificity by catalyzing the cleavage of 1,6-bisphosphate derivatives of d-tagatose, d-fructose, d-sorbose, and d-psicose. LacD.1 and LacD.2 are two closely-related Class I TBP aldolases in Streptococcus pyogenes. Here we have determined the crystal structures of S. aureus LacD and S. pyogenes LacD.1. Monomers of both enzymes are folded into a (β/α)8 barrel and two monomers associate tightly to form a dimer in the crystals. The structures suggest that the residues E189 and S300 of rabbit muscle Class I fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) aldolase are important for substrate specificity. When we mutated the corresponding residues of S. aureus LacD, the mutants (L165E, L275S, and L165E/L275S) showed enhanced substrate specificity toward FBP.

Structured summary

lacDbinds to lacD by X-ray crystallography(View interaction)lacD1binds to lacD1 by X-ray crystallography(View interaction)  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) glycosylation mutants provide an approach to cloning mammalian glycosyltransferases by transfection and gene rescue. In this paper, complementation of the lec1 CHO mutation by human DNA is described. Lec1 transfectants expressed human N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GlcNAc-TI) activity and possessed common human DNA fragments. Cloning of GlcNAc-TI should therefore be possible.  相似文献   

S Sau  C Y Lee 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(7):2118-2126
Eleven serotypes of capsular polysaccharide from Staphylococcus aureus have been reported. We have previously cloned a cluster of type 1 capsule (cap1) genes responsible for type 1 capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis in S. aureus M. To clone the type 8 capsule (cap8) genes, a plasmid library of type 8 strain Becker was screened with a labelled DNA fragment containing the cap1 genes under low-stringency conditions. One recombinant plasmid containing a 14-kb insert was chosen for further study and found to complement 14 of the 18 type 8 capsule-negative (Cap8-) mutants used in the study. Additional library screening, subcloning, and complementation experiments showed that all of the 18 Cap8- mutants were complemented by DNA fragments derived from a 20.5-kb contiguous region of the Becker chromosome. The mutants were mapped into six complementation groups, indicating that the cap8 genes are clustered. By Southern hybridization analyses under high-stringency conditions, we found that DNA fragments containing the cap8 gene cluster show extensive homology with all 17 strains tested, including type 1 strains. By further Southern analyses and cloning of the cap8-related homolog from strain M, we show that strain M carries an additional capsule gene cluster different from the cap1 gene cluster. In addition, by using DNA fragments containing different regions of the cap8 gene cluster as probes to hybridize DNA from different strains, we found that the central region of the cap8 gene cluster hybridizes only to DNAs from certain strains tested whereas the flanking regions hybridize to DNAs of all strains tested. Thus, the cap8 gene clusters and its closely related homologs are likely to have organizations similar to those of the encapsulation genes of other bacterial systems.  相似文献   

BMS-378806 is a recently discovered small-molecule human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) attachment inhibitor with good antiviral activity and pharmacokinetic properties. Here, we demonstrate that the compound targets viral entry by inhibiting the binding of the HIV-1 envelope gp120 protein to cellular CD4 receptors via a specific and competitive mechanism. BMS-378806 binds directly to gp120 at a stoichiometry of approximately 1:1, with a binding affinity similar to that of soluble CD4. The potential BMS-378806 target site was localized to a specific region within the CD4 binding pocket of gp120 by using HIV-1 gp120 variants carrying either compound-selected resistant substitutions or gp120-CD4 contact site mutations. Mapping of resistance substitutions to the HIV-1 envelope, and the lack of compound activity against a CD4-independent viral infection confirm the gp120-CD4 interactions as the target in infected cells. BMS-378806 therefore serves as a prototype for this new class of antiretroviral agents and validates gp120 as a viable target for small-molecule inhibitors.  相似文献   

Alpha 1 chain (Colα1(I)) and alpha 2 chain (Colα2(I)) are universal components of type I collagen in tetrapods, but rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) have a third: alpha 3 chain (Colα3(I)). This study tests whether Colα3(I) is a duplicate of Colα1(I) by whole-genome duplication (WGD) that occurred early in the ray-fin fish lineage. We also examine how their promoter sequence was modified after WGD. We cloned Colα1(I), Colα2(I) and Colα3(I) cDNAs and their promoters from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and obtained corresponding sequences from the genome databanks of two pufferfishes Takifugu rubripes and Tetraodon nigroviridis, by BLAST-Search using flounder sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of N-terminal sequences of ca. 100 amino acids, including signal peptide and N-propeptide sequences before short triple helical domain, indicates that Colα3(I), found only in teleosts, is a duplicate of Colα1(1) by WGD. Colα1(I) and Colα3(I) genes begin to be transcribed at different stages of Takifugu embryogenesis, suggesting that their structure of promoter is modified differently after WGD. In flounder, Takifugu and Tetraodon, the structure of proximal region of promoter is highly conserved within Colα1(I) and within Colα3(I); no homology is apparent except for the TATA element motif between Colα1(I) and Colα3(I) of each species. Unexpectedly, zebrafish Colα1(I) promoter is more homologous to Colα3(I) of flounder and fugu than Colα1(I) is. These results suggest that each duplicated Colα1(I) gene promoter inherited a unique structure after WGD, but the manner of modification differed between the phylogenetically separated zebrafish and flounder/pufferfish lineages.  相似文献   

A beta-lactam-sensitive strain of Staphylococcus aureus could be converted to methicillin resistance by the introduction of a plasmid carrying the 4.3-kilobase HindIII chromosomal DNA fragment which encoded the mecA gene from a methicillin-resistant S. aureus. Transformant cells produced methicillin-resistant S. aureus-specific penicillin-binding protein constitutively, and additional insertion of an inducible penicillinase plasmid caused production of the pencillin-binding protein to become inducible.  相似文献   

The molecular ecology of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and their methicillin-resistant strains in healthy dogs and cats could serve as good models to understand the concept of bacterial zoonosis due to animal companionship. This study aims to provide insights into pooled prevalence, genetic lineages, virulence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among healthy dogs and cats. Original research and brief communication articles published from 2001 to 2021 that reported the nasal detection of S. aureus and S. pseudintermedius in healthy dogs and cats in the community, homes and outside veterinary clinics were examined and analysed. Forty-nine studies were eligible and included in this systematic review. The pooled prevalence of nasal carriage of S. aureus/methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in healthy dogs and cats were 10.9% (95% CI: 10.1–11.9)/2.8% (95% CI: 2.4–3.2) and 3.2% (95% CI: 1.9–4.8)/0.5% (95% CI: 0.0–1.1), respectively. Conversely, the pooled prevalence of S. pseudintermedius/methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP) in healthy dogs and cats were 18.3% (95% CI: 17.1–19.7)/3.1% (95% CI: 2.5–3.7) and 1.3% (95% CI: 0.6–2.4)/1.2% (95% CI: 0.6–2.3), respectively. Although highly diverse genetic lineages of S. aureus were detected in healthy dogs and cats, MSSA-CC1/CC5/CC22/CC45/CC121/CC398 and MRSA-CC5/CC93/CC22/CC30 were mostly reported in dogs; and MSSA-CC5/CC8/CC15/CC48 and MRSA-CC22/CC30/CC80 in cats. Of note, MSSA-CC398 isolates (spa-types t034 and t5883) were detected in dogs. Genetic lineages often associated with MSSP/MRSP were ST20/ST71, highlighting the frequent detection of the epidemic European MRSP-ST71 clone in dogs. S. aureus isolates carrying the luk-S/F-PV, tst, eta, etb and etd genes were seldomly detected in dogs, and luk-S/F-PV was the unique virulence factor reported in isolates of cats. S. pseudintermedius isolates harbouring the luk-S/F-I, seint and expA genes were frequently found, especially in dogs. High and diverse rates of AMR were noted, especially among MRSA/MRSP isolates. There is a need for additional studies on the molecular characterization of isolates from countries with under-studied nasal staphylococci isolates.  相似文献   

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