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An ocellus of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, has been serially sectioned for light and electron microscopy, its sensory cells have been indexed, and the interconnections of a third of these traced. The ocellus contains 155 retinula cells and 26 arhabdomeric cells, which are secondary sensory neurons. Of these, 55 retinula cells constitute 7 quasi-ommatidial assemblages, each innervated by at least one and a total of 9 arhabdomeric cells. When known electrotonic coupling patterns are compared with gap-junctional connections, retinula cells sensitive to visible or ultraviolet light can be tentatively identified. Retinula cell axons contribute collaterals to a synaptic plexus, in which the arhabdomeric cells apparently do not participate.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral optic nerve of Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, contains 4 types of axons, which originate from eccentric cells, retinula cells, rudimentary eye cells, and from unidentified cells in the brain that give rise to the efferent fibers. Though small in diameter in a young animal, the eccentric cell axons in the adult grow to the same size as the rudimentary eye axons, which are originally the largest fibers in the nerve of the small Limulus. Cytoplasmic content, particularly the orderly distribution of microtubules, is identical in the three types of visual fibers. The segregation of rudimentary eye axons into a separate grouping within the optic nerve in small animals gives way to a homogeneous distribution in the adult. Interrupting the optic nerve leads to a proximal pile-up of secretory granules in a few fibers. The identity of these granules with those in the synaptoid terminations of photoreceptors establishes these fibers as efferent. The same operation leads to a conspicuous hypertrophy of subsurface cisternae within retinula cell axons.This study constitutes Publication No. 483 from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, supported by Grants FR00163 and EY 00392 from the National Institutes of Health and by a Bob Hope Grant-in-Aid by Fight-for-Sight, Inc., New York City.The author wishes to thank Mrs. Audrey Griffin for patient and excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons belonging to the same topological ensemble send axons to thalamic and mesencephalic structures and also to contra and ipsilateral cortical areas. The projections are called the corticofugal system. This review addresses the organization and the functions of the efferent cortical fibers within the visual network. For example, the cortico-geniculate fibers participate in shaping the structure of the concentric receptive fields of geniculate cells. Namely, the size of the surround area depends on descending impulses from the cortex. By contrast, cortico-mesencephalic fibers have a more global influence on visual responses. Following the interruption of cortical activity all responses to visual stimuli decline; although in rodents and lagomorphs cortical inactivation does not eliminate those visual responses that are sent to the superior colliculus or pretectum directly from the retina. In each hemisphere it has been demonstrated that contra-lateral cortico-cortical fibers participate in the continuity of the two visual hemi-fields, as the interruption of the callosal impulses results in a truncated field in which the contralateral part of the receptive field is missing., overlaps the vertical meridian is missing. Finally, ipsilateral cortico-cortical fibers allow a consolidation of visual properties of cortical cells. It must be added that there are considerable differences among species in the organization of cortico-cortical relationships. However, this survey seems to indicate that all corticofugal axons are excitatory.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral rudimentary eye of Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, is located beneath the posterior border of the compound eye. It consists of a bipartite mass of guanophores and about 100 associated photoreceptor cells. These neurons, up to 150 in diameter, have standard attributes of arthropod retinula cells and send large, uninterrupted axons to the brain. Their cytoplasm contains conspicuous clumps of residual bodies and variable, but usually extensive, masses of glycogen and glycoprotein. Hence, these neurons are not neurosecretory in the strict sense, notwithstanding axonal transport of glycogen masses toward the brain. Efferent axons to the rudimentary eye terminate in synaptoid fashion on the axon hillock of sensory cells. Since the rudimentary eye does not transmit impulses to the brain, but is photosensitive, its function may reside in a metabolic responsiveness to long-term changes in illumination.This study constitutes publication No. 430 from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, supported by Grants FR00163 and EY00392 from the National Institutes of Health and by a Bop Hope Grant-in-Aid from Fight-for-Sight, Inc.The author wishes to thank Mrs. Audrey Griffin for patient and excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

We have used electron-microscopic studies, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and antibody labeling to characterize the development of the Drosophila larval photoreceptor (or Bolwig's) organ and the optic lobe, and have investigated the role of Notch in the development of both. The optic lobe and Bolwig's organ develop by invagination from the posterior procephalic region. After cells in this region undergo four postblastoderm divisions, a total of approximately 85 cells invaginate. The optic lobe invagination loses contact with the outer surface of the embryo and forms an epithelial vesicle attached to the brain. Bolwig's organ arises from the ventralmost portion of the optic lobe invagination, but does not become incorporated in the optic lobe; instead, its 12 cells remain in the head epidermis until late in embryogenesis when they move in conjunction with head involution to reach their final position alongside the pharynx. Early, before head involution, the cells of Bolwig's organ form a superficial group of 7 cells arranged in a rosette pattern and a deep group of 5 cells. Later, all neurons move out of the surface epithelium. Unlike adult photoreceptors, they do not form rhabdomeres; instead, they produce multiple, branched processes, which presumably carry the photopigment. Notch is essential for two aspects of the early development of the visual system. First, it delimits the number of cells incorporated into Bolwig's organ. Second, it is required for the maintenance of the epithelial character of the optic lobe cells during and after its invagination.  相似文献   

Because bees fly around, visit flowers and chase mates, we conclude intuitively that they see things as we do. But their vision is unexpectedly different, so we say it is anti-intuitive. Detailed tests have demonstrated separate detectors for modulation of blue and green receptors, edge orientation (green only), and areas of black. The edge detectors are about 3° across, independent, and not re-assembled to make lines, shapes or textures. Instead, the detectors of each type are summed quantitatively to form cues in each local region with an order of preference for learning the cues. Trained bees remember the positions of the total modulation (preferred), the average edge orientation, areas of black or colour, and positions of hubs of radial and circular edges in each local region, but not the original responses, so the pattern is lost. When presented with a yellow spot on a blue background with no UV reflected, the preferred cue is not the colour, but a measure of the modulation detected by the green and separately by the blue receptors.  相似文献   

1. Fourteen different protein-containing diets were fed to small alligators. Their rates of digestion and their nutritional values were determined by following changes in free amino acids in the plasma. 2. Fish, chicken and nutria were digested rapidly and all their component essential amino acids disappeared quickly and at the same rate. When given in the dry, fat-free form the amino acids were released and assimilated about 50% faster than when fat was included. 3. None of the isolated proteins tested (casein, gelatin, edestin, gliadin, corn gluten and soy) proved nutritionally adequate and all but gelatin digested slowly and incompletely. 4. One diet compounded of salts, vitamins and mixed commercial animal products was tested. It showed promise but it was lacking in methionine and isoleucine. 5. It was concluded that dry, powdered, preparations from whole animals could prove a satisfactory, stable diet for alligator husbandry. 6. Prolonged force-feeding of an animal diet increased the percent of nitrogen excreted as NH3 over that excreted in urates.  相似文献   

We recorded the total pulse response of the optic nerve in frogs to varying degrees of increase and decrease of light from the original adapting level. On the basis of these data, we plotted curves of dependence of the magnitude of response on the logarithm of relative value of increase and decrease of light (the amplitude characteristic — AC). The AC is steepest in the zone of adapting background and sloped on either side of it. It follows that under stationary conditions of illumination, the eye is capable of finely differentiating light intensity only within a narrow range (one logarithmic unit). After adaptation to a new level of illumination, the AC shifts along the scale of light intensity in such a way that the steepest portion corresponds to the adapting brightness. Increase in steepness of the AC occurs precisely during the process of adaptation. The contrast sensitivity of the human visual system is greatest near the adapting level and declines on either side of it. It follows that in man steepness of the visual system AC is greatest in the zone of the adapting background. Both increase and decrease of intensity of the adapting background are accompanied by a decline of contrast sensitivity, which rises again during the process of adaptation to a new level. Thanks to adaptive shift of the steep portion of the AC along the scale of light intensity, a visual system having a high contrast sensitivity only within a narrow "working" range is capable of finely differentiating light intensity in significantly changing conditions of illumination.Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 81–89, July–August, 1969.  相似文献   

The role of activity in development of the visual system   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Neuronal activity is important for both the initial formation and the subsequent refinement of anatomical and physiological features of the mammalian visual system. Here we examine recent evidence concerning the role that spontaneous activity plays in axonal segregation, both of retinogeniculate afferents into eye-specific layers and of geniculocortical afferents into ocular dominance bands. We also assess the role of activity in the generation and plasticity of orientation selectivity in the primary visual cortex. Finally, we review recent challenges to textbook views on how inputs representing the two eyes interact during the critical period of visual cortical plasticity.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, is a true metamorphosis. The larval lamprey is a filter-feeder who dwells in the silt of freshwater streams and the adult is an active predator found in large lakes or the sea. The transformation usually occurs in the fifth or sixth year of life. Enlargement of the eye has been long accepted as a distinctive indication of metamorphosis in the sea lamprey, but it had been thought that this was because eye development in the larva was arrested after the formation of only the small central region. Recent studies indicate that all of the retina begins its development in the larva and that ganglion, amacrine, and horizontal cells differentiate in the peripheral retina of the larva. Retinal development is arrested during the premetamorphic period, to be resumed during metamorphosis. Metamorphic contributions include the differentiation of photoreceptor and bipolar cells. With the early appearance of ganglion cells, retinal pathways to the thalamus and tectum are established in larvae, as is a centripetal pathway. Tectal development spans the larval period but a spurt in tectal growth and differentiation is correlated with the completion of the retinal circuitry late in metamorphosis. The metamorphic changes in retina and tectum complete the functional development of the visual system and provide for the adult lamprey's predatory and reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

We analysed the conformity of optic and retinal cones anatomy factors by the two-point test. Obtained by F. Campbell and R. W. Gubish, the point spread function has a width of about 1 arc min. Cones sizes are equal to 0.5 arc min in the fovea. Functional pixel consists of 3-5 cones under the point spread function. Such an organisation in very useful in decreasing the samping noise of receptors. We carried out psychophysical investigations to show a consensus among the optic, receptors', and neuronal levels. In experiments we studied changes of the two-point pattern perception in respect to the points separation, measured the orientation threshold of small size stimuli. Data were compared with optical point-spread function, the hexagonal mosaic of cones, and line spread function of spatial elements, which form spatial frequency channels at the cortical level.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the concentrations and fatty acid compositions of the major phosphoglycerides in the yolk of the alligator egg on the 8th and 75th days of incubation. The major phosphoglycerides were phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine which at the start of incubation accounted for 72 and 18%, respectively, of total phosphoglyceride. Phosphoglycerides were characterised by low levels of linoleic acid but extremely high levels of C20 and C22 polyunsaturates. The extensive absorption of phosphoglyceride over the incubation period was accompanied by a reduction in percentage of phosphoglyceride within the residual yolk lipid, a reduction in the proportion of phosphatidyl choline within the total phosphoglyceride, and increases in the proportions of phosphatidyl ethanolamine and lyso-phosphatidyl choline. There were small but wide-spread changes in the fatty acid composition of the phosphatidyl choline during incubation. Within the phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl serine fractions there were very large reductions in the C20 and C22 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels. The phosphoglyceride changes are discussed with respect to the unique role of yolk lipid absorption in the nutrition of the developing embryo.  相似文献   

The human visual system is the most sensitive to the deprivation of the object vision up to the age of 7, when the amblyopia produced by congenital or traumatic cataract develops in all cases and is "relatively" sensitive during the period from 7 to 15 years, when probability of amblyopia development and its degree are determined by the age of cataract appearance and duration of its existence. Visual deprivation taking place after 15 years does not lead to ambliopy. The data on visual evoked potentials (VEP) obtained during stimulation of the ambyopic and the second, intact eye are used in discussion of the neurophysiological mechanisms of the unilateral visual deprivation and of informative importance of VEP.  相似文献   

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