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The growth rate of hydroponically grown wheat roots was reducedby mannitol solutions of various osmotic pressures. For example,following 24 h exposure to 0·96 MPa mannitol root elongationwas reduced from 1· mm h–1 to 0·1 mm h–1 Mature cell length was reduced from 290 µm in unstressedroots to 100 µm in 0·96 MPa mannitol. This indicatesa reduction in cell production rate from about 4 per h in theunstressed roots to 1 per h in the highest stress treatment. The growing zone extended over the apical 4·5 mm in unstressedroots but became shorter as growth ceased in the proximal regionsat higher levels of osmotic stress. The turgor pressure along the apical 5·0 mm of unstressedroots was between 0·5 and 0·6 MPa but declinedto 0·41 MPa over the next 50 mm. Following 24 h in 0·48(200 mol m–3) or 0·72 MPa (300 mol m) mannitol,turgor along the apical 50 mm was indistinguishable from thatof unstressed roots but turgor declined more steeply in theregion 5·10 mm from the tip. At the highest level ofstress (0·96 MPa or 400 mol m–3 mannitol) turgordeclined steeply within the apical 20 mm. Key words: Growth, turgor pressure, wall rheology, osmotic stress, osmotic adjustment  相似文献   

Isoenzyme patterns of peroxidase, catalase, glucose-6-phosephate, glutamate and isocitrate dehydrogenases, esterase, amylase and IAA oxidase in the embryos, endosperms, roots and shoots of wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L. var. Nung-da 139) were determined by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis respectively. The number of isoenzymes of peroxidasc and amylase was increased with the concomitant increase of days during germination. The isoenzyme bands of esterase, glutamate, glucose-6-phosphate and isocitrate dehydrogenases in the embryos were more in the begining of germination. The activities of pero- xidase, IAA oxidase and glutamate dehydrogenase in roots were higher than those in shoots. On the contrary, the activities of catalase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in shoots were higher than those in roots. However the activity of esterasc was slight higher in shoots. There was no difference in the activity of isocitrate dehydrogenase between roots and shoots. The morphological difference of shoot and root is evidently related to isoenzyme patterns. This investigation indicates that different metabolic characters are existed in shoot and root during differentiation.  相似文献   

KIRBY  E. J. M. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1297-1308
The growth of the floral main shoot apex of spring barley wasstudied during the period of ear initiation (that is, from initiationof the collar primordium until maximum primordium number wasattained). While floral primordia were being initiated the relativelength growth rate of the shoot apex was low. After maximumprimordium number there was about a twofold increase in relativelength growth rate. Estimates of the volume, fresh and dry weightof the floral apex indicated that the relative weight growthrate was also low at first and increased after maximum primordiumnumber. The rates of growth and the size at initiation of thefloral primordia was affected by their position on the floralshoot apex. The relative volume growth rate increased acropetallyfrom the first initiated (collar) primordium. The collar wasthe smallest and each subsequently-initiated primordium increasedin length. The diameter of the newly-initiated primordium alsoincreased until more than half the primordia had been initiatedand then it declined. The apical dome increased in both lengthand diameter and both were at a maximum at the time of the double-ridgestage and then both measurements declined. Length and diameterwere at a minimum at maximum primordium number. Subsequentlythere was an increase in the length of the dome, after whichboth the dome and some of the last formed, distal primordiadied. The period of spikelet initiation therefore is a stage duringwhich the relative growth rate of the floral shoot apex is low,there are changes in the size of the dome and the primordiashow a progression of increasing relative growth rates acropetallyalong the shoot apex. These changes produce the embryo ear inwhich the most advanced spikelets are in the lower mid-partof the ear. Changes in size of the apical dome prior to maximumprimordium number may be related to the subsequent death ofspikelet primordia and therefore also to grain number in themature ear.  相似文献   

A morphogenetic study, from the first-leaf stage onwards, wasmade of barley plants grown at a range of plant populationsfrom 50 to 1600 plants m-2. Increasing density reduced leafnumber from 10.2 to 8 and caused stem internode elongation tostart earlier at a lower node. Final stem length was reduceddue to earlier cessation of growth. The lamina and sheath lengthof the lower leaves was increased with increasing density, andlamina width was decreased. At the highest density the apexreached the double ridge stage 6 days earlier than at the lowestdensity, and this difference persisted throughout the developmentof the apex. The rate of primordium production was little affectedby density, but the duration was markedly affected. Primordiumproduction stopped abruptly, first at the highest density, andthen successively at the lower densities. At this stage changeswere seen at the tip of the apex, and eventually the 10 distalprimordia died. There were small differences in the length ofshoot apex or ear during growth, but earlier cessation of growthin the higher densities led to a shorter ear. Growth of theinternodes of the floral apex started first at the high density. These observations suggest that plants grown at high densitieshad a high concentration of gibberellins (GA) in their tissues.The promotion of apex development by the higher concentrationof GA gave rise to earlier competition for nutrients diffusingthrough the apex. This lead to starvation of the tip of theapex and earlier death of this region and, consequently, fewerspikelets. Differences in the light environment of the plants,either intensity or red/far red ratio, most probably broughtabout the differences in GA.  相似文献   

Endogenous Shoot Growth Rhythms and Indeterminate Shoot Growth in Oak   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wide variations of shoot growth patterns in saplings of pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) have been observed as a consequence of varying environmental conditions, experimental manipulations, and vigor of trees. Shoot growth patterns range from a series of recurrent, determinate flushes, constituting a genuine endogenous rhythm, to continuous, indeterminate growth. Observed growth patterns agree well with those predicted by a model of rhythmic growth which assumes the dependence of shoot growth on the functional equilibrium between shoot and root system. Indirect evidence suggests that cessation of shoot growth under favorable environmental conditions might be a consequence of internal water deficits. Observed differences in shoot growth patterns between young and mature trees are discussed as logical consequences of the model.  相似文献   

The Effects of Vernalization on the Growth of the Wheat Shoot Apex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
he effect of vernalization on the growth of the wheat shootapex was examined by comparing three genetic lines of ChineseSpring (CS) wheat having strong [CS (Hope 5D)], medium (CS Euploid),or no [CS (Hope 5A)] vernalization requirement. The mean volumeof the apical dome increased gradually in all lines, and thenthe apical dome enlarged rapidly as its relative growth rate(RGR) increased prior to double ridge formation. Phytomer volumeat initiation remained constant, so that the ratio of phytomerto apical dome at primordium initiation decreased in successiveplastochrons. In CS Euploid and in unvernalized CS (Hope 5D),the RGR of the apical dome tended to decrease at least untilinitiation of the collar primordium. The rate of primordiuminitiation at double ridge formation increased in proportionto the RGR of the apex at that time; i.e. it increased greatlyin CS (Hope 5A) and vernalized CS (Hope 5D), less so in CS Euploid,but no increase was observed in unvernalized CS (Hope 5D). Thetime of formation of double ridges seemed to be independentof the growth rate or size of the apical dome. The number oftillers present at ear emergence was inversely proportionalto vernalization requirement and was reduced by vernalization.Vernalization resulted in a decrease in the RGR of the newly-initiatedleaf primordia in relation to the RGR of the apical dome andthe axial part of the phytomer. Transfer of plants from longto short days at various times during growth showed that vernalizationincreased the number of labile primordia which could developinto either leaf, collar or spikelet. Vernalization thereforeseems to alter the ability of the apex to respond to subsequentphotoperiod rather than to affect its growth directly. Triticum aeslivum, wheat, chromosome substitution lines, shoot apex growth, vernalization  相似文献   

Excised embryo shoot apices of wheat were grown on media containingeither indolylacetic acid (IAA), kinetin, gibberellic acid (GA),or adenine. GA and adenine stimulate the activity of the apicalmeristem whereas IAA and kinetin do not. No combination of anytwo substances significantly stimulated growth when comparedwith the most active substance present. GA can overcome theinhibitory effect of IAA or kinetin. The possible function ofthese substances in the apical meristem is discussed.  相似文献   

There is currently tremendous interest in developing anti-cancer therapeutics targeting cell signaling pathways important for both cancer cell metabolism and growth. Several epidemiological studies have shown that diabetic patients taking metformin have a decreased incidence of pancreatic cancer. This has prompted efforts to evaluate metformin, a drug with negligible toxicity, as a therapeutic modality in pancreatic cancer. Preclinical studies in cell line xenografts and one study in patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models were promising, while recently published clinical trials showed no benefit to adding metformin to combination therapy regimens for locally advanced and metastatic pancreatic cancer. PDX models in which patient tumors are directly engrafted into immunocompromised mice have been shown to be excellent preclinical models for biomarker discovery and therapeutic development. We evaluated the response of four PDX tumor lines to metformin treatment and found that all four of our PDX lines were resistant to metformin. We found that the mechanisms of resistance may occur through lack of sustained activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) or downstream reactivation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Moreover, combined treatment with metformin and mTOR inhibitors failed to improve responses in cell lines, which further indicates that metformin alone or in combination with mTOR inhibitors will be ineffective in patients, and that resistance to metformin may occur through multiple pathways. Further studies are required to better understand these mechanisms of resistance and inform potential combination therapies with metformin and existing or novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

A technique for obtaining excised embryo shoot apices of wheatis described. When yeast extract or various amino acids wereincluded in the basal medium the explants did not grow and muchof the tissue showed signs of necrosis. Coconut milk, eitherautoclaved or filter-sterilized, inhibited the growth of theexplants. Root initiation and shoot growth were stimulated byammonium salts. It was not known whether root initiation wasthe result of stimulation by ammonium salts or the rapid growthof the shoot apex. Aqueous extracts of roots also stimulatedthe growth of the explants, but extracts of other plant organsdid not. The addition of individual vitamins had various effectson the growth of the explants, but since the growth responsewas so slow, results other than complete inhibition were rejected.On the basis of these results, other substances appear to benecessary to support the growth of wheat explants without theinitiation of roots.  相似文献   

HAINES  F. M. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(4):629-639
Turgor depends on the excess pressure inside a cell, not upona reaction between the wall and contents. It is independentof the environmental pressure whereas the total reaction isnot. Turgor pressure is not identical with the reaction, or,unless the effects of the protoplasmic membranes be ignored,with the wall pressure. Changes in turgor pressure can be saidto cause changes in volume, but only when both are actuallysimultaneous results of differential diffusion. The effectsof environmental pressures are considered. Some misconceptionsare discussed and some terms more fully defined.  相似文献   

Excision of four out of five roots in 7-day-old wheat seedlings (Triticum durum Desf.) rapidly suppressed shoot growth promoted biomass accumulation by the remained root largely due to its expanded branching. Next, the rate of shoot growth increased although was not completely recovered. After the reduction of the root system, the rate of photosynthesis in the leaves of seedlings did not decrease. As compared to the intact plants, auxins and cytokinins accumulated in the remained root, whereas in the growing part of the shoot, the level of auxins rapidly declined. Shoot growth rate was assumed to decrease after the excision of a part of the root system due to lower extensibility of growing tissue, and the promotion of lateral root formation on the remained root apparently resulted from active redistribution of phytohormones and assimilates between plant organs. The prime role of hormonal signals in the coordination of shoot and root growth is discussed.  相似文献   

The elongation response elicited by incubating excised hypocotyl sections of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in light in gibberellin (GA) can be enhanced by the addition of Cl(-), Br(-), and NO(3) (-) salts of K(+) and Na(+). Sections incubated in light in the absence of GA do not elongate in response to the addition of salts. In contrast, excised hypocotyls incubated in darkness elongate equally in both GA and water, and their elongation can also be enhanced by KCl treatment. Growth stimulation by the salts of K(+) and Na(+) occurs optimally at 10 mm and the magnitude of the response is proportional to the duration of salt treatment. Although the growth of sections incubated in light in the absence of GA is not enhanced by various salts of K(+) and Na(+), the concentration of these cations exceeds that in GA-treated sections. In dark-grown tissue, uptake of K(+) also occurs in both GA- and H(2)O-treated sections incubated in 10 mm KCl. Since increased osmotic potential resulting from cation uptake does not correlate with growth stimulation resulting from salt treatments, we conclude that increased cell turgor is not the principal driving force for growth in hypocotyl sections. Changes in the extensibility of GA-treated, light-grown tissue and dark-grown tissue incubated with and without GA correlate with the increased growth rate of these sections. Incubation of sections in KCl results only in changes in water potential of sections without having a significant effect on extensibility. When changes in water potential are accompanied by increased extensibility, however, a marked increase in growth rate is observed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown both the presence and the absence of radial turgor and osmotic pressure gradients across the cortex of roots. In this work, gradients were sought in the roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays) under conditions in which transpiration flux across the root was varied This was done by altering the relative humidity above the plant, by excising the root, or by using plants in which the leaves were too young to transpire. Roots of different ages (4-65 d) were studied and radial profiles at different distances from the tip (5-30 mm) were measured. In both species, gradients of turgor and osmotic pressure (increasing inward) were found under transpiring conditions but not when transpiration was inhibited. The presence of radial turgor and osmotic pressure gradients, and the behavior of the gradient when transpiration is interrupted, indicate that active membrane transport or radial solvent drag may play an important role in the distribution of solutes across the root cortex in transpiring plants. Contrary to the conventional view, the flow of water and solutes across the symplastic pathway through the plasmodesmata cannot be inwardly directed under transpiring conditions.  相似文献   

A. S. Waldman 《Genetics》1994,136(2):597-605
Mouse LTK(-) cells were transfected with a pair of defective Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) genes. One tk gene had an 8-bp insertion mutation while the second gene had a 100-bp inversion. Extrachromosomal homologous recombination leading to the reconstruction of a functional tk gene was monitored by selecting for tk positive cells using medium supplemented with hypoxanthine/aminopterin/thymidine. To assess whether the search for homology may be a rate-limiting step of recombination, we asked whether the presence of an excess number of copies of a tk gene possessing both the insertion and inversion mutations could inhibit recombination between the singly mutated tk genes. Effective competitive inhibition would require that homology searching (homologous pairing) occur rapidly and efficiently. We cotransfected plasmid constructs containing the singly mutated genes in the presence or absence of competitor sequences in various combinations of linear or circular forms. We observed effective inhibition by the competitor DNA in six of the seven combinations studied. A lack of inhibition was observed only when the insertion mutant gene was cleaved within the insertion mutation and cotransfected with the two other molecules in circular form. Additional experiments suggested that homologous interactions between two DNA sequences may compete in trans with recombination between two other sequences. We conclude that homology searching is not a rate-limiting step of extrachromosomal recombination in mammalian cells. Additionally, we speculate that a limiting factor is involved in a recombination step following homologous pairing and has a high affinity for DNA termini.  相似文献   

The tolerance to increasing doses of lead and cadmium salts on the growth and survival of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were studied. Seedlings grown under controlled conditions were treated with dilute (0.001–0.005 mM) solutions of either lead nitrate or cadmium bromide for 1, 4, or 7 days. Subsequently, they were incubated for 7 days in solutions of the same compounds, but at sublethal or lethal concentrations (0.05–10 mM). Plant pretreatment with low concentrations of heavy metals induced an increase in their tolerance to the metals, because pretreated plants could tolerate heavy metals at high concentrations. It is concluded that plant tolerance to increasing concentrations of heavy metals is related to the activation of protective and adaptive processes in their tissues.  相似文献   

FARRAR  J. F. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(1):53-63
The respiration rate of roots on intact barley plants grownin 16 h light 8 h dark cycles shows an exponential decay inthe dark, rises on re-illumination and there is a transientfall 12–14 h into the photoperiod Roots of plants placedin the dark for up to 48 h show a continued exponential decay,and a rather small fall in soluble carbohydrate levels The respirationof roots excised from predarkened plants does not rise on additionof sucrose to the medium bathing them Respiration rate, measured10 h into the photoperiod, shows a constant relation to rootweight in plants 8–24 days old, during which time rootcarbohydrate content first falls and later rises It is concludedthat root respiration rate is not a simple function of carbohydratesupply from the shoot The importance of root respiration inthe carbon budget of barley plants is evaluated and the levelsof control operating on root respiration rate are briefly discussed Hordeum distichum (L ) Lam, barley, respiration rate, light, carbohydrate  相似文献   

Nile tilapia fish were individually reared under similar light levels for 8 weeks under five colored light spectra (maximum wavelength absorbance): white (full light spectrum), blue (∼452 nm), green (∼516 nm), yellow (∼520 nm) or red (∼628 nm). The effects of light on feeding, latency to begin feeding, growth and feed conversion were measured during the last 4 weeks of the study (i.e., after acclimation). We found that red light stimulates feeding, as in humans, most likely by affecting central control centers, but the extra feeding is not converted into growth.  相似文献   

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