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A free-ranging group of patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) containing 18 individually identifiable adult females was observed for approximately 400 hours, equally distributed over two two-month periods corresponding to the breeding and birth seasons, at the La Parguera facility of the Caribbean Primate Research Center. The large number of infants born in the spring and early summer (n = 14) allowed for detailed observations of alloparental behaviors, with a focus on allomothering by the adult females. Seven types of alloparental behaviors were recorded: contact, nuzzling, grooming, agonism, close visual inspection, attempted kidnapping, and kidnapping. Adult females emitted the vast majority of allomaternal behavior, the patterning and frequency of which closely resembled the patterning and frequency of inter-adult female social grooming. Relative dominance status of the participants did not consistently predict the directionality of allomothering. The most commonly observed allomaternal behaviors were contact and nuzzling, which are primarily affiliative behaviors; agonism was rare. Successful kidnapping occurred eight times. Immature monkeys (n = 22) emitted an additional 32 alloparental acts. A propensity towards allomothering by experienced females would be most beneficial to patas infants due to the patas' tendency towards dispersed foraging and rapid flight in the presence of danger. It is possible that direct competition with groups of rhesus macaques for available resources on the island served as a proximal cause for the allomothering observed in this patas group.  相似文献   

Screams of free-ranging juvenile vervet monkeys were played to a group containing their mothers and two ‘control’ females who also had offspring in the group. Mothers and controls were separated from their offspring at the time. Mothers' responses showed significantly shorter latency and longer duration than controls'; mothers were also significantly more likely to approach the speaker. Playbacks significantly increased the probability that controls would look at the mother; a majority of controls did so without any apparent cue from the mother. Results demonstrate that adult female vervets can distinguish their offsprings' screams from those of other immatures, and they suggest that vervets are able to associate specific screams with specific individuals and these individuals with their mothers.  相似文献   

The nocturnal distribution and behavior of individually marked Macaca mulatta were studied at the La Parguera, Puerto Rico, colony of the Caribbean Primate Research Center. The new image intensifier was used successfully to identify 399 monkeys in 185 sleeping clusters. Monkeys moved into mangrove trees close to favorite feeding areas usually 35 minutes after sunset. The group condensed to less than one-half the daytime spread, vocalizations increased and grooming ceased. Movements and vocalizations ceased several hours after sunset, although bursts of activity occurred throughout the night. Activity resumed 40 minutes before sunrise. Activity was higher during full moon, when I observed feeding, play and sexual behavior. Fights at night were twice as frequent during the breeding season. Monkeys slept in clusters of one to four, 58% of which were of two. Sixty-three percent were composed of maternal relatives, 33% were mother-infant pairs. Mature males clustered with non-related males, slept alone or with females (in the breeding season). Yearlings slept with their mothers or with older siblings. Distribution of monkeys in a group at night reflects daytime associations.  相似文献   

Mother-infant separation in rhesus monkey living in natural environment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Four mothers were separated from the infants in two free-ranging groups of rhesus monkeys. Infants were observed for three stages i.e. pre-separation, separation, and post-separation. Separation caused a marked decrease in play in the infant. Crying and restlessness increased. During post-separation, a significant increase in mother's approach behaviour towards the infant was observed. The results of the present field study almost resemble the results of laboratory studies done bySeay, Hansen, andHarlow (1962).  相似文献   

Group changing behavior of maleMacaca mulatta was studied over a six-year period at the rhesus monkey colony on two coastal islands at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Males first left their natal group at a mean age of 47 months and became solitary for the first time at a mean age of 64 months; all had left their natal groups by seven years of age. Age, mating season, sex ratios of adult males and females in the social bands, and geographical barriers all had significant effects on the group shifting. Population size, rank of mother or being an orphan did not significantly affect the changing process. Two factors, age (size) and seniority in the group, were important in determining a male's rank in his new group.  相似文献   

Fourteen female Japanese monkeys of the Arashiyama-B group ranging in age from 11 to 29 years were observed to elucidate the behavioral characteristics of aging monkeys. A positive significant correlation was found between the occurrences of rest and age, and a negative significant correlation between the occurrences of auto-grooming and age. Younger female monkeys tended to be in contact with or in proximity to group members, while older female monkeys tended to spend much more time alone. As for the grooming interactions, younger female monkeys more often groomed others than did older female monkeys. Also, the former engaged in grooming more frequently than in being groomed, while the latter spent more time in being groomed than in grooming. The old female monkeys showed no marked decline in rank, but some of them were surpassed by their adult daughters.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of a free-ranging troop of Japanese monkeys   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Quantitative data on the reproductive biology of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata), especially of females, are reported here. Arashiyama B troop shows stable annual breeding periodicity, and has mating seasons between October and March. In mating seasons, females show estrus with rather consistent cyclicity, and are in estrus for a total of 35 days on an average. The mean length of estrous cycle is 34 days. Although most females show estrus inter-menstrually, some show peri-menstrually; i.e., estrus does not always synchronize strictly with ovulation. Pubescent females between 3.5 and 6.5 years show estrus, but with low sexual activity. Middle-aged females between 7.5 and 16.5 years show high sexual activity with high conception rate. Old-aged females over 17.5 years show low sexual activity. Females with surviving infants have lower sexual activity than those without infants. There is found no significant correlation between female's ranking and sexual activity. This study was financed partly by the Cooperative Research Fund of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University.  相似文献   

Maternal and alloparental care in a troop of free-ranging Japanese monkeys   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In four years of observation of a free-ranging Japanese monkeys, reproductive rate, physical development of infants, maternal care and alloparental care were studied. Primiparous mothers, orphanned mothers and old mothers showed different types of maternal care from typical multiparous mothers, and the reproductive success of each of these categories of mother also differed. Among nulliparae, 2-year-old females showed the most interest in infants. Adult females were generally indifferent to other females' infants and came to act aggressively toward them with increasing age and maternal experience.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys occasionally break up fights among conspecifics and this phenomenon may be called “interference.” The present study describes the patterns of interference in a group of free-ranging rhesus monkeys and evaluates the effect of this behavior onMacaca mulatta social organization. Data were collected at Cayo Santiago. Strong sexual differences were found in the patterning of interference behavior. Females tended to help victims of aggression and animals from the interferer's own genealogy, especially juveniles. In addition, females were likely to interfere as subordinate to the target animal. Natal and non-natal males oriented toward unrelated adult females and generally only interfered in fights if dominant to the target animal. Further, the males helped victims of aggression significantly less often than females did. Contrary to expectation, the dominant males were noteworthy neither for the quantity nor the effect of their interference. In general, the findings reinforce the notion that females are the stable and central part of a rhesus monkey social group. The findings also suggest that interference plays a role in the maintenance of group stability and cohesion.  相似文献   

The behavioral development of a malformed male infant in a free-ranging Japanese monkey group, whose hands were completely missing and whose hind feet were distorted, was investigated during the first one year of life, by comparison with normal infants. In the first few weeks of life, the malformed infant was not able to move by himself and was almost completely dependent on his mother's help. He gradually became able to creep with his forelimb elbows and distorted hind feet at about the first month of life, and was able to walk bipedally on his hind feet, though unstably, after the sixth month of life. His locomotor ability, however, was essentially inferior to that of normal infants throughout the first one year of life. His social interactions with the group members were different from those of normal infants. Normal infants increased their interactions with sameaged infants or older juveniles through active behavior-like play, whereas the malformed infant developed relations particularly with adults through behavior such as passive body contact. The conditions for survival of the observed malformed infant are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed the potential of two types of primate exhibit both for enhancing zoo visitors' interest, knowledge, and enjoyment and for promoting conservation education. Visitors' reactions to a free-ranging group of cotton-top tamarins were compared with their responses to caged tamarins in three ways: 1) timing how long visitors spent at each exhibit, 2) recording the comments made by visitors about the exhibits, and 3) asking visitors to respond to questionnaires about the two exhibits. The results showed that the free-ranging group of tamarins provoked wider comment from members of the public than caged groups and that visitors were willing to spend much more time looking for and watching monkeys in trees than monkeys in cages. Visitors felt that improvements in the animals' welfare were obtained from allowing them to live free in the trees, thought that they could learn more from such groups than from caged animals, and enjoyed seeing the free-ranging tamarins more than the monkeys in cages. These results suggest that developing more naturalistic zoo exhibits can have considerable benefits not only for the animals involved, but also for public education in conservation issues. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three cases of group fusion were observed among vervet monkeys in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, during the 1984 drought. In all cases, group fusion involved the migration of at least two females into a small neighboring group. Following migration, the females' natal groups ceased to exist. Although migrants initially assumed low ranks, none received high rates of aggression, and two rose in rank 6 months after their arrival. Migrant females appeared to employ a number of “strategies,” including grooming, allomothering, participation in intergroup encounters, and the formation of coalitions against males and each other to hasten integration. Results suggest that the causes of male and female migration differ fundamentally, and that group fusion occurs primarily in response to the inability of small groups of females to compete successfully with other groups for resources.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect that a dependent rhesus macaque infant (Macaca mulatta) has on the timing of its mother's resumption of mating. Toward this end, behavioral data from the rhesus populations at Tughlaqabad, India, and Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, are compared. Specifically, the intervals between parturition and subsequent resumption of mating for individual parous females are examined in order to shed light on the relative importance of environmental and internal factors (such as lactational infertility) in the control of rhesus mating behvior. At both study sites it was found that the later a given female gave birth during a birth season the shorter was her parturition-mating interval and the younger was her infant when she resumed mating activity. It is suggested that this finding is the result of an interaction of environmental and internal factors; both act in concert to determine how soon after parturition a particular rhesus female will resume mating activity.  相似文献   

A previous study of passive joint mobility in patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) showed that laboratory-caged animals had significantly greater mobility in most joints than age/sex matched free-ranging monkeys. Passive joint mobility on 27 of the same animals was measured 6 months after the caged animals were released onto a 40-hectare island. The results show that within 6 months of becoming free-ranging, typical passive joint mobility is restored. Thus, although caging directly affects measurements of morphologically-determined features in patas monkeys, confinement itself does not necessarily prevent rehabilitation if the immature monkeys are released into a free-ranging environment.  相似文献   

A population of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) at the ancient site of Tughlaqabad on the southern outskirts of New Delhi, India, showed moderate growth throughout the 1960s and 1970s and very rapid growth in the last 4 years. Between July 1980 and July 1983, the population increased 79%, from two groups of 160 monkeys to five groups of 286 monkeys, an average annual increase of 21.4%. The natality of the population has been high, averaging 82.4% over three birth seasons. Mortality and disappearance rates, especially of juveniles and adults, have been remarkably low with total annual mortality averaging only 3.7% from 1980 to 1983. We believe the striking record of population growth in this population can be attributed to total protection, abundant food, good cover, a lack of predators, a generally improving habitat, and low disease. With the right combination of ecological and behavioral factors, rhesus populations can double in four years. The Tughlaqabad population provides important guidelines for the restoration and conservation of primate populations.  相似文献   

The timing of fission among free-ranging Rhesus monkeys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Behavioral observations were carried out on a large group of free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago from January 1968 to December 1969 and from October through December 1970. During this period, social group A divided. The 24-month study period can be classified into five stages which represent the different phases in the process of group fission. Two criteria for fission were established: the cessation of grooming between adult females of different sub-groups of the main group and the stabilization of the adult female population. The criteria were based on established information on group dynamics and inter-group behavior on Cayo Santiago. Several points became clear from the chronological analysis. Group fission is a long process. The duration of the process of fission and the specification of the season in which fission begins and is completed depends upon the definition applied. For purposes of this analysis, fission was defined as beginning with the onset of spatial fragmentation and corresponded to the initial part of the breeding season. The fission was completed during the breeding season. The duration of the process of fission was 18 months.  相似文献   

We used implanted miniature data loggers to obtain the first measurements of body temperature from a free-ranging anthropoid primate. Vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) living in a highly seasonal, semi-arid environment maintained a lower mean 24-h body temperature in winter (34.6 ± 0.5 °C) than in summer (36.2 ± 0.1 °C), and demonstrated increased heterothermy (as indexed by the 24-h amplitude of their body temperature rhythm) in response to proximal environmental stressors. The mean 24-h amplitude of the body temperature rhythm in summer (2.5 ± 0.1 °C) was lower than that in winter (3.2 ± 0.4 °C), with the highest amplitude for an individual monkey (5.6 °C) recorded in winter. The higher amplitude of the body temperature rhythm in winter was a consequence primarily of lower 24-h minimum body temperatures during the nocturnal phase, when monkeys were inactive. These low minimum body temperatures were associated with low black globe temperature (GLMM, β = 0.046, P < 0.001), short photoperiod (β = 0.010, P < 0.001) and low rainfall over the previous 2 months, which we used as a proxy for food availability (β = 0.001, P < 0.001). Despite the lower average winter minimum body temperatures, there was no change in the lower modal body temperature between winter and summer. Therefore, unlike the regulated physiological adjustments proposed for torpor or hibernation, these minimum winter body temperatures did not appear to reflect a regulated reduction in body temperature. The thermoregulatory plasticity nevertheless may have fitness benefits for vervet monkeys.  相似文献   

Records from 42 zoos and from long-term studies of wild populations were analysed to describe the reproductive biology of spider monkeys (Ateles spp.). Both data sets suggested that spider monkey females typically have their first infant between 7 and 8 years of age with an interbirth interval of approximately 32–36 months. Infant sex ratio for zoo populations was approximately 1 male to 1 female; infant sex ratios from wild populations were variable. Zoo records provided adequate sample size to suggest that interbirth interval was not influenced by the sex of the infant produced, and that the sex ratio and the probability of infant survival did not change with the number of infants the mother had produced. The findings of this study have implications with respect to the conservation of New World primate species. Since spider monkeys take a long time to reach sexual maturity and their interbirth interval is longer than that expected based on their body size, their populations may be slow to recover following disturbances. Thus, particular care should be taken for the protection of these species.  相似文献   

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