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A method has been established to convert pYAC4-based linear yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) into circular chromosomes that can also be propagated in Escherichia coli cells as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs). The circularization is based on use of a vector that contains a yeast dominant selectable marker (G418R), a BAC cassette and short targeting sequences adjacent to the edges of the insert in the pYAC4 vector. When it is introduced into yeast, the vector recombines with the YAC target sequences to form a circular molecule, retaining the insert but discarding most of the sequences of the YAC telomeric arms. YACs up to 670 kb can be efficiently circularized using this vector. Re-isolation of megabase-size YAC inserts as a set of overlapping circular YAC/BACs, based on the use of an Alu-containing targeting vector, is also described. We have shown that circular DNA molecules up to 250 kb can be efficiently and accurately transferred into E.coli cells by electroporation. Larger circular DNAs cannot be moved into bacterial cells, but can be purified away from linear yeast chromosomes. We propose that the described system for generation of circular YAC derivatives can facilitate sequencing as well as functional analysis of genomic regions.  相似文献   

Size Matters: Use of YACs,BACs and PACs in Transgenic Animals   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In 1993, several groups, working independently, reported the successful generation of transgenic mice with yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) using standard techniques. The transfer of these large fragments of cloned genomic DNA correlated with optimal expression levels of the transgenes, irrespective of their location in the host genome. Thereafter, other groups confirmed the advantages of YAC transgenesis and position-independent and copy number-dependent transgene expression were demonstrated in most cases. The transfer of YACs to the germ line of mice has become popular in many transgenic facilities to guarantee faithful expression of transgenes. This technique was rapidly exported to livestock and soon transgenic rabbits, pigs and other mammals were produced with YACs. Transgenic animals were also produced with bacterial or P1-derived artificial chromosomes (BACs/PACs) with similar success. The use of YACs, BACs and PACs in transgenesis has allowed the discovery of new genes by complementation of mutations, the identification of key regulatory sequences within genomic loci that are crucial for the proper expression of genes and the design of improved animal models of human genetic diseases. Transgenesis with artificial chromosomes has proven useful in a variety of biological, medical and biotechnological applications and is considered a major breakthrough in the generation of transgenic animals. In this report, we will review the recent history of YAC/BAC/PAC-transgenic animals indicating their benefits and the potential problems associated with them. In this new era of genomics, the generation and analysis of transgenic animals carrying artificial chromosome-type transgenes will be fundamental to functionally identify and understand the role of new genes, included within large pieces of genomes, by direct complementation of mutations or by observation of their phenotypic consequences.  相似文献   

We have designed a YAC circularization vector, pCIRC3, allowing enrichment of the YAC DNA by exonuclease digestion of the linear yeast chromosomes. Due to the presence of P1 replicon sequences in this vector, the circular YACs would replicate as PACs in Escherischia coli.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate differences in the methods for preparing a large DNA fragment to be used for making transgenic rats from the standpoint of transgenic production efficiency and integrity of the introduced gene. In yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenesis, three methods for preparing DNA for microinjection were compared: amplification of YAC in yeast (AMP), amplification of YAC in yeast and removal of the amplification element (AMP/RE), and no amplification of the YAC in yeast (AMP-). Production efficiency per microinjected ovum with DNA by the AMP method was four times higher than that by the AMP/RE and AMP-. Based on these results, we favor the AMP method in spite of the thymidine kinase gene-induced male sterility. In bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenesis, linear DNA fragments for microinjection prepared by three kinds of purification procedures were compared: Not I digestion and CsCl gradient ultra-centrifugation (Prep. 1), CsCl gradient ultra-centrifugation, Not I digestion, gel electrophoresis, and beta-agarase digestion (Prep. 2), and CsCl gradient ultra-centrifugation, Not I digestion, pulse field gel electrophoresis, and beta-agarase digestion (Prep. 3). Although the efficiency of producing transgenic rats was similar with all these three DNA preparations, integration of the intact DNA fragment only occurred with the Prep. 3 procedure. We therefore favor the Prep. 3 method for preparing BAC DNA fragments. These results indicate that the method used to prepare a large DNA fragment such as YAC and BAC DNAs is important in order to produce transgenic rats with an intact transgene.  相似文献   

Hybrids of RNA and arabinonucleic acid (ANA) as well as the 2′-fluoro-ANA analog (2′F-ANA) were recently shown to be substrates of the enzyme RNase H. Although RNase H binds to double-stranded RNA, no cleavage occurs with such duplexes. Therefore, knowledge of the structure of ANA/RNA hybrids may prove helpful in the design of future antisense oligonucleotide analogs. In this study, we have determined the NMR solution structures of ANA/RNA and DNA/RNA hairpin duplexes and compared them to the recently published structure of a 2′F-ANA/RNA hairpin duplex. We demonstrate here that the sugars of RNA nucleotides of the ANA/RNA hairpin stem adopt the C3′-endo (north, A-form) conformation, whereas those of the ANA strand adopt a ‘rigid’ O4′-endo (east) sugar pucker. The DNA strand of the DNA/RNA hairpin stem is flexible, but the average DNA/RNA hairpin structural parameters are close to the ANA/RNA and 2′F-ANA/RNA hairpin parameters. The minor groove width of ANA/RNA, 2′F-ANA/RNA and DNA/RNA helices is 9.0 ± 0.5 Å, a value that is intermediate between that of A- and B-form duplexes. These results rationalize the ability of ANA/RNA and 2′F-ANA/RNA hybrids to elicit RNase H activity.  相似文献   

Purification of circular YACs from yeast cells for DNA sequencing.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S-H Leem  Y-H Yoon  S I Kim  V Larionov 《Génome》2008,51(2):155-158
We describe a method for the purification of circular yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) DNA 120-150 kilobases (kb) in size that is of sufficient quantity and quality for restriction enzyme analysis and DNA sequencing. This method preferentially enriches for circular YAC DNA and avoids the time-consuming step of centrifugation in CsCl--ethidium bromide (EtBr) gradients. We applied this method to the purification of circular YACs carrying DNA segments that are extremely unstable in E. coli, including those that correspond to GAP2 and GAP3 on human chromosome 19. We showed that YAC DNA (GAP2 and GAP3) purified using this new method is clearly resolved in EtBr-stained gels. The sequence of YAC-GAP3 was obtained, representing the first GAP clone sequenced in YAC form. At present, it is estimated that there are more than 1000 gaps in the human genome that cannot be cloned using bacterial vectors. Thus, our new method may be very useful for completing the last stage of the human genome project.  相似文献   

Mig.MthI from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and MutY of Escherichia coli are both DNA mismatch glycosylases of the ‘helix-hairpin-helix’ (HhH) superfamily of DNA repair glycosylases; the former excises thymine from T/G, the latter adenine from A/G mismatches. The structure of MutY, in complex with its low molecular weight product, adenine, has previously been determined by X-ray crystallography. Surprisingly, the set of amino acid residues of MutY that are crucial for adenine recognition is largely conserved in Mig.MthI. Here we show that replacing two amino acid residues in the (modeled) thymine binding site of Mig.MthI (Leu187 to Gln and Ala50 to Val) changes substrate discrimination between T/G and A/G by a factor of 117 in favor of the latter (from 56-fold slower to 2.1-fold faster). The Ala to Val exchange also affects T/G versus U/G selectivity. The data allow a plausible model of thymine binding and of catalytic mechanism of Mig.MthI to be constructed, the key feature of which is a bidentate hydrogen bridge of a protonated glutamate end group (number 42) with thymine centers NH-3 and O-4, with proton transfer to the exocyclic oxygen atom neutralizing the negative charge that builds up in the pyrimidine ring system as the glycosidic bond is broken in a heterolytic fashion. The results also offer an explanation for why so many different substrate specificities are realized within the HhH superfamily of DNA repair glycosylases, and they widen the scope of these enzymes as practical tools.  相似文献   

In order to gain insights into the structural basis of the multifunctional Dna2 enzyme involved in Okazaki fragment processing, we performed biochemical, biophysical and genetic studies to dissect the domain structure of Dna2. Proteolytic digestion of Dna2 using subtilisin produced a 127 kDa polypeptide that lacked the 45 kDa N-terminal region of Dna2. Further digestion generated two subtilisin-resistant core fragments of approximately equal size, 58 and 60 kDa. Surprisingly, digestion resulted in a significant (3- to 8-fold) increase in both ATPase and endonuclease activities compared to the intact enzyme. However, cells with a mutant DNA2 allele lacking the corresponding N-terminal region were severely impaired in growth, being unable to grow at 37°C, indicating that the N-terminal region contains a domain critical for a cellular function(s) of Dna2. Analyses of the hydrodynamic properties of and in vivo complex formation by wild-type and/or mutant Dna2 lacking the N-terminal 45 kDa domain revealed that Dna2 is active as the monomer and thus the defect in the mutant Dna2 protein is not due to its inability to multimerize. In addition, we found that the N-terminal 45 kDa domain interacts physically with a central region located between the two catalytic domains. Our results suggest that the N-terminal 45 kDa domain of Dna2 plays a critical role in regulation of the enzymatic activities of Dna2 by serving as a site for intra- and intermolecular interactions essential for optimal function of Dna2 in Okazaki fragment processing. The possible mode of regulation of Dna2 is discussed based upon our recent finding that replication protein A interacts functionally and physically with Dna2 during Okazaki fragment processing.  相似文献   

The DNA/RNA-binding protein, Translin/Testis Brain RNA-binding protein (Translin/TB-RBP), contains a putative GTP binding site in its C-terminus which is highly conserved. To determine if guanine nucleotide binding to this site functionally alters nucleic acid binding, electrophoretic mobility shift assays were performed with RNA and DNA binding probes. GTP, but not GDP, reduces RNA binding by ~50% and the poorly hydrolyzed GTP analog, GTPγS, reduces binding by >90% in gel shift and immunoprecipitation assays. No similar reduction of DNA binding is seen. When the putative GTP binding site of TB-RBP, amino acid sequence VTAGD, is altered to VTNSD by site directed mutagenesis, GTP will no longer bind to TB-RBPGTP and TB-RBPGTP no longer binds to RNA, although DNA binding is not affected. Yeast two-hybrid assays reveal that like wild-type TB-RBP, TB-RBPGTP will interact with itself, with wild-type TB-RBP and with Translin associated factor X (Trax). Transfection of TB-RBPGTP into NIH 3T3 cells leads to a marked increase in cell death suggesting a dominant negative function for TB-RBPGTP in cells. These data suggest TB-RBP is an RNA-binding protein whose activity is allosterically controlled by nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

Genetic ablation experiments are used to resolve problems regarding cell lineages and the in vivo function of certain groups of cells. We describe a two-component conditional ablation technology using a mouse carrying an X-linked puΔtk transgene, which is only activated in cells expressing Cre. Ablation of the Cre-expressing cells can be temporally regulated by the time of ganciclovir (GCV) administration. This strategy was demonstrated using a Col2Cre transgenic line. Differentiating chondrocytes in bigenic animals could be ablated at different developmental stages resulting in disorganized growth plates and dwarfism. Macrocephaly, macroglossia and umbilical hernia were also observed in ablated 18.5 dpc embryos. Crosses between the puΔtk selector transgenic line and existing cre lines will facilitate numerous temporally regulated tissue-specific ablation experiments.  相似文献   

The non-homologous end-joining pathway promotes direct enzymatic rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and is an important determinant of genome stability in eukaryotic cells. Although previous work has shown that this pathway requires Ku, DNA-PKcs and the DNA ligase IV/XRCC4 complex, we found that these proteins alone did not promote efficient joining of cohesive-ended DNA fragments in a cell-free assay. To identify factors that were missing from the reaction, we screened fractions from HeLa cell extracts for the ability to stimulate the joining of cohesive DNA ends in a complementation assay containing other known proteins required for DNA DSB repair. We identified a factor that restored end-joining activity to the level observed in crude nuclear extracts. Factor activity copurified with Rad50, Mre11 and NBS1, three proteins that have previously been implicated in DSB repair by genetic and cytologic evidence. Factor activity was inhibited by anti-Mre11 antibody. The reconstituted system remained fully dependent on DNL IV/XRCC4 and at least partially dependent on Ku, but the requirement for DNA-PKcs was progressively lost as other components were purified. Results support a model where DNA-PKcs acts early in the DSB repair pathway to regulate progression of the reaction, and where Mre11, Rad50 and NBS1 play a key role in aligning DNA ends in a synaptic complex immediately prior to ligation.  相似文献   

In the past 30 years, carotenoid‐based animal signals have been an intense focus of research because they can potentially broadcast an honest reflection of individual reproductive potential. Our understanding of the underpinning physiological functions of carotenoid compounds is still emerging, however. Here, we argue that wildlife researchers and managers interested in assessing the impact of environmental quality on animal populations should be taking advantage of the signalling function of carotenoid‐based morphological traits. Using birds as a model taxonomic group, we build our argument by first reviewing the strong evidence that the expression of avian carotenoid displays provides an integrated measure of a multitude of diet‐ and health‐related parameters. We then present evidence that human‐induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) impacts the expression of carotenoid signals across different critical periods of a bird’s lifetime. Finally, we argue that variation in signal expression across individuals, populations and species could be quantified relatively easily at a global scale by incorporating such measurements into widespread bird ringing activities. Monitoring the expression of carotenoid‐based coloration could help to identify how the environmental factors linked to HIREC can affect avian populations and allow for potentially detrimental effects on biodiversity to be detected prior to demographic change.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, numerous nonviral cationic vectors have been synthesized. They share a high density of positive charges and efficiency for gene transfer in vitro. However, their positively charged surface causes instability in body fluids and cytotoxicity, thereby limiting their efficacy in vivo. Therefore, there is a need for developing alternative molecular structures. We have examined tetrabranched amphiphilic block copolymers consisting of four polyethyleneoxide/polypropyleneoxide blocks centered on an ethylenediamine moiety. Cryo-electron microscopy, ethidium bromide fluorescence and light and X-ray scattering experiments performed on vector–DNA complexes showed that the dense core of the nanosphere consisted of condensed DNA interacting with poloxamine molecules through electrostatic, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions, with DNA molecules also being exposed at the surface. The supramolecular organization of block copolymer/DNA nanospheres induced the formation of negatively charged particles. These particles were stable in a solution that had a physiological ionic composition and were resistant to decomplexation by heparin. The new nanostructured material, the structure of which clearly contrasted with that of lipoplexes and polyplexes, efficiently transferred reporter and therapeutic genes in skeletal and heart muscle in vivo. Negatively charged supramolecular assemblies hold promise as therapeutic gene carriers for skeletal and heart muscle-related diseases and expression of therapeutic proteins for local or systemic uses.  相似文献   

A novel dNTP pyrophosphatase, Mj0226 from Methanococcus jannaschii, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates to the monophosphate and PPi, has been characterized. Mj0226 protein catalyzes hydrolysis of two major substrates, dITP and XTP, suggesting that the 6-keto group of hypoxanthine and xanthine is critical for interaction with the protein. Under optimal reaction conditions the kcat /Km value for these substrates was ~10 000 times that with dATP. Neither endonuclease nor 3′-exonuclease activities were detected in this protein. Interestingly, dITP was efficiently inserted opposite a dC residue in a DNA template and four dNTPs were also incorporated opposite a hypoxanthine residue in template DNA by DNA polymerase I. Two protein homologs of Mj0226 from Escherichia coli and Archaeoglobus fulgidus were also cloned and purified. These have catalytic activities similar to Mj0226 protein under optimal conditions. The implications of these results have significance in understanding how homologous proteins, including Mj0226, act biologically in many organisms. It seems likely that Mj0226 and its homologs have a major role in preventing mutations caused by incorporation of dITP and XTP formed spontaneously in the nucleotide pool into DNA. This report is the first identification and functional characterization of an enzyme hydrolyzing non-canonical nucleotides, dITP and XTP.  相似文献   

GC/MS technique was used to identify endogenous levels of oxidatively modified DNA bases. To avoid possible artefact formation we used Fpg and Endo III endonucleases instead of acid hydrolysis to liberate the base products from unmodified DNA samples. Several different DNA preparations were used: (i) commercial calf thymus DNA, (ii) DNA isolated from rat liver, (iii) DNA isolated from human lymphocytes and (iv) nuclei isolated from rat liver. In all DNA samples used in our assays the most efficiently removed bases by Fpg protein are FapyG and FapyA although 8-oxoG was also detected in all preparations. The amount of 8-oxoG in human lymphocytes and in rat liver DNA was 3 and 2 per 107 bases, respectively. It is reasonable to postulate that the presented method is one of the techniques which should be used to reveal the enigma of endogenous, oxidative DNA damage.  相似文献   

SSCP and heteroduplex analysis (HA) continue to be the most popular methods of mutation detection due to their simplicity, high sensitivity and low cost. The advantages of these methods are most clearly visible when large genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, are scanned for scattered unknown mutations and/or when a large number of DNA samples is screened for specific mutations. Here we describe a novel combined SSCP/duplex analysis adapted to the modern capillary electrophoresis (CE) system, which takes advantage of multicolor labeling of DNA fragments and laser-induced fluorescence detection. In developing this method, we first established the optimum conditions for homoduplex and heteroduplex analysis by CE. These were determined based on comprehensive analysis of representative Tamra-500 markers and BRCA1 fragments at different concentrations of sieving polymer and temperatures in the presence or absence of glycerol. The intrinsic features of DNA duplex structures are discussed in detail to explain differences in the migration rates between various types of duplexes. When combined SSCP/duplex analysis was carried out in single conditions, those found to be optimal for analysis of duplexes, all 31 BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, polymorphisms and variants tested were detected. It is worth noting that the panel of analyzed sequence variants was enriched in base substitutions, which are usually more difficult to detect. The sensitivity of mutation detection in the SSCP portion alone was 90%, and that in the duplex portion was 81% in the single conditions of electrophoresis. As is also shown here, the proposed combined SSCP/duplex analysis by CE has the potential of being applied to the analysis of pooled genomic DNA samples, and to multiplex analysis of amplicons from different gene fragments. These modifications may further reduce the costs of analysis, making the method attractive for large scale application in SNP scanning and screening.  相似文献   

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