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From a single population of achenes (seeds) of Ranunculus sceleratusL. sub-populations were selected on the basis of the sensitivityof individuals to an increasing number of daily light/temperatureshift cycles. Each cycle comprised a 4 h pulse of red lightfollowed by a 4 h temperature shift from 16 to 31 ?C. Selectionfor low dormancy (NND and ND) and high dormancy (D and DD) populationsresulted in a > 5-fold difference in the number of cyclesrequired for 50% germination. Despite a shift in the mean levelof dormancy the distributions of sensitivity (slopes of dose-responsecurves) were similar in all four selected populations. Differentialeffects of cold stratification on the germination response tolight and alternating temperatures were related to the depthof primary dormancy. The proportion of individuals that respondedpositively to the dormancy breaking effects of cold stratificationfollowed the trend DD < D < ND < NND. In high dormancypopulations (D and DD) the rate and uniformity of germinationof some individuals was reduced by cold stratification, indicatinga dormancy inducing effect. Over the range 2 to 11 ?C the effectivenessof dormancy release or dormancy induction was inversely relatedto temperature. The effects of cold stratification on the expressionof dormancy in R. sceleratus are discussed in relation to areproductive strategy involving winter and summer annual behaviour. Key words: Cold stratification, selection, dormancy, light, alternating temperatures, germination  相似文献   

Effects of red (600 to 680 nanometers) and far red (700 to 760 nanometers) irradiances on Amaranthus retroflexus L. seeds indicate that synthesis of phytochrome in the red-absorbing form takes place in water-imbibed nongerminating seeds at 35 C. After 96 hours in darkness, conversion of about 0.10% phytochrome to the far red-absorbing form induces 50% germination. Continuous far red radiation at 35 C with an irradiance of 0.4 × 10−10 Einsteins per square centimeter per second caused photoinactivation of phytochrome about equal to the rate of synthesis. Germination of seeds at 35 C, following far red irradiation adequate to establish the photostationary state, is enhanced by holding at 26 C for 16 minutes. Germination is unaffected relative to controls at constant temperature, if the period at 26 C precedes irradiation. The results indicate a quick response to action of phytochrome in a germination process.  相似文献   

A linear relationship between constant temperatures in the sub-optimaltemperature range and germination rate is shown in both Quercusrobur L and Castanea sativa Mill germinated under nominal darkconditions. The mean base temperature was interpolated for Qrobur as 0 8 ? or 2-4 ?, depending on seed lot provenance, andfor C. sativa as 1 -4? The optimum temperature for germinationin Q. robur was about 20? compared with around 28 ? in C. sativaOver the sub-optimal temperature range the distribution of thermaltimes was log-normal for each population studied their spreadvarying both between Q robur seed lots and between species However,in C. sativa germinated close to the mean base temperature,the distribution in thermal times was reduced Thermal timesto germination were decreased in Q. robur and C sativa by approximately0 3 and 0-5 log-units, respectively, when the pericarp was removed,i.e in the seeds, but the sensitivity of the response remainedrelatively unaltered In both species the germination rate was the same when nominaldark or safe green light conditions were employed during thegermination test. However, at 21 ? Q robur exhibited the highirradiance reaction (HIR) at photon doses above 30mmol m–2d–1. HIR first affected the germination rate by an inhibitionof radicle extension The sensitivity of the response to thermaltime was reduced as photon dose increased. This photo-inhibitionwas exacerbated at supra-optimal temperatures. In contrast,C. sativa germination rate at 26 ? was little influenced bylight at a photon dose of 752 mmol m–2 d–1 Key words: Seed germination rate, temperature, thermal time, light, photon dose  相似文献   

Summary Endosperm cellularization in Ranunculus sceleratus was studied in terms of the initiation of cell-wall formation in the coenocytic endosperm. The first endosperm cell walls were in an anticlinal position relative to the cell wall of the embryo sac and originated from the cell plates and not from wall ingrowths from the embryo-sac wall itself. Alveolar endosperm was formed 3 days after pollination. Microtubules were associated with the freely growing wall ends of the anticlinal walls and were observed in various orientations that generally ranged from angles of 45 ° to 90 ° to the plane of the wall. They were absent in the regions where vesicles had already fused. These microtubules may function in maintaining the growth and the direction of growth of the anticlinal wall until cellularization is completed. At the site where three neighbouring alveoli share their freely growing wall ends, remarkable configurations of microtubules were observed: in each alveolus, microtubules ran predominantly parallel to the bisector of the angle formed by the common walls. These microtubules may form a physically stable framework and maintain the direction of growth of the wall edges. It is concluded that the growing edge of the anticlinal endosperm wall and its associated microtubules are a special continuum of the original phragmoplast that gave rise to the anticlinal wall.  相似文献   

The germination of Lycopus europaeus seeds depends absolutelyon exposure to light and fluctuating temperatures. Studies oftemperature responses were made to establish the minimum fluctuationrequired for a response, the interaction of temperature andexposure time in different parts of the alternating temperaturecycle, and the effects of successive transfers between cyclingtemperature conditions. There was a complex interaction betweenthese three. The minimum fluctuation never fell below 6.5 °Cbut varied up to c. 15 °C according to other test conditions.High temperatures favoured rapid responses, and exposure totemperatures above 20 °C in one or other phase of the temperaturecycle was essential for a full response. No response occurredeither at any temperature under constant conditions, or if onlyone temperature change was given. Under some conditions a singlecycle of alternating temperatures, including two changes oftemperature, promoted high germination rates.  相似文献   

The influence of phytochrome on endosperm softening and cellulaseactivity was studied on light-stimulated Datura ferox seeds.Endosperm softening preceded the earliest signs of radicle protrusion,and there was good correlation between the % of seeds with softendosperm at 48 h after R and germination at 96 h after R. Cellulaseactivity was stimulated by R and the increase in activity preceded,by more than 24h, radicle protrusion and endosperm softening.The effect of R was reversed by FR, but, by delaying the irradiationwith FR until cellulase activity had increased significantly,it was observed that removing Pfr did more than just stop anyfurther increase, the level of cellulase activity decreasedin about 24 h close to the dark controls. Cellulase activitywas decreased by a FR irradiation even when more than 60% germinationhad escaped from reversion. These results indicate that phytochromeinfluence on cellulase is not an indirect consequence of thestimulus of germination and that the continuous presence ofPfr is required for the cellulase activity to remain high. Thepossibility that cellulase and other degrading enzymes may bepart of the mechanism of light-induced germination is discussed. Key words: Phytochrome, germination, cellulase  相似文献   

Ranunculus bulbosus and R. repens are closely related taxonomicallyand coexist in the same general habitat but differ in that R.bulbosus only exceptionally shows vegetative multiplicationcontrasting with R. repens which reproduces extensively by meansof long branched stolons which root and form new daughter plantsat the nodes. The response of these two species to nitrogen was similar inthat an increase from 10 to 50 ppm nitrogen gave rise to greatlyincreased total dry weight and higher shoot to root ratios,whereas further nitrogen increase from 50 to 200 ppm had littleeffect. However, they differed in that at low nitrogen levelsthe perennating organ (corm) took priority in R. bulbosus withsexual reproduction assuming greater importance at the highernitrogen levels, whereas in R. repens the main storage organ(the stock) was not especially favoured at low nitrogen levelsreflecting perhaps the differences between this structure andthe corm in R. bulbosus. In R. repens the greatest responseto nitrogen was shown by the stolons although this was due toincreased branching and a higher dry weight per unit lengthat the higher levels of nitrogen (50 and 200 ppm). Primary stolonlength was not greatly affected by nitrogen level. Dry weightsof flowers and fruits in R. repens were very much lower thanin R. bulbosus. It is suggested that in R. bulbosus the emphasis lies firstin replacement of the parent at approximately the same siteby a daughter from the new corm and secondly in sexual reproductivespread. In R. repens lateral spread by vegetative propagationtakes precedence over all else and under low nitrogen conditionsbranching is sacrificed and energy is diverted to maintaininglong primary stolons. These, in turn, have the potential forproducing daughter plants at some distance from the parent andthis may be of considerable importance in field situations sincethe daughter may come to occupy more favourable sites than theparent.  相似文献   

Taylorson RB 《Plant physiology》1975,55(6):1093-1097
A 10 C dark prechilling of johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] seeds, when terminated by a 2-hr, 40 C temperature shift, potentiates about 40% germination at 20 C in darkness. Irradiation of the seeds before, during, and at the end of prechilling with far red light reduces the subsequent germination, although red irradiation after the far red can overcome some of the inhibition. However, either brief red or far red irradiation given immediately after the temperature shift inhibits subsequent germination by one-third to one-half. The results suggest that the far red-absorbing form of phytochrome is a factor in the prechill-induced dark germination and that phytochrome participates in the inhibition of germination by irradiations immediately after the temperature shift.  相似文献   

Some workers have reported that the breaking of seed dormancyin rice (O. sativa L.) is usually enhanced by higher oxygentension, whereas others have shown that rice seed dormancy canbe broken by incubation under anaerobic conditions. This articleaims to clarify this paradox. The results show that high oxygentensions inhibit seed germination for a certain period afterharvest in Japonica rice, whereas Indica rice cultivars arenot inhibited by oxygen at any stage. Oxygen inhibition, seed germination, aquatic plants, Japonica rice, Indica rice  相似文献   

Prolonged irradiation with continuous or intermittent far red prevents the germination of tomato and cucumber seeds. The inhibitory efficiency of intermittent far red decreases with the lengthening of the interval between successive irradiations, and with the increase of temperature. If each far red irradiation is followed by red, germination is restored. Intermittent far red is less inhibitory than intermittent red-far red when red is given immediately before each far red. This effect is more evident when the interval between successive irradiation becomes longer.  相似文献   

Corbineau F  Côme D 《Plant physiology》1982,70(5):1518-1520
At temperatures below 35 to 40°C, fairly intense continuous white light (13 watts per square meter) inhibits germination of Oldenlandia corymbosa L. seeds, and the lower the temperature, the greater the inhibition. However, such lighting may enable seeds to germinate later in the dark; their degree of germinability depends both on the duration of lighting and on the temperature during lighting and after transfer to the dark.  相似文献   

Phytochrome control of cucumber seed germination is temperature-dependent. A prolonged exposure to radiation from broad spectrum far red sources (Pfr/P = 0.05 to 0.07) prevents germination at temperatures below 20 C. Above 20 C there is no inhibition and it appears as if there is an escape from phytochrome control. However, radiation from a monochromatic, narrow band 730 nanometer source (Pfr/P < 0.02) inhibits germination at temperatures above 20 C. This result supports the idea that, even at high temperatures, Pfr is responsible for the activation of germination. After 4 days of exposure to far red, a short red irradiation is quite effective in promoting germination if temperatures during the dark incubation periods are maintained below 20 C; red becomes effective at temperatures above 20 C. Promotion of germination will take place at a temperature of 25 C or higher without red irradiation. Again, we have an apparent escape from phytochrome control at high temperatures. However, if higher temperatures are used for only short periods, 2 to 6 hours, in combination with short red irradiation, one can demonstrate that activation of germination at high temperatures is still dependent on phytochrome. Phytochrome is probably destroyed during prolonged exposure to far red. Thus, the subsequent short red irradiation establishes levels of Pfr which may not be sufficient to promote germination at low temperatures but are probably adequate at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Germination of tomato seeds exposed to a single, saturating irradiation from light sources of different spectral energy distribution seems to be dependent upon the photostationary PFR/PR ratio established by the irradiation. Germination of tomato seeds exposed to prolonged irradiations from the same light sources does not seem to be controlled solely by the PFR/PR ratio induced and maintained by the irradiation.  相似文献   

Seeds of the obligate parasitic plants, Orobanche spp., wereconditioned in water or GA3for 2 or 12 weeks and then stimulatedto germinate by the synthetic stimulant GR24. Temperature treatmentsduring the germination tests comprised 169 different constantand alternating temperature regimes on a two-dimensional gradientplate. Optimum temperatures for germination of seeds of O. aegyptiacaand O. crenata were 18–21 °C and 18 °C, respectively.However, longer conditioning periods slightly lowered the optimain both species, and the maximum germination percentage wasalso reduced due to an induction of secondary dormancy. At agiven mean temperature, more seeds germinated at constant thanat alternating temperatures. Results were analysed in termsof characteristics of alternating temperatures that appearedto control germination, i.e. mean temperature, maximum temperature,amplitude (difference between daily maximum and minimum temperatures)and thermoperiod (the time spent at the maximum temperatureeach day). Final germination was modelled on the basis of therebeing two prerequisites for germination: a minimum mean temperaturewhich must be exceeded and a maximum temperature above whichthe seed will not germinate. These two requirements were assumedto be independent and to be normally distributed in the seedpopulation so that final germination could be described by amultiplicative probability model. Because of the response tomaximum temperature, inhibitory effects were more evident atalternating temperatures. Amplitude and thermoperiod influencedthis effect of maximum temperature. The implications of thedetrimental effect of alternating temperatures for germinationofOrobanche spp. in the field are discussed. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company Orobanche aegyptiaca, O. crenata, O. cernua, O. minor, broomrape, seed germination, temperature, germination model, secondary dormancy.  相似文献   

Esashi Y  Katoh H 《Plant physiology》1977,59(2):117-121
Germination of nondormant but impotent small cocklebur seeds (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) was promoted profoundly with thiourea or benzyladenine, and slightly with gibberellic acid. Gibberellic acid was ineffective in causing the germination of dormant cocklebur seeds, although thiourea and benzyladenine were effective. Experiments with excised seed pieces showed that the promotive effects of thiourea, benzyladenine, and gibberellic acid on cocklebur seed germination were associated with the enhancement of growth of seed parts; thiourea stimulated predominantly the axial growth, whereas benzyladenine stimulated predominantly the cotyledonary growth.  相似文献   

Rosalia Liso 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2-3):148-152

Prove di germinazione di semi di PINUS PINEA al buio. — Sono state condotte prove di coltivazioni di embrioni di Pinus pinea al buio in rapporti vari col loro endosperma. 1a prova: semi con endosperma amputato all'apice calazale (cotiledonare) per la lunghezza di mm. 1, mm. 2, mm. 3. Il resultato è stato l'accrescimento dell'embrione clorotico con radice atrofica, cioè non si è avuto la normale evoluzione morfogenetica dell'embrione in plantula. 2a prova: asportazione dei 2/3 micropilari, (radicolari) dell'endosperma: evoluzione normale dell'embrione in plantula, cioè germinazione di una plantula normalmente verde con radichetta molto ben sviluppata. 3a prova: asportazione di uno spicchio longitudinale di endosperma: normale germinazione di una plantula verde e con radichetta sviluppata, ma minore sviluppo in lunghezza dei cotiledoni corrispondenti allo spicchio di endosperma asportato.

Si deduce la importanza dell'endosperma per la normale morfogenesi della plantula nella germinazione, e la necessità di uno stretto rapporto di contiguità fra embrione e endosperma perchè questo esplichi la sua azione sull'evoluzione dell'embrione. Si deduce inoltre la importanza che ha l'endosperma nella nutrizione dei cotiledoni.

Si prospetta la necessità di fare opportuni esperimenti per stabilire se nel corso della germinazione il passaggio di sostanza dall'endosperma ai cotiledoni avviene con la partecipazione attiva soltanto dei cotiledoni, dell'endosperma o di tutti e due, e se c'è una distinzione fra le varie zone dell'endosperma ai fini di una efficienza nella nutrizione dell'embrione e della sua evoluzione in plantula.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, 40–85 °C, on the permeabilityand germinability of the hard seeds of the pioneer tree Rhusjavanica L. with a fire syndrome were studied. The temperatureeffective for removal of the water-impermeable coat dormancyof the seeds was 55 ± 7·4 °C. With increasingtemperature, shorter exposure became sufficient to render theseeds permeable, but at temperatures above 75 °C, heat impairmentof germinability resulted in less than 60% germinability, evenwith long exposure. The most favourable regimes among thosetested were temperatures of 65–75 °C for durationsof 30–120 min, which frequently occur on denuded groundduring the midday hours of clear spring or summer days. Rhus javanica L., water-impermeable coat dormancy, seed germination, high temperature  相似文献   

Germination of the dark-germinating seeds of 3 varieties of tomato is controlled by the phytochrome system. Germination is inhibited by far red radiation and repromoted by red applied after far red. At low temperatures, 17 to 20°, a single, low energy far red irradiation is sufficient to inhibit germination in all 3 varieties. At higher temperatures far red is less effective in the inhibition of the germination of the tomato seeds. The phytochrome fraction present as PFR in the dark-germinating seeds of the Ace variety is about 40% of the total phytochrome present.  相似文献   

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