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Two biochemical types of Ca2+-pumping ATPases were distinguished in membranes that were isolated from carrot (Daucus carota) suspension-cultured cells. One type hydrolyzed GTP nearly as well as ATP, was stimulated by calmodulin, and was resistant to cyclopiazonic acid. This plasma membrane (PM)-type pump was associated with PMs and endomembranes, including vacuolar membranes and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Another pump ("ER-type") that was associated mainly with the ER hydrolyzed ATP preferentially, was insensitive to calmodulin, and was inhibited partially by cyclopiazonic acid, a blocker of the animal sarcoplasmic/ER Ca2+ pump. Oxalate stimulation of Ca2+ accumulation by ER-type, but not PM-type, pump(s) indicated a separation of the two types on distinct compartments. An endomembrane 120-kD Ca2+ pump was partially purified by calmodulin-affinity chromatography. The purified polypeptide bound calmodulin reacted with antibodies to a calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+ pump from cauliflower and displayed [32P]phosphoenzyme properties that are characteristic of PM-type Ca2+ pumps. The purified ATPase corresponded to a phosphoenzyme and a 120-kD calmodulin-binding protein on endomembranes. Another PM-type pump was suggested by a 127-kD PM-associated protein that bound calmodulin. Thus, both ER- and PM-type Ca2+ pumps coexist in most plant tissues, and each type can be distinguished from another by a set of traits, even in partially purified membranes.  相似文献   

Ca2+ may trigger apoptosis in β-cells. Hence, the control of intracellular Ca2+ may represent a potential approach to prevent β-cell apoptosis in diabetes. Our objective was to investigate the effect and mechanism of action of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) overexpression on Ca2+-regulated apoptosis in clonal β-cells. Clonal β-cells (BRIN-BD11) were examined for the effect of PMCA overexpression on cytosolic and mitochondrial [Ca2+] using a combination of aequorins with different Ca2+ affinities and on the ER and mitochondrial pathways of apoptosis. β-cell stimulation generated microdomains of high [Ca2+] in the cytosol and subcellular heterogeneities in [Ca2+] among mitochondria. Overexpression of PMCA decreased [Ca2+] in the cytosol, the ER, and the mitochondria and activated the IRE1α-XBP1s but inhibited the PRKR-like ER kinase-eIF2α and the ATF6-BiP pathways of the ER-unfolded protein response. Increased Bax/Bcl-2 expression ratio was observed in PMCA overexpressing β-cells. This was followed by Bax translocation to the mitochondria with subsequent cytochrome c release, opening of the permeability transition pore, and apoptosis. In conclusion, clonal β-cell stimulation generates microdomains of high [Ca2+] in the cytosol and subcellular heterogeneities in [Ca2+] among mitochondria. PMCA overexpression depletes intracellular [Ca2+] stores and, despite a decrease in mitochondrial [Ca2+], induces apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway. These data open the way to new strategies to control cellular Ca2+ homeostasis that could decrease β-cell apoptosis in diabetes.  相似文献   

Enzymes are able to handle the energy derived from the hydrolysis of phosphate compounds in such a way as to determine the parcel that is used for work and the fraction that is converted into heat. The sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases (SERCA) is a family of membrane-bound ATPases that are able to transport Ca2+ ion across the membrane using the chemical energy derived from ATP hydrolysis. The heat released during ATP hydrolysis by SERCA may vary from 10 up to 30 kcal/mol depending on the SERCA isoform used and on whether or not a Ca2+ gradient is formed across the membrane. Drugs such as heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide and the platelet-activating factor (PAF) are able to modify the fraction of the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis that is used for Ca2+ transport and the fraction that is dissipated in the surrounding medium as heat. The thyroid hormone 3,5,3′-triiodo L-thyronine (T3) regulates the expression and function of the thermogenic SERCA isoforms. Modulation of heat production by SERCA might be one of the mechanisms involved in the increased thermogenesis found in hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Excessive activation of NMDA glutamate receptors and the resulting loss of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis may be lethal (excitotoxic) to neurons. Such excitotoxicity can be induced in vivo by intrastriatal infusion of quinolinate, as this substance selectively activates NMDA receptors. The aim of the present research was to investigate whether the in vivo treatment of striatal tissue with quinolinate would lead to an early impairment of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) activity or mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration, two intracellular mechanisms involved in Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling. Sodium quinolinate was infused intrastriatally into adult rats, and 6 h later the brains were removed and the corpora striata dissected. At this time point, striatal sections stained with Fluoro-Jade, a cellular marker of cell death, showed initial signs of neuronal degeneration. In addition, SERCA activity decreased 39% in relation to the activity observed in the control striata. A corresponding decrease of the same magnitude in 45Ca2+ uptake by striatal microsomes was also found in the treated striata. Western blot analysis did not indicate any decrease in SERCA levels in striatal tissue after quinolinate infusion. Mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration was still preserved in quinolinate-treated striatal tissue when the assay was carried out in the presence of physiological concentrations of ATP and Mg2+. These results suggest that impairment of the SERCA function may be an early event in excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

Populations of carrot (Daucus carota) were raised over a widerange of densities (79–5763 plants m-2) to examine thedynamics of competition in terms of yield–density relationshipsand size variability, and to investigate the effects of nutrientsupply on competition. While the relationship between shootyield and density was asymptotic, the relationship between rootand total yield and density tended to be parabolic. For a giventime and density series the relationship between yield per unitarea and density could best be described by the model: y=wmD(1+aD)b wherey is the yield per unit area,D is density,wm, a andb arefitted parameters. The parameterswm anda increased over timebut nutrient availability affected onlywm. An extension of thebasic yield-density model is proposed to describe the dynamicsof the yield–density relationship over time: y=kD[1+cexp(-rt)]{1+  相似文献   

Carbohydrate metabolism in Al-phosphate utilizing cells of carrot[designated as IPG, Koyama et al. (1992) Plant Cell Physiol.33: 171], which grow normally in Al-phosphate medium accompaniedby citrate excretion, was investigated. The excretion of citratewas strongly related to the availability of sucrose in medium,indicating that citrate excretion was severely limited by sucrosein medium. The ratio of the amount of carbon in the excretedcitrate to the consumed sucrose, was significantly higher inIPG cells than in wild-type cells. When 50% of the sucrose inthe medium was consumed, the ratio was 0.6% for the IPG cellsand 0.2% the wild-type cells. Under these conditions, IPG cellsshowed altered citrate synthesis metabolism, which resultedin increased citrate production. Specific activity of mitochondrialcitrate synthase was higher in IPG cells than in wild-type cells,whereas the activity of cytosolic NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenasewas lower in IPG cells than in wild-type cells. (Received August 27, 1998; Accepted February 21, 1999)  相似文献   

To produce phytoalexin, 6-methoxymellein (6-MM) was induced in suspension cultures of carrot (Daucus carota) by buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) and CuCl2. Addition of BSO (a specific inhibitor of glutathione [GSH] synthesis) to the cultures lowered the cellular GSH levels. This depletion of GSH was BSO-concentration dependent, and the extent of 6-MM accumulation was dependent on the GSH depletion. The accumulation of 6-MM induced by BSO was suppressed by exogenous GSH. Exogenous H2O2 stimulated the production of 6-MM when added 1 d after BSO treatment, whereas H2O2 added at time zero or on the 4th d of BSO treatment did not. Moreover, a synergistic effect of simultaneous addition of BSO and CuCl2 was observed. These results suggest that active oxygen species may be involved in the triggering of 6-MM synthesis.  相似文献   

The various splice variants of the three SERCA- and the two SPCA-pump genes in higher vertebrates encode P-type ATPases of the P2A group found respectively in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and the secretory pathway. Of these, SERCA2b and SPCA1a represent the housekeeping isoforms. The SERCA2b form is characterized by a luminal carboxy terminus imposing a higher affinity for cytosolic Ca2+ compared to the other SERCAs. This is mediated by intramembrane and luminal interactions of this extension with the pump. Other known affinity modulators like phospholamban and sarcolipin decrease the affinity for Ca2+. The number of proteins reported to interact with SERCA is rapidly growing. Here, we limit the discussion to those for which the interaction site with the ATPase is specified: HAX-1, calumenin, histidine-rich Ca2+-binding protein, and indirectly calreticulin, calnexin, and ERp57. The role of the phylogenetically older and structurally simpler SPCAs as transporters of Ca2+, but also of Mn2+, is also addressed.All cells invest a considerable part of their total energy budget in active transport to keep up transmembrane (TM) ion gradients (Rolfe and Brown 1997). Prokaryotes already evolved P-type ion-transport ATPases/ion pumps to that aim (Axelsen and Palmgren 1998). The name P-type refers to the transient transfer of the γ-phosphate group of ATP to a highly conserved aspartate group in the enzyme forming a phospho-intermediate. This autophosphorylation is an important step in the pump’s catalytic cycle (Kuhlbrandt 2004). Based on amino-acid sequence comparisons and on the exon/intron layout of the corresponding genes, three types of P-type Ca2+ pumps can be discerned in Eumetazoa: the SERCA-, the SPCA-, and the PMCA-type. Whereas ancestral representatives of each type are recognized in some Eubacteria and Archaea, it is also remarkable that some Eukaryotes have apparently lost either SERCA or SPCA pumps. Yeast for instance lacks SERCA pumps whereas plants thrive well without SPCAs (Mills et al. 2008). The SERCA pumps, which are found in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of eukaryotic cells and the evolutionary older secretory pathway ATPases (SPCA) found in the Golgi apparatus, are closely related to each other and together belong to the P2A subfamily. They form the topic of this review. The plasma-membrane Ca2+-pumps (PMCA), on the other hand, appear to be phylogenetically the oldest of the three and form the P2B-subfamily branch. PMCAs are addressed in an article by Brini and Carafoli (2009). Some further information on the evolution of the three types of ATPases was recently reviewed by Palmgren and Axelsen (1998) and Vangheluwe et al. (2009). Of the three families, only SERCA pumps translocate two Ca2+ ions and hydrolyze one ATP for each catalytic turnover. They possess two Ca2+-transport sites: site I and site II; the numbers specify the sequence of filling of the respective sites. The single Ca2+-binding site of the SPCA and PMCA pumps structurally corresponds to site II of SERCA (Toyoshima 2009).  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the isolation of native DNA from protoplasts of ammi (Ammi visnaga) and carrot (Daucus carota) cells. Protoplasts were produced from 40 grams of fresh cells by enzyme hydrolysis and lysed with sodium dodecyl sulfate. The DNA was purified by treatment with pronase and ribonuclease. Final isolation was achieved by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

The properties of plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPases from wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Lengchun No. 13) root and leaf were compared, and their different properties were analyzed in association with the differentia of the functions of these two organs and their relevant environments. Root plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPase showed a high activity in a broad range of pH and an optimum reaction temperature of 45 ℃, while the leaf enzyme activated in a narrow range of pH and an optimum reaction temperature of 50 ℃. Hill coefficient of root plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPase for ATP was 1.6, revealing an obvious positive cooperativity. In contrast, that of leaf plasma membrane Ca2 +-ATPase was 1.0, being in keeping with Michaelis-Menten dynamics. For Ca2 + activation, Hill coefficient of plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPases from both organs were less than 1, suggesting that both had negative cooperativity. The enzymes were activated by calmodulin and inhibited by Mg2+.  相似文献   

The use of a microsomal preparation from skeletal muscle revealed that both Ca(2+) transport and Ca(2+)-dependent ATP hydrolysis linked to Sarco-Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase are inhibited by epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). A half-maximal effect was achieved at approx. 12?μM. The presence of the galloyl group was essential for the inhibitory effect of the catechin. The relative inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase activity decreased when the Ca(2+) concentration was raised but not when the ATP concentration was elevated. Data on the catalytic cycle indicated inhibition of maximal Ca(2+) binding and a decrease in Ca(2+) binding affinity when measured in the absence of ATP. Moreover, the addition of ATP to samples in the presence of EGCG and Ca(2+) led to an early increase in phosphoenzyme followed by a time-dependent decay that was faster when the drug concentration was raised. However, phosphorylation following the addition of ATP plus Ca(2+) led to a slow rate of phosphoenzyme accumulation that was also dependent on EGCG concentration. The results are consistent with retention of the transporter conformation in the Ca(2+)-free state, thus impeding Ca(2+) binding and therefore the subsequent steps when ATP is added to trigger the Ca(2+) transport process. Furthermore, phosphorylation by inorganic phosphate in the absence of Ca(2+) was partially inhibited by EGCG, suggesting alteration of the native Ca(2+)-free conformation at the catalytic site.  相似文献   

Cell suspensions of carrot (Daucus carota L.) can be cryopreserved by slow freezing (about 2 C per minute) in medium containing dimethylsulfoxide as a cryoprotectant. After storage in liquid nitrogen and thawing they demonstrate a high viability and are able to resume growth. Such a method entirely fails to preserve clonal plantlets; somatic embryos cease organized development at the time of freezing and recover growth only by secondary embryogenesis. Modification of the procedure, involving the removal of superficial moisture from cryoprotectant-treated embryos and plantlets and enclosing them in a foil envelope before freezing, greatly improves their survival potential. The use of dimethylsulfoxide at levels between 2.5 and 20% (v/v) and freezing at rates between 1 and 5 C per minute yielded viable preparations under appropriate thawing conditions. In general, treatments which increased tissue dehydration before or during freezing were most successful when followed by relatively slow thawing. Conversely where dehydration to a lesser degree was achieved, more rapid thawing was advantageous. Postthawing washing or inoculation into liquid media was inhibitory to recovery. On semisolid regrowth medium, somatic embryos resumed normal development, whereas in plantlets the root and shoot meristem regions gave rise to new growth. In both cases, inclusion of activated charcoal in the medium promoted organized growth.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(3-4):283-296
A fast method for preparing Ca2+-ATPase from rabbit muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum was devised. The method involves extracting extrinsic membrane proteins with the non-ionic detergent octylglucoside at high salt concentration. A Ca2+ ATPase of consistently high specific activity (about 25 μmoles/mg·min) is found in the insoluble residue. The method was optimized with respect to the concentrations of detergent and salt, pH, and other extraction conditions. By the criteria of the protein pattern in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, dependence of the hydrolytic activity on the presence of Ca2+, and the phosphoprotein formation, the preparation is identical with the Ca2+-ATPase isolated previously by MacLennan [10] and other authors. The main advantages of the new method are its rapidity, its reliability, and the high specific activity of the purified enzyme.  相似文献   

In addition to its well established function in activating Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through ryanodine receptors (RyR), the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) also accelerates the activity of SERCA pumps, which sequester Ca2+ into the ER. Here, we demonstrate a potential physiological role for cADPR in modulating cellular Ca2+ signals via changes in ER Ca2+ store content, by imaging Ca2+ liberation through inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP3R) in Xenopus oocytes, which lack RyR. Oocytes were injected with the non-metabolizable analog 3-deaza-cADPR, and cytosolic [Ca2+] was transiently elevated by applying voltage-clamp pulses to induce Ca2+ influx through expressed plasmalemmal nicotinic channels. We observed a subsequent potentiation of global Ca2+ signals evoked by strong photorelease of IP3, and increased numbers of local Ca2+ puffs evoked by weaker photorelease. These effects were not evident with cADPR alone or following cytosolic Ca2+ elevation alone, indicating that they did not arise through direct actions of cADPR or Ca2+ on the IP3R, but likely resulted from enhanced ER store filling. Moreover, the appearance of a new population of puffs with longer latencies, prolonged durations, and attenuated amplitudes suggests that luminal ER Ca2+ may modulate IP3R function, in addition to simply determining the size of the available store and the electrochemical driving force for release.  相似文献   

The transfer of Ca2+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane is an important physiological process linked to the regulation of metabolism, signal transduction, and cell death. While the definite molecular composition of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake sites remains unknown, several proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane, that are likely to accomplish mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes, have been described: the novel uncoupling proteins 2 and 3, the leucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1 and the mitochondrial calcium uniporter. It is unclear whether these proteins contribute to one unique mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake pathway or establish distinct routes for mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration. In this study, we show that a modulation of Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum by inhibition of the sarco/endoplasmatic reticulum ATPase modifies cytosolic Ca2+ signals and consequently switches mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake from an uncoupling protein 3- and mitochondrial calcium uniporter-dependent, but leucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1-independent to a leucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1- and mitochondrial calcium uniporter-mediated, but uncoupling protein 3-independent pathway. Thus, the activity of sarco/endoplasmatic reticulum ATPase is significant for the mode of mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration and determines which mitochondrial proteins might actually accomplish the transfer of Ca2+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Moreover, our findings herein support the existence of distinct mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake routes that might be essential to ensure an efficient ion transfer into mitochondria despite heterogeneous cytosolic Ca2+ rises.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle retains a membrane bound Ca2+-ATPase which is able to interconvert different forms of energy. A part of the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis is converted into heat and in the bibliography it is assumed that the amount of heat produced during the hydrolysis of an ATP molecule is always the same, as if the energy released during ATP cleavage were divided in two non-interchangeable parts: one would be converted into heat, and the other used for Ca2+ transport. Data obtained in our laboratory during the past three years indicate that the amount of heat released during the hydrolysis of ATP may vary between 7 and 32 kcal/mol depending on whether or not a transmembrane Ca2+ gradient is formed across the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. Drugs such as heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide are able to modify the fraction of the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis which is used for Ca2+ transport and the fraction which is dissipated in the surrounding medium as heat.  相似文献   

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