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Degradation of vimentin by native low calcium ion-requiring protease (mu CANP) was compared to that by autodigested mu CANP. On activation with 5 mM barium ions, a lag time was observed for the case of native mu CANP. This provides direct evidence that native mu CANP is inactive as a protease and must be autolyzed to be activated. Most of the protease activity can be accounted for by autodigested mu CANP with a 76 K polypeptide but another species with 50 K polypeptide may also be active.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) from monkey cardiac muscle was examined with various neuropeptides as substrates. The enzyme required mM order calcium ions for activation and had an enkephalinase activity, hydrolyzing Leu-enkephalin at the 1Tyr-2Gly and 3Gly-4Phe bonds. Furthermore, it showed the tendency to cleave especially the bonds around the paired basic amino acid residues in alpha- and beta-neoendorphins and dynorphin(1-13), while it could not hydrolyze substance P.  相似文献   

A neutral cysteine protease, bleomycin hydrolase (BH), was found to be present in the range 3.7-131.1 ng per mg of rat tissues by enzyme-lined immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Newborn rat skin contained the highest amount of BH, and relatively high levels of BH were detected in the kidney and liver of 6-week-old male rats. The tissue distribution of BH in female rats was similar to that in male rats. Moreover, BH was detected in the extracts of erythrocytes and leukocyte-rich cells as well as in those of rat hemo-lymphocytic lineage cell lines by Western blotting. The BH level was increased at 6 weeks after birth and then slightly decreased. By immunohistochemistry, BH was localized as granular staining in the distal and proximal tubular cells of the kidney, and it was also detected in hepatocytes of the liver, in the red pulpy region of the spleen and in neurons of the brain. An immunoelectron microscopic study showed that BH-immunoreactivity was essentially located in the cytoplasm and at the outer membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum of epithelial cells of the kidney, as well as in that of hepatocytes of the liver. These results suggest that BH may play ubiquitous and unique roles in rat tissues.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C prepared from rat brain was used to phosphorylate a calcium-activated neutral protease, purified from bovine cardiac muscle. Attempts to phosphorylate the enzyme in the presence of calcium were unsuccessful, unless the protease inhibitor leupeptin was also present. Phosphorylation of the 74K subunit of the protease was completely inhibited in the absence of phosphatidylserine and diolein, indicating that phosphorylation of the enzyme was catalysed by the calcium and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The location of calcium-activated neutral proteinase (CANP) was determined in human erythrocytes by crosslinking CANP to co-localizing proteins using a photolabeling bifunctional reagent, 4,4'-dithiobisphenylazide (DTBPA). The crosslinked products were selectively isolated by immunoprecipitation with a polyclonal anti-CANP antibody and analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after cleavage of the crosslinkage. In the calcium-free incubation medium the main proteins crosslinked with CANP were cytosolic proteins such as hemoglobin. In the presence of calcium ions, on the other hand, membrane skeletal proteins such as spectrin, band 4.1, 4.2 and 6 proteins as well as band 3 were crosslinked with CANP. Addition of calcium ionophore further increased the amount of crosslinked membrane proteins. These results suggest that in the absence of calcium ions CANP exists diffusely in the cytoplasm and is crosslinked with cytoplasmic hemoglobin nonspecifically while in the presence of calcium ions CANP associated with membrane where it is crosslinked specifically with the lining proteins. Thus it is demonstrated biochemically that the localization of CANP is dynamic depending on the presence of calcium ions.  相似文献   

To determine the substrate recognition mechanism in calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP), the hydrolytic velocities for some possible substrates were compared. In general, succinylated polypeptides were poorer substrates than unmodified ones, suggesting that CANP interacts with positively charged amino groups and/or repels negatively charged succinyl groups in substrates. Among the substrates examined, protamine was degraded quite rapidly in a restricted manner. This degradation of protamine was remarkably accelerated by the addition of salt, and, in the absence of salt, protamine was inhibitory as to the degradation of vimentin by CANP. Protamine was separated into components and the sites cleaved by CANP were determined. CANP cleaved the clupeine YII and Z components at two sites, both being arginyl-arginine bonds, and the amino acid sequences around these sites were almost identical between YII and Z. No other arginyl-arginine bond was cleaved at all. These results showed that CANP prefers basic amino acid side chains but its specificity is very restricted.  相似文献   

The 80 000-D subunit of a calcium-activated protease from skeletal muscle was purified to homogeneity using preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and was used to elicit antibody production in rabbits. Antiserum was purified using affinity chromatography to yield a monospecific antibody fraction (anti-80K) directed against the 80 000-D subunit. Localization studies showed that the 80 000-D subunit is present in or near the sarcolemma of cultured myoblasts and sectioned muscle tissue, in discrete areas of the cytoplasm of myoblasts, and in the Z disks of the myofibril. The location of the calcium-activated protease in the cell suggests that the enzyme may be involved in myofibril degradation and in membrane alterations in developing and mature muscle cells.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of two subunits (80K and 30K) of calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) were examined to clarify the structure-function relationship of CANP. The 80K subunit is composed of four clear domains (I–IV from the N-terminus). Domain II is a cysteine proteinase domain homologous to cathepsins B, L, and H. Domain IV is a calcium binding domain with four consecutive EF-hand structures known as typical calcium-binding sites found in calmodulin. The 30K subunit also has a clear domain structure (two domains). The N-terminal domain, a Gly-rich hydrophobic domain, probably determines the location of CANP through association with cellular membrane. The C-terminal domain is a calmodulinlike calcium-binding domain highly homologous to IV in the 80K subunit. The protease activity ascribable to II is regulated by 2 moles of built-in calmodulins, though its precise regulation mechanism is unknown. These results are discussed together with the molecular evolution of CANP on the basis of the gene structures of the two subunits.This article was presented during the proceedings of the International Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, held at the National Defence Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan, December 1985.  相似文献   

The binding of a calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) with high calcium sensitivity (muCANP) to erythrocyte membranes and its subsequent autolytic activation on the membranes were analyzed by an immunoblot technique. In the presence of calcium ions, muCANP bound to the erythrocyte membranes as a heterodimer of 79- and 28-kDa subunits and was converted quickly on the membranes to an active form with a 76-kDa large subunit. The active form was then released from the membranes to the soluble fraction. These sequential reactions, however, were not specific to inside-out vesicles, but occurred also, except for some Ca2+-independent binding, on right side-out vesicles. A rapid degradation of some membrane proteins was observed after binding of muCANP to the membranes. The binding of muCANP to erythrocyte membranes was inhibited by substrates and the endogenous CANP inhibitor, which is also a suicide substrate. These results strongly suggest that muCANP binds to membranes by recognition of membrane proteins as substrates and not at a special site for activation. Thus, a possible mechanism for muCANP activation on membranes is that muCANP first binds to substrates on membranes, is activated, and then degrades the substrates to deform the membrane structures.  相似文献   

A calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) was purified from monkey cardiac muscle by a method involving column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, Sepharose CL-6B, DEAE-Sephacel, organomercurial-Sepharose 4B, and Sephadex G-150 in succession. This protease required both millimolar concentration of Ca2+ and the SH-group for activation, and it was maximally active around pH 8.0. It was strongly inhibited by thiol protease inhibitors such as iodoacetic acid, antipain, leupeptin, and epoxysuccinic acid derivatives. The molecular weight of this protease was estimated to be 110,000 by gel filtration. Upon nondenaturing electrophoresis the purified protease gave two bands, both of which were active at millimolar concentration of Ca2+, indicating the existence of two forms of the protease. The less acidic band (form I CANP) contained two components with molecular weights of 74,000 and 28,000 and the more acidic one (form II CANP) contained components with molecular weights of 74,000 and 26,000. The protease was synergistically activated by Mn2+ and Ca2+ at a concentration where Mn2+ or Ca2+ alone was not effective. In the presence of millimolar level of Ca2+, limited autolysis reduced the Ca2+-requirement of this protease. The proteolysis of myofibrils by this protease resulted in the production of a component with a molecular weight of 30,000 as well as various other higher and lower molecular weight peptide fragments.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-dependent protease I), which hydrolyzes casein at Ca2+ concentrations lower than the 10(-5) M range, is purified roughly 4000-fold from the soluble fraction of rat brain. This protease is able to activate Ca2+-activated, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C) by limited proteolysis analogously to the previously known Ca2+-dependent analogously to the previously known Ca2+-dependent protease (Ca2+ protease II) which is active at the millimolar range of Ca2+ (Inoue, M., Kishimoto, A., Takai, Y., and Nishizuka, Y. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 7610-7616). The protein kinase fragment thus produced shows a molecular weight of about 5.1 X 10(4), and is significantly smaller than native protein kinase C (Mr = 7.7 X 10(4). Although protein kinase C may be normally activated in a reversible manner by the simultaneous presence of phospholipid and diacylglycerol at Ca2+ concentrations less than 10(-6) M, this enzyme fragment is fully active without any lipid fractions and independent of Ca2+. The limited proteolysis of protein kinase C is markedly enhanced in the velocity by the addition of phospholipid and diacylglycerol, which are both required for the reversible activation of the enzyme. However, casein hydrolysis by this protease is not affected by phospholipid and diacylglycerol. Available evidence suggests that, at lower concentrations of this divalent cation, Ca2+ protease I reacts preferentially with the active form of protein kinase C which is associated with membrane, and converts it to the permanently active form. In contrast, the inactive form of protein kinase C, which is free of membrane phospholipid, does not appear to be very susceptible to the proteolytic attack. It remains unknown, however, whether this mechanism of irreversible activation of protein kinase C does operate in physiological processes. It is noted that Ca2+ protease II, which is active at higher concentrations of Ca2+, proteolytically activates protein kinase C irrespective of the presence and absence of phospholipid and diacylglycerol.  相似文献   

In order to explore the binding sites for calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) with high calcium sensitivity (muCANP) on the inner surface of human erythrocyte membranes, we analyzed the binding of muCANP to two kinds of membranes modified by treatment with phospholipase C or Triton X-100. Binding analyses were performed using an immunoblot technique. The amount of muCANP bound to phospholipase C-treated inside-out vesicles was essentially the same as that bound to untreated inside-out vesicles. It was also observed that muCANP binds to Triton X-100-treated membranes, in which most of the integral proteins and glycerophospholipids are removed while the lining proteins remain intact. In both types of modified membrane, the bound muCANP was rapdily converted to an active form by autolysis at physiological free Ca2+ concentrations. These results indicate that the binding sites for muCANP on the inner surface of erythrocyte membranes consist of components other than membrane phospholipids. In addition, it is suggested that one of the binding sites for muCANP is some lining protein.  相似文献   

Some endogenous substrates were incubated with two forms of calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP) with high (muCANP) and low (mCANP) sensitivities to calcium ions. In addition to analyses of the processes of their degradation, changes in the molecular properties of these CANPs were also examined. Among the tested substrate proteins, the myosin heavy chain of rabbit skeletal muscle myofibrils and spectrin or band 3 protein of human erythrocyte membranes were degraded relatively rapidly. So far as these proteins were concerned, a higher degradation velocity was observed for muCANP than for mCANP. Vimentin from ascites tumor cells was degraded most rapidly and no difference was observed in degradation velocity between muCANP and mCANP. In all cases, muCANP and mCANP produced different proteolytic peptide fragments, suggesting the different substrate-specificities of these CANPs. The degradation of substrates always accompanied the autodigestion of CANPs, and the small subunits of both CANPs were degraded in the early stage of the autodigestion. The large subunit of muCANP (79K) was converted to a 76K polypeptide via a 77K polypeptide as an intermediate. The autodigested muCANP with 76K polypeptide retained sufficient protease activity and, moreover, its calcium-sensitivity was higher than that of intact muCANP. The possibility is thus proposed that restricted autodigestion is a necessary activation step for the appearance of activity of muCANP. No such transition was observed for mCANP.  相似文献   

An endogenous inhibitor of calcium-activated neutral protease was purified to homogeneity from rabbit skeletal muscle using ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and QAE-Sephadex A-50 columns, chromatofocusing, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography on a phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B column. The purified inhibitor was shown to be a dimer of identical subunits and each subunit has a molecular weight of about 34,000. This inhibitor was remarkably thermo- and acid-stable. It was specific for calcium-activated neutral protease and had no effect on any other protease examined (trypsin, papain, alpha-chymotrypsin, bromelain, etc.). It is demonstrated that the inhibition is due to the formation of stoichiometric complex between two enzyme molecules and one inhibitor molecule.  相似文献   

Fifteen hybridomas secreting antibodies against calcium-activated neutral protease (CANP), especially those for rabbit muscle mCANP with low calcium sensitivity, have been produced by the cell fusion technique. Eight of the monoclonal antibodies belong to the class IgG1, one to the class IgG2a, and six to the class IgG2b. The antibodies from these clones were characterized with regard to their relative binding affinities to the large subunits (80K) and the small subunits (30K) of mCANP as well as mu CANP, which is another type of CANP with high calcium sensitivity. Fourteen antibodies bound only to the 80K subunit of mCANP and one antibody bound to the 80K subunit of both mCANP and mu CANP. These antibodies recognized rat mCANP but not chicken CANP, with the exception of one antibody. Examination of the effects of these antibodies on the enzyme activity of mCANP showed that six antibodies partially inhibited the enzyme activity and the others were noninhibitory. These monoclonal antibodies should be useful for analyzing the fine structure of CANPs and the mechanism of the activation of mCANP, and also for determining the intracellular localization of mCANP.  相似文献   

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