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In the embryos of glossiphoniid leeches, as in many annelids, cytoplasmic reorganization prior to first cleavage generates domains of yolk-deficient cytoplasm (called teloplasm) that are sequestered during the first three cell divisions to the D' macromere. Subsequently, the D' macromere generates a set of embryonic stem cells (teloblasts) that are the progenitors of the definitive segmental tissues. The hypothesis that fate-determining substances are localized within the teloplasm and segregated to the D macromere during cleavage is supported by experiments in which a redistribution of yolk-defcient cytoplasm changes the fate of blastomeres that inherit it (Astrow et al. 1987; Devries 1973; Nelson and Weisblat 1992). As a step toward identifying fate-determining factors in teloplasm, we describe the distribution of polyadenylated RNAs (polyA+ RNA) in the early embryo of the leech, Helobdella triserialis, as inferred from in situ hybridization using tritiated polyuridylic acid (3H-polyU). Our results indicate that polyA+ RNA colocalizes with teloplasm during cytoplasmic rearrangements resulting in teloplasm formation, and that it remains concentrated in the teloplasm during the cell divisions and a second cytoplasmic rearrangement during early embryogenesis. Lesser amounts of polyA+ RNA appear to be localized in cortical cytoplasm at most stages.  相似文献   

This paper reviews leech development up to the 12-cell embryo. Oogenesis proceeds by a system of nurse cells that contribute to oocyte growth via continuous cytoplasmic connections. Development begins when fertilized eggs are deposited: formation of the polar bodies, and centration of the male and female pro-nuclei is accompanied by cytoskeletal contractions, and formation of teloplasm (yolk-free cytoplasm). The first cleavages are asymmetric: cell D', the largest macromere in the eight-cell embryo, contains most of the teloplasm. At fourth cleavage D' divides equally; its animal and vegetal daughters are precursors of segmental ectoderm and mesoderm, respectively. Teloplasm is a determinant of the D' cell fate. The expression pattern of Hro-nos, a leech homolog to the Drosophila gene nanos, suggests that it may be a determinant associated with the animal cortex and inducing the ectodermal fate in the animal daughter cell of the D' macromere.  相似文献   

In leech embryos, segmental ectoderm and mesoderm are produced by a pair of sister cells located near the animal and vegetal poles, respectively. We have investigated the mechanism that localizes ectodermal and mesodermal fates along the animal-vegetal axis. The results of cleavage arrest and cell ablation experiments suggest that the full range of normal cell interactions are not required for this process. However, when the animal and vegetal hemispheres are separated by re-orientation of the first cleavage plane from meridional to equatorial, the ectodermal fate co-segregates with the animal hemisphere and the mesodermal fate with the vegetal hemisphere. Two pools of yolk-deficient cytoplasm, called teloplasm, are located at the animal and vegetal poles of the zygote, but separation of the animal and vegetal teloplasms is not sufficient for the segregation of ectodermal and mesodermal fates. Rather, complete segregation of fates requires an equatorial cleavage orientation that separates not only the two teloplasms, but also the animal and vegetal cortical regions. This, in conjunction with previous findings, indicates that ectodermal determinants are localized to the cell cortex in the animal hemisphere of the zygote. We propose that these determinants segregate to the ectodermal precursor and interact with factors in teloplasm to transform the fate of this cell from a mesodermal ground state to ectoderm.  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs of the leech Helobdella triserialis undergo a cytoplasmic reorganization which generates domains of nonyolky cytoplasm, called teloplasm, at the animal and vegetal poles. The segregation of teloplasm to one cell of the eight-cell embryo is responsible for a unique developmental fate of that cell, i.e., to give rise to segmental ectoderm and mesoderm. We have studied the cytoplasmic movements that generate teloplasm using time-lapse video microscopy; the formation and migration of rings of nonyolky cytoplasm were visualized using transmitted light, while the movements of mitochondria into these rings were monitored with epifluorescence after labeling embryos with rhodamine 123, a fluorescent mitochondrial dye. To examine the likelihood that cytoskeletal elements play a role in the mechanism of teloplasm formation in Helobdella, we examined the distribution of microtubules and microfilaments during the first cell cycle by indirect immunofluorescence and rhodamine-phalloidin labeling, respectively. The cortex of the early embryo contained a network of microtubules many of which were oriented parallel to the cell surface. As teloplasm formation ensued, microtubule networks became concentrated in the animal and the vegetal cortex relative to the equatorial cortex. More extensive microtubule arrays were found within the rings of teloplasm. Actin filaments appeared in the form of narrow rings in the cortex, but these varied apparently randomly from embryo to embryo in terms of number, size, and position. The role of microtubules and microfilaments in teloplasm formation was tested using depolymerizing agents. Teloplasm formation was blocked by microtubule inhibitors, but not by microfilament inhibitors. These results differ significantly from those obtained in embryos of the oligochaete Tubifex hattai, suggesting that the presumably homologous cytoplasmic reorganizations seen in these two annelids have different cytoskeletal dependencies.  相似文献   

During embryogenesis, cell division must be spatially and temporally regulated with respect to other developmental processes. Leech embryos undergo a series of unequal and asynchronous cleavages to produce individually recognizable cells whose lineages, developmental fates and cell cycle properties have been characterized. Thus, leech embryos provide an opportunity to examine the regulation of cell division at the level of individual well-characterized cells within a community of different types of cells. Isolation of leech homologues of some of the highly conserved regulators of the cell division cycle, and characterization of their patterns of maternal and zygotic expression, indicate that the cell divisions of early leech embryos are regulated by cell type-specific mechanisms. These studies with leech embryos contribute to the emerging appreciation of the diverse mechanisms by which animals regulate cell division during early development.  相似文献   

Leech embryos develop via stereotyped cell divisions, many of which are unequal. The first division generates identifiable cells, blastomeres AB and CD, which normally follow distinct developmental pathways. When these two cells are dissociated and cultured in isolation, their fates remain distinct and are reminiscent of normal development, but their typical cleavage patterns are disrupted; cell AB undergoes relatively few cell divisions, giving rise to a variable number of macromeres and micromeres, while cell CD cleaves many times, usually forming a poorly organized set of macromeres, embryonic stem cells (teloblasts), and micromeres. We have investigated the hypothesis that the abnormal cleavage pattern of isolated CD blastomeres is due to removal of mechanical constraints normally imposed by cell AB. We find that when cell CD is constrained in vitro to mimic its in vivo shape, it cleaves more normally.  相似文献   

Ascidian early embryonic cells undergo cell differentiation without cell cleavage, thus enabling mixture of cell fate determinants in single cells, which will not be possible in mammalian systems. Either cell in a two-cell embryo (2C cell) has multiple fates and develops into any cell types in a tadpole. To find the condition for controlled induction of a specific cell type, cleavage-arrested cell triplets were prepared in various combinations. They were 2C cells in contact with a pair of anterior neuroectoderm cells from eight-cell embryos (2C-aa triplet), with a pair of presumptive notochordal neural cells (2C-AA triplet), with a pair of presumptive posterior epidermal cells (2C-bb triplet), and with a pair of presumptive muscle cells (2C-BB triplet). The fate of the 2C cell was electrophysiologically identified. When two-cell embryos had been fertilized 3 h later than eight-cell embryos and triplets were formed, the 2C cells became either anterior-neuronal, posterior-neuronal or muscle cells, depending on the cell type of the contacting cell pair. When two-cell embryos had been fertilized earlier than eight-cell embryos, most 2C cells became epidermal. When two- and eight-cell embryos had been simultaneously fertilized, the 2C cells became any one of three cell types described above or the epidermal cell type. Differentiation of the ascidian 2C cell into major cell types was reproducibly induced by selecting the type of contacting cell pair and the developmental time difference between the contacting cell pair and 2C cell. We discuss similarities between cleavage-arrested 2C cells and vertebrate embryonic stem cells and propose the ascidian 2C cell as a simple model for toti-potent stem cells.  相似文献   

In embryos of clitellate annelids (i.e. oligochaetes and leeches), four ectodermal teloblasts (ectoteloblasts N, O, P and Q) are generated on either side through a stereotyped sequence of cell divisions of a proteloblast, NOPQ. The four ectoteloblasts assume distinct fates and produce bandlets of smaller progeny cells, which join together to form an ectodermal germ band. The pattern of the germ band, with respect to the ventrodorsal order of the bandlets, has been highly preserved in clitellate annelids. We show that specification of ectoteloblast lineages in the oligochaete annelid Tubifex involves cell interaction networks distinct from those in leeches. Cell ablation experiments have shown that fates of teloblasts N, P and Q in Tubifex embryos are determined rigidly as early as their birth. In contrast, the O teloblast and its progeny are initially pluripotent and their fate becomes restricted to the O fate through an inductive signal emanating from the P lineage. In the absence of this signal, the O lineage assumes the P fate. These results differ significantly from those obtained in embryos of the leech Helobdella, suggesting the diversity of patterning mechanisms that give rise to germ bands with similar morphological pattern.  相似文献   

The teloblasts of the embryo of the leech Theromyzon rude contain two distinct cytoplasmic domains. One, the vitelloplasm, consists mainly of yolk platelets; it makes up more than half of the total teloblast volume. The other, the teloplasm, resides at the teloplasmic pole, surrounds the cell nucleus, and consists mainly of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and other membrane-enclosed subcellular structures. The teloblasts pass on their teloplasm, but not their vitelloplasm, to the stem cells that each teloblast produces by a series of unequal divisions at its teloplasmic pole. The stem cells produced by each teloblast form a bandelet, and these bandelets associate to form the germinal bands. The nuclei of the stem cells, and of their daughter blast cells in the germinal bands that eventually generate the tissues and organs of the postembryonic leech, are smaller than the teloblast nuclei, but they contain much larger nucleoli. Different teloblasts begin and end production of their stem cells at different developmental stages. At the end of its stem cell production each teloblast still retains about half of its original teloplasm, which thereupon becomes fragmented and dispersed throughout the teloblast. During the course of stem cell production the teloblasts undergo rotational and translational movements on the surface of the embryo.  相似文献   

Widespread RNA segregation in a spiralian embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Asymmetric cell divisions are a crucial mode of cell fate specification in multicellular organisms, but their relative contribution to early embryonic patterning varies among taxa. In the embryo of the mollusc Ilyanassa, most of the early cell divisions are overtly asymmetric. During Ilyanassa early cleavage, mRNAs for several conserved developmental patterning genes localize to interphase centrosomes, and then during division they move to a portion of the cortex that will be inherited by one daughter cell. Here we report an unbiased survey of RNA localization in the Ilyanassa embryo, and examine the overall patterns of centrosomal localization during early development. We find that 3-4% of RNAs are specifically localized to centrosomes during early development, and the remainder are either ubiquitously distributed throughout the cytoplasm or weakly enriched on centrosomes compared with levels in the cytoplasm. We observe centrosomal localization of RNAs in all cells from zygote through the fifth cleavage cycle, and asymmetric RNA segregation in all divisions after the four-cell stage. Remarkably, each specifically localized message is found on centrosomes in a unique subset of cells during early cleavages, and most are found in unique sets of cells at the 24-cell stage. Several specifically localized RNAs are homologous to developmental regulatory proteins in other embryos. These results demonstrate that the mechanisms of localization and segregation are extraordinarily intricate in this system, and suggest that these events are involved in cell fate specification across all lineages in the early Ilyanassa embryo. We propose that greater reliance on segregation of determinants in early cleavage increases constraint on cleavage patterns in molluscs and other spiralian groups.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the leech Theromyzon rude was studied under the dissecting microscope. Embryos were examined both live and after acid treatment that solubilizes the yolk, or vitelloplasm, and renders the embryos transparent. Most of the remaining cytoplasm, or teloplasm, of the uncleaved egg is passed on to five pairs of germinal cells, or teloblasts. Teloblasts arise sequentially from a set of precursor cells, or proteloblasts, that divide according to a modified spiral cleavage pattern. Each teloblast buds off a succession of smaller stem cells, which form a single row, or germinal bandlet, and to which the teloblast passes on its teloplasm. The five bilateral pairs of germinal bandlets thus produced give rise to most of the embryonic structures. A new notational system for the designation of proteloblasts, teloblasts, and their stem cells has been introduced. Development of the embryo, from the uncleaved egg to the completion of the gut, has been divided into 10 stages. At 14°C, completion of these 10 stages takes approximately 850 hr from the time the egg is laid.  相似文献   

In annelids, molluscs, echiurans and sipunculids the establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis of the embryo is associated with D quadrant specification during embryogenesis. This specification occurs in two ways in these phyla. One mechanism specifies the D quadrant via the shunting of a set of cytoplasmic determinants located at the vegetal pole of the egg to one blastomere of the four cell stage embryo. In this case, at the first two cleavages of embryogenesis there is an unequal distribution of cytoplasm, generating one macromere which is larger than the others at the four cell stage. The D quadrant can also be specified by a contact mediated inductive interaction between one of the macromeres at the vegetal pole with micromeres at the animal pole of the embryo. This mechanism operates at a later stage of development than the cytoplasmic localization mechanism and is associated with a pattern of cleavage in which the first two cleavages are equal. An analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within these phyla indicates that the taxa which determine the D quadrant at an early cleavage stage by cytoplasmic localization tend to be derived and lack a larval stage or have larvae with adult characters. Those taxa where the D quadrant is specified by induction include the ancestral groups although some derived groups also use this mechanism. The pulmonate mollusc Lymnaea uses an inductive mechanism for specifying the D quadrant. In these embryos each of the four vegetal macromeres has the potential of becoming the D macromere; however under normal circumstances one of the two vegetal crossfurrow macromeres almost invariably becomes the D quadrant. Experiments are described here in which the size of one of the blastomeres of the four cell stage Lymnaea embryo is increased; this macromere invariably becomes the D quadrant. These experiments suggest that developmental change in relative blastomere size during the first two cleavages in spiralian embryos that normally cleave equally may have provided a route that has led to the establishment of the cytoplasmic localization mechanism of D quadrant formation.  相似文献   

The relationship between cell size and cell fate in Volvox carteri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In Volvox carteri development, visibly asymmetric cleavage divisions set apart large embryonic cells that will become asexual reproductive cells (gonidia) from smaller cells that will produce terminally differentiated somatic cells. Three mechanisms have been proposed to explain how asymmetric division leads to cell specification in Volvox: (a) by a direct effect of cell size (or a property derived from it) on cell specification, (b) by segregation of a cytoplasmic factor resembling germ plasm into large cells, and (c) by a combined effect of differences in cytoplasmic quality and cytoplasmic quantity. In this study a variety of V. carteri embryos with genetically and experimentally altered patterns of development were examined in an attempt to distinguish among these hypotheses. No evidence was found for regionally specialized cytoplasm that is essential for gonidial specification. In all cases studied, cells with a diameter > approximately 8 microns at the end of cleavage--no matter where or how these cells had been produced in the embryo--developed as gonidia. Instructive observations in this regard were obtained by three different experimental interventions. (a) When heat shock was used to interrupt cleavage prematurely, so that presumptive somatic cells were left much larger than they normally would be at the end of cleavage, most cells differentiated as gonidia. This result was obtained both with wild-type embryos that had already divided asymmetrically (and should have segregated any cytoplasmic determinants involved in cell specification) and with embryos of a mutant that normally produces only somatic cells. (b) When individual wild-type blastomeres were isolated at the 16-cell stage, both the anterior blastomeres that normally produce two gonidia each and the posterior blastomeres that normally produce no gonidia underwent modified cleavage patterns and each produced an average of one large cell that developed as a gonidium. (c) When large cells were created microsurgically in a region of the embryo that normally makes only somatic cells, these large cells became gonidia. These data argue strongly for a central role of cell size in germ/soma specification in Volvox carteri, but leave open the question of how differences in cell size are actually transduced into differences in gene expression.  相似文献   

In leech embryos, segmental mesoderm and ectoderm arise from teloblasts by lineages that are already relatively well characterized. Here, we present data concerning the early divisions and the definitive fate maps of the micromeres, a group of 25 small cells that arise during the modified spiral cleavage in leech (Helobdella robusta) and contribute to most of the nonsegmental tissues of the adult. Three noteworthy results of this work are as follows. (1) The c"' and dm' clones (3d and 3c in traditional nomenclature) give rise to a hitherto undescribed network of fibers that run from one end of the embryo to the other. (2) The clones of micromeres b" and b"' (2b and 3b in traditional nomenclature) die in normal development; the b" clone can be rescued to assume the normal c" fate if micromere c" or its clone are ablated in early development. (3) Two qualitative differences in micromere fates are seen between H. robusta (Sacramento) and another Helobdella sp. (Galt). First, in Helobdella sp. (Galt), the clone of micromere b" does not normally die, and contributes a subset of the cells arising exclusively from c" in H. robusta (Sacramento). Second, in Helobdella sp. (Galt), micromere c"' makes no definitive contribution, whereas micromere dm' gives rise to cells equivalent to those arising from c"' and dm' in H. robusta (Sacramento).  相似文献   

In embryonic development of the leech Helobdella triserialis, each of the four paired positionally identifiable, ectodermal teloblasts (N, O, P, and Q) generates a bandlet of blast cell progeny that merges with ipsilateral bandlets into a germinal band. Left and right germinal bands coalesce into the germinal plate which gives rise to the segmental tissues of the leech and wherein the progeny of each teloblast generate a characteristic pattern of epidermal and neuronal cells. Experiments reported here show that the positionally identified O teloblast sometimes generates the P pattern and vice versa. The reversal of these teloblasts' generative identities was shown to correspond to the formation of chiasmata by their blast cell bandlets, so that the positions of their bandlets in the germinal band are reversed as well. Thus it is the position of the bandlet in the germinal band, rather than the position of the parent teloblast, which correlates with the fate of o and p blast cells. Moreover, two types of ablation experiments have shown that, in the absence of generative P teloblast progeny, those cells which would normally generate the O pattern take on a new fate and give rise to the P pattern in the nervous system, both at the gross pattern level in the segmental ganglia, and at the level of identified neurons in the peripheral nervous system. If related, these phenomena suggest that the O and P teloblasts, which derive from the symmetric cleavage of the OP proteloblasts, have a common developmental pluripotency. And in that case, the fates of their progeny are determined hierarchically on the basis of relative position in the nascent germinal band, with P-type fate being preferred.  相似文献   

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