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Summary The oxygen binding properties of the blood of the camelid species vicuna, llama, alpaca and dromedary camel were measured and evaluated with respect to interspecific differences. The highest blood oxygen affinity, not only among camelids but of all mammals investigated so far, was found in the vicuna (P50=17.6 Torr compared to 20.3–21.6 Torr in the other species). Low hematocrits (23–34%) and small red blood cells (21–30 m3) are common features of all camelids, but the lowest values are found in theLama species. Capillary densities were determined in heart and soleus muscle of vicuna and llama. Again, the vicuna shows exceptional values (3720 cap/mm2 on average in the heart) for a mammal of this body size. Finally, heart weight as percent of body weight is higher in the vicuna (0.7–0.9%) than in the other camelids studied (0.5–0.7%). The possibility that these parameters, measured in New World tylopodes at sea level, are not likely to change considerably with transfer to high altitude, is discussed.In the vicuna, a unique combination of the following features seems to be responsible for an out-standing physical capability at high altitude: saturation of blood with oxygen in the lung is favored by a high blood oxygen affinity, oxygen supply being facilitated by low diffusion distances in the muscle tissue. Loading, as well as unloading, of oxygen is improved by a relatively high oxygen transfer conductance of the red blood cells, which is due to their small size and which compensates the negative effect of a low hematocrit on the oxygen conductance of blood. Blood oxygen transport is presumably favored by two factors: a relatively large heart mass and, as a result of low hematocrit, a low blood viscosity. Both are advantageous for achieving a high maximal cardiac output.  相似文献   

Collection of semen with a bovine artificial vagina (AV) was attempted with each of 14 camels over a period of 2 years. Semen samples were evaluated, extended and cryopreserved. Frozen thawed semen, diluted cooled semen or whole semen was used to inseminate some female camels which were induced to ovulate with hCG. Males ejaculated semen into the AV in 74.6% collection attempts. The male copulated for at least 200s in 62.9% attempts. The remaining copulations were of shorter duration. Similarly, 49.3% ejaculates were at least 3ml of semen. Libido and donation of semen improved from December onwards and reached a peak after mid January with peak performance persisting until April. It declined during May. The majority of camels had lost libido and refuse to donate semen by the end of May. Camel semen is in gel form. While 35.9% of 203 semen samples exhibited no individual sperm motility, 28.5% exhibited low to fair grade individual sperm motility and only 35.4% exhibited >50% sperm motility. Differences existed between animals (P<0.01) and months (P<0.05) of collection, while effect of copulation time was not significant. Mass motility was not observed in camel semen. Individual sperm motility develops after liquefaction of semen. Addition of caffeine but not chymotrypsin improved the individual motility. The mean live percent sperm count and normal acrosome were 73.3+/-1.0 and 92.0+/-0.5, respectively. Only 51.1% of 45 semen samples with pre-freeze motility of >50% and 25% of 16 semen samples from low pre-freeze motility group with an overall success of 44.2% of 61 semen samples were successfully preserved. Wide variation was observed in the freezability of semen from different males. Attempts to impregnate female camels with liquid semen, frozen thawed semen and whole semen after hCG induced ovulation resulted in 0/10, 1/13 and 4/10 pregnancies.  相似文献   

1. The plasma levels of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol were measured in female dromedary camels, female sheep and Sinai desert goats. 2. The camels had levels of 443 +/- 96 ng/ml in summer, and 267 +/- 113 ng/ml in winter. 3. The sheep had levels of 40.7 +/- 9.09 ng/ml in summer and 37.1 +/- 8.82 ng/ml in winter, i.e. roughly the same as man in that region. 4. The goats had lower levels: 23.9 +/- 5.67 ng/ml in summer.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence of fungi in 120 hair samples of camel and goat from four different localities of Al-Arish governorate was determined.Twenty-six genera and 54 species were collected from the two substrates and the most common genera were Chrysosporium and Aspergillus, followed by Cladosporium. From the preceding genera Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. indicum, Aspergillus flavus, A. niger and Cladosporium cladosporioides. Also, other keratinophilic fungi were isolated such as C. luteum, C. pannorum, C. parvum, C. dermatitidis, C. inops, Arthroderma tuberculatum, Histoplasma capsulatum and Myceliophthora vellerea.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in the Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Biotechnology, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt. The present investigation aimed at studying effects of ages, pubertal stages and seasons of the year on testosterone concentrations in blood plasma and tissue homogenate of the testes. The testes used in the current study were collected from a total of 104 one-humped male camels (Camelus dromedarius). Samples were taken from pre (1–3.5 years) and post (3.5–13 years) pubertal camels. Testes were studied for a two consecutive seasons. The freshly prepared homogenate of the testicular tissue and blood plasma were used for determining the concentrations of testosterone in plasma and testicular extract. The concentrations of testosterone in blood plasma and testicular tissue were significantly increased during the breeding season compared with that of non-breeding season; the concentration of testosterone was higher in testicular tissue than in blood plasma.Testosterone concentrations in plasma and testicular tissue were increased in breeding than in non-breeding season. In addition, the testosterone concentrations were closely related with seasonal changes, stage of puberty and advancing age.  相似文献   

Thioltransferase in human red blood cells: purification and properties   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thioltransferase activity was identified and the enzyme purified to apparent homogeneity from human red blood cells. Activity was measured as glutathione-dependent reduction of the prototype substrate hydroxyethyl disulfide; formation of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) was coupled to NADPH oxidation by GSSG reductase (1 unit of activity = 1 mumol/min of NADPH oxidized). The thioltransferase-GSH-GSSG reductase system was shown also to catalyze the regeneration of hemoglobin from the mixed disulfide hemoglobin-S-S-glutathione (HbSSG) and to reactivate the metabolic control enzyme phosphofructokinase (PFK) after oxidation of its sulfhydryl groups. On a relative concentration basis, thioltransferase was about 1200 times more efficient than dithiothreitol in reactivation of phosphofructokinase; e.g., 500 microM DTT was required to effect the same extent of reactivation as that of 0.4 microM TTase. The GSH plus GSSG reductase system without thioltransferase was ineffective for reduction of HbSSG or reactivation of PFK. The average amount of thioltransferase in intact erythrocytes was calculated to be 4.6 units/g of Hb at 25 degrees C. This level of activity is about the same as those of other enzymes that participate in sulfhydryl maintenance in red blood cells, such as GSSG reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These results suggest a physiological role for the thioltransferase in erythrocyte sulfhydryl homeostasis. Certain properties of the human erythrocyte thioltransferase resemble those of other mammalian thioltransferase and glutaredoxin enzymes. Thus, the human erythrocyte enzyme, purified about 28,000-fold to apparent homogeneity, is a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 11,300. Its N-terminus is blocked, it is heat stable, and it contains four cysteine residues per protein molecule. However, the human erythrocyte thioltransferase is a distinct protein based on its amino acid composition. For example, it contains no methionine residues; whereas the related mammalian enzymes described to date have at least one internal methionine residue in their largely homologous sequences.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake by human erythrocytes has been examined both experimentally and theoretically in terms of the influence of unstirred solvent layers that are adjacent to the cell surface. A one-dimensional plane sheet model has been compared with more complex spherical and cylindrical coordinate schemes. Although simpler and faster, the plane sheet algorithm is an inadequate representation when unstirred solvent layers are considered. The cylindrical disk model most closely represents the physical geometry of human red cells and is required for a quantitative analysis. In our stopped-flow rapid mixing experiments, the thickness of the unstirred solvent layer expands with time as the residual turbulence decays. This phenomenon has been quantified using a formulation based on previously developed hydrodynamic theories. An initial 10(-4) cm unstirred layer is postulated to occur during mixing and expand rapidly with time by a (t)0.5 function when flow stops. This formula, in combination with the three-dimensional cylinder scheme, has been used to describe quantitatively uptake time courses at various oxygen concentrations, two different external solvent viscosities, and two different internal heme concentrations.  相似文献   

We investigated a link between hemoglobin primary structure, hemoglobin hydrophobicity-hydrophilicity, and erythrocyte water content in various mammalian species. Some hemoglobin molecules, particularly those of the camel and camelids, contain more charged amino acid residues and are more hydrophilic than the hemoglobins of human and a number of other mammalian species. To test the in vivo significance of these alterations of hemoglobin primary structure, we determined the osmotically unresponsive erythrocyte water fractions in mannit solutions of various osmolarities at 4 degreesC. Among the species investigated, the size of the osmotically unresponsive erythrocyte water fraction relates in a positive linear way to hemoglobin hydrophilicity. The extreme low total erythrocyte water content of camel erythrocytes (1.1-1.3 g water/g dry mass) may be explained by a comparatively high osmotically unresponsive erythrocyte water fraction. It is proposed that alterations of hemoglobin sequences of camel and camelids may be the part of a natural selection process aimed at protecting these animals against osmotic dehydration in arid environments.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the efficacy of various treatments intended to synchronise follicular wave cycles in dromedary camels by removing the existing follicle of unknown size and replacing it with a follicle capable of ovulating at a known time. Camels were randomly assigned to one of five groups and treated with either (1) 5mg oestradiol benzoate (i.m.) and 100mg progesterone (i.m.; E/P, n=15), (2) 20 icrog GnRH analogue, buserelin (i.m.; GnRH, n=15), (3) 20 microg buserelin (i.m.) on Day 0 (T=0) and 500 microg prostaglandin on Day T+7 (GnRH/PG n=15), (4) transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicle ablation of all follicles > or =0.5 cm (ABL, n=15) or (5) 5 ml saline (i.m; Controls n=15). All camels were subsequently injected with 20 microg buserelin 14 days after the first treatment was given. The ovarian response was monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography and the intervals from treatment to follicular wave emergence and also the day on which the new dominant follicle reached 1.3 cm was recorded. Amongst the treatment groups the mean interval from treatment to new follicle wave emergence and treatment to time taken for the new dominant follicle to reach 1.3 cm in diameter was shortest in the ABL group (2.3+/-0.5 days and 8.8+/-1.1 days respectively, P=0.044) and longest in the E/P group (6.4+/-0.8 days and 12.2+/-1.0 days respectively, P<0.001) whereas the GnRH and GnRH/PG groups were intermediate (3.0+/-0.5 days and 11.1+/-0.8 days GnRH; and 4.5+/-0.5 days and 10.7+/-0.7 days GnRH/PG). A total of 11/15 camels in both the GnRH and GnRH/PG groups had dominant follicles between 1.3 and 1.9 cm 14 days post treatment, of which 21 of the 22 follicles ovulated after GnRH injection on T+14. The ABL, E/P and control groups however, showed greater variability in follicle size with less camels having dominant follicles between 1.3 and 1.9 cm than the GnRH and GnRH/PG groups and more in the > or =2.0 cm or follicle regressing groups, therefore fewer of these camels ovulated (ABL n=7; E/P n=9; Control n=6) after GnRH injection on Day T+14. In conclusion, two GnRH injections 14 days apart or two GnRH injections 14 days apart and PG on Day 7 after the first GnRH were the most effective methods to synchronise ovulation rate in dromedary camels at a fixed time interval of 14 days after treatment.  相似文献   

Human red blood cells (RBC) undergo a sudden change from blocking to passing through 1.3 +/- 0.2-micrometer micropipettes at a transition temperature (Tc) of 36.4 degrees C. For resealed RBC ghosts this transition occurs at 28.3 degrees C (Tg). These findings are attributed to an elastomeric transition of hemoglobin from being gel-like to a fluid and to an elastomeric transition of membrane proteins such as spectrin. Spectrin shows a uniform distribution along the aspirated RBC tongue above Tg in contrast to the linear gradient below Tg.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (EC,a key enzyme ofcarbon metabolism,was purified and characterized to homogeneity from skeletal muscle of Camelusdromedarius.The protein was purified approximately 26.8 folds by conventional ammonium sulphatefractionation followed by Blue Sepharose CL-6B chromatography,and its physical and kinetic propertieswere investigated.The native protein is a homotetramer with an apparent molecular weight of approximately146 kDa.Isoelectric focusing analysis showed the presence of only one GAPDH isoform with an isoelectricpoint of 7.2.The optimum pH of the purified enzyme was 7.8.Studies on the effect of temperature onenzyme activity revealed an optimal value of approximately 28-32 ℃ with activation energy of 4.9 kcal/mol.The apparent K_m values for NAD~ and DL-glyceraldehyde-3-phophate were estimated to be 0.025±0.040mM and 0.21±0.08 mM, respectively. The V_(max) of the purified protein was estimated to be 52.7±5.9 U/mg.These kinetic parameter values were different from those described previously, reflecting protein differencesbetween species.  相似文献   

Suspensions of rainbow trout erythrocytes in different physiological salines were compared with respect to their haematological and filtration properties.
A method is described for the suspension of erythrocytes in Cortland saline which has proved suitable for studies of their mechanical properties over periods of several hours.
Significant differences were found between whole blood samples taken during cannulation and after several days recovery, particularly mean cell volume, frequency distribution of red cell volumes and the pore passage time through nucleopore filters. These differences were also found using red cell suspensions of the same bloods. The pore passage time of whole blood sampled during cannulation or its suspensions is less than that of recovery blood although its mean cell volume is greater.  相似文献   

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