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Humans with immune-compromised conditions such as SCID are unable to control infection caused by normally nonpathogenic intracellular pathogens such as Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin. We found that SCID beige mice lacking both lymphocytes and NK cells had functionally normal lung macrophages and yet a selectively impaired response of type 1 cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-12, but not TNF-alpha, during M. bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin infection. These mice succumbed to such infection. A repeated lung gene transfer strategy was designed to reconstitute IFN-gamma in the lung, which allowed investigation of whether adequate activation of innate macrophages could enhance host defense in the complete absence of lymphocytes. IFN-gamma transgene-based treatment was initiated 10 days after the establishment of mycobacterial infection and led to increased levels of both IFN-gamma and IL-12, but not TNF-alpha, in the lung. Lung macrophages were activated to express increased MHC molecules, type 1 cytokines and NO, and increased phagocytic and mycobactericidal activities. Activation of innate immunity markedly inhibited otherwise uncontrollable growth of mycobacteria and prolonged the survival of infected SCID hosts. Thus, our study proposes a cytokine transgene-based therapeutic modality to enhance host defense in immune-compromised hosts against intracellular bacterial infection, and suggests a central effector activity played by IFN-gamma-activated macrophages in antimycobacterial cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that cause opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients. The role of two main T cell subsets in anti-microsporidial immunity has been studied using an Encephalitozoon cuniculi-severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse model. Whereas SCID mice reconstituted with CD4+ T lymphocyte-depleted naive BALB/c splenocytes resolved the infection, adoptive transfer of CD8+ T cell-depleted splenocytes failed to protect the animals against a lethal E. cuniculi infection. Splenocytes from E. cuniculi-immune mice specifically killed syngeneic infected macrophages in a short-term 51Cr-release assay. These results suggest the crucial role of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the protection against E. cuniculi infection.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii-free SCID mice were housed closely exposed to corticosteroid-treated non-SCID mice in a conventional area of our laboratory animal facilities. A one-day exposure was sufficient for P. carinii transmission. The lung infection increased thereafter. Irradiation or splenectomy of SCID mice at the beginning of the exposure resulted in a marked increase of parasite multiplication. Extrapulmonary foci of pneumocystosis were detected in heart and spleen of SCID mice infected by P. carinii via air transmission.  相似文献   

We investigated the protective role of immune-sera against reactivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in SCID mice and found that passive immunization with sera obtained from mice treated with detoxified M. tuberculosis extracts (delivered in liposomes in a composition known as RUTI) exerted significant protection. Our SCID mouse model consisted of aerosol infection by M. tuberculosis, followed by 3 to 8weeks of chemotherapy with isoniazid+rifampicin (INH+RIF) (25 and 10mg/kg, respectively). After infection and antibiotic administration, two groups of mice were treated for up to 10weeks with intraperitoneal passive immunization using hyperimmune serum (HS) obtained from mice infected with M. tuberculosis, treated with chemotherapy (INH+RIF) for 8weeks and inoculated with RUTI (HS group) or with normal serum (CT group). Significant differences were found between HS and CT groups in the number of bacilli in the lungs (3.68+/-2.02 vs. 5.72+/-1.41log(10) c.f.u.), extent of pulmonary granulomatomous infiltration (10.33+/-0.67 vs. 31.2+/-1.77%), and percentage of animals without pulmonary abscesses (16.7% vs. 45.5%). These data strongly suggest a protective role of specific antibodies against lung dissemination of M. tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

Splenocytes from mice of genotype scid/scid.bg/bg were tested in vitro to characterize the nature of the immunological deficit in these doubly mutant animals. The cells were unresponsive to the mitogens LPS and Con A and to alloantigens, as predicted for scid/scid genotype. Splenocytes from scid/scid.bg/bg lysed the NK cell-sensitive target cell line YAC at levels approximately 50% lower than those observed for scid/scid splenocytes. Splenocytes from SCID-beige mice failed to lyse the NK-resistant, LAK-sensitive cell line P815 but showed high levels of activity against the murine placental cell line Be6. Lytic activity was found in both nonadherent and plastic adherent cells and was eliminated by pretreatment of the effectors with anti-asialo-GM1 and complement. Incubation of 1 x 10(5) splenocytes with hrIL-2 failed to induce blastogenesis in scid/scid.bg/bg cells but produced a response in cultures of scid/scid or bg/bg spleen cells. However, blastogenesis and elevated levels of LAK-type killing were observed following incubation of higher numbers of scid/scid.bg/bg splenocytes in hrIL-2. Thus, doubly mutant scid/scid.bg/bg mice have reduced NK cell activity, in comparison to scid/scid mice, and appear to possess LAK-like effector cells and LAK cell precursors.  相似文献   

The unavailability of in vitro or in vivo experimental systems has been the major factor hampering the progress of research studies on Theileria sergenti, causative agent of theileriosis, a major disease of cattle in Japan. We report the first successful propagation of T. sergenti in SCID mice into which uninfected bovine erythrocytes (Bo-RBC) were supplied periodically. The infectivity of T. sergenti proliferated in an SCID mouse was ascertained by successful transfer of infection into another SCID mouse into which uninfected Bo-RBC were supplied periodically.  相似文献   

Previous studies of Ehrlichia chaffeensis infection in the mouse have demonstrated that passive transfer of polyclonal Abs from resistant immunocompetent mice to susceptible SCID mice ameliorated infection and disease, even when Abs were administered during established infection. To identify particular Abs that could mediate bacterial clearance in vivo, E. chaffeensis-specific mAbs were generated and administered to infected SCID mice. Bacterial infection in the livers was significantly lowered after administration of either of two Abs of different isotypes (IgG2a and IgG3). Moreover, repeated administration of one Ab (Ec56.5; IgG2a) rescued mice from an otherwise lethal infection for at least 5 wk. Both protective Abs recognized the E. chaffeensis major outer membrane protein (OMP)-1g. Further studies revealed that both Abs recognized closely related epitopes within the amino terminus of the first hypervariable region of OMP-1g. Analyses of human sera showed that E. chaffeensis-infected patients also generated serological responses to OMP-1g hypervariable region 1, indicating that humans and mice recognize identical or closely related epitopes. These studies demonstrate that OMP-specific mAbs can mediate bacterial elimination in SCID mice, and indicate that Abs, in the absence of cell-mediated immunity, can play a significant role in host defense during infection by this obligate intracellular bacterium.  相似文献   

Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is a life-threatening infectious disease in immunocompromised patients. Unmethylated CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) protects hosts in a mouse model. In the present study, we tested the adjuvant effect of CpG-ODN in anti-fungal chemotherapy. Administration of either fluconazole (FLCZ) or CpG-ODN was effective in extending survival, accelerating clearance of fungi and preventing disseminated infection. Combination of both agents provided more beneficial effect than either agent alone. Cytokine balance in the infected lungs was biased to Th1-type response by CpGODN, while FLCZ did not further promote. These results suggest that CpG-ODN is a promising adjuvant in chemotherapy against this infection.  相似文献   

A prospective randomised controlled trial in 500 patients over the age of 50 who were undergoing major surgery showed that low-dose subcutaneous heparin was an effective prophylactic measure against fatal pulmonary embolism. None of the 252 patients who received perioperative heparin cover died of fatal pulmonary embolism while eight of the 236 who did not receive heparin prophylaxis died of fatal pulmonary embolism. These results were statiscally significant (P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice were experimentally infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Adoptive transfer of BALB/c thymocytes, spleen and bone marrow cells resulted in functional immunologic reconstitution followed by complete eradication of the cryptosporidial infection. Additional SCID mice were injected with human blood peripheral blood lymphocytes and were subsequently infected with C. parvum. The latter mice (SCID-hu-PBL) were at least partially reconstituted with human lymphoid tissues, as evidenced by flow cytometric identification of human cell populations in the SCID mouse spleens and the response of these cells to the T-cell mitogen phytohemagglutinin. The SCID-hu-PBL mice did not resolve the cryptosporidial infections, although a transient reduction in parasitemia was noted 4-6 wk post-reconstitution.  相似文献   

The increased transmission and geographic spread of dengue fever (DF) and its more severe presentation, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), make it the most important mosquito-borne viral disease of humans (50 to 100 million infections/year) (World Health Organization, Fact sheet 117, 2002). There are no vaccines or treatment for DF or DHF because there are no animal or other models of human disease; even higher primates do not show symptoms after infection (W. F. Scherer, P. K. Russell, L. Rosen, J. Casals, and R. W. Dickerman, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 27:590-599, 1978). We demonstrate that nonobese diabetic/severely compromised immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) mice xenografted with human CD34+ cells develop clinical signs of DF as in humans (fever, rash, and thrombocytopenia), when infected in a manner mimicking mosquito transmission (dose and mode). These results suggest this is a valuable model with which to study pathogenesis and test antidengue products.  相似文献   

To test whether T and B cell differentiation can proceed across species barriers, rat fetal liver (FL) cells were used to reconstitute SCID mice. Provided that the hosts were conditioned with light irradiation, i.v. injection of FL cells caused near-complete repopulation with rat-derived lymphohematopoietic cells, including myeloid and erythroid cells, Ia+ cells of the macrophage/dendritic cell lineages, and mature T and B cells. In keeping with the known hypersensitivity of SCID cells to irradiation, host hematopoietic cells in the chimeras were almost undetectable, even with hosts exposed to as low as 250 rad. In the case of T cells, the distribution of immature and mature cells in the thymus of rat FL----SCID chimeras closely resembled the normal rat thymus in terms of architecture and expression of CD4, CD8, and alpha beta-TCR molecules. Thymopoiesis was followed by the appearance of large numbers of typical rat CD4+ and CD8+ cells in spleen and lymph nodes. These organs also contained substantial numbers of rat B (mu+) cells. The data thus indicate that the xenogeneic environment of SCID mice is fully capable of sustained de novo differentiation of rat T and B cells.  相似文献   

Fertilization and development of bovine oocytes grown in female SCID mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We previously reported that xenografted bovine secondary follicles developed to the antral stage in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. In the present study, bovine secondary follicles 100-240 microm in diameter were xenografted under the kidney capsules of female SCID mice for 6 and 8 weeks, and we examined the oocytes' fertilization and developmental abilities. Bovine follicles developed with prolongation of grafting and became significantly larger than those before grafting. Injection of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) into host mice made some surviving follicles develop larger than the other follicles. Furthermore, bovine oocytes grew in the follicles, and the mean diameter of the oocytes was 100 microm or more at 6 and 8 weeks of transplantation. Bovine oocytes that had grown in eCG-stimulated SCID mice 8 weeks after grafting were subjected to maturation culture. Some of the oocytes that had grown to 110 microm or more matured to the second metaphase (7% of oocytes 110-119 microm and 44% of those >120 microm). When the oocytes were inseminated with bovine spermatozoa, 15% (6/39) formed a female and a male pronucleus, and 2 days after insemination 24% (18/75) of oocytes cleaved and 2% (2/75) developed to the 5- to 8-cell stage. However, no embryo reached the blastocyst stage. These results indicate that bovine oocytes grown in SCID mice could be fertilized but acquired insufficient competence for embryonic development in the present conditions.  相似文献   

Helicobacter rodentium was first recognized as a potential pathogen when it was isolated, along with Helicobacter bilis, from a colony of scid/Trp53 knockout mice with diarrhea. Clinical disease in these mice was more severe than that previously reported in mice infected with H. bilis alone, thus suggesting that H. rodentium contributed to the pathogenesis of enteritis. The purpose of the study reported here was to address two questions: is H. rodentium pathogenic in mice, and when co-infection with a pathogenic helicobacter occurs, does H. rodentium augment disease? To this end, A/JCr and C.B-17/IcrCrl-scidBr mice were inoculated with H. rodentium and/or H. hepaticus. Twelve weeks after inoculation, mice were euthanized. The cecum and liver were evaluated microscopically for evidence of disease. Cecal interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10), macrophage inflammatory protein 1alpha (MIP-1alpha), interleukin 10 (IL-10), and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) mRNA values were measured as an indicator of mucosal immune response. Hepatic lesions were not identified in mice mono-infected with H. rodentium; likewise, cecal lesion scores were not significantly different from those of uninfected controls. With the exception of an increased IL-10 mRNA value in SCID mice, mean immune-related gene expression in H. rodentium mono-infected and uninfected control mice was not significantly different. In contrast, all mice infected with H. hepaticus developed moderate to severe hepatitis, significant increase in cecal lesion scores, and increased immune-related gene expression. The C.B-17/IcrCrl-scidBr mice co-infected with H. hepaticus and H. rodentium had liquid cecal contents and low terminal body weight. Further, compared with mice infected with H. hepaticus alone, co-infection was associated with significant increases of IL-10, MIP-1alpha, and IP-10 mRNA values in C.B-17/IcrCrl-scidBr and IFN-gamma and MIP-1alpha mRNA values in A/JCr mice. These results suggested that H. rodentium alone does not cause hepatitis or enteritis in A/JCr or C.B-17/IcrCrl-scidBr mice; however, co-infection with H. hepaticus and H. rodentium was associated with augmented cecal gene expression and clinical manifestation of disease in immunodeficient mice.  相似文献   

Defective recombination of both the TCR and Ig genes results in the absence of mature lymphocytes in mice with the scid mutation. We have shown previously that the transfer of neonatal, but not adult, thymocytes results in high levels of Ig production in 100% of C.B-17-scid (SCID) mice, in contrast to the 10 to 25% of SCID mice spontaneously producing low levels of oligoclonal Ig. In this report we demonstrate that neonatal CD4+8- thymocytes were able to induce this response; the CD4+8+ and CD4-8+ subpopulations were totally inactive and CD4-8- T cells had only limited activity several weeks after transfer. The stimulation of IgM production in SCID mice was detectable by 1 wk posttransfer of CD4+8- thymocytes or splenic T cells, and could be achieved with as few as 300 cells. The ability of neonatal CD4+8- thymocytes to induce Ig diminished gradually to insignificant levels at 3 wk postbirth; this loss of function was not associated with differential survival of neonatal T cells. Neonatal CD4+8- thymocytes from C.B-17 and other H-2d strains rescued Ig production, whereas cells from H-2b, H-2a, and H-2k strains were much less effective. These results suggest that a CD4+8- subpopulation found in both neonatal thymus and peripheral lymphoid tissues is able to induce the expansion or differentiation of the small numbers of functional B lymphocytes in SCID mice, and that the inducing T cell disappears shortly after birth, perhaps during the acquisition of self-tolerance.  相似文献   

Enterohepatic lesions in SCID mice infected with Helicobacter bilis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Helicobacter bilis is a recently identified species that colonizes the intestine and liver of mice. In immunocompetent mice, infections have been associated with mild hepatitis, and in immunocompromised mice, inflammatory bowel disease has been induced by intraperitoneal inoculation of the organism. We report inoculation of 6-week-old C.B-17 scid/scid mice by gastric gavage with approximately 10(7) H. bilis colony-forming units. Groups of mice were euthanized and necropsied 12, 24, and 36 weeks after inoculation. Mild to moderate proliferative typhlitis was evident in all mice at 12 and 36 weeks after inoculation and in most mice 24 weeks after inoculation. Mild to severe chronic active hepatitis was detected in 10 of 10 male mice and 3 of 10 female mice. These results indicate that H. bilis can cause moderate to severe enterohepatic disease in immunocompromised mice.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) was found to be depressed during fatal Plasmodium berghei and self-limiting P. yoelii infections of mice. By testing mice presensitized to SRBC before P. berghei infection, and by transfer of cells sensitized in uninfected mice into P. yoelii-infected recipients, the immunological lesion was found to be at the level of DTH expression, rather than at the level of T cell sensitization. That acute inflammatory responsiveness is impaired during malarial infection was confirmed by testing this response to local injection of LPS in P. yoelii-infected mice. The results suggested that depressed DTH responsiveness in malarious mice is not a valid indication of impaired T cell function.  相似文献   

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