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Ancistrocladus korupensis D. W. Thomas & Gereau (Ancistrocladaceae) is a recently described liana from Cameroon. Its leaves yield the alkaloid michellamine B, which shows in vitro activity against HIV. The only known population is limited to ~15,000 ha within Korup National Park and its immediate surroundings. This study: (1) describes ecological patterns (geographic range, population density, stage and size class distributions, host tree characteristics, and seed dispersal patterns) of A. korupensis ; (2) quantifies patterns of genetic variation on species and subpopulation levels and fine-scale genetic structure; (3) describes variation in michellamine B content; and (4) makes conservation recommendations based on ecological and genetic data. Ecological data from 457 individuals from seven sites indicate that the A. korupensis population is dominated by canopy-climbing individuals. Population densities are low with values ranging from 2.5 to 12.9 individuals/ha. Reproduction data suggest limited seed dispersal, episodic fruiting, and no vegetative reproduction. Allozyme data indicate low genetic diversity with only 7.1% of the 14 loci polymorphic. Values for Hobs and He were 0.022 (_ 0.000 SE) and 0.041 (_ 0.000 SE), respectively. Wright's F statistics analysis suggests that A. korupensis is highly inbred (FIS = 0.455) with moderate levels of subpopulation differentiation (FST = 0.1153). Michellamine B content was best predicted by leaf type but also showed a significant relationship for stage class. The occurrence of rare, private alleles in most of the sites, low overall population size and density, and low availability of individuals for recruitment into the adult stage class are important considerations for the rational management of A. korupensis.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected from 49 small reservoirs of northern Ivory Coast in April 1997. Thirty taxa were identified, including 20 rotifers, 3 copepods and 6 cladocerans. The number of taxa per lake ranged between 12 to 22 and decreased with the total abundance of zooplankton. Copepods dominated standing biomass. Coinertia analysis suggested the role of seston food abundance, oxygen depletion and turbidity for zooplankton abundance and community structure. Rotifers, and particularly Brachionus angularis, Polyarthra and Filinia, were more abundant than copepods in the most eutrophic, turbid and deoxygenated reservoirs. The role of oxygen as a determinant of community structure is probably linked to the specific tolerance of taxa, but turbidity role could not be evaluated with certainty in the absence of information on visual predators.  相似文献   

We report a data-set of dissolved methane (CH4) in three rivers (Comoé, Bia and Tanoé) and five lagoons (Grand-Lahou, Ebrié, Potou, Aby and Tendo) of Ivory Coast (West Africa), during the four main climatic seasons (high dry season, high rainy season, low dry season and low rainy season). The surface waters of the three rivers were over-saturated in CH4 with respect to atmospheric equilibrium (2221–38719%), and the seasonal variability of CH4 seemed to be largely controlled by dilution during the flooding period. The strong correlation of CH4 concentrations with the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and dissolved silicate (DSi) confirm the dominance of a continental sources (from soils) for both CO2 and CH4 in these rivers. Diffusive air–water CH4 fluxes ranged between 25 and 1187 μmol m?2 day?1, and annual integrated values were 288 ± 107, 155 ± 38, and 241 ± 91 μmol m?2 day?1 in the Comoé, Bia and Tanoé rivers, respectively. In the five lagoons, surface waters were also over-saturated in CH4 (ranging from 1496 to 51843%). Diffusive air–water CH4 fluxes ranged between 20 and 2403 μmol m?2 day?1, and annual integrated values were 78 ± 34, 338 ± 217, 227 ± 79, 330 ± 153 and 326 ± 181 μmol m?2 day?1 in the Grand-Lahou, Ebrié, Potou, Aby and Tendo lagoons, respectively. The largest CH4 over-saturations were observed in the Tendo and Aby lagoons that are permanently stratified systems (unlike the other three lagoons), leading to anoxic bottom waters favorable for a large CH4 production. In addition, these two stratified lagoons showed low pCO2 values due to high primary production, which suggests an efficient transfer of organic matter across the pycnocline. As a result, the stratified Tendo and Aby lagoons were respectively, a low source of CO2 to the atmosphere and a sink of atmospheric CO2 while the other three well-mixed lagoons were strong sources of CO2 to the atmosphere but less over-saturated in CH4.  相似文献   

Inselbergs are isolated monolithic outcrops which are characterized by large areas of exposed crystalline rock. Due to harsh edaphic and microclimatic conditions, inselbergs are completely differentiated from their surroundings. Consequently they host a very distinct vegetation which is being investigated on a global scale over a six year period. The seasonal dynamics of Selected plant communities (Afrotrilepis pilosa mat, shallow depression, ephemeral flush vegetation) on granitic inselbergs in the Comoe National Park (NE Ivory Coast) were studied during the rainy period from May to November 1991 by recording all vascular plant species at 12 intervals. For the habitats investigated, the seasonal vegetation dynamics were related to the rainfall pattern. Maximum values both in species diversity and richness were attained in the first third of the rainy period. Drought in August and September caused a decline in species number and diversity in the shallow depression and ephemeral flush vegetation, resulting in mortality of more than 20% of the species. The individual communities studied differed considerably in species diversity and richness. We conclude that ephemeral flush and shallow depression communities are more species rich than the mat community which is dominated by the highly competitive and specialized K-strategist Afrotrilepis pilosa (a poikilohydric Cyperaceae) due to stochastic climatic perturbations which allow the maintenance of species rich non-equilibrium assemblages with r-strategists as major components.  相似文献   

We conducted a study of spatial variation in tree community structure and composition in the Kakamega Forest of western Kenya. We compared the tree communities at two sites, Buyangu and Isecheno, separated by approximately 11 km of contiguous forest. All trees ≥15 cm d.b.h. were censused along transects covering 4.95 ha at Buyangu and 4.15 ha at Isecheno. The structure of the forest at the two sites was similar as mean d.b.h. was comparable and stem size class distribution did not differ significantly. However, species richness and stem density were both much higher at Buyangu. The disparity in stem density may be because of the greater abundance at Isecheno of a semi‐woody undergrowth species, Brillantaisia nitens Lindau, believed to inhibit the establishment of tree seedlings. Floristic composition varied strikingly between sites, with 52% of the species occurring only at one site. Densities of those species present at both sites often differed markedly between sites. Potential sources of these intersite differences in floristic composition include small disparities in rainfall, soil composition, elevation, and temperature as well as past differences in anthropogenic disturbance and in large mammal distribution and abundance. Floristic differences between Buyangu and Isecheno appear to be at least partly responsible for the substantial dietary differences between redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius Audebert) at these sites.  相似文献   

We examined the seed rain throughout a twelve month period in a lowlandtropical forest in Cameroon, West Africa, 1996–97. Traps (0.5m2, n = 216) were erected throughout a 25km2 area in 24 randomly placed clusters of nine trapseach. Fruits and seeds that landed in traps were collected every 7–10daysand classified by species and dispersal type. More than 32,000 seeds fromapproximately 200 species fell into the traps, an average of 297 seedsm–2 yr–1 Thirty species represent 82%of the total seed rain while an additional 175 species comprise the remaining18%. When we compared the adult community to the seed rain community within thesame plots, we found no apparent correlation between seed rain patterns andadult community structure for this year of study. Furthermore, only 49% of theadult tree community produced and dispersed seed into traps in this year. Morethan 100 species (52%) found in the seed rain represented long-distanceimmigrant seed rain. Seed rain was highly variable at several scales, bothspatially and seasonally, although seeds arrived in traps during eachcollectionperiod. Cluster analyses showed that traps within plots were seldom moresimilarto one another than traps between plots. While 82% of the tree species in thecommunity are thought to be animal dispersed, only 28% of all seeds that fellinto traps had been obviously handled (bitten, chewed, or passed)by animals. Tests for fruit and seed removal by predators or dispersers found5%or less removal rate from traps.  相似文献   

This study provides monitoring and spatial analysis of forest fragmentation based on high-resolution remote sensing, in order to give a framework for assessing residual biodiversity in the Guiglo-Taï region. Massive deforestation has taken place, mainly in the last 20 years, 79% of unprotected forests have been eliminated on the 100 × 100 km study area. Deforestation is also beginning to encroach on protected areas. Forest fragments are mainly found close to the deforestation front. In areas which were first deforested, forest fragments are very scarce and are restricted to less productive soils; they are often severely degraded. Young secondary forests develop on abandoned fields, but primary forest regeneration seems unlikely in light of the distance from seed sources and the increase in population pressure. Conservation initiatives in this zone of high biodiversity should focus on protected areas, taking into account short and long term benefits for the local population.  相似文献   

Four new foliicolous lichen species are described from the Ivory Coast (Tropical West Africa): Bapalmuia ivoriensis sp. nov., Chroodiscus africanus sp. nov., C. verrucosus sp. nov., and Lasioloma inexspectatum sp. nov. In addition, the new combination Calenia inconspicua comb, nova [Bas.: Heterothecium inconspicuum] is introduced. Lasioloma inexspectatum is the first species in the genus characterized by transversely septate ascospores and provides additional evidence for phylogenetic lines regarding the evolution of ascospore types in the lichen family Ectolechiaceae. In addition, 61 new records for the Ivory Coast and seven for Guinea are presented, increasing the number of species known in these areas to 161 and 124, respectively. Five species are new for tropical Africa, and six new for the Paleotropics. Further taxonomical and ecogeographical notes on the foliicolous lichen flora of tropical West Africa are provided.  相似文献   

Questions: How is seedling regeneration of woody species of semi‐deciduous rain forests affected by (a) historical management for combinations of logging, arboricide treatment or no treatment, (b) forest community type and (c) environmental gradients of topography, light and soil nutrients? Location: Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Methods: Seedling regeneration patterns of trees and shrubs in relation to environmental factors and historical management types were studied using 32 0.5‐ha plots laid out in transects along a topographic gradient. We compared seedling species diversity, composition and distribution patterns along topographic gradients and within types of historical management regimes and forest communities to test whether environmental factors contributed to differences in species composition of seedlings. Results: A total of 85 624 woody seedlings representing 237 species and 46 families were recorded in this rain forest. Cynometra alexandri C.H. Wright and Lasiodiscus mildbraedii Engl. had high seedling densities and were widely distributed throughout the plots. The most species‐rich families were Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rutaceae. Only total seedling density was significantly different between sites with different historical management, with densities highest in logged, intermediate in logged/arboricided and lowest in the nature reserve. Forest communities differed significantly in terms of seedling diversity and density. Seedling composition differed significantly between transects and forest communities, but not between topographic positions or historical management types. Both Chao‐Jaccard and Chao‐Sørensen abundance‐based similarity estimators were relatively high in the plot, forest community and in terms of historical management levels, corroborating the lack of significant differences in species richness within these groups. The measured environmental variables explained 59.4% of variance in seedling species distributions, with the three most important being soil organic matter, total soil titanium and leaf area index (LAI). Total seedling density was positively correlated with LAI. Differences in diversity of >2.0 cm dbh plants (juveniles and adults) also explained variations in seedling species diversity. Conclusions: The seedling bank is the major route for regeneration in this semi‐deciduous tropical rain forest, with the wide distribution of many species suggesting that these species regenerate continuously. Seedling diversity, density and distribution are largely a function of adult diversity, historical management type and environmental gradients in factors such as soil nutrient content and LAI. The species richness of seedlings was higher in soils both rich in titanium and with low exchangeable cations, as well as in logged areas that were more open and had a low LAI.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: How do properties of different vegetation components vary along ecotones of semi‐deciduous forest islands, and can the depth of edge influence (DEI) of the components be detected using a novel combination of analyses? Location: Comoé National Park (CNP), NE Ivory Coast. Methods: Along eight transects at semi‐deciduous forest islands tree individuals > 20 cm DBH were mapped. At one transect, tree and shrub individuals down to 1 cm DBH were measured and cover of species was estimated. Split moving window dissimilarity analysis (SMWDA) and moving window regression analysis (MWRA) were combined to detect statistical significance of borders in multivariate vegetation data along continuous transects, to determine the width of associated ecotones, and, thus, the DEI towards the forest interior. Results: For trees > 20 cm DBH, a distinct boundary formation was detected, dominated by the semi‐fire resistant tree species Anogeissus leiocarpus. The median of DEI towards the forest interior was 55 m. Ecotone detection with all species present revealed an interlocked sequence of ecotones for grasses, herbs, woody climbers, shrubs and trees, with each of these ecotones being narrower than the overall ecotone. DEI ranged from 10 m for grasses up to 120 m for trees and shrubs. Conclusions: The coherent set of analyses applied proved to be an objective method for detecting borders and the width of associated ecotones. The patterns found may be explained by successional processes at the forest‐savanna border. The DEI measured for the forest islands in the nearly undisturbed semi‐natural system of the CNP is of relevance to concepts of core‐area analysis and the protection of forest interior species in semi‐deciduous forests in tropical West Africa.  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of phytoplankton species composition, abundance and physical and chemical factors influencing phytoplankton dynamics were investigated in the Aby lagoon system, south-eastern Ivory Coast, covering the main climatic seasons in 2006–2007. Seasonal and spatial variability of nutrient concentrations in the system were influenced by freshwater inflow from the Bia and Tanoé rivers. The decrease in the salinity gradient in Aby Lagoon, which is permanently stratified during the long dry season, increased the bottom inputs of soluble reactive phosphate and soluble reactive silicate which, in combination with good light penetration during the long dry season, enhanced phytoplankton production in the system. During the rainy seasons, water discharges into the system washed phytoplankton biomass out, preventing the development of blooms. Overall, 192 taxa from eight phyla were recorded: Bacillariophyta (32%), Chlorophyta (31%), Cyanobacteria (23%), Euglenophyta (12%), Dinophyta (0.5%), Xanthophyta (0.5%), Chrysophyta (0.5%) and Rhodophyta (0.5%). During the long dry season, Cyanobacteria cells comprised >50% of the phytoplankton abundance. The main phytoplankton taxa responsible for this high abundance were Microcystis aeruginosa, Oscillatoria princeps, Pseudanabaena limnetica, Aphanizomenon sp. 2 and Anabaena planctonica.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential trace element which is part of the active site of seleno-dependent glutathione peroxidase and type 1 deiodinase. Therefore, it plays a key role in thyroid hormone metabolism. The present work was undertaken in order to evaluate selenium status in two Ivory Coast populations: the first with high (Glanlé) and the second with low (Abidjan) prevalence of iodine deficiency. Selenium, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione and diglutathione were determined in blood and/or urine. In plasma and erythrocytes, selenium and glutathione peroxidase were dramatically low in Glanlé. Compared to Abidjan, selenium, glutathione peroxidase, vitamin E and riboflavin status were decreased whereas diglutathione was increased in Glanlé. The results clearly demonstrate a selenium deficiency and suggest an oxidant stress in Glanlé. Causes and consequences of this selenium deficiency and oxidant stress remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hawaiian ecosystems are prone to invasion by alien plant species. I compared the seed rain, seed bank, and vegetation of a native Hawaiian forest to examine the potential role that seed ecology plays in allowing alien species to invade native forest. Absolute cover of seed plants in the forest was 126 %, annual seed rain was 5 713 seeds m-2 yr-1, and the mean density of seedlings emerging from the seed bank averaged across four seasons was 1 020/m2. The endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha was the most abundant species in the vegetation, seed rain and winter seed bank. Overall, native seed plants comprised 95 % of the relative cover in the vegetation and 99 % of the seeds in the seed rain, but alien species comprised 67 % of the seeds in the seed bank. Alien species tended to form persistent seed banks while native species formed transient or pseudo-persistent seed banks. Dominance of the seed bank by alien species with persistent seed banks suggests that aliens are favorably placed to increase in abundance in the vegetation if the forest is disturbed.  相似文献   

Genealogical data are an important source of evidence for delimiting species, yet few statistical methods are available for calculating the probabilities associated with different species delimitations. Bayesian species delimitation uses reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (rjMCMC) in conjunction with a user-specified guide tree to estimate the posterior distribution for species delimitation models containing different numbers of species. We apply Bayesian species delimitation to investigate the speciation history of forest geckos (Hemidactylus fasciatus) from tropical West Africa using five nuclear loci (and mtDNA) for 51 specimens representing 10 populations. We find that species diversity in H. fasciatus is currently underestimated, and describe three new species to reflect the most conservative estimate for the number of species in this complex. We examine the impact of the guide tree, and the prior distributions on ancestral population sizes (θ) and root age (τ0), on the posterior probabilities for species delimitation. Mis-specification of the guide tree or the prior distribution for θ can result in strong support for models containing more species. We describe a new statistic for summarizing the posterior distribution of species delimitation models, called speciation probabilities, which summarize the posterior support for each speciation event on the starting guide tree.  相似文献   

Inselbergs, mountain ridges and lateritic crusts are characteristic landscape elements in many tropical regions. They are of great interest from a botanical point of view. Their vegetation is relatively uniform and differs from the surrounding vegetation. The first synopsis of herbaceous vegetation of seasonally wet or inundated habitats on rocks, inselbergs, mountain ridges and lateritic crusts in several bioclimatic zones of tropical West Africa and Atlantic Central Africa is presented. A classification of 43 partial data sets, based on 378 relevés, resulted in four associations and several rankless communities, grouped into four different classes (Drosero-Xyridetea, Afrotrilepidetea pilosae, Lycopodietea cernui andMicrochloetea indicae). Plant communities from Atlantic Central Africa and West Africa are very distinct from a floristic point of view; in an ordination, they are clearly separated. TheDrosero indicae-Utricularietalia subulatae (Drosero-Xyridetea) comprises ephemeral vegetation in rock pools and depressions over lateritic crusts. It contains theEriocaulo pumili-Ophioglossion gomezianum, which combines communities with short-lived plant species in small pools on rock outcrops and in shallow depressions over laterite, and theGenliseo africanae-Sporobolion pauciflori, which colonizes similar habitats but is geographically restricted to few mountains in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Mats of monocytyledonous plants (Afrotrilepidetea pilosae, Afrotrilepidetalia pilosae) are very widespread in humid parts of tropical West Africa. They colonize gentle slopes and are often close to communities of theDrosero-Utricularietalia subulatae. Three alliances can be distinguished: West African alliancesCyanotido lanatae-Afrotrilepidion pilosae andSpermacoco hepperanae-Afrotrilepidion pilosae, and an Atlantic Central AfricanOreonesiono testui-Afrotrilepidion pilosae. Small-sacle alterations of the ecological situation often result in a mosaic-like pattern of the plant communities. Especially small inselberg and rock outcrop habitats are often affected by heavy fluctuations of their environmental and climatic conditions. Besides regular short-term dynamics, there are also long-term vegetation dynamics with cycles spanning several years.  相似文献   

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