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The growth and mortality of the small clupeid fish Limnothrissa miodon were studied in Lake Kariba, a large, man-made lake in central Africa. Growth could be described by the von Bertalanffy equation lt = 74.2 (1—e−0.254( t +0.07)) where length ( l ) is expressed in millimetres and time ( t ) in months. The monthly rates of mortality were high and increasing under intensive fishing; in 1983 the total mortality rate Z =1.15 and natural mortality M =0.7. Limnothrissa appears to be stunted in the man-made lakes where it occurs (Kariba and Cahora Bassa) where it grows at a faster rate but to a smaller size than it does in natural lakes (Kivu and Tanganyika). Various hypotheses to account for this are discussed and it was concluded that this is an adaptation to the relatively unstable conditions found in the man-made lakes.  相似文献   

There was significant morphological differentiation among samples of Tanganyika sardine Limnothrissa miodon , indicating non-random association of fish. Individuals within schools appeared to be unrelated as high mtDNA haplotype diversity demonstrated the presence of many maternal lineages in each school. Nevertheless, there was evidence from allozyme analysis for genetic differentiation on a very small geographical scale, possibly even among individual schools, without any clear geographical boundaries among populations. Similar microgeographical differentiation at the allozyme level was found in several marine pelagic species, suggesting a general pattern of random genetic structure in pelagic schooling fish. Such genetic patchiness may arise from biased reproductive success in localized spawning events and long-term stability of schools, resulting in genetic differentiation among schools. While the present results are preliminary, the far-reaching implications both for fisheries management and for evolutionary processes in pelagic species warrant further research on microgeographical genetic patterns using more sensitive markers.  相似文献   

A limnological sampling programme implemented during 1980 in Lake Kivu, Rwanda, confirmed a seasonal increase of the pelagic plankton biomass at the end of the dry season during the windy period of August/September. From plankton samples taken in the littoral and pelagic zones of the Lake it was concluded that a successful introduction of the freshwater clupeid Limnothrissa miodon Boulenger, during 1958–1960, had not obviously influenced the species composition of the Copepoda in the Lake. Examination of stomach contents of different length classes of Limnothrissa proved that the Kivu clupeid is not a strict planktonphagic species. Its diet is adapted to its life cycle and inshore/offshore migration patterns. In pelagic waters of the lake it is an exclusive plankton feeder, while in littoral waters it has more littoral bound feeding habits. Cannibalism was observed among individuals larger than 100 mm, near the margins of the lake. Echosoundings and periodic observations on stomach contents support the hypothesis that Limnothrissa feeds in the late afternoon and digests its food during the night, while a second feeding/digestion cycle starts in the early morning, at sunrise.  相似文献   

There was no clear seasonal cycle in the abundance of the sardine Limnorhrissa miodon in Lake Kivu hut average values suggest that the fish are most numerous in the south from October-April and in the north from April4ctoher. The possibility that there may be a migration from south to north is considered. The catch per unit effort appears to be independent of the present level of fishing effort but may be determined by the annual rainfall two years earlier. In this respect, Lake Kivu is similar to Lake Kariba where nutrient supply is determined by river flow.  相似文献   

The abundance of two main pelagic fish species in Lake Tanganyika (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Lates stappersii) has always been observed to fluctuate considerably at different time scales. The inverse correlation between the abundance of these species has often been interpreted as the consequence of predator−prey relations (avoidance behaviour by the prey). However, currently the two species often appear spatially segregated in the lake, S. tanganicae dominating in the north while L. stappersii is generally abundant in the south where it feeds mostly on shrimps. A fluctuating abundance of the species is nevertheless observed. As these fish species have a major importance for the fisheries, we investigated the limnological variability in relation to the short-term variability of fish catches. The abundance of S. tanganicae was positively correlated to plankton biomass (r = 0.65), while water transparency (r = 0.56), depth of mixed layer (r = −0.70) and oxygenated water appeared important drivers for the abundance of L. stappersii. Alternating “mixing” and “stable” states of the epilimnion related to seasonal and internal waves variability are probably determinant for the short-term variability in abundance of S. tanganicae and L. stappersii. In the framework of this study, remote sensing has shown a potentially interesting application for fisheries research at Lake Tanganyika. We observed a close correspondence between phytoplankton blooms at the time of trade winds changes and increased catches of S. tanganicae in the south. The anti-correlated abundance of S. tanganicae and L. stappersii probably mainly reflects the underlying fluctuating limnological environment. Fisheries studies need to integrate limnological and planktonic monitoring to better understand large and complex ecosystems such as Lake Tanganyika.
P.-D. PlisnierEmail:

The evolutionary consequences of an artificial introduction of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon from Lake Tanganyika into Lake Kivu, East Africa were examined. In 1959, 57 400 fry (mixture of Limnothrissa and the related clupeid, Stolothrissa tanganicae ), were released into Lake Kivu to boost fisheries production. Comparisons were made between respective source and transplant populations 34 years later (1993) using morphometrics ('truss' method), allozymes (29 enzyme-coding loci) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation (RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified ND5/6 genes). Significant morphological and genetic differentiation between source and transplant samples was detected, with a distinct clustering of Kivu Limnothrissa on respective dendrograms, especially at the morphometric and mtDNA levels. Differentiation within Lake Tanganyika was, however, consistently higher than that between lakes. Allozymic diversity was similar in samples from both lakes (Lake Tanganyika: heterozygosity = 0.0658, mean number of alleles=1.44; Lake Kivu: heterozygosity = 0.0655; mean number of alleles = 1.48), however, a significantly lower mtDNA haplotype diversity was detected in Lake Kivu (Lake Tanganyika: 0.905; Lake Kivu: 0.755). Data suggest that high post-introduction mortality and various demographic factors reduced the effective population size of the introduced population to tens rather than thousands of individuals, resulting in a reduction in genetic diversity and founder effect.  相似文献   

Tetracycline was used as a chemical tag in a mark‐recapture study to examine the pattern of increment formation in the otoliths of Tropheus moorii , a rock‐dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. A total of 256 fish were captured by divers and injected with tetracycline. Of these, nine were recaptured after either 1 or 2 years at liberty and eight retained tags within their otoliths. Comparison of the number of growth increments formed after the tag and the time at liberty demonstrated that increments were deposited on an annual basis in the otoliths of this species. Furthermore, there was a strong relationship between otolith mass and age suggesting that otoliths grew at a predictable rate throughout the life of the fish. Validation of an annual pattern of increment deposition allowed age and growth information to be derived from otoliths. This showed that T. moorii grew rapidly to attain adult size by 3 years of age. Males grew faster than females and also attained a larger size than females (8·74 v . 7·91 cm L S respectively). The longevity of some of these small freshwater fish was surprising; the oldest individual had an age of 10 years, while the average age of adults was 4 years.  相似文献   

Otoliths were used for the first time to successfully validate the age of members of the family Syngnathidae: the spotted pipefish Stigmatopora argus and the wide-bodied pipefish Stigmatopora nigra. Otolith increments were deposited daily in (1) known-age juveniles ranging in age from 0 to 31 days and (2) adults that had been stained with alizarin complexone, and a hatch mark was found on all otoliths which represented day 0. Otolith increment validation will allow development of growth models for S. argus and S. nigra, essential to understanding and managing these exclusive seagrass species.  相似文献   

Summary Limnothrissa miodon is a clupeid from Lake Tanganyika which has been introduced to Lakes Kivu and Kariba and which invaded Lake Cahora Bassa. These lakes differ considerably from one another but the biology of Limnothrissa is similar in many respects in all of them. Similarities include its feeding and breeding biology, whilst its populations fluctuate, on both an annual and a seasonal basis, in relation to environmental changes. The major differences between the lakes concern the size to which Limnothrissa grows. Their average length in the two natural lakes, Lakes Tanganyika and Kivu, is about twice the average length in the two artificial lakes, Lakes Kariba and Cahora Bassa. This in turn affects their age of maturity and they breed during their first year in the reservoirs but during their second in the natural lakes. Their growth rates and performance are comparable up to about 6 months of age and the difference in their size seems to be due to high mortality in the artificial lakes where few Limnothrissa survive for more than a year. Possible explanations for their small size include the genetic composition of the original introduction and the unpredictability of the environment. Neither of these explanations is supported by evidence at present. Deficiencies in the available food and the effects of intense predation are probably the most likely causes. In both natural lakes, Limnothrissa are predatory or cannibalistic from 100 mm in length and 12 months in age, and fish in their diet may enable them to survive into their second year. The fish in Lakes Kariba and Cahora Bassa, in contrast, are neither predatory nor cannibalistic to any degree. There are no predatory fish species in Lake Kivu but there is a diverse community of pelagic piscivores in Lake Tanganyika which tends to contradict the predation hypothesis. However, the position of Limnothrissa in the reservoirs probably resembles that occupied in Lake Tanganyika by Stolothrissa which is also a small, annual species. The significance of this phenomenon is that Limnothrissa can maintain a high biomass and productivity in the face of intense predation. This trait may be of importance to fisheries management because it means that their yield can be greatly increased.  相似文献   

This is the first age determination study for Cynoscion albus , a large tropical sciaenid, using otolith morphology and daily increment analysis. The practicality of both methods for age determination is illustrated by their consistent estimates of age and von Bertalanffy growth parameters. The daily increment analysis was used to validate the surface readings. An alternative, otolith morphometrics, is shown to hold promise for rapid prediction of fish age. Two multivariate linear regression models using gross otolith dimensions can estimate the age of C. albus to within 1 year. Growth parameter estimates are: from surface readings: L =127.5cm with K =0.12; from daily increment readings: L = 122.1 cm with K =0.17. Implications for the stock assessment of tropical fish using size instead of age are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on daily growth and increment formation in the otolith were examined using a double oxytetracycline-labelling method on larval milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål), reared under different feeding regimes. The results indicated that the differences in body and otolith growth between the larvae fed once and three times a day were not significant, and that the otolith growth increment was deposited daily in both groups of fed larvae. In contrast, the starved larvae grew at a slower rate than fed larvae in body length and otolith dimensions, and the otolith growth increment in the starved larvae was not deposited on a daily basis. After undergoing starvation, the larvae were unable to recover their normal growth either in otolith increment deposition or in body and otolith growth even though they were fed. Therefore, the application of ageing techniques based on counting otolith growth increments seems to be inaccurate for starved larvae.  相似文献   

Age, growth rates and hatching dates were determined for juvenile common snook, Centropomus undecimalis, collected in several Puerto Rican estuarine systems. Two growth models (von Bertalanffy and power curve) were used and compared based on the fitting, the residual distribution and homogeneity of variances. A multiple linear regression was also fit to predict age from otolith weight, fish weight and standard length. Hatching dates back-calculated from age estimates, suggested that spawning occurs throughout the year but peaks from May to October. Early juveniles (age < 100d) recruited during the wet season (August to November) showed a significantly higher growth rate (0.67mmd–1) than the dry season (December to July) recruits (0.41mmd–1). These results are compared with snook collected in west Florida.  相似文献   

Daily deposition of otolith increments was validated for juvenile Limnothrissa miodon in the Cahora Bassa reservoir, Mozambique, by the means of two successive chemical immersion markings.  相似文献   

2017年7月—2018年5月,于西藏自治区昂仁县浪错采集268尾兰格湖裸鲤Gymnocypris chui开展种群年龄结构和生长特征研究。结果显示:雌、雄鱼体长与体质量的关系式分别为W♀=2.03×10-2L2.822(n=134,R2=0.969)、W♂=2.52×10-2L2.738(n=105,R2=0.966)。通过观察微耳石,发现样本由1~23龄组成;采用VonBertalanffy生长方程拟合雌、雄鱼体长、体质量生长方程:Lt♀=34.239[1-e-0.136(t+0.11)]、Wt♀=434.42[1-e-0.136(t+0.11)]2.822;Lt♂=32.201[1-e-0.136(t+0.287)]、Wt♂=338.8[1-e-0.136(t+0.287)]2.738;拐点年龄分别为7.52龄和7.12龄,对应体长分别为22.12cm和20.45cm,体质量分别为126.59g和97.71g。初步研究表明,兰格湖裸鲤生长慢、体型小,种群被破坏后不易恢复,亟待开展资源评估及保护工作。  相似文献   

The sardine Limnothrissa miodon was very patchily distributed in Lake Kariba in 1981–1983 and its mean biomass was 59 23 kg ha−1, declining from 90–91 kg ha−1 in 1981 to 38–66 kg ha−1 in 1983. In addition, the mean size of the fish fell from 55–2 mm in 1981 to 49–9 mm in 1983. These changes are attributed to the effects of drought and reduced river flows as well as to the high level of commercial fishing for this species. There was a correlation between commercial catches and biomass estimates which allowed estimation of biomass in previous years from fishing statistics. Fishing effort appeared to be a major influence on sardine abundance: total biomass in 1985 was about 10% of what it was in 1974 when the fishery began. When expressed in terms of unit area, as is usual for African lakes, the pelagic biomass appeared to be greater in Lake Tanganyika, where Limnothrissa is endemic, than in Lake Kariba, although there is little difference in their primary productivity, but consideration in terms of volume rather than area shows that this was not the  相似文献   

The fat content and fatty acid composition of whole sun-dried Limnothrissa miodon Boulenger caught during 1973 have been measured. The fat content seems to increase during the dry seasons. The fatty acids however showed no defined seasonal variations.  相似文献   

The growth of Hawaiian taape, Lutjanus kasmira , was studied by examining otoliths and by analysing length-frequency distribution. Annual hyaline and opaque markings were visible in whole mounts of sagittae, which were verified by enumeration of daily increments with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and through marginal increment analysis. The von Bertalanffy growth curve was fitted to the data, resulting in: where t. l . is total length (cm) and t is age (years). SEM observations revealed that the slowgrowth hyaline zones were composed of daily increments too small (0.4–0.8 μm) to be resolved optically. Thus, age estimates derived by numerically integrating otolith growth rate data obtained with a light microscope showed a negative bias, resulting in overestimation of growth rates. Parameter estimates obtained from three different types of length-frequency analysis were also unstable. This was due, at least in part, to differences in the size composition of fish sampled with different fishing gears and from different depths.
The growth rate registered in Hawaii falls within the reported growth coefficients of lutjanids, whereas it is one of the highest in the Pacific and clearly higher than a deep-water lutjanid species growth in Hawaii. Probably, this high growth rate may have been enhanced by the relative lack of competitors in the depauperate Hawaiian marine fish community.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the Japanese eel, Anguillu japonica , elvers in the eastern and western coasts of Taiwan are recruited from two different spawning grounds and to increase the knowledge of the early life history of the eel, the otolith microstructure and daily age of elvers collected from five estuaries in the coast of Taiwan during December 1989 through February 1990 were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The total length of elvers at arrival in the estuaries was similar among estuaries, averaging c . 56.0 mm and showed a seasonal decrease. The maximum radius of the sagittal otolith of elvers ranged from 124.46 to 181.82μm with a mean of 143.15 ± 12.72 μm. The otolith from centre to edge included an organic-rich primordium (9.20 ± 2.02 μm in diameter), a diffusively calcified core (20.94 ± 1.99 μm), and the daily growth increments; these three layers were probably deposited during the embryonic, yolk sac and feeding period respectively. The growth rate of the otolith was higher at the beginning of early life (0.5−1.0 μm day −1), lowest at approximately 100-days old (<0.5 μm day−1), and highest 1 month before arrival at the estuary (> 1.0 pm day−1). The mean age for elvers arriving in the estuaries of the coasts of Taiwan was approximately 170.4 ± 21.02 days. Neither the growth pattern of the otolith nor the age of elvers arriving in the estuary were significantly different among estuaries, indicating that the elvers in both eastern and western Taiwan were probably recruited from the same spawning ground. The growth pattern of the otolith in relation to larval migration was analysed.  相似文献   

Daily lapillus growth increments were used to determine age and growth parameters for Scarus rivulatus (Valenciennes) and Ctenochaetus binotatus (Randall) from reefs off Lizard Island in ihe northern Great Barrier Reef. The growth of S. rivulatus increased after settlement whilst growth of C. binotatus decreased after settlement. A check found in the otoliths of both species, and attributed to settlement, was estimated to be from 28 to 47 days for S. rivulatus and from 47 to 74 days for C. binotatus.  相似文献   

The growth and mortality rates of Myctophum affine larvae were analysed based on samples collected during the austral summer and winter of 2002 from south‐eastern Brazilian waters. The larvae ranged in size from 2·75 to 14·00 mm standard length (LS). Daily increment counts from 82 sagittal otoliths showed that the age of M. affine ranged from 2 to 28 days. Three models were applied to estimate the growth rate: linear regression, exponential model and Laird–Gompertz model. The exponential model best fitted the data, and L0 values from exponential and Laird–Gompertz models were close to the smallest larva reported in the literature (c. 2·5 mm LS). The average growth rate (0·33 mm day?1) was intermediate among lanternfishes. The mortality rate (12%) during the larval period was below average compared with other marine fish species but similar to some epipelagic fishes that occur in the area.  相似文献   

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