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Some aspects of phosphorus metabolism in bone marrow   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Cells derived from individuals with the ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome demonstrate a number of unusual properties. They are highly sensitive to the lethal effects of ionizing radiation and also fail to demonstrate the normal inhibition of DNA synthesis associated with this type of DNA-damaging agent. Additionally, a number of ataxia-telangiectasia lymphoblastoid lines have been shown to have an unusual regulation of the cellular actin levels. However, the primary lesion causing ataxia-telangiectasia is unknown. In this paper we report an altered cellular morphology in three ataxia-telangiectasia fibroblast lines, but not in a number of control fibroblast lines. Investigation of the cytoskeleton using antibodies against certain cytoskeletal proteins revealed a difference in the microfilament pattern from ataxia-telangiectasia fibroblasts compared to controls. Ataxia fibroblasts showed a microfilament stress fiber pattern that appeared to have a more well defined and abundant array of stress fibers than control fibroblasts. In contrast, no differences were observed in the microtubule array, nor in the vinculin patterns between any of the cell lines. In addition to the differences in the microfilament patterns, ataxia-telangiectasia fibroblasts differed in their ability to recover from microfilament disruption by dimethyl sulfoxide. Control fibroblasts returned to a normal cellular state in a shorter time compared to ataxia fibroblasts, as judged by indirect immunofluorescence using antiactin. These results provide further evidence for a cytoskeletal anomaly in ataxia-telangiectasia.  相似文献   

17Alpha-estradiol (1,3,5(10)-estratriene-3,17alpha-diol) together with a tracer dose of the tritium-labeled compound was administered orally and sublingually to male volunteers. The serum concentrations of 17alpha-estradiol (free and liberated by enzymatic hydrolysis) were quantified by GC/MS, and the serum total radioactivity and urinary radioactivity excretion were determined. After oral administration, 17alpha-estradiol was rapidly and intensively conjugated; only tiny quantities of the free steroid (<1% of total) appeared in serum. Sublingual administration resulted in temporary (up to 3 h p.a.) higher serum levels of the free compound. The metabolite patterns obtained by TLC of extracts from serum and urine demonstrated that 17alpha-estradiol is the subject of a poor phase I metabolism in man. A great discrepancy was found in the serum concentrations of 17alpha-estradiol (free + conjugated) determined by GC/MS and the serum radioactivity expressed in 17alpha-estradiol equivalents. By TLC analysis of the steroid conjugates extracted from serum, various 17alpha-estradiol conjugate peaks were found. By enzymatic hydrolysis with beta-glucuronidase/aryl sulfatase from Helix pomatia they were only partially cleaved. Thus, the difference between the serum radioactivity and the 17alpha-estradiol levels determined by GC/MS had to be attributed to an incomplete conjugate hydrolysis. It has been shown with the synthesized 17alpha-estradiol sulfate conjugates that only the 3-sulfate is cleaved by enzymatic hydrolysis, whereas the 17-sulfate group resists enzymatic hydrolysis. The methanolysis procedure (acetyl chloride in MeOH) has proved to be an efficient method for cleaving both the 3-sulfate group and the 17-sulfate group. In contrast to the 17alpha-estradiol conjugates in serum, the urinary conjugates were intensively split by the enzyme preparation. From this, it has to be concluded that the serum conjugates were deconjugated and newly reconjugated before urinary excretion.  相似文献   

The effect of lithium administration on adrenal steroidogenesis has been studied in rats. An increase in plasma corticosterone (CS) levels was observed and this appears to be due to increased steroidogenesis. This effect on the adrenal is mediated via ACTH, suggesting an involvement of the pituitary adrenal axis.  相似文献   

Summary Ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum are human hereditary diseases in which patients are cancer prone and demonstrate increased sensitivity to DNA damage by ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, respectively. In culture, both ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum skin fibroblasts show increased synthesis and secretion of the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin and collagen. To determine whether these differences in protein production result from fundamental abnormalities in regulation of genes associated with cellular interactions, we compared the effects of trifluoperazine and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate on expression of the extracellular matrix-degrading metalloproteinases, procollagenase and prostromelysin, by normal, ataxia-telangiectasia, and xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts. After trifluoperazine treatment the overall levels of these metalloproteinases were much greater in three ataxia-telangiectasia cell strains and in cells from xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups A and D than in normal cells. In contrast, cells from xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C produced only slightly more procollagenase than normal cells. 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate also induced higher than normal levels of procollagenase in some ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum strains, but less than that induced by trifluoperazine. Because increased extracellular accumulation of matrix-degrading enzymes has long been implicated in metastatic progression, this altered expression of procollagenase and prostromelysin in ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum cells could play an important role in the pathogenesis of various tumors in individuals with these genetic diseases. This work was supported by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U. S. Department of Energy (contract DE-AC03-76-SF01012) (J. A., J. P. M.) and by a Fellowship in Medical Research from the A. P. Giannini/Bank of America Foundation (J. A.). A summary of these results has appeared previously in abstract form (1).  相似文献   

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