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Msx homeobox gene family and craniofacial development   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Alappat S  Zhang ZY  Chen YP 《Cell research》2003,13(6):429-442
Vertebrate Msx genes are unlinked, homeobox-containing genes that bear homology to the Drosophila muscle segment homeobox gene. These genes are expressed at multiple sites of tissue-tissue interactions during vertebrate embryonic development. Inductive interactions mediated by the Msx genes are essential for normal craniofacial, limb and ectodermal organ morphogenesis, and are also essential to survival in mice, as manifested by the phenotypic abnormalities shown in knockout mice and in humans. This review summarizes studies on the expression, regulation, and functional analysis of Msx genes that bear relevance to craniofacial development in humans and mice.  相似文献   

Reproductive capacity is fundamental to the survival of all species. Consequently, much research has been undertaken to better understand gametogenesis and the interplay between germ cells and the somatic cell lineages of the gonads. In this study, we have analyzed the embryonic expression pattern of the X-linked gene family Reproductive homeobox genes on the X chromosome (Rhox) in mice. Our data show that eight members of the Rhox gene family are developmentally regulated in sexually dimorphic and temporally dynamic patterns in the developing germ cells during early gonadogenesis. These changes coincide with critical stages of differentiation where the germ cells enter either mitotic arrest in the testis or meiotic arrest in the ovary. Finally, we show that Rhox8 (Tox) is the only member of the Rhox gene family that is expressed in the somatic compartment of the embryonic gonads. Our results indicate that the regulation of Rhox gene expression and its potential function during embryogenesis are quite distinct from those previously reported for Rhox gene regulation in postnatal gonads.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of higher plants are generated from the shoot apical meristem(SAM). In this study, we isolated a small rice(Oryza sativa L.) mutant that showed premature termination of shoot development and was named mini rice 1(mini1). The mutant was first isolated from a japonica cultivar Zhonghua11(ZH11) subjected to ethyl methanesulfonate(EMS)treatment. With bulked segregant analysis(BSA) and map-based cloning method, Mini1 gene was finally fine-mapped to an interval of 48.6 kb on chromosome 9. Sequence analyses revealed a single base substitution from G to A was found in the region, which resulted in an amino acid change from Gly to Asp.The candidate gene Os09g0363900 was predicted to encode a putative adhesion of calyx edges protein ACE(putative HOTHEAD precursor) and genetic complementation experiment confirmed the identity of Mini1. Os09g0363900 contains glucose-methanol-choline(GMC) oxidoreductase and NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like domain, and exhibits high similarity to Arabidopsis HOTHEAD(HTH). Expression analysis indicated Mini1 was highly expressed in young shoots but lowly in roots and the expression level of most genes involved in auxin biosynthesis and signal transduction were reduced in mutant.We conclude that Mini1 plays an important role in maintaining SAM activity and promoting shoot development in rice.  相似文献   

PaHB1 (for Picea abies Homeobox1), an evolutionarily conserved HD-GL2 homeobox gene, specifically expressed in the protoderm during somatic embryogenesis in the gymnosperm Norway spruce has been reported previously. An additional HD-GL2 gene designated PaHB2 is reported here. During somatic embryogenesis, the PaHB2 gene is uniformly ex pressed in proembryogenic masses and in early somatic embryos, but it is not detectably transcribed at the beginning of maturation. In mature embryos, PaHB2 expression was essentially detected in the outermost layer of the cortex and the root cap. A similar PaHB2 expression is detected post-embryonically in both the primary root and the hypocotyl. Phylogenetic reconstructions and intron pattern analyses revealed that the PAHB proteins fall within two distinct subclasses comprising highly similar angiosperm homologues. The PAHB1 subclass consists of protoderm/epiderm-specific members. By contrast, the PAHB2 subclass gathers homologues with a subepidermal and protodermal/epidermal activity. This study suggests that at least two distinct HD-GL2 genes with a layer-specific expression already existed in the last common ancestor of angiosperms and gymnosperms. The conserved protodermal/epidermal and subepidermal expression of HD-GL2 genes could be used to study embryo radial pattern formation across seed plants.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D is one of the crucial enzymes involved in lipid mediated signaling, triggered during various developmental and physiological processes. Different members of PLD gene family have been known to be induced under different abiotic stresses and during developmental processes in various plant species. In this report, we are presenting a detailed microarray based expression analysis and expression profiles of entire set of PLD genes in rice genome, under three abiotic stresses (salt, cold and drought) and different developmental stages (3-vegetative stages and 11-reproductive stages). Seven and nine PLD genes were identified, which were expressed differentially under abiotic stresses and during reproductive developmental stages, respectively. PLD genes, which were expressed significantly under abiotic stresses exhibited an overlapping expression pattern and were also differentially expressed during developmental stages. Moreover, expression pattern for a set of stress induced genes was validated by real time PCR and it supported the microarray expression data. These findings emphasize the role of PLDs in abiotic stress signaling and development in rice. In addition, expression profiling for duplicated PLD genes revealed a functional divergence between the duplicated genes and signify the role of gene duplication in the evolution of this gene family in rice. This expressional study will provide an important platform in future for the functional characterization of PLDs in crop plants.  相似文献   

In early plant embryogenesis, the determination of cell fate in the protodermal cell layer is considered to be the earliest event in radial pattern formation. To elucidate the mechanisms of epidermal cell fate determination and radial pattern formation in early rice embryogenesis, we have isolated a GL2-type homeobox gene Roc1 (Rice outermost cell-specific gene1), which is specifically expressed in the protoderm (epidermis). In early rice embryogenesis, cell division occurs randomly and the morphologically distinct layer structure of the protoderm cannot be observed until the embryo reaches more than 100 microm in length. Nonetheless, in situ hybridization analyses revealed that specific expression of Roc1 in the outermost cells is established shortly after fertilization, much earlier than protoderm differentiation. In the regeneration process from callus, the Roc1 gene is also expressed in the outermost cells of callus in advance of tissue and organ differentiation, and occurs independently of whether the cells will differentiate into epidermis in the future or not. Furthermore, this cell-specific Roc1 expression could be induced flexibly in the newly produced outermost cells when we cut the callus. These findings suggest that the expression of Roc1 in the outermost cells may be dependent on the positional information of cells in the embryo or callus prior to the cell fate determination of the protoderm (epidermis). Furthermore, the Roc1 expression is downregulated in the inner cells of ligule, which have previously been determined as protodermal cells, also suggesting that the Roc1 expression is position dependent and that this position dependent Roc1 expression is important also in post-embryonic protoderm (epidermis) differentiation.  相似文献   

DeCook R  Lall S  Nettleton D  Howell SH 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1155-1164
The genetic control of gene expression during shoot development in Arabidopsis thaliana was analyzed by combining quantitative trait loci (QTL) and microarray analysis. Using oligonucleotide array data from 30 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross of Columbia and Landsberg erecta ecotypes, the Arabidopsis genome was scanned for marker-by-gene linkages or so-called expression QTL (eQTL). Single-feature polymorphisms (SFPs) associated with sequence disparities between ecotypes were purged from the data. SFPs may alter the hybridization efficiency between cDNAs from one ecotype with probes of another ecotype. In genome scans, five eQTL hot spots were found with significant marker-by-gene linkages. Two of the hot spots coincided with classical QTL conditioning shoot regeneration, suggesting that some of the heritable gene expression changes observed in this study are related to differences in shoot regeneration efficiency between ecotypes. Some of the most significant eQTL, particularly those at the shoot regeneration QTL sites, tended to show cis-chromosomal linkages in that the target genes were located at or near markers to which their expression was linked. However, many linkages of lesser significance showed expected "trans-effects," whereby a marker affects the expression of a target gene located elsewhere on the genome. Some of these eQTL were significantly linked to numerous genes throughout the genome, suggesting the occurrence of large groups of coregulated genes controlled by single markers.  相似文献   

Detailed information about stage-specific changes in gene expression is crucial for the understanding of the gene regulatory networks underlying development. Here, we describe the global gene expression dynamics during early flower development, a key process in the life cycle of a plant, during which floral patterning and the specification of floral organs is established. We used a novel floral induction system in Arabidopsis, which allows the isolation of a large number of synchronized floral buds, in conjunction with whole-genome microarray analysis to identify genes with differential expression at distinct stages of flower development. We found that the onset of flower formation is characterized by a massive downregulation of genes in incipient floral primordia, which is followed by a predominance of gene activation during the differentiation of floral organs. Among the genes we identified as differentially expressed in the experiment, we detected a significant enrichment of closely related members of gene families. The expression profiles of these related genes were often highly correlated, indicating similar temporal expression patterns. Moreover, we found that the majority of these genes is specifically up-regulated during certain developmental stages. Because co-expressed members of gene families in Arabidopsis frequently act in a redundant manner, these results suggest a high degree of functional redundancy during early flower development, but also that its extent may vary in a stage-specific manner.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the protoderm or outer cell layer is the first tissue to differentiate in the embryo proper. In gymnosperms, it is not known whether a protoderm is defined and similarly differentiated. Here, we report a cDNA designated PaHB1 (for Picea abies Homeobox1), which is expressed during somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce. PaHB1 exon/intron organization and its corresponding protein are highly similar to those of the HD-GL2 angiosperm counterparts. A phylogenetic analysis reveals that PaHB1 is strongly associated with one subclass consisting of protoderm/epiderm-specific genes. Moreover, PaHB1 expression switches from a ubiquitous expression in proembryogenic masses to an outer cell layer-specific localization during somatic embryo development. Ectopic expression of PaHB1 in somatic embryos leads to an early developmental block. The transformed embryos lack a smooth surface. These findings show that the PaHB1 expression pattern is highly analogous to angiosperm HD-GL2 homologues, suggesting similarities in the definition of the outer cell layer in seed plants.  相似文献   

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