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We present two models of food storage by small birds such astits (Parus spp): a simple, energy-maximizing model and a morecomplex dynamic programming model. The results show that hoardingis advantageous when (1) the metabolic costs of carrying reservesare high, (2) food supply is variable, (3) the mean rate ofintake is low, and (4) overnight expenditure of energy is high.The dynamic programming model predicts daily routines of storingand retrieval as well as changes in body mass. The predictedroutine (storage in the early part of the day, retrieval neardusk) has been observed in some species that store food. Wepredict differences in the pattern of change of body mass throughthe day between storers and nonstorers, but data to test thisprediction are not yet available.  相似文献   

In the temperate zone, permanent-resident birds and mammalsthat do not hibernate must survive harsh winter conditions oflow ambient temperature, long nights, and reduced food levels.To understand the energy management strategy of food-hoardingbirds, it has been hypothesized that such birds respond to increasedstarvation risk by increasing the number of their hoards ratherthan by increasing their fat reserves and that they cache earlyin the day and retrieve their caches later to achieve fat reservesnecessary to survive the night We tested these hypotheses byobserving the responses in captivity of a caching bird, thetufted titmouse (Parus bicolor), to the combined influencesof reduced predictability of food and naturally occurring ambienttemperature and photoperiod. When the food supply was unpredictable,birds significantly increased both internal fat reserves atdusk and external food caches. Initially leaner birds tendedto increase their fat reserves to a greater extent and initiallyfatter birds tended to cache more food and to fly significantlyless. Half the birds also increased their dawn and mean dailybody mass. All birds tended to forage, gain body mass, and cachefood at significantly lower rates in the morning and at significantlyhigher rates in the evening. Cache retrieval showed the oppositetrend, with birds retrieving most of their caches in the morning.Our results do not support the hypothesis that caching birdsincrease caching rate but not body mass under an unpredictablefood regime. Instead fat reserves and food caches are both importantcomplementary sources of energy in food-hoarding birds. Energymanagement by wintering birds occurs in response to a numberof biotic and abiotic factors acting simultaneously; thus futuremodels must incorporate independent variables in addition tothe state of the food supply and time of day  相似文献   

Laying interruptions in tits Parus spp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

  • 1.1. Changes in metabolic rates and behavior were observed in tufted titmice (Parus bicolor) and Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis) exposed to varying conditions of artificial solar radiation, wind, and temperature in a wind tunnel experiment.
  • 2.2. During the wind-on condition, both species showed a significant decrease in mean metabolic rates in the high radiation treatments when compared to the low radiation treatments (P < 0.05).
  • 3.3. Titmouse orientation, posture and level of activity were significantly affected by radiation and wind conditions.
  • 4.4. Metabolic rates observed in the wind tunnel treatments without wind and at low radiation did not significantly differ from similar standard metabolic (black box) treatments (P > 0.05).
  • 5.5. Activity levels did not appear to directly affect metabolic rates observed in the wind tunnel treatments.

This work suggests how food storing corvids use spatial memory to relocate caches, and how they can do this after some landmarks surrounding caches have become hidden due to leaf fall, snow fall or plant growth. Experiments involved training European jays (Garrulus glandarius) to find buried food, the location of which was specified by an array of 12 landmarks. Tests were then performed with the array rotated, or with certain landmarks removed from the array. The main findings were: (1) birds primarily remembered the position of the goal using the near tall landmarks (15–30 cm from the goal and 20 cm high); (2) birds obtained a sense of direction both from the landmark array and something external to the array; (3) birds did not use smell or marks in the surface of the ground to find the goal. Memory of near tall landmarks is likely to be functional for these birds since (a) nearer landmarks provide a more accurate fix, and (b) taller landmarks are less likely to be completely obscured by snow fall, leaf fall or intervening vegetation. The work also demonstrates the use of G.I.S. software for the analysis and representation of animal search patterns.  相似文献   

Western scrub jays (Aphelocoma californica) hide food and rely on spatial memory to recover their caches at a later date. To do this cache-and-recovery, they can use both spatial and site-specific cues. I examined these cues in an experimental setting. The experiment established that scrub jays, like other food storers, prefer to rely on the location of the caching tray rather than tray-specific cues. They could modify their preference for spatial cues through training in which spatial cues were made irrelevant. Even after such training, the spatial cues controlled the jays behaviour when the spatial and site-specific cues gave competitive information about the cached sites. Thus, the global spatial cues have priority but the jays use the local site-specific cues when the spatial cues do not give enough information about the cached site.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of food storing in the Jay Garrulus glandarius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N. S. CLAYTON  R. MELLOR  A. JACKSON 《Ibis》1996,138(2):250-255
This study investigated seasonal patterns in food consumption and food storage in six captive Jays Garrulus glandarius. In the first experiment, seasonal changes in food-storing intensity were tested by presenting acorns (oak seeds, Quercus spp.) in spring, summer and autumn. There were no significant differences between the seasons in the amount of food eaten. However, significantly more food was taken and stored in the autumn than in the spring and summer months. In the spring and summer, the acorns were stored between the doorframes, on the ledges of the aviaries and under the bark of branches. In the autumn, Jays also began to hoard underneath the plastic sheeting covering the hard-board flooring by ripping the polythene to create a hidden cache site. The length of time over which the stored food was left before retrieval increased from summer to autumn. Food storing also occurred in spring and summer but was short term. The second experiment tested whether or not there were seasonal changes in food preference by presenting birds with acorns, peanuts and mealworms in the summer and autumn. More peanuts were eaten, taken and stored in the autumn than in the summer, and, as in the first experiment, significantly more acorns were taken and stored in the autumn. In the autumn, only a few mealworms were eaten before the birds stored acorns and peanuts, whereas in the summer, birds tended to eat most of the mealworms before they began to store. As in the first experiment, items tended to be buried in the ground in the autumn and left for longer periods before retrieval. These results are discussed in relation to the demand that each food type places on the Jay's time.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(3):794-806
Over the course of one winter, the food supply of birds living in a deciduous woodland in southern England was supplemented and unsupplemented during alternating periods. In the presence of substantial predation pressure from hawks, the sociality of blue tits, Parus caeruleus, and great tits, P. major, showed significant partial correlations with several weather and temporal factors when the woodland was unsupplemented. Such correlations between social behaviour and abiotic factors diminished significantly when the birds had access to extra food. Blue tits and great tits without access to supplemental food flocked significantly more often with other species while foraging than when they were food-supplemented. Long-tailed tits, Aegithalos caudatus, ignored the artificial food and foraged in mixed-species flocks to the same extent in both unsupplemented and food-supplemented periods. Results disprove the hypothesis that mixed-species foraging groups are caused by increased predation protection alone, and they support the hypotheses that mixed-species foraging groups are caused by increased foraging efficiency alone or by a combination of increased foraging efficiency and increased protection from predators.  相似文献   

Epidemiological typing of Bacillus spp. isolated from food.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Biotypes, fatty acid profiles, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms of a PCR product (PCR-RFLP of the cereolysin AB gene) were compared for 62 isolates of the Bacillus cereus group. Eleven isolates originated from various foods, and 51 isolates were obtained from pasteurized milk which had been processed by two different dairies. The isolates were clustered into 6 biotypes, 10 fatty acid groups, or 7 PCR-RFLP clusters. Isolates with mesophilic or psychrotrophic characteristics were preferentially distributed into specific fatty acid or PCR-RFLP groups (P = 0.004). Unique fatty acid clusters were predominantly found in milk samples of each dairy (P < 0.0001), suggesting that certain dairy plants may harbor plant-specific B. cereus which might constantly contribute to postpasteurization contamination.  相似文献   

An erythromycin-resistant (Emr) Listeria innocua and an Emr Listeria monocytogenes isolate both carried ermC genes, which code for rRNA methylases. The ermC genes were transferable by conjugation to recipient L. monocytogenes, Listeria ivanovii, and Enterococcus faecalis but did not appear to be associated with conjugative plasmids.  相似文献   

A PCR-based method for the detection of Salmonella spp. in food was developed. The method, set up on typical salami from the Italian region of Marche, is sensitive and specific and shows excellent correlation with the conventional method of reference when naturally contaminated foods are analyzed. Moreover, it can be easily performed within a maximum of 12 h from food sampling, thus allowing prompt detection of Salmonella spp. in the food stocks analyzed.  相似文献   

Capsule Breeding performance was not affected, although variation in nestbox occupancy may result from perceived differences in protection from predators and insulation properties.

Aim To assess if nestboxes of different construction and colour were occupied differently by breeding tits and affected breeding success.

Methods A total of 292 nestboxes of different construction and colour were placed in a range of habitats and their occupancy, and the clutch size, brood size and number of young fledged of the birds that used them were measured.

Results Overall 272 tit nests were included in the analysis. Although there were species-related differences in the occupancy of the different types of nestboxes, more tits nested in the boxes constructed from woodcrete (64% of nests) compared to the wooden boxes (36%). More tits nested in green (72%) rather than brown boxes (28%) and in boxes with entrance holes (68%) rather than wedges (32%). The clutch size, brood size and number of young fledged did not vary in relation to nestbox type.

Conclusion Within the parameters of the experimental design of this study, tits are more likely to nest in woodcrete boxes than in wooden boxes, and in wooden boxes that are green and have holes rather than brown boxes with wedge entrances. It is likely that the smaller internal volume, internal darkness, insulating properties and perceived protection from predation were the reasons for these differences.  相似文献   

Summary We tested two general models of flocking behaviour, namely the antipredation model and foraging efficiency model on mixed-species tit flocks (Parus spp.). After food addition the size of mixed-species flocks was significantly less than in the control samples. In the presence of extra food significantly more birds were observed either in monospecific flocks or solitary, than during the control observations. In the presence of a living predator the birds foraged in larger mixed-specifies flocks than during the control observations. In addition, the social behaviour of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Middle Spotted Woodpecker and Nuthatch shifted to mixed-specific flocking. The size of monospecific flocks was independent of both treatments. The density of birds increased significantly after food addition, while in the predator presence the birds tended to leave the forest. These results support the view that both the antipredation model and foraging efficiency model seem to be valid for mixed-species flocking. However, in the case of monospecific flocks, the territory maintenance could be the most important factor.  相似文献   

Lluís Brotons  Svein Haftorn 《Ibis》1999,141(4):587-595
Foraging and hoarding behaviour of the Coal Tit Parus ater were studied in two widely separated populations, in the Pyrenees and in Norway. The two populations differed in their degree of winter residence and environmental pressures. Location of foraging and hoarding sites were described in the Pyrenees during winter, and during autumn in Norway where no hoarding takes place during winter. Significant differences in the hoarding behaviour of Coal Tits between these areas were observed. In the Pyrenees, birds hoarded on inner and lower parts of the trees, using trunks and thick branches as caching sites, which are the substrates most heavily used in conditions of winter environmental stress. In Norway, birds hoarded items on outer and higher parts of the trees, mainly among needled twigs, which were the substrates used in normal foraging. Animal food was hoarded more frequently by the Norwegian population. Our results show that hoarding behaviour varies among populations and suggest that the differences recorded may be related to differences in competitive pressures and the prevailing environmental conditions. Furthermore, the absence of a safe long-term hoarding niche in the Norwegian population, due to interspecific competition, would make a strong sedentary habit difficult, offering a functional explanation for the differences observed in the degree of winter residence between Norwegian and Pyrenean Coal Tits.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive PCR-hybridization procedure for detection of Salmonella serovars in food samples was developed. This method is based on three subsequent steps: (1) extraction of nucleic acids from a 2 ml aliquot of the pre-enrichment medium used for the conventional culture method after 6 h of incubation at 37 degrees C; (2) amplification with primers selected from the sequences of invE and invA genes; (3) Southern blot and hybridization with a biotin labeled oligonucleotide probe. The entire procedure requires 30 h. The PCR-hybridization assay was able to detect as little as 50 fg of purified chromosomal DNA of S. typhimurium and 0.2 cfu g-1 of an artificially contaminated food sample. Of 245 food samples analyzed by culture and PCR-hybridization, 20 were positive by both methods and 16 were positive by PCR-hybridization only. None of the 209 PCR-negative samples tested positive by culture. The sensitivity, specificity, alpha and beta error values of the results of the PCR-hybridization procedure, compared with those of culture, were 100, 92.9, 0 and 7.1%, respectively. These results indicate that a short pre-enrichment and PCR-hybridization could be used as a screening test for the detection of Salmonella in food samples.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrance of Listeria strains in different food products was determined. Biochemical characteristic of the isolated strains was achieved in accordance with procedure included in PNEN ISO 11290 standard, genus was determined byApiListeria (bioMéieux) test. Sensitivity to selected antibacterial medicines was investigated using disck method and Mueller-Hinton 2 Agar medium. From the 577 examinated food samples 126 strains of Listeria were isolated and among them: 34.1% L. monocytogenes, 36,5% L. welshimeri, 19.0% L. innocua, 3.17% L. grayi, 0.79% L. seeligeri, 0.79% L. seeligeri/welshinmeri and 5.56% L. ivelshimeri/innocua. L. monocytogenes strains most often were found in minced pork, culinary products and in frozen vegetables. On the base of ApiListeria (bioMéieux) test the isolated L. monocytogenes strains were qualified into 2 biochemical types. It was found that all L. monocytogenes were sensitive to sulphametaksazol/trimetoprim and ampicyllin, 25% of strains were moderatety sensitive to penicillin and only 2 L. monocytogenes strains were resistant to gentamicin. Presence of Listeria spp. microorganisms in food products may be an production hygiene indicator for critical control point and show the possibility of contamination with L. monocytogenes strains.  相似文献   

The consequences of nest ectoparasites, such as Protocalliphora larvae, on nestling birds have been the subject of numerous studies. Despite observed reductions in mass and hematocrit of chicks from parasitized nests, no studies have found any effect of Protocalliphora on nestling survival, suggesting that fitness consequences of Protocalliphora are either weak or occur after fledging. From experiments on the metabolic performance of chicks, we found that parasitized chicks suffer from reduced thermogenic and metabolic capacities as a result of decreased mass and hematocrit. Hence, Protocalliphora may potentially affect nestling survival after fledging, when energetically costly activities such as flight and moult are undertaken. Previous studies have demonstrated an increase in parental feeding rate to compensate for the detrimental consequences of parasite infestation. We tested whether parasite effects on nestling aerobic capacity were dependent on food availability during the feeding period. Measures of caterpillar densities and experimental manipulations of parasite loads allowed us to investigate relationships among host, parasite, and environment. A positive relationship between chick aerobic and thermogenic performances and caterpillar density suggests that negative effects of parasitism may be offset by increased food availability. This study provides the first measurement of the effects of an ectoparasite on metabolic competence in wild birds and documentation of the effect of food availability on ectoparasite virulence using a quantitative measure of food abundance.  相似文献   

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