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To date, the taxonomic status and phylogenetic affinities within Hyphessobrycon, even among other genera in Characidae, remain unclear. Here, we determined five new mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of Hyphessobrycon species (H. elachys, H. flammeus, H. pulchripinnis, H. roseus, and H. sweglesi). The mitogenomes were all classical circular structures, with lengths ranging from 16,008 to 17,224 bp. The type of constitutive genes and direction of the coding strand that appeared in the mitogenomes were identical to those of other species in Characidae. The highest value of the Ka/Ks ratio within 13 protein‐coding genes (PCGs) was found in ND2 with 0.83, suggesting that they were subject to purifying selection in the Hyphessobrycon genus. Comparison of the control region sequences among seven Hyphessobrycon fish revealed that repeat units differ in length and copy number across different species, which led to sharp differences in mitogenome sizes. Phylogenetic trees based on the 13 PCGs did not support taxonomic relationships, as the Hyphessobrycon fish mixed with those from other genera. These data were combined to explore higher level relationships within Characidae and could aid in the understanding of the evolution of this group.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In this study, we assessed the ability of mitochondrial genome sequences to recover a test phylogeny of five hymenopteran taxa from which phylogenetic relationships are well accepted. Our analyses indicated that the test phylogeny was well recovered in all nucleotide Bayesian analyses when all the available holometabolan (i.e. outgroup) taxa were included, but only in Bayesian analyses excluding third codon positions when only the hymenopteran representatives and a single outgroup were included. This result suggests that taxon sampling of the outgroup might be as important as taxon sampling of the ingroup when recovering hymenopteran phylogenetic relationships using whole mitochondrial genomes. Parsimony analyses were more sensitive to both taxon sampling and the analytical model than Bayesian analyses, and analyses using the protein dataset did not recover the test phylogeny. In general, mitochondrial genomes did not resolve the position of the Hymenoptera within the Holometabola with confidence, suggesting that an increased taxon sampling, both within the Holometabola and among outgroups, is necessary.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are abundant across prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. However, comparative analysis of microsatellites in the organellar genomes of plants and their utility in understanding phylogeny has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to understand the organization of microsatellites in the coding and non-coding regions of organellar genomes of major cereals viz., rice, wheat, maize and sorghum. About 5.8-14.3% of mitochondrial and 30.5-43.2% of chloroplast microsatellites were observed in the coding regions. About 83.8-86.8% of known mitochondrial genes had at least one microsatellite while this value ranged from 78.6-82.9% among the chloroplast genomes. Dinucleotide repeats were the most abundant in the coding and non-coding regions of the mitochondrial genome while mononucleotides were predominant in chloroplast genomes. Maize harbored more repeats in the mitochondrial genome, which could be due to the larger size of genome. A phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial and chloroplast genomic microsatellites revealed that rice and sorghum were closer to each other, while wheat was the farthest and this corroborated with the earlier reported phylogenies based on nuclear genome co-linearity and chloroplast gene-based analysis.  相似文献   

For over a century the relationships between the four major groups of the phylum Arthropoda (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Hexapoda and Myriapoda) have been debated. Recent molecular evidence has confirmed a close relationship between the Crustacea and the Hexapoda, and has included the suggestion of a paraphyletic Hexapoda. To test this hypothesis we have sequenced the complete or near-complete mitochondrial genomes of three crustaceans (Parhyale hawaiensis, Squilla mantis and Triops longicaudatus), two collembolans (Onychiurus orientalis and Podura aquatica) and the insect Thermobia domestica. We observed rearrangement of transfer RNA genes only in O. orientalis, P. aquatica and P. hawaiensis. Of these, only the rearrangement in O. orientalis, an apparent autapomorphy for the collembolan family Onychiuridae, was phylogenetically informative.We aligned the nuclear and amino acid sequences from the mitochondrial protein-encoding genes of these taxa with their homologues from other arthropod taxa for phylogenetic analysis. Our dataset contains many more Crustacea than previous molecular phylogenetic analyses of the arthropods. Neighbour-joining, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian posterior probabilities all suggest that crustaceans and hexapods are mutually paraphyletic. A crustacean clade of Malacostraca and Branchiopoda emerges as sister to the Insecta sensu stricto and the Collembola group with the maxillopod crustaceans. Some, but not all, analyses strongly support this mutual paraphyly but statistical tests do not reject the null hypotheses of a monophyletic Hexapoda or a monophyletic Crustacea. The dual monophyly of the Hexapoda and Crustacea has rarely been questioned in recent years but the idea of both groups' paraphyly dates back to the nineteenth century. We suggest that the mutual paraphyly of both groups should seriously be considered.  相似文献   



The Neogastropoda is a highly diversified group of predatory marine snails (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). Traditionally, its monophyly has been widely accepted based on several morphological synapomorphies mostly related with the digestive system. However, recent molecular phylogenetic studies challenged the monophyly of Neogastropoda due to the inclusion of representatives of other caenogastropod lineages (e.g. Littorinimorpha) within the group. Neogastropoda has been classified into up to six superfamilies including Buccinoidea, Muricoidea, Olivoidea, Pseudolivoidea, Conoidea, and Cancellarioidea. Phylogenetic relationships among neogastropod superfamilies remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Using fourteen random mitochondrial DNA probes, we have examined restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in wild and cultivatedHevea brasiliensis. A total of 395 accessions, including 345 from various prospectings collected in Brazil, Colombia and Peru and 50 cultivated clones, were analyzed. Two other species (H. benthamiana andH. pauciflora) were also included in the study for comparison. The high level of mitochondrial polymorphism allowed us to divide all the accessions analyzed into 212 distinct genotypes. The genetic variability of cultivated clones was limited to four genotypes forming two clusters. In contrast, considerable genetic variation was found in the wild collections. In almost all cases, accessions displaying the same RFLP profile were restricted to the same geographical area (same or neighbor administrative districts). In addition, accessions whose genetic closeness was predicted by RFLP profiles were also clustered according to geographical origin. In a few cases, however, similar RFLP profiles were found for accessions originating from geographically distant districts. This discrepancy can be explained either by seed dispersion (by river) or possibly by similar genetic events occurring independently in different geographical locations. Chloroplast DNA RFLP was also analyzed in 217 accessions, representative of 126 distinct mitochondrial genotypes. Very few differences were found, indicating that the chloroplast genome is more highly conserved than the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

We improve the taxon sampling for avian phylogeny by analyzing 7 new mitochondrial genomes (a toucan, woodpecker, osprey, forest falcon, American kestrel, heron, and a pelican). This improves inference of the avian tree, and it supports 3 major conclusions. The first is that some birds (including a parrot, a toucan, and an osprey) exhibit a complete duplication of the control region (CR) meaning that there are at least 4 distinct gene orders within birds. However, it appears that there are regions of continued gene conversion between the duplicate CRs, resulting in duplications that can be stable for long evolutionary periods. Because of this stable duplicated state, gene order can eventually either revert to the original order or change to the new gene order. The existence of this stable duplicate state explains how an apparently unlikely event (finding the same novel gene order) can arise multiple times. Although rare genomic changes have theoretical advantages for tree reconstruction, they can be compromised if these apparently rare events have a stable intermediate state. Secondly, the toucan and woodpecker improve the resolution of the 6-way split within Neoaves that has been called an "explosive radiation." An explosive radiation implies that normal microevolutionary events are insufficient to explain the observed macroevolution. By showing the avian tree is, in principle, resolvable, we demonstrate that the radiation of birds is amenable to standard evolutionary analysis. Thirdly, and as expected from theory, additional taxa breaking up long branches stabilize the position of some problematic taxa (like the falcon). In addition, we report that within the birds of prey and allies, we did not find evidence pairing New World vultures with storks or accipitrids (hawks, eagles, and osprey) with Falconids.  相似文献   

Turano-Mongolian cattle are a group of taurine cattle from Northern and Eastern Asia with distinct morphological traits, which are known for their ability to tolerate harsh environments, such as the Asian steppe and the Tibetan plateau. Through the analysis of 170 mitogenomes from ten modern breeds, two sub-lineages within T3 (T3119 and T3055) were identified as specific of Turano-Mongolian cattle. These two T3 sub-lineages, together with the previously identified T4, were also present in six Neolithic samples, dated to ~3900 years BP, which might represent the earliest domestic taurine stocks from Southwest Asia. The rare haplogroup Q, found in three Tibetan cattle, testifies for the legacy of ancient migrations from Southwest Asia and suggests that the isolated Tibetan Plateau preserved unique prehistoric genetic resources. These findings confirm the geographic substructure of Turano-Mongolian cattle breeds, which have been shaped by ancient migrations and geographic barriers.Subject terms: Animal migration, Haplotypes, Phylogenetics  相似文献   

A network N is a rooted acyclic digraph. A base-set X for N is a subset of vertices including the root (or outgroup), all leaves, and all vertices of outdegree 1. A simple model of evolution is considered in which all characters are binary and in which back-mutations occur only at hybrid vertices. It is assumed that the genome is known for each member of the base-set X. If the network is known and is assumed to be “normal,” then it is proved that the genome of every vertex is uniquely determined and can be explicitly reconstructed. Under additional hypotheses involving time-consistency and separation of the hybrid vertices, the network itself can also be reconstructed from the genomes of all members of X. An explicit polynomial-time procedure is described for performing the reconstruction.  相似文献   

香蕉上的镰孢菌种类及其系统发育关系(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰孢菌属真菌是香蕉上的重要病原菌,主要引起香蕉枯萎病以及香蕉冠腐病,在我国已明确引起香蕉枯萎病的病原为尖孢镰孢古巴专化型 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense(FOC)1号和4号生理小种,但是引起香蕉冠腐病的镰孢菌种类还未明确。为了解香蕉上镰孢菌在种间及种内水平上的多样性,2008–2011 年间作者从华南地区不同的水果市场及香蕉果园采集香蕉样品90份,分离得到143株镰孢菌。通过形态学观察及基于 EF-1α基因的系统进化分析鉴定出10种镰孢菌,即F. oxysporum、F. solani、F. camptoceras、F. pallidoroseum、F. stiloides、F. chlamydosporum、F.verticillioides、F. proliferatum、F. concentricum、F. sacchari,以及藤仓赤霉复合种(Gibberella fujikuroi species complex,GFC)中 3 个未定名的类群。轮纹镰孢 F. concentricum 及甘蔗镰孢 F.sacchari 是香蕉果实中最常见种,前菌为我国首次报道,后菌是首次报道与香蕉有关。对从香蕉上分离的藤仓赤霉复合种(GFC)及尖孢镰孢复合种(FOSC)的EF-1α序列进行了系统发育分析,其GFC中的27个菌株组成的单系群可分为7个不同的亚群,分别为 F.verticillioides、F. proliferatum、F. concentricum、F. sacchari 以及3个没有描述过的菌系 Fusarium sp. 1、Fusarium sp.2和 Fusarium sp.3;FOSC中的50个菌株形成2大分枝共12个谱系,分离自我国华南地区的21株尖孢镰孢形成7个谱系,其中 13株已知的香蕉枯萎病病原菌分布在3个谱系中,我国大陆的香蕉枯萎病病原菌菌株与来源于台湾地区及东南亚的菌株亲缘关系较近,FOC1号生理小种的遗传分化大于4号生理小种,FOC 1号生理小种与分离自香蕉果实上的尖孢镰孢菌的亲缘关系比与FOC 4号生理小种的亲缘关系更近。研究结果表明,我国香蕉上存在着丰富的镰孢菌种类,而且种内遗传多样性丰富。  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for three mitochondrial genes, coxI, coxII and atpA, were used to determine mitochondrial (mt) DNA diversity in 21 accessions of the genus Beta representing wild and cultivated species. On the basis of distribution of the RFLP patterns these Beta genotypes were assigned into six distinct chondriome groups. A high degree of heterogeneity was found to exist between the mitochondrial genomes of the sugarbeet cultivar and the wild species of Procumbentes section. The polymorphic fragments from wild Beta species were cloned and subjected to fine mapping. We found that most of the RFLPs are due to sequence rearrangements rather than point mutations. Our data also suggest that the close linkage between coxII and coxI is taxonomically localized to an evolutionary lineage that led to Vulgares and Corollinae species but not to Procumbentes species. This linkage is most likely to have arisen via the mutation(s) that inserted the DNA segment containing coxI downstream of coxII in the common ancestor of Vulgares and Corollinae species. The results are discussed with regard to the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of the Beta species.  相似文献   

The compositional distributions of high molecular weight DNA fragments from 20 species belonging to 9 out of the 17 eutherian orders were investigated by analytical CsCl density gradient centrifugation and by preparative fractionation in Cs2SO4/BAMD density gradients followed by analysis of the fractions in CsCl. These compositional distributions reflect those of the isochores making up the corresponding genomes. A “general distribution” was found in species belonging to eight mammalian orders. A “myomorph distribution” was found in Myomorpha, but not in the other rodent infraorders Sciuromorpha and Histricomorpha, which share the general distribution. Two other distributions were found in a megachiropteran (but not in microchiropteran, which, again, shares the general distribution) and in pangolin (a species from the only genus of the order Pholidota), respectively. The main difference between the general distribution and all other distributions is that the former contains sizable amounts (6–10%) of GC-rich isochores (detected as DNA fragments equal to, or higher than, 1.710 g/cm3 in modal buoyant density), which are scarce, or absent, in the other distributions. This difference is remarkable because gene concentrations in mammalian genomes are paralleled by GC levels, the highest gene concentrations being present in the GC-richest isochores. The compositional distributions of mammalian genomes reported here shed light on mammalian phylogeny. Indeed, all orders investigated, with the exception of Pholidota, seem to share a common ancestor. The compositional patterns of the megachiropteran and of Myomorpha may be derived from the general pattern or have independent origins.  相似文献   

Within the nematode class Chromadorea, the suborder Tylenchina is an ecologically and morphologically diverse assemblage of nematodes that includes free‐living microbivores, fungivores and various types of plant parasites. A recent nematode classification system based largely on SSU rDNA phylogenetic trees classified suborder Tylenchina to include four infraorders: Panagrolaimomorpha, Cephalobomorpha, Tylenchomorpha and Drilonematomorpha, and phylogenetic relationships among species of these infraorders have not always been robustly supported. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of three Tylenchina species (Aphelenchus avenae [Aphelenchidae, Tylenchomorpha], Halicephalobus gingivalis, Panagrellus redivivus [Panagrolaimomorpha]) and the partial genome sequence of Acrobeles complexus (Cephalobomorpha) and used these sequences to infer phylogenetic relationships among representatives of the Tylenchina and other nematodes. Phylogenetic analysis of amino acid sequences for 12 protein‐coding genes of 100 nematode species supports monophyly of: Chromadorea, Spiruromorpha, Oxyuridomorpha, Ascarididae + Toxocaridae + Anisakidae, Meloidogynidae + Pratylenchidae + Heteroderidae and Aphelenchoidea. Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood analyses also show the nested position of Diplogasteromorpha within Rhabditomorpha, and Rhigonematomorpha within Ascaridomorpha. These analyses also show non‐monophyly of: clade III, Ancylostomatidae, Panagrolaimomorpha, Tylenchina and Tylenchomorpha. Reconstructed mitochondrial genome phylogeny also revealed that among two main Tylenchomorpha groups, the monophyletic group representing Aphelenchoidea species was sister to the large clade consisting of Ascaridomorpha, Diplogasteromorpha, Rhabditomorpha and Rhigonematomorpha and some Panagrolaimomorpha species, whereas Tylenchoidea species were sister to the most inclusive assemblage containing all infraordinal groups of Chromadorea, except for P. redivivus (Panagrolaimomorpha) and Acrobeles complexus (Cephalobomorpha). The monophyly of Aphelenchoidea (i.e. sister relationship between Aphelenchidae and Aphelenchoididae) recovered in this study indicates that similarity in certain aspects of pharyngeal structure between these two families appears best explained by common ancestry, rather than convergent evolution.  相似文献   



A number of the deeper divergences in the placental mammal tree are still inconclusively resolved despite extensive phylogenomic analyses. A recent analysis of 200 kbp of protein coding sequences yielded only limited support for the relationships among Laurasiatheria (cow, dog, bat and shrew), probably because the divergences occurred only within a few million years from each other. It is generally expected that increasing the amount of data and improving the taxon sampling enhance the resolution of narrow divergences. Therefore these and other difficult splits were examined by phylogenomic analysis of the hitherto largest sequence alignment. The increasingly complete genome data of placental mammals also allowed developing a novel and stringent data search method.  相似文献   

Studies on mitochondrial DNA variability amongst six sturgeon species reared in Italian aquaculture plants are reported. Restriction analysis by Rsal of mitochondrial cytochrome b and D-loop fragments amplified by PCR permitted identification of interspecific variations that would be suitable as markers for species diagnosis. Data obtained by partial sequencing of the cytochrome b gene, analyzed through maximum parsimony, neighbour joining, and UPGMA distance methods, revealed species clusters that support previous morpho-meristic and geographical data for sturgeon classification into sub-genera. According to our cluster analysis, the genera Acipenser and Huso are monophyletic. Moreover, these and previous cytogenetic data suggest that three 120-chromosome species (H. huso, H. dauricus and A. ruthenus) are at the base of sturgeon differentiation, which occurred through two different events of polyploidization.  相似文献   



Acrodonta consists of Agamidae and Chamaeleonidae that have the characteristic acrodont dentition. These two families and Iguanidae sensu lato are members of infraorder Iguania. Phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of iguanian lizards still remain to be elucidated in spite of a number of morphological and molecular studies. This issue was addressed by sequencing complete mitochondrial genomes from 10 species that represent major lineages of acrodont lizards. This study also provided a good opportunity to compare molecular evolutionary modes of mitogenomes among different iguanian lineages.  相似文献   

Wallace's Line, separating the terrestrial faunas of South East Asia from the Australia-New Guinea region, is the most prominent and well-studied biogeographical division in the world. Phylogenetically distinct subgroups of major animal and plant groups have been documented on either side of Wallace's Line since it was first proposed in 1859. Despite its importance, the temporal history of fragmentation across this line is virtually unknown and the geological foundation has rarely been discussed. Using molecular phylogenetics and dating techniques, we show that the split between taxa in the South East Asian and the Australian-New Guinean geological regions occurred during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous in two independent lizard clades. This estimate is compatible with the hypothesis of rifting Gondwanan continental fragments during the Mesozoic and strongly rejects the hypothetical origin of various members of the Australian-New Guinean herpetofauna as relatively recent invasions from South East Asia. Our finding suggests an ancient fragmentation of lizard taxa on either side of Wallace's Line and provides further evidence that the composition of modern global communities has been significantly affected by rifting and accretion of Gondwanan continental plates during the Middle to Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

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