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Electrophysiological recordings in lactating rats show that oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) neurons exhibit specific patterns of activities in relation to peripheral stimuli: periodic bursting firing for OT neurons during suckling, phasic firing for AVP neurons during hyperosmolarity (systemic injection of hypertonic saline). These activities are autocontrolled by OT and AVP released somato-dentritically within the hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei. In vivo, OT enhances the amplitude and frequency of bursts, an effect accompanied with an increase in basal firing rate. However, the characteristics of firing change as facilitation proceeds: the spike patterns become very irregular with clusters of spikes spaced by long silences; the firing rate is highly variable and clearly oscillates before facilitated bursts. This unstable behaviour dramatically decreases during intense tonic activation which temporarily interrupts bursting, and could therefore be a prerequisite for bursting. In vivo, the effects of AVP depend on the initial firing pattern of AVP neurons: AVP excites weakly active neurons (increasing duration of active periods and decreasing silences), inhibits highly active neurons, and does not affect neurons with intermediate phasic activity. AVP brings the entire population of AVP neurons to discharge with a medium phasic activity characterised by periods of firing and silence lasting 20–40 s, a pattern shown to optimise the release of AVP from the neurohypophysis. Each of the peptides (OT or AVP) induces an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, specifically in the neurons containing either OT or AVP respectively. OT evokes the release of Ca2+ from IP3-sensitive intracellular stores. AVP induces an influx of Ca2+ through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels of T-, L- and N-types. We postulate that the facilitatory autocontrol of OT and AVP neurons could be mediated by Ca2+ known to play a key role in the control of the patterns of phasic neurons.  相似文献   

Atrial mechanoreceptors, sensitive to stretch, contribute in regulating heart rate and intravascular volume. The information from those receptors reaches the nucleus tractus solitarius and then the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), known to have a crucial role in the regulation of cardiovascular function. Neurons in the PVN synthesize CRF, AVP, and oxytocin (OT). Stimulation of atrial mechanoreceptors was performed in awake rats implanted with a balloon at the junction of the superior vena cava and right atrium. Plasma ACTH, AVP, and OT concentrations and Fos, CRF, AVP, and OT immunolabeling in the PVN were determined after balloon inflation in hydrated and water-deprived rats. The distension of the balloon increased the plasma ACTH concentrations, which were higher in water-deprived than in hydrated rats (P < 0.05). In addition, the distension in the water-deprived group decreased plasma AVP concentrations (P < 0.05), compared with the respective control group. The distension increased the number of Fos- and double-labeled Fos/CRF neurons in the parvocellular PVN, which was higher in the water-deprived than in the hydrated group (P < 0.01). There was no difference in the Fos expression in magnocellular PVN neurons after distension in hydrated and water-deprived groups, compared with respective controls. In conclusion, parvocellular CRF neurons showed an increase of Fos expression induced by stimulation of right atrial mechanoreceptors, suggesting that CRF participates in the cardiovascular reflex adjustments elicited by volume loading. Activation of CRF neurons in the PVN by cardiovascular reflex is affected by osmotic stimulation.  相似文献   

We have estimated the corticotropin-releasing activity (CRA) of different neurohypophyseal peptides and synthetic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the duck, using perfused dispersed pituitary cells and an ACTH radioimmunoassay adapted to duck material. Log dose-response curves were obtained for different doses of arginine-vasopressin (AVP), arginine-vasotocin (AVT), mesotocin (MT), oxitocin (OT) and ovine CRF (oCRF) and compared to the response obtained with dilutions of duck median eminence extracts (DME). All peptides tested behaved as partial agonists compared to DME. AVT and MT were the most potent of all peptides tested, with a capacity of 60% relative to DME. CRF was a weak agonist together with AVP and OT. AVT and CRF perfused together at equal doses significantly potentiated the effect of each other, yielding a dose-response line whose slope approximated that of DME. A similar design was used to test the CRA of the same substances in the rat. The main difference in the pattern of response between the two species was the low potency displayed by all the neurohypophyseal peptides in the rat, compared with CRF which, in contrast with what occurred with the duck system, was the most potent secretagogue of all peptides tested. It is concluded that in birds, as in mammals, the control of ACTH secretion may be exerted by neurohypophyseal peptides and a CRF-like peptide acting synergistically upon the corticomelanotropic cell.  相似文献   

《Cell calcium》2016,60(6):280-288
The magnocellular vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) neurones exhibit specific electrophysiological behaviour, synthesise AVP and OT peptides and secrete them into the neurohypophysial system in response to various physiological stimulations. The activity of these neurones is regulated by the very same peptides released either somato-dendritically or when applied to supraoptic nucleus (SON) preparations in vitro. The AVP and OT, secreted somato-dendritically (i.e. in the SON proper) act through specific autoreceptors, induce distinct Ca2+ signals and regulate cellular events. Here, we demonstrate that about 70% of freshly isolated individual SON neurones from the adult non-transgenic or transgenic rats bearing AVP (AVP-eGFP) or OT (OT-mRFP1) markers, produce distinct spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations. In the neurones identified (through specific fluorescence), about 80% of AVP neurones and about 60% of OT neurones exhibited these oscillations. Exposure to AVP triggered [Ca2+]i oscillations in silent AVP neurones, or modified the oscillatory pattern in spontaneously active cells. Hyper- and hypo-osmotic stimuli (325 or 275 mOsmol/l) respectively intensified or inhibited spontaneous [Ca2+]i dynamics. In rats dehydrated for 3 or 5 days almost 90% of neurones displayed spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations. More than 80% of OT-mRFP1 neurones from 3 to 6-day-lactating rats were oscillatory vs. about 44% (OT-mRFP1 neurones) in virgins. Together, these results unveil for the first time that both AVP and OT neurones maintain, via Ca2+ signals, their remarkable intrinsic in vivo physiological properties in an isolated condition.  相似文献   

To characterize the participation of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal regulation after adrenalectomy (ADX), we evaluated corticosterone, ACTH, AVP and OT plasma concentrations and AVP and OT content of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) at different periods (3 h, 1, 3, 7 and 14 days) in sham or ADX rats under basal conditions and after immobilization stress. ADX animals showed undetectable corticosterone levels, while sham animals showed a marked increase in corticosterone and ACTH 3 h after surgery, then lowering to basal control levels. ADX rats showed high basal ACTH levels with a triphasic response without changes after immobilization. After three hours, the ADX group showed higher OT levels than the sham group. OT was increased after immobilization stress in sham and ADX groups. AVP plasma levels did not change throughout the basal or stress studies in either group. There was a decrease in hypothalamic AVP content 1 and 3 days after ADX under basal and stress conditions. Plasma osmolality showed a significant decrease in the ADX group at 3, 7, and 14 days. In conclusion, there are different pituitary-adrenal axis set points after removal of the glucocorticoid negative feedback. The role of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons in the ACTH secretion after ADX or immobilization stress appears to differ. Magnocellular AVP is unlikely to contribute to ACTH secretion in response to ADX or immobilization stress. On the other hand, OT is elicited by immobilization stress and might contribute to the ACTH secretion during short-term ADX.  相似文献   

It has been documented that ethanol can potentiate brain -aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic function, and there is a close link between the GABAA receptor complex and effects of ethanol, including reinforcement of alcohol which is a fundamental element of alcohol preference. However, it is unknown in what discrete brain regions GABAA receptors might be associated with alcohol preference. In the present study, [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) was used to localize GABAA receptors in high-alcohol-drinking (HAD) rats and low-alcohol-drinking (LAD) rats which were selectively bred for high and low alcohol preference, respectively. Initial qualitative observations indicated that [35S]TBPS binding sites were abundant in many brain areas including the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and amygdala of HAD and LAD rats. Furthermore, the quantitative autoradiographic analysis revealed fewer [35S]TBPS binding sites of GABAA receptors in the amygdaloid complex, central medial thalamic nucleus, lateral hypothalamic nucleus and anterior hypothalamic nucleus of HAD rats than LAD rats. Collectively, this study has indicated that HAD rats selectively bred for high alcohol preference possess lower [35S]TBPS binding in the brain. Since lower TBPS binding has been proposed to reflect enhanced GABAergic function, as evidenced in rats with seizure or under alcohol withdrawal, the results from the present study suggest that HAD rats might have an enhanced GABAergic function. It is thus likely that enhanced GABAergic function in the brain might be related to high alcohol preference which is characteristic in HAD rats. In addition, the present result showing no difference of [35S]TBPS binding in the nucleus accumbens is also in agreement with a notion that [35S]TBPS binding may represent only a small spectrum of the GABAA receptor complex which is constituted of a sophisticated subunit combination whose functional compositions are still unknown. In conclusion, the present study supports the working hypothesis that GABAA receptors are involved in alcohol preference in HAD rats.  相似文献   

Recent isolation, structural identification, and synthesis of ovine CRF has made possible the generation of specific antibodies against this hypothalamic peptide. Two fragments of the amino acid sequence corresponding to ovine CRF (CRF 37-41 and CRF 22-41), as well as the full sequence of 41 residues (CRF 1-41), synthesized in our laboratories by solid-phase methods, were coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) with glutaraldehyde. New Zealand white rabbits were immunized with the emulsified mixtures of peptide-BSA conjugates and Freund's adjuvant as immunogens. The specificity of the generated antibodies was studied by agar-gel diffusion, absorption tests in the immunohistochemical system, and with the aid of displacement curves in RIA. 125I-Tyr(35)-CRF 36-41 and 125I-Tyr(0)-CRF 1-41 were used as radioligands in the RIA. The minimum detectable dose was 20 pg. The linearity observed in RIA for immunoreactive CRF in extracts of rat hypothalami, together with the immunocytochemical findings in the rat brain, indicate the presence of substance(s) immunologically indistinguishable from CRF. Immunohistochemistry with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique detected the following CRF-immunoreactive structures in vibratome sections of hypothalami of colchicine-treated rats: CRF-containing cell bodies were observed mainly in smaller neurons of the paraventricular nucleus. CRF-positive nerve fibers and/or terminals were present in the external zone of the median eminence, with some immunoreactive CRF also present in the internal zone. The CRF-positive terminals were localized in the central regions of the median eminence. These morphological data reinforce the view that this polypeptide plays a physiological role in the control of ACTH release.  相似文献   

Neurohypophyseal hormones evoke spontaneous behavioral changes in mice. This study compares the potency of four naturally occuring neurohypophyseal hormones and of ten analogs with amino acid residue replacements selected in such a manner as to cover each residue position of the hormones with the exception of the cystine residue. Peptides were administered intraventricularly and the sum of foraging, scratching and squeaking, recorded at 30 second intervals during a 30 min session, was measured as a function of peptide dose. The most potent group of peptides is represented by the neurohypophyseal hormones as well as the five analogs [Hly8] vasopressin, [Δ3-Pro7]AVP, [Thi3]LVP, [Abu4]AVP and [Abu4]LVP. [Leu4]LVP showed significant activity but was far less potent than the natural hormones. None of the remaining analogs enhanced activity with an increase in peptide dose. This group included both peptides with C-terminal modifications and those in which the tyrosine (position 2) or the asparagine residue (position 5) of the hormones were substituted by alanine. The neurohypophyseal hormone-induced behavioral results of this study reveal a structure-function relationship, which is in its most important conclusions, identical to the conformation-activity model proposed for endocrine activities of neurohypophyseal peptides.  相似文献   

During dehydration, responses of endocrine and autonomic control systems are triggered by central and peripheral osmoreceptors and peripheral baroreceptors to stimulate thirst and sodium appetite. Specifically, it is already clear that endocrine system acts by secreting vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin (OT) and angiotensin II (ANG II), and that gaseous molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO), play an important role in modulating the neurohypophyseal secretion as well as ANG II production and thirst. More recently, another gas—hydrogen sulfide (H2S)—has been studied as a neuronal modulator, which is involved in hypothalamic control of blood pressure, heart frequency and temperature. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether H2S and its interaction with NO system could participate in the modulatory responses of thirst and hormonal secretion induced by fluid deprivation. For this purpose, Wistar male rats were deprived of water for 12 and 24 h, and the activity of sulfide-generating enzymes was measured. Surprisingly, 24-h water deprivation increased the activity of sulfide-generating enzymes in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). Furthermore, the icv injection of sodium sulfide (Na2S, 260 nmol), a H2S donor, reduced water intake, increased AVP, OT and CORT plasma concentrations and decreased MBH nitrate/nitrite (NOX) content of 24-h water-deprived animals compared to controls. We thus suggest that H2S system has an important role in the modulation of hormonal and behavioral responses induced by 24-h fluid deprivation.  相似文献   

Zhao DQ  Ai HB 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23362


Vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) are considered to be related to gastric functions and the regulation of stress response. The present study was to study the role of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons during the restraint water-immersion stress.


Ten male Wistar rats were divided into two groups, control and RWIS for 1h. The brain sections were treated with a dual immunohistochemistry of Fos and oxytocin (OT) or vasopressin (AVP) or OT receptor or AVP 1b receptor (V1bR).


(1) Fos-immunoreactive (Fos-IR) neurons dramatically increased in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the supraoptic nucleus (SON), the neucleus of solitary tract (NTS) and motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) in the RWIS rats; (2) OT-immunoreactive (OT-IR) neurons were mainly observed in the medial magnocellular part of the PVN and the dorsal portion of the SON, while AVP-immunoreactive (AVP-IR) neurons mainly distributed in the magnocellular part of the PVN and the ventral portion of the SON. In the RWIS rats, Fos-IR neurons were indentified in 31% of OT-IR neurons and 40% of AVP-IR neurons in the PVN, while in the SON it represented 28%, 53% respectively; (3) V1bR-IR and OTR-IR neurons occupied all portions of the NTS and DMV. In the RWIS rats, more than 10% of OTR-IR and V1bR-IR neurons were activated in the DMV, while lower ratio in the NTS.


RWIS activates both oxytocinergic and vasopressinergic neurons in the PVN and SON, which may project to the NTS or DMV mediating the activity of the neurons by OTR and V1bR.  相似文献   

The release of ACTH from superfused dispersed goldfish anterior pituitary cells was examined to determine if the neurohypophyseal peptides arginine vasotocin (AVT), isotocin (IST) or arginine vasopressin (AVP) potentiate the ACTH-releasing activities of the structurally homologous peptides urotensin I (UI) or ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). The ACTH-releasing activities of the neurohypophyseal peptides and UI or CRF were additive. AVT, IST or AVP failed to potentiate the ACTH-releasing activity of UI or CRF. These results suggest that in teleost fishes neurohypophyseal peptides have intrinsic ACTH-releasing activity but, unlike mammals, do not potentiate the release of ACTH evoked by CRF, or by the piscian CRF-like peptide, UI.  相似文献   

It has been well known that oxytocin (OT)-ergic and arginine vasopressin (AVP)-ergic neurons located in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and super optic nucleus (SON) are two kinds of neuroendocrine cells with diverse functions. It has also been demonstrated that immune stimuli can activate these neurons to secret OT and AVP. However, the intracellular signal transduction molecules responsible for the activation of these OT-ergic and AVP-ergic neurons in PVN by immune stimuli are still unclear. In this experiment, the roles of Fos, a protein product of immediate early gene c-fos, and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) 1/2, a signal transduction molecule of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, in these processes were studied in the PVN of the rat following IL-1beta stimulation. The Sprague-Dawley rats were received either 750 ng/kg IL-1beta or equal volume normal saline (NS) injection intravenously (i.v.), and perfused transcardially by 4% paraformaldehyde 3h later. Fos and phosphorylated ERK1/2 (pERK1/2)-immunoreactivity (-ir) was observed in PVN by ABC immunohistochemical staining. Meanwhile, the double staining for OT/Fos, AVP/Fos, OT/pERK1/2 and AVP/pERK1/2 were also processed. The ABC immunohistochemical staining results showed that after an i.v. injection of IL-1beta, the expressions of Fos and pERK1/2 increased evidently in the PVN. Double-staining results showed that a large number of OT-ir cells contained strong Fos-ir products in their nuclei, while only a few of OT cells were double labeled with pERK1/2. As to AVP neurons, great quantities of AVP cells were strongly double labeled with pERK1/2 while there were nearly no Fos-ir nuclei in AVP-ir cells. We conclude from these results that the intracellular IL-1beta-induced events in OT and AVP neurons in PVN are quite different. The OT neurons are mainly activated via Fos without involvement of ERK1/2 pathway, while the latter, but not Fos, involves the intracellular event in AVP neurons activated by IL-1beta.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of dipotassium 2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl [35S]sulphate ([35S]NCS), a chromogenic substrate for lysosomal arylsulphatases A and B, has been studied in rats. Intraperitoneal injection of [35S]NCS into free-ranging animals is followed by excretion of the bulk of the radioactivity in the urine within 24hr., less than 13% being eliminated as inorganic [35S]sulphate. Most of the urinary radioactivity can be accounted for as [35S]NCS, but small amounts of a labelled metabolite are also present. Experiments in which [35S]NCS was injected intravenously into anaesthetized rats with bile-duct and bladder cannulae confirm that the ester is rapidly excreted in the urine. However, small amounts of radioactivity appear in bile, mainly in the form of the metabolite detected in urine. When [35S]NCS is perfused through the isolated rat liver, about 35% of the dose is hydrolysed within 3hr. Similar results are obtained if [35S]NCS is injected into anaesthetized rats in which kidney function has been eliminated by ligature of the renal pedicles. The labelled metabolite has been isolated from bile obtained by perfusing several rat livers with blood containing a total of 100mg. of [35S]NCS. It has been identified as 2-β-glucuronosido-5-nitrophenyl [35S]sulphate. The implications of the various findings are discussed. The Appendix describes the preparation of [35S]NCS.  相似文献   

In response to forced swimming (FS), AVP is released somato-dendritically within the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN), but not from neurohypophyseal terminals into blood. Together with AVP, oxytocin (OXT) is released within the SON and PVN. Here, we studied the role of intra-SON and intra-PVN OXT in the regulation of local AVP release and into the blood in male rats. Within the SON, bilateral retrodialysis of an OXT receptor antagonist (OXT-A) increased local AVP release in response to FS [60 s, 21 degrees C, vehicle twofold, not significant (ns); OXT-A: 15-fold increase, P < 0.05] without significantly affecting basal AVP release. In addition, local OXT-A elevated plasma AVP secretion under basal conditions (twofold increase, P < 0.05) without further elevation after FS. Within the PVN, exposure to FS elevated local AVP release, reaching significance only in the OXT-A group (vehicle: 1.4-fold, ns; OXT-A: 1.6-fold increase, P = 0.050). Bilateral OXT-A into the PVN did not affect peripheral AVP secretion either under basal or stress conditions. Basal ACTH concentrations tended to be elevated by local OXT-A within the PVN (1.7-fold increase, P = 0.076). In contrast, the swim-induced ACTH secretion was attenuated after retrodialysis of OXT-A within both the SON (at 5 min) and PVN (at 15 min) (P < 0.05 both) compared with vehicle. The results demonstrate a receptor-mediated effect of OXT within the SON and PVN on local and neurohypophyseal AVP release, which depends upon the activity conditions. Further, while exerting an inhibitory effect on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activity under basal conditions, hypothalamic OXT is essential for an adequate acute ACTH response.  相似文献   

Rat medial basal hypothalami (MBH) and sections of cerebral cortex (CC) were dissociated with trypsin to prepare single cells and subcellular fractions. They were then separated into four fractions on a discontinuous sucrose gradient. The small neurons in Fraction D were highly purified. Fraction A had synaptosomes, myelin and other cell particulates. Fraction B had glial cells, neurons and a few synaptosomes. Fraction C had large neurons and red blood cells. All four fractions contained LHRH, but most (62.5%) of this hormone was present in Fraction A. Dissociated cell suspensions were incubated with [3H]-steroids, with and without a 100-fold excess of unlabeled steroids, then separated on sucrose gradients. In most fractions the total uptake and specific uptake of [3H]-progesterone, [3H]-5α-pregnane-3,20-dione (5α-dihydroprogesterone) and [3H]-l7β-estradiol were greater for the dissociated cells from the MBH than the CC. The dissociated cells and cell particulates in all four fractions from the MBH and CC metabolized progesterone, 5α-dihydroprogesterone and l7β-estradiol.These results indicate that hypothalamic neurons contain small amounts of LHRH and retain the ability to take up and metabolize progesterone, 5α-dihydroprogesterone and 17β-estradiol.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemical techniques, we demonstrated oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) neurons in the cat hypothalamus. The OT immunoreactive neurons were found mainly in the paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus and dorsal accessory group located lateral to the fornix. In addition to these hypothalamic structures, the AVP immunoreactive neurons were observed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, ventral accessory group located in the retrochiasmatic area and lateral accessory group, dorsal to the supraoptic nucleus caudally, and ventral to the medial part of the internal capsule rostrally. We further demonstrated a different localization of the OT and AVP immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高原低氧对雌雄新生大鼠下丘脑-腺垂体-肾上腺皮质轴中枢部位肽能神经元发育的影响.方法:在低压氧舱中模拟高海拔低氧,用放免法测定精氨酸加压素(AVP)和下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRF)含量.结果:无论是在2 300 m对照海拔,还是在5 000 m模拟海拔,雌雄生后大鼠具相同的发育模式.低氧下发育至21 d时,CRF水平显著低于对照;相反,21 d及28 d时,低氧组AVP水平高于对照.结论:下丘脑CRF和AVP神经元间不同的发育模式可能与它们的功能及发育阶段特性相异有关.  相似文献   

Galanin (Gal) as a neuropeptide with widespread distribution in the central nervous system may be involved in the mechanisms of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Vasopressin and oxytocin content in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis as well as plasma level of both neurohormones were studied after galanin treatment in euhydrated and dehydrated rats. In not dehydrated rats intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of Gal did not affect the hypothalamic and neurohypophysial OT content, however, distinctly increased plasma OT concentration. In the same animals Gal diminished the hypothalamic AVP content but was without the effect on neurohypophysial AVP storage; plasma AVP level then raised. Galanin, administered i.c.v. to rats deprived of water, distinctly inhibited AVP and OT release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Simultaneously, plasma AVP and OT level was significantly diminished after Gal treatment in dehydrated rats. These results suggest that modulatory effect of galanin on vasopressin and oxytocin release depends on the actual state of water metabolism. Gal acts as an inhibitory neuromodulator of AVP and OT secretion under conditions of the dehydration but stimulates this process in the state of equilibrated water metabolism.  相似文献   

Since the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) can modulate the processes of vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) biosynthesis and release mainly at the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial level, the present experiments were undertaken to estimate whether TRH, administered intravenously in different doses, modifies these mechanisms under conditions of osmotic stimulation, brought about by dehydration. AVP and OT contents in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis as well as plasma levels of AVP, OT, free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3) were studied after intravenously TRH treatment in euhydrated and dehydrated for two days male rats. Under conditions of equilibrated water metabolism TRH diminished significantly the hypothalamic and neurohypophysial AVP and OT content but was without the effect on plasma oxytocin level; however, TRH in a dose of 100 ng/100 g b.w. raised plasma AVP level. TRH, injected i.v. to dehydrated animals, resulted in a diminution of AVP content in the hypothalamus but did not affect the hypothalamic OT stores. After osmotic stimulation, neurohypophysial AVP and OT release was significantly restricted in TRH-treated rats. Under the same conditions, injections of TRH were followed by a significant decrease of plasma OT level. I.v. injected TRH enhanced somewhat FT3 concentration in blood plasma of euhydrated animals but diminished FT4 plasma level during dehydration. Data from the present study suggest that TRH displays different character of action on vasopressin and oxytocin secretion in relation to the actual state of water metabolism.  相似文献   

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