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季节、环境温度与黄鼠冬眠的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金宗濂  蔡益鹏 《生态学报》1987,7(2):185-192
观察了达乌尔黄鼠在实验室内冬眠的一般情况。常温黄鼠的体温有着规律性的年周期,与环境温度的年周期变动不完全呈依从关系。出眠初期(4月下旬),动物体温高而稳定。4月至6月常温黄鼠的平均体温(皮温)为35.6℃,波动菹围32—37.5℃。随着体重达到顶峰,体温逐渐降低。8月份部分黄鼠出现低于32℃的低常体温,表明部分黄鼠自8月盛夏开始冬眠。但就整个种群而言,北京地区实验室内黄鼠冬眠季自9月下半月开始。3月底止,共6.5个月。秋季室温下降,动物入眠趋势增长。浅低体温(31.9—15℃)的比数逐渐升高。9月至12月,低体温(低于31.9℃)的百分比从47%增至84.8%,反映了动物从浅冬眠向深冬眠过渡。1月至2月份,低体温占85%以上,深低体温(低于15℃)占绝对优势。标志着动物种群的深眠月份。秋季动物从常温期向冬眠期转化的界线是不清的,而春季从冬眠期向常温相转化的界限却比较明显。  相似文献   

毛敏  杨明  刘新宇 《兽类学报》2022,42(4):420-431
冬眠哺乳动物的肠道微生物会发生季节性变化,同时在冬眠期间动物处于禁食状态,对肠道微生物的多样性和组成也产生影响。本研究通过16S rRNA基因高通量测序分析达乌尔黄鼠育肥阶段 (起始育肥期、快速育肥期、育肥完成期) 和冬眠阶段 (冬眠早期、冬眠晚期、出眠期) 共6个时期盲肠菌群的多样性、组成和功能,并通过冗余分析 (RDA) 探究其生理特征与菌群组成和功能之间的关系,揭示达乌尔黄鼠盲肠菌群的季节性变化。菌群组成的分析显示达乌尔黄鼠盲肠菌群主要由厚壁菌门 (Firmicutes)、拟杆菌门 (Bacteroidetes) 和疣微菌门 (Verrucomicrobia) 组成。与其他时期相比,冬眠早期厚壁菌门的相对丰度减少,拟杆菌门和疣微菌门的相对丰度增加。在Alpha多样性中,起始育肥期、快速育肥期和冬眠早期的Chao1和ACE指数显著低于出眠期,育肥完成期的Simpson指数显著低于快速育肥期 (P < 0.05) 。通过加权和非加权的UniFrac距离矩阵的主坐标分析发现盲肠菌群均显示出了明显的季节性聚类。PICRUSt分析中,丁酸代谢等代谢通路在育肥阶段富集,冬眠阶段集中在氮代谢等相关通路中。RDA分析显示达乌尔黄鼠不同时期的生理特征与其盲肠菌群的组成和功能显著相关。本研究表明,冬眠使达乌尔黄鼠盲肠菌群的多样性和相对丰度发生改变,盲肠菌群组成和功能的变化调节了达乌尔黄鼠的生理代谢,使达乌尔黄鼠适应季节性的环境变化。  相似文献   

冬眠黄鼠代谢、循环、呼吸系统的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要讨论冬眠达乌尔黄鼠的生理生态特征。静止代谢以闭路系统呼吸计测定。心电图以XDH-3型心电图仪记录。 1.冬眠期与活动期黄鼠的耗氧量与环境温度间的关系均呈负相关(表1、图1)。活动期平均每日能量消耗为64.87卡/克,冬眠期则大大降低,仅为0.92卡/克。 2.冬眠期白血球(2427.80个/立方毫米)仅为活动期(6,304.30个/立方毫米)的38.5%;而冬眠期红血球(707.80个/立方毫米)却增加12.7%. 3.冬眠黄鼠呈现周期性呼吸模式,并常出现Cheyrie-Stokes呼吸,每次呼吸暂停时间平均为3—10分钟。 4.冬眠黄鼠心脏活动不规律,心率低,冬眠期平均心率为5.55次/分。  相似文献   

用中国北方草原地区的季节性冬眠动物达乌尔黄鼠,经1981和1984两年的工作,重复了Dawe(1969)注射冷藏的冬眠动物血清,诱发夏季活泼黄鼠冬眠的原始实验。实验成功地实现了在非冬眠季节诱发达乌尔黄鼠冬眠,发现禁食在人工诱发冬眠中起重要作用,却不能证实血源性冬眠触发物(HIT)的存在。  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠冬眠期间体温的变化和冬眠模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用植入式半导体温度记录元件iButton 记录了达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节及其前后的体温,分析了其冬眠模式和体温调节特点。结果显示:1)实验室条件下,达乌尔黄鼠冬眠季节长短的个体差异较大,可以分成深冬眠型、
少冬眠型和不冬眠型三种类型;2)达乌尔黄鼠在冬季表现出深冬眠阵(最低体温Tbm in <20℃ ,冬眠阵的持续时间BD >24 h)、短冬眠阵(Tbmin < 20℃ , BD≤24h)和日眠阵(Tbmin ≥20℃ , BD≤24 h)3 种类型,最低体温分别
为2.54℃ ± 0.35℃ 、10.05℃ ± 1.97℃ 和23.09℃ ± 0.40℃ ,彼此之间差异显著。日眠阵阵间产热阶段的最高体温为38.09℃ ±0.17℃ ,高于深冬眠阵(37.31℃ ±0.15℃ )和短冬眠阵(37.22℃ ±0.31℃ ); 3)深冬眠阵和日
眠阵中最低体温均与环境温度显著相关,冬眠过程中的最低体温为-2.43℃ ;4)深冬眠过程中,多数个体可以短时(≤3 h)耐受- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的低温,激醒或继续维持深冬眠,无致死效应,但长时间(15 h)或过度低温
(- 5℃ 以下)的条件下,深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠被激醒(70% )或死亡(30% ),不能持续冬眠; 5)入眠前10 d体温日波动幅度显著增加,高于出眠后的日体温波动,且多数个体入眠前出现体温的“试降”。表明,冬眠前
入眠的准备阶段,动物的体温调节已开始发生变化;冬季日眠的调节机制可能与冬眠不同;短时- 2℃ ~ 0℃ 的体温对深冬眠的达乌尔黄鼠无致死效应。  相似文献   

乳酸脱氢酶同工酶基因在冬眠黄鼠中的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了用改良z.I. Ogita的小型薄层板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,分析达乌尔黄鼠10种组织的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶,发现了15条亚带。并用尿素抑制与热变性实验初步确定这些亚带分属于5种LDH同工酶。同时测定了LDH同工酶总活性和5种LDH的相对比例,观察和分析了黄鼠在冬眠期及其冬眠前后LDH同工酶的变化。这些变化可能反映了异温动物(冬眠动物)的LDH同工酶基因的表达有不同于恒温动物的某些特点。  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠实验室饲养、繁殖及其冬眠阵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索实验室条件下达乌尔黄鼠饲养与繁殖的方法及冬眠阵的发生规律,参照野生黄鼠冬眠洞穴的主要生态环境参数,建立人工冬眠屋,采用传统锯末技术记录冬眠阵。结果显示: (1) 处于春季繁殖期的黄鼠应以大鼠饲料为主,辅以少量黄瓜等,夏季活跃期交叉饲喂大鼠饲料与兔饲料,辅以多水的瓜果蔬菜,秋季育肥期以大鼠饲料为主,辅以高脂肪高蛋白的花生、豆类等。(2)雌鼠怀孕期为28 d 左右,哺乳期约一个月,雌鼠每窝产仔4 ~ 8 只,平均5.52 只;初生幼鼠两周内忌换垫料,并避免将异味带入鼠房。(3)黄鼠冬眠期从当年11月下旬至次年3 月上旬,平均93.95 d;冬眠阵睡眠时长平均7. 44 d,阵间激醒时长平均1.36 d,睡眠天数占整个冬眠期的89.9% ;整个冬眠期,黄鼠冬眠阵平均7. 55 个。(4)2009 年秋至2011 年春季,自野外共捕回黄鼠185 只, 存活146 只,存活率78. 9% 。在2006、2009 和2011 年的黄鼠繁殖期,共配对25 对,产仔138 只,成活92 只,成活率为66.7% 。结果表明,野生达乌尔黄鼠可在人工饲养条件下实现繁殖,并可在人工冬眠屋成功冬眠。  相似文献   

为研究贮脂类冬眠动物育肥过程和冬眠期糖代谢的机制,使用第二代转录组测序(RNA-Seq)技术,检测了达乌尔黄鼠起始育肥期、快速育肥期、育肥完成期和冬眠期4个阶段血糖含量和白色脂肪组织中与糖代谢途径相关基因的表达情况。结果显示,起始育肥期、快速育肥期、育肥完成期的血糖浓度无组间差异,但均高于冬眠期。与起始育肥期相比,快速育肥期的果糖-1,6-二磷酸酶基因表达下调了8.3倍,己糖激酶、醛缩酶和烯醇化酶等基因表达上调;育肥完成期与快速育肥期相比,果糖-1,6-二磷酸酶基因表达上调了9.6倍,醛缩酶、磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶和柠檬酸合酶等基因表达下调1.2-2倍;冬眠期己糖激酶、丙酮酸脱氢酶E1、醛缩酶、柠檬酸合酶和6-磷酸脱氢酶等基因的表达均明显下调。结果表明,己糖激酶等基因表达上调可能与达乌尔黄鼠快速育肥期的糖代谢增强直接相关;醛缩酶和柠檬酸合酶等基因表达下调可能是动物在育肥完成期发生糖代谢降低的原因;入眠后,己糖激酶、丙酮酸脱氢酶等基因的低表达可能是调控糖代谢降至极低的主要机制。达乌尔黄鼠在冬眠前的活跃期既已启动糖代谢通路在分子水平上的主动调控。  相似文献   

为研究冬眠季节的光照条件对贮脂类冬眠动物入眠的影响,在达乌尔黄鼠腹腔埋植体温记录元件iButton,在体重高峰后的下降阶段置于5℃和12L:12D的光照条件下,观察测定其冬眠模式和能量消耗。达乌尔黄鼠冬眠模式出现深冬眠型、少冬眠型和不冬眠型,蛰眠阵包括深冬眠阵、短冬眠阵和日眠阵。不同冬眠阵中最低体温、冬眠阵的持续时间、阵间产热的持续时间、冷却速率和复温速率差异显著;阵间产热的最高体温基本相同。平均每日能量消耗在日眠阵中最高、短冬眠阵中居中、深冬眠阵中最低。入眠时间多集中于黑暗时相,觉醒时间多集中于光照时相。本实验结果提示,在冬眠季节施加光照黑暗循环条件可减少达乌尔黄鼠冬眠的时间,升高阵间最低体温,缩短冬眠阵与阵间产热的持续时间,降低复温速率;增加冬眠期间能量消耗。入眠与觉醒受光照条件影响,具有明显的光暗节律。  相似文献   

探讨了达乌尔黄鼠在冷暴露、冬眠及激醒时的外周甲状腺激素水平变化和激素代谢。达乌尔黄鼠在非冬眠季节 ( 7~ 8月 )冷暴露 ( 4℃± 2℃ ) 1天 ,导致血清T3和T4浓度迅速增加 ,T3/T4不变 ;经 4周冷驯化后 ,T3维持在高水平上 ,T4降低 ,T3/T4增加 ,外周组织中的T4脱碘酶活性升高。表明冬眠动物与非冬眠动物的甲状腺机能及其激素代谢的冷适应性调节一致。在冬眠季 ( 12~ 1月 )的冬眠和激醒过程中 ,外周组织的T4脱碘酶活性、血清T3和T4水平比常温达乌尔黄鼠的高 ,显著高于夏季的水平 ,T3/T4不变。表明达乌尔黄鼠甲状腺机能及其激素水平存在季节性变化。  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠(Spermophilusdauricus)是国内研究冬眠生理学的主要模式动物,且日益为医学研究所关注。实验室条件下繁殖种群具有明确生活史特征,是相关研究的理想对象,但以往研究中,达乌尔黄鼠实验室条件下繁殖成功率及后代成活率均很低。本研究通过采取丰富饲料种类、雄性出眠后的暖温暂养、“双笼配对”等措施,对实验室条件下越冬达乌尔黄鼠进行配对,从21对动物中成功繁殖出18窝子代,繁殖成功率85.7 %。78只子代饲养至3月龄,仍有67只存活,存活率为85.9 %。通过本实验,得出改进达乌尔黄鼠实验室条件下繁殖的主要措施如下:(1)繁殖期母鼠及发育期幼鼠,除饲喂标准大鼠饲料外,适量添加幼犬粮、胡萝卜,以补充营养;(2)出眠的雄性达乌尔黄鼠放入18℃房间暂养2周,有助于其性腺发育,促进繁殖成功;(3)“双笼配对”能有效地降低外界干扰,减少动物的杀婴行为。    相似文献   

TNF production has been studied in peritoneal macrophages and splenic T cells of Arctic Yakutian ground squirrel (Citellus Undulatus Pallas) in hibernating and awake animals in winter and in prehibernating autumn as well as in active euthermic spring-summer animals. A high level of TNF production in macrophages of ground squirrel is observed over the active period and during arousals in winter. There are no significant season variations in TNF production in splenic T lymphocytes of ground squirrels. This suggests the major role of activated macrophages in the arousals of hibernating animals. T lymphocyte proliferation in ground squirrels in the active period is higher than in winter, and the most significant seasonal variations are found in T cell mitogenic response, which increases in spring-summer period. Evidence is presented that functional activity of macrophages of squirrel in autumn has much in common with that in winter rather than in spring-summer period.  相似文献   

In experiments on the arctic ground squirrel C. parryi, studies have been made on seasonal changes in the weight of testes, follicular diameter in the ovaries and the content of sex and gonadotropic hormones in the peripheral blood. Testicular involution and arrest of follicular development were observed in prehibernation period. During hibernation, follicular growth and the increase in the weight of testes take place. The level of LH decreases during hibernation. In sleeping animals, its level is higher as compared to that in active animals during short periods of arousal. The increase in LH level takes place both in males and females in April. FSH can not be detected in males during the first half of hibernation, appearing in the peripheral blood only in March and April. In females, FSH was found in the blood in October, being absent from November to January; beginning from February, it may be found both in sleeping and active animals. Testosterone was found in hibernating males and females, its level significantly increased in March in males, being approximately constant in hibernating females. Estradiol secretion was noted in hibernating females, whereas progesterone was found in the blood only in May.  相似文献   

草菇是我国土特产出口的主要种类之一,而采后易开伞问题限制了草菇的贮藏及运输。MADS-box转录因子对植物的成熟衰老和真菌的子实体发育起到重要的调控作用。目前尚未见草菇MADS-box转录因子的相关报道。本研究通过生物信息方法及分子生物学的手段对草菇的基因组、转录组数据进行分析,获得了草菇MADS-box转录因子基因Vvrin1。该基因全长1 392bp,含2个内含子,编码419个氨基酸残基。该转录因子含有一个MADS-box结构域,序列与双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus、斑玉蕈Hypsizygus marmoreus和灰盖鬼伞Coprinopsis cinerea的MADS-box转录因子相似性分别为71%、67%和61%。通过表达谱数据及荧光定量PCR分析表明Vvrin1基因在草菇子实体伸长期菌柄的表达量出现高峰,具有极显著性差异(P<0.01),推测该转录因子参与调控草菇菌柄的伸长,菌盖的开伞。这些结果为草菇成熟衰老(特别是开伞)的调控研究提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Summary Chronological changes in renal glomerular morphology and plasma renin activity were investigated during active and hibernating periods in the golden-mantled ground squirrel Spermophilus lateralis. The objective of this study was to determine whether the glomerular endothelium, visceral epithelium (podocytes), basement membrane, mesangial cells, proximal convoluted tubule cells and plasma renin activity exhibit measurable sequential differences between as well as within active and hibernating states at various time points. Limitations in the size of the experimental population prevented an evaluation of changes in these parameters during other important periods such as periodic arousal between hibernation bouts. In this study, glomerular endothelial pore number and epithelial filtration slit number significantly decreased by early hibernation when compared to those during summer activity, and then they increased back toward summer levels by late hibernation. In contrast, podocytic pedicel width along the glomerular basement membrane increased from summer activity to early hibernation, before significantly decreasing again by late hibernation. Mesangial cell and proximal convoluted tubule cell activity appeared increased during hibernation as compared to summer activity, whereas the width of the glomerular basement membrane showed no significant alterations throughout. Plasma renin activity significantly increased during early hibernation and mid-hibernation when compared to summer levels but had decreased by late hibernation toward summer values. The glomerular and plasma renin activity changes observed in this study clearly illustrate the drastic structural and functional adjustments which hibernating species make during torpor and also correlate well with the reported decrease in renal perfusion pressure and urine formation during hibernation. The observed morphological changes during hibernation do not appear to be temperature-dependent, because significant alterations in most of the parameters studied occurred during this period despite the fact that cold-room temperatures were kept constant throughout. The chronological approach to this study and its morphometric evaluation represent a pilot attempt at accurately documenting these changes during two critical states in the hibernator's cycle and may eventually lead to the characterization of these changes during the entire circannual cycle.  相似文献   

The mRNA level of uncoupling protein (UCP) specific for brown adipose tissue (BAT) in Daurian ground squirrel, was detected by using a [32P]-labeled oligonucleotide probe. The UCP concentration in mitochondria was indirectly determined by titration with its specific ligand [H3]-labeled GTP. Type II T4 5'-deiodinase of BAT was assayed concomitantly. We found two species of mRNA for UCP with lengths of about 1.9 and 1.5 kb, respectively, both occurring in almost the same concentration. UCP mRNA content was elevated significantly during hibernation, but the UCP concentration did not change compared with that of nonhibernating controls kept at room temperature. When hibernating squirrels were aroused, the UCP mRNA remained at the elevated level as during hibernation, but the UCP concentration increased in comparison with that of nonhibernating controls or during hibernating. Changes in T4 5'-deiodinase activity in BAT were similar to the variations of the UCP mRNA level. These results suggest that the activation of T4 5'-deiodinase in BAT may be an important factor for the up-regulation and maintenance of UCP mRNA content needed for the synthesis of sufficient UCP to acquire the thermogenic capacity for arousal from hibernation.  相似文献   

啮齿动物的犁鼻器和副嗅球与社会通讯和生殖行为有关,主嗅球影响其觅食行为。达乌尔黄鼠(Spermophilus dauricus)是一种具有较低社会行为的储脂类冬眠动物。本研究用组织学和免疫组织化学方法探究了其犁鼻器和副嗅球的结构特点及嗅球神经元活动对季节变化的适应。结果发现,达乌尔黄鼠犁鼻器具有较大的血管,犁鼻器管腔外侧为非感觉性的呼吸上皮(Respiratory epithelium,RE),内侧为感觉上皮(Sensory epithelium,SE),RE较SE薄,靠近管腔处为假复层柱状上皮。选取犁鼻器中间部位比较,发现SE的厚度、长度及感觉细胞密度均无性别差异。副嗅球位于主嗅球后方背内侧,由6层细胞构成。侧嗅束穿过副嗅球,位于颗粒细胞层之上。雄性达乌尔黄鼠较雌性有更长的僧帽细胞层和颗粒细胞层。春季(3月)和冬季(1月)达乌尔黄鼠主嗅球的嗅小球层、僧帽细胞层和颗粒细胞层的c-Fos-ir神经元密度显著低于夏季(7月)和秋季(10月),且冬季外网织层的c-Fos-ir神经元密度显著低于夏季和秋季,说明达乌尔黄鼠在冬季和春季的嗅觉神经活动较弱,呈现出对冬眠的生理性适应。这些结果丰富了动物犁鼻器和副嗅球的形态学资料,并有助于理解冬眠动物嗅觉系统对季节变化和冬眠的适应。  相似文献   

The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was studied in the liver, kidney, interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT), lung, heart and spleen of the active and hibernating ground squirrel (Citellus citellus). One group was examined immediately after the arousal from the hibernation. A considerable activity of this enzyme was found in homogenates of all tissues studied except the lung. This activity was lower in the liver and lung of the ground squirrel than in the rat (P less than 0.01). In the other tissues studied the enzyme activity was about the same level in both animals. In the ground squirrel hibernation didn't produce the significant change in SOD activity, as compared with the active state, except in the spleen. Tested immediately after the arousal, SOD activity was significantly higher in all tissues studied except in the IBAT, as compared with the hibernating ones (P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

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