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角倍蚜虫瘿对盐肤木光合特性和总氮含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李杨  杨子祥  陈晓鸣  刘平  唐翊峰 《生态学报》2013,33(21):6876-6884
通过温室栽培和接种实验,以接种角倍蚜形成虫瘿的盐肤木和未接种角倍蚜的盐肤木为实验材料,测定和分析虫瘿对盐肤木光合特性和不同组织氮含量的影响。结果表明虫瘿对盐肤木的光合作用形成扰动,与对照植株相比较:(1)有虫瘿复叶的最大净光合速率升高,其中虫瘿初期、中期和后期分别升高14.49%、32.17%和42.01%;虫瘿还引起无虫瘿复叶最大净光合速率升高,但中期以后下降到正常水平;(2)虫瘿中期有虫瘿复叶的光饱和点升高、无虫瘿复叶光饱合点下降;虫瘿初期和中期有虫瘿复叶的光补偿点升高、无虫瘿复叶光补偿点下降;(3)虫瘿初期引起有虫瘿复叶及邻近无虫瘿复叶暗呼吸速率升高,但中期和后期影响不显著。虫瘿对盐肤木光合作用的扰动程度与小叶的位置和虫瘿生长时期密切相关。同时,虫瘿改变了盐肤木叶片氮含量分布,其中虫瘿外壁、有虫瘿复叶和无虫瘿复叶的氮含量分别为1.13%、1.98%和2.14%,这可能是营养物质从无虫瘿复叶流向有虫瘿复叶,并最终流向虫瘿,满足虫瘿和瘿内蚜虫生长需求的原因。  相似文献   

五倍子产量的高低取决于雏倍的数量.为了探讨影响角倍雏倍形成的影响因子,在贵阳市、石阡县的青阳乡和本庄镇开展了角倍种虫的袋内培养、野外挂放及成瘿复叶叶序的研究.结果表明:挂放地海拔高度、不同来源的盐肤木以及适合致瘿的复叶数量是影响雏倍形成的主要因素.在角倍种虫的袋内培养环节,填充物会影响袋内干母数量,但使用玉米苞叶和皱纹纸作为内垫物,两者间差异不显著.海拔因子对野外挂放的成瘿数量有显著影响,高海拔地区(1200 m以上)的虫瘿数量显著高于低海拔地区;野生盐肤木林中的成瘿数量显著高于人工盐肤木林;成瘿复叶以7~11片叶上的雏倍最多,每片叶上的倍子数为1~5个.因此,可以通过改善虫袋内垫物,低海拔种虫在中高海拔挂放,不同倍林的选择及成瘿复叶调控等措施来提高雏倍的数量.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究拟对肚倍蚜Kaburagia rhusicola瘿内种群动态与虫瘿生长发育关系进行研究,为深入研究肚倍蚜的生物学特性奠定基础。【方法】在2014年4月27日至7月16日期间,在湖北竹山田间每间隔10 d随机选择长势基本一致的青麸杨,分别采集健康肚倍蚜虫瘿,每次采集样本30个。采用排水法测量虫瘿体积,之后将虫瘿解剖,取出瘿内蚜虫,置于培养皿内,采用四分法统计数量。对虫瘿体积增长与瘿内蚜虫种群变化进行了相关性分析。【结果】虫瘿体积增长与蚜虫种群数量增长之间呈极显著正相关(r=0.960,P0.01)。虫瘿体积与蚜虫种群数量增长分别呈现3个峰,即5月6日至5月16日、5月26日至6月6日和6月26日至7月6日。肚倍蚜瘿内密度变化的主要趋势是先降后升,中间有一个小的起伏。【结论】本研究表明虫瘿大小和瘿内蚜虫种群数量有关,虫瘿体积可用于评价干母的环境适合度。  相似文献   

盐肤木林内间作对角倍蚜虫瘿数量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对不同间作方式下盐肤木林的角倍蚜虫瘿数量进行研究,结果表明:(1)盐肤木纯林的单株虫瘿数、单叶虫瘿数和有虫瘿梢头率分别为14.1个、2.3个和78.4%,而盐肤木襄荷混作林的单株虫瘿数、单叶虫瘿数和有虫瘿梢头率分别为25.8个、3.2个和91.2%,分别为前者的1.8倍、1.4倍,有虫瘿梢头率增加了12.8%。(2)与盐肤木纯林相比,盐肤木襄荷混作林内的温度略低,全天平均低1.6℃,而相对湿度略高,全天平均高5.9%,高湿和较小温度变幅可能是虫瘿数量增加的主要原因。(3)当盐肤木与蔬菜混作时,单株梢头数和有虫瘿梢头数分别比纯林增加了1.4倍,增加的原因可能与蔬菜种植中的松土和施肥有关。综上所述,盐肤木与襄荷混作可以增加倍子产量,盐肤木与蔬菜混作可以增加有虫瘿梢头数量,两种混作模式均可在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

角倍蚜干母的刺探取食行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘平  杨子祥  吕翔  李杨 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):997-1001
本文采用EPG技术监测角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis(Bell)干母在第一寄主植物盐肤木(Rhus chinensis Mill)上的取食行为.获得干母在盐肤木小叶及叶翅上的取食波形7个,分别为np、C(A+B+C)、pd、E1、E2、F、G波.对干母在盐肤木小叶或叶翅上的取食部位组织进行切片...  相似文献   

邵淑霞  杨子祥  陈晓鸣 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1094-1100
为了深入研究角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis(Bell)性母的羽化和生殖规律,为角倍人工培育技术的改进和产量的提高提供科学依据。本文采用培养皿保湿培养载有角倍越冬若蚜的藓块,收集刚羽化的性母置于培养皿内单头培育,连续观察并记录角倍蚜性母的羽化和生殖过程。结果表明:角倍蚜性母全天均可羽化,19:00的羽化量最大,为羽化总数的42.96%;在1822℃条件下,羽化过程持续6 d,其中前3 d的羽化量最多,为总羽化量的73.05%,羽化后2 h开始产性蚜,其中24 h内产性蚜最多,为性蚜总数的84.61%。性母一生可产性蚜122℃条件下,羽化过程持续6 d,其中前3 d的羽化量最多,为总羽化量的73.05%,羽化后2 h开始产性蚜,其中24 h内产性蚜最多,为性蚜总数的84.61%。性母一生可产性蚜14次,其中56.67%的性母一生产性蚜2次。性母的产性蚜次数与产蚜量之间呈极显著正相关。60.00%的性母可产雌、雄两种性别的性蚜,36.67%的性母一生只产雄性蚜,仅有3.33%的性母一生只能产雌性蚜;雄性蚜的产出时间平均比雌性蚜早2 h。  相似文献   

焦懿 《昆虫知识》1998,35(2):87-89
角倍由角倍蚜Schlechtendaliachinensis(Bell)寄生在盐肤木RhuschinensisMill和滨盐肤木R.chinensisvar.raxburghii(DC)Rehd.叶上致瘿而形成,约占五倍子总产量的80%。藓圃上越冬若蚜和盐肤木林中角倍的分布均属聚集分布。影响越冬若蚜和角倍聚集度的主要生态因子分别为藓长势、湿度、光照和树与藓的距离、风向、风速。于母和雏倍分布在盐肤木和滨肤木的第5~11片叶上,其中7~9片叶上干母数和雏倍数超过50%。干母数与雏倍数存在着显著的线性关系。盐肤木上:y1=3.3394+0.7662x1,r1=0.9994**滨盐肤木上:y2=3.6707+0.7431x2,r2=0.9894**  相似文献   

【目的】角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis是五倍子蚜的主要生产种,深入了解角倍蚜越冬若蚜的生物学习性,揭示田间无土植藓条件下越冬若蚜的种群动态,可以为进一步降低若蚜越冬的死亡率,提高五倍子产量提供依据。【方法】在田间以无纺布为基质种植侧枝匐灯藓Plagiomnium maximoviczii培育越冬若蚜,定期采集带不同龄期角倍蚜的藓块带回实验室,利用数码显微系统连续观测和记录越冬期间若蚜的行为习性、形态特征、种群动态和龄期分布等,并连续测量越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的藓层厚度和覆盖率。【结果】角倍蚜秋迁蚜以卵胎生方式产生若蚜,若蚜在侧枝匐灯藓的拟叶基部分泌蜡丝包裹自身并形成蜡球,在蜡球内取食和越冬。每个蜡球内通常有1头若蚜。越冬若蚜从1-4龄,体色由淡黄色逐渐加深至深褐色,体长和体宽随龄期的增加而增加,分别从1龄若蚜552.92±16.95和94.70±11.52μm增加到4龄若蚜的1 205.25±10.75和593.15±7.66 μm。越冬期间若蚜的平均种群密度从10月中旬的13.10×104头/m2降至翌年3月的1.05×104头/m2,总死亡率高达91.98%。越冬若蚜个体间的发育进度很不整齐,并与当地的气温变化密切相关。若蚜越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的厚度和覆盖率逐步增加。【结论】越冬若蚜体长和体宽可作为角倍蚜龄期鉴别的主要指标。田间越冬期间角倍蚜若蚜的总死亡率很高,其中越冬初期和中期若蚜转移寄生期的死亡率较其他阶段高。  相似文献   

角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis Bell可刺激盐肤木(Rhus chinensis Mill)叶片组织形成虫瘿。本研究通过对虫瘿形成过程中可溶性蛋白、保护酶、丙二醛和脯氨酸等生理指标的测定,分析虫瘿形成对盐肤木的影响。结果表明:在虫瘿发育的不同时期,除可溶性蛋白在有虫瘿叶片与无虫瘿叶片存在一定差异外,其他各项生理指标的差异均不显著,表明虫瘿形成未对植株造成严重氧化性损伤及脂质膜的破坏,但对盐肤木物质代谢存在一定程度的扰动。推测盐肤木通过形成虫瘿抵御蚜虫的攻击,而角倍蚜则从虫瘿中获得稳定的营养来源,二者在长期进化过程中可能已经形成了互利关系。  相似文献   

角倍蚜越冬世代的发育起点温度和有效积温   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张传溪  徐厚染 《昆虫知识》1997,34(3):159-161
五倍子系中国特产,是重要的化工和医药原料。角倍蚜Schclechtendaliachinesis(Bell)是生产五倍子的最主要致瘿蚜种。恒温试验表明,其越冬世代有翅型随温度从4.5℃升至18.0℃,平均世代历期从266.2天缩短至76.6天,世代发育起点温度为-1.4℃,有效积温为1512.9日度;无翅型随温度从7.5℃升至22.0℃,平均世代历期从118.8天缩短至29.4天,世代发育起点温度为2.2℃,有效积温为557.4日度。  相似文献   

角倍蚜各虫态蜡腺的分布与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis是五倍子的主要生产种,具有复杂的生活史,需要经历干母、干雌、秋迁蚜、越冬若蚜、春迁蚜和性蚜6种虫态,在盐肤木Rhus chinensis和藓类植物上转主寄生,经历有性和无性生殖、瘿内和瘿外世代的交替才能完成生活史.通过对角倍蚜蜡腺的研究,有助于深入了解角倍...  相似文献   

The honeydew composition and production of four aphid species feeding on Tanacetum vulgare, and mutualistic relationships with the ant Lasius niger were studied. In honeydew of Metopeurum fuscoviride and Brachycaudus cardui, xylose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, melezitose, and raffinose were detected. The proportion of trisaccharides (melezitose, raffinose) ranged between 20% and 35%. No trisaccharides were found in honeydew of Aphis fabae, and honeydew of Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria consisted of only xylose, glucose and sucrose. M. fuscoviride produced by far the largest amounts of honeydew per time unit (880 μg/aphid per hour), followed by B. cardui (223 μg/aphid per hour), A. fabae (133 μg/aphid per hour) and M. tanacetaria (46 μg/aphid per hour). The qualitative and quantitative honeydew production of the aphid species corresponded well with the observed attendance by L. niger. L. niger workers preferred trisaccharides over disaccharides and monosaccharides when these sugars were offered in choice tests. The results are consistent with the ants' preference for M. fuscoviride, which produced the largest amount of honeydew including a considerable proportion of the trisaccharides melezitose and raffinose. The preference of L. niger for B. cardui over A. fabae, both producing similar amounts of honeydew, may be explained by the presence of trisaccharides and the higher total sugar concentration in B. cardui honeydew. M. tanacetaria, which produced only low quantities of honeydew with no trisaccharides was not attended at all by L. niger. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Uroleucon sonchi, an aphid species of Palaearctic origin, is a recent adventive to Australia. It is now widespread in anthropic areas of all states and the Australian Capital Territory, principally on sowthistles ( Sonchus spp.) but also on lettuce. It is occasionally parasitised by Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Its possible economic importance in Australia is discussed. The species is also recorded for the first time from Norfolk and Philip Islands.  相似文献   

Apterous females (fundatrices and fundatrigeniae), alatae females, oviparous females and males of Aphis mastichinae nov. sp. from Thymus mastichina (Lamiaceae) are described. It is the only known species of the genus Aphis which is radicicolous on Lamiaceae. It is mainly characterized by the short siphunculi, large and numerous abdominal marginal papillae and short setae. A key for the Aphis species living on Thymus species is given.  相似文献   

Plant and aphid biomass, photosynthetic pigment (chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids) concentrations, and chlorophyll a/b and chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios were quantified in aphid-infested 'Tugela' near-isogenic lines (Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, Tugela-Dn2, and Tugela-Dn5). The objectives were to quantify changes of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a and b, and carotenoids) caused by aphid feeding and assess resistance of wheat isolines through aphid and plant biomass analysis. Biomass of bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)-infested plants was lower than Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Hemiptera: Aphididae),- infested plants. When infested by D. noxia, all lines showed increased biomass over time, except Tugela where biomass decreased on day 12. No difference in plant biomass was detected among R. padi-infested and uninfested wheat lines. Biomass of D. noxia from Tugela (D. noxia-susceptible) was significantly higher than from plants with Diuraphis noxia-resistant Dn genes. Diuraphis noxia biomass from Tugela-Dn1 and Dn2 lines was not different from each other, but they were lower than from Tugela-Dn5. In contrast, there was no difference in R. padi biomass among wheat lines. Concentrations of chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids were significantly lower in D. noxia-infested plants compared with R. padi-infested and uninfested plants. When infested by D. noxia, chlorophyll a and b concentrations were not different among wheat lines on day 3, but they were lower in Tugela and Tugela-Dn1 than in Tugela-Dn2 and -Dn5 plants on days 6 and 12. However, no difference was detected in chlorophyll a/b or chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio among Tugela lines. The study demonstrated that Dn genes in the Tugela isolines conferred resistance to D. noxia but not to R. padi. Tugela-Dn1 was antibiotic, Tugela-Dn2 was tolerant and antibiotic, and Tugela-Dn5 was moderately antibiotic.  相似文献   

Economic threshold for soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), reached damaging levels in 2003 and 2005 in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, in most northern U.S. states and Canadian provinces, and it has become one of the most important pests of soybean throughout the North Central region. A common experimental protocol was adopted by participants in six states who provided data from 19 yield-loss experiments conducted over a 3-yr period. Population doubling times for field populations of soybean aphid averaged 6.8 d +/- 0.8 d (mean +/- SEM). The average economic threshold (ET) over all control costs, market values, and yield was 273 +/- 38 (mean +/- 95% confidence interval [CI], range 111-567) aphids per plant. This ET provides a 7-d lead time before aphid populations are expected to exceed the economic injury level (EIL) of 674 +/- 95 (mean +/- 95% CI, range 275-1,399) aphids per plant. Peak aphid density in 18 of the 19 location-years occurred during soybean growth stages R3 (beginning pod formation) to R5 (full size pod) with a single data set having aphid populations peaking at R6 (full size green seed). The ET developed here is strongly supported through soybean growth stage R5. Setting an ET at lower aphid densities increases the risk to producers by treating an aphid population that is growing too slowly to exceed the EIL in 7 d, eliminates generalist predators, and exposes a larger portion of the soybean aphid population to selection by insecticides, which could lead to development of insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

【目的】大豆蚜Aphis glycines(Matsumura)是大豆上最重要的害虫之一,短暂的有性阶段是蚜虫种群基因交流的关键环节。通过探索影响大豆蚜产生有性世代的室内人工诱导条件,对研究种群遗传和生态适应机制具有重要意义。【方法】采用豆苗罩笼培养法,在实验室条件下用一定的光温组合处理,测定了处理1代和连续处理3代的大豆蚜各蚜型产生的比率,并且分析了各相关因素的影响。【结果】本试验成功诱导大豆蚜产生无翅孤雌蚜、有翅孤雌蚜、有翅产雄性母和有翅雄性蚜。结果表明,人工诱导雄性母产生的最适条件为15℃,10L︰14D处理3代,雄性蚜产生的最适条件为12℃,10L︰14D处理3代,而15℃,8L︰16D条件下大豆蚜翅型分化率最高。对各相关因子进行方差分析结果表明,温度与光周期互作对有性世代的产生影响最为显著,其次是温度、诱导日龄的单独作用,诱导世代只有和光温条件互作才有显著影响。【结论】在特定的光周期内,温度是大豆蚜有性世代产生的重要因素,同时光温条件组合对此有一定的累积效应,表现为光、温、诱导世代三者交互对有性世代的产生影响显著。  相似文献   

In order to study the structure of holocentric chromosomes in aphids, the localization and the composition of Rhopalosiphum padi heterochromatin and rDNA genes have been evaluated at cytogenetic and molecular level. In particular, heterochromatin resulted located on all the chromosomes both in intercalary and telomeric positions. Moreover, enzymatic digestion of R. padi genome put in evidence a DraI satellite DNA which has been isolated, cloned and sequenced. FISH experiments showed that this satellite DNA clusters in an intercalary C-positive band on the two X chromosomes.  相似文献   

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