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Telomerase is critical for the protection of germ line and stem cell chromosomes from fatal shortening during replication. In most organisms, telomerase activity is suppressed in progressively committed cells and falls to basal rates in terminally differentiated lineages. The colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri propagates asexually and sexually, presumably from pools of stem cells that self-renew throughout the 2- to 5-year colony life span. Asexual budding takes place continuously from the parental body wall. When the colony reaches a critical size, sexual reproduction commences with the generation of gonads. Here, we establish the existence of 6-15 kb telomeres on the ends of Botryllus chromosomes. We develop a real-time quantitative PCR telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay that reliably detects 0.2-100 TPG units in cells and tissues. We find highest levels of enzymatic activity in the gonads, developing embryos, and tissues containing the earliest asexual buds. Telomerase activity appears to be suppressed in later buds during organogenesis and falls to basal rates in mature zooids. We postulate that this pattern reflects maximum telomere restoration in somatic stem cells of early buds and suppression of telomerase activity in progenitors and terminally differentiated cells, indicative of an alternate role for stem cells as repeated body regenerators in colonial life histories.  相似文献   

Botryllus schlosseri, also known as golden star tunicate, is generally considered of European origin and has successfully invaded coastal waters of all continents except Antarctica. Owing to its significantly negative ecological impacts, it is crucial to understand its dispersal dynamics and mechanisms of invasion success. Here, we identified 1020 microsatellite-containing sequences from 98,626 expressed sequence tags (ESTs), and developed and characterized 17 polymorphic microsatellites (i.e. EST-SSRs) based on populations both from native (French coast) and invasive ranges (Canadian coast). The number of alleles, observed heterozygosity, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 2 to 12, 0.200 to 0.783, and 0.523 to 0.888 for the French population, and from 2 to 10, 0 to 0.524 and 0.043 to 0.827 for the Canadian population, respectively. We found significant population genetic differentiation between the native and invasive populations (pairwise FST = 0.1712). Moreover, principal coordinates analysis and Bayesian clustering test suggest long-distance dispersal between distant populations. When all loci were subjected for selection analyses, two loci (BS3244 and BS5339) were under selection based on the LOSITAN test. The results obtained in this study can help understand how ecological and evolutionary processes shape population genetic structure, and further how these processes contribute to invasion success.  相似文献   

The ability to adjust reproductive output to environmental conditions is important to the fitness of a species. The semelparous, chordate, Oikopleura dioica, is particularly adept in producing a highly variable number of oocytes in its short life cycle. Here we show that this entails an original reproductive strategy in which the entire female germline is contained in a single multinucleate cell, the "coenocyst". After an initial phase of syncytial nuclear proliferation half of the nuclei entered meiosis whereas the other half became highly polyploid. The inner F-actin network, with associated plasma membranes, formed a highly ramified infrastructure in which each meiotic nucleus was contained in a pseudo-compartmentalized pro-oocyte linked to the common cytoplasm via ring canals. At a set developmental time, a subset of the pro-oocytes was selected for synchronous growth and the common coenocyst cytoplasm was equally partitioned by transfer through the ring canals. Examination of related species indicated that the coenocyst arrangement is a conserved feature of Appendicularian oogenesis allowing efficient numerical adjustment of oocyte production. As Appendicularia are the second most abundant class of zooplankton, with a world-wide distribution, the coenocyst is clearly a common and successful reproductive strategy on a global scale.  相似文献   

The colonial tunicate Botrylloides leachi can regenerate functional adults from minute vasculature fragments, in a poorly understood phenomenon termed Whole Body Regeneration (WBR). Using Piwi expression (Bl-Piwi), blood cell labeling and electron microscopy, we show that WBR develops through activation, mobilization and expansion of ‘dormant’ cells which normally line the internal vasculature epithelium of blood vessels. Following a mechanical insult, these cells express Bl-Piwi de novo, change morphology and invade niches of the vasculature lumen, where they proliferate and differentiate, regenerating a functional organism. Mitomycin C treatments and siRNA knockdown of Bl-Piwi result in deficient cells incapable of expanding or differentiating and to subsequent regeneration arrest. Last, we find similar transient mobilization of Piwi+ cells recurring every week, as part of normal colony development, and also during acute environmental stress. This recurrent activation of Piwi+ cells in response to developmental, physiological and environmental insults may have enabled the adaptation of colonial tunicates to the imposed varied conditions in the marine, shallow water environment.  相似文献   

A population growth model is considered for a one locus two allele problem with selection based entirely on fertility differences. A local stability analysis is carried out for the critical points — which include possible polymorphic states — of the resulting nonlinear differential equations. The methods of dynamical systems theory are applied to obtain limiting genotypic proportions for every initial state. Thus the results are global and there are no periodic solutions.Research for this paper was partially supported by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grant NSERC A-8130Research for this paper was partially supported by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grant NSERC A-4823Research supported by NSF Grant MCS 7901069. A portion of the work was carried out while the author was a Visiting Professor at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a complex process involving an intrinsic genetic program composed of germ cell-specific and -predominant genes. In this study, we investigated the mouse Spink2 (serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 2) gene, which belongs to the SPINK family of proteins characterized by the presence of a Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor-pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor domain. We showed that recombinant mouse SPINK2 has trypsin-inhibitory activity. Distribution analyses revealed that Spink2 is transcribed strongly in the testis and weakly in the epididymis, but is not detected in other mouse tissues. Expression of Spink2 is specific to germ cells in the testis and is first evident at the pachytene spermatocyte stage. Immunoblot analyses demonstrated that SPINK2 protein is present in male germ cells at all developmental stages, including in testicular spermatogenic cells, testicular sperm, and mature sperm. To elucidate the functional role of SPINK2 in vivo, we generated mutant mice with diminished levels of SPINK2 using a gene trap mutagenesis approach. Mutant male mice exhibit significantly impaired fertility; further phenotypic analyses revealed that testicular integrity is disrupted, resulting in a reduction in sperm number. Moreover, we found that testes from mutant mice exhibit abnormal spermatogenesis and germ cell apoptosis accompanied by elevated serine protease activity. Our studies thus provide the first demonstration that SPINK2 is required for maintaining normal spermatogenesis and potentially regulates serine protease-mediated apoptosis in male germ cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism of fertility inhibition of conjugation by the F plasmid depends on the presence of both the FinO protein and an antisense RNA, FinP, which together control the expression of the positive regulator of the transfer operon TraJ. FinO both prevents the degradation of FinP, allowing its intracellular concentration to rise, and promotes duplex formation with its target, the traJ mRNA. In this study, deletions in finO were constructed and fused to gst, encoded by the pGEX-2T expression vector, to give GST-FinO fusions of varying lengths. These fusions were then tested for their ability to bind FinP and traJ mRNA, and to promote duplex formation. Our results suggest that the predicted basic N-terminal α-helix is involved in RNA binding, while the central domain is involved in duplex formation. The presence of the acidic C-terminal domain protects FinP from ribonucleolase degradation and might enhance binding of the N-terminal α-helical domain in a manner reminiscent of the Rom protein of ColE1. Received: 4 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

The sea squirt Ciona intestinalis is a well-studied model organism in developmental biology, yet little is known about its associated bacterial community. In this study, a combination of 454 pyrosequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA genes, catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization and bacterial culture were used to characterize the bacteria living inside and on the exterior coating, or tunic, of C. intestinalis adults. The 454 sequencing data set demonstrated that the tunic bacterial community structure is different from that of the surrounding seawater. The observed tunic bacterial consortium contained a shared community of <10 abundant bacterial phylotypes across three individuals. Culture experiments yielded four bacterial strains that were also dominant groups in the 454 sequencing data set, including novel representatives of the classes Alphaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria. The relatively simple bacterial community and availability of dominant community members in culture make C. intestinalis a promising system in which to investigate functional interactions between host-associated microbiota and the development of host innate immunity.  相似文献   

Thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line has made great economical contributions in rice production. However, the fertility of TGMS rice line during hybrid seed production is frequently influenced by low temperature, thus leading to its fertility/sterility alteration and hybrid seed production failure. To understand the mechanism of fertility alternation under low temperature inducement, the extracted proteins from young panicles of two TGMS rice lines at the fertility alternation sensitivity stage were analyzed by 2DE. Eighty‐three protein spots were found to be significantly changed in abundance, and identified by MALDI‐TOF‐TOF MS. The identified proteins were involved in 16 metabolic pathways and cellular processes. The young panicles of TGMS rice line Zhu 1S possessed the lower ROS‐scavenging, indole‐3‐acetic acid level, soluble protein, and sugar contents as well as the faster anther wall disintegration than those of TGMS rice line Zhun S. All these major differences might result in that the former is more stable in fertility than the latter. Based on the majority of the 83 identified proteins, together with microstructural, physiological, and biochemical results, a possible fertile alteration mechanism in the young panicles of TGMS rice line under low temperature inducement was proposed. Such a result will help us in breeding TGMS rice lines and production of hybrid seed.  相似文献   

 In mouse and human, generation of combinatorial diversity through use of different heavy and light chain variable region genes in immunoglobulin rearrangements can be a major contributor to the primary antibody repertoire. In rabbits, the contribution of the combinatorial mechanism to heavy chain diversity is minimal, as only a few Igh-V genes are rearranged and expressed. To investigate the contribution of combinatorial diversity toward generation of the rabbit Vκ repertoire, we constructed five genomic libraries from rabbit kidney DNA and 1 cDNA library from the bone marrow of a 1-day-old rabbit using a series of polymerase chain reaction-based strategies. Our analyses indicate that most of the sequences that we recovered from our libraries belong to a single family and some are extremely similar. The actual number of germline Igk-V genes is potentially greater than our conservative estimate of at least 39, 28 of which we found expressed as mRNA. The germline Igk-V genes display different lengths of the coding region 3′ of Cys 88 ranging from 7 to 12 amino acids, resulting in CDR3 length heterogeneity among functional VκJκ sequences ranging from 8 to 15 amino acids. Some of the VκJκ junctions had N and P nucleotide additions. Thus, in contrast to limited combinatorial diversity of its heavy chain, the rabbit can draw upon a diverse set of germline Igk-V genes. The κ light chain has the potential to be a major contributor toward generation of the antibody specificities of the rabbit pre-immune repertoire. Received: 14 April 1999 / Revised: 8 June 1999  相似文献   

The human oviduct epithelium primarily consists of ciliated cells and secretory cells. Solitary cilia usually extend from the apical surface of the secretory cells. We investigated the localization of -tubulin in the ciliary basal apparatus of both cell types by fluorescence immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy. In addition to basal bodies, -tubulin was identified in the lateral basal foot, especially the basal foot cap. This observation is consistent with previous observations that microtubules radiate from the basal foot and the basal foot serves as the microtubule organizing centre.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to elucidate the effect of increasing the osmolality of a basic Tris, extender supplemented with sucrose, trehalose or raffinose on post-thawing ram semen quality (sperm motility, viability, acrosome integrity, total sperm abnormalities and membrane integrity). After primary evaluation of the collected ejaculates, only semen samples with more than 70% motile sperm, and a sperm concentration of higher than 3 × 109 sperm/ml were used for cryopreservation. The semen samples were pooled and diluted (1:4) with a Tris-citric acid-fructose-yolk extender, supplemented with different concentrations (50, 70 or 100 mM) of sucrose, trehalose or raffinose. As control, semen was diluted and frozen in the base diluent, without additional sugars. Pooled semen samples were aspirated into 0.25 ml straws, cooled to 5 °C within 90 min and frozen by exposure to liquid nitrogen vapor (4-5 cm above the liquid nitrogen surface) for 10 min - before plunging into liquid nitrogen, for storage. After 24 h, straws were thawed in a water bath (37 °C) for 30 s. The frozen-thawed sperm characteristics were improved significantly (P < 0.05) by increasing the level of the sugars. Optimal results being obtained with 70 and 100 mM trehalose or raffinose. All extenders containing supplemental sugars were superior in terms of sperm quality to the control (P < 0.01) group. The highest sperm motility (60.6 ± 1.9%), viability (60.6 ± 2.5%) and membrane integrity (58.2 ± 2.1%) were recorded using 100 mM trehalose and the lowest with 50 mM sucrose (48.6 ± 1.9%, 51.4 ± 2.5% and 47.9 ± 2.1%, respectively). All sugar concentrations decreased the percentage of acrosomal and total sperm abnormalities (P < 0.05). The extenders containing 100 mM trehalose or raffinose significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the occurrence of sperm abnormalities, compared to the other treatments. The fertility rates obtained after cervical insemination of the frozen-thawed sperm were 46.8%, 44.1% and 16.7% for 100 mM trehalose, 100 mM raffinose and the control with supplementation of the diluents, respectively. The study showed that ram sperm can tolerate hyperosmotic diluents, and that a range of sugar concentrations (50-100 mM) may successfully be incorporated in the ram semen cryopreservation diluents, although further research is warranted.  相似文献   

Prediction of the future fertility of a given ejaculate with a simple laboratory test is still considered a real issue in domestic mammal breeding. This study showed that a subjective assessment of the percentage of motile spermatozoa, measured 120 min after thawing (mob120), can predict a significant part (∼50%) of the variation of the future fertility of buck ejaculates. The predictive model was calculated using a calibration data set composed of 40 ejaculates from four Alpine and six Saanen bucks. A fertility trial using split ejaculates was conducted in order to estimate ejaculate fertility. Taken into account were the herd within breed factor and the year, month, and inseminator factors. On average, one ejaculate was used to inseminate two females per herd in 10 different herds. This calibration set allowed us to choose the mob120 variable among a set of laboratory tests: mitochondrial activity, acrosomal status, membrane integrity, osmotic resistance test assessed by flow cytometry, velocity and motion characteristics assessed by computer-assisted sperm analysis, visually assessed percentage of motile, and motility score measured 5 and 120 min after thawing. For the calibration step, the best model used the logarithm of mob120 and gave a correlation coefficient of 0.71 between the field fertility and the predicted fertility and a standard error of 0.17. We tested this model on 3 different validation data sets adding up to 95 ejaculates that were all different from those of the calibration data set. The correlation coefficients between field fertility and predicted fertility were always significant and the bias corrected standard error ranged from 0.15 to 0.18 on these validation data sets. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that about 20% of the fertility variation remained to be explained.  相似文献   

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